你虽体贴你越来越善解人意意 但也难得通晓洞悉"这句话什么意思?

善解人意是什么意思 善解人意在线翻译 善解人意什么意思 善解人意的意思 善解人意的翻译 善解人意的解释 善解人意的发音
善解人意 基本解释善解人意词典:谅解;理解,懂得;熟知,通晓;获知,理解。词典:体贴的,体谅的;深思熟虑;到;慎重。手机查看善解人意的意思,微信扫一扫页面右侧二维码。关注 911查询大全 后发送 善解人意的翻译 即可善解人意 网络解释1. Empathy:随着一个社会的物质生活水平的提高,人们对社会的精神伦理的要求(主要来自生物道德观,包括同情,善解人意(empathy),互助,利他,善待动物等等,既精神文明)也随之提高.2. psychology n:provincen.省 | psychologyn.心理学;算计;揣测;善解人意 | pubn.酒店,酒吧3. 3. Being Considerate:133.A Penny Pincher/守财奴 | 134.Being Considerate/善解人意 | 135.Smart Dad/精明的父亲4. U Understand:Y Yellow 喜歡黃顏色 | U Understand 善解人意 | J Joke 幽默的善解人意 双语例句1. 而主角Odelia Fiennes则是典型的校园女生形象,心地善良且善解人意。&&&&While the heroine Odelia Fiennes is a typical school girl, kind-hearted and considerate. They had spent three years in junior high school.2. 请听:温婉恬静女人香:蓉蓉四十三、一点六六高,离无累、白领、天生丽质、肤白、高雅贤淑、真诚开朗、重情懂生活、有情趣、善解人意、特具女人味。&&&&Listen to this: SAF, age 35, professional, seeks attractive, sensitive SAM/SWM, age 30-40, for marriage.3. 给我所认识的最有耐心、最善解人意的人。谢谢您一直在那里支持我。&&&&To the most patient and understanding person I kown, thanks for being there.4. 善解人意的近义词4. 同样,这是一个让我感到善解人意而不是好争辩的方法,况且,也更礼貌。&&&&Also, it`s an approach that makes me feel understanding, instead of argumentative, and that`s nicer too.5. 廉贞+天府坐命的女属于大女人主义,喜欢掌权、发号施令,个性倔强,不过非常善解人意,也很懂男人心,知道什么该说该做的,她们通常有自己一套驭夫术,使另一伴贴贴服服。&&&&Lian Chen + Tianfu women take life a woman is great doctrine, like the power, give orders, stubborn personality, but very understanding, also know very much about a man's heart, to know what to say to do, and they usually have their own set of Yu-fu technique, so that Pasting the service with another service.6. 6. 我在等待一位幽默,浪漫,善解人意的,有责任感的先生并且爱护他的家庭里每个成员。&&&&I am waiting a humor, romantic, understand and responsible man who can love each of his families.7. 善解人意的解释7. 她十分的温柔优雅,善解人意。&&&&She is extremely gentle, delicate, sensitive.8. 善解人意的意思8. 我需要一个温暖的家,一对善解人意的父母。&&&&As long as you can respact me, i'm willing to tell you about me.9. 9. 他善解人意,对艺术更有着着迷般的追求,尤其是对水彩风景写生更是情有独钟。&&&&He often understands his friends, and is crazy about painting art. He has a special liking for water-color painting.10. 我相信承诺,喜欢一切美好的东西,喜欢漂亮的衣服,美味的食物,我相信爱情,也在找寻爱情,可是,在不久前,我发现我无可救药的爱上了一个叫祝大雅的男人,那般风趣,那边善解人意,那般。。。。。。&&&&I believe that commitment, like all good things, like nice clothes, delicious food, I believe in love, but also to find love, however, long ago, I found my hopeless love with a man named Zhu Taya's men, is so funny, there understanding, is so......11. 11. 他认为玛丽是一个既漂亮又善解人意的女孩。&&&&&&He had decided that Mary was an agreeable as well as a beautiful girl.12. 我很高兴我有一个善解人意的家庭。&&&&&&I'm so happy to have such understanding parents.13. 13. 我知道你是最善解人意的女人。&&&&&&You're the most understanding woman I know.14. 我是一个善解人意的人&&&&&&I'm a people person.15. 善解人意15. 举例来说,我知道你是一个善良的善解人意的人。&&&&&&For example, I would know that you are a kind-hearted and will-meaning person.16. 我是这世界上最善解人意的人。&&&&&&Dan: I am the most understanding person in the world.17. 如果你要让他们接受你的条件,你就得运用一点善解人意的本事。&&&&&&You have to use a bit of psychology to get them to accept your offer.18. 面对真正足球的善解人意,我还能说什么呢?&&&&&&Facing the true soccer friendly solution to people's desires, what else can I say?19. 19. 我是一个开朗,文雅,身体健康,善解人意,热爱家庭,善良好的中国女人。。。。&&&&&&I like graphic art, designing lovely stuff, drawing 2 my no...20. 她善解人意,愿意交流感情,让你感觉舒适。&&&&&&She's an empath and wants to connect, make you feel comfortable.善解人意是什么意思,善解人意在线翻译,善解人意什么意思,善解人意的意思,善解人意的翻译,善解人意的解释,善解人意的发音,善解人意的同义词,善解人意的反义词,善解人意的例句,善解人意的相关词组,善解人意意思是什么,善解人意怎么翻译,单词善解人意是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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