
  在雅思阅读考试的时候,有很多需要注意的问题,不知道同学们有哪些了解。那么接下来就和聚培训网来看看2018年雅思阅读考试需要注意什么?  所问所答  IELTS 测试的金玉良言就是:所问所答。首先,要完全了解问题的类型,及根据所提供的信息,再去回答问题。有的学生在参加完 IELTS 测试后总感觉所得分数与自己估算的分数相差甚远,原因无它,就在于对问题理解不够彻底,因此,也就无法对所提问题做到精确回答。  系统地制定学习计划  大部分参加( GENERAL MODULE )普通类测试的考生都已离开学校多年,甚至很长时间没有继续英文方面的学习。因此,必须尽量每天安排一定的时间,比如说每天一小时,并根据自身英文情况制定一个学习计划,稳步、系统地学习。阅读训练:争取每天阅读一定量的原版英文报刊、书籍,并非要读懂每一个字,或完全理解,只要能理解其中大至含义既可。可采取 3:1 的比例进行泛读与精读。  增加阅读速度  要增加英语阅读的速度,当然并非一朝一日即可达到。通常需要相当长一段时间的学习及训练。但无论怎样,应加强英文基础训练,掌握必要的测试技巧,从而在现有的英文基础之上取得最好的成绩。总之,付出越多,收获越大。  控制答题时间  在 IELTS 测试过程中,每组题都给有答题参考时间,当所给时间结束时,就一定要停下来,即使这组题没有做完也要开始回答下一组题,否则所能完成的题数就会减少,从而影响 IELTS 的得分。  答案一定填在“ 答案纸 ”上  在 IELTS 测试时,所有答案务必要填在所给的 “ANSWER SHEET” 纸上。否则,即使您完成了全部问题,也是没有任何分数,这种现象曾有发生过。  带着问题阅读所给文章  在开始阅读所给文章前,应首先弄清下列问题再带着这些问题有的放矢地去读那些与答题有关的部分,有些部分则完全不看,这样就可以节省出更多时间,达到事半功倍的效果。  查看试题布局  1. 阅读试题三部分的每一部分的开头与结尾;  2. 每部分有多少道题;  3. 每部分(或每组题)的答题时间;  4. 先回答那些问题。
  聚培训雅思栏目小编们精心为广大考生准备了&雅思阅读单词多义词题型解析&,各位同学赶快学起来吧,做好万全准备,祝各位同学考试顺利通过。  雅思阅读的准备过程中,后期会侧重于对篇章整体架构的把握,以及针对各类题型应试技巧的掌握。但作为考试准备的前期阶段,作为基本功的单词,无疑需要作为重点来进行突破。  以下主要就雅思阅读剑桥真题部分的一些存在熟词多义的题目进行解析:  1。 drive  C4T1P1:  In other words, they gave no indication of an appreciation of either the range of ways in which rainforests are important or the complex social, economic and political factors which drive the activities which are destroying the rainforests。  这是一个复杂的长难句,一共出现了三处定语从句,一处ways in which, 一处factors which,一处activities which。  drive的主语为连接代词which代指的先行词factors,提取之后变为factors drive the activities, 这里如果将这里作为动词的drive 翻译成驾驶,句子是完成不通顺的,我们从后一处的定语从句中得知,activities指的是破坏雨林的行为,也就是前面的社会经济和政治因素drive了一些破坏雨林的行为,也就是说,这里的drive是导致,迫使的意思。  C6T1P2  选项型SUMMARY  Q24: Manufacturers of computers, for instance, are able to import 24。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 from overseas, rather than having to rely on a local supplier。  文章E段 To see how this influences trade, consider the business of making disk drives for computers。 Most of the world&s disk-drive manufacturing is concentrated in South-east Asia。 This is possible only because disk drives, while valuable, are small and light and so cost little to ship。 Computer manufacturers in Japan or Texas will not face hugely bigger freight bills if they import drives from Singapore rather than purchasing them on the domestic market。  通过manufacturers of computers定位到E段。阅读后我们可以知道电脑制造商集中在东南亚制造和进口disk drives而不是本国市场。如果同学对电脑知识比较了解的话,对于drive在这里的理解应该问题不大。根据一定的语法知识我们看得出这里的disk drives和disk-drive是名词用法,可通过drive的基本含义&驾驶&进一步引申理解,&驾驶磁盘&过渡为&让磁盘启动&,正确的理解含义为:磁盘驱动器。对应到题目提供的选项&B。 components&  2。 subject  我们知道它由&科目&的意思,词汇稍好的同学还会知道它还有&主语&和&主题&的含义。我们来看下面一题:  C5T1P2  单选题 Q20 The teacher-subjects were told that they were testing whether  A。 a 450-volt shock was dangerous。  B。 punishment helps learning。  C。 the pupils were honest。  D。 they were suited to teaching。  文章A段 Specifically, Milgram told each volunteer &teacher-subject& that the experiment was in the noble cause of education, and was designed to test whether or not punishing pupils for their mistakes would have a positive effect on the pupils& ability to learn。  文章这里的&teacher-subject&打了引号,也就是说即便同学你不认识,把它当作一个特殊词符号,不理解不影响做题。不过明显的是,把&科目&&主语&&主题&放这里,都不好理解。在雅思阅读学术实验类的文章中,subject是个高频词汇,作为&实验对象&的含义来使用, 有时会同义替换为volunteer或participant。  C8T1P3  表格填空Q38 The results were then subjected to a 38&&&&&&&&。  文章:In 1987, results from hundreds of autoganzfeld tests were studied by Honorton in a &meta-analysis&, a statistical technique for finding the overall results from a set of studies。  通过冠词a我们可以知道此空填名词单数,并且从表格纵轴同行的特殊定位词in 1987,我们找到了定位句。但是定位句中存在冠词a的三处,到底三处后的单词填哪个呢。单词不会,语法来凑,通过题目和文章的主干结构的一致性:A be subjected to B和A be studied By B in C, 由于Honorton是人名且不符合填词规定,顺理成章的&meta-analysis&成为我们的选填对象。那subject to到底什么意思呢,通过文章,我们可以知道大概是被研究的意思,查了字典我们就了解,正确含义为&受&支配&。  类似的用法单词还有:  1。 state n。 (美国的)州,状态,政府,adj。 国家的,国立的 v。陈述,说明  C8T4P1 判断题Q8 Private schools in Japan are more modern and spacious than state-run lower secondary schools。 State-run adj国立的  C7T4P1 第5段 There was a huge initial force- five times larger than the steady state force, Gharib says。 State n。状态  2。 coin n。 硬币, v。 创造,铸造  C7T1P1 E段 The American zoologist Donald Griffin, who was largely responsible for the discovery of sonar in bats, coined the term &echolocation& to cover both sonar and radar, whether used by animals or by human instruments。 Coin v 创造(first used)  3。 spoke v。 speak过去式,n 车轮的辐条(C4T1P3)  4。 tuition n。 学费,课程,讲授,教学(C4T1P1)  5。 complaint n。 抱怨,抗议,疾病(C4T2P2)  6。 interest v。 是感兴趣n。 兴趣,利益,利息(C4T3P1)  7。 leaves v。 leave的动词三单形式 n。叶子(Pl)(C8T4P3)  8。 press v。 按压,n。 印刷,新闻工作者,新闻(C5T1P3/C5T4P2)  (pressing adj。 迫切的,急切的 C7T1P2)  以上介绍的一些雅思单词多义词,很多都是英语初学者都知道的词汇,偏偏以为很简单的词,但是放到雅思阅读里,还是难道了许多同学。英语中有相当数量的多义词,英语最常用的4000个高频词根基上都是多义词,平均每个词都有两到三个意思,因此在学习过程当中,一定要特意留心一个单词的词性和同词性的其它含义,通过不同的语言环境和背景去理解和记忆,从而逐渐消除由于一词多义而造成的理解障碍,提高解题效率。
&   G类(培训类)雅思阅读考试内容详细解析!雅思考试分为A类和G类两种,本文聚培训将为大家重点介绍G类(培训类)雅思阅读考试内容,要参加雅思考试的小伙伴不妨一起来了解一下。相信这对大家更加充分的认识G类(培训类)雅思阅读考试内容是有帮助的。&   雅思考试阅读(培训类)共有三部分,文章难度由浅至深,考生需要回答40道题目。第一部分有14道题,第二和第三部分分别有13道题。&   第一部分通常包含2到3篇短文或者若干段文字(如广告等)。第二部分通常有2篇文章,第三部分则为一段较长的文章。文章的内容和文体各有不同,难度最深的为第三部分的内容。&   文章介绍&   第一部分的内容选自通知、广告、时间表、宣传品、以及其它类似的内容。第二部分的内容选自大学招生简章、课程介绍、大学课程介绍、图书馆指引、规定、以及其它类似的内容。第三部分的内容选自报纸、杂志、期刊、小说或非虚构的书籍、以及其它类似的内容。所有文章总计长度约在2400字左右。&   题目形式&   雅思考试阅读部分(培训类)有11种基本的题型,部分题型还会有其它的变化形式。&   题型1 选择题&   题型2 多项配对&   题型3 填空&   题型4 完成句子&   题型5 完成笔记、总结、或流程图&   题型6 完成总结&   题型7 为段落或文章的部分选择相对应的小标题&   题型8 寻找信息&   题型9 判断作者观点、看法或文章中的具体信息&   题型10 分类&   题型11 配对&   题型一选择题&   题目可能已经给出句子的前半部分,考生需在选项中选择一个最佳的方法答案完成这个句子。题目也可能是一个完整的问题,考生需在选项中选择一个最佳的答案。考生需从四个可供选择的答案A、B、C或D中选择一个最佳的答案。题目的顺序与相对应的信息在文章中出现的顺序是相同的。&   这种题型可能出现的形式有:&   有时考生需从多于四个可供选择的选项中进行选择,也有可能需选择不止一个作为正确答案。另外,也有可能在一组问题的末尾再提出一个总括性的问题,如为文章选择一个最适合的标题。&   题型二多项配对&   题目将给出数个选项,考生需将这些可供选择的选项与文章节选或段落进行对应。文章节选或段落用字母所标注,会出现某些选项不被选择的可能,或者有些选项会被用到不止一次。多项配对题考察的是考生在阅读时使用跳读和扫读技巧寻找特定信息的能力。&   题型三填空&   这种题型要求考生回答关于文章中具体的、事实性的信息的问题,考生需在问卷上填写多个单词或数字进行作答。一般来说,题目的指示会说明&从文章中选取不超过三个单词和/或一个数字作答&,但有些时候是&一个单词&、或&不超过两个单词&、或&四个单词&。数字可以用阿拉伯数字、也可以用文字的形式填写。如果考生填写了超过问题指示中所要求的字数,即使所填的内容中包含正确的答案,也会被扣分。缩写的单词不会被作为考试的内容。带有连字符的单词按照一个单词计算。&   这种题型要求考生能够有效地进行跳读,在文章中寻找相关的段落,并能够有效地进行扫读,寻找相关的句子并对详细信息进行仔细阅读。题目的顺序通常是经过了编排的,所以答案出现的顺序通常来说是与文章的顺序相同的。&   题型四完成句子&   & 第一种形式:考生需按照要求的字数完成一个从文章中抽取出来的句子。& &
& &   如果是第一种形式,题目的指示中会说明考生最多可以使用多少个单词。最常见的指示会说明&用不超过三个单词和/或一个数字作答&,但有些时候是&一个单词&、或&不超过两个单词& 、或&四个单词&。数字可以用阿拉伯数字、也可以用文字的形式填写。&   & 第二种形式:题目中给出了前半个句子(该句与文章内容有关),考生需从若干个选项中选取合适的内容完成这个句子。考生有时需要多次使用某一个选项作答。&   如果考生填写了超过问题指示中所要求的字数,即使所填的内容中包含正确的答案,也会被扣分。缩写的单词不会被作为考试的内容。带有连字符的单词按照一个单词计算。在考生需填写单词完成句子的题目中,单词必须是直接从文章中选取的。如果是第二种形式,考生需从若干个答案中选择最佳的答案进行作答,并将答案所对应的字母填写在答卷上。选择的答案数量比问题的数量要多。&   在几乎所有需要将句首和句尾进行配对的题目里,可供选择的句尾的语法都是符合语法规则的。考生需按照意思来将句首和句尾进行配对,而不是通过语法。文章中题目出现的顺序是与文章的顺序相同的。&   题型五完成笔记、表格或流程图&   考生需要使用一个或多个单词来填写笔记、表格或流程图里的空格。题目的指引中会清楚地说明需选择一个词、不超过两个词、三个词或者四个词等。这种题型要求考生需能够有效地进行跳读,在文章中寻找相关的段落,并能够有效地进行扫读,寻找相关的句子并对详细信息进行仔细阅读。对于这种题型来说,答案通常会集中出现在文中某一部分,而不是散落在整篇文章中。&   & 第一种形式:考生需从题目所提供的一组单词和词组中选取合适的一个单词或多个单词进行填空,可选择的单词或词组数量会比需要填写的单词的数量要多。&   & 第二种形式:没有可供选择的单词,考生需从文章中选取一个单词或词组进行填空。&   题型六完成总结&   考生需要使用一个单词或者多个单词来填写笔记、表格或流程图里的空格。如果考生需从文章中选取单词或数字进行填空,题目的指引中会清楚地说明需选择一个词、不超过两个词、三个词或者四个词等。对于这种题型来说,答案通常会集中出现在文中某一部分,而不是散落在整篇文章中。&   这种题型最常出现在雅思考试阅读(培训类)的第三部分,但也有可能出现在其他部分。完成总结的对象可能是整篇文章也可能是文章的一部分。有时题目会给出总结所需的小标题,可以帮助考生找到需要进行总结的部分。需要总结全文的题目是考察考生寻找要点的能力,需要总结部分文章的题目考察的是考生寻找补充性的细节信息。&   & 第一种形式:考生需从题目所提供的一组单词和词组中选取合适的一个单词或多个单词进行填空,可选择的单词或词组数量会比需要填写的单词的数量要多。&   & 第二种形式:没有可供选择的单词,考生需从文章中选取一个单词或词组进行填空。&   题型七为段落或文章的部分选择相对应的小标题&   题目会给出一组小标题,这些小标题对应文章中的部分段落。考生需将这些小标题与具体的段落进行配对。通常考生需要对7-8个小标题进行配对,而文章可能有不止7-8个段落,有一些小标题可能已经作为示范进行了配对。小标题的数量总是比段落的数量要多,而且每个小标题只能使用一次,所以考生需要进行仔细思考再选择。这种题型考察的是考生区分要点和补充性细节信息的能力。&   题型八寻找信息&   在这种题型中,题目出现的顺序与信息出现的顺序是不相同的。考生不一定需要在每一段文章中寻找信息。但考生有可能需要在同一个段落里寻找不止一个信息,在这种情况下,题目的指引中会对此进行说明。这种题型考察考生在段落中寻找特定信息的能力。&   考生需要寻找的信息包括:&   & 特定信息&   & 某种事情/事物的例子&   & 事件等发生的原因&   & 一个描述&   & 一个总结&   & 一个解释&   & 其他&   题型九判断作者观点、看法或文章中的具体信息&   题目会提供一组表示意见/看法,或是事实性信息的陈述。这种题型考察考生进行跳读、扫读和对细节进行阅读理解的能力。&   & 针对意见或看法,考生需回答这些陈述是否符合或反映了作者的观点或看法。答案的形式有&是&(YES)、&否&(NO)、或&无从判断&(NOT GIVEN)。&   & 针对事实性信息,考生需回答这些陈述是否与文章中的信息一致。答案的形式有&一致&(TRUE)、&不一致&(FALSE)、或&无从判断&(NOT GIVEN)。&   题型十分类&   题目会提供一组信息、以及数个类别,这些类别用一个或多个字母代表。考生需根据信息的共性将这些信息归类到各个类别中。这种题型考察考生能否区分文中信息之间的关系和关联,最常见于涉及事实性信息的文章中,如说明文。考生需要进行跳读和扫读以寻找相关的信息并对细节进行阅读理解。&   题型十一配对&   题目会提供一组内容,如原理、观点、人名、地名、物品等。考生需将这些内容与一组选项中的相应内容进行配对。题目指引中会对是否需要使用多次进行配对进行说明。这种题型考察考生进行跳读和扫读的能力,以及阅读理解文中某一部分要点的能力。&   提示:&   & 应仔细阅读题目的指示和说明,这些信息会告诉你在哪里寻找答案、需要如何回答问题、以及答案字数的限定。题目里的指示还会说明答案是否可以多次使用,并提醒你把答案转抄到答卷上。&   & 注意大多数的题型下,题目出现的顺序和信息在文章中出现的顺序都是一致的。&   & 进行扫读练习,以便能在文章片段中快速寻找与题目相关的关键词。你也可以用扫读练习在段落中寻找关键词。&   & 在大多数情况下(如填空题),你所填写的答案需符合正确的语法要求,正确的单词拼写和词组搭配是非常重要的,出现错误是要被扣分的。&   & 在大多数情况下,你可以在文章里找到需要填写的单词,并应将这个词正确仔细地抄在答卷上。运用笔记、表格、图表或流程图中的内容以及范例来预测答案所涉及的信息的类型。&   & 在辅导课上,与同学和老师讨论每种题型下答案可能出现的形式。&   & 在阅读的时候将关键词和词组用下划线标记出来,并注意题目中的关键词与文中关键词的联系。&   & 熟悉同义词以及带有概括作用的词汇,这可以帮助你找到相关信息。&   & 练习如何用不同的方式表达相同的意思和信息。&   & 思考某些信息之间有什么共性、又有什么不同之处。&   & 练习相关的阅读技巧,如跳读、扫读,用于寻找信息。&   & 有些考生认为只有做题才能帮助提高成绩,因此陷于题海战术。这并不能让考生按照希望的那样快速提高成绩,这对备考和英语学习是不利的。备考的过程中应该广泛阅读不同的材料,如报纸、期刊、杂志和书籍,并利用这些资源为备考服务。&   & 注意熟悉不同的文体,并且练习如何更好地理解这些文体。在练习中熟悉所有雅思考试阅读(培训类)的题型。&   & 要注意阅读的方法不止一种。有的考生会一字一句地慢慢地仔细阅读,并把所有的生词划出来,还因为这些生词而打断了阅读的连贯性。你应该明确,考试的主要任务是找到题目的答案,因此考试中运用的阅读技巧与你需要记忆内容时所用的阅读技巧是不同的。考试过程中不应过于担心出现的生词,同时应该在平时多加练习如何根据上下文的语义来猜测生词的意思,尽量不要用字典查每一个生词。&   & 在任何时候都要认真阅读题目的指示。有些题型是会有不同的变化形式的,如果不明确题目的要求,你是很容易出现混淆而导致出错的。&   & 在阅读的时候应该注意时间限制。如果某个题目你一时找不到答案,就应该继续做下一道题目,避免在某一道题目上花费过多的时间。&   & 注意不要过于依赖于从文中寻找某个词来作答。你应该练习如何改述、在文中找到改述的内容。&   & 遇到那些题目出现的顺序与文章顺序一致的题型,要记得你是无须返回前文寻找每一个问题的答案的。&   以上是聚培训为大家分享的G类(培训类)雅思阅读考试内容详细解析,建议要备考雅思考试的同学可以先从了解各部分雅思考试内容开始。
&   剑桥雅思系列资料是考生在备考雅思过程中可以说是不可或缺的资料,为了便于对剑桥雅思阅读练习结束后,详细的了解各个题目的答案解析,聚培训为大家带来了剑桥雅思4test3阅读解析,一起来详细的了解一下。&   Question 1&   答案:A&   关键词:box/beginning&   定位原文:标题下方方框中&   解题思路:题目是问文章开头的方框当中的引言是什么意思。A答案:exemplify例证;举&&例子;B答案是解释国际流浪儿童组织建立的原因;C答案:outline描述,描画轮廓;D答案中highlight是指突出、强调。很明显引言是在举例子,故正确答案选A。&   Question 2&   答案:D&   关键词:purpose/S.K.I&   定位原文:Introduction部分第2段首句&Over the past nine years, &lives of street children.&&   解题思路:&to support the economic lives of street children...等同于D答案,而其他三个选项基本未提到。&   Question 3&   答案:C&   关键词:reason/end up&   定位原文:Background部分的第一段首句&Typically, children do not end up on & and violence.&&   解题思路:&the demand for income at home...等同于poverty,而D答案crime并不是儿童流浪的原因,而是其可能产生的后果。&   Question 4&   答案:C&   关键词:independent&   定位原文:Background部分的第2段最后1句&Many children may choose entrepreneurship because it allows them a degree of independence,&&   解题思路:A,B,D三个答案都比较极端,只有C符合本文的主题。children独立的方式是&choose entrepreneurship&与C选项中的&set up their own businesses&是同义替换,故C 正确。&   Question 5&   答案:Sudan/India&   关键词:country/courier service&   定位原文:Street Business Partnerships部分第1点&The S.K.I. Bicycle Courier Service first started in the Sudan. Participants in this enterprise were supplied with bicycles, which they used to deliver parcels and messages, and which they were required to pay for gradually from their wages. A similar program was taken up in Bangalore, India.&&   解题思路:提供courier service的两个国家分别是Sudan和India。&   Question 6&   答案:bicycles&   关键词:courier service&   定位原文:Street Business Partnership部分第1点&   解题思路:题干中的provision是文中provide的变形,所以这里的正确答案是bicycles。&   Question 7&   答案:Shoe Shine Collective&   关键词:Dominican Republic&   定位原文:Street Business Partnership部分第2点&Another successful project, The Shoe Shine Collective, was a partnership program with the Y.W.C.A. in the Dominican Republic. In this project, participants were lent money to purchase shoe shine boxes. They were also given a safe place to store their equipment, and facilities for individual savings plans.&&   解题思路:定位到原文,可知答案是Shoe Shine Collective。&   Question 8&   答案:life skills&   关键词:Zambia&   定位原文:Street Business Partnership部分第3点&The Youth Skills Enterprise Initiative in Zambia is a joint program with the Red Cross Society and the Y.W.C.A. Street youths are supported to start their own small business through business training, life skills training and access to credit.&&   解题思路:定位到该句话末尾,可知正确答案是life skills。&   Question 9&   答案:NO&   关键词:set up/money&   定位原文:Lessons learned部分第1点&Being an entrepreneur is not for everyone, for every street child.&&   解题思路:很明显文中说的不是对于每个人来说的,所以答案应该是NO。&   Question 10&   答案:NOT GIVEN&   关键词:families/S.K.I.&   定位原文:Lessons learned部分第4点&There are tremendous advantages to involving parents or guardians in the program, where such relationships exist. Home visits allow staff the opportunity to know where the participants live, and to understand more about each individual's situation.&&   解题思路:这一点当中虽然提到了流浪儿童的家人,但是并没有说明他们是否要从S.K.I.那里得到帮助,属于纯粹未提及型的NOT GIVEN。&   Question 11&   答案:NO&   关键词:loan&   定位原文:Lessons learned部分第5点&Small loans are provided initially for &ranged from US$30-$100.&&   解题思路:题目当中如果含有ONLY/ONE这样的词,往往选NO。从文中我们也可以看出孩子们不只可以申请一笔贷款。&   Question 12&   答案:YES&   关键词:pay back&   定位原文:Lessons learned部分第6点&All S.K.I. programs have charged interest on the loans, primarily to get the entrepreneurs used to the concept of paying interest on borrowed money. Generally the rates have been modest (lower than bank rates).&&   解题思路:All S.K.I. programs have charged interest on the loans.所有的计划都要收取利息,也就是要多还一点钱。&   Question 13&   答案:A&   关键词:conclude&   定位原文:Conclusion部分&However, we believe that credit must be extended in association with other types of support...&&   解题思路:根据conclude可以定位到conclusion部分,根据&credit must be extended in association with other types of support&可知正确答案是A。&   Question 14&   答案:iii&   关键词:无&   定位原文:A部分:第一段首句Volcanoes are the ultimate earth-moving machinery. 第二段:Eruptions have rifted continents&a basement of volcanic basalt.&   第三段开头:Volcanoes have not only made the continents,they are also thought to have made the world's first stable atmosphere and...&   解题思路:A部分说明了火山活动的作用,正好和iii选项中的火山与地球的特征吻合,因此答案为iii。&   Question 15&   答案:i&   关键词:无&   定位原文:B部分:第1段:整个段落描述了火山爆发的起因。第二段最后:&   These fracture zones, where the collisions occur, are where earthquakes happen. And,very often, volcanoes.&   解题思路:通过扫描这两个段落,发现其中主要将地球比喻成一个鸡蛋,并且由此说明了火山爆发的原因。因此答案应该是i。&   Question 16&   答案:iv&   关键词:无&   定位原文:第2段:Sometimes,it is slow...第3段;Sometimes the magma moves very swiftly indeed. 第4段:The biggest eruptions are deep on the mid-ocean floor.&   解题思路:此部分出现了大量的火山名字,由此我们可以预测该段落讲的是火山喷发的不同类型。因此答案是iv。&   Question 17&   答案:vi&   关键词:无&   定位原文:第1段:But volcanoes are not very predict?able.&   解题思路:vi答案是说火山爆发的不可预测性。&   Question 18&   答案: plates/the tectonic plates/the plates&   关键词:sections of the earth's crust/volcanic activity&   定位原文:C部分的第4段第2句&...and you can see the rough outlines of what are called tectonic plates--the plates which make up the earth's crust and mantle.&&   解题思路:很明显,应该是被叫做the tectonic plates。&   Question 19&   答案:magma&   关键词:molten rock from the mantle&   定位原文:C部分第2段第1句:Sometimes it is slow: vast bubbles of magma&molten rock from the mantle&&   解题思路:根据关键词定位,可知答案为magma。&   Question 20&   答案:ring of fire&   关键词:zone/the Pacific Ocean&   定位原文:C部分第4段第3句:The most dramatic of these is the Pacific &ring of fire&...&   解题思路:根据定位句信息可知正确答案是ring of fire。&   Question 21&   答案:600 years/for 600 years/600&   关键词:Mount Pinatubo/inactive&   定位原文:D部分第1段最后一句:In the case of Mount Pinatubo, this took 600 years.&   解题思路:根据定位句信息可知正确答案是600 years。&   Question 22&   答案:water&   关键词:produce/atmosphere&   定位原文:A部分的第3段第1句:Volcanoes have not only made the continents, they are also thought to have made the world's first stable atmosphere and provided all the water for the oceans, rivers and ice-caps.&   解题思路:火山不仅制造出陆地,也为地球提供了大气,为海洋、河川和冰帽提供了水。&   Question 23&   答案:magma/lava&   关键词:different types of eruptions /moves slowly&   定位原文:Sometimes it is slow: vast bubbles of magma&molten rock from the mantle&inch to?wards the surface.&   解题思路:首先可以根据之前做过的LIST OF HEADINGS题判定,C部分讲到了不同类型的火山爆发。然后寻找slowly这个词。根据定位句信息可知正确答案是magma。&   Question 24&   答案:(west) India&   关键词:quickly/horizontally Northern Ireland/Wales/South Africa&   定位原文:C部分第2段第2句:Sometimes&as in Northern Ireland, Wales and the Karoo in South Africa一the magma rose faster,and then flowed out horizontally on to the surface in vast thick sheets. In the Deccan Plateau in western India, &&   解题思路:此处要求填一个地名,根据定位句信息可知正确答案为(west) India。&   Question 25&   答案:explodes&   关键词:third/lava/very quickly/violently&   定位原文:C部分第3段前3句:Sometimes the magma moves very swiftly indeed. It does not have time to cool as it surges upwards. The gases trapped in side the boiling rock expand suddenly, the lava glows with heat, it begins to froth, and it exploded with tremendous force.&   解题思路:这个空要求填一个动词,而且要注意时态。根据定位句信息可知正确答案为explodes。&   Question 26&   答案:gases&   关键词: magma/emitted&   定位原文:C部分第3段:Sometimes the magma moves very swiftly indeed. It does not have time to cool as it surges upwards. The gases trapped in side the boiling rock expand suddenly,...&   解题思路:emit是&发射,发出&的意思,跟文中的expand属于同义替换,故正确答案应该是gases。&   Question 27&   答案:D&   关键词:recording&   定位原文:D段首句&Today, researchers often tape-record informants.&&   解题思路:题干问的刚好是哪一段讲到了录音对人们谈话方式的影响。故答案是D。&   Question 28&   答案:E&   关键词:body language&   定位原文:E段第3句&Where possible, therefore, the recording has to be supplemented by the observer's written comments on the non-verbal behavior of the participants,...&&   解题思路:题干问的是哪一段讲到了记录人们肢体语言的重要性。故答案是E。&   Question 29&   答案:C&   关键词:social situation&   定位原文:C段第2句&Age, sex,social background and other aspects of identity are important, as these factors are known to influence the kind of language used.&&   解题思路:题目问的是哪段提到了语言受到社会背景的影响。故答案是C。&   Question 30&   答案:D&   关键词:self-conscious&   定位原文:D段第6句&Some recordings are made without speakers being aware of the fact & a procedure that obtains very natural data,...&&   解题思路:题目问的是哪一段提到了如何帮助资料提供者变得自然一点。故答案是D。&   Question 31&   答案:F&   关键词:specific data various methods&   定位原文:F段第3句和最后一句&A large number of points can be covered in a short time, using interview work-sheets and questionnaires.&&   &There are also several direct methods of elicitation,&&&   解题思路:题目问的是哪段提到了产生详细信息的不同方式。答案是F。&   Question 32&   答案: (the) linguists (acts)/(the) linguist (act)&   关键词:convenient/not objective enough&   定位原文:B段倒数第2句&Often, when studying their mother tongue, linguists act as their own informants, judging the ambiguity, acceptability, or other properties of utterances against their own intuitions. The convenience of this approach makes it widely used, and it is considered the norm in the generative approach to linguistics.&&   解题思路:根据定位句信息可知答案为linguists act。&   Question 33&   答案:foreign languages&   关键词:non-linguist&   定位原文:B段最后两句:&at which point recourse is needed to more objective methods of enquiry, using non-linguists as informants. The latter procedure is unavoidable when working on foreign languages, or child speech.&   解题思路:根据定位句信息可知答案为foreign languages。&   Question 34&   答案:(the) (poor) quality&   关键词:recording/sound&   定位原文:D段第3-4句&But obtaining naturalistic, good-quality data is never easy. People talk abnor?mally when they know they are being recorded, and sound quality can be poor. &&   解题思路:根据定位句信息可知答案为(the)(poor)quality。&   Question 35&   答案:facial expression&   关键词:video/speaker&   定位原文:E段第4句&A facial expression, for example, can dramatically alter the meaning of what is said.&&   解题思路:根据定位句信息可知答案为facial expression。&   Question 36&   答案:video recording/camera/video camera/recording&   关键词:video/miss certain things&   定位原文:E段最后一句&Video recording avoid these problems to a large extent, but even they have limitations (the camera cannot be everywhere), and transcriptions always bene?fit from any additional commentary provided by an observer.&&   解题思路:根据定位句信息可知答案为video recording/camera/video camera/recording。&   Question 37&   答案:fre?quency of usage&   关键词:comment&   定位原文:G段第2句&A corpus enables the linguists to make unbiased statements about fre?quency of usage,...&&   解题思路:这里的make unbiased statements about和题干中的comment objectively on是同义替换,故正确答案为fre?quency of usage。&   Question 38&   答案:particular linguistic feature&   关键词:while/focus on&   定位原文:G段第4句&Some corpora attempt to cover the language as a whole, taking extracts fro others are extremely selective, providing a collection of material that deals only with a particular linguistic feature.&&   解题思路deals only with和focus on在这里是同义替换,故正确答案为particular linguistic feature。&   Question 39&   答案:size&   关键词:length of time&   定位原文:The size of the corpus depends on practical factors, such as the time available to collect, process and store the data.&   解题思路:corpus的size取决于很多因素,例如时间等,所以题干中时间的长短会影响的应该是corpus的size。&   Question 40&   答案:intuitions&   关键词:those who speak&   定位原文:G段最后一句&An important principle is that all corpora, whatever their size,are inevitably limited in their coverage, and always need to be supplemented by data de?rived from the intuitions of native speakers of the language, through either introspection or experimentation.&&   解题思路:根据定位信息,可知正确答案为intuitions。&   希望以上聚培训为大家分享的剑桥雅思4test3阅读解析,能够对大家有一定的参考作用。
&   备考雅思阅读的过程中,考生需要掌握雅思阅读部分的常见的题型,然后在练习的过程中分析不同类型题目的解题思路,本文聚培训为大家带来的是日雅思阅读预测【大范围】,大家可以尝试着对以下题目进行练习。&   日雅思阅读预测【大范围】重点雅思阅读题目如下:&   AUSTRALIA&S SPORTING SUCCESS、Advantages of public transport、Let&s Go Bats、Why pagodas don&t fall down、An Introduction to Film Sound、Lost for words、Striking Back at Lightning、The Nature of Genius、Making Everydrop Count。&   为了便于大家体验雅思阅读的考试难度及题型,聚培训为大家带来了An Introduction to Film Sound阅读文章及答案解析,大家可以对以下阅读题目进行练习。&   An Introduction to Film Sound&   Though we might think of film as an essentially visual experience, we really cannot afford to underestimate the importance of film sound. A meaningful sound track is often as complicated as the image on the screen, and is ultimately just as much the responsibility of the director. The entire sound track consists of three essential ingredients: the human voice, sound effects and music. These three tracks must be mixed and balanced so as to produce the necessary emphases which in turn create desired effects. Topics which essentially refer to the three previously mentioned tracks are discussed below. They include dialogue, synchronous and asynchronous sound effects, and music.&   Let us start with dialogue. As is the case with stage drama, dialogue serves to tell the story and expresses feelings and motivations of characters as well. Often with film characterization the audience perceives little or no difference between the character and the actor. Thus, for example, the actor Humphrey Bogart is the character Sam S film personality and life personality seem to merge. Perhaps this is because the very texture of a performer&s voice supplies an element of character.&   When voice textures fit the performer&s physiognomy and gestures, a whole and very realistic persona emerges. The viewer sees not an actor working at his craft, but another human being struggling with life. It is interesting to note that how dialogue is used and the very amount of dialogue used varies widely among films. For example, in the highly successful science-fiction film 2001, little dialogue was evident, and most of it was banal and of little intrinsic interest. In this way the film-maker was able to portray what Thomas Sobochack and Vivian Sobochack call, in An Introduction to Film, the &inadequacy of human responses when compared with the magnificent technology created by man and the visual beauties of the universe&.&   The comedy Bringing Up Baby, on the other hand, presents practically non-stop dialogue delivered at breakneck speed. This use of dialogue underscores not only the dizzy quality of the character played by Katherine Hepburn, but also the absurdity of the film itself and thus its humor. The audience is bounced from gag to gag and conversa there is no time for audience reflection. The audience is caught up in a whirlwind of activity in simply managing to follow the plot. This film presents pure escapism & largely due to its frenetic dialogue.&   Synchronous sound effects are those sounds which are synchronized or matched with what is viewed. For example, if the film portrays a character playing the piano, the sounds of the piano are projected. Synchronous sounds contribute to the realism of film and also help to create a particular atmosphere. For example, the &click& of a door being opened may simply serve to convince the audience that the image portrayed is real, and the audience may only subconsciously note the expected sound. However, if the &click& of an opening door is part of an ominous action such as a burglary, the sound mixer may call attention to the &click& with a this helps to engage the audience in a moment of suspense.&   Asynchronous sound effects, on the other hand, are not matched with a visible source of the sound on screen. Such sounds are included so as to provide an appropriate emotional nuance, and they may also add to the realism of the film. For example, a film-maker might opt to include the background sound of an ambulance&s siren while the foreground sound and image portrays an arguing couple. The asynchronous ambulance siren underscores the psychic injury incu at the same time the noise of the siren adds to the realism of the film by acknowledging the film&s city setting.&   We are probably all familiar with background music in films, which has become so ubiquitous as to be noticeable in its absence. We are aware that it is used to add emotion and rhythm. Usually not meant to be noticeable, it often provides a tone or an emotional attitude toward the story and/or the characters depicted. In addition, background music often foreshadows a change in mood. For example, dissonant music may be used in film to indicate an approaching (but not yet visible) menace or disaster.&   Background music may aid viewer understanding by linking scenes. For example, a particular musical theme associated with an individual character or situation may be repeated at various points in a film in order to remind the audience of salient motifs or ideas.&   Film sound comprises conventions and innovations. We have come to expect an acceleration of music during car chases and creaky doors in horror films. Yet, it is important to note as well that sound is often brilliantly conceived. The effects of sound are often largely subtle and often are noted by only our subconscious minds. We need to foster an awareness of film sound as well as film space so as to truly appreciate an art form that sprang to life during the twentieth century & the modern film.&   Questions 14-18&   Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.&   Write the correct letter in boxes 14-18 on your answer sheet.&   14 In the first paragraph, the writer makes a point that&   A the director should plan the sound track at an early stage in filming.&   B it would be wrong to overlook the contribution of sound to the artistry of films.&   C the music industry can have a beneficial influence on sound in film.&   D it is important for those working on the sound in a film to have sole responsibility for it.&   15 One reason that the writer refers to Humphrey Bogart is to exemplify&   A the importance of the actor and the character appearing to have similar personalities.&   B the audience&s wish that actors are visually appropriate for their roles.&   C the value of the actor having had similar feelings to the character.&   D the audience&s preference for dialogue to be as authentic as possible.&   16 In the third paragraph, the writer suggests that&   A audiences are likely to be critical of film dialogue that does not reflect their own experience.&   B film dialogue that appears to be dull may have a specific purpose.&   C filmmakers vary considerably in the skill with which they handle dialogue.&   D the most successful films are those with dialogue of a high quality.&   17 What does the writer suggest about Bringing Up Baby?&   A The plot suffers from the filmmaker&s wish to focus on humorous dialogue.&   B The dialogue helps to make it one of the best comedy films ever produced.&   C There is a mismatch between the speed of the dialogue and the speed of actions.&   D The nature of the dialogue emphasises key elements of the film.&   18 The writer refers to the &click& of a door to make the point that realistic sounds&   A are often used to give the audience a false impression of events in the film.&   B may be interpreted in different ways by different members of the audience.& & & &&&   C may be modified in order to manipulate the audience&s response to the film.&   D tend to be more significant in films presenting realistic situations.&   Questions 19-23&   Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 2?&   In boxes 19-23 on your answer sheet, write&   TRUE if the statement agrees with the information&   FALSE if the statement contradicts the information&   NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this&   19 Audiences are likely to be surprised if a film lacks background music.&   20 Background music may anticipate a development in a film.&   21 Background music has more effect on some people than on others.&   22 Background music may help the audience to make certain connections within the film.&   23 Audiences tend to be aware of how the background music is affecting them.&   Questions 24-26&   Complete each sentence with the correct ending, A-E, below.&   Write the correct letter, A-E, in boxes 24-26 on your answer sheet.&   24 The audience&s response to different parts of a film can be controlled&   25 The feelings and motivations of characters become clear&   26 A character seems to be a real person rather than an actor&   A when the audience listens to the dialogue.&   B if the film reflects the audience&s own concerns.&   C if voice, sound and music are combined appropriately.&   D when the director is aware of how the audience will respond.&   E when the actor&s appearance, voice and moves are consistent with each other.&   以下是该篇阅读题目的答案解析:&   Question 14&   答案: B&   关键词: first paragraph&   定位原文: 第1段整体内容&   解题思路: 本题考査考生是否能够读懂作者在第一段里表达的主要看法,很难使用此段中的某一句话来确定答案,需要考生读懂本段大意并对比四个选项内容,从而做出恰当选择。&   A项说&导演应该在拍摄的早期阶段就计划好电影原声&,而原文中只是提及&规划音效也应该是导演的职责所在&,并未提及是否该早早动手规划;C项说&音乐产业可以对电影中的声音产生有益影响&,这个信息完全不曾被提及;D项说&负责电影中声音的工作人员应该对音效担负起完全的责任来,这很重要&,更是故意曲解了文中的&统筹音效和关注画面质量同样都是导演的应有之责&,混淆视听。对比可得正确答案为B项。&   Question 15&   答案: A&   关键词: Humphrey Bogart&   定位原文: 第2段的第3、4句&Often with film characterization the audience perceives little&&&   解题思路: 题目问作者提到Humphrey Bogart的一个原因是为了证明什么。人名可以帮助考生轻松定位。只看包含Humphrey Bogart的一句,缺失了此段的上下文,也不易得出答案。B项说&观众希望演员在视觉上适合他们所扮演的角色&,也就是说希望演员的外貌特征符合角色描述,但本段反复提及的着眼点在于&性格特征&而非外貌;C项属于完全未被提及的信息;D项说&观众更倾向于对话要尽可能显得真实&,虽然本段确实意在解释&对话&在电影中所扮演的角色,但是并有明确说到它必须像真的,所以也不对。&   Question 16&   答案: B&   关键词: third paragraph&   定位原文: 第3段内容&   解题思路: A项说&如果电影对话不能反映观众自身经历,他们就有可能会持批评性态度&,未被提及的;C项说&电影制作者在如何处话的技巧上彼此有着极大的差別&,这个选项与原文中how dialogue is used and the very amount of dialogue used vanes widely among films有一定相似之处,可能会给部分考生造成一定干扰。但仔细分辨之下不难看出,原文只说了&不同电影中对话的用法和用量有很大差別&,并未明确说是电影制作者使用技巧的差別,是干扰选项;D项说&最成功的电影是那些有着高质量对话的电影&,也是无中生有的信息。&   Question 17&   答案: D&   关键词: Bringing Up Baby&   定位原文: 第4段内容&   解题思路: 问的是关于Bringing Up Baby 这部电影说了什么,根据本段内容,作者说这部电影故意使用了又快又滑稽的对话形式来突出影片的荒诞风格。因此正确答案为选项D&对话的性质强化了影片中的关键元素。&A项说&由于电影制作人想要关注幽默对话而使情节受到了损害&;B项说&对话帮助这部电影成为了有史以来最好的喜剧电影之一&;C项说&对话的速度与动作的速度之间不匹配&。这三项内容在本段中都不曾被提及。&   Question 18&   答案: C&   关键词: &click& of a door&   定位原文: 第5段第4句&For example, the 'click' of a door being opened&&&   解题思路: 题目问:作者提到了推门的&咔嗒&声来说明,模拟真实情况的声音_____。A项说&经常被用来让观众对影片中的事件产生错误印象&;B项说&可能会被观众中的不同成员按照不同的方式进行理解&;D项说&往往在那些展示现实场景的电影中显得更为重要&。这三项内容在本段不曾被提及。而C中&也有可能加以改变用来控制观众对电影的反应&是定位处的同义表达。&   Question 19&   答案: TRUE&   关键词: surprised, lacks, background music&   定位原文: 第7段的第1句&We are probably all familiar with&&&   解题思路: 定位处的so& as to 表示 &如此&以至于&,背景音乐无处不在,以至于观众必须注意到它的存在,和题目的&如果一部电影缺了背景音乐,观众有可能会感到奇怪。&是同义表达。&   Question 20&   答案: TRUE&   关键词: background music, anticipate, development&   定位原文:第7段倒数第2句&In addition, background music&&&   解题思路: 定位处说背景音乐通常预示着氛围变化,foreshadow 与may anticipate 是同义表达,题目中说&背景音乐有可能预示出一部电影中的情节发展&与定位原文是同义表达,因此答案为TRUE。&   Question 21&   答案: NOT GIVEN&   关键词: background music, more effect than&   定位原文:第7段第3、4、5句&Usually not meant to be noticeable &&&   解题思路: 文中与题目有关的定位区域在第7段,文中说到,通常可能不是故意让人注意的,只是说背景音乐通常奠定了故事的基调,或者人物的感情态度,再者,预示氛围变化。而题目中却说背景音乐对一些人产生的效果比对另一些人所产生的效果更大。这样的信息在文中完全没有提及。所以答案只能是NG。&   Question 22&   答案: True&   关键词: background music, make certain connections&   定位原文: 第8段内容&   解题思路: 题目说背景音乐可以帮助观众在影片中(不同场景之间)找到某些关联,在阅读第8段第1句后,即可大致判断这个表述是True,如果觉得不够确信,再往后阅读,可以确定答案。&   Question 23&   答案: FALSE&   关键词: aware, background music, affecting&   定位原文: 第9段第4句&The effects of sound are often largely&&&   解题思路: 定位处已经明确说明声音的效果通常来说是非常微妙的,只是潜意识才能注意到。而题目说的是&观众往往会注意到背景音乐如何对他们产生影响。& 题目中用background music,原文中用了sound这个简单词,正文中所使用的effects一词与题干中affect的同义替换,对比内容,可知答案为FALSE。&   Question 24&   答案: C&   关键词: audience's response, can be controlled&   定位原文: 第1段第3、4句&The entire sound track consists of&&&   解题思路: 题目问的是观众对于影片中不同部分的反应可以在何种情况下被控制。难点在与理解原文的create desired effects,即是指&创造出(电影制作者)所想要达到的效果&,也就是希望去掌控或操控观众观影之后会产生什么样的反应。题目中的&must be mixed and balanced so as to produce the necessary emphases&就是C选项的&如果人的声音、其他声响和音乐进行了恰当混合的话&。&   Question 25&   答案: A&   关键词: feelings and motivations&   定位原文: 第2段第2句&As is the case with stage drama&&&   解题思路: 原文中&dialogue serves to tell the story and expresses feelings and motivations of characters as well&,可见是dialogue完成两个目标,一是讲述故事,二是表达人物感情和动机,很容易选到A:当观众听着对话的时候。&   Question 26&   答案: E&   关键词: character, real person, actor&   定位原文: 第3段第1句&When voice textures fit the performer's physiognomy&&&   解题思路: 定位原文处说到音质符合人物的外表,姿势,一个非常真实的人物形象就出来了。题目问的是&一个角色看似更像一个真实的人而非一位演员&,所以选项E&当演员的外貌、声音和动作彼此协调一致时&是正确选项。&   希望以上聚培训为大家分享的日雅思阅读预测【大范围】能够对大家有帮助,下一篇文章聚培训会为大家分享此次雅思写作的预测题目,欢迎前来了解。
  剑桥雅思6阅读原文及考试题目TEST 1 READING PASSAGE 1
  You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13, which are based on Reading Passage 1 below.
  A They play hard, they play often, and they play to win. Australian sports teams win more than their fair share of titles, demolishing rivals with seeming ease. How do they do it? A big part of the secret is an extensive and expensive network of sporting academies underpinned by science and medicine. At the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS), hundreds of youngsters and pros live and train under the eyes of coaches. Another body, the Australian Sports Commission (ASC), finances programmes of excellence in a total of 96 sports for thousands of sportsmen and women. Both provide intensive coaching, training facilities and nutritional advice.
  B Inside the academies, science takes centre stage. The AIS employs more than 100 sports scientists and doctors, and collaborates with scores of others in universities and research centres. AIS scientists work across a number of sports, applying skills learned in one & such as building muscle strength in golfers & to others, such as swimming and squash. They are backed up by technicians who design instruments to collect data from athletes. They all focus on one aim: winning. &We can&t waste our time looking at ethereal scientific questions that don&t help the coach work with an athlete and improve performance,& says Peter Fricker, chief of science at AIS.
  C A lot of their work comes down to measurement & everything from the exact angle of a swimmer&s dive to the second-by-second power output of a cyclist. This data is used to wring improvements out of athletes. The focus is on individuals, tweaking performances to squeeze an extra hundredth of a second here, an extra millimetre there. No gain is too slight to bother with. It&s the tiny, gradual improvements that add up to world-beating results. To demonstrate how the system works, Bruce Mason at AIS shows off the prototype of a 3D analysis tool for studying swimmers. A wire-frame model of a champion swimmer slices through the water, her arms moving in slow motion. Looking side-on, Mason measures the distance between strokes. From above, he analyses how her spine swivels. When fully developed, this system will enable him to build a biomechanical profile for coaches to use to help budding swimmers. Mason&s contribution to sport also includes the development of the SWAN (Swimming Analysis) system now used in Australian national competitions. It collects images from digital cameras running at 50 frames a second and breaks down each part of a swimmer&s performance into factors that can be analysed individually & stroke length, stroke frequency, average duration of each stroke, velocity, start, lap and finish times, and so on. At the end of each race, SWAN spits out data on each swimmer.
  D &Take a look,& says Mason, pulling out a sheet of data. He points out the data on the swimmers in second and third place, which shows that the one who finished third actually swam faster. So why did he finish 35 hundredths of a second down? &His turn times were 44 hundredths of a second behind the other guy,& says Mason. &If he can improve on his turns, he can do much better.& This is the kind of accuracy that AIS scientists& research is bringing to a range of sports. With the Cooperative Research Centre for Micro Technology in Melbourne, they are developing unobtrusive sensors that will be embedded in an athlete&s clothes or running shoes to monitor heart rate, sweating, heat production or any other factor that might have an impact on an athlete&s ability to run. There&s more to it than simply measuring performance. Fricker gives the example of athletes who may be down with coughs and colds 11 or 12 times a year. After years of experimentation, AIS and the University of Newcastle in New South Wales developed a test that measures how much of the immune-system protein immunoglobulin A is present in athletes& saliva. If IgA levels suddenly fall below a certain level, training is eased or dropped altogether. Soon, IgA levels start rising again, and the danger passes. Since the tests were introduced, AIS athletes in all sports have been remarkably successful at staying healthy.
  E Using data is a complex business. Well before a championship, sports scientists and coaches start to prepare the athlete by developing a &competition model&, based on what they expect will be the winning times.& You design the model to make that time,& says Mason.& A start of this much, each free-swimming period has to be this fast, with a certain stroke frequency and stroke length, with turns done in these times.& All the training is then geared towards making the athlete hit those targets, both overall and for each segment of the race. Techniques like these have transformed Australia into arguably the world&s most successful sporting nation.
  F Of course, there&s nothing to stop other countries copying & and many have tried. Some years ago, the AIS unveiled coolant-lined jackets for endurance athletes. At the Atlanta Olympic Games in 1996, these sliced as much as two per cent off cyclists& and rowers& times. Now everyone uses them. The same has happened to the &altitude tent&, developed by AIS to replicate the effect of altitude training at sea level. But Australia&s success story is about more than easily copied technological fixes, and up to now no nation has replicated its all-encompassing system.
  Questions 1-7
  Reading Passage 1 has six paragraphs, A-F.
  Which paragraph contains the following information?
  Write the correct letter, A-F, in boxes 1-7 on your answer sheet.
  NB You may use any letter more than once.
  1 a reference to the exchange of expertise between different sports
  2 an explanation of how visual imaging is employed in investigations
  3 a reason for narrowing the scope of research activity
  4 how some AIS ideas have been reproduced
  5 how obstacles to optimum achievement can be investigated
  6 an overview of the funded support of athletes
  7 how performance requirements are calculated before an event
  Questions 8-11
  Classify the following techniques according to whether the writer states they
  A are currently exclusively used by Australians
  B will be used in the future by Australians
  C are currently used by both Australians and their rivals
  Write the correct letter, A, B or C, in boxes 8-11 on your answer sheet.
  8 cameras
  9 sensors
  10 protein tests
  11 altitude tents
  Questions 12 and 13
  Answer the questions below.
  Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS ANDIOR A NUMBER from the passage for each answer.
  Write your answers in boxes 12 and 13 on your answer sheet.
  12 What is produced to help an athlete plan their performance in an event?
  13 By how much did some cyclists& performance improve at the 1996 Olympic Games?
  剑桥雅思6阅读原文及考试题目TEST 1 READING PASSAGE 2
  You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 14-26, which are based on Reading Passage 2 below.
  The vast expansion in international trade owes much to a revolution in the business of moving freight
  A International trade is growing at a startling pace. While the global economy has been expanding at a bit over 3% a year, the volume of trade has been rising at a compound annual rate of about twice that. Foreign products, from meat to machinery, play a more important role in almost every economy in the world, and foreign markets now tempt businesses that never much worried about sales beyond their nation&s borders.
  B What lies behind this explosion in international commerce? The general worldwide decline in trade barriers, such as customs duties and import quotas, is surely one explanation. The economic opening of countries that have traditionally been minor players is another. But one force behind the import-export boom has passed all but unnoticed: the rapidly falling cost of getting goods to market. Theoretically, in the world of trade, shipping costs do not matter. Goods, once they have been made, are assumed to move instantly and at no cost from place to place. The real world, however, is full of frictions. Cheap labour may make Chinese clothing competitive in America, but if delays in shipment tie up working capital and cause winter coats to arrive in spring, trade may lose its advantages.
  C At the turn of the 20th century, agriculture and manufacturing were the two most important sectors almost everywhere, accounting for about 70% of total output in Germany, Italy and France, and 40-50% in America, Britain and Japan. International commerce was therefore dominated by raw materials, such as wheat, wood and iron ore, or processed commodities, such as meat and steel. But these sorts of products are heavy and bulky and the cost of transporting them relatively high.
  D Countries still trade disproportionately with their geographic neighbours. Over time, however, world output has shifted into goods whose worth is unrelated to their size and weight. Today, it is finished manufactured products that dominate the flow of trade, and, thanks to technological advances such as lightweight components, manufactured goods themselves have tended to become lighter and less bulky. As a result, less transportation is required for every dollar&s worth of imports or exports.
  E To see how this influences trade, consider the business of making disk drives for computers. Most of the world&s disk-drive manufacturing is concentrated in South-east Asia. This is possible only because disk drives, while valuable, are small and light and so cost little to ship. Computer manufacturers in Japan or Texas will not face hugely bigger freight bills if they import drives from Singapore rather than purchasing them on the domestic market. Distance therefore poses no obstacle to the globalisation of the disk-drive industry.
  F This is even more true of the fast-growing information industries. Films and compact discs cost little to transport, even by aeroplane. Computer software can be &exported& without ever loading it onto a ship, simply by transmitting it over telephone lines from one country to another, so freight rates and cargo-handling schedules become insignificant factors in deciding where to make the product. Businesses can locate based on other considerations, such as the availability of labour, while worrying less about the cost of delivering their output.
  G In many countries deregulation has helped to drive the process along. But, behind the scenes, a series of technological innovations known broadly as containerisation and inter-modal transportation has led to swift productivity improvements in cargo-handling. Forty years ago, the process of exporting or importing involved a great many stages of handling, which risked portions of the shipment being damaged or stolen along the way. The invention of the container crane made it possible to load and unload containers without capsizing the ship and the adoption of standard container sizes allowed almost any box to be transported on any ship. By 1967, dual-purpose ships, carrying loose cargo in the hold* and containers on the deck, were giving way to all-container vessels that moved thousands of boxes at a time.
  H The shipping container transformed ocean shipping into a highly efficient, intensely competitive business. But getting the cargo to and from the dock was a different story. National governments, by and large, kept a much firmer hand on truck and railroad tariffs than on charges for ocean freight. This started changing, however, in the mid-1970s, when America began to deregulate its transportation industry. First airlines, then road hauliers and railways, were freed from restrictions on what they could carry, where they could haul it and what price they could charge. Big productivity gains resulted. Between 1985 and 1996, for example, America&s freight railways dramatically reduced their employment, trackage, and their fleets of locomotives & while increasing the amount of cargo they hauled. Europe&s railways have also shown marked, albeit smaller, productivity improvements.
  I In America the period of huge productivity gains in transportation may be almost over, but in most countries the process still has far to go. State ownership of railways and airlines, regulation of freight rates and toleration of anti-competitive practices, such as cargo-handling monopolies, all keep the cost of shipping unnecessarily high and deter international trade. Bringing these barriers down would help the world&s economies grow even closer.
  hold: ship&s storage area below beck
  Questions 14-17
  Reading Passage 2 has nine paragraphs, A-I.
  Which paragraph contains the following information?
  Write the correct letter, A-I, in boxes 14-17 on your answer sheet.
  14 a suggestion for improving trade in the future
  15 the effects of the introduction of electronic delivery
  16 the similar cost involved in transporting a product from abroad or from a local supplier
  17 the weakening relationship between the value of goods and the cost of their delivery
  Questions 18-22
  Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 2?
  In boxes 18-22 on your answer sheet, write
  TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
  FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
  NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this
  18 International trade is increasing at a greater rate than the world economy.
  19 Cheap labour guarantees effective trade conditions.
  20 Japan imports more meat and steel than France.
  21 Most countries continue to prefer to trade with nearby nations.
  22 Small computer components are manufactured in Germany.
  Questions 23-26
  Complete the summary using the list of words, A-K, below.
  Write the correct letter, A-K, in boxes 23-26 on your answer sheet.
  Modern Cargo-handing methods have had a significant effect on 23............ as the business of moving freight around the world becomes increasingly streamlined.
  Manufacturers of computers, for instance, are able to import 24............ from overseas, rather than having to rely on a local supplier. The introduction of 25............ has meant that bulk cargo can be safely and efficiently moved over long distances. While international shipping is now efficient, there is still a need for governments to reduce 26............: in order to free up the domestic cargo sector.
  A tariffs B components C container ships
  D output E employees F insurance costs
  G trade H freight I fares
  J software K international standards
  You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 27-40, which are based on Reading Passage 3 on the following pages.
  Question 27-32
  Reading Passage 3 has seven paragraphs, A-G.
  Choose the correct heading for paragraphs B-G from the list of headings below.
  Write the correct number, i-ix, in boxes 27-32 on you answer sheet.
  List of Headings
  i The reaction of the Inuit community to climate change
  ii Understanding of climate change remains limited
  iii Alternative sources of essential supplies
  iv Respect for Inuit opinion grows
  v A healthier choice of food
  vi A difficult landscape
  vii Negative effects on well-being
  viii Alarm caused by unprecedented events in the Arctic
  ix The benefits of an easier existence
  Example Answer
  Paragraph A viii
  27 Paragraph B
  28 Paragraph C
  29 Paragraph D
  30 Paragraph E
  31 Paragraph F
  32 Paragraph G
  Climate Change and the Inuit
  The threat posed by climate change in the Arctic and the problems faced by Canada&s Inuit people
  A Unusual incidents are being reported across the Arctic. Inuit families going off on snowmobiles to prepare their summer hunting camps have found themselves cut off from home by a sea of mud, following early thaws. There are reports of igloos losing their insulating properties as the snow drips and refreezes, of lakes draining into the sea as permafrost melts, and sea ice breaking up earlier than usual, carrying seals beyond the reach of hunters. Climate change may still be a rather abstract idea to most of us, but in the Arctic it is already having dramatic effects & if summertime ice continues to shrink at its present rate, the Arctic Ocean could soon become virtually ice-free in summer. The knock-on effects are likely to include more warming, cloudier skies, increased precipitation and higher sea levels. Scientists are increasingly keen to find out what&s going on because they consider the Arctic the &canary in the mine& for global warming & a warning of what&s in store for the rest of the world.
  B For the Inuit the problem is urgent. They live in precarious balance with one of the toughest environments on earth. Climate change, whatever its causes, is a direct threat to their way of life. Nobody knows the Arctic as well as the locals, which is why they are not content simply to stand back and let outside experts tell them what&s happening. In Canada, where the Inuit people are jealously guarding their hard-won autonomy in the country&s newest territory, Nunavut, they believe their best hope of survival in this changing environment lies in combining their ancestral knowledge with the best of modern science. This is a challenge in itself.
  C The Canadian Arctic is a vast, treeless polar desert that&s covered with snow for most of the year. Venture into this terrain and you get some idea of the hardships facing anyone who calls this home. Farming is out of the question and nature offers meagre pickings. Humans first settled in the Arctic a mere 4,500 years ago, surviving by exploiting sea mammals and fish. The environment tested them to the limits: sometimes the colonists were successful, sometimes they failed and vanished. But around a thousand years ago, one group emerged that was uniquely well adapted to cope with the Arctic environment. These Thule people moved in from Alaska, bringing kayaks, sleds, dogs, pottery and iron tools. They are the ancestors of today&s Inuit people.
  D Life for the descendants of the Thule people is still harsh. Nunavut is 1.9 million square kilometres of rock and ice, and a handful of islands around the North Pole. It&s currently home to 2,500 people, all but a handful of them indigenous Inuit. Over the past 40 years, most have abandoned their nomadic ways and settled in the territory&s 28 isolated communities, but they still rely heavily on nature to provide food and clothing. Provisions available in local shops have to be flown into Nunavut on one of the most costly air networks in the world, or brought by supply ship during the few ice-free weeks of summer. It would cost a family around £7,000 a year to replace meat they obtained themselves through hunting with imported meat. Economic opportunities are scarce, and for many people state benefits are their only income.
  E While the Inuit may not actually starve if hunting and trapping are curtailed by climate change, there has certainly been an impact on people&s health. Obesity, heart disease and diabetes are beginning to appear in a people for whom these have never before been problems. There has been a crisis of identity as the traditional skills of hunting, trapping and preparing skins have begun to disappear. In Nunavut&s &igloo and email& society, where adults who were born in igloos have children who may never have been out on the land, there&s a high incidence of depression.
  F With so much at stake, the Inuit are determined to play a key role in teasing out the mysteries of climate change in the Arctic. Having survived there for centuries, they believe their wealth of traditional knowledge is vital to the task. And Western scientists are starting to draw on this wisdom, increasingly referred to as &Intelligence Quotient&, or IQ. &In the early days scientists ignored us when they came up here to study anything. They just figured these people don&t know very much so we won&t ask them,& says John Amagoalik, an Inuit


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