grouping(@layer stack region 1)=1时什么意思

grouping for homogeneity的中文翻译及用法
沪江词库精选grouping for homogeneity是什么意思、中英文句子翻译、英语短语。
中文释义: 同质性分类
Homogeneous bridging groups always raise the glass temperature
2016grouping for homogeneity是什么意思由沪江网提供。Doxygen has three mechanisms to group things together. One mechanism works at a global level, creating a new page for each group. These groups are called
in the documentation. The second mechanism works within a member list of some compound entity, and is referred to as a . For
there is a third grouping mechanism referred to as .
Modules are a way to group things together on a separate page. You can document a group as a whole, as well as all individual members. Members of a group can be files, namespaces, classes, functions, variables, enums, typedefs, and defines, but also other groups.
To define a group, you should put the
command in a special comment block. The first argument of the command is a label that should uniquely identify the group. The second argument is the name or title of the group as it should appear in the documentation.
You can make an entity a member of a specific group by putting a
command inside its documentation block.
To avoid putting
commands in the documentation for each member you can also group members together by the open marker @{ before the group and the closing marker @} after the group. The markers can be put in the documentation of the group definition or in a separate documentation block.
Groups themselves can also be nested using these grouping markers.
You will get an error message when you use the same group label more than once. If you don't want doxygen to enforce unique labels, then you can use
instead of . It can be used exactly like , but when the group has been defined already, then it silently merges the existing documentation with the new one. The title of the group is optional for this command, so you can use /** \addtogroup &label&
to add additional members to a group that is defined in more detail elsewhere.
Note that compound entities (like classes, files and namespaces) can be put into multiple groups, but members (like variable, functions, typedefs and enums) can only be a member of one group (this restriction is in place to avoid ambiguous linking targets in case a member is not documented in the context of its class, namespace or file, but only visible as part of a group).
Doxygen will put members into the group whose definition has the highest "priority": e.g. An explicit
overrides an implicit grouping definition via @{ @}. Conflicting grouping definitions with the same priority trigger a warning, unless one definition was for a member without any explicit documentation.
The following example puts VarInA into group A and silently resolves the conflict for IntegerVariable by putting it into group IntVariables, because the second instance of IntegerVariable is undocumented:
* \ingroup A
extern int VarInA;
* \defgroup IntVariables Global integer variables
/** an integer variable */
extern int IntegerV
* \defgroup Variables Global variables
/** a variable in group A */
int VarInA;
int IntegerV
command can be used to refer to a group. The first argument of the \ref command should be group's label. To use a custom link name, you can put the name of the links in double quotes after the label, as shown by the following example This is the \ref group_label "link" to this group.
The priorities of grouping definitions are (from highest to lowest): , , , . The last command is exactly like
with a lower priority. It was added to allow "lazy" grouping definitions: you can use commands with a higher priority in your .h files to define the hierarchy and
in .c files without having to duplicate the hierarchy exactly.
Example:class C1 {};class C2 {};void func() {} class C3 {};class C4 {};class C5 {};namespace N1 {}; void func2() {}void func3() {}
for the corresponding HTML documentation that is generated by Doxygen.
Member Groups
If a compound (e.g. a class or file) has many members, it is often desired to group them together. Doxygen already automatically groups things together on type and protection level, but maybe you feel that this is not enough or that that default grouping is wrong. For instance, because you feel that members of different (syntactic) types belong to the same (semantic) group.
A member group is defined by a ///@{
block or a /**@{*/
block if you prefer C style comments. Note that the members of the group should be physically inside the member group's body.
Before the opening marker of a block a separate comment block may be placed. This block should contain the
(or ) command and is used to specify the header of the group. Optionally, the comment block may also contain more detailed information about the group.
Nesting of member groups is not allowed.
If all members of a member group inside a class have the same type and protection level (for instance all are static public members), then the whole member group is displayed as a subgroup of the type/protection level group (the group is displayed as a subsection of the "Static Public Members" section for instance). If two or more members have different types, then the group is put at the same level as the automatically generated groups. If you want to force all member-groups of a class to be at the top level, you should put a
command inside the documentation of the class.
Example:class Memgrp_Test{
void func1InGroup1();
void func2InGroup1();
void ungroupedFunction();
void func1InGroup2();
void func2InGroup2();};void Memgrp_Test::func1InGroup1() {}void Memgrp_Test::func2InGroup1() {}void Memgrp_Test::func2InGroup2() {}void Memgrp_Test::func1InGroup2() {}#define A 1#define B 2void glob_func();
for the corresponding HTML documentation that is generated by Doxygen.
Here Group1 is displayed as a subsection of the "Public Members". And Group2 is a separate section because it contains members with different protection levels (i.e. public and protected).
Information can be grouped into pages using the
commands. Normally, this results in a flat list of pages, where the "main" page is the first in the list.
Instead of adding structure using the approach described in section
it is often more natural and convenient to add additional structure to the pages using the
For a page A the \subpage command adds a link to another page B and at the same time makes page B a subpage of A. This has the effect of making two groups GA and GB, where GB is part of GA, page A is put in group GA, and page B is put in group GB.
section or return to theregion optimization的中文翻译及音标
沪江词库精选region optimization是什么意思、中英文句子翻译、英语短语。
中文释义: 【计】 区域优化
For five years, this region was a bubble of optimism, growing fatter and fatter while its walls stretched thinner.
2016region optimization是什么意思由沪江网提供。oracle提供的分析函数 cube(),rollup(),grouping sets()
1.&& Oracle的rollup、cube、grouping sets函数 收藏
Oracle的group by除了基本用法以外,还有3种扩展用法,分别是rollup、cube、grouping sets。
如果使用group by rollup(A,B,C),首先会对(A、B、C)进行GROUP BY,然后对(A、B)进行GROUP BY,然后是(A)进行GROUP BY,最后对全表进行GROUP BY操作。roll up的意思是“卷起”,这也可以帮助我们理解group by rollup就是对选择的列从右到左以一次少一列的方式进行grouping直到所有列都去掉后的grouping(也就是全表grouping),对于n个参数的rollup,有n+1次的grouping。以下2个sql的结果集是一样的:
Select A,B,C,sum(E) from test group by rollup(A,B,C)
Select A,B,C,sum(E) from test group by A,B,C
Select A,B,null,sum(E) from test group by A,B
Select A,null,null,sum(E) from test group by A
Select null,null,null,sum(E) from test
cube的意思是立方,对cube的每个参数,都可以理解为取值为参与grouping和不参与grouping两个值的一个维度,然后所有维度取值组合的集合就是grouping的集合,对于n个参数的cube,有2^n次的grouping。如果使用group by cube(A,B,C),,则首先会对(A、B、C)进行GROUP BY,然后依次是(A、B),(A、C),(A),(B、C),(B),(C),最后对全表进行GROUP BY操作,一共是2^3=8次grouping。同rollup一样,也可以用基本的group by加上结果集的union all写出一个与group by cube结果集相同的sql:
Select A,B,C,sum(E) from test group by cube(A,B,C);
Select A,B,C,sum(E) from test group by A,B,C
Select A,B,null,sum(E) from test group by A,B
Select A,null,C,sum(E) from test group by A,C
Select A,null,null,sum(E) from test group by A
Select null,B,C,sum(E) from test group by B,C
Select null,B,null,sum(E) from test group by B
Select null,null,C,sum(E) from test group by C
Select null,null,null,sum(E)
3 grouping sets
grouping sets就是对参数中的每个参数做grouping,也就是有几个参数做几次grouping,例如使用group by grouping sets(A,B,C),则对(A),(B),(C)进行group by,如果使用group by grouping sets((A,B),C),则对(A,B),(C)进行group by。甚至grouping by grouping set(A,A)都是语法允许的,也就是对(A)进行2次group by,grouping sets的参数允许重复
rollup&&&&&&& (N+1个分组方案)
cube&&&&&&&& (2^N个分组方案)
grouping sets (自定义罗列出分组方案)
5.1 机制不同
在rollup和cube的说明中分别给出了用基本group by加结果集union all给出了结果集相同的sql,但这只是为了理解的方便而给出的sql,并不说明rollup和cube与基本group by加结果集union all等价。实际上两者的内部机制是安全不一样的,前者除了写法简洁以外,运行时不需多次扫描表,效率远比后者高。
5.2 集合可运算
3种扩展用法的参数可以是源表中的某一个具体的列,也可以是若干列经过计算而形成的一个新列(比如说A+B,A||B),也可以是这两种列的一个集合(例如(A+B,C)),对于grouping set更是特殊,可以是空集合(),表示对全表进行group by。
5.3 group by 与 rollup, cube组合使用
3)Group by的基本用法以及这3种扩展用法可以组合使用,也就是说可以出现group by A,rollup(A,B)这样的用法,oracle将对出现在group by中的每种用法的grouping列集合做笛卡尔积然后对其中的每一个元素做group by。这话说起来挺绕口,举例说明吧,group by A, rollup(A,B),基本用法的grouping集合是(A),rollup(A,B)的grouping集合是((A,B),(A),()),两个集合的笛卡尔积集合是((A,A,B),(A,A),(A)),所以会首先对(A,A,B)做group by,然后对(A,A)做group by,最后对(A)做group by。实际上对(A,A,B)做group by和对(A,B)做group by两者是完全等价的(group by A,A,B结果和group by A,B完全一样),同理对(A,A)做group by和对(A)做group by也是等价的。简化后的结果就是首先对(A,B)做group by,然后对(A)做group by,最后再对(A)做group by。下面给出两个等价的sql以便理解:
Select A,B,sum(E) from test1 group by A, rollup(A,B);
Select A,B,sum(E) from test1 group by A,B
Select A,null,sum(E) from test1 group by A
Select A,null,sum(E) from test1 group by A;
6 grouping()、grouping_id()、group_id()
6.1 grouping()
参数只有一个,而且必须为group by中出现的某一列,表示结果集的一行是否对该列做了grouping。对于对该列做了grouping的行而言,grouping()=0,反之为1;
6.2 grouping_id()
参数可以是多个,但必须为group by中出现的列。Grouping_id()的返回值其实就是参数中的每列的grouping()值的二进制向量,例如如果grouping(A)=1,grouping(B)=0,则grouping_id(A,B)的返回值就是二进制的10,转成10进制就是2。
6.3 group_id()
无参数。见上面的说明3),group by对某些列的集合会进行重复的grouping,而实际上绝大多数情况下对结果集中的这些重复行是不需要的,那就必须有办法剔出这些重复grouping的行。当结果集中有n条重复grouping而形成的行时,每行的group_id()分别是0,1,…,n,这样我们在条件中加入一个group_id()&1就可以剔出这些重复grouping的行了。
7.1 建表与数据
SQL& create table test(department_id number, a varchar2(20), b varchar2(20));
Table created
SQL& insert into test values(10, 'A', 'B');
1 row inserted
Commit complete
7.2 查询语句
select department_id,
&&&&&& grouping(department_id),
&&&&&& grouping(a),
&&&&&& grouping(b)
& from test
&group by rollup(department_id, a, b)
order by 4, 5, 6;
select department_id,
&&&&&& grouping(department_id),
&&&&&& grouping(a),
&&&&&& grouping(b)
& from test
&group by cube(department_id, a, b)
order by 4, 5, 6;
2.& cube(),rollup(),grouping sets()& 是oracle提供的分析函数,看看下面的例子就知道他们的作用了.
创建测试表 并准备数据
CREATE TABLE test_sales ( location_name VARCHAR2(20), month_flag number, sales NUMBER, manager VARCHAR2(20), create_stamp DATE); /
insert into test_sales values('SH',5,1,'Kevin',sysdate); / insert into test_sales values('SH',6,9,'Kevin',sysdate); / insert into test_sales values('SH',7,9,'Kevin',sysdate); / insert into test_sales values('SH',5,1,'JT',sysdate); / insert into test_sales values('GZ',6,9,'JT',sysdate); / insert into test_sales values('SH',7,8,'JT',sysdate); / insert into test_sales values('GZ',5,1,'Miles',sysdate); / insert into test_sales values('GZ',6,9,'Miles',sysdate); / insert into test_sales values('GZ',7,8,'Miles',sysdate); / insert into test_sales values('SH',5,1,'Collion',sysdate); / insert into test_sales values('GZ',6,9,'Collion',sysdate); / insert into test_sales values('GZ',7,9,'Collion',sysdate); /
solution 1 -- cube() select manager,location_name,sum(sales) from test_sales group by cube(manager ,location_name)
MANAGER&LOCATION_NAME&SUM(SALES) &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 74&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& -- 各地区总销售额 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& GZ&&&&&&&&&&& 45&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& -- GZ 地区销售额 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& SH&&&&&&&&&&& 29&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& -- SH 地区销售额 &&&& JT&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 18&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& -- 经理JT销售额 &&&& JT&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&GZ&&&&&&&&&&&& 9 &&&& JT&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&SH&&&&&&&&&&&& 9 &&&& Kevin&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 19&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& -- 经理Kevin总销售额 &&&& Kevin&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& SH&&&&&&&&&&& 19 &&&& Miles&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&18&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& -- 经理Miles总销售额 &&&& Miles&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&GZ&&&&&&&&&&& 18 &&&& Collion&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 19&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& -- 经理Collion总销售额 &&&& Collion&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& GZ&&&&&&&&&&&& 18 &&&& Collion&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&SH&&&&&&&&&&& 1
solution 2 -- rollup()
select manager,location_name,sum(sales) from test_sales group by rollup(manager ,location_name)
MANAGER&LOCATION_NAME&SUM(SALES) &&&&&&&& JT&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& GZ&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 9 &&&&&&&& JT&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& SH&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 9 &&&&&&&& JT&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 18 &&&&&&&& Kevin&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&SH&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 19 &&&&&&&& Kevin&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &19 &&&&&&&& Miles&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&GZ&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&18 &&&&&&&& Miles&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 18 &&&&&&&& Collion&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&GZ&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 18 &&&&&&&& Collion&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&SH&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &1 &&&&&&&& Collion&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 19 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&74
2. 查询各经理销售情况 即指定分组
solution 1-- grouping sets()
select manager,location_name,sum(sales) from test_sales group by grouping sets((manager ,location_name),manager)
MANAGER&LOCATION_NAME&SUM(SALES) &&&&&&&JT&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& GZ&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 9&&&&& &&&&&& JT&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& SH&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 9 &&&&&& JT&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 18 &&&&&&&&Kevin&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&SH&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 19 &&&&&&& Kevin&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 19 &&&&&&& Miles&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&GZ&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 18 &&&&&&& Miles&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 18 &&&&&& Collion&&&&&&&&&&&&&GZ&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 18 &&&&&& Collion&&&&&&&&&&&& SH&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&1 &&&&&&&Collion&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 19
select manager,location_name,sum(sales) from test_sales group by grouping sets((manager ,location_name),manager &,location_name,())
聚合函数是oracle数据仓库的基础。为了提高距合的性能,oracle提供了group by条款的扩展。
&&&&&&&&&&grouping sets
create table mytest(
subcompany_id varchar2(10),
subcompany_name varchar2(40),
branch_id varchar2(10),
branch_name varchar2(40),
region_id varchar2(10),
region_name varchar2(40),
customer_id varchar2(10),
customer_name varchar2(40),
market_id varchar2(10),
market_name varchar2(49),
sales_count numeric(10,3)
comment on table mytest is '测试表';
comment on column mytest.subcompany_id is '分公司编号';
comment on column mytest.subcompany_name is '分公司名称';
comment on column mytest.branch_id is '经营部编号';
comment on column mytest.branch_name is '经营部名称';
comment on column mytest.region_id is '片区编号';
comment on column mytest.region_name is '片区名称';
comment on column mytest.customer_id is '客户编号';
comment on column mytest.customer_name is '客户名称';
comment on column mytest.market_id is '所属市场级别';
comment on column mytest.market_name is '市场级别名称';
comment on column mytest.sales_count is '销售数量';
insert into mytest(subcompany_id,subcompany_name,branch_id,branch_name,region_id,region_name,customer_id,customer_name,market_id,market_name,sales_count)
insert into mytest(subcompany_id,subcompany_name,branch_id,branch_name,region_id,region_name,customer_id,customer_name,market_id,market_name,sales_count)
insert into mytest(subcompany_id,subcompany_name,branch_id,branch_name,region_id,region_name,customer_id,customer_name,market_id,market_name,sales_count)
insert into mytest(subcompany_id,subcompany_name,branch_id,branch_name,region_id,region_name,customer_id,customer_name,market_id,market_name,sales_count)
insert into mytest(subcompany_id,subcompany_name,branch_id,branch_name,region_id,region_name,customer_id,customer_name,market_id,market_name,sales_count)
insert into mytest(subcompany_id,subcompany_name,branch_id,branch_name,region_id,region_name,customer_id,customer_name,market_id,market_name,sales_count)
rollup的行为非常直接,它根据grouping list的rollup条款创建合计:
然后,它按照grouping list列从右到左进行更高层的聚合。
例如: group by rollup(A,B,C),则oracle最后得到的聚合结果为(A,B,C), (A,B), (A),()
Rollup对group by 的扩展比较简单,但非常高效,对一个查询增加的开销非常少。
select&subcompany_name,branch_name,region_name,customer_name,sum(sales_count)& from&mytest group&by&rollup(subcompany_name,branch_name,region_name,customer_name);
分公司1 经营部1 片区1&&&&&客户1&&&& 3&&
分公司1 经营部1 片区1&&&&&客户2&&&& 2
分公司1 经营部1 片区1&&&&&&&&&&& 5
分公司1 经营部1 片区2&&&&&客户1&&&& 2
分公司1 经营部1 片区2&&&&&客户2&&&& 3
分公司1 经营部1 片区2&&&&&&&&&&& 5
分公司1 经营部1&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 10
分公司1 经营部2 片区1&&&&&客户1&&&& 1
分公司1 经营部2 片区1&&&&&&&&&&& 1
分公司1 经营部2 片区2&&&&&客户2&&&& 1
分公司1 经营部2 片区2&&&&&&&&&&& 1
分公司1 经营部2&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 2
分公司1&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 12
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 12
Group by expr1,rollup(expr2,expr3)这种情况下,group by条款创建2+1层小计。层次为(expr1,expr2,expr3)(expr1,expr2)(expr1)
&&& Cube进行grouping列规定的grouping,创建所有可能的聚合,例如规定了cube(customer_name,market_name)那么返回的结果将是2的2次方个。分别为(customer_name,market_name)(market_name)(customer_name)()
&&& Cube扩展在计算交叉报表时非常有用,当然我们可以使用select union all替代rollup或cube,但这需要很多的select union all语句。这样做不仅不够高效,而且加长了sql语句,不方便维护和扩充。
select&subcompany_name,branch_name,region_name, customer_name,market_name,sum(sales_count)& from&mytest group&by&subcompany_name,branch_name,region_name,cube(customer_name,market_name) ;
分公司1 经营部1 片区1&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 5
分公司1 经营部1 片区1&&&&&&&&&&&&片区1&&&& 3
分公司1 经营部1 片区1&&&&&&&&&&&&片区2&&&& 2
分公司1 经营部1 片区1&&&&&客户1&&&&&&&&&&& 3
分公司1 经营部1 片区1&&&&&客户1&&&&&片区1&&&& 3
分公司1 经营部1 片区1&&&&&客户2&&&&&&&&&&& 2
分公司1 经营部1 片区1&&&&&客户2&&&&&片区2&&&& 2
分公司1 经营部1 片区2&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 5
分公司1 经营部1 片区2&&&&&&&&&&&&片区1&&&& 2
分公司1 经营部1 片区2&&&&&&&&&&&&片区2&&&& 3
分公司1 经营部1 片区2&&&&&客户1&&&&&&&&&&& 2
分公司1 经营部1 片区2&&&&&客户1&&&&&片区1&&&& 2
分公司1 经营部1 片区2&&&&&客户2&&&&&&&&&&& 3
分公司1 经营部1 片区2&&&&&客户2&&&&&片区2&&&& 3
分公司1 经营部2 片区1&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 1
分公司1 经营部2 片区1&&&&&&&&&&&&片区1&&&& 1
分公司1 经营部2 片区1&&&&&客户1&&&&&&&&&&& 1
分公司1 经营部2 片区1&&&&&客户1&&&&&片区1&&&& 1
分公司1 经营部2 片区2&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 1
分公司1 经营部2 片区2&&&&&&&&&&&&片区2&&&& 1
分公司1 经营部2 片区2&&&&&客户2&&&&&&&&&&& 1
分公司1 经营部2 片区2&&&&&客户2&&&&&片区2&&&& 1
rollup 和cube带来的一个问题是,在返会的结果中如何能准确区分出那些是小计,哪些是汇总数据呢。这点可以使用grouping和grouping_id函数解决。
select& grouping(subcompany_name), grouping(branch_name), grouping(region_name), grouping(customer_name), grouping(market_name), subcompany_name,branch_name,region_name, customer_name,market_name,sum(sales_count)& from&mytest group&by&cube(subcompany_name,branch_name,region_name,customer_name,market_name)& having(grouping(subcompany_name) &=&grouping(branch_name)&and& grouping(branch_name) &=&grouping(region_name)&and& grouping(region_name) &=&grouping(customer_name));
使用嵌套查询,先得出rollup的结果,然后再利用现有结果跟market进行cube的group by计算。
select&subcompany_name,branch_name,region_name, customer_name,market_name,sum(sales_count)& from&( select& subcompany_name,branch_name,region_name, customer_name,market_name,sum(sales_count) sales_count from&mytest group&by&rollup(subcompany_name,branch_name,region_name,customer_name) ,market_name ) group&by&subcompany_name,branch_name,region_name,customer_name,cube(market_name) 这种方式多执行了一次查询,代码长度增加,可读性也不够强。另外还要主意过虑掉在里层查询中已经汇总的结果。
&&& select& subcompany_name,branch_name,region_name, customer_name,market_name,sum(sales_count) sales_count from&mytest group&by&rollup(subcompany_name,branch_name,region_name,customer_name) ,&cube(market_name) order&by&grouping(subcompany_name), grouping(branch_name), grouping(region_name), grouping(customer_name), grouping(market_name);
grouping sets
grouping sets提供了指定汇总集合条件的功能。例如在上面的查询中,我们可以通过为select group by语句制定汇总条件()
select& subcompany_name,branch_name,region_name, customer_name,market_name,sum(sales_count) sales_count from&mytest group&by&grouping&sets((subcompany_name,branch_name,region_name,customer_name) , &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& (subcompany_name,branch_name,region_name) , &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& (subcompany_name,branch_name) , &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& (subcompany_name) , &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& (market_name) , &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& (subcompany_name,branch_name,region_name,customer_name,market_name) , &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& (subcompany_name,branch_name,region_name,market_name) , &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& (subcompany_name,branch_name,market_name) , &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& (subcompany_name,market_name) , &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& () )
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var cpro_id = "u1888441";
var cpro_id = "u1888128";


更多关于 region是什么意思 的文章

