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& dianping.com, All Rights Reserved. 本站发布的所有内容,未经许可,不得转载,详见 。如何进入大连英领国际学校,在英领国际学校就读是怎样一种体验? - 知乎有问题,上知乎。知乎作为中文互联网最大的知识分享平台,以「知识连接一切」为愿景,致力于构建一个人人都可以便捷接入的知识分享网络,让人们便捷地与世界分享知识、经验和见解,发现更大的世界。5被浏览<strong class="NumberBoard-itemValue" title="分享邀请回答赞同 添加评论分享收藏感谢收起英领国际学校(Ealing International College)是由英中方案集团(英国)与英国长桥塔(Longridge Towers)公学合作在中国建立的正式分校,经大连市教委批准,英国教育部备案,英国驻华大使馆认可,同时也是英国爱德思国家考试局正式授权的A-level考试中心。学校已在沈阳、石家庄设立分校。英领国际学校目前是中国东北地区一所真正全英文讲授完全与国际接轨的同步课程,文凭受国际认可的中外合作学校,为中国境内的中、外籍学生系统地提供全英文英国小学、初中、高中、高中预科、大学预科等课程。并可以安排学生在本校参加英国GCSE及A-level考试,学生凭成绩可直接申请英国的牛津大学、剑桥大学;美国的斯坦福大学、麻省理工学院;澳大利亚的悉尼大学、墨尔本大学;新西兰的奥克兰理工大学以及加拿大的多伦多大学等几百所世界名校。&&&&&与此同时,英领国际学校,励精图治,同时又在大连开设了第一个保签世界前200名的英联邦名校直通车课程和大连首个保签美国前70名校的美国名校直通车课程。创立了独有的从出国课程学习、到国外学校申请规划,从社会实践活动等一站式全方位的服务体系并且在全大连独家开设了美国AP课程。英领国际学校开设的课程广泛,内容丰富,从高端的A-level、IGCSE、SATI、SATII、AP、雅思、托福、外教听说、词汇、语法、阅读、写作等几十门课程,到原版引进的KEY STAGE少儿英语教材,用全专业外教,英文教授自然科学、数学、学术英语三门课程,无一不体现了英领国际学校的纯正英语环境和高质量的教学水平。除此之外,强大的海外背景,使得英领国际学校还可以提供给学生国外实验学习,国外寄宿家庭模拟培训,海外监护人服务,短期海外游学等多方面服务,全方位培训学生出国前的各种学习及生活应用技能。最终实现从国内学习生活到国外学习生活的完美过渡。&&&&&&&&学校经常邀请英国驻华大使馆官员、海外各领域华人精英、国际名校学者给学生做讲座、与学生交流,帮助学生了解更多的海外学习的情况、国外城市的文化、经济状况及相应的法律法规,为学生参与国际社会竞争做好充分的准备。Introduction of Ealing International CollegeEaling International College (EIC) is the branch campus of Britain’s Longridge Towers School. Ealing is the only full English teaching school in northeast China authorized by DaLian Education Committee and approved by the British Embassy in China. Ealing’s curriculum provides courses of the British primary school, IGCSE, A-level, IB, AP and IELTS and TOEFL training. Ealing International College is an authorized and accredited testing center, for students wishing to take IGCSE and A-level examinations in China. Additionally, it will assist students in applying to the top universities in the world, for example, Oxford and Cambridge universities in the UK, Stanford University and the University of Washington in the United States.Ealing International College provides four clear pathways from which students can choose. Three pathways are offered for study abroad, with our British (IGCSE, A-Levels, IELTS), American (AP, SAT, TOEFL) and Australian Foundation programs. The fourth pathway is offered through internal English training classes, offered to businesses and private students. Finally, EIC can help students polish their life skills by providing cultural training and orientation, so that students can improve their overseas study experience.Our Headmaster and TeachersThe Headmaster of EIC is Jian Liu, who gained her Master’s Degrees in Service Management and Education Management at Portsmouth University. She was the only Chinese student to receive the top scholarship in her three years at the university. She wrote papers on the Implementation of Happiness and Education Development Trends. Her paper, titled Teenage Education and Social Economic Development received the highest marks from the university. Notably, selected parts were translated into Spanish, French, German and several other languages. She gained experience in the primary and middle schools of Southampton in UK.The Academic Director of EIC is Nicholas L. Edwards, who gained a Bachelor’s Degree in Modern Linguistics and a Master’s Degree in Economics at Bristol University in UK. He gained rich international teaching, management and training experience working for the global companies like Total, SAP and DHZ. After arriving in China, he worked for several international companies, providing English and management training. “Nik” also worked as a volunteer teacher/manager for South America and Asia organizations, as well as giving free English training to doctors and staff at hospitals within China.Teaching FacultyEIC teachers are all experienced professionals relevant to their subject areas. They are selected based on qualifications and working experience so they can bring both academic and real life skills to top students within China. Presently Ealing employs 20 foreign teachers and a range of Chinese support teachers who all contribute to the highest teaching levels so that students get the best balance and advantages to their future.CooperationEIC cooperates with schools and business alike and has been involved with various projects. Some examples include: working with Australia’s Queensland Government to implement a foundation program that now qualifies students to go to some 20 different Australian universities. EIC has assisted Dalian Local Government by training Middle School teachers to higher standards in an attempt to improve teaching conditions for students. Sending Teachers within business areas around Dalian teaching both English and Management to International Companies.A-level Examination CentreEaling International College is the first recognized A-level examination centre in the northeast of China. The students can take A-level examination in Ealing International College as they would do in the UK.Part of the Ealing philosophy is to replicate classes as if they were being studied abroad. This helps to culturally adjust students to the different styles of teaching and learning they may encounter when they move to the country of their choice...
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&&& 英领国际学校(Ealing International College)是由英中方案集团(英国)与英国长桥塔(Longridge Towers)公学合作在中国建立的唯一正式分校,经大连市教委批准,英国教育部备案,英国驻华大使馆认可,同时也是英国爱德思国家考试局正式授权的A-level考试中心,是大连最早的A-level考试中心,也是大连最早开设IGCSE、A-level国际课程的专业学校。&&& 英领国际学校目前是中国东北地区唯一一所真正全英文讲授完全与国际接轨的同步课程,文凭受国际认可的中外合作学校,为中国境内的中、外籍学生系统地提供全英文英国小学、初中、高中、高中预科、大学预科等课程。并可以安排学生在本校参加英国GCSE及A-level考试,学生凭成绩可直接申请英国的牛津大学、剑桥大学;美国的斯坦福大学、麻省理工学院;澳大利亚的悉尼大学、墨尔本大学;新西兰的奥克兰理工大学以及加拿大的多伦多大学等几百所世界名校。&&& 与此同时,英领国际学校,励精图治,同时又在大连开设了第一个保签世界前200名的英联邦名校直通车课程和大连首个保签美国前70名校的美国名校直通车课程。创立了独有的从出国课程学习、到国外学校申请规划,从社会实践活动,到后期申请签证服务等一站式全方位的服务体系并且在全大连独家开设了美国AP课程。&&&&&& 英领国际学校开设的课程广泛,内容丰富,从高端的A-level、IGCSE、SATI、SATII、AP、雅思、托福、外教听说、词汇、语法、阅读、写作等几十门课程,到原版引进的KEY STAGE少儿英语教材,用全专业外教,英文教授自然科学、数学、学术英语三门课程,无一不体现了英领国际学校的纯正英语环境和高质量的教学水平。&&& 除此之外,强大的海外背景,使得英领国际学校还可以提供给学生国外实验学习,国外寄宿家庭模拟培训,海外监护人服务,短期海外游学等多方面服务,全方位培训学生出国前的各种学习及生活应用技能。最终实现从国内学习生活到国外学习生活的完美过渡。&&& 学校经常邀请英国驻华大使馆官员、海外各领域华人精英、国际名校学者给学生做讲座、与学生交流,帮助学生了解更多的海外学习的情况、国外城市的文化、经济状况及相应的法律法规,为学生参与国际社会竞争做好充分的准备。Introduction of&Ealing&International&College&Ealing International College (EIC) is the branch campus of&Britain’s&Longridge&TowersSchool. Ealing is the only full English teaching school in northeast&China&authorized by DaLian Education Committee and approved by the British Embassy in&China. Ealing’s curriculum provides courses of the British primary school, IGCSE, A-level, IB, AP and IELTS and TOEFL training.&Ealing&International&College&is an authorized and accredited testing center, for students wishing to take IGCSE and A-level examinations in&China. Additionally, it will assist students in applying to the top universities in the world, for example,&Oxford&and&Cambridge&universities in the&UK,&Stanford&University&and theUniversity&of&Washington&in the&United States.&Ealing&International&College&provides four clear pathways from which students can choose. Three pathways are offered for study abroad, with our British (IGCSE, A-Levels, IELTS), American (AP, SAT, TOEFL) and Australian Foundation programs. The fourth pathway is offered through internal English training classes, offered to businesses and private students. Finally, EIC can help students polish their life skills by providing cultural training and orientation, so that students can improve their overseas study experience.&Our Headmaster and Teachers&The Headmaster of EIC is Jian Liu, who gained her Master’s Degrees in Service Management and Education Management at&Portsmouth&University. She was the only Chinese student to receive the top scholarship in her three years at the university. She wrote papers on the Implementation of Happiness and Education Development Trends. Her paper, titled Teenage Education and Social Economic Development received the highest marks from the university. Notably, selected parts were translated into Spanish, French, German and several other languages. She gained experience in the primary and middle schools of Southampton in&UK.&The Academic Director of EIC is Nicholas L. Edwards, who gained a Bachelor’s Degree in Modern Linguistics and a Master’s Degree in Economics at&Bristol&University&inUK. He gained rich international teaching, management and training experience working for the global companies like Total, SAP and DHZ. After arriving in&China, he worked for several international companies, providing English and management training. “Nik” also worked as a volunteer teacher/manager for South America and Asia organizations, as well as giving free English training to doctors and staff at hospitals within&China.&&Teaching FacultyEIC teachers are all experienced professionals relevant to their subject areas. They are selected based on qualifications and working experience so they can bring both academic and real life skills to top students within&China.&&Presently Ealing employs 20 foreign teachers and a range of Chinese support teachers who all contribute to the highest teaching levels so that students get the best balance and advantages to their future.&CooperationEIC cooperates with schools and business alike and has been involved with various projects. Some examples include: working with&Australia’s Queensland Government to implement a foundation program that now qualifies students to go to some 20 different Australian universities. EIC has assisted Dalian Local Government by training Middle School teachers to higher standards in an attempt to improve teaching conditions for students. Sending Teachers within business areas around&Dalian&teaching both English and Management to International Companies.&A-level Examination CentreEaling&International&College&is the first recognized A-level examination centre in the northeast of&China. The students can take A-level examination in&Ealing&InternationalCollege&as they would do in the&UK.&Part of the Ealing philosophy is to replicate classes as if they were being studied abroad. This helps to culturally adjust students to the different styles of teaching and learning they may encounter when they move to the country of their choice...
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