
&& &&& 【学英文】习近平主席在新加坡国立大学的演…
深化合作伙伴关系共建亚洲美好家园 ——在新加坡国立大学的演讲– Speech at the National University of Singapore中华人民共和国主席 习近平Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China2015年11月7日7 November 2015尊敬的李显龙总理,尊敬的张志贤副总理,尊敬的陈祝全校长,尊敬的王庚武所长,老师们,同学们,女士们,先生们:Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong,Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean,NUS President Mr. Tan Chorh Chuan,Professor Wang Gungwu,Faculty Members and Students, Ladies and Gentlemen,大家好!很高兴来到新加坡国立大学,并利用“新加坡讲座”这个平台,同各位同学和各界朋友见面。今年是中新建交25周年,我很荣幸应陈庆炎总统邀请,对有着“花园国家”美誉的新加坡进行国事访问。Good morning! I am delighted to come to the National University of Singapore and talk to you as a guest speaker of Singapore Lecture. This year marks the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Singapore, and it gives me great pleasure to pay a state visit to the garden state of Singapore at the invitation of President Tan Keng Yam.新加坡国立大学拥有110年悠久历史,是亚洲乃至世界知名高校。李光耀先生、陈庆炎总统、纳丹先生、吴作栋先生等 新加坡领导人都是国大校友。可以说,这里桃李芬芳、人才辈出。贵校倡导“人才不设墙”、“观念不设墙”、“思维不设墙”、“知识不设墙”的“无墙文化”, 体现了新加坡创新进取和开放包容精神。这是贵校乃至贵国成功的一个重要原因。With a history of 110 years, the National University of Singapore is renowned both in Asia and internationally. Many Singaporean leaders such as Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, President Tan Keng Yam, Mr. S. R. Nathan and Mr. Goh Chok Tong, graduated from NUS. Indeed, NUS has produced a galaxy of talents and outstanding public leaders for Singapore. NUS champions the vision that there should be no walls around minds, no walls to ideas, no walls to talent and no walls between discovery. Such a no-walls culture embodies the creative, enterprising, open and inclusive spirit of Singapore, an important factor contributing to the success of NUS and Singapore.今年是新加坡建国50周年。半个世纪以来,新加坡人民筚路蓝缕、发愤图强,凭借勤劳智慧把新加坡建设成了亚洲 最发达的国家之一,成为世界上重要的经济金融中心、航运中心、炼化中心,国家发展取得了举世瞩目的成就。新加坡取得的成就生动诠释了“靠人粮满仓,靠天空 米缸”的道理。我们对新加坡人民的成功表示衷心祝贺。This year marks the 50th anniversary of the independence of Singapore. In the last 50 years, the hard-working and visionary people of Singapore have endured hardships and succeeded in building Singapore into one of the most advanced countries in Asia and a leading international economic, financial, shipping, and refining and petrochemicals center. Its achievements in national development are widely recognized. As the saying goes, when people only rely on heaven, their rice jars will be empty, but when people make efforts, their barn will be full of grain. This saying vividly reflects the spirit of Singapore, and we would like to express our sincere congratulations to the Singaporean people on their success.老师们、同学们、女士们、先生们!Faculty Members and Students, Ladies and Gentlemen,中国和新加坡是一衣带水的友好邻邦,友好交往源远流长。15世纪初,中国著名航海家郑和扬帆远航,多次到访新加坡。新加坡海事博物馆里有一艘按原尺寸复制的郑和宝船,以纪念这一伟大事件。明末清初,许多来自中国广东、福建的民众漂洋过海到南洋谋生,带来了中华文化和技术,也播下了中新友好的种子。China and Singapore are friendly neighbors across the sea with a long history of amicable exchanges. In the early 15th century, China’s great navigator, Zheng He, called Singapore several times on his ocean voyages. A full size replica of the treasure boat of Zheng He is on display in the maritime museum of Singapore to honor this historic event. In the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, many people from China’s Guangdong and Fujian provinces migrated to Southeast Asia, bringing with them Chinese culture and skills, and sowing the seeds of China-Singapore friendship.1978年, 邓小平先生访问新加坡,拉开了新时期中新友好合作的序幕。当时的中国正在开拓改革开放和社会主义现代化建设的新路,积极探索中国特色社会主义道路。在李光 耀先生带领下,新加坡兼具东方价值观和国际视野,走出了一条符合新加坡国情的发展道路。在目睹新加坡创造的经济成就后,邓小平先生表示,中国要向新加坡学 习。新加坡的实践为中国破解改革发展中的一些难题提供了宝贵借鉴,中国发展也为新加坡带来了巨大发展机遇。In 1978, Mr. Deng Xiaoping visited Singapore, opening the friendly relations and cooperation between our two countries in the new era. At that time, China was embarking on a path of reform, opening up and socialist modernization and exploring the building of socialism with distinctive Chinese features. Here in your country, under the leadership of Mr. Lee Kwan Yew, Singapore succeeded in pursuing a development path suited to its national conditions by combining the Eastern values with an international vision. After seeing first-hand Singapore’s economic achievements, Mr. Deng Xiaoping said that China needs to learn from Singapore. China has drawn on the Singaporean practices in addressing tough challenges encountered in its reform and development endeavors. On its part, China’s development has also created tremendous opportunities for Singapore’s development. 现在,中新两国政治互信 不断加深,务实合作深入拓展。苏州工业园区、天津生态城两个政府间合作项目成功推进,以现代互联互通和现代服务经济为主题的第三个政府间合作项目即将在中 国重庆落户。中国是新加坡最大贸易伙伴,新加坡是中国最大投资来源国和重要投资目的地。两国金融合作方兴未艾,新加坡已经成为重要的人民币离岸交易中心之 一。双方在科技环保、教育人文、社会治理等领域合作成果丰硕。中新关系25年来的发展,紧密契合两国发展战略,契合中国发展方向和新加坡独特优势,走出了一条与时俱进的合作之路。Today, there are increasing political mutual trust and deepening practical cooperation between the two countries. The Suzhou Industrial Park and the Tianjin Eco City, two cooperation projects launched by the Chinese and Singaporean governments, have achieved full success. The third China-Singapore government-to-government cooperation project, with focus on connectivity and a service economy, will soon be launched in Chongqing, China. China is now Singapore’s biggest trading partner, and Singapore is the biggest source of foreign investment and an important investment destination for China. The financial cooperation between the two countries is booming, with Singapore being one of the key Renminbi offshore trading centers. In addition, cooperation in science and technology, environmental protection, education, people-to-people exchanges, and social governance has delivered fruitful outcomes. The 25 years of growth in China-Singapore relations has closely aligned the development strategies of the two countries as well as China’s development goal and Singapore’s unique strengths, thus creating a new way of cooperation that is in keeping with the times. 在中新建交25周年之际,我们一致同意将中国和新加坡关系定位确定为与时俱进的全方位合作伙伴关系。我相信,在中新两国人民共同努力下,中新关系必将迎来新的更大的发展。On this occasion of the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations, China and Singapore have agreed to turn our relations into an all-round cooperative partnership progressing with the times. I am confident that with the concerted efforts of our two peoples, China-Singapore relationship will surely make new and even greater progress. 老师们、同学们、女士们、先生们!Faculty Members and Students, Ladies and Gentlemen,中国和东南亚山水相连,血脉相通,有文字可考的交往史长达2000多年。中华文明和东南亚文明千年互鉴共生。中国自古讲求和而不同、敦亲睦邻,同东南亚文 化深度契合。中华文化追求的仁爱尚德、谦恭自省、敏而好学、止于至善,《三国演义》、《水浒传》等中国文学作品中人物具备的忠义品质,也是东南亚人民所推 崇的。东南亚的饮食、音乐、建筑、绘画等也影响了中国民俗。China and many Southeast Asian countries are connected by mountains and rivers, and China shares close cultural bonds with all countries in Southeast Asia. We have a recorded history of interaction of more than 2,000 years. The Chinese and Southeast Asian civilizations have grown together through mutual enrichment over the millennia. Since the ancient times, we Chinese have valued harmony in diversity and good-neighborliness, which have much in common with the values of the people of Southeast Asia. The Chinese culture cherishes such values as benevolence, virtue, modesty, self-reflection, learning, and pursuit of excellence. In many Chinese literary classics such as the Romance of the Three Kingdoms and All Men Are Brothers, the protagonists are both loyal and righteous, and these are the qualities that are admired by the Southeast Asian people as well. Similarly, the cuisine, music, architecture, painting and religions of Southeast Asia have also influenced the Chinese culture. 近代以来,中国和东南亚 国家在国家独立和民族解放的进程中彼此激励、相互支持,在经济社会发展的历程中相互启迪、通力合作,在应对亚洲金融危机、国际金融危机和抗击印度洋海啸、 中国汶川特大地震中守望相助、和衷共济。时至今日,中国正同东南亚国家一道,书写着自身发展的历史新篇章。In modern times, China and Southeast Asian countries encouraged and supported each other in the cause of independence and liberation, and we have inspired and worked with each other in economic and social development. We assisted each other in overcoming the Asian financial crisis, the international financial crisis, the Indian Ocean tsunami and the devastating earthquake in Wenchuan, China. Today, China and Southeast Asian countries are making new progress in our respective development endeavors. 上世纪60年代起,东南亚国家创建东盟,走上了联合自强之路,并在近半个世纪中风雨兼程,实现了从 动荡贫弱到稳定发展的跨越,成为地区和国际舞台上维护和平、促进发展、深化合作的一支重要力量。东盟在自身发展和对外交往中,形成了独具特色的“东盟方 式”,强调相互尊重、协商一致、照顾各方舒适度,为地区国家发展关系、深化合作、推进一体化提供了有益借鉴。今年年底,东盟即将建成共同体,这是亚洲地区 第一个次区域共同体。中国将坚定发展同东盟的友好合作,坚定支持东盟发展壮大,坚定支持东盟共同体建设,坚定支持东盟在东亚区域合作中发挥主导作用。The Southeast Asian countries established the ASEAN in the 1960s in an effort to enhance development through unity. For nearly half a century, the Southeast Asian countries have addressed instability and underdevelopment and achieved stability and development, becoming an important force of peace, development and cooperation in regional and international arena. ASEAN has developed a distinctive ASEAN approach to both its own development and external affairs featuring mutual respect, consensus building and accommodating the comfort level of all parties. This has served the countries in the region well in their efforts to develop their relations, deepen cooperation and enhance integration. By the end of this year, the building of the ASEAN Community is expected to be completed, which will be the very first sub-regional community in Asia. China is committed to developing friendly relations and cooperation with ASEAN. We support ASEAN’s development and growth, its community building endeavor as well as ASEAN centrality in East Asia regional cooperation. 老师们、同学们、女士们、先生们!Faculty Members and Students,Ladies and Gentlemen,中国始终将周边置于外交全局的首要位置,视促进周边和平、稳定、发展为己任。中国推动全球治理体系朝着更加公正合理方向发展,推动国际关系民主化,推动建立以合作共赢为核心的新型国际关系,推动建设人类命运共同体,都是从周边先行起步。China’s neighborhood occupies a top priority on its diplomatic agenda, and China has the unshirkable responsibility to ensure peace, stability and development in its neighborhood. China is dedicated to promoting a more just and equitable global governance system, enhancing democracy in international relations as well as the building of a new type of international relations based on win-win cooperation and a community of shared future for mankind. Efforts to reach this goal should naturally start in its neighborhood.中国坚持与邻为善、以邻为伴,坚持奉行睦邻、安邻、富邻的周边外交政策,坚持践行亲诚惠容的周边外交理念,坚持共同、综合、合作、可持续的亚洲安全观,致力于构建更为紧密的中国-东盟命运共同体,推动建设亚洲命运共同体。China is committed to pursuing partnership with its neighbors and a neighborhood diplomacy of amity, sincerity, mutual-benefit and inclusiveness and fostering a harmonious, secure and prosperous neighborhood. China champions a vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security in Asia. China endeavors to build a close community of shared future with ASEAN, and a community of shared future with all countries in Asia.和平发展思想是中华文化 的内在基因,讲信修睦、协和万邦是中国周边外交的基本内涵。近代以来,外敌入侵、内部战乱曾给中国人民带来巨大灾难。中国人民深知和平的宝贵,绝不会放弃 维护和平的决心和愿望,绝不会把自身曾经遭遇的苦难强加于他人。中国繁荣昌盛是趋势所在,但国强必霸不是历史定律。中国自古倡导“强不执弱,富不侮贫”, 深知“国虽大,好战必亡”的道理。一些人渲染“中国威胁论”,这或者是对中国历史文化和现实政策不了解,或者是出于一种误解和偏见,或者是有着某种不可告 人的目的。中国坚持走和平发展道路,坚持独立自主的和平外交政策,不是权宜之计,而是我们的战略选择和郑重承诺。The belief in peaceful development is deeply rooted in the Chinese mind, and the vision of harmony and peaceful co-existence underpins China’s neighborhood diplomacy. The Chinese people, having suffered so much from foreign aggression and internal turmoil in modern times, cherish peace. We will never waver in our determination to uphold peace, and we will never want to see others suffer what happened to us. China is now on the road to development and prosperity, but we reject the logic that a country which grows strong is bound to pursue hegemony. What we in China believe, starting with our forefathers, is that the strong and rich should not bully the weak and poor. And we see great truth in the saying that “a warlike country, however big it might be, is bound to perish.” Some people are fanning up the so-called China threat. They may do so out of ignorance about China’s past and present as well as its culture and policies, or they may do so out of misunderstanding of and bias against China. Some may even have some kind of hidden agenda in doing so. Let me be clear: China is committed to peaceful development and pursues an independent foreign policy of peace. This is not an expediency. It is a strategic decision made by China as well as a solemn pledge it has made to the world.近代以来,中国经历了长 达一个多世纪的积贫积弱、风雨飘摇的年代,我们比谁都懂得发展的重要、稳定的可贵。中国的发展进程得到周边国家帮助和支持,中国发展成果也为周边国家所分 享。中国愿意把自身发展同周边国家发展更紧密地结合起来,欢迎周边国家搭乘中国发展“快车”、“便车”,让中国发展成果更多惠及周边,让大家一起过上好日 子。Having gone through poverty and turmoil for over a century, China knows full well the importance of development and stability. China has received support from its neighbors in its development endeavors, and China’s development, in turn, has benefitted its neighbors. China hopes that its own development and that of its neighbors will complement each other, and China welcomes its neighbors to board the fast train of China’s development so that they can share more from China’s development. 两年前,我在访问中亚和东南亚时,提出建设“一带一路”的设想。这是发展的倡议、合作的倡议、开放的倡议,强调的是共商、共建、共享的平等互利方式。目前,这个倡议已经形成势头。中国发布了愿景与行动的纲领性文件,60多个国家和国际组织表达积极参与的态度,中国同很多国家达成了合作协议,亚洲基础设施投 资银行协定已经签署,丝路基金已经着手实施具体项目,一批多边或双边大项目合作正稳步推进。“一带一路”倡议的首要合作伙伴是周边国家,首要受益对象也是 周边国家。我们欢迎周边国家参与到合作中来,共同推进“一带一路”建设,携手实现和平、发展、合作的愿景。Two years ago, during my visit to Central Asia and Southeast Asia, I put forward the initiative of building the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. The Belt and Road Initiative, as it is now called, is about openness, development and cooperation, and it calls for pursuing joint development and sharing benefits on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. The Initiative has gained momentum. China has released the Vision and Actions of the “Belt and Road”, a comprehensive document about the Initiative. Over 60 countries and international organizations have expressed interest to become part of the Initiative, and China has reached cooperation agreements with many of them. The Articles of Agreement of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) has been signed, the Silk Road Fund has started implementing specific projects. And a number of major multilateral and bilateral projects are well underway. The main partners of the Belt and Road Initiative are China’s neighbors, and they will be the first to benefit from it. China welcomes its neighbors to get involved in the Belt and Road Initiative. Together, we can surely translate the vision of peace, development and win-win cooperation into reality.更多精彩内容,请点击关注我们!青岛银河学校位于青岛市李沧东部商住中心,总占地面积80余亩,建筑面积15000平方米,是一所优美的花园式学校。学校现有自有农场、室内体育馆、图书阅览室、科学实验室、信息网络室、舞蹈房、陶艺坊、健康保健室等,为提高学生综合素质、培养学生综合能力提供了优质的教育环境。学校提供标准化的住宿环境,拥有美式校车十多辆,覆盖整个青岛市区,全校实现无线网络接入,360安全监控无死角,配备保安人员数十人,保障学生在安全健康的环境下学习。学
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作者: 大庆乐声琴行
史利16岁开始学习打击乐,先后师从于中央音乐学院打击乐教授——赵纪先生,学习马林巴和小军鼓。美国爵士鼓大师麦克,瑞典爵士鼓大师艾瑞克,拉丁鼓大师马丁学习爵士鼓。从教多年来,积累了丰富的教学经验,培养了众多的优秀学生,不断在国内外各大比赛中获奖。有多名学生以优异的成绩考入国内外知名音乐学院,另有多名学生以艺术特长加分的形式考入国内重点大学。大庆晚报曾以:“狂人家长还是音乐教父”、“四学子飞进海外音乐名校”、"大庆学生敲开清华半扇门"、和 "不着调女孩进清华” 等报道,对他的成绩加以肯定及赞誉!教学成果:史博雅 2002年获全国艺术新人选拔赛少年组爵士鼓银奖。 2004年以全国第一名的成绩考入中国中央音乐学院附中打
击系。 2010年以全额奖学金考入新加坡国立大学杨秀桃音乐学院打击系。 徐东亮 2006年考入上海音乐学院打击系。 樊铎灏 2008年获东北三省箭丽杯打击乐大赛少年组爵士鼓金奖。 于浩南 2009年在中国第一届国际打击乐大赛即箭丽打击乐艺术节中,获少年组爵士鼓优秀奖。 徐涵
2009年在中国第一届国际打击乐大赛即箭丽打击乐艺术节中,获青年组 优秀奖。
2010年考入维也纳音乐学院。 陈曦
2010年在清华大学第22届全国中学生文化艺术冬令营,艺术特长测试中获西洋打击乐 “一级优秀证书”。并在文化课成绩基础上,专业课20 分的成绩考入天津大学。 王鑫怡 2010年黑龙江省中学生艺术特长比赛中获爵士鼓银奖。
2011年在清华大学第23届全国中学生文化艺术冬令营艺术特长测试中,获西洋打击乐一级 优秀证书, 在文化课分数659的基础上,并加特长(马林巴,小军鼓)60分的成绩考入清华大学。 孙瑞宏,单士骁
2011年在中国第三届国际打击乐大赛即箭丽打击乐艺术节中,获爵士鼓少年业余组三等奖。 刘晓旭、孙瑞宏
2012年在中国第四届国际打击乐大赛即箭丽打击乐艺术节中,获马林巴业少年余组三等奖和优秀奖。 杨贺迪
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