
nice是什么意思 nice在线翻译 nice什么意思 nice的意思 nice的翻译 nice的解释 nice的发音 nice的同义词 nice的反义词 nice的例句 nice的相关词组
nice英 [na?s] 美 [na?s] 比较级:最高级:nice 基本解释形容词美好的,愉快的; 正派的; 友好的,亲切的; 细致的nice的近义词nice 同义词形容词911查询·英语单词nice 反义词形容词手机查看nice的意思,微信扫一扫页面右侧二维码。关注 911查询大全 后发送 nice 即可nice 相关例句形容词1. He is very nice in his food.&&&&他吃东西挑剔。2. He was nice to us.&&&&他对我们很友好。3. A nice girl would never go there.&&&&好女孩决不会去那里。4. You've got us into a nice mess.&&&&你使我们陷入困境。5. 5. The nice distinction in appearance between the twins did not escape him.&&&&这对双胞胎外貌上的细微差异没有逃过他的注意。nice 情景对话情人节A:Happy Valentine’s Day!&&&&&&情人节快乐。B:That’s nice of you.&&&&&&你太好了。旅游A:Have a nice (flight/ trip/ time)!&&&&&&祝你(航空旅程/旅途/玩得)愉快。niceB:See you!&&&&&&再见。情人节A:Happy Valentine’s Day! Could I treat you to dinner tonight?&&&&&&情人节快乐。我今晚可以请你吃饭吗?B:That’s nice of you.&&&&&&你太好了。nice 网络解释1. 1. 漂亮:300C和道奇的红色跑车. 由于最后一个镜头是A1,所以CNN的男主持就问女主持,你觉得这小车怎样?女主持接话说,一辆漂亮(nice)的小车!虽然感觉只是随意的答话,但至少给所有看了这个新闻的人奇瑞车一个较好的印象. 在此,为奇瑞喝彩.2. nice:network informat 网络信息控制交换3. nice:non inflationary
无通胀协调一致增长4. 4. nice:national insurance co 厄特国家保险公司5. nice:the national institute of 英国国家临床规范协会nice 双语例句1. nice的翻译1. It`s a sunny and nice day.&&&&这是美好的一天,阳光明媚。2. 2. Nice to meet you.- Nice to meet you, too.&&&&适用于曾经见过,但不太熟的人3. 911查询·英语单词3. The onather place though the fishes were crawd but under the reefs, both fishes and reefs were mixed. I yet saw a sea eel but could not pictured it with nice effetion.&&&&还有一个地方鱼多得很啊,可是在礁石中,我照来照去,照片里分辨不清鱼和礁石了,我还在海边看见了一条海鳗,但照相机照来照去,无法照出满意的效果。4. Waitress: All you ladies with the nice cars thinks anyone who talks like this must have ganja to sell.&&&&你们这些淑女,开着好车,一直觉得说这种口音的人一定是卖大麻的。5. She was of slight build with a great figure with nice bottom and breasts, a pretty face and short hair.&&&&她是轻微的建立与一个伟大的数字,与美臀和乳房,一个美丽的面及蓄短发。6. Even if it`s nice to have an opportunity to swap databases, not everyone needs it.&&&&即使它有一个很好的机会,交换数据库,不是每个人都需要它。7. When we get a nice car, and are able to go on a nice vocation when we retire.&&&&当当我们退休的时候,我们拿一辆好的汽车,而且能够继续进行一种好的职业的时候。8. 8. She had tried them all, from Alziari in Nice to the United Producers of Nyons, and in her expert and considered view the oil produced in the valley of Les Baux was the best.&&&&当妻子把安莉送来的一只野兔蘸着香料和芥末烤熟的时候,我的自尊和良知早已经不知跑到哪里去了。9. nice9. I love autumn because its nice and cool.&&&&我喜爱秋天,因为它很凉爽。10. 10. I am cool and nice looking gentleman looking a nice girl. if you consider yourself qualify please contact me immediately.&&&&性格开朗,爱好广泛,期望能有一个温暖幸福的家,那是我心灵寄托的港湾。11. 11. Hafsteinn Thorvaldsson on the Turf doing a nice safe on the second track where he backs out of a backwards roll.&&&&&&哈夫斯坦对草坪索瓦尔松做一个很好的第二轨道上安全的地方,他背上了一个向后卷。12. This is a nice pencil box.&&&&&&这是一个漂亮的文具盒。13. He seems overmatched and nervous. Henn is a nice kid who tries hard but has a 7.53 career ERA over parts of three seasons. Wright allowed a home run to Mike Lowell in April that just now landed on the Mass Pike. That was the end of him.&&&&&&他看来实力有段差距并且容易紧张;Sean Henn是个努力的好孩子,但他3个球季的ERA 高达7.53;Chase Wright在四月份被红袜的Mike Lowell打的那支全垒打搞不好现在还留在Mass Pike。14. I ran my eye down that nice, typewritten bill of fare looking for something in that line.&&&&&&我浏览着精美的、打印的菜单,在蔬菜类寻找着。15. nice的近义词15. I ran my eyes down that nice typewritten bill of fare, looking for something like that. But when I looked, I turned my chair over and shouted for the owner.&&&&&&我的眼睛在那份用打字机打得漂漂亮亮的菜单上浏览了一遍,想找蔬菜吃,我看着看着,就把椅子弄翻了,把老板喊来。16. 16. Motai wine is the most famous strong wine in our country, it taste nice and won't make u feel faint.&&&&&&绍兴酒属米酒类,品之香味诱人,有点象日本的清酒。17. He has big eyes and nice hair.&&&&&&他有大眼睛和美发。18. 911查询·英语单词18. He is a very nice person and we got on very well.&&&&&&而且他是个非常友善的人,我们相处的非常好。19. 19. I saw they prepared many kinds of fruits and nice-looking food.&&&&&&我看见她们准备了很多水果和鲜美的食物。20. nice20. I went to dilys's blog and i knew she had a nice birthday party with her partners. she said no matter how happy at the party or some monments, it was still a worst birthday. i can understand. i know everything and the feelings. i also had a worst birthay and a worst 20 years old. anyways, dilys is a very nice girl=very smart, very kind, very cute and so on. i think there will be many boys who like such a nice girl so dear dilys u will get your happiness.&&&&&&现在这个时候我只想哇哈哈哈哈的狂笑一通!莫得啥子,正二八经莫得啥子,就算我吃饱了莫得事情干,我看到别个那些幸福甜蜜的人们,羡慕的冒酸水水。又能怎样?有哪些人会每天来看我的blog,默默关注我的生活我的心情?究竟我还要咋个切拌命才摆脱得到那些噩梦一般的往事和记忆?我到底还要怎样才可以变得骄傲起来?地球超人,给我力量。nice 词典解释1. 吸引人的;美好的;令人愉快的&&&&If you say that something is nice, you mean that you find it attractive, pleasant, or enjoyable.&&&&e.g. I think silk ties can be quite nice...&&&&&&&&&&&我认为丝绸领带相当不错。&&&&e.g. It's nice to be here together again...&&&&&&&&&&&又在这儿相聚太好了。nicelyHe's just written a book, nicely illustrated and not too technical...他刚写完一本书,插图精美,内容也并不艰涩。The horse jumps nicely.这匹马跳跃得很好。2. (常用于表示谢意)好心的,体贴人的&&&&If you say that it is nice of someone to say or do something, you are saying that they are being kind and thoughtful. This is often used as a way of thanking someone.&&&&e.g. It's awfully nice of you to come all this way to see me...&&&&&&&&&&&你真是太好了,大老远来看我。&&&&e.g. 'How are your boys?' — 'How nice of you to ask.'...&&&&&&&&&&&“你的几个儿子好么?”——“谢谢关心。”3. 友好的;亲切的;可爱的&&&&If you say that someone is nice, you mean that you like them because they are friendly and pleasant.&&&&e.g. I've met your father and he's rather nice...&&&&&&&&&&&我已经见过你爸爸了,他非常和蔼可亲。&&&&e.g. He was a nice fellow, very quiet and courteous.&&&&&&&&&&&他是个好小伙,非常温和,彬彬有礼。nicenessMr Pearce was rather bowled over by his niceness, his concern and his ordinariness.皮尔斯先生简直为他的友善、关心和平民化惊呆了。4. (对人)友好的,亲切的&&&&If you are nice to people, you are friendly, pleasant, or polite towards them.911查询·英语单词大全&&&&e.g. She met Mr and Mrs Ricciardi, who were very nice to her.&&&&&&&&&&&她见到了里恰尔迪夫妇,他们对她非常友好。nicelyHe treated you very nicely and acted like a decent guy.他对你非常有礼貌,举止得体。5. (天气)温暖的,宜人的&&&&When the weather is nice, it is warm and pleasant.&&&&e.g. He nodded to us and said, 'Nice weather we're having.'&&&&&&&&&&&他冲我们点点头,说道:“天气真不错。”6. (用于加强语气)美好的,令人喜爱的&&&&You can use nice to emphasize a particular quality that you like.&&&&e.g. With a nice dark colour, the wine is medium to full bodied...&&&&&&&&&&&这种葡萄酒色泽深暗悦目,是中等浓郁至浓香型的。&&&&e.g. People have got used to nice glossy magazines...&&&&&&&&&&&人们已经习惯了用精美的亮光纸印刷的杂志了。7. (观点、区别等)细致的,微妙的,精细的&&&&A nice point or distinction is very clear, precise, and based on good reasoning.&&&&e.g. Those are nice academic arguments, but what about the immediate future?&&&&&&&&&&&那些是微妙的学术上的辩论,但不久的将来怎么办?nicelyI think this puts the problem very nicely.我认为这点很好地说明了那个问题。8. (用于打招呼)很高兴见到你&&&&&&You can use nice when you are greeting people. For example, you can say 'Nice to meet you', 'Nice to have met you', or 'Nice to see you'.&&&&&&e.g. Good morning. Nice to meet you and thanks for being with us this weekend...&&&&&&&&&&&&&早上好!见到你真高兴,感谢你和我们共度这个周末。&&&&&&e.g. 'It's so nice to see you,' said Charles.&&&&&&&&&&&&&查尔斯说:“见到你真是太高兴了。”9. (表示称赞)真不错,真妙,真棒&&&&&&If someone says nice one, they are showing their approval of something clever or funny that they have just seen or heard.nice什么意思&&&&&&e.g. Knowles became Torquay's manager. Nice one.&&&&&&&&&&&&&诺尔斯成了托奇酒店的经理,干得很棒。nice 单语例句911查询·英语单词大全1. Shrimp turns red and vegetables smell nice in a few minutes by stirring them with a pot of high temperature stones.2. I got into a nice stride and hit a few good shots coming in.3. This is what local agents call " a very nice market ", and last month their area had a week of free worldwide publicity.4. " It would be nice to get everybody healthy at the same time, " Cartwright said.5. Black caviar and pickled daikon radish gave the neutral freshness of the fish a nice salty compliment.6. They said they loved the nice weather, the small town of Cedar City and hospitable friends.7. It is such a nice centennial building with a rare, authentic feel.8. The event will also have something for those who like a strong drink, whether it is German beer or a nice Chablis.9. It's so nice that several attendees are out there enjoying glasses of champagne with their smokes before the doors to the theater even open.10. So you're kind of given a chance and it's really nice to be given that chance.nice是什么意思,nice在线翻译,nice什么意思,nice的意思,nice的翻译,nice的解释,nice的发音,nice的同义词,nice的反义词,nice的例句,nice的相关词组,nice意思是什么,nice怎么翻译,单词nice是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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nice and是什么意思
nice and是什么意思 nice and在线翻译 nice and什么意思 nice and的意思 nice and的翻译 nice and的解释 nice and的发音 nice and的同义词
nice and英 [nais aend] 美 [na?s ?nd] nice and 基本解释很,挺,…得很;手机查看nice and的意思,微信扫一扫页面右侧二维码。关注 911查询大全 后发送 nice and 即可nice and 相关例句ph.1. It's nice and warm sitting by the fire.&&&&坐在炉火旁挺温暖舒适。nice and 网络解释1. 很好而且:'Cause it would have been nice having a grandmother.|因为有一个外婆真的很好 | Nice and...|很好而且... | maybe a little less lonely.|或许不会那么孤单nice and 双语例句1. It`s a sunny and nice day.&&&&这是美好的一天,阳光明媚。2. 2. The onather place though the fishes were crawd but under the reefs, both fishes and reefs were mixed. I yet saw a sea eel but could not pictured it with nice effetion.&&&&还有一个地方鱼多得很啊,可是在礁石中,我照来照去,照片里分辨不清鱼和礁石了,我还在海边看见了一条海鳗,但照相机照来照去,无法照出满意的效果。3. 3. She was of slight build with a great figure with nice bottom and breasts, a pretty face and short hair.&&&&她是轻微的建立与一个伟大的数字,与美臀和乳房,一个美丽的面及蓄短发。4. 4. When we get a nice car, and are able to go on a nice vocation when we retire.&&&&当当我们退休的时候,我们拿一辆好的汽车,而且能够继续进行一种好的职业的时候。5. She had tried them all, from Alziari in Nice to the United Producers of Nyons, and in her expert and considered view the oil produced in the valley of Les Baux was the best.&&&&当妻子把安莉送来的一只野兔蘸着香料和芥末烤熟的时候,我的自尊和良知早已经不知跑到哪里去了。6. I love autumn because its nice and cool.&&&&我喜爱秋天,因为它很凉爽。7. I am cool and nice looking gentleman looking a nice girl. if you consider yourself qualify please contact me immediately.&&&&性格开朗,爱好广泛,期望能有一个温暖幸福的家,那是我心灵寄托的港湾。8. nice and的意思8. He seems overmatched and nervous. Henn is a nice kid who tries hard but has a 7.53 career ERA over parts of three seasons. Wright allowed a home run to Mike Lowell in April that just now landed on the Mass Pike. That was the end of him.&&&&他看来实力有段差距并且容易紧张;Sean Henn是个努力的好孩子,但他3个球季的ERA 高达7.53;Chase Wright在四月份被红袜的Mike Lowell打的那支全垒打搞不好现在还留在Mass Pike。9. I ran my eyes down that nice typewritten bill of fare, looking for something like that. But when I looked, I turned my chair over and shouted for the owner.&&&&我的眼睛在那份用打字机打得漂漂亮亮的菜单上浏览了一遍,想找蔬菜吃,我看着看着,就把椅子弄翻了,把老板喊来。10. Motai wine is the most famous strong wine in our country, it taste nice and won't make u feel faint.&&&&绍兴酒属米酒类,品之香味诱人,有点象日本的清酒。11. He has big eyes and nice hair.&&&&&&他有大眼睛和美发。12. He is a very nice person and we got on very well.&&&&&&而且他是个非常友善的人,我们相处的非常好。13. nice and的翻译13. I saw they prepared many kinds of fruits and nice-looking food.&&&&&&我看见她们准备了很多水果和鲜美的食物。14. I went to dilys's blog and i knew she had a nice birthday party with her partners. she said no matter how happy at the party or some monments, it was still a worst birthday. i can understand. i know everything and the feelings. i also had a worst birthay and a worst 20 years old. anyways, dilys is a very nice girl=very smart, very kind, very cute and so on. i think there will be many boys who like such a nice girl so dear dilys u will get your happiness.&&&&&&现在这个时候我只想哇哈哈哈哈的狂笑一通!莫得啥子,正二八经莫得啥子,就算我吃饱了莫得事情干,我看到别个那些幸福甜蜜的人们,羡慕的冒酸水水。又能怎样?有哪些人会每天来看我的blog,默默关注我的生活我的心情?究竟我还要咋个切拌命才摆脱得到那些噩梦一般的往事和记忆?我到底还要怎样才可以变得骄傲起来?地球超人,给我力量。15. danci.911cha.com15. A suggestion is put forward to adding H2SO4 or (NH4)2SO4 into the mother liquor after calcium nitrate tetrahydrate separated for a further removal of residual Ca, thus the Ca content can be decreased to 0.35% from the previous 3.4%, and the viscosity of neutralized slurry to 0.04 ~0.08 Pa·s, with nice fluidity of slurry Water soluble phosphorus accoun ts to 88%~90%, and the process improves the adaptability of phosphate rock to nitrophosphate production.&&&&&&提出分离四水硝酸钙后的母液加入H2SO4或(NH4)2SO4进一步除去母液中残钙,可使母液中钙含量由3.4%降到0.35%以下,中和器中料浆粘度可降到0.04~0.08 Pa·s,料浆流动性很好,产品中磷的水溶率可达88%~90%,并提高了硝酸磷肥生产对磷矿的适应能力。16. She likes Western clothing. She's tall and thin. She looks very nice in Western shirts and pants.&&&&&&她喜欢西部服装,她又高又瘦她穿西部衬衫和裤子很好看。17. This color is not traditionally thought of as a Christmas flower, but looks nice when you have a large display of poinsettias and want to mix some different colored blooms in with the usual red.&&&&&&这不是传统色彩的思想作为圣诞花但是当你好看一品红、大展示想组合一些与平日不同的色彩红。18. 18. Give me a cup of coffee, nice and hot.&&&&&&给我一杯香浓热咖啡。19. I want my coffee nice and hot.&&&&&&我想喝味道香浓的热咖啡。20. You can also throw in your favorite bottle of barbecue sauce and a nice bottle of wine to enjoy when the grilling is done.&&&&&&你也可以投入你最喜欢的烧烤酱,一瓶瓶酒好享受当刻苦的做。nice and 单语例句1. Shrimp turns red and vegetables smell nice in a few minutes by stirring them with a pot of high temperature stones.2. I got into a nice stride and hit a few good shots coming in.3. This is what local agents call " a very nice market ", and last month their area had a week of free worldwide publicity.4. Black caviar and pickled daikon radish gave the neutral freshness of the fish a nice salty compliment.5. They said they loved the nice weather, the small town of Cedar City and hospitable friends.6. So you're kind of given a chance and it's really nice to be given that chance.7. Dinner starts with tapas - pickled green peppers, grilled cheese and steamed egg custard with mashed vegetables - a nice selection for vegetarians.8. The miner could be heard telling the Chilean president how nice it was to breathe fresh air and see the stars.9. " Deck the Halls " strains to be both naughty and nice with much clamor and not much conviction.10. I'm hitting it further and I'm hitting it straighter, which is a nice combo.nice and是什么意思,nice and在线翻译,nice and什么意思,nice and的意思,nice and的翻译,nice and的解释,nice and的发音,nice and的同义词,nice and的反义词,nice and的例句,nice and的相关词组,nice and意思是什么,nice and怎么翻译,单词nice and是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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