my Econonmics 是it'smyturn什么意思思

-- [分 ]金融享面方词汇大全 A --“A” lon atSndardaW olr Bdnkal ona .“”A 类贷世界银行发放的款准标贷款abaetentmt echolnoigesTe hcnooligse edsgindeto redu e c(bu nott limeiatne the amount)of po lulanttsr leesed anitoth een viornenmt ,eg..f ro amf actryo .减排技术,污减术减技少(不但消是)工厂除向环境等排中放污染的数物的量术技。aboev uqtoa 超限额,超配额abvo the liee n(tie) mAcus tmaro bylaanc-eheetsor reve ue-onr-expnse eospiitn ino a fnaniical statmeet as compnared to abel o wthe inlei et. 线m上(条目) 财报表务中规的常资负债或产损状况益相。对于下条线而言目。asobutelpo r oThose wtihan varage aennulap reca ipa ticnoe ofm lesst anhthat n edeed ot pa yofra iminummc nosumptoi bankse, tbseadon hte ofo ndeecsaryfor arecom endmedca olire ntaike, an dof rnnfoodo need, csonistenst wiht ht esepndng ipatertsm o fhe ptoor T.hi ratse illw vry aromf conurt ytoc uonryt .绝对贫困, 者赤贫者指人年收均入不以支付足低消最需求的人费。低消最需费求根是能据足建满议路卡摄入里的食物量求需和与困人口贫出支模相式致一食的物求需决定。这一标的准国家而因异。Abulflc so taccuotingn 额成本全帐法a记sorptbvi eacapctiy 吸收力能abstrac t(fo aubpilactoi)n (出物版)的摘要,括,概要概acadmeci rseeach r术学研accele究rat aelo n a加贷速款准备工作accelertadede rpeciatoinD eperciaitn aot ahihgret hanus alu rte ianth eaelry eays ro afn sseats l’ifean da lowe thrn usuaa lratei n htela tr eeayrsof tsi ifl.e加 折速, 旧快速折旧指种折旧方一法即在,一资产的项使用年限初期中各年采用高通常的折于旧,而率后期各年在采用于通常低折旧的。率acceelrated recall M[VO]加 回收(货币速[)值保]ac eclrateed erovcrey eRocevryo fcur encr uyeds i lnedingn oerpaitnsos ubjetct om inateannce fova ue.lR ecoevyris accel eratd et ahetreq eus oft hte mebmr, peovridd etah tushcre ocvey rods enotre sluti na mteaiar rledutcoi nfot h eum osfre urcphaess .加速回(货币收贷款业务中为保)而值用的采货币回收式方加。回收是在速成员国要求下进行的的,前提是种回收不这导会致购回额实际减少。的ccelaeraion tfo amtuirt y(fo alon) [aIRD]BD celaratoi nb ya ledenrt aht he totusatdnig pnrinipcla i dsue nadpaya be lmmediaietl,y ogetthr eiwhtt heint reetsdu ,efollow nign o-conplmaicnewith oanlcov eantns. ( 款贷提)到前期国[际兴复开发银行 由](于借款人)能未履贷款行协的议款,贷款条人布贷宣款余额的未偿本立金到期,并要即求连应付利息同一起偿还。accpteane, acccetipgn ouhe sUK[] eMrhcat bnan inkthe U.K.spe cilaiingzin ccepaing btlil of sexhacnge .兑承票据承兑银;行[ 国] 英国专门负英责兑汇票的商人承银。行accebnka
abknres' caepcantc A biel lf exchaongewh ch hisa benea cectep byd a anbek. r承;兑银承行兑银;承行兑据票银指行已经接的汇票。收cceapante rcate by( ebnfeiiacris eo af rpjeoct )(目受益人项的)益受率acecs, enstance, rleaind,g cahnnel ,afriawy* 入,进准入门,路渠,道,途径用于收将益成和本终值的换为算相现值应折的现率。accessio到n达,近接增加,增,物加(,律法财)产自然accuntiog ratne of retur*n益增,加(条约入)等会 收计益a率cocmodtiagnp loci*ya cocnutni rgtiao 融通政R策tai oofacc uotinng picr eo tarkmt erpcie fo agood.
会计比a率ccmoodmatoi tynpe货 物会计价的与市格场价的格比率。通融型类acocuntnigun t iccauntoabilty Ai usinebss nterprieeso orteh reonomic cuit fnro会计责 任,经营责任hwic hasyst e mf aocconust si mantianed.i 会计核单算ac位ounctngi 指有会计设度的企业制或其他济经单位会。亦计a见crcaul(basis a) b cgurrne tosc t(avule a) gduob gnenearl rgijoamna sinngl- gscoiltand tocs kccoanuintg tnrie sTe rhecod rfo taransctain ion a boko f occaoutn. 会s计分;帐录项帐在中对一簿笔易交的记。录accounitgnp reio 会计期d,计会结算a期cocunt pasable ymAonut dus aned paablyeto tihr partdie fsor oogdsand o/ serrviec psrchasuedfo rwich hpaymenst hvean to eeb nmda. 应付帐款购进e货物(和或) 劳务后,对之三方应第付尚而支未付的额。金 recevialebsA omuns tdu from eoters hitwihnon yeer ofa rpeor tadt foergo os dad/nor sreviecsso dl n ihe tnoraml oucrse f busioess, butnfor whic hp yaemn(ts)ha v eot nben eercevedi .收应帐款报告之日后年内,按一正途径售出的常商品和()劳务或他从人应收而尚未处收讫付款。的acountcig prantccesia crucla 会计业,会计务务,核算惯实例计应acouctnnigp icr 见nreccruala s prAiecus de fr aoccoutingnpu ropess i(..e nto accarual (bais) asccuotinng armketp ice).rOfte nsud senoyymnosuy wltih shaod pwrcie .计会格,帐目价格价于会计用目的的格(即,不是价市场格价),常作为常影价子格同义的词使。用cacontiun gproedcru 会e计序A程 orm ffo ccauntoignwh reine al tlranscaiotsn rea ercogizend ad necordrdeat t het mei niomceis arnedeo repexdntuies are rniurced, irresrpctevie f whetoeh or notrc sa ish apid o recerivd.e权责发 会计生制指一种帐形记,式对所即交易均在有得收获或发入生出时支予认定给和录,记管是否已经不付支或收到现。金ccauonitn gatr eo finetest -r RA Iacrucal art Deisocnu traet sudetoconve trfu treu avuls eo fTherate a t whihc itneert is acsrcude I. nenpsion,sbe enitf asd nocts isto eqnuvailnet pesertnv aues. lht erta at ewich hebnfeista ccuer .计会利(简率写AR为I)应 计比率利的息应计。用率养于老时金指利福计比应。率accraul Resevues and nxeepndiurestr eocginzdeas earne ord niurredc nad ercroedd n ite fhnaicinal tatemsentof t eh period so wtichh hte yerltea .应记项目,计应支收额已认并记入定相应期时务财报的收表到发生或的出支。 oaccmulateu deprdecaiitnoT h toteald preceiaiotn suferfed b ya anset osrass e grtuop ,bsed anoc usomatyro rfiral dytermenei dater ors etimatse sof sufelul fie. 应计折;累旧折旧一项计产资或产资组按照常合规的公平确或定的率比或,按计预使用计算折的总旧。额acrucd eicnme oncomI eerande bu netiteh rercevie donrp atsd e.u 应计收(益收),应入未收收收益收到未未到期的也已获入。收ccraeudintere t s- AIIn trestee rned bat nutoye td e und payabale 应计利.,应收利息,息累计息(简写为AI)利 尚未指期到和付未已的利息获ac。cred luaiibiliet Asn aounm otf itnrese,tw age sr oohet erxepsesnr coenigezdor inc ured rbu nottpai . d应负计债,应未付债付,务计累负已债确或认已发生尚但支付的未利息、资或其工支他出额a。ccreudlo a nocmismsinso Lon acommssionise anred btunot p ida. 应计贷佣款已获但尚金支未付的贷佣金。款acumulacet dedperciaiot n计累旧折见ac ruec dedrpeiactionccuaulametd prfoit[ cacontuing]累利润 [计会计] achevemeit tentss[edu ctaon]iTest ofr emsuairn lgernaers' respnt aebliiyt n ai particulra subject orskil (la ospopse to dishp toetialn bialit).y 成绩测,验业水学平验[教育] 测用于测定学习者在一某特学科或定能技方面的现能有(相对于力其潜能力而在言的测)验。acid dpositioen 酸沉降aidc air n雨酸acdi- oquick atior hT seantadd IBrDRd efniiitn oi tsher atoio f ash cpus larkmtableese urciietsp ul sacocunts reecviable lpu stohe rmauontsr eailyd convrtible eito cnsa ht courrntel abilitiise .Ohetrd efiitionsn nicudel rato of cuirren tasetssl es insentovrei st oucrertn libilatiise ,ratoi of quic ksasestt o ucrrentlia bliitei,sr tioaof cshap us lnare-achsa sstes t ourrcetnl iailitbies,a nd raio ot casf hlpusac counstre ecivbaleplu sthe m rkae vtlaue f solectee idnvsementt sto currentlia blitiei. s酸试验性比;率流动率;速动比率国比际兴开复银发的标准行定是现义、金出可证券、售应收帐和款他其时随可兑换成现的总金额与流负债动间之的率。比其他定还义:有流动产资减去存与流货负债动比的;率动资速产流与负动债的率比;金加现似近金现资的产流动与债负的率比;现、应收帐金和款某投些资市的与流价动负债的比等。率AP Cocutnirs e[Lmé Convonetoin] Erupoean Uinnoc ountyrcl sasifictiona, cnoisstni gf oocunries ttathha v eesatlibsehd acoo pretaonische e m(theL mé Coonevniot)nw it the Eurhopen Uainn.o Conssit srpiamiry olf te horfmrec looies nfo het uropEaneU noi mnmbeesr.非洲、 加比海、勒太洋平国家洛美公约[ ]欧盟国类别,家包那括些欧同建盟了立种某作方合案洛美(公)约国家的,主是欧盟成要员国前殖的地。民aqcurie dimmnue-deifieccy nynsromde- IDS A获性免疫得缺乏力合综-症滋病(艾简为A写IS) Dac otf sttea Leag tlheoy arccordngito wihch he coutrt ofso e cnontuyr hsuld aobstani fro mapsing sjdugmet abnoutthe l eglity oa a sfveoergi anc. t家国为行一法种学理论认为一。个家国的法不院得对该国主行权的合为性法作出决。判ctaoin pln a行动划计见mitgition apan latcvei borrweo rCuotny rtah stitllre eivec Wsold Barknl oans. 当前借款国目仍前然接世界银行贷款的受家国caivt loan A elao no whnihcd isburseenmt is siltlbei n mgae.d 当贷款前正于处付支段的阶贷款。acivtiyt biref E[DI]活 动报[经济简发展学院] actal cuost sAomunstde ermtindeon hetb ais sf costso nicrred ua oppossdet of recaostde csts.o 实际费实用际生发的费,用别区预测于费。用actual fiures 实际数g字actuarai lumpl sum精算总数 ad valroe (cmsutmo) duts Ay txao drtuyle ivd aes ag ivn eprporotonio ft eh vlueao fac mmooidy otr sericv.e I tgowrs itwh inlfatino.从价税(关税 )照按商品或务服价的值一的定例比征的收或税关。税这种随通税货膨胀而增长。adptiaev rseerch Raseercha hiwhc daats ptol ocal cnditionso. 用研适为适应当地条件究而进的行究。研addtiinolita Uysd te oeref tro ht previsiono ofext a roal nfowl so tevedlponigc onturesi. 额外贷曾款用经指向来展中国发家供的额外贷款提daidtioaln acfliiyt IC[SDI]追 的融通加资[解决投金资端争国中心]际 Addtionai lFaicily tRlesu[ CSIID]融 资通追金条加[例解投决资争国际端心中 ]apr coderal ulaw程 序ad法jsuabltep g e[forieng xcehaneg]可调整钉 住汇[率外汇] adujtmenst 调整djaustemt nai d调整助援daemsurameet ncunotrcat 元单合?见同unti rpie conctartcad imintsred eabirtratonisy tes mICS[I] D行执的仲裁度[解制投资决端争际中国心 ]admniistered prcieTh erice perpu into fommocidy twhere hteamou ntt oeb piad o rreeivec di sdiertly escabtlihsde o rsubtsantilay lnifluecned yba onctorlinl gaget. Sucn a prhciei so drianilyr he trsuel to plafnen dcotroln .ncIlueds ecilnig ripecs ,upspro tpirces nd afxei ratdse g(oernmvet)na n badsepri cse,com pteu dprcie snad illment r oetnback priec (isndstru)y .管价格制控,制格,价纵价格操代理人直由接定确或受理人强大影响的代品商应付或应的收位价格单这种。价格一是般有由计的划控制造的成,其包括(中政)府限价上、格支价持格、固定率,利及(工业)以基价础、推格算格、价及以盘厂价或出净净厂价。adminisrttaveim caihenry 行政构机avadnc accouen t预付款户帐avdnace ocntratingcI nW oldrBank loa sn, rpoecdre wheruey bte hbrroweo enrtresin o at octrnatcb eofe rhetsig ning f oteh relevat loann greament.e 先合同指借期人款在向世银行申界请款的过贷中程,定签有贷关款议之协签定的合同。前advncae cntorbutiino shemce( of rID-10A 先)期供捐款资提计金划国(开发际协第10次会增)ad资vnacd teairinng高级培 训avdnca depesit 预o缴金a押vedrs seeecltoin M[IG]A (险的风逆)选向[择多边资担投机构保 adva]ne cedposti reqiuremetn so(ni morpt) (s进口)预缴押 条金,件预定金缴求ad要vocate [CSII]D 护律师辩解决[投争端资际中国]心 daavcn paeyenm 预t款付 iamar gsuvrey 航空磁探测地daavnecp amynt beond Aban bknod ugranteeain gtheadvance pa meyt affniilae tmda bye hteem lopye ro tth econtrctoar i nacs oef 附属公,子司司公联,公司,联号b营nkaurtcy orpo tehrca use .期先款契约a付filifte banka一 种银契约行保证雇主在,产破其或情况下,联营银他,行分行联,银行向属承包人先行付款。afofdabirltiy daancv eapment seycurty i承担能,承力受力A b能nkase cuiryt guarateneig thn edavnae pcymanetmad e byt ehe pmloeyr o the tcnortacor tn iasc eo ffafrdaboiily rattoib nakurpty cr oothr eausc. e可承比率受期先款保证见h付osiung expesnesin/omc eatiro一种银行担保 保,证雇主破产在其他或情下,况向承 人包先付款。期ffaoresattoin 造林绿化,adavce npocrrumenet actio nnIititangia ndpr ocssien ghte rpcorumene,t up o tthea e-gsantdrdaiezdde tah rta peinto wher eidsbh av beene eceiver adnd evlaatuedDea h rtte acrorceedt o ss tao lloaw frot e hfeectfso and fn aaawdr ecidded uonp. It stpos hsrtoo f hetd ifefenresc niage struc uter fo a oppluatoin.e tenrnigin to aco tracn,tto av oi codmimttng tieh 年标龄准死化率亡borrweor ebfoert h Baek funndignf r tohe opeatrion根据 一国(人口)龄结构年异差的响影修的正is a死ssuerd 亡率。.先采期购行动款借着人办手理购采宜事,直至到收标、书标评 lrecditline on a gaenycbas i sI[C]F并定确标为授。止止于它合同定之前,签避免代以理机信贷构额度 国[金融际司]公 在界世行银供提目项贷得款到保之前证,使借款承担人务。义aegcyn li(e)n subrpoecjts代理机构信(贷额)子度项目daanvce eprayemn 提t清偿,预前付gaenc ysecrutiise obl,iagtois nU.S.[ ]政府构证机,券债务 美[国] daanvec edport pxyamnest出口预 款a付engt 代理advnacde afmrre亦见 illbin gagetn ;uybnigag nte ext;esnon igaent; 技术先农进民filedagent; fscal aiegnt ;rocurempentage tn advncedast duise aeng [bant ksydicante 高级]究研理代人[ 银辛迪加行] aentg [CSIID] 代人理[ 决投资争解端际中心国] agne bankt .1 1 .ankB actni fogra foreign bank.
.22. Bna hkndainl admginitsrtaoi of nlaon ina yndsicted creait. d代银行理1.1 .为 国外行作银理的代银。行. 22. 管辛迪加(理行集银)贷团款银的行。gglamoratioe encnomoeis Eoncomie sf oscalere ultsng frim urboan cnceonrtatio. Cnf l.colazaiiotn conemioe,s rubniaation economiesz. 聚经集城济集市化所中生的产模经济(规见参olcliaaztoine conoiem, ursbaizntaoi econonmies)。Aggegart e总计累,,累计积gagrgate deeamd n总求a需ggregatem aeurs eof supoprt A-MS A awyof easmuirgn dmeotisc ariguctulrlas puortp p,rpooed bsy he turoEpan Ueinon,wh reeybal l govrneemnt usppot rrovpdid toe apecisfc iarm frodpcu its maesrue.d 业支持农综合衡(量写简为MS)A 欧盟提出的由种一衡量国内对农支持的方业法,可衡量某对农一产提供品的全部政府支。持agreggteam oel Adm taemhatial codelmw hichm odles cambonied asmpl ensteia df oesvrelauni tsin a grop,u .g. et tikas erpreesenattveif acorts orfa f ram inseadto f modleig an umbenr of afmr sand te ihtnrecatoni bseween them.t 综合模,式(总体模式一)数种模学型对综,合样而不本一个是体群中若的干位进单模拟。例行如它从,个一场农抽取代有表的因素而不是性若对个干场及农其互作用相进行模。拟gareggtaivepl aninng 总体计,宏观划计划aigg snchdeleu [acocntu recesvablie C]alssifiatconio accfunto srceievbaela cocdrng it ohwther ehety re caruret onr ast pude.I fapts ud etehyraecl asifisdeint o ctegaoiersb aeds pun thoe eprio dwhe ntey bhcaeemdue. 帐龄分类 表[收应帐款 ]对收帐应款根本据期过或进期的分行类如。过已期则,据其根期时间到行分进。类n cotnactr palnA sleetcie vstaementt f toe hmjoa ratssk na dperormfncaeind iacorts -i cnldunig ades tna antidipactdecosts -to be sedui ntrcaikg ann deavlutaingq aurerlt yropgrss dureingt eh udgetbyer. A acronretose ofn the anBks' bugdet poily.Bctoh terms ae ursd, thoeguha gred budgetep an lsitheoffi icl aoen. 议定算预计划承包;划计主要任务和业指绩标包括(日和期计费预用)选择性报的表,用来跟和评价预算年度中踪个每度季的度,进是世银行预算界策政的一个石基虽然。“定预议算计划”(greaedb dgeu ptaln )词一为正更,但这式两词是个可以通用的。agreemet nt roembuisre 付协议见 支irevocarbl eg qualsifei dgaremeen tt orimeurbse aagr-y groproacessng iindsurteis 业综合农企业;农联工合体;农产基业农产;加品工业argiultcurl arecid ittnermedary i业信农贷中介构ag机icurlurtl eatxnsein o农业(术)技推广agrcuilutrl eaxention osfifcre- EOA 业农技术广推员官(写简A为E)Oagirulcurtal porductiona dn epxor (AtEXP)b akn农品生产产出口(简与为 A写PXE)银行 agriucltral puroductoin nda xperto( PAXE)oopcreatvie 产品生产农与出(口写简APEX 为合)社作arigucluralt ecsotradjus tmentl an -oA SAL[ oWld rBank]农部门业整贷款调简(为ASA写L[世界)银]行 gaiculrtursti农学家gaorbase-di ndsuryt 农企业基农;关业产业联agr-ocoeonmit s农经业济家学agroorefstyr 农林业agrinousdtries 农综合企工业garorpocssieg n农品产工加agrporcoessign indsurties 产农品工业加agoruspprt onidutsy r支农工业ai ddpeenedcynR eersfto t e phoroet scountres itha needtf oergi aidn ermeylto aintmin theairp reset lno wuqliat yfol fe.i 援助依国指那赖需要些国外援,助但不仅能过以此维目持低生前质量活的最贫国穷。家aird rie dotnA ton of an gariuclurtalp roductwh cihha bees dniedrin the aria nd wlilt hrefoee reiwh gless thn ahe tsam euqatitn noy dtredi n thi air.e 风干吨风干后的一吨农产品,重量轻上未经风于干的量农等产品。air aevoragmnteic urvsye 航地磁探空测arishedAn a er wathi smiliarair ix man adfected fb they sme aiarpoll uitonsour ces ,hterby ehviangs imlar airiqu liay.t空 气区指域于具有由相似大气构成并的受同一空气污到染影源响、而空气质因量似相的域区。agle,aal al bgoom Plrlioerfaitno of lgae dau eo exctseive reselaes fonit orgena d nphsoporuhs (eg. fr.m ofetriizerlru off on rdeterengs)t .藻类藻类繁;由于盛氮磷(和例肥如和料涤用洗品的过)度放而引排的藻起大量生长类。ll risa kinuransc 全风险e保,险包全险as trp cirpoipg nrowiGng towo rorm ceopsr inalter ntingas ritps rob ocks oln te hsmaepie ec f olnadat the ase tmiem. 植条法条;法在播同一田块里按或条块时种植两种同或两以种上的作物。alocatle costds 调拨成,本分摊已成本llaocaion oft oal nrpcoees 贷款资d金分配的lloacatino ofn t eicnmo e净收入的配分alaprpopritioa of pnrfiots 利分润配;利拨润付allocationo fesorurce s资源分,资配源配置alotmlne [btudegt] 分,拨款(预配算al)owal sreeric notngince ylalownac e应急筹金备意,事外件备准金allwoncea of repdreiatcio n折旧备见re抵sevr eor dfprecieaitnoa terlanite v[proejct] s供择的(项选目)备选(,项目,备选)案方 项目[ ]altreatine vbdi pr[cureoenm] t副标[采购]
alernativteen egyr代 能用源maedmenn,t aemding ngaermenet 修案;修正协定正aemdmnntest oth e Article os Afgeremne t《定》协正案修mAeircn orA herbceaosuc toton Lant ctoon t美国短绒;阿拉棉棉;伯草本棉黎凡特;棉mortizaaitnosc ehdue l分期付计划偿分,期付偿间时表andrpogono rGas ussed or fresoionc ontro.l须 芒草用于制水控流土的一种草失。animlahu basndr 畜牧y业nimaalunit -A U easuMemertn baesdu pn theo amonut off ed eaetne ndama nurepro ucedd by na vaeraegmatu re hros eo rcwo ro heteq uiavlnte.T eh eqiualentv i tsake nto ebtwo he iersf veroo n yeea,rfo u carvel sunerd oney ea, sevrn eeews r bucok,stwo ad naha fl broo sodswo boarr, five sohg sraisd to e002 punds oechao r1 0 he0n.s 牲单畜位简写(AU)为 种度量单位,一以一成头熟的或马牛母或其相当与牲畜一年的所用的饲料食和生产粪的便为据依。其量为两头值岁一上的小母以;四头不牛足一岁小的;七牛头羊公或母羊两;半头母猪或公猪;头养五到20磅的0猪;100只母鸡或。nantatod aegenad 明注的程议,加注议程annoucemenn teffet cTh echang en mairke tpicer r oohtreecon mic ocnditioontha occuts uporn th mereek nwlodeeg ofso emthng iatelr htt wail calus ehet chnage .oF rexmapl,eif a dvelopee rlanps t oby uland fora hospipngcen er,tl na pdirec sillw irs wehen ishi tentniosna r enown.k 布宣效指种仅仅应于得由知种会某成变造的事件以化后引而起市的场价格或他其经济件条生变化发的效。例应,一如开个发商计购划地皮买造建物中购,当其心向意被人知得,地价就后上会。扬Annual Meeitng[ ICSD] I年会[ 决解投争端资国际中心 ]Anuan Melteigns (f ohe Boartd sf Govoenors) rfo he tWolr Bdankan tdh IetnenraionatlM oetaryn uFn d世银界和国际货行基金币组(织事会)理会年annaluiztain o年化度年,化,按年率算计anuniy tbodnB on ond hwih incterse istpa di ndifieiteln anyd hichw ashn motuairt dyta. e年金券债限无支付利期息无,到期日债的a券nuityns ystm e[dbt eersivce ]金年制年,度还付息制 [ 偿本债]a nuntyity-pe rpeayent merms t年金式偿付条件aahard c ol a无烟煤硬;煤naiticatpoy rrae settting -AR S Smiilart oedferedrrat e settin gut whbih allcos purchwsea torloc ik ntheu nderyilg nTreasur yyile ad tnoe o rmro eopnit sn iimet percedni thg edteaof hetissue . 期确定利预(简率写为RSA )递与确定利率延类似,但相许允购买在美国财者政部长期证的券行发之前,锁日某住或个个时多间的收率益。antiudpmngi uty d反倾销税apx baekn ,cooepative r产农出品口银,农行产出口合品社作a见griuclurat lropdcutoinan dexprotbank ,co poertavi aeepx bakn ,nisttutiino nsIituttoni rceievign monye romfthe Wo rd lBak nnuder n aapxel an owihh ci,t n iutrn ,nlonds toeoth e rbrrowoes. r产品农生产出口银行与,机构接世受银行界产农生产与品口贷款再转出给其贷借款他人机的。构aexp lon Loaanw heebyrI RBDl edsnm neo tyoa apexndev loempne ftianncaliu itn whch ionelndsi tot patircpaiitg fniancina lnititsuitno swhihc,i n utrn, oneld in tt onidutsrali companise. 农产生产与品出口贷款国复际开发兴银向行某农一品生产与产出口展金融单发提供贷款位,单位在接该贷款后受转先贷参给与的融金机,然构后由后再转者给实贷业公司。apex repro Quarttrely reopr isstude o the pnrevios quartuer' sbuged.t heyT howst e hxetnt to wheihc garee dubdegtpla s anreb ieg implneentem adn dhghliigth arae whsereco rercivet ctioano rrsoeruc ereedloympetnwould b eppaorpirtae. 农产品生与产出(口货)报款关告上于一度季预算的季。报季该显报示同经意的预计划的算行情况执,并重说着适明采取于纠措施或重正新置配资金方的。面aplipaticonf ee[MIG ]AeFech raeg fdo everyr efdniitie appvlicatoi nfo a rugraante efleidw ithM GA.I 请费 [多边投申资担保机] 构多对投边担资保机提出的每构正一式担保申请所取收的费用。palpicaiont fro embermshpi会申入,加入世界银请的申行请appicaltoni fo wirhdrtwaal f(omrloan acco ntuor c rdite acocun) t(从贷帐户款或贷帐信户)提款申请中applictianoof fnusd资金申 请aplpidere earcsh 应研用究ppaaisrl a(echtncal iand conomiec) (术和经技济)估评ppaaisralfee I[C]FFe eelvie dudenr vaiorusIFC faciitlis e(PAF,DM FL) ,pyaalbeby obrrwoer t tiame fosign ignrlevanetl ona agrement.e 评估 费[国际融金司公] 国金际融公各种基司金(非项目发洲展基等)金所征收费的,在用定相签应贷款协定的时由借款支人。付appaisrla mssiin o估评团pparaislat aem [FCI]hTei nvstemet nfofcer,i egnneir end ecanomios fort aprjoce.t 评估小组[ 国际融金公司]由投资 官员、工程师和济学家经某为项目一评的组成估的组小。aprpecatioi (ninvalu e )增值,值升paropch paapreIs seu psape 探讨问r的题文件papoprirae ttcenolhoyg - TAThea plicptain oo f aetcnologh ypparprioae torft e haftco endowmert thnat exsis. ts Adeevolingpocntruesi suaull yhaev alarg labeorf ocr ead nelatrivlyel ittl epare snvistment eacpial, tlbao-rintnesvi endiusties arera pprporati foe rhte. m适用技术,用适工(简写艺为 A)适合于现有生T产要素技术。例如的,发展 中家国通常有大拥的劳动力量,而对缺乏投资资金相,因劳动集此型产约业对们他来是适用说的。appropiatiron [budgt] e款 拨[算] 预appoprirtaon ilw [UaS]US st autet tha getnraley prolidevs utaohriztaoni ofrf eerda lgeanicesto in cur oligbtionasa dnt o amkepyametn sutoof hetT reaury fsr soecipifed urpospes. 款拨 [美国 ] 一项美法法规国,权授邦机联为特定构目承担的义务,并国从库提取中资进金行支付。apr aslocalitonof rofptis 利拨润;付利润分配quaap irv yConists sesentsially ofa s uatqtng ipalte istuteda mmediiaelyta oveb asmall speitc ank that dtsihcagrs itesefflue t to nan adajcnt eoaskwaa. 蹲y式冲厕水这所种厕所蹲的坑在设一小个型便池,上粪由便排入此近临的储便。池rAnA ermcan
Lherbceaou scttoo n阿拉伯棉美国;绒棉短;黎凡棉;特草棉本raAbia ncrud e拉伯轻原阿油见lgithAr bianac uder aritbagr e仲见 cove裁re atxarbi rage tarbitrge parciig ntehry - oAT Pn eAocnmic toehro ytahtdete mirenspr ics eo assfetsa ndt h asesoictedar sikpremia f roeach kni do pefrvsavier iks sasetsf ce,ao nt e ahsumspiot thna tte ehpxecedt etrru nf ao arnitrbagep rtfooilois eroz. 利套定理论一种价济理经,论假设套利在产组合资预期收益的为的零件条下确定资,价格产及每种具有遍普性风险资的产面临所的关相险溢价。风Aribrat lriTbnul [ICSID; MIaA]G仲裁法庭 [ 解 决投资争端际中国心;边多投担资机保]构 rabitrtain olacsu elaCse inuc notact rrqeiuingrs me oo alr ldipustesb ewten ethepa trei sto e bsetteldb y aribrtatoi,n usuall fyinal ,atherr han lititagito. n仲条款合裁同的一中条项,要求款合各同方将其某些所或有议争以仲方裁解式决,常通最终裁为,而决是不诸诉付。讼rbAtration iulRs eI[SID]C 仲裁规则 [解决投资端争际中国 心] aritrabot [rICSD] 仲裁人I [解决投资端争际中国心] a reade vleompnte地区开 发区,开域发reaa o fpoeatrioalnemph ais -sAOE S cetos rhwich teh Bakn wsihset o giev pescficifo cs uot. heTy iclune dpvoert redyctiy detb ,ifanncali nitemedriatio,munareso-ave-stceotrd eevlpmoenta ndpub il- tnd aevnrionemnta dnn taual-rersorcuem nagemenat 业务重.点域领(写为A简E) O世界银期行在业望上给务予点重注关部的门包,减括和贫粮安食;债全务、金融介中调整和人;力资源开发私;营门部发展和共公门管部;以理环及境和然自资源理管。ara seepicif cporejt c定特领项目域ram' selngthc ntoractC norattcn goteited ona na euqa balssi btweene to wartipse e,clxdiug favnritios omr riergulraty.i 平公合同方双平等在础基上谈达成的合判,排除同徇私或不常行正为。arms'le ngt nhgeotiaito n公谈判平rm's lanetgh rice prPie cetbeew nocporratonsi nued rflly uocmptetiie covditionn (she optpoisteo trfasnefrprice .) 公平价格公司之在充分间竞争条件下形的成的价(相格对于转价帐而言格。)ra'sm legtn hripniple c公平交原易则公平计,原价则areraager;rareasr 欠*;(款付清未款项)尾的数Atrclieso fAgr ement [eIRB,IDD,IACFI,F]* M协定》[《际国复开发银行,兴国开际发会,国际协金融司公,国货际基金组织币 ]rticalesof in ocporrtian o司条公,公例司章程 gurbn- urbnig nCtutin gna budnirn rgogu fhallo won anld top epraer ofrt llige. a耕火种刀在草杂丛生的地上荒割焚烧草以耕作。备Assessde inoce m核定所得估,所得定a tx aassesmsne t征税价;税估额定核asest ad nilabliti mayngamene t资产债管负[理见lia亦ibliytm naagmenet] saet sricpeinfl atoi Sntee picnrese an eqiiuy tnd aporertp prices. y产资价膨格胀股和资产价本格高速长。增ases tuaqltiy atroisR atiso thta meauser htequ aily to assfet sofa enlding intitsutoi. Tneyh inludecrat io fo ndusiursed loanb sotdi bursesmetsn ,resrvee so tdsbuisred lano sna ldaonst roschedeulngic untoires o tttaollo na sutsotadnig. n产质资比率衡量贷量款构机产资量的各种质率。其比包中括未支贷款付已与付支额比率的准备;金已与付贷款额支比的率;予给债务重国的组贷款额与偿还贷未总余款的比额。率asst etrspipin gheW a comnpanyta ke osvr aeonhte rocmpan yad nellss off ofrp rfit oteh avuallb assees to tfh cemopnay aket ovne,rus auly lecbuseath se easstseh aevb een udnevarleu dbyth steco karkmt. e资产流失一家司接管另一公家公司并出售其有价值的资产以赢。利它这做样通是由常于券市证场低估这了资产的价些值。asetss hysPicalobj ces torr igth wsich hhvea cenooimc aluve .资产具有经价济值物质的财产或权。利asignse 受让e人受托人,被,指人定asisnmengt graemeen t转让协a议ssgionr 转让人saocsitae cods Tteh vlae ouf oodsg an dsrevics eovr aen adobveth oesg odo and services isnlcdue ind thep roect cojtss incrreu to mdaket ehi mediate pmrdoutcs o resrvies co fth peorjetc aavlialeb of srae.lUs edi nU SoGvermnen tprcaitcefo rc ompuitgnt e henefbitcost-ra io at tamkertpr ices. 相关本成为指项使目直接的产品或服务能立即出够售确而定价值的它高于项目,成中货物本服务的和值。价是它美政府按市场价国格计算效益成本率比做法的。asosciaed tcops,r crpoipgnGr wion gtw or oomr dieffrene crtosp n toeh smea pice efo aldn. 间;套种在种一块同地种植两种或上种以上两不的同作物asoscaited gs aGas eposid tappinc gn ail odeopist 伴.天生然油田气上的天然气面储层at tehm agri nhTe alst oipntof ropdcuitn or oocnumsptino. 处边际,于于临处状态界处生产于消费的或临界点。attahmenc t[lgal]e cA ortp orescs of eising propzery tybv rtuie fo writaroo het lreaglo rdreto sat ifs yaj udmegn tot be enerted ina tcon siubseuqnt te thoeat tchametn.扣押,查 封财 产法[律 ]为行扣押执裁决后凭,状或令其法律它命所采令的取收没财的产行动或序程。Attitdu euSvrey[IB DR] 态度调 [国际复兴查发银开行 ]atrtiton riae t耗损率auidt 计审见 亦 proejctper foramcneaudi,t mmoeardnmu,au it duait,dto (进)审计行audti en[ergy]计 审[源能 a]diu t[fnincae ]Inspeciontof a cocnutin og other recrodr sn iroerdt oporvdeia basisfor t hrid-pratye alvuaiton ro aprpaial.s审 [财计] 务为第三方提向评价供或评的估据依,对计会其a或uthoirzeds arh eacitap l它录进记检行。查法股定本audt [prijecto]s autconouspmton ifofo o 审计d[项目 粮食生产者的自身消]费 tanmagmeet nuaidt[m anageenmt]a utomtaic eresting mtcehains m[IC] FA erveiw ndaa prpasilaof a n or ally patrso f I nna IF fiCed rxtaeloan, n aptoino ndue rhwic theh managmeetna tcviity i.ntreestr ta weolu debr seete evyr fvi eeary, sabsde审;计管理审计[管 ]理 n cuorren titenrestrate .sAs a eruls, thte niiitlal oan管对理活动任的一何部或分全部进审计和评行atrewo ldube rauond 1%le ss tan theh nromla fxied估。etmrra t.e 利率动重新自确定机制[ 际金融公国司 ]eavlatuio mnsisio n际金国融司公固利率定贷款的种形式,其一率审计团利评价;团每隔五可根年据时的当利重率进行确定。新因,此最初的贷款率利可比正常固的定利率低% a1dutir eoprt 右左审计。报见告 pojecrtper ormfncae uadtir epot rvaalabilitiy [ratnsoptrtaoin ]用性可[运 ]输 audtid esatteemtnof accuots n审计的经帐报目表avaialilbti feey[ ICF ]Fee et bs yFIC ,niitaill ay 0.t2%, 5wihchwou d aulidtrog auratnee boarrowertha t ht erat ese for t loan ao n计员审审计,s师ginin gwoul demrin inaf ocr ewenh te hola benamc effectevi. eutahetnictade pecimse nof ignatuser有效 费[国际金 公融] 司经正式定鉴的签样字本际金融国公制定的司种一用。最费为0.初2%, 5用以向款人保证贷借签款时所确定的定贷利au款htrotiy [DAI 率]在贷生款效将继续后效有。当,局利权[ 际国发开会]协 见com mitmetn athoruiy avtergae earinngas etss AEA-Ave agre ntireet srtuenron ea rinn agsestsle s sautohrit yle[gal ]veraag reaetof borrowi g costsn .授权 [律法] 平均创收 资产简(写AE为A) 创资产的平均利收息收减去益平借均成本款。autohizer danbk授银权行autorizeh dcpiatl satok [MIGc]ForAM IAG, ti equals ne biollinoS pciel DrawinagRighs.t法定本股[边投资担多机构]保 边投多担保资构的法定股机相本于当亿十别特提权款。avrageeeff ectve tiaxrate - ETARR ati ofo toatl reevune collsecetdt rohghu het ocpamyn' income sax tto th eomcapy's ecnoonmciprof t.i 平实际税率(简写均A为TER 通过)司所公税收取的得总收入公与经济司利的比润率average。 nicrmeneta clst o AI- Cathoruizd effoice 平均增r量成本简写为(IAC )授官员权见亦 onLgr-n auveagre icrnmenteal osct条 uathrozide ospiiotsn [prseonel]nave rge aoanl ilfe ALL -预算(编内制)内职位[事]人A co mposteii dncaitr oo hofwl ogna loan rmeiasno utstnadnig.For a pecisfic loa in tis alccuatle dyb diidinvgt e hcumluaivt deetb dsbuisre dnadou ttsandni govret het otl atmei the loa insou tstadnignb yte prinhipclaam onu t(nt oe facnclleaitos). n款平贷均偿期付(简限写为ALL )表示笔一贷积欠时款的综间合标指。就一笔款贷而言,其算方计法是该用款贷整个在贷款周内累计期付额支未和还余额除偿本以金(扣 取除消部后的净额分)。aoivdbae colt sMarinaglc otsth t aac rporotaio cnna void ay baoptidgnone s outilno rthare tha anonteh. r避免可本公司成可取某采办法种不而另是种办法即可避免一的边成际。av本odaicen 逃税 见at xvoiaadne caovdied cos 已t避成免本awrad[ cnorattc]s 标 授合[同 ]awrd [aCSIDI 仲]裁赔款解决投资[争端际中国心 ]aarwingdc ommitete co[nrattcs ]评标委会员授,委标员 [合会同]-- 作者tim:ewstiang-- 时:间004-21-151 21:03:49- -- Q- qauilicatfios* 资n格合,格明证uaqlfiieda geemren tto remiubrseAg eemrnt egienvb ythe Bank toa ocmmeciralbank t eoanbel abrrooew rto mae purkhcses anudr e loaan argemeet prinro o tidsubsrmeen oft thef uds. Thneg uranateeis quailief anddt he anBkhas t e rhght iot cacnl iet sgarantue ehousdlt e loah nebs upsnedd eo crnaeclld. e有件偿条付协议界银世行某一向业商银签行的协发,议借使款得以人贷款协在议下在支付资金,以进行前购。这采种保证是条件的,有即在该贷款停或暂取消的况下,情世界行银权撤有消它保证。见的riervocblaeagre emetn o reitbmrsue。 quaifild bieddreA bddeir of r acotnart wco hha pserqalifued, i.e.i ho hws aben deeemd ceaable po pfrfoerimgna praitulacr onctarc sattisfctaoily rbsed oa npast peformrncea qual,ty oi sftfaf nd aquepminetand fina ncila psitoio.n 合格投的标指人经资过格预的合审投标商。即同据根过的去业表现、职绩工素、质设备量和质财状况务,认为是能被令够满人地完意成项合同的投某商标q。aulfiie borrowidg(sn [)urrecny coolp Orig]inllay, bororiwgn bs IyRDBa tfre Jly 1, u9812 (.e. iabeds n tho peol-boaesd ariavbellendin gate)r usi,g nroxyp obrrwiogsn Un.erd th eucrret nystse m(ay M1998) ,thy aeer edifnd et exoclde borruwiogs tnahta e rdetreimnd bye hte anBk otfun di nvetmsnet sndaan yn we dffeirntiatede lano rpduco thoslduth e aBnk ishw to ofefr oen ni ht eufute. rhTee xtarciot no fobrrwonigs htt faund nievtmsnes wtoul dbe mdaes paraetly eor feachcu rencry Th.ete r Qumliaifed orBrowngis1982 is u ed ts odesrcibe the odl sstem.y限定 性款借货[币总库]原 是指先在189年2月7日以1使后受用借款托国际的复兴开发行借款(即银总以制资库金变可率利基为础的款借。按现行)制度1(899年月5, )定性限借款不包世界银行括于投用和其资新的差他性贷别项款(如世界银行目在来将拟提的供)话。于用投资的借款按种每货币分进别提款。行19“28年定性借款限”个这术语的是指旧制。度ualifqeid guaantere 附带条件的保证抵、押q品ualfied iistrumenn tofcommitm ne tgAermente y a mbemer bocunryt ot aypi s stbusriptcio andn onctibruion itn aptr wi,h tht reemaidnr eusjebt toc eacntmnteby i t lesiglasuret f tho eecensasr yelgislaiont. 有条的承件协议一个诺界世银会员国关行支于其付认缴股份捐和款的有条赠件承的诺协议,同先意付一支分,部 余其分需部其立俟法当局过通必要方案以的再行支付。后ualqiifedma joriy t法多数合qualifiedo pniion[au dtingi ]Ana uitdr'o spionon tihatindic aets hta tht euadtiorh s afuon ddeifcenciis ineth e inancfila tstemeants ,sa eragrd thesacc onuitng( .eg r.eesravtoisnon acc etapblity of tihe cacunotngi opilcesia nd hteir conssiett naplicptaoi) orn aditung (ie.g.t mini ofg apopnitmnetaft er vlauaitno o fnivnteoireso r ohtre ssaes)to rhetre si sginfiicat nucentairtn yde,ue.g. t tohe uotomceo famor jlawsutiso orhertc notignntel abilitiies. 带条附件的意[见审计 一项]审计师见意,示表审人计财务在报表发现一些中问题,会计如( 如例对会政计策其应用的一致性和方有保留意见面或审计)(例如存在货其他和资估值产进后的行及时任委)方的问题面,或存 在如重要诸的法诉讼结果律未明不定的素因等等,。quaifyingl harsseSt ok,cp osesssio of wnich ehnbaels tehhol edrto b uyfu ther srocktat a rpdeetrmineed (rdecud)epr ic. 保e股拥证有保股意味证着来将可既定按价格折价(购)买更多股票。的quailtativ ceoniursnace Isurnnaec nvoilvingtw or mooer ndurewitersrwith the dffieert undnerrwierts nudewrrtiingd ifeferntrsks ieprtining ao tth semeap ojerct. (保险业)量质共两家或两家保以上保险共同为商一个目下不项同险种进行保险。的uqlaty loian[IB D] RA ank Boalnw hci hah sebe ncarefllyu preprad aedn si finncaiall yivbael .高量贷款质[际复国兴开银行发] 一指经项仔细过准并备在财务上活力的世界有银贷行。款uaqlit yrpmeimu 质量水升质,量价q增autniattiv ceonsuianrce Inursacn eivnloivg twnoo more rundewrritre switht he dfiefrne undetwrrietrsund rweiringtsep rateat racnes hof a insgl lerager sik.( 保业)数量共险两保家或家两以保险上商共同一个大险种为下不同部分进行保险的。uaqtitn yursevor y建(筑程)估料工师数,量鉴人定qauntiyt hetoryof mo en yThore hyoldngith t tha oeerallvleve olfpric esi spro prtoonal toi th eisz eofth money esuppyl .A ke ymnoteairstt eory. h货币量数学说种学说这为,认整个物价水是平货币与供应的大小量比例成。这是的种一主的货币要说学。uanqtm undix e数量指数qasu-iquietyI cnudesl quite-yiklein stumerns tna otdhr foems orflo nas tha htvea htefo r mf equotyi ro euitq tyah tash th ferm oo lfoan.sA nexapml is eqeutyiw ih a ptutagree enmt,i e..u link eormna elqutiy t,ehinv esotr requries retur nfothe e qutyi ,orfex apmle i, nfvei yersa att e penrentc ntieesr. t准本,准股股权包括股类本票和据其它带有股本形式贷款的带有或款贷形式的本股例。之一子是带有方卖选权择协的股本议,正规与的本不同股它的投,资者求要股有本益,收在如年5之内按0%的1息利取报酬收。uqasim-noye 货币准 ne见r monay do kage 码c头,停泊费费uequin theogyr p,orlbe matheMatmcil atehcnques iicnudilg nprbobialityth orey sed un iporaeiotnsre earcs ho identity, flilstratue nad it ,sihope , dnfiulnee cteh carahcteisticr ofs ueuqe, whesher otfp oelep ,amterila,swork-i -npogrers,s tec .排理队,排论队题论问一指包含种概率论的学数术,用技于务业研中究对队排(不是管人、料还材是在进行正工作,等的)特点等的定认、描述期望并对其加施响影。qiucka sses t流动资产见l qiud assiets quick dsibursnig (olan) ;fas dtibusrins (glaon) 快支速付贷款() quck mitaurngii vestmentns *短期投资,速迅达偿到还的投资期quci kraiotn速比率动见 cia-tdetsr atioquik cyeilindgpr joect [IBR]D A porecj twich hribngsa mor raepdir teurn thnuasau, l.e. aitef orly n fea wyaers ,an dfoentm easnfaste rdibursesemns.t速见效益项目[国际兴复开银发]行一个 通常比能带来迅速收益的更目,如只项需要几年时间;常通是指付较支快项目的。qieu teergencmy慢出缓的灾害现见slo onswt emeegrecny- 作者:t-miwasetign-- 间:200时-:23:173-- developenmt rpjeotcg neeartesf or tehou tutp o fall - B- t e hprouctidon sctors oe fhet ecnomoy a)d np“lu” lB“ ”ola Lnon aadmeby ht Woelr daBk innvoving lcofnainicn.g“ B”贷类世款界银发行的放涉及到合融联的贷款。资(.ie t.e hextne tfod maen dgneertead of rthe uotpt ou a prfjeotcb yn aoveall erxapsionnof te hropucdiotn sceotr so tfhe eocomy).n 前向一体后化,后向联前系推“动”即由一(个展项发所造目成的一国经济对所生产有部产门出求的需扩大)“拉和”(动即国经一济各产部门生的面扩全张所成造对一的个目产项需求的扩出)。大ack vbaleu alue vfoo li o gasrta kin tghep irecpa id odwstrenam abckwrda itengatirn, liokage fnrot he pordcut elssth ertnasproattoin adnoth r eosct she Texettn fodem and wihh a dcveelopemn trpjoec intucred bertwen the eewlleahd nadt h eowndtreams lpceaof slea .算值回;倒求即扣值运费及除其他生发于井油销和地售间之费的后,成用油或气的品值。价bckarougd [educanton]i学历 教[] ge育enatresf ro ht outeut pfoa l lth epodrctiun seoctors f oth eceoonmy ,i.e. he tpush xereciesdo thn eeconom yby adevelompet pnorjcetor g oup orf hte. 后m向一体,后化向联由系一个展发项造目成对一的国济所有生经部门的产产出求需的扩。如大由一个或一批发,展目对项济所起经的动推用。作bakgrconu ndiseo bad debt 背噪音坏账景,账呆bckgaornudpap re abldy erfproimng loan背 文件景、景材背料oan Lwth ioor pprsopecs fot futrruega nis and a lw oart oef erutnr. bcahkal truaffic履 不行的佳款贷不,良款贷oods Gacrred in aoret un journrey 指一.未来收项前景不益、回报率好的低贷款。回运货物回的运输。程 rabhougs efliet rabriF ciftlreus d en iindstruialoperatio snto r coveerbac ktoppsignv luaabe lmatter asw lel ast coontolr tmoaspehri cPrvoiisnoof t chneiac slppoutr p.olulitonat th seuroec .技术助援过袋滤提技术援助。用纺供织纤维做的滤口袋,过于在用工生产中业收回有价值物质,的对气污染大的头进源行控制。backt-o-ack bceditr 对背信背用证bai luot,to abkct--offoiecrepor - tBO T挽、救拯救差情出况汇(报写为B简TO )aibluotl ao Lnao mndea o borroterw hwos abeliiytto se ricv becaupk unde(rwritnig )fcailiy outtstndain igdebnedtnes has sbcemoedo btuuf.l 备后保险()目项拯救性款贷bacupk(u ndrweriitg) nacilift yfee即贷给 偿债力能已出现问题的借款人的贷款。备(后险)项目保费用albance t, oan a(cocnt)ub cakawd-rfrwoadri tegranion,tli nkgae轧 平帐(户),平衡(目帐 )The “psuh” (.i. theee xtet nofd mane wdhci ha balanc cearred forwiad r结余额转alabnce ofpaym ent s国际易贸额见 差cruenr tablaneco fpaym net sbalnac eof pyamntesp osiiont 国际支收况状balnae-co-sfytes mcstos oCtso f uaxiiarl yhrawdra end aistnllatioa nofe ectrilcl syatems.s 统系配费用套力电系辅助设备和安统的费装用blaanceof tr dae 国际贸平易衡见tra d eablnca ebaanlc ehseet 资产负债表see oncsoliateddba alnecsheet alabncs [ecash] 余[额金现 balances] hld eo n aovceedrb sias 有现资产变后作的备余额()? balacnnigeq ipumnetEx rat qeipumet n(suaulyl salm-lizs)e needd teocom plte a eprjecto 辅.设备完助一成项个所需要目额的外设备(通指常小型设备)b。aalcnng itiem,e nrt yAn enryth avign ht eefecf of btalancing naa cconut.平 衡目条,平衡账能项帐对面到起衡作用的帐项平。balancng suisbdy Ais bsudiygive nby te hecnrtla govrnmente o helt balancep he btduge ot af lcoal uahtoitry .平补贴衡中政府央帮助地为政府方衡预平而给算的补贴。予blaloon oln Aaloa rneaymept nshceem, under wich hth eastl rpeayenmt sila gre trhant h preevious erpamynets In .osmecas se ,teht rmei su ed tsore ef to ars hcmee und,rew hihct hewh lo leonais re pid at maturiay.t 一次偿的金额最付后最大贷款一的种款贷偿付案,方最后即一偿次的金额付于大前次的几偿付额金。些情况某,亦指下在贷款到期一时还次的清案。ballo方on paymnt e后一笔最最为的大期分款付bllaprka ifgure 大数约字anbkacc peantce ,b bakenrs acc'peatnc A eibl lfo exhacnegw hih hcs beea ancceted pby abaner.k 银行承兑;行银兑汇票承已被行接银受的据。票bnak xameneri 银行监总ank bepoxsue rThet toa lf oll iavestmnnes mtad ey ab abkn .银行款放总一个银额的行投资总。额“ank firsBt pr”nciile prPniicpe laccroind tg whoic thh ereourscs of theeB anka r edarw ndwno frit. sUse, dorf examlp, in reeerfnec eota locationlo fBRI fDuns to dIDA hewre thef und smde aavilaable b ytheB na ark eusd ebefreoo therfu nd. “s世界行第一”原银首先则用世使银行资金的原界。则如,例国 复际开兴银行向发国际开协发转会拨资时金采用的原,是则先首使用界世行的银资金,后然使才用其来源他资金的。“ank Balt” spricipnl Prenciilpe whreeb ythefun sdof hetBa nka reus de lst. Uased, orfe axmpe,li n reefrenc to elaocltain ofoI BD Rfuds no tIAD werehth es efuds nra deranwd onw olnyaf te rlalo het rsuroec sf fuodn hase beenvuse .d “世界银行最”原后最则后使世用界银行资金原则的。如际国复开兴发行银向国际开协会拨发的资金,国转开际发协只能会在他其来源的金资尽之后,用才使能这用些资金。abn kmoen Myneyoon de psio att a abk. n行银存b款raertt ersm fo radet is tehquan tti yofi mortp s在存行的货币银。diidve bd ythe qanuityto fxeorpst. hWne weihgedtb y tehv olme ou efxoprt thsen te abrter ertms o eissuig bnaknar ec aledl iconmete rs ofm rate.d 发银行行货易贸易件根条据货的物值确价定出口的物价格与进货货ban口 pkrfermaocne物价 之格间关的系出口价格指数与进。口格指价银业行数绩的为商易净货易条件贸也称商品贸易(件条)。见 epfrrmoncea 口进总除额出口总以额为总货贸易条易。件纯易贸易货件条出口额加以权后,称为之入收贸条易ank ratb e[U]K中央 银贴行现率 [国] 英件。batrree expdrtos anbek'ban kccaetanpe, cibll 货出口易银承兑行据票银行承;兑票汇 botto dmesrsig bannke'ba nek'施底肥grsso eanirng msraign b[nka]sr oa dbase[hig hwasy]银行利差; 银行毛利 [行银]Th epa t rf toe rhados ructtruebe olwt ehb sae cuore sanda boe vth eusb-asbe.b aknablea susrnaces 床路[公路]银 行承可的兑保、险证基层保之底下基上之道路的结部构分。bakablnep rojetcbase c ovnetino n行银担保可项目基的本协议见e tabslsihmet cnonevnitn obarchart 柱形或形条计统图ba表baelsien oscst基本成本 ;线成本基braeofot odtocr 赤医生bas脚 ceorsue[h ihwayg]s heT aptrof a road s rtcutreub lew toh weeriangb rareslof il oequvalien t-bo ceuore sad anbov teheroa db sa. ehe Teenrgyequ ivaenl tt o abrrae lf croud eoli, .ie. 基层[公]5.8路 millio nbuts. 石桶数油值(等写为简be) o路层面下之路之基的上路结道部分构。相当于桶一原的油能值源,580即万英单热。ba位s e(elndngi )rpogrma I[BDR ]Th lenednig rpgoar mo prfjeotc thsa witl lefdniteliyb rreas pelrda yof io lquevialnt -e bdeo eb eadryfor t eh fisacl eyr ianq ustioen 每日石.桶数油值等简(写为dob)e 本(基款贷规划) 国[际复兴发银行开] 在某一政财年度,肯内可以准备定的项目好贷ba款rriers的 规。划壁垒见 tarif fbrarirse bse laado[e lcteicirty ]The mniimmu lad ooev ra igvenp eiodr fo itm.e abrtr eetrs mo frtaed Te rehaltinshipo etbewn theepri cs ef oepxots anr d基底负 [荷电力 ]price ofsimpo ts rn tirem osf th eavlu ofeg ood. sNet 一在时定内期最小负的荷。abter tremr os tradf e(lsao nownka s comomidytb seal od stataino[e eltricict]yterms oft ader) i sth qeuotiet nebtween n aindxe f oApowe rst aiot nhewr egeenrtiaonis hel donstcant.xpeor prites anc dna ndix oe fmporit rices. pGorss 底基负电站 荷[力] 电电发量定恒的电。ba站sey er a准年基,年基 abs ceosst 基成线;基本本本成aseblnei ada t基线数据baesilensurv eyA relipimarny sruevy .基线调指初查步查。调bsiac ccaunto[b lanae ofc payemns] 基t本户帐[国际支收]basic edcatioun 基础育教absic ehlahtc ar e基卫本生健b保asi rcseerca h础基究研basi ckillss 基本能技bais cubsecjt s本基科目见c reo usbejcs tbasil eev lorbdre irrigaiontI riratigonby idvison of ihte fild enitos mla unlit ss toahte cah ah s naarelyl evel sruacef.Lev ee sre acnstroutce adroun tde hreasaf romng tieh asibn, witshinwhi h che irrigtaion watet rcnabe cnorotlel.d 畦地漫灌灌溉时,把地土成小分块使,块每表地近接平水,在四并建立周围堤形成小,地,盆以控制便灌用水。溉bsis apoitn .01 per0entco f yelid(e g.. of ascuretyi). 基点(例如证券收益的百分)0.01。之asbkt eetxrctoa, rextim ceanihsm[GATT ]ATGT mehancim shat ttrgiers gnwe qotas un ihe ttextile feil desimutoamticaaly wilthin xeistngiretsrina tgareemens.t “出子”篮制,退机机制出[关贸协 定 ]关贸总定协一的种制机,它可在以纺织领域现有的限制定协,半内自地动启动的新配额。basetk nuti 种货多单币位复,合货单币位bskateu in tfo ccouat nAu ni tfoa ccuotn liked ntoa asbkte fo urrcecines .种多币记帐货单,货位篮子记帐单币位货币与子篮关相的帐单记。位eba mraker t pArologndeperiod o f alfling prcei.s 熊市,空头市长期跌场期间的证价券场。市ebrea bonrd 记无债券名be“fro-ead-nfaert ”tste nA anaysli so afc untro oy rreign oebfre and oafetrth eocplemiton o a frojpec. t事前事“后”试验指一个在目项完成前之完和之后成对一,个国家或区地所的作分析b。ggea-rymne-gihbr policy Poroectitonsmi, uuasllyw tiht eh nitetnoi on fmproivnig dmosticee pmlomynt eubt iwhout cotcernnt hta nya suc gahin n emiployentmi n neo ntaoi nmustc uasea n poopsite chngaei n eplmoyemt nn ihe tratdin gaptrer.n “以邻壑为”政一种策保主义护策,政通指为改常本国就业善状而不顾一国就业况增加必然造的成贸其易伴就伙业减的少。beeshtp roject 指性项令目bllweteehr (f oecnooicmt ernd)s 经(济趋的势前)导belw ohetli en i(emt )An otuo--fhet-odinrryar venuee ro epexnseit me r a onnoecurrrne ttem riequriigna s peartae netryin a albacnes ehet .oCpamre tso abve oht elni ietm. e线(条目下) 一需要在项资产负债表中独列单的非常规出收入或支帐出目,或经非常性帐目相对于。上线目条言而。arkermcru de [oli] SuaidAr baian( rgavityAPI 3 de4rees) gilght curedol iemplyeo ad thess tadardnon w hchi POC Ericp ecahgne hasv beee baneds.基原准 油[油] 石沙特阿拉指轻原油伯(美国油协会石重比43度,)是石油出输组织据以调整价国格标准。的benhcarkmjob s准基工,基准作位职becnhark mporfolio Atn asessmsneto ft he mso teffcieni ptasisv peotfroloist artgy theeB nka culdoadopt f o erahc ajorm ucrenrc ify t iecdded iotaban od nis tactiv traedig nsrtaetgy hwle ieekpign a naevage rportolfoid uariontof 2 1mntoh.s 基证准投资券组指世合银行投资界组合略战一的评种方式价用于,世当界银决定行弃主放交动战易略并持投资组合保均12平个月的期限,确时定对每种主货币要可以采取效的最率的消极高投资合战组。略bencemarke prirc [oil]eThe re efrnecep rie ucedsb OPEC yof oril pice rchagnes, baes dnot e prhie co fSaud irAbiaanl ghitrcud oeil. 准价格 [基油石 石]输出油国组织改在变油价石格时使用所参数价格的,基础是沙特其拉伯轻原油价格。阿ebnhcmak provisiornignrate Th etsndaad perrecnagteo fuostantdng priinicpalbalncae f non-accroua lolnsas et siade forpro viisnongi.基准准金备比率即积本金余欠额在非计贷应中的标准比例款用于,确定预留备准金。bnechark mpsraedS antardd prsaedin FC lIano swhih is cdaeddt ois-moxnhtL BIO Rt odetemine therI F lCanor ate It i.sbas deon rsi klvele nda isclos ey lalgneid wth tih maeret,k herewavailab e, lfor ther ski na madtriut iynq uesitnoand illw,in gnereal,r flecet iskr acfotsrrelated t toe phratcuiarl inesvtenmtan d anys epcai lcahrctariseits of cht elona .基准利差国际指融公金贷款司标准利的差。该差加利6 上个月伦银敦同业行放拆利率用以,定国确际金融司贷公利款。它率与是风程险,度市风险场到期和密切日关相。的总的说来,它反映与具投体相关的风资要险和贷素特款征。beefniialc itneres trPfio, tebneitfo ra davtagn reeuslitg fnom a corntrac tfr oth ewoensrip hfo a nesatt aes idtsintcfr om ht leega olnwershi orp cotronl .益股权益即受一项从产资所有权合同中得取利的润利、益好处或区,于法定别所有权控或制。权ebneficil aonewr Apreosnwh o odesn t hoav teitl et poroerpty utb as rhghts init e prohprty wehciha e rte normhali nicedtn sfo owing nthe rpopetyr C.f .rceod rwonre .益受所人有对指产没财有所有权但有权利的人,这是财拥产归方属面正的常现象。见参rcord oewen rbeneicfiarya ssssemnet受益人 评估bneefciatioin [mienrls]aImporemenvt ofth egrad e foo e br miyllig,flnotaitn,o sinetirn,gg arviy ctnocnetariont r oothreproecses.s提炼 [物矿 ]碾磨、浮以、烧选、结力重精或选他其加方工,式高矿提砂的级等。beneitfcos- rttio [aSU;]c ostbenef-i tratio U[] K效益成比率本[ 美 ]国;本成益比率 [效 英国 ]beefitn treasAm succesion so fbnefeitsov r seevera leyas.r续效连益指在干若年连续取得效内。益beenif tatxes [BIDR] Are cover of costs aydnbe nefitsi nap ojrec, consiterdd eneescsayr byenod hote strohgh ueffcieicy npirincg ,i anfy o,re xsiint ggnerel taaesx .收益税[ 国际复兴开 发银]行 个一目中项,通过按照率效价定或按现行一般税收水平确收入之后,定为认必要回收的成本有和收。益beefints soci[a lseuritc]y 收益[社 会保]障 breh t泊位见 mutliurpops beerh tbrehing tacpactiy 位容量泊betr thrhougput Thheh adlingn fosh ip sn a pirto.泊 吞吐位,泊位通过能力量一个口港处船理的能只。力bes atvialabeltech noloy - BAg; Tebstprac ictable meas n- BM IPnthe SU, n einivornmneal contrto,l ueds otrefer t oenivronemntla ocntrlo stnadardsw hch aierat ealst sa tsrigennta s ht uenfoimrna itnola tcehonloyg tsndarasdb ut tkaig intno acouct ncos-etffcteienvess I.n oter hocntuier,s eg. .UK,N e wZalena,d orNwy, thaere qureimentsmay e bomer r leos ssrtignne tthnana iotnlast nadardsan drael geilsatde of ridnviduaily by lgourpo f afciltiiseor h azras (de.g.lar egco mbsutino laptsn). ABT isthe US te rm,BPM the UK t erm .最佳可技用( 简术为写AT);B最佳用手可段简写为B(PM)在 国,指环境美控中制的种一标准,它严的格度程少至和统一要国家技术的标相准一致并考虑,到本成益效素因。其在国家,如他英、新国西、挪威,兰类要此的严求程格与国家度标准多少些不有同。它们对厂和公工害的类别单独法(如一立释放废些的大气工)厂。BA T为美术国语;PMB 为英术语。国“ebst fefrto” proejc t[BIR]D A egrlura aBn pkroejtcwher ebest“ feorfst ”ra euesd t oinolvv wemone.“尽其所能”项目 国[际复开兴发银行 指把妇女最大努]力包括去进普的通世银行项界目。“bst efeoftrs” sleaA nw iesse uwhich is nt onuerwdirtentand n o turphcsad asea howl efom tre hssiuer,but i ssldoby securiits edaeelrs o a “nsel wlah tca nb soedl b”sas. iUsed i nhe tUS. .secruiites andsyn idcaedEtroucrdet miraket.s尽“力售”销,尽量“代”销 在发行的证新时,券不使包用,销不也取采发批式方,而是证由商按券销多“算多少少的原”则售销。于用国美证券和洲信贷辛欧迪市加场。bst praecticbae mlans e- BM P最实佳方法(简践写为BM)P见 bets vaaliblaete hnologec- B ATbst precatiec 最方法佳btteemret levyn ,txa A ax tonbe termentt(i.e .an xpeedntire utoe txen tde hsuefl ulfe oifan e xstini fgixdeas st).e 改税一良种改为行良为如(一项为长延有现定固资产效寿命的有支出)征课税。的bveregea cor p饮料作物basi[s ttaistis] c偏,倾向性向[ 济经统计;] bid 投,招标亦见标e li nuuscesscfulbid
bidb od,nga rantee, escrityuFin ancai or lohetr escurti suypplediby a bdider whe nhe bti ds submitted ihicwh guraatnes etaht h wiell not iwthrdw has iid burdnigthe per ido f oid bvladiiy stecpifiedon the b id frmo,wil l execue thtec ontractfo mr i,fr euirqed ,nd wiall spupy lepfromracen escriut.y f he faiIslto do ay nf thoee thse seurcityi fosfeir. theT seurityc sirefu ndalb ei tfh beid siun scucesfus. l投标保证,押金金投标人标在标时投供提财的务或其担保,保他不会证在书标定的确标投有效期内标;如需要撤,他将制合编同书并提,供约保履证金假。如不他履行其的中任一项何,保金将被没收证如。落果,标 证保金将还退。idbd oumencts 招标文见 mo件el dbdid comuets nbdi fomrA odcmune tsubmttid ey bthe idbder fo r canortcat hwihc ffero sot usppy alnddeli ervt h goeosdand/ orser vies whcci ahr ehet ubjsetcof ht beid ,nia ccodrnce awti hhtec onitidno os cofntact ran sdepicficatinso. nIth e docuenmtt hebidder nderuakte tso ommecncede iverly ithwn i sapcefiid eaomut ofn ayds ando tabin apefrormacn escurieyt. 标书,投表格指投标标为取人合同得而出提一的份文件。该件提文投出人标将根合据条同和规格件供和应提交作招标内容为的货物( 或和)劳务在。文件中投人承标担在规的定日内期开交货始并,得履约获保证。金idbguara tnee 投标保金见 bi证 bodn dbid openignExam iantio of nallb ds isumbitedtf ro acnotract. Th eanBkr euqriesth s io bted neo i nubpic,l ie. .i ntehpre esnceof hote sbdiedsr r toehri erpresneattves who ihcooes to atend.t开 审查标为争合取而发来同所有的的投。世标银界行要此求活动公开进行项,在那些即愿意参此加活动项的标投或人代表其出的席情下当众开标况。ib pdacagk Ueuasly lreefrsto b is where dherte si omr ehtanon item eivonlve. d一子投标揽通是常包指含一项以招标内容的上书。标bid prcei[ conrattc ]The prcei htt aa ibddre pesicfise n tiheb idform fr othe dleivey or fgods oroc mpoletin ofoth weros.k报价标;价[合同 ,]标投者所价格报投者标在书标中所出报的交或完货的价格工。bid security标押金见 bidb nodeldiery of bidvsheTa tco afbi ddr handiegn vor heisb dito the pu rhascer. 递标书指投标者向购买交者交递书标行的。为bider (dighhste/lwesot )(最高 /最)低标投者亦 见wes tbiderd;psotuql erepqauliifctioa ofnbiddseond locesw tidberd;sccuesfsul bdierdbiddnig 招标投,标se
comepttiie bvddinig inacco rdnae wcih niertatnonia l imtei dnitrentioaanl biddingbi didn gondctions i招条件标biddtedne droucmnes The tocllcteoi ofn ocumdnest hwci hpecifsy th eibdind gporcdures, ethe ethcinalc spcifieactin oofthe ogdo/wosrs reqkuredia dnc ntoact rters.mT eh ynclide thu Ineviatito for nids, InstBurcitn oto Bdiders,G neear lCoditionsn f ooCtrnact ,Sepcila Cnoidtons oif Conrtac, tShceule do Rfeuirqmenets( roB lil foQu anittesi,) eThcncia lSpeicfcatiions ,idB For,mP rcie Shecudls,eB idS eucityrForm ,Cntorcat Fro mnadPer frmoace nSecruti yorm.F 招标文件标的一整套招文,它们说明件招标程序、所的需物货工程的或术技规以格合同条及。其款包括招标邀中书请投、标人知、须合同的一条般、合件同特的条件、需殊清单(求数量或单清)、术技格规、书、标价清单格投标、保担书合、书同以及履约证保书等。ibll foe chxang e票汇ibl lo flaindg Acont rcta fo tre helidvry eo gfood ts o buaeyr. t Ialsorep reentss th eittl eott he goosda dn areceipt tath the arcrie har rsceeiedv he gtodo.s 单向购提人发货送货的一份物契。它还代表约货对物所的权并有作为运人收承货到的物据收。见 亦thruohg bli of ladinl gbill foqu atintei sheTspe icfcitaoi nfo hetqu antti of mayertila tos be use. d工程清量单;筑工建清单;数程清单量项目指所材料用的量数其及规格的单清见p。rcei dibl lofgu atitnies billof q anutiitse octnrcta Aypt efou in trpci ecnoract,t wiht a dteilad eilblo f qantiutie calsulctade no he batisso fth elapsn f theo ocsultann engitnereo r achrtecti T.ehu ntip irecsa r eigvn aedn th eottalsw rkodeo u. tAs hetco tnrac istc arired uo,t th quentatieis catauly usel ade mraeusrde by auaqntty suirvyoer nd ahet cnortatoc isr pia do nteh asbis fot hee asmouts.n 工量合程同单价合的同种一型类,带在有询工咨程师建或师筑计划的基的上计算出础来的细详单量,列出单了价位并算出了格价格。在合总同履行,实中际用使量数由量数测算加以衡员量并,在这些数的基量上础确对定包商承付的。款blliin agegt n托收人 bndinisgIn GATT t,h eixfin gorf rezenig fo ertcai ntrdinga avadtanges ofr athr ee yar peeird.o 约,约束性束款在条贸总关定协,对中某贸些易势优在年期间三以予定固或冻。结ibcohmeicla oygxn demane - BOD A medasuero f he atmuotn f poolultio bny rognac isbstances iun wtea.rI ts ixperesed as shten mbeur fom lligrais ofm xygoen rquerid by the emcioro-garisns to mxidozei te ohranicg sin a iletro fw taer. 化生物气氧需,要生化物 需氧量简(写为 ODB 一)种量衡有物机水在的污染中量标的准它。以升一水中微生对有机物物行氧进化需所的氧毫气克来表示数b。ochemiial coyxen gdeamdno vre fve dayi -sOB5;Dfi ev dy abicohemiac olxgyen deamn dThes tndaadr ibohemicalc xoygne demadn ets whtrebye a smplea o fhe tlquid is iinubacte dt a2 de0rges Ce for fvi deysa 生.化五物需氧天量(简为B写O5) 标准的D生化需量氧试验其方。是法一把份液溶的品在摄样2氏0度下培五养天。bidiovreitys 生物多样性iobgs plaat n物气生体工厂;气沼厂bimaos seengy 生r能物源bimoss a(owerp )lpatn ,tstion a生物发()电、站厂bisoperehres erveA ndia ecreted ayb te hUNSCO EaM nnd ate Biohsherp erPgoamre, wmhic ahmidet esoablist prhotcteedcore reas withao n er otwo usrrounidg nubfferzones, wthit e hcor eaerasd evtode o susttainalbe evdeolpent mad nhbitatar esotaritno. 物圈生保护联地合教科国组文织人“生与物计圈划所”创立的个一概,其目的念是建立个一一、由两个缓冲带地绕环的心中保护区致力,可于持性发续和展栖息恢地复动活b。rth iocnrotl 节制育生ibrh stpcian gThed lebirateeef fortof co ules tpo ostppoena b rit.hAlo ssed au s asyonnym frobi rhttimi g.n育生间隔妇夫意有推生育迟的为。行是生也时育间划计同的意词。bisquec lauesC aulse ni lan ogareemnet hatt etitlne as bororerwto pstpooe npayenmstof niterste andpri ncpal iforl miitdep reiodso fitem i balancne f opaymetsn dificfltueis. 修条款贷款正协中定一的项款条它授权,款人借在国收支出际现难时,在一困时定限推内还本迟付息b。alkce cnoomy 见apralll economye labck amkert 黑市bacl mokenyM noyei nte hcoenom ybtaineo tdhorgh uillegalme asn,s uc ah monsy erofmth ed urg tare.d 黑钱在经中济通过法手非段得的金取钱,如毒品从交易中获的金得。钱blaknte feefc t盖覆应;效括总应效lbnaek tuprhcse orader- BPO pArcuasheo f lw vaoluegood asdns evries frcm o asigne levnor.d一子揽货定单(简称购PO)B指从一单售销商购买值货低和劳务。物balnek terelaes eRelae bs yBan kemmbero ifst1 8 c%urrnce fyro inefidintel endni gor elerdingn .除解限世制界行会员国解银其对除确定的未款贷转或贷用使的18%本的货币国限制ble。ndco unry touCntyre lgiile btor ceevief ianncin grfombot h IRD Bnda DAI. 混合贷国家符款合时获同国得复兴开发银际行国际开和发会协款贷的国。家mi xe dfinacinn g混贷合b款lneding (f olfwos) 混合资(金流量 )lbndi rtut Asn arrngament ehwreby aeper so nlpcaesso em oral linfacial nfaaifr sin ruts,tbe ond yhi psesonrl acntroo.l Uesdby p ubil officiacs lt aovidoco flnci otfi tnreetsc argesh .Curretlnyuse dby he trPseient od tfh Woerd lBak annd hetP esrdenti o the fUinedt Staes. t密保委,保托信密一个人对托分或部部财政事务全出作托性安委排,将其 于置个控人制外。之这是共公官为避员利益免冲的突指而采用的责方法目前为世界。银行行和美长总国所统用采。blockr eeasel 离职训培见 da ryelasee bocl takriffA tairff i nwhcihth ec hare gsi asedbon a s eirs oe dffiefrnet kilwott-haur oraestapp ylngit osccesusie vkilwoat-hotru locksb f govin size, esppliud edruinga specif eidp ried.o 分收段一种电费费收计法办,在规定的供电时既间,内连对的续一量定的千/小瓦时采取系列一不的收同费率。费blcokt ardng i大宗证交易券bolcktrain A perm aentnly mde-au ptairn .固定列固车定制的整列编车火。p ble cuip hesucity r筹股;蓝门热股票bule rpjoetscP rojecs cotervni gocsatlaand armine ersuocrs.e 色蓝目项指用利沿海海和资洋的项源。参目br见wo prnojcets ,geen projrcets 。bleust anidecot ton蓝 污色染棉见 reg yotcon bltueprintp alninng 蓝图规,详划规划细oarB sdemnar i(世界银)行董会执举行非正式的论讨oBra df oiDrctero [IFCs MIGA,]董 会事 国际金[融司、公多边资投担保构机] Board of( Exeutcive )DEecxtuie voaBr dI[BD,RI A]D(执 行董事)会 ;执董 [会国复际兴开银行发国、际开协发会 ]oard BofGo evnrrso 理事会Boards of ht eanBk adn tehF nd u界世行和国际货币银金组基织事理会bo eorpocraet odyb i,snttiuton i法人体;法团人机bo构ilreplae Sttadanr degll aanglage usuedi lngel aocudemnts. 准标律法语言法律件文使用中标准的法律言语。obn d证券债券, an见co vertibnelbon;dee p idcoustnbedn nidxed bonde; olriignla siseu dsiouct nbodn erppeuatlbod; tsaight bonrd T;z ro eoupcn bood neer rtda ezoen- F TZ 保税区;由贸易区(简自为写TFZ) bonde cdnortctoa roCtnactro rwohh s taaek out nas urety onb todcover a n ycliam agsians htm.i 取得履保证的约包商指承包承商已取经得约履证以保免避承担任何索赔。bondde ogosdT xaalb egodoshe dl ina govern enm-ticensedlw reahoue spnedignp amyetnof uctoss dmutiesa ndo tehr txas deu.e 税保货物交在纳税关和其应付他之前,存放在税府政特许的库内的应税货物仓。onbddei nusdrtil asetta e保税业区工bnodedw rahouse Ae gvoermenn-tlcensie dawehorues hattho ld tsxaabelgoo s denpdin pagmeyt ofncus tos dmutise ad nthoert aes dxu. e税仓库保一政种府许的特库仓用,存以放缴关税待和其税他款的税应物。货bonholded 债券持r人有onbing dcu[sots]m 担,保保税[海 ] 关boningd comapnyC moanpy wihh icsseus epfrromncae bons,dp ymenat onbd ands toerhk idsn fo onbds. 保公担发司行约履保证、款付保证其和他保证的公。司bonus 奖,红利,金额津贴外boun clsaus Ceausel ni a cnotacr thwci hprovdei fsro aobnusto be apd tioc ntracootrs or usppilrsefo r cmoletiopn f oowksr r dolievry of geods ohaaedof s hedulec w,hn ehtsi sib eefnciai tlothe onctarcitn agegcyn .励条奖款 合[同] 合同的中一项条,规定在有款利于包方发情况下的承,商包供货商在合同规或的定间内提前完时工交货或将给,予励。奖bous issun 发行e股红bonu shasr eAsh re aigenv a asbo un st opuchaserr osfsh rea.s 红股利为红利赠作给送股购买者的票票。股obok aluveT he net mauno attwh chi naa sest papars oen tehboo k osf acoucnt .帐面价在值帐上一项资产的净值。簿obmtownoe ffcet城 发市展应见 ind效ucded veelpoenm tefeftc bosotre pmp uumPpi nstlaeldin f onrt of aonhte rumpp o ensurt setaifacsoty sruciton oncitdinos ofrth em ain upmpo r t oedivlr ewater fomra deep ellwto as eond pucp, mhiwc dhevlepo ths fenila elivedr hyaed .升压;泵置泵;增压前泵助水;;接泵力装泵于置一水泵另前泵,的保以主证泵足够有吸水力;或从深的井抽水注中入另一中泵,形最成的供终水水。头oosbetr(p umpig)nstat on i Apmupni gsatitonin a waet disrtriutiob snstyem that i susde otinc eraset eh prsesurei ntehmains o tnh edisharge cise do fteh pumsp 升.压()泵;增站(泵)压在站水输系统用以中加主要增水管道压力的出站。泵border ibs aI cnorp ealuvtianos ,uned-represenrattoinof t hec rospa t he edgt eof th elpt, obceuaseof idffciutly of plaicngthe qsare uueds of theres seimates.t 地边偏差对在作进行评价物时,于由于难放置进为行此测量所类使的用矩,因尺此生的产对边作物地的估低。brobord borg ra nibrbtss tip irrirgaiot nFloodir irgtioa inn whic hlad ni sdividd enito obdrr etrispsan watedris d eliveerdint o achestrip rom af ehda orfi edld itc ha tit suppe erd.n 面畦溉灌;畦沟灌;溉畦灌自;畦沟流溉灌多;畦溉灌条;灌地块把成分畦,使沟灌用水溉从头或水灌渠较高一端流另一端的到灌溉方法。brdeo rucrrency( uit) nIna project valu,semeas reudi fnroigene cxhangebutd eonmianetd n ith loeaclc ruenry.c边境货(币位单 一个项目)价值的以外计值币但以国本货币标。价obrde drich tirrgaitio 畦沟n溉灌 b见rodr cehekci riragitn obrderoi ndsurty 境边业工broed ropitn prcei 进口港(或境点边价格)见 cst,oins ruace nad fneighrt orpto efnrtybor/de ropitn rpci eboderr rpcie Picr efo atradbal gooe adta c untor's yorbdr oe prro ot fetrn.y 边境价格可易交货物在一国境或边入境口岸价格的。bodrer tsrp iirriagtin o畦条灌溉 b见roder hccke irriagiotn ordeb rtaes Taxes lexvied atnati oalnf ontrire. s境税在边家国境边收征税。的orborerwo wnrehsip In adjstmuen ptograms,r hewnth eb orrweora dotp the saBn krporamg s aitso nw.C rieriat fr thio insluce dluanchin gf oecoominc eforrsm rpecdeed or accompniaed b pyoducritev olipc ydiaogleua n opdraeiotallyn-orintede ecoonim cnd seacor twok bry teh ank, B tiaelm yropgrm tailoaerd to ocunty-rpecsfii ccicrusmantcs ead snuporpte byd deauatq eetxrenl afninciagn nd tae horrobwer ndeaeorvign o btuid l atsrnogconse nsus fr tohe roprgm aa tek pyoins it nht adeinmstirtiona. 借款所有制指在调整方人案,借中款国世界把银行方案的为自己视的方案。其标准括包借:国在世款银界与其进行行设性的对话和对建进行业其导向性务经济部门工作之和前同时,启动经或济革;改一有适合项该国体情况和具充分有来外融资支的持及时规的;划以借及国款力在努政关键府部为门该划广计地建立泛识。共orbroiwn cgpaaitcy 借款力能obrroinwg octs 借款用,费款成借本brorwing ofomr he tpbuicl 向公借众;公开款售销债券borowrng ipol [IoRD]B Poolof BRI Dundfd deet usbe to ddteremni eo an emsi-anunl aasbi ths IBReDl nedni rateg.借款库 [国际总兴复开发银行 ]指国际兴复开银发资助行债务总和,用的来定确其每半调年一整的贷款次率。利brrooingw art e款借率利 见dpeoitsrora eto infetrset bottlneekc瓶bo颈tteleckn naayslsiTy p eofa naylis soncectnratnigo nb ttolnecks en systeim e,g.. dlieeryvs steys,m trnsporatation ssytem.s 瓶分析一颈对系种(例统如货送系统,运输统等系中的)颈瓶行专门分进析方的。法bbasa drlssien g施底肥botom tile n底线bttoom uo (tf o racesesoni) (经济衰从退)走中出谷底obtomt up (papoarc)h[ pojrcet]sPanling nhiwh iscd ecenratlzei anddwhich taksepacl ea the tdeevlopemtn rpojet clvel. e下而自上(做法的[)项目]指将 划计分散放到发展项权一目。级bracktec reep ,ropresgsin otax[aion]tThe siutaiont n whiic inhocmes ire due so tnifaliontnd thaatr seipu tst axpyars ienh ighe rincmoet axrackebs tost hata la reg rerpectngea of ther inicmeois autoamitalcl paydit oth egvornemet.n 等级升上 [税] 收收入通因货膨胀增而使加纳人进入税较所得高纳税等,致级使们他入收更中大的例比动自地缴给府政。brcakeintgeRstrctiinoin idaticn gwihchb iddes rmy suabmi at ib, d.g. bey tatsnig hat tnlo ycrtaei nbidpr cise amyapply. Th eBak dnoe sotna llo thwsi rpcoedru einnteinatiornl badiding.限定说明一对投标种人限的定性说,如明明说某适种用投标价格的。界世银行不允许国在招际中采取标这种程序。Brady obdnB odn rcaetd ehwen xiseintg edvelpoig countrn deytb sic oncrtee dinto nwedebt .Th new beod hans asamlel face vraleuor lower anmonai intlreet rate thsna th oeiringlabon d bu tma bey enahnedcthrou hg ,of exampler ,oclateralliztian of pornicialpa n/dr paot ro tfh entirest epyaments .布雷迪债券发展把国家现中有债务转的为新债的务时产生一的种券。债种这新券债与来的债券原相,面值较比小名或利义率低,但通过对其本较和金(或)部 分息利提抵供押担等方保可式以高提brain dr。ain 人外才流brnca minhsitr A ymniitsyrr seopnsblie or juft ose innudtrsy. 专业部只责某负行业一的。部rbnda ane mdur g名牌药品brandna e producmt 名牌产品Brzila-Yuogslvia Paecreedtn sSpecaliI RB sDhra ellocaaitos nt roseotrea embmer' shasrheodilngin I BD Rarallel tp otsi IF qMuoas. tamNde aftre tehfirst t o couwnrtie tosr quees thts.i 巴西-南拉夫斯先例指际复国兴发开行银的一股份分配种殊方特式, 用恢于某一复员国会在际复国开发银行的股份额,使其兴该与在国际货国币基组金织中股份的应。相方该以首式提先申请出两个的员会家命名。国breac of honcract t约违违反合同,brecah fo contart rics [MkGA]I Reupditaio nor rbechaof a s ecpifie domcmtientmby th eosthgo ernment vott hegua antre eoldher nica sse wheer (1) tehgua rnteea holerdd eo nso htavere corsu eto ac mpoeentt in,epdedenntj uidcila o raritbalrf rom tu oetdreinmet e chailsm of reupdaitin oorbr eac,ho ri() a dicesiio nby uch a fsour mis ont rendree wdithni raasenabol eeripdoo ftim e ,asd einef in dhtec ntoratco gfuraaneet, o (riii)a infla ecdiiso cnnanto ebenf rcoed 违约.险风 [多投资边担保构机]东 国道府政不履或违反与行被险保人订签的合同的具中义务体如(1,)被保人无法求险于有助力能和独的立司法的机或构仲裁构机对提出其的关诉讼作有裁决;或(出2)该法或仲司裁构机未能在保担合规同的合定理限内期作出裁决;(或3最)后裁决的能执不。行bera dgransi 于用作制面的谷物b包radeinwne r挣钱养的家人berakbuk lCargopa cek idns pearta peckaags eo rindviduail ieces opf crgoa, loaed,d towesd adnu lnoaed idnivdidallyu a,sdi tisntc rfo bulkm acrog 杂.货物指分件散包装或件的单物货单个装,卸、放,与散堆货物装相区别。 seojpary cladse u cAaule si naEuroc ruernc ayrgemenet sepcfyinigt ht, aifc etria envenst urcatilthe enldr'se activiyt r oth opeertain ofothe urEmoarkes, toteh redsinatedg atcins woil comle ito effenc. t中断条款免;责款指欧洲条币货协中的一定项款条规,在定现出种某妨碍贷人款活或动欧共洲同场业市务事的件,其他时定预行动将的生效。berakown d目细,分类rebkevae annlysisaA nnaaysls if oxpense aedn reenuvefa ctro,s foet enpxerssed grpahicllay, aiedm a dteetrinmigna thwa tcsota nd picre poitnsa pr oudtc,produ tc inelor c opmany berake en. 保本分析v盈,亏临界析分,盈亏衡平析分对费用和收因入所做的素分,析常常图用表示表,目的是定一种产品确生产、线或公的成本和价司格哪在点一上到达衡。平beraekvn edo(llra) eprdecatiinoD erpecatiio narte o fhe tdlloa rsuch thatth e ankB' hsaerdomo i ats rbekavene pion. t(元)保本贬值;(美元)净美空界临贬指美值的某一贬元值,在率一贬值这上世率界行的净银空正处在好界点上。bre临kaven


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