proposal propose advice和suggest区别 advice区别

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The Unicode Consortium accepts proposals for inclusion of new
characters and scripts in the Unicode Standard. Those considering
submitting a proposal should first determine whether or not a
particular script or character has already been proposed.&
Please see the
page and the
information on additions to the Unicode Standard which are already
under consideration. General guidelines for the preparation of a proposal appear below.
The Unicode Standard definition of character is stated in the
. Before preparing a proposal, sponsors should note in
particular the distinction between the terms character and glyph as
therein defined. Because of this distinction, graphics such as
ligatures, conjunct consonants, minor variant written forms, or
abbreviations of longer forms are generally not acceptable as
Unicode characters. Also see
The sponsor(s) proposing the addition of a new character to the
Unicode Standard should follow these guidelines.
Proposals for emoji characters need to meet different criteria, however. To propose new emoji characters, follow the instructions in
instead of the rest of this section.
Before proceeding, determine that each proposed addition is a
character according to the definition given in the Unicode
Standard and that the proposed addition does not already exist in
the Standard. Consult the
page to see if the character is
already on track to be encoded, and the
to see if the character has already been
considered but was disapproved for some reason.
Often a proposed character can be expressed as a sequence of
one or more existing Unicode characters. Encoding the proposed
character would be a duplicate representation, and is thus not
suitable for encoding. (In any event, the proposed character would
disappear when normalized.) For example, a g-umlaut character is
not suitable for encoding, since it can already be expressed with
the sequence &g, combining diaeresis&. For further information on
such sequences see
and the FAQ page
Ensure that documentation supporting the proposal states
whether any Unicode characters were examined as possible
equivalents for the proposed character and, if so, why each was
rejected. Consult the
to make sure that any associated change to
existing characters is in accordance with Consortium policies.
Determine and list the proposed (or recommended) character
properties for each character being proposed, especially when
proposing entire scripts for encoding. See the
for guidelines about character properties and a list of
questions to help make determinations about appropriate property
values. See also Chapter 4, Character Properties of
. Even a partial list of properties will be helpful
in the initial proposal.
Proposals to include entire scripts (Egyptian hieroglyphics,
for example) must cite modern, definitive sources of information
regarding such scripts. Sponsorship by the relevant academic
bodies (such as The International Association of Egyptologists)
may be helpful in determining the proper scope for encoding of
characters in such cases. Before submitting full script
proposals, sponsors should also determine that a proposal does not
already exist for that script, for example by consulting the Roadmaps.
If a proposed character is part of a dead language or
obsolete/rare script that is already encoded, cite the most
important modern sources of information on the script and the
proposed additions. Names, including academic affiliation, of
researchers in the relevant field are welcomed.
If the proposed characters exhibit shaping behavior
(contextual shaping, ligatures, conjuncts, or stacking), provide a
description of that behavior, preferably with glyph examples. It
should be sufficient so that software engineers can produce a
minimally acceptable rendering of the characters.
If the proposed characters are symbols, consult the
to gain familiarity
with some of the criteria that the UTC will consider when
determining whether new symbols are appropriate for
encoding. Research other already-encoded blocks of symbols
in the standard to check that the types of symbols in the
proposal have precedents. Also, because symbols often vary
widely in appearance, check carefully that the symbol(s) in
the proposal are not merely font-specific variant shapes of
symbols already encoded in the standard.
Information about the sorting order of proposed characters
should also be provided, where known. For general information
about sorting, see . In particular,
consider the
which specifies the criteria the UTC uses for making initial
determinations about collation weights for newly encoded
The Unicode Consortium works closely with the relevant
committee responsible for ISO/IEC 10646, namely JTC1/SC2/WG2, in
proposing additions as well as monitoring the status of proposals
by various national bodies. Therefore, proposals may eventually be
formulated as ISO/IEC documents and significant detailed
information will be required.
The standardized form &ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2/WG 2 PROPOSAL
REPERTOIRE OF ISO/IEC 10646& has been designed for the purpose of
obtaining detailed information for ISO purposes and for the
Unicode Technical Committee. Use of this form is required for all
proposals. It is available at the following URL:
To complete the Proposal Summary Form, sponsors may wish to
refer to the WG2 Principles and Procedures document, also accessible
from that URL. That document contains context and explanations
about the various questions on the Proposal Summary Form.
Before &finally approving& additions, we require a font with an
appropriate license for printing the standard (see
). Even if approved,
additions won't be published in a version of the standard unless
suitable fonts are available.
The proposal summary form requires the following information
the repertoire, including prop
the name and contact information for a company or individual
who would agree to provide a computerized font (True Type or
PostScript) for publica
references to dictionaries and descriptive texts establishing
names and addresses of appropriate contacts within national
the context within which the proposed characters are used (for
example, current, historical, and so on);
especially for sporadic additions, what similarities or
relationships the proposed characters bear to existing characters
already encoded in the standard.
All proposals (whether successful or not) and related materials
will be retained by the Unicode Consortium as a matter of record and
may be used for any purpose.
The international standardization of entire scripts requires a
significant effort on the sponsor's part. It frequently takes years
to move from an initial draft to final standardization, particularly
because of the requirements to synchronize proposals with the work
done in the ISO committee responsible for the development of ISO/IEC
Experience has shown that it is often helpful to discuss preliminary proposals
before submitting a detailed proposal. One option is to
Unicode Consortium, and submit the proposal to the members-only email list. Alternatively, sponsors can contact the UC Berkeley’s
for initial review.
Each proposal received will be evaluated initially by technical
officers of the Unicode Consortium and the result of this initial evaluation
will be communicated to the sponsor(s) of the proposal. Once a
proposal passes this initial screening, it will be reviewed by the
Sponsors, particularly of entire scripts, should
be prepared to become involved at various times throughout the
process -- perhaps revising their prop
collecting further
organizing on-line
discussions or meetings t or answering
questions posed by committees or national bodies. Without such
involvement, any proposal of more than a few characters is unlikely
to be successful in the long-run.
Sponsors can monitor the further progress of their proposals via
as well as the
page and the
Many good proposals can be found in the
has prepared a number of successful proposals.
For people interested in proposing a single symbol or a small
set of symbols for encoding, there are also many successful
proposals in the UTC document register. For example see the
There are ways for programmers and scholarly organizations to
make use of Unicode character encoding, even if the script they want
to use or transmit is not yet (or may never be) part of the Unicode
Standard. Individual groups that make use of rare scripts or special
characters can reach a private agreement about interchange and set
aside part of the Private Use Area to encode their private set of
characters. Individuals with interests in rare scripts or
materials relating to them may sometimes be contacted through an
electronic mail list which the Consortium maintains.& For
information about these mail lists, please
To send completed proposals or to make further inquiries, please
All proposals are required to be in one of the following forms:
PDF format (preferred)
HTML along with any needed GIF or JPEG images (a ZIP file or
TAR archive should be made, including all of the required files)proposal(propose/v),suggestion(Suggest/v)和advice(advise/v)三者的区别
&suggestion表示"意见,建议,提议",特指为了改进或解决某一问题而提出建议,办法等,但不一定正确,仅供参考。在这一含义上,它和opinion同义,但比opinion正式。语气比advice客气、委婉。多用作可数名词。  advice表示"忠告,意见,指点",是指具有丰富的知识,足够的经验,正确的判断力和明智的观点的人对另一个人的"劝告"或"见解",既可以是对于严肃的事物,也可以对琐碎事情提出意见。如果advice不被一个另有所指的形容词修饰,则经常意味着忠告者对被忠告者表现出一种直接的,或多或少个人的关系。因此,advice的事情经常具有私事性质。可见,在实际应用中,凡是与自己没有关系,完全是为了对方而提出advice,均可用之。是不可数名词。  proposal是一个提议,一个方案,更正式。如求婚,如喝酒祝词。可以用作可数名词。  三个词都表示“建议”,区别如下:  advice是针对某一行动提出的;(advise,是但别人有问题的时候你提出合理有经验的建议)  suggestion针对某一问题,尤其是为解决困难或改进工作提出的;(Suggest则多是生活中的小事,如,看电影等)  proposal是供他人考虑或采纳提出的。(propose则是较正式的计划安排等)、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、&首先先分出動詞及名詞&suggest (verb) suggestion(noun)&to put forward an idea or a plan for other people to think about&例: I suggest that we go out to eat.&我提議我們出去吃吧。&I suggested going in my car.&我建議坐我的車去。&propose(verb)proposal(noun)&to suggest a plan, an idea, etc. for people to think about and decide on.&例: The government proposed changes to the voting system.&政府建議修改表決制度&He proposed changing the name of the company.&他建議更改公司的名稱。&大致來說suggest 和propose針對(建議)的意思及用法差不多,只是提出一個想法讓別人可以參考,可以互相替代使用。&advise(verb)advice(noun)&1、advise(somebody)against doing something-(to tell somebody what you think they should do in a particular situation)&例:I would strongly advise against going out on your own.&我極力奉勸你別單獨外出。&I would advise you not to tell him.&我勸你別告訴他。&2、Advise somebody on something/ advsie somebody about something /doing something.=to give somebody help and information on a subject that you know a a lot about.&例:your lawyer can advise you whether to take any action.&你的律師可以告訴你是否起訴。&而advise則偏向給人忠告或勸告的建議,感覺比較嚴肅一點。&參考看看吧&suggestion 建議,提議, 暗示,示意,啟發;聯想&proposal/propose 企劃案, 計劃,打算,提議,建議,求(婚)&advice/advise 勸告,忠告 通知 ,消息,報告&&、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、&suggest&和&advice&和&proposal 和有什么不一样&Suggest is the verb form of a suggestion which is an idea. Advice is basically a suggestion or opinion that is meant to help someone. A proposal means the same a suggestion but is normally used in more formal situations.1) Suggest是动词,advice和proposal都是名词。Suggest的名词是suggestion,advice的动词是advise或者give advice,proposal的动词是propose.2) Suggest和propose差不多一样,可是propose比较正式一点。For example, a businessman might make a business proposal to his client, while your friend might suggest that you go see a movie together tomorrow.3) Advice is used more for when one person has a problem and somebody else helps them. Like if you have a fight with your friend, maybe your parents will give you some advice about what to do.Does this help?、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、&提示你一下 suggest是动词 advise proposal都是名词啊advice,opinion,proposal,suggestion,recommendation,view这些名词均含“意见、建议”之意.advice普通用词,侧重依据个人经验、学识和正确判断而提出的忠言.opinion日常用词,泛指对某事物的想法和意见.proposal指正式提出来供研究、采纳或实行的建议.suggestion普通用词,语气比advice婉转客气,也不如proposal正式.着重为改进工作、解决困难等提出的建议,有时含所提建议不一定正确,仅供参考的意味.recommendation指在自己经历的基础上而提出的有益建议、意见或忠告.view侧重指对重大的或引起公众关注的问题所持的看法和态度.advise sb.of把...报告[通知]某人advise with sb.on sth.同某人商量某事,就某事请教某人advise with sb.about sth.同某人商量某事,就某事请教某人accept〔approve,consider〕 a proposal 采纳〔批准,考虑〕建议agree to sb's proposal 同意某人的建议decline〔kill,reject〕 a proposal 谢绝〔否决,拒绝〕建议fall in with sb's proposal 同意某人的建议make〔offer〕 a proposal to sb 向某人求婚present〔put forth〕 a proposal 提出建议support〔withdraw〕 a proposal 支持〔收回〕提议动词+~adopt〔reject〕 a suggestion 采纳〔拒绝〕建议advance〔come up with,offer,put forward〕 a suggestion 提建议ask〔call〕 for a suggestion 征求建议形容词+~appropriate〔helpful〕 suggestion 适当〔有益〕的建议介词+~at sb's suggestion 按照某人的建议only by way of suggestion 仅供参考+介词suggestion about〔concerning〕 有关…的建议——寒冰烈
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