
英语翻译语言禁忌体现着一定的意识形态和制度文化.中世纪的西方,宗教禁规极多.当时的人们将臀部,甚至颈部,下巴和前额等身体部位都列为语言禁忌.19世纪的欧美处于一个矫揉造作,极其虚伪的时代.人们不能说breast 和 leg,甚至连鸡的这两部分也不能提及.所以只好用white meat 和dark meat来代替了.在中国,维护长达2000多年的封建统治,靠的是礼教,如"三从四德""三纲五常"等.许多禁忌也被统治者作为礼教的形式保留了下来.如避过讳,即避皇帝本人及其父祖之名.国讳有法的性质,封建帝王为了面子尊贵,常常对犯国讳之人施以极刑.还有避圣人讳,即遇到"丘"字要避讳."丘"姓要改写成"邱".因为那是圣人孔丘的名字.另外有"古人闻父名而泣"之说,这就是家讳.在此,禁忌已演变成了纯粹的礼俗禁规而脱离了迷信的色彩.这部分语言禁忌可谓独具中国特色.翻译整段文章.
Language taboo embodies certain ideology and system culture.The West of Middle Ages,religion prohibit rule very much.Then people will buttocks,even Geng department,the body positions such as chin and forehead list as language taboo.19 century western is in one affected,extremely hypocritical times.People can not say that breast is with leg ,this two minutes that even link chicken can not be also mentioned.So,have to replace with white meat and dark meat.In China,defend to be as long as the feudal dominance of more than 2000 years,what lean is that courtesy is taught ,as " 3 from 4 virtues the 3 5s of key link "" frequently " etc..A lot of tabooes the form that the ruled also teaches as courtesy have remained.If have avoided taboo,avoid my emperor and its father Zu Zhi Ming.Country taboo has the nature of law,feudal emperor is honorable for reputation ,often uses for commiting the person of country taboo with capital punishment.Still have to avoid sage taboo ,meet the word of " mound " to evade.The surname of " mound " will rewrite " Qiu ".Because that is the name of sage hole mound.Additionally have " the ancients smell father name weep " Zhi say ,this is domestic taboo.In this taboo have developed pure courtesy custom prohibit rule have broken away from the colour of superstition.This part of language taboo may be called alone Chinese characteristic.
The language taboo is manifesting the certain ideology and the system cultureMiddle ages west,The religion endures the gauge extremely numerousThen people buttocks,Even pate,Bodily spot and so on chin...
The language taboo body wears certain consciousness appearance and system culture now.The west of the basinet, the religion forbids a rules maximum amount.The then people hip, even the neck, chin and ...
The language taboo is manifesting the certain ideology and the system cultureMiddle ages west,The religion endures the gauge extremely numerousThen people buttocks,Even pate,Bodily spot and so on chin...
The language taboo body wears the certain consciousness appearance and system cultures now.West of the basinet, the religion forbids the rules maximum amount.The then people list as hip, even neck, th...
有一段省去了,理解时,如需全文,请留言......Modern women don't have a double chin.They beat it away or pat the fat until it becomes firm.But her chin is always there.It suppor哗畅糕堆蕹瞪革缺宫画ts a nodding head that has slept in a chair all night orbent over pressing clothes......The bent back developed slowly...... I looked at mother long and hard the other day and said:&Mon,I have never seen you so beautiful.& &I worked at it.& she replied.
根据她的身高和体重,她应去做有钱人的保镖。她意志刚强,一肩高一肩底,而且还喜欢咬手指 甲。但她却是我所见过的最漂亮的女人。她也应该是。她已经在自己的身上和脸上下了60多年的功夫。要获得她那种美是匆忙不得的。
现代女性不希望有双下巴, 她们击败它或者减肥直到变得小一些.但她们的下巴总是在那里.下巴会随这点头或者睡在椅子上或者穿过紧的衣服形成的.会恢复的很慢.我曾试着一直看着我妈妈然哗畅糕堆蕹瞪革缺宫画后对她说&妈妈,我从没有见过你那么美丽& &那是我保养的好吖~&妈妈回答~
我想要一篇关于SUPERJUNIOR的作文,不知道哪位可以HELP ME?要是有13只个人的也行,最好有希澈的~~~~
没错,哥哥不太能找到自己的位置。在哥哥众多天赋中,我最佩服的是哥哥的口才。那天,你要好好对待他啊,他叫做金希澈, he is shapely, but who I love? My Star BrotherAll the people who has seen my brother said,身材很匀称,哥哥的眼睛非常大,从唱歌中, each one owns 2 to 3 sentences. When you see the here, I will make a new harm to make him forget the old one, and very dewy. My bro has a lot of fans,为了让他忘记这个伤害, and his eyes are a little Deep-sunken ,我只有制造新的伤害, but also been many broadcasting programs’ talk jockey:” Oh, so he towards to the host and playing movies。这就是我爱着也恨着的哥哥, and the girl stared at my bro,而一首歌不超过5分钟.. Bro’s partner Siwon was failed in the game,他浑身没什么肌肉, like the European,胖的时候. In another variety show, and then my bro said、电影,眼睛很小,因此哥哥不他的努力方向放在了主持和演戏上,谁比较漂亮:“对啊:“希澈啊。然而. My brother has a High-bridged and pointed nose, this is my brother,也作为主角演过几部电视剧, host,有这么好的外貌条件. There was a game in the show. My bro has not only hosted many parties。哥哥有一米七七, too。哥哥所在的组合人数众多。但是:” I mean the man in your eyes …”This is the man who I hate. At that time,我居然经常拿来跟哥哥比较. My brother’ mouth is a little thick,还一直在好几个天台节目做DJ,所以每个人只能唱几句话, you must ask, I felt that my proper pride was hurt。每当这个时候,哥哥不仅主持过很多晚会。. When my brother is thin, my bro said, who is more beautiful, its very exquisite ,他完全就是为了成为一名艺人而诞生的. My bother is 177cm. My bro’s stared at a girl’ eyes ,这时主持人对哥哥说!” The girl’s face turned red,但是. His only shortage is that he has few cells on dancing,但是一点也不让人生厌, he has a slight double chin,我却不是我自己的哥哥的歌迷,节目中有一个游戏环节. His name is Kim Heechul!”Generally,我不得不承认.” In addition to that,进行一个游戏, but it’s not weary, there was also a game. His only deficiency is that he doesn’t has enough muscle, my bro’s narcissism makes me intolerable,你哥哥是明星吧. He has a high talent on singing, there has Chinese, with such good appearance. However, and the answers always make me disappointed,除了韩国的。虽然哥哥对我非常好,哥哥长得确实很美,天啊. But,像欧洲人那样,唯一不足的就是,还有日本的. And my bro has no talent on dancing:” God, Japanese。哥哥瘦的时候。”初次之外, so beautiful, even on playing movies。看到这儿,脸部线条分明:“哇. Beside this.That day, a song will not last 5 minutes。, I think he was born for being a entertainer, but it’s Well-Shaped,中国的泰国的, Thai,哥哥是偶像明星, you should be more good to him,主持甚至是演戏方面都有很高的天分:“我说的是映在你眼中的我”,我就感觉到自尊心收到了伤害. My brother has big eyes. But I am not my bro’s fan,很精致, his face is clear-cut,但是形状很好, makes me feel that I am chickenshit, I have to admit that my brother is really beautiful。妹妹一般会跟姐姐相比,哥哥却来了一句, he should be a girl:” To make him forget this harm, the total is 12,他在唱歌, in my family,好漂亮啊~~” 女生十分害羞. And he has played many movies and series as the hero.About my brother’s talents, my bro said sincerely,他是女生吧,有一点点双下巴,在我们家., I am not beautiful than a boy. The MC said to my bro,有12个人?所有看过我哥哥的人都说,哥哥又没有舞蹈天分:” Heechul, so my bro can’t insure his place on sining.” With all the people’s surprise。哥哥有很多歌迷. Do you know him now,非常有神, my bro attended a variety show,谁比较漂亮; when he is a little fat,而且还微微凹陷, even the European。哥哥的嘴巴有一点点厚, I always be compared with my elder
brother , the younger sister is compared with her elder sister。他的存在让我感受到了我的弱小!However,哥哥的朋友始源输了,很认真的说. Although my bro is always good to me.The group which my bro stays in has many persons,来让他忘记旧的这个是把heechul设定为哥哥的 你可以看着改改~~ 希望对你有用You Know , I think the world of his eloquence,始源刚刚收到伤害了,哥哥注视着一个女生的眼睛! My bro is a super idol,除了他没有一点点舞蹈细胞外, is your bro an idol, Siwon was harmed?
Bingo,你是不是会问,哥哥的自恋也让人忍无可忍。他不想一般的韩国男人一样。”没想到哥哥来了一句。在另一个综艺节目中, beside Korean,哥哥出演一档综艺节目. As a girl, who is more beautiful, his assistance makes me feel frustrate,你知道了吗,一个女孩子居然没男生上的好看。哥哥的鼻子小而挺. He doesn’t like the common korean men who has small eyes
韩庚的舞蹈众所周知,目前已与SM公司解约曾经是Super Junior唯一的中国成员和其子组合Super Junior-M的队长,尤其善于少数民族的传统舞蹈
I have to admit that my brother is really beautiful. He doesn’t like the common korean men who has small eyes. My brother has big eyes, and his eyes are a little Deep-sunken , and very dewy., like the European. My brother has a High-bridged and pointed nose, its very exquisite . My brother’ mouth is a little thick, but it’s Well-Shaped. When my brother is thin, his face is clear- when he is a little fat, he has a slight double chin., but it’s not weary. My bother is 177cm, he is shapely. His only deficiency is that he doesn’t has enough muscle.


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