英语句子分析,i preferas to think of it as a sacrifice

& Module知识点 & “I lost my sight when...”习题详情
I lost my sight when I was four years old by falling off a box car in a yard in Atlantic City and landing on my head.Now I am thirty&two.I can &&&& remember the brightness of sunshine and what red color is.It would be wonderful to see again, &&&& a disaster can do strange things to people.It occurred to me the other day that I might not have come to &&&& life as I do if I hadn't been blind. I believe in life now.I am not so sure that I would have believed in it so deeply, &&&&. I don't mean that I would prefer to go without my eyes. I simply mean that the loss of them made me &&&& the more what I had left.The hardest lesson I had to learn was to believe in myself.That was &&&&. If I hadn't been able to do that, I would have &&&& and become a chair rocker for the rest of my life.When I say &&&& in myself I am not talking about simply the kind of self&confidence that helps me down a(n) &&&& staircase alone.That is part of it.But I mean something &&&& than that: an assurance that there is a special place where I can make myself fit.It took me years to discover and &&&& this assurance.It had to start with the most elementary things.Once a man gave me an indoor baseball, I thought he was laughing at me and I was &&&&.“I can't use this,” “I said. Take it with you;” he &&&& me.“and roll it around.” The words &&&& in my head. “Roll it around!” By rolling the ball I could &&&& where it went.This gave me an idea how to achieve a goal I had thought &&&&: playing baseball.At Philadelphia's Overbrook School for the Blind I &&&& a successful variation of baseball. We called it ground ball.All my life I have set ahead of me a series of &&&& and then tried to reach them, one at a time.I had to learn my &&&&. It was no good trying for something I knew at the start was wildly out of reach because that only invited the bitterness of failure. I would fail sometimes anyway but on the average I made &&&&.【小题1】A.entirelyB.nearlyC.vaguelyD.simply【小题2】A.andB.butC.soD.for【小题3】A.assessB.fearC.enrichD.love【小题4】A.otherwiseB.thereforeC.howeverD.besides【小题5】A.understandB.appreciateC.possessD.accept【小题6】A.enoughB.specificC.toughD.basic【小题7】A.survived B.escapedC.collapsedD.sacrificed【小题8】A.hopeB.powerC.courageD.belief【小题9】A.unfamiliarB.unbelievableC.unexpectedD.uncomfortable【小题10】A.harderB.biggerC.warmerD.heavier【小题11】A.weakenB.strengthenC.sharpenD.brighten【小题12】A.upsetB.flatteredC.ashamedD.hurt【小题13】A.urgedB.promisedC.convincedD.advised【小题14】A.flashedB.appearedC.stuckD.crowded【小题15】A.noticeB.hearC.smellD.touch【小题16】A.impossibleB.importantC.imaginaryD.impressive【小题17】A.producedB.imitatedC.inventedD.spotted【小题18】A.goalsB.effortsC.directionsD.barriers【小题19】A.challengesB.strengthsC.situationsD.limitations【小题20】A.historyB.changeC.progressD.senseB&
习题“I lost my sight when I was four years old by falling off a box car in a yard in Atlantic City and landing...”的分析与解答如下所示:
文章大意:人生最艰难的一课就是学会相信自己。就像本文作者在黑暗中的坚持一样。【小题1】C 现在我已经32岁了。我还“模糊地”记得阳光是多么灿烂,红色是多么鲜艳。vaguely“模糊地”;entirely“完全地”;nearly“几乎”;simply“简单地,只”。【小题2】B 能恢复视觉固然好,“但”灾难也能对人产生奇妙的作用。【小题3】D 有一天我突然想到,倘若我不是盲人,我或许不会变得像现在这样“热爱”生活。【小题4】A 现在我相信生活,但我不能肯定如果自己是明眼人,会不会像现在这样深深地相信生活。otherwise“否则,另外,在其他方面”;therefore“因此”;however“然而”;besides“而且”。【小题5】B 这并不意味着我宁愿成为盲人,而只是意味着失去视力使我更加“珍惜”自己其他的能力。appreciate“感激,欣赏”;understand“理解”;possess“占领,占有”;accept“接受”。【小题6】D 我必须学会的最艰难的一课就是相信自己,这是“基本”条件。basic“基本的”;enough“足够的”;specific“明确的”;tough“艰难的”。【小题7】C 如做不到这一点,我的精神就会“崩溃”,只能坐在前门廊的摇椅中度过余生。collapse“崩溃,倒塌”;survive“度过,幸存”;escape“逃跑,逃避”;sacrifice“牺牲”。【小题8】D “相信”自己并不仅仅指支持我独自走下“陌生的”楼梯的那种自信,那是一部分。belief“相信,信仰”;hope“希望”;power“权力”;courage“勇气”。【小题9】A 见上题解析。unfamiliar“陌生的”;unbelievable“令人难以置信的,非常惊人的”;unexpected“出乎意料的”;uncomfortable“不舒服的,令人不舒服的”。【小题10】B 我指的是“大事”:确保自有我可以安身立命的一席之地。【小题11】B 我花了很长时间才树立并不断“加强”这一信念。strengthen“加强”;weaken“(使)削弱,(使)变弱”;sharpen“使锋利”;brighten“使明亮”。【小题12】D 这要从最简单的事做起。有一次一个人给我一个室内玩的棒球,我以为他在嘲笑我,“心里很难受”。hurt“使受伤,使伤心”;upset“使心烦意乱”;flattered“过分夸奖的,高兴的,感到荣幸的”;ashamed“惭愧的,羞耻的”。【小题13】A “你拿去,”他“竭力”劝我,“在地上滚球。”urge“催促,力劝”;promise“答应,许诺”;convince“说服,使相信”;advise“建议”。【小题14】C 他的话在我脑子里生了根。be stuck in“陷入,卡住不动,困住”。【小题15】B 滚球使我“听见”它朝哪儿滚动。【小题16】A 我马上想到一个我曾认为“不可能”达到的目标:打棒球。impossible“不可能的”;important“重要的”;imaginary“假想的,虚构的”;impressive“给人印象深刻的,感人的,引人注目的”。【小题17】C 在费城的奥弗布鲁克盲人学校,我“发明”了一种很受人欢迎的棒球游戏,我们称它为地面球。invent“发明”;produce“生产”;imitate“模仿,效仿”;spot“认出,发现”。【小题18】A 我这一辈子给自己树立了一系列“目标”,然后努力去达到,一次一个。goal“目标”;effort“努力”;direction“方向”;barrier“障碍,屏障”。【小题19】D 我必须了解自己能力“有限”,若开始就知道某个目标根本达不到却硬要去实现,那不会有任何好处,因为那只会带来失败的苦果。limitation“限制,局限”;challenge“挑战”;strength“力量,长处”;situation“局面,局势”。【小题20】C 我有时也失败过,但一般来说总有“进步”。progress“进步”;history“历史”;change“变化”;sense“感觉,官能,意识”。
I lost my sight when I was four years old by falling off a box car in a yard in Atlantic City and la...
经过分析,习题“I lost my sight when I was four years old by falling off a box car in a yard in Atlantic City and landing...”主要考察你对“Unit”“Module”“Unit”
与“I lost my sight when I was four years old by falling off a box car in a yard in Atlantic City and landing...”相似的题目:
You &&&& pay too much attention to your reading skill, as it is so important.can'tshouldn'tmustn'tneedn't
On Monday mornings it usually &&&& me an hour to drive to work although the actual distance is only 20 miles.takesis takingtookwill take
I lost my sight when I was four years old by falling off a box car in a goods yard in Atlantic City and landing on my head. Now I can dimly remember the brightness of sunshine and what color red is. It would be wonderful to see again, but a calamity(大灾难) can do strange things to people. It occurred to me the other day that I might not have come to love life as I do if I hadn't been blind. I believe in life now. I am not so sure that I would have believed in it so deeply, otherwise. I don't mean that I would prefer to go without my eyes. I simply mean that the loss of them made me appreciate the more what I had left.Life, I believe, asks a continuous series of adjustments to reality. In spite of the fact the adjustment is never easy, I had my parents and teachers to help. The hardest lesson I had to learn was to believe in myself. If I hadn't been able to do that, I would have collapsed and become a chair rocker on the front porch for the rest of my life. When I say belief in myself I am not talking about simply the kind of self confidence that helps me down an unfamiliar staircase alone. That is part of it. But I mean something bigger than that: an assurance that I am, despite imperfections, a real, that there is a special place where I can make myself fit.It took me years to discover and strengthen this assurance. It had to start with the most elementary things. Once a man gave me an indoor baseball. I thought he was laughing at me and I was hurt. “I can't use this.” I said. “Take it with you,” he urged me, “and roll it around.” The words stuck in my head. “Roll it around!” By rolling the ball I could hear where it went. This gave me an idea how to achieve a goal I had thought impossible: playing baseball. All my life I have set ahead of me a series of goals and then tried to reach them, one at a time. I had to learn my limitations. It was no good to try for something that I knew at the start was wildly out of reach because that only invited the bitterness of failure. I would fail sometimes anyway but on the average I made progress.【小题1】We can learn from the beginning of the passage that &&&&.A.the author lost his sight because of a car crashB.the author wouldn't love life if the calamity didn't happenC.the calamity made the author appreciate what he hadD.the calamity strengthened the author's desire to see【小题2】What's the most difficult thing for the author?A.How to adjust himself to realityB.Building up assurance that he can find his place in lifeC.Learning to manage his life aloneD.To find a special work that suits the author【小题3】For the author, the baseball and encouragement offered by the man &&&&.A.hurt the author's feelingB.made the author puzzledC.directly led to the change of the author's careerD.inspired the author【小题4】According to the passage, the author &&&&.A.set goals for himself but only invited failure most of the timeB.thought that nothing was impossible for himC.was discouraged from trying something out of reach for fear of failureD.suggested not trying something beyond one's ability at the beginning&&&&
“I lost my sight when...”的最新评论
欢迎来到乐乐题库,查看习题“I lost my sight when I was four years old by falling off a box car in a yard in Atlantic City and landing on my head.Now I am thirty&two.I can ____ remember the brightness of sunshine and what red color is.It would be wonderful to see again, ____ a disaster can do strange things to people.It occurred to me the other day that I might not have come to ____ life as I do if I hadn't been blind. I believe in life now.I am not so sure that I would have believed in it so deeply, ____. I don't mean that I would prefer to go without my eyes. I simply mean that the loss of them made me ____ the more what I had left.The hardest lesson I had to learn was to believe in myself.That was ____. If I hadn't been able to do that, I would have ____ and become a chair rocker for the rest of my life.When I say ____ in myself I am not talking about simply the kind of self&confidence that helps me down a(n) ____ staircase alone.That is part of it.But I mean something ____ than that: an assurance that there is a special place where I can make myself fit.It took me years to discover and ____ this assurance.It had to start with the most elementary things.Once a man gave me an indoor baseball, I thought he was laughing at me and I was ____.“I can't use this,” “I said. Take it with you;” he ____ me.“and roll it around.” The words ____ in my head. “Roll it around!” By rolling the ball I could ____ where it went.This gave me an idea how to achieve a goal I had thought ____: playing baseball.At Philadelphia's Overbrook School for the Blind I ____ a successful variation of baseball. We called it ground ball.All my life I have set ahead of me a series of ____ and then tried to reach them, one at a time.I had to learn my ____. It was no good trying for something I knew at the start was wildly out of reach because that only invited the bitterness of failure. I would fail sometimes anyway but on the average I made ____.【小题1】A.entirelyB.nearlyC.vaguelyD.simply【小题2】A.andB.butC.soD.for【小题3】A.assessB.fearC.enrichD.love【小题4】A.otherwiseB.thereforeC.howeverD.besides【小题5】A.understandB.appreciateC.possessD.accept【小题6】A.enoughB.specificC.toughD.basic【小题7】A.survived B.escapedC.collapsedD.sacrificed【小题8】A.hopeB.powerC.courageD.belief【小题9】A.unfamiliarB.unbelievableC.unexpectedD.uncomfortable【小题10】A.harderB.biggerC.warmerD.heavier【小题11】A.weakenB.strengthenC.sharpenD.brighten【小题12】A.upsetB.flatteredC.ashamedD.hurt【小题13】A.urgedB.promisedC.convincedD.advised【小题14】A.flashedB.appearedC.stuckD.crowded【小题15】A.noticeB.hearC.smellD.touch【小题16】A.impossibleB.importantC.imaginaryD.impressive【小题17】A.producedB.imitatedC.inventedD.spotted【小题18】A.goalsB.effortsC.directionsD.barriers【小题19】A.challengesB.strengthsC.situationsD.limitations【小题20】A.historyB.changeC.progressD.sense”的答案、考点梳理,并查找与习题“I lost my sight when I was four years old by falling off a box car in a yard in Atlantic City and landing on my head.Now I am thirty&two.I can ____ remember the brightness of sunshine and what red color is.It would be wonderful to see again, ____ a disaster can do strange things to people.It occurred to me the other day that I might not have come to ____ life as I do if I hadn't been blind. I believe in life now.I am not so sure that I would have believed in it so deeply, ____. I don't mean that I would prefer to go without my eyes. I simply mean that the loss of them made me ____ the more what I had left.The hardest lesson I had to learn was to believe in myself.That was ____. If I hadn't been able to do that, I would have ____ and become a chair rocker for the rest of my life.When I say ____ in myself I am not talking about simply the kind of self&confidence that helps me down a(n) ____ staircase alone.That is part of it.But I mean something ____ than that: an assurance that there is a special place where I can make myself fit.It took me years to discover and ____ this assurance.It had to start with the most elementary things.Once a man gave me an indoor baseball, I thought he was laughing at me and I was ____.“I can't use this,” “I said. Take it with you;” he ____ me.“and roll it around.” The words ____ in my head. “Roll it around!” By rolling the ball I could ____ where it went.This gave me an idea how to achieve a goal I had thought ____: playing baseball.At Philadelphia's Overbrook School for the Blind I ____ a successful variation of baseball. We called it ground ball.All my life I have set ahead of me a series of ____ and then tried to reach them, one at a time.I had to learn my ____. It was no good trying for something I knew at the start was wildly out of reach because that only invited the bitterness of failure. I would fail sometimes anyway but on the average I made ____.【小题1】A.entirelyB.nearlyC.vaguelyD.simply【小题2】A.andB.butC.soD.for【小题3】A.assessB.fearC.enrichD.love【小题4】A.otherwiseB.thereforeC.howeverD.besides【小题5】A.understandB.appreciateC.possessD.accept【小题6】A.enoughB.specificC.toughD.basic【小题7】A.survived B.escapedC.collapsedD.sacrificed【小题8】A.hopeB.powerC.courageD.belief【小题9】A.unfamiliarB.unbelievableC.unexpectedD.uncomfortable【小题10】A.harderB.biggerC.warmerD.heavier【小题11】A.weakenB.strengthenC.sharpenD.brighten【小题12】A.upsetB.flatteredC.ashamedD.hurt【小题13】A.urgedB.promisedC.convincedD.advised【小题14】A.flashedB.appearedC.stuckD.crowded【小题15】A.noticeB.hearC.smellD.touch【小题16】A.impossibleB.importantC.imaginaryD.impressive【小题17】A.producedB.imitatedC.inventedD.spotted【小题18】A.goalsB.effortsC.directionsD.barriers【小题19】A.challengesB.strengthsC.situationsD.limitations【小题20】A.historyB.changeC.progressD.sense”相似的习题。英语句子分析,i prefer to think of it as a sacrifice_百度知道
英语句子分析,i prefer to think of it as a sacrifice
英语句子分析,i prefer to think of it as a sacrifice.中think后面的是什么成分??
主语 I谓语 prefer宾语 to think of it as a sacrifice
不定式短语 to think... 做宾语
to think of it as a sacrificethink of 谓语动词短语it 宾语as a sacrifice (介词短语做)宾语补足语
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- corpus size: 6246766 tokens
- lexicon size: 172103 types
1 258514 the
2 145343 be
3 143194 to
4 111498 a
5 111196 and
6 83773 of
7 67195 in
8 63853 for
9 58164 you
10 41321 it
11 41168 that
12 40460 on
13 37442 use
14 35525 this
15 35061 with
16 33044 file
17 32800 or
18 32378 have
19 30129 not
20 29481 your
21 26878 can
22 26311 as
23 25094 from
24 24970 i
25 22872 do
26 22500 by
27 22480 if
28 20781 an
29 20286 will
30 18801 window
31 14826 user
32 14583 server
33 14362 all
34 14011 message
35 13808 at
36 13347 new
37 13239 web
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47 10483 one
48 10342 programme
49 10336 support
50 10243 other
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52 10045 make
53 9909 list
54 9753 software
55 9625 text
56 9524 also
57 9456 application
58 8835 create
59 8811 any
60 8704 work
61 8555 set
62 8522 name
63 8480 internet
64 8379 information
65 8326 menu
66 8281 up
67 8127 see
68 8094 include
69 7939 change
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71 7894 so
72 7863 mail
73 7830 need
74 7800 some
75 7719 linux
76 7582 only
77 7518 run
78 7511 document
79 7474 time
80 7373 how
81 7300 may
82 7247 there
83 7144 then
84 7075 computer
85 6949 open
86 6888 command
87 6838 my
88 6835 site
89 6825 microsoft
90 6763 update
91 6718 we
92 6709 select
93 6693 into
94 6660 allow
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137 4972 download
138 4928 note
139 4916 them
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141 4865 out
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143 4855 problem
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148 4787 such
149 4650 client
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151 4637 control
152 4609 show
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157 4534 view
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176 4032 size
177 4025 java
178 4020 post
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197 3637 desktop
198 3616 base
199 3614 easy
200 3578 package
201 3557 bug
202 3524 remove
203 3519 character
204 3507 filter
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206 3472 function
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208 3463 two
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211 3427 part
212 3422 e-mail
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214 3391 right
215 3312 back
216 3306 standard
217 3298 give
218 3295 over
219 3289 design
220 3271 error
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222 3240 connection
223 3233 check
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225 3199 licence
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227 3170 ftp
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233 3060 password
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235 3052 different
236 3035 section
237 3008 report
238 3005 another
239 2993 delete
240 2988 netscape
241 2979 even
242 2978 editor
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244 2974 before
245 2964 disk
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248 2890 }
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253 2826 because
254 2824 apple
255 2823 enter
256 2819 under
257 2819 store
258 2805 pc
259 2798 method
260 2795 article
261 2790 current
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263 2777 could
264 2774 protocol
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267 2746 while
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278 2649 both
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284 2593 between
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298 2462 own
299 2460 via
300 2439 unix
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315 2349 home
316 2333 environment
317 2329 receive
318 2327 point
319 2326 build
320 2320 tag
321 2310 local
322 2309 order
323 2307 management
324 2302 come
325 2291 please
326 2280 since
327 2280 driver
328 2262 description
329 2258 news
330 2253 host
331 2251 people
332 2236 general
333 2234 still
334 2228 let
335 2221 say
336 2220 cd
337 2207 utility
338 2190 manager
339 2185 those
340 2171 end
341 2165 development
342 2163 {
343 2162 last
344 2159 full
345 2156 however
346 2143 sound
347 2130 small
348 2124 public
349 2116 down
350 2116 online
351 2104 class
352 2101 header
353 2084 hard
354 2082 sure
355 2064 entry
356 2057 keep
357 2052 kde
358 2042 step
359 2005 table
360 2000 extension
361 1995 memory
362 1994 handle
363 1987 bar
364 1986 press
365 1979 author
366 1974 mozilla
367 1973 mouse
368 1969 space
369 1967 being
370 1964 audio
371 1955 within
372 1953 convert
373 1951 question
374 1942 transfer
375 1942 toolbar
376 1936 several
377 1935 large
378 1931 either
379 1929 offer
380 1918 request
381 1907 old
382 1901 instead
383 1896 kb
384 1891 ip
385 1881 put
386 1871 kernel
387 1870 hardware
388 1863 single
389 1862 company
390 1855 graphic
391 1855 close
392 1851 off
393 1850 think
394 1850 xml
395 1849 tab
396 1846 task
397 1844 generate
398 1839 special
399 1835 able
400 1829 once
401 1829 book
402 1827 remote
403 1812 complete
404 1806 solution
405 1792 basic
406 1789 upgrade
407 1784 developer
408 1782 possible
409 1775 resource
410 1772 late
411 1769 flash
412 1769 second
413 1768 level
414 1761 game
415 1760 pro
416 1755 world
417 1738 every
418 1728 few
419 1726 technology
420 1724 output
421 1721 #
422 1702 replace
423 1698 graphics
424 1698 player
425 1685 macintosh
426 1685 describe
427 1683 day
428 1672 zip
429 1670 freeware
430 1664 useful
431 1663 location
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433 1656 power
434 1656 mean
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436 1647 provided
437 1643 might
438 1632 detail
439 1632 pdf
440 1620 ms
441 1619 xp
442 1616 turn
443 1614 encode
444 1608 already
445 1605 main
446 1601 c
447 1598 always
448 1595 shortcut
449 1587 fast
450 1582 documentation
451 1580 component
452 1574 platform
453 1573 path
454 1573 bit
455 1571 pm
456 1561 define
457 1559 high
458 1559 reply
459 1556 picture
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461 1554 cause
462 1552 manage
463 1545 something
464 1537 imap
465 1535 keyboard
466 1528 archive
467 1525 business
468 1518 us
469 1516 play
470 1513 ask
471 1513 too
472 1511 index
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474 1505 advanced
475 1504 above
476 1503 digital
477 1502 charles
478 1500 subject
479 1500 event
480 1498 status
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482 1491 modify
483 1482 ok
484 1481 leave
485 1475 below
486 1475 info
487 1470 secure
488 1470 ca
489 1470 easily
490 1468 lot
491 1460 action
492 1458 great
493 1458 specific
494 1456 reader
495 1455 share
496 1453 attachment
497 1452 insert
498 1448 custom
499 1447 programming
500 1447 firewall
501 1446 area
502 1427 develop
503 1424 monitor
504 1420 really
505 1417 again
506 1412 perform
507 1411 powerbook
508 1402 style
509 1402 thank
510 1401 session
511 1392 operating
512 1390 kerr
513 1381 various
514 1379 board
515 1377 encryption
516 1373 speed
517 1370 reference
518 1369 apply
519 1368 template
520 1365 additional
521 1360 presentation
522 1357 website
523 1355 currently
524 1354 simply
525 1353 virus
526 1351 gui
527 1351 nt
528 1342 common
529 1340 usually
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532 1330 gnu
533 1328 input
534 1325 functionality
535 1317 sun
536 1316 original
537 1316 around
538 1314 setup
539 1314 why
540 1312 export
541 1311 year
542 1309 figure
543 1309 load
544 1300 learn
545 1290 powerful
546 1289 element
547 1287 block
548 1281 cheque
549 1278 xlibs
550 1272 tell
551 1270 parameter
552 1270 title
553 1270 cannot
554 1268 important
555 1266 terminal
556 1263 seem
557 1255 shareware
558 1254 spam
559 1249 present
560 1248 profile
561 1248 thread
562 1246 often
563 1243 effect
564 1225 slide
565 1225 backup
566 1225 implement
567 1225 favorite
568 1223 spreadsheet
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570 1221 filename
571 1220 variable
572 1216 instruction
573 1215 mb
574 1212 music
575 1204 personal
576 1199 sort
577 1198 little
578 1196 depend
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581 1191 exist
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583 1187 printer
584 1178 recommend
585 1178 scan
586 1174 engine
587 1173 probably
588 1172 implementation
589 1171 drag
590 1162 active
591 1158 stop
592 1156 three
593 1156 distribution
594 1155 column
595 1155 usb
596 1154 exchange
597 1152 ability
598 1150 term
599 1148 disable
600 1143 mailing
601 1143 tip
602 1142 guide
603 1142 visual
604 1142 quick
605 1142 similar
606 1141 body
607 1141 binary
608 1136 become
609 1122 http
610 1117 prompt
611 1115 whether
612 1113 track
613 1110 property
614 1110 mark
615 1108 smtp
616 1107 state
617 1106 rule
618 1105 eudora
619 1102 previous
620 1101 tools
621 1098 price
622 1096 debian
623 1095 rather
624 1091 howto
625 1088 packet
626 1088 performance
627 1087 shell
628 1085 category
629 1084 gpl
630 1084 background
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632 1081 drop
633 1081 he
634 1074 requirement
635 1074 login
636 1071 launch
637 1069 less
638 1060 topic
639 1060 real
640 1056 professional
641 1055 architecture
642 1053 id
643 1049 selection
644 1049 ?
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646 1044 record
647 1042 particular
648 1042 until
649 1042 visit
650 1040 ie
651 1040 root
652 1036 during
653 1035 re
654 1034 wide
655 1030 actually
656 1027 yet
657 1027 protect
658 1024 separate
659 1024 low
660 1018 am
661 1018 powerpoint
662 1015 netware
663 1013 applet
664 1013 operate
665 1012 course
666 1007 addition
667 1007 direct
668 1006 administrator
669 1006 break
670 1006 cell
671 1002 correct
672 1001 quickly
673 1000 compile
674 999 pop
675 999 virtual
676 996 workstation
677 995 phone
678 994 larry
679 986 customer
680 981 hold
681 976 javascript
682 972 external
683 971 never
684 969 boot
685 969 though
686 969 sidebar
687 969 optional
688 966 voice
689 965 scroll
690 965 execute
691 964 pass
692 964 tutorial
693 963 map
694 962 week
695 960 processor
696 960 collection
697 959 register
698 958 viewer
699 957 stream
700 955 locate
701 955 improve
702 953 accept
703 948 enterprise
704 947 per
705 941 refer
706 938 pane
707 937 express
708 937 fail
709 932 structure
710 932 ewing
711 930 related
712 930 answer
713 929 capability
714 928 itself
715 924 idea
716 924 sample
717 921 choice
718 921 indicate
719 919 experience
720 919 mime
721 919 customize
722 916 highlight
723 915 encrypt
724 915 appropriate
725 913 google
726 912 msgid
727 909 msgstr
728 908 plugin
729 904 copyright
730 901 normal
731 900 authentication
732 897 his
733 896 services
734 894 least
735 892 clean
736 891 today
737 884 adobe
738 883 anything
739 883 produce
740 882 individual
741 881 everything
742 881 publish
743 869 happen
744 868 attempt
745 866 bookmark
746 866 dos
747 865 popular
748 865 photo
749 864 history
750 863 attribute
751 863 edition
752 863 storage
753 858 member
754 858 forward
755 855 plain
756 854 buy
757 853 although
758 853 communication
759 852 cisco
760 851 reason
761 850 wish
762 850 compatible
763 849 sep
764 849 interactive
765 847 response
766 845 side
767 844 together
768 843 tree
769 842 big
770 842 enough
771 841 yes
772 840 feed
773 837 clear
774 837 manual
775 835 inside
776 833 range
777 830 certain
778 830 letter
779 829 cache
780 828 center
781 828 rate
782 828 recipient
783 827 suggest
784 827 true
785 825 cover
786 824 php
787 824 prevent
788 822 red
789 818 branch
790 818 verify
791 817 perl
792 815 else
793 814 data
794 814 console
795 813 necessary
796 813 discussion
797 811 kind
798 809 permission
799 808 byte
800 807 novell
801 805 registry
802 804 cursor
803 803 hyperlink
804 801 layout
805 800 identify
806 800 processing
807 800 restart
808 799 macro
809 798 attach
810 798 entire
811 798 begin
812 796 query
813 793 ram
814 792 rename
815 791 systems
816 790 continue
817 788 series
818 785 preview
819 785 hour
820 781 files
821 780 correctly
822 780 minute
823 778 automatic
824 777 apache
826 775 partition
827 774 signature
828 774 quote
829 772 proxy
830 771 suite
831 769 major
832 768 theme
833 767 popup
834 767 sql
835 767 live
836 766 bring
837 765 internal
838 763 hide
839 762 frame
840 762 existing
841 762 medium
842 762 downloaded
843 761 expect
844 760 short
845 758 determine
846 758 remember
847 758 conversion
848 757 movie
849 756 serial
850 754 maintainer
851 753 mp3
852 753 later
853 751 future
854 750 laptop
855 749 compress
856 748 sign
857 747 ensure
858 746 nice
859 745 exit
860 745 technical
861 745 purpose
862 744 maintain
863 743 limit
864 743 hit
865 742 selected
866 741 downloading
867 739 private
868 739 bottom
869 739 instance
870 739 extract
871 738 talk
872 738 plus
873 736 rss
874 736 api
875 734 job
876 733 target
877 732 student
878 732 english
879 730 label
880 727 retrieve
881 726 position
882 726 homepage
883 726 toolbars
884 726 applications
885 725 notice
886 725 distribute
887 725 plan
888 725 wait
889 723 due
890 721 further
891 720 markup
892 720 notification
893 719 represent
894 719 electronic
895 717 fill
896 717 team
897 717 dynamic
898 717 properly
899 716 sometimes
900 715 embed
901 714 debug
902 714 context
903 711 definition
904 710 month
905 709 upload
906 706 volume
907 706 cost
908 706 subscribe
909 705 avoid
910 704 wizard
911 702 unique
912 700 warning
913 700 understand
914 700 increase
915 699 rating
916 697 october
917 697 lock
918 696 across
919 696 browse
920 695 wo
921 695 firefox
922 695 fully
923 694 restore
924 694 fact
925 694 layer
926 694 startup
927 693 integrate
928 693 quite
929 692 plug-in
930 692 july
931 691 maximum
932 689 ibm
933 689 organization
934 688 combine
935 688 submit
936 686 archives
937 686 lose
938 686 purchase
939 686 recent
940 685 intend
941 682 calendar
942 682 interest
943 682 wireless
944 682 administration
945 681 policy
946 677 cd-rom
947 677 global
948 677 forum
949 677 media
950 677 priority
951 676 occur
952 675 review
953 675 right-click
954 672 double-click
955 671 early
956 669 syntax
957 667 feel
958 667 anyone
959 666 extra
960 664 university
961 662 revue
962 662 person
963 662 quality
964 662 portable
965 661 dns
966 661 dvd
967 661 consider
968 659 empty
969 659 activity
970 659 against
971 659 flagstone
972 658 fax
973 658 telnet
974 657 detect
975 657 specified
976 656 amount
977 656 following
978 655 especially
979 654 cut
980 653 framework
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983 651 unicode
984 650 scheme
985 646 listserv
986 645 advantage
987 644 september
988 644 printing
989 643 yahoo
990 643 options
991 642 dreamweaver
992 642 far
993 641 almost
994 641 stuff
995 641 regular
996 638 otherwise
997 638 someone
998 638 alternative
999 636 macromedia
picture cd
3304 99 sane
3305 99 listener
3306 99 burner
3307 99 solo
3308 99 populate
3309 99 multilingual
3310 99 isps
3311 99 band
3312 99 \n
3313 99 reseller
3314 99 illustration
3315 99 dog
3316 99 safely
3317 99 annotation
3318 99 seminar
3319 99 snap
3320 99 executables
3321 99 compete
3322 99 geek
3323 99 versa
3324 99 umenu
3325 99 openoffice
3326 99 non-commercial
3327 99 shall
3328 99 somebody
3329 99 iphoto
3330 98 msg
3331 98 respectively
3332 98 dj
3333 98 temperature
3334 98 employ
3335 98 conformity
3336 98 coverage
3337 98 separator
3338 98 sigsoft
3339 98 -added
3340 98 backing
3341 98 hotspot
3342 98 race
3343 97 arise
3344 97 aka
3345 97 cleaner
3346 97 symbolic
3347 97 bother
3348 97 div
3350 97 conduct
3351 97 gzip
3352 97 remind
3353 97 modifier
3354 97 cards
3355 97 prefs
3356 97 spy
3357 97 imap4
3358 97 cube
3359 97 kmail
3360 97 punctuation
3361 97 compaq
3362 97 hotmetal
3363 97 receiver
3364 97 offensive
3365 97 complicated
3366 97 pixbuf
3367 96 peripheral
3368 96 adopt
3369 96 bbedit
3370 96 eight
3371 96 crop
3372 96 securely
3373 96 intermediate
3374 96 subfolder
3375 96 interview
3376 96 -o
3378 96 annual
3379 96 kid
3380 96 europe
3381 96 gopher
3382 96 fig
3383 96 merchant
3384 96 mathematics
3385 96 seven
3386 96 asset
3387 96 relation
3388 96 wap
3389 96 handwriter
3390 96 evolution
3391 96 planning
3392 96 rapidly
3393 96 floor
3394 96 beautiful
3395 96 slackware
3396 96 submenus
3397 95 importance
3398 95 efficiency
3399 95 vms
3400 95 rfc822
3401 95 yeah
3402 95 plenty
3403 95 up-to-date
3404 95 antenna
3405 95 lie
3406 95 internationalization
3407 95 simultaneous
3408 95 sensitivity
3409 95 pan-0-12-fix
3410 95 add-ins
3411 95 html-embedded
3412 95 cd-rw
3413 94 retry
3414 94 misc
3415 94 projects
3416 94 membership
3417 94 succeed
3418 94 declare
3419 94 -c
3420 94 running
3421 94 collaboration
3422 94 context-sidebar
3423 94 workgroup
3424 94 composition
3425 94 ground
3426 94 trivial
3427 94 closed
3428 94 ae
3429 94 parsons
3430 94 explicit
3431 94 span
3432 94 extent
3433 94 characteristic
3434 94 footprint
3435 94 tim
3436 94 zu
3437 94 disposition
3438 94 irix
3439 94 former
3440 94 junior
3441 93 asksam
3442 93 nvidia
3443 93 binhex
3444 93 spss
3445 93 construction
3446 93 certification
3447 93 circle
3448 93 sock
3449 93 ct
3450 93 quest
3451 93 thin
3452 93 consume
3453 93 activation
3454 93 cp
3455 93 redo
3457 93 anybody
3458 93 ipv6
3459 93 linksys
3460 93 occurrence
3461 93 expo
3462 92 xquery
3463 92 mailstream
3464 92 cf
3465 92 richard
3466 92 evil
3467 92 peripherals
3468 92 locator
3470 92 xsl
3471 92 vision
3472 92 lgpl
3473 92 high-quality
3474 92 dana
3475 92 utils
3476 92 denial
3477 92 consistency
3478 92 evolve
3479 92 upcoming
3480 91 keypad
3481 91 declaration
3482 91 bitdefender
3483 91 apart
3484 91 printable
3485 91 cco
3486 91 funny
3487 91 lesser
3488 91 thai
3489 91 brown
3490 91 unsupported
3491 91 assessment
3492 91 verification
3493 91 landing
3494 91 york
3495 91 court
3496 91 opposite
3497 91 linear
3498 91 uucp
3499 90 loadable
3500 90 hands-on
3501 90 affiliate
3502 90 provision
3503 90 threshold
3504 90 quotation
3505 90 hybrid
3506 90 subset
3507 90 webmaster
3508 90 everywhere
3509 90 summer
3510 90 garbage
3511 90 -l
3512 90 baseline
3513 90 delphi
3514 90 television
3515 90 questionpoint
3516 90 ext2
3517 90 germany
3518 90 cyrus
3519 90 summarize
3520 90 structured
3521 90 ole
3522 90 odd
3523 90 simulate
3524 90 inbound
3525 90 firm
3526 89 physics
3527 89 allocation
3528 89 campaign
3529 89 finnish
3530 89 amateur
3531 89 ebook
3532 89 pager
3533 89 applicable
3534 89 tables
3535 89 oppose
3536 89 accounts
3537 89 equation
3538 89 placement
3539 89 corpus
3540 89 slash
3541 89 btw
3542 89 luxsci
3543 89 comprise
3544 89 accent
3545 89 flip
3546 89 shelf
3547 89 conrad
3548 88 distinct
3549 88 openssl
3550 88 reproduce
3551 88 ist
3552 88 shoot
3553 88 fund
3554 88 overhead
3555 88 clib
3556 88 lowercase
3557 88 switching
3558 88 jeffrey
3559 88 #include
3560 88 anti
3561 88 compute
3562 88 treepad
3563 88 impress
3564 88 xnotesplus
3565 88 flyzip
3566 88 drill
3567 88 pull-down
3568 88 perspective
3569 88 gsview
3570 88 everybody
3571 87 x-windows
3572 87 fortunately
3573 87 approximately
3574 87 polish
3575 87 wonderful
3576 87 convenience
3577 87 ca-clipper
3578 87 remaining
3579 87 instruct
3580 87 predefined
3581 87 radius
3582 87 western
3583 87 heart
3584 87 auth
3585 87 nicely
3586 87 authorization
3587 87 habit
3588 87 teacher
3589 87 debconf
3590 87 neat
3591 87 toward
3592 87 beat
3593 87 internally
3594 87 thesaurus
3595 86 commons
3596 86 follow-up
3597 86 dma
3598 86 guest
3599 86 competition
3600 86 connected
3601 86 ratio
3602 86 safety
3603 86 visnetic
3604 86 fake
3605 86 sco
3606 86 east
3607 86 musician
3608 86 sculptor
3609 86 moderator
3610 86 al
3611 86 ietf
3612 86 mixed
3613 86 emulate
3614 86 exec
3615 86 times
3616 86 developers
3617 85 pb
3618 85 newton
3619 85 shrink
3620 85 netlab
3621 85 gaming
3622 85 dummy
3623 85 motorola
3624 85 wall
3625 85 ceo
3626 85 confusion
3627 85 oem
3628 85 trail
3629 85 on-screen
3630 85 php-specific
3631 85 decent
3632 85 mib
3633 85 hill
3634 85 backspace
3635 85 profit
3636 85 trend
3637 85 north
3638 85 battle
3639 84 publicly
3640 84 incomplete
3641 84 fortran
3642 84 initiative
3643 84 wikipedia
3644 84 ssh-2
3645 84 accidentally
3646 84 tk
3647 84 jim
3648 84 padding
3649 84 dsp
3650 84 c#
3651 84 intro
3652 84 nobody
3653 84 ws_ftp
3654 84 heading
3655 84 approval
3656 84 glyph
3657 84 nonagsplus
3658 83 temp
3659 83 leader
3660 83 nelson
3661 83 uncompress
3663 83 baggett
3664 83 bob
3665 83 e-commerce
3666 83 beep
3667 83 matthias
3668 83 lee
3669 83 wildcard
3670 83 unsolicited
3671 83 clutter
3672 83 realaudio
3674 83 bootable
3676 83 elm
3677 82 vowel
3678 82 closely
3679 82 bcc
3680 82 wifi
3681 82 gentoo
3682 82 unavailable
3683 82 origin
3684 82 asynchronous
3685 82 committee
3686 82 ugly
3687 82 aviary
3688 82 modelcheck
3689 82 restricted
3690 82 openssh
3691 82 tooltips
3692 82 sourceforge
3693 82 mt
3694 82 likewise
3695 82 ipx
3696 82 expertise
3697 82 top-level
3698 81 berkeley
3699 81 dutch
3700 81 winsock
3701 81 wrt
3702 81 kilobyte
3703 81 benchmark
3704 81 vga
3705 81 extraction
3706 81 auch
3707 81 adsl
3708 81 exam
3709 81 localhost
3710 81 keynote
3711 81 decoder
3712 81 aes
3713 81 axim
3714 81 tls
3715 81 quoted-printable
3716 81 rock
3717 81 suppress
3718 81 complexity
3719 81 end-user
3720 81 mainframe
3721 81 disaster
3722 81 pain
3723 80 denote
3725 80 encapsulate
3726 80 blogging
3727 80 weekend
3728 80 ton
3729 80 participate
3730 80 considering
3731 80 quarter
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3733 80 jerry
3734 80 valgrind
3735 80 frank
3736 80 carbon
3737 80 colleague
3738 80 gradient
3739 80 webui
3740 80 zenworks
3741 80 posix
3742 80 hover
3743 80 participant
3744 80 dd
3745 80 ruby
3746 80 recall
3747 80 non-ascii
3748 80 obj
3749 80 inexpensive
3750 80 post-routing
3751 80 photograph
3752 79 infinite
3753 79 lay
3754 79 willing
3755 79 memo
3756 79 stamp
3757 79 representative
3758 79 warp
3759 79 radeon
3760 79 poll
3761 79 discovery
3762 79 classify
3763 79 mbox
3764 79 netfinder
3765 79 eject
3766 79 searchable
3767 79 kenmcginnis
3768 79 seamlessly
3769 79 frequent
3770 79 candidate
3771 79 cup
3772 79 revenue
3773 79 groupware
3774 79 exhibit
3775 79 estimate
3776 79 existence
3777 79 social
3778 79 south
3779 79 aside
3780 78 kdeedu-data
3781 78 kdeedu-doc-html
3782 78 ebay
3783 78 hence
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3785 78 stupid
3786 78 inclusion
3787 78 fullscreen
3788 78 continuously
3789 78 water
3790 78 atomic
3791 78 peer
3792 78 epson
3793 78 hell
3794 78 grammar
3795 78 matlab
3796 78 enforce
3797 78 micro
3798 78 canvas
3799 78 rebate
3800 78 eth0
3801 78 adjustment
3802 78 rank
3803 78 spectrum
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3805 78 joint
3807 77 dispose
3808 77 medical
3809 77 competitor
3810 77 jobs
3811 77 individually
3812 77 ac
3813 77 plane
3814 77 jabber
3815 77 ieee
3816 77 wherever
3817 77 texture
3818 77 cmd
3819 77 localization
3820 77 holiday
3821 77 patient
3823 77 lockout
3824 77 weak
3825 77 damn
3826 77 brad
3827 77 kodak
3828 77 alphabet
3829 76 alan
3830 76 ichat
3831 76 contributor
3832 76 rdf
3833 76 behalf
3834 76 auditing
3835 76 collaborative
3836 76 injection
3837 76 ian
3838 76 flag
3839 76 expiration
3840 76 ubuntu
3841 76 scholarship
3842 76 specially
3843 76 footer
3844 76 tx
3845 76 dsn
3846 76 sparc
3847 76 drupal
3848 76 horse
3849 76 associates
3850 76 contest
3851 76 promotion
3852 76 overlay
3853 76 spin
3854 76 goto
3855 76 thumb
3856 76 buffalo
3857 76 exciting
3858 76 nlms
3859 76 timing
3860 76 changed
3861 76 energy
3862 76 js
3863 76 continuous
3864 76 acknowledgment
3865 76 dangerous
3866 76 recursive
3867 76 fields
3868 75 oil
3869 75 oriented
3870 75 trailer
3871 75 dialup
3872 75 spammers
3873 75 blogger
3874 75 phpapi-
3875 75 trim
3876 75 chipset
3877 75 kbytes
3878 75 java-based
3879 75 distro
3880 75 swf
3881 75 passphrase
3882 75 traprock
3883 75 gracefully
3884 75 how-to
3885 75 trackbacks
3886 75 windows-based
3887 75 backed
3888 75 mm
3889 75 ical
3890 75 tac
3891 75 rev
3892 75 young
3893 75 budget
3894 75 overlap
3895 74 vonage
3896 74 transcript
3897 74 reserved
3898 74 fancyindexing
3899 74 surround
3900 74 metal
3901 74 awk
3902 74 aggregate
3903 74 moreover
3904 74 arial
3905 74 observe
3906 74 complaint
3907 74 mod
3908 74 high-level
3909 74 yours
3910 74 park
3912 74 centralized
3913 74 experienced
3914 74 dont
3915 74 es
3916 74 unexpected
3917 74 billing
3918 74 aaa
3919 74 ink
3920 74 xul
3921 73 purge
3922 73 doe
3923 73 convince
3924 73 fatal
3925 73 subclass
3926 73 quarantine
3927 73 sport
3928 73 openbsd
3929 73 capital
3930 73 freehand
3931 73 rules
3932 73 operational
3933 73 helios
3934 73 appliance
3935 73 mh
3936 73 land
3937 73 sniffer
3938 73 invite
3939 73 rgb
3940 73 |--
3941 73 eat
3942 73 indication
3943 73 consultant
3944 73 society
3945 73 executive
3946 72 analyst
3947 72 specialize
3948 72 fingerprint
3949 72 wipe
3950 72 balloon
3951 72 correspond
3952 72 orange
3953 72 innovation
3955 72 remarque
3956 72 slowly
3957 72 danish
3958 72 cap
3959 72 jason
3960 72 arthurn
3961 72 verb
3962 72 disadvantage
3963 72 mv
3964 72 redistribute
3965 72 blink
3966 72 low-level
3967 72 obscure
3968 72 finance
3969 72 beneath
3970 72 abbreviation
3971 72 straightforward
3972 72 phishing
3973 72 cryptographic
3974 71 tour
3975 71 regression
3976 71 lecture
3977 71 attractive
3978 71 leverage
3979 71 burning
3980 71 konsole
3981 71 growth
3982 71 msie
3983 71 —
3984 71 gadget
3985 71 hijackthis
3986 71 dream
3987 71 snippet
3988 71 alexander
3989 71 firework
3990 71 versatile
3991 71 painting
3992 71 nokia
3993 71 wordpad
3994 71 dc
3995 71 circumstance
3996 71 associated
3997 71 mbps
3998 71 affordable
3999 71 portfolio
4000 71 vim
4001 71 supplier
4002 71 insight
4003 70 jeff
4004 70 fresh
4005 70 loose
4006 70 sudo
4007 70 sig
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4030 70 pen
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4032 70 greg
4033 70 xemacs
4034 69 patrick
4035 69 transparently
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4059 68 arp
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4075 68 txt
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4078 68 sb
4079 68 stone
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4081 68 tap
4082 68 ownership
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4085 68 stress
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4087 68 multipurpose
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4106 67 cocoa
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4108 67 netkernel
4109 67 dramatically
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4125 67 distinction
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4128 67 jonathan
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4131 66 animate
4132 66 god
4133 66 newspaper
4134 66 soll
4135 66 resized
4136 66 unload
4137 66 ltd
4138 66 xref
4139 66 acb
4140 66 footnote
4141 66 impression
4142 66 rarely
4143 66 concrete
4144 66 massive
4145 66 backslash
4146 66 lease
4147 66 geometry
4148 66 curl
4149 66 trustee
4150 66 pdas
4151 66 qj
4152 66 catcher
4153 66 descriptive
4154 66 dash
4155 66 parity
4156 66 argue
4157 66 visualization
4158 66 recipe
4159 66 mime-version
4160 66 dealer
4161 66 peak
4162 66 dropdown
4163 66 fixup
4164 66 caret
4165 66 accompany
4166 66 gold
4167 65 semantics
4168 65 officially
4169 65 ring-no-answer
4170 65 everyday
4171 65 scalability
4172 65 sap
4173 65 oj
4174 65 |----
4175 65 crc
4176 65 screw
4177 65 constraint
4178 65 crap
4179 65 ace
4180 65 claris
4181 65 shoutcast
4182 65 recreate
4183 65 hibernate
4184 65 naming
4185 65 forever
4186 65 plaintext
4187 65 fn
4188 65 heat
4189 65 mandatory
4190 65 suffer
4191 65 whois
4192 65 beos
4193 65 steven
4194 65 inactive
4195 65 mshtml
4196 65 rar
4197 65 ripper
4198 65 acknowledge
4199 65 preparation
4200 65 afford
4201 65 vnc
4202 65 partially
4203 65 appeal
4204 65 ntp
4205 64 ai
4207 64 infomanager
4208 64 recompile
4209 64 tarball
4210 64 iso-8859-1
4211 64 carl
4212 64 winme
4213 64 ghost
4214 64 moore
4215 64 positioning
4216 64 wise
4217 64 jboss
4218 64 icewm
4219 64 plaid
4220 64 elegant
4221 64 mbytes
4222 64 unreadable
4223 64 javascripts
4224 64 intellectual
4225 64 libjpeg62
4226 64 slrn
4227 64 emerge
4228 64 requests
4229 64 tail
4230 64 global-set-key
4231 64 tomorrow
4232 64 scrollbar
4233 64 equip
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4236 64 confidential
4237 64 agp
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4240 63 certified
4241 63 cent
4242 63 linus
4243 63 vst
4244 63 bean
4245 63 neutral
4246 63 fibre
4247 63 alien
4248 63 ball
4249 63 reasonably
4250 63 concurrent
4251 63 gear
4252 63 stub
4253 63 ultra
4254 63 con
4255 63 qualify
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4263 63 panic
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4265 63 braille
4266 63 roman
4267 63 combined
4268 63 royalty
4269 62 delimit
4270 62 violation
4271 62 redirection
4272 62 mdn
4273 62 windows2000
4274 62 xfs
4275 62 high-speed
4276 62 china
4277 62 known
4278 62 aw
4279 62 separation
4280 62 interfere
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4284 62 arch
4285 62 doctor
4286 62 unlikely
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4289 62 docbook
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4294 62 categorize
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4298 62 commerce
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4300 62 donate
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4302 62 sha1
4303 62 honor
4304 62 squid
4305 62 divx
4306 62 postmaster
4307 62 thereby
4308 61 tif
4309 61 bound
4310 61 attend
4311 61 pictures
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4315 61 syn
4316 61 superior
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4321 61 eraser
4322 61 linker
4323 61 premium
4324 61 episode
4325 61 invest
4326 61 surfing
4327 61 christmas
4328 61 evidence
4329 61 prerequisite
4330 61 replay
4331 61 tmda-ofmipd
4332 61 feeling
4333 61 -updated
4334 61 fish
4335 61 msgs
4336 61 lake
4337 61 adaptive
4338 61 pic
4339 61 nic
4340 61 fear
4341 61 subnet
4342 61 shows
4343 61 scp
4344 61 halt
4345 61 human-readable
4346 61 popupdummy
4347 60 fred
4348 60 dupe
4349 60 nc
4350 60 informative
4351 60 throughput
4352 60 sheets
4353 60 sky
4354 60 researcher
4355 60 -n
4356 60 blend
4357 60 angle
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4359 60 recycle
4360 60 heavily
4362 60 scorefile
4363 60 img
4364 60 packaging
4365 60 xpath
4366 60 simpleness
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4368 60 silently
4369 60 non-technical
4370 60 optimal
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4373 60 fat32
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4379 60 orient
4380 60 complement
4381 60 techexplorer
4382 60 expense
4383 60 cmailserver
4384 59 prevention
4385 59 seperate
4386 59 distributed
4387 59 assure
4388 59 ini
4389 59 visibility
4390 59 emailer
4391 59 pico
4392 59 nicht
4393 59 mp3s
4394 59 anytime
4395 59 profiler
4396 59 infection
4397 59 wird
4398 59 tester
4399 59 assemble
4400 59 colon
4401 59 intervention
4402 59 sensor
4403 59 genius
4404 59 folder-hook
4405 59 literal
4406 59 psp
4407 59 als
4408 59 crm
4409 59 llc
4410 59 delegate
4411 59 tidy
4412 59 kate
4413 59 hig
4414 59 rfcs
4415 59 conditional
4416 59 squirrelmail
4417 59 run-time
4418 59 em
4419 59 sam
4420 59 stroke
4421 59 amiga
4422 59 dpi
4423 59 raster
4424 59 conventional
4425 59 terminology
4426 59 fantastic
4427 59 stretch
4428 59 wmp
4429 58 libranet
4430 58 high-end
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4432 58 reopen
4433 58 sybase
4434 58 whilst
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4436 58 marc
4437 58 paris
4438 58 abiword
4439 58 volunteer
4440 58 return-path
4441 58 phil
4442 58 werden
4443 58 powerconnect
4444 58 matthew
4445 58 george
4446 58 -m
4447 58 accordingly
4448 58 smoothly
4449 58 triangle
4450 58 stanford
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4452 58 bonus
4453 58 asus
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4455 58 historical
4456 58 ruler
4457 58 briefly
4458 58 background-color
4459 58 pagefault
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4463 58 ein
4464 58 repetitive
4465 58 pdfs
4466 58 verbose
4467 58 narrow
4468 58 clarify
4469 58 facsimile
4470 58 spotlight
4471 58 uncompressed
4472 58 proofpoint
4473 58 sd
4474 58 opt
4475 58 seriously
4476 58 iv
4477 58 invitation
4478 58 fuzzy
4479 58 justify
4480 58 wmf
4481 58 isync
4482 58 sessions
4483 57 ticker
4484 57 bayesian
4485 57 luyck
4486 57 message-----
4487 57 tick
4488 57 lsm
4489 57 dashboard
4490 57 nortel
4491 57 selecting
4492 57 backbone
4493 57 replication
4494 57 uptime
4495 57 atari
4496 57 insensitive
4497 57 protected
4498 57 editorial
4499 57 impressive
4500 57 upcast
4501 57 eps
4502 57 invent
4503 57 cli
4504 57 zum
4505 57 ah
4506 57 personalize
4507 57 underneath
4508 57 syscon
4509 57 admit
4510 57 stationery
4511 57 marked
4512 57 rpms
4513 57 font-size
4514 57 inquiry
4515 57 uw
4516 57 translation-routing
4517 57 stephen
4518 57 andy
4519 57 yamaha
4520 57 accuterm
4522 56 wine
4523 56 ln
4524 56 birthday
4525 56 checkmark
4526 56 gcj
4527 56 gnupg
4528 56 boxes
4529 56 non-registered
4530 56 millisecond
4531 56 hyper
4533 56 xls
4534 56 pdcawley
4535 56 productive
4536 56 ich
4537 56 whom
4538 56 suddenly
4539 56 omniweb
4540 56 strictly
4541 56 redraw
4542 56 trip
4543 56 intruder
4544 56 canadian
4545 56 netbios
4546 56 bulleted
4547 56 sharp
4548 56 composite
4549 56 incompatibility
4550 56 fifth
4551 56 ear
4552 56 texas
4553 56 ub
4554 56 opengroupware
4556 56 passwd
4557 56 mov
4558 56 precede
4559 56 gates
4560 56 instrument
4561 56 slider
4562 56 gift
4563 56 moon
4564 56 filing
4565 56 annoyance
4566 56 ado
4567 56 pid
4568 56 syndication
4569 56 glade
4570 56 mtu
4571 56 flicker
4572 56 client-server
4573 56 napster
4574 56 precise
4575 56 mini-howtos
4576 56 dear
4577 56 british
4578 56 textual
4579 56 uyirmei
4580 56 technically
4581 56 recur
4582 56 ^j
4583 56 authorized
4584 56 incremental
4585 56 ncsa
4586 56 severeness
4587 56 org
4588 56 selectable
4589 55 west
4590 55 addressbook
4591 55 excerpt
4592 55 independently
4593 55 glad
4594 55 asf
4595 55 risc
4596 55 dirk
4597 55 reg
4598 55 neue
4599 55 pertain
4601 55 somehow
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4603 55 bare
4604 55 imho
4605 55 canon
4606 55 boundary
4607 55 digitally
4608 55 coast
4609 55 tower
4610 55 chief
4611 55 lol
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4613 55 increasedly
4614 55 bible
4615 55 uml
4616 55 brain
4617 55 philosophy
4618 55 blow
4619 55 -fixed
4620 55 ken
4621 55 hijack
4622 55 predict
4623 55 underscore
4624 55 rob
4625 55 wlan
4626 55 attachements
4627 55 blame
4628 55 torvalds
4629 55 printf
4630 55 assembler
4631 55 boy
4632 55 toshiba
4633 55 melon
4634 55 formal
4635 55 us-ascii
4636 55 args
4637 55 controlling
4638 55 cast
4639 55 rpc
4640 54 mixtreme
4641 54 jewellery
4642 54 gtk#
4643 54 assertion
4644 54 deskbar
4645 54 su
4646 54 operations
4647 54 realvideo
4648 54 acereader
4649 54 adjacent
4650 54 indexoptions
4651 54 min
4652 54 #define
4653 54 wget
4654 54 metafile
4655 54 comparable
4656 54 whitespace
4657 54 prev
4658 54 specialist
4659 54 bps
4660 54 courier-imap
4661 54 gary
4662 54 uploads
4663 54 citation
4664 54 uninstalling
4665 54 flight
4666 54 bag
4667 54 walter
4668 54 induction
4669 54 modeling
4670 54 wmv
4671 54 ublinux
4672 54 professor
4673 54 hkey_local_machine
4674 54 nmap
4675 54 abuse
4676 54 bindery
4677 54 insecure
4678 54 postal
4679 54 microsoft(R)
4680 54 auction
4681 54 ios
4682 54 uart
4683 54 mining
4684 54 don
4685 54 pound
4686 54 famous
4687 54 spawn
4688 54 swl
4689 54 libpcre3
4690 54 duo
4691 53 reorder
4692 53 flush
4693 53 zope
4694 53 nvram
4695 53 emphasize
4696 53 architect
4697 53 guides
4698 53 hfs
4699 53 readily
4700 53 curious
4701 53 bitstream
4702 53 steadfast
4703 53 fourth
4704 53 badly
4705 53 ab
4706 53 minitab
4707 53 buggy
4708 53 duty
4709 53 endpoint
4710 53 bugfix
4711 53 bart
4712 53 literally
4713 53 cfpop
4714 53 webpages
4715 53 rollover
4716 53 awstats
4717 53 ultimately
4718 53 ext2fs
4719 53 appfuse
4720 53 spare
4721 53 derivative
4722 53 uuencode
4723 53 set-up
4724 53 comply
4725 53 computers
4726 53 billion
4727 53 warm
4728 53 zipfile
4729 53 minus
4730 53 personnel
4731 53 meaningful
4732 53 accurately
4733 53 titanium
4734 53 loan
4735 53 whiteboard
4736 53 sp
4737 53 probability
4738 53 measured
4739 53 dirty
4740 53 imovie
4741 53 thorough
4742 53 unchanged
4743 53 sn
4744 53 lang
4745 53 kazaa
4746 53 proftpd
4747 53 occasional
4748 53 inspection
4749 53 instructional
4750 52 preceding
4751 52 oss
4752 52 hotel
4753 52 headset
4754 52 erik
4755 52 ontario
4756 52 marketplace
4757 52 in-depth
4758 52 tricky
4759 52 emphasis
4760 52 impose
4761 52 landscape
4762 52 dim
4763 52 stdout
4764 52 pie
4765 52 en
4766 52 lans
4767 52 malware
4768 52 bobby
4769 52 clue
4770 52 playlists
4771 52 refactor
4772 52 ||
4773 52 programmable
4774 52 full-screen
4775 52 da
4776 52 food
4778 52 podcast
4779 52 slashdot
4780 52 featured
4781 52 voltage
4782 52 detach
4783 52 onscreen
4784 52 widespread
4785 52 is
4786 52 pathname
4787 52 taste
4788 52 australian
4789 52 windows(R)
4790 52 award-winning
4791 52 keepalives
4792 52 rose
4793 52 menubar
4794 52 cloak
4795 52 woman
4796 52 dem
4797 52 toy
4798 52 photography
4799 52 text-only
4800 52 fade
4801 52 files\symantec
4802 52 scrub
4803 51 roughly
4804 51 ice
4805 51 bryant
4806 51 regexp
4807 51 conduit
4808 51 slick
4809 51 finished
4810 51 mailto
4811 51 nal
4812 51 cron
4813 51 scrollbars
4814 51 genre
4815 51 unset
4816 51 macintouch
4817 51 bitmaps
4818 51 protector
4819 51 supervisor
4820 51 expanded
4821 51 deals
4822 51 crisp
4823 51 occasion
4824 51 trading
4825 51 swiss
4826 51 randomly
4827 51 mfc
4828 51 gifs
4829 51 kbps
4830 51 cascading
4831 51 forecast
4832 51 right-hand
4833 51 disability
4834 51 world-wide
4835 51 microprocessor
4836 51 xmms
4837 51 grabber
4838 51 bzip2
4839 51 dig
4840 51 beach
4841 51 lazy
4842 51 written
4843 51 quake
4844 51 setenv
4845 51 acquisition
4846 51 overcome
4847 51 interactivity
4848 51 payload
4849 51 remover
4850 51 gtk-sharp
4851 51 kanji
4852 51 debate
4853 51 streamline
4854 51 powermail
4855 51 pronunciation
4856 51 cant
4858 51 reviewer
4859 51 um
4860 51 platform-independent
4861 51 pose
4862 51 abandon
4863 51 uppercase
4864 51 openwrt
4865 51 emergency
4866 51 decline
4867 51 quirk
4868 51 optimizer
4869 51 neighborhood
4870 51 arithmetic
4871 51 del
4872 51 indentation
4873 51 scientist
4874 51 periodic
4875 51 affected
4876 51 substantial
4877 51 shuffle
4878 50 structural
4879 50 actively
4880 50 producer
4881 50 traceroute
4882 50 pref
4883 50 vehicle
4884 50 classification
4885 50 xml-based
4886 50 expectation
4887 50 foreground
4888 50 \software
4889 50 cd-roms
4890 50 differentiate
4891 50 annotate
4892 50 drawback
4893 50 notifier
4894 50 helvetica
4895 50 forge
4896 50 organizational
4897 50 photographic
4898 50 belcon
4899 50 electric
4900 50 indexer
4901 50 \windows
4902 50 morse
4903 50 non-fatal
4904 50 semantic
4905 50 pnp
4906 50 simulator
4907 50 wear
4908 50 meanwhile
4909 50 -h
4910 50 emdl
4911 50 validator
4912 50 arj
4913 50 toc
4914 50 \microsoft
4915 50 assumption
4916 50 func
4917 50 roxio
4918 50 non-standard
4920 50 commentary
4921 50 khtml
4922 50 alive
4923 50 opensource
4924 50 chooser
4925 50 enthusiast
4926 50 finalize
4927 50 craig
4928 50 falko
4929 50 paypal
4930 50 unofficial
4931 50 font-family
4932 50 netbsd
4933 50 checkout
4934 50 ez
4935 50 ap
4936 50 jacob
4937 49 incredibly
4938 49 noch
4939 49 duncan
4940 49 prone
4941 49 tungsten
4942 49 victim
4943 49 inode
4944 49 shortly
4945 49 firewalling
4946 49 intent
4947 49 concordance
4948 49 kopete
4949 49 eval
4950 49 bei
4951 49 namely
4952 49 knoppix
4953 49 intelligence
4954 49 cpus
4955 49 directx
4956 49 tony
4957 49 cad
4958 49 liable
4959 49 pim
4960 49 unexpectedly
4961 49 multi-platform
4962 49 presumably
4963 49 you?ll
4964 49 msgno
4965 49 preload
4966 49 classes
4967 49 loopback
4968 49 worker
4969 49 crucial
4970 49 logfile
4971 49 duration
4972 49 insist
4973 49 mailsmith
4974 49 ul
4975 49 johnson
4976 49 win2k
4977 49 grouping
4978 49 attendee
4979 49 hurt
4980 49 consistently
4981 49 girl
4982 49 persist
4983 49 samsung
4984 49 consuming
4986 49 booth
4987 49 workgroups
4988 49 resemble
4989 49 torrent
4990 49 graduate
4991 49 cj
4992 49 cr
4993 48 ra
4994 48 reliably
4995 48 xnotes
4996 48 intact
4997 48 desirable
4998 48 importantly
4999 48 rescue
5000 48 tough
5001 48 eq
5003 48 william
5004 48 omni
5005 48 infopath
5006 48 wordstar
5007 48 logout
5008 48 compressor
5009 48 district
5010 48 cfmx
5011 48 vrml
5012 48 inspect
5013 48 ivelin
5014 48 military
5015 48 magnetic
5016 48 hmm
5017 48 primitive
5018 48 influence
5019 48 workbench
5020 48 exploration
5021 48 tight
5023 48 citizen
5024 48 irqs
5025 48 soundtrack
5026 48 dlls
5027 48 miller
5028 48 electrical
5029 48 powerplugs
5030 48 reservation
5031 48 answering
5033 48 corba
5034 48 gem
5035 48 snb
5036 48 catalyst
5037 48 xfig
5038 48 courtesy
5039 48 deutsch
5040 48 judge
5042 48 observation
5043 48 intercept
5044 48 pam
5045 48 swedish
5046 48 globe
5047 48 occupy
5048 48 filesize
5049 48 wow
5050 48 cit
5051 48 harm
5052 48 checkpassword
5053 48 foot
5054 48 gis
5056 47 kview
5057 47 font-weight
5058 47 md5summer
5059 47 cyrillic
5060 47 pkunzip
5061 47 playing
5062 47 mod_perl
5063 47 oac
5064 47 aladdin
5065 47 counterpart
5066 47 middleware
5067 47 favicon
5069 47 verdana
5070 47 accessors
5071 47 emacspeak
5072 47 precisely
5073 47 plug-and-play
5074 47 ds
5075 47 ups
5076 47 emailed
5077 47 pcx
5078 47 records
5079 47 exclusively
5080 47 lucky
5081 47 nagios
5082 47 fran?ais
5083 47 inspector
5085 47 splitting
5086 47 -x
5087 47 javaserver
5088 47 sed
5089 47 click-2-call
5090 47 dvd-rom
5091 47 domino
5092 47 unified
5093 47 symptom
5094 47 joystick
5095 47 abstraction
5096 47 sidebars
5097 47 largely
5098 47 florida
5099 47 sniff
5100 47 metre
5101 47 hilton
5102 47 nh
5103 47 gps
5104 47 roadmap
5105 47 crypto
5106 47 qos
5107 47 toast
5108 47 arcade
5109 47 xpatch
5110 47 convey
5111 47 gpg
5112 47 hassle
5113 47 awebdap
5114 47 localize
5115 47 ban
5116 47 constitute
5117 47 fraction
5118 47 blaster
5120 47 unixware
5122 46 sp6
5123 46 hire
5124 46 funding


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