our nose加s为什么nise不加s?

{if data.flowerId == 0}
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{list 0..6 as x}${dv[x]}{/list} {list 1..6 as x}{list 1..7 as y}{/list}{/list}
{list df..dt as x}{/list}
{if defined('w')} ${w.province}{if w.province!=w.cityName},${w.cityName}{/if}
{var ne = w.weatherFromCode!=w.weatherToCode}
{if ne}{/if}
{var ne = w.weatherFromCode48!=w.weatherToCode48}
{if ne}{/if}
{else} 天气服务器当前不可用! {/if}
Almost to&finish spending this year on my journey to my working experience, I got my job done a little unappropriate or unfinished leaving yet. And i came back to the end of 2012 with only two hands and a head on my shoulders. For me at that time i did give some reasons and perhaps excuses to whatever extent, i needed a very competetant eviroment to make sure " i am still a living creature".&What i should go the next step to struggle for my life again is about to& be sure, the certain, i think it's a very under-nose thing first-handed gives me the starting point of view and the reasons of abandon too much of businesses before like some kind of no-future job or just the begining of outside my self, i don't care what was going on here and there, Maybe it's been too many years on my youth days i do not listen to people around. Although i know i am not too bad instinct man without hurting them deeply with my changing ideas sometimes crazy and ridiculous, time to finish the boy-mind view towards this unorgnised society and unhopeful cpc, No more judgement and blame on them, everybody has their diffculities aspests so how should i always expose shortcomings about them? If it really need be disclosed, there comes out an answer in front of the public.Tell myself a story about myself is the double success on a man's direction. You become how nice you want to be. There the road is,the job is, the girl is, the family is, the.......What i am thinking is not&an idiot's thoughts? If you say me crazy, you are crazy& a little bit in advance.Yong SD&Xenon&
<IMG title="Qulity of One Person - 雪地上的西瓜 - I love my house " alt="Qulity of One Person - 雪地上的西瓜 - I love my house " src="http://img.blog.163.com/photo/G11bxfc7261Pp8CxOCu5iw==/3796785.jpg"> <IMG title="Qulity of One Person - 雪地上的西瓜 - I love my house " alt="Qulity of One Person - 雪地上的西瓜 - I love my house " src="http://img.blog.163.com/photo/G11bxfc7261Pp8CxOCu5iw==/3796785.jpg"> &&&&&& In this society, everyone go in for their doings in a hurry, for better physical lives, for their happiness, for their babies&&and so on. Now many people turn more selfishness, the base to be a real person that is not give too much to oneself, however its one's duty, not only for own enjoyment. Personal quality is education of such as honesty and generosity. Maybe in my opinion what we need is not a leader,it&&may be&&a kind of obedience&&to others. for some people, like these things, forever it can not happen. i know qualify is not rules, Only that was a moral recognition, Quality is one's existence's value. I hope I am a person who is the best qualified, so I try to avoid doing the rubbish, To be a excellent guy, I want , so&&I quit these lackass! sleeping…&&
I am '' no'' &&time goes by, so slowly or fast. maybe i am just a gamer, who fulfils passion, excitement, dream, etc. but perhaps also great depression in my life. every thing may be a pack of possibility. let time go by, let me try to discover&&my new world and cover the old one&&, let them go, let it be. in fact its not me, but really its me, what make you happy is what make you down, look out of my heart window, the sky turn grey and white, a kind of vigor&&in it. i am not "yeah "difficult to see a piece of bread that belongs to me. when they are working in the doing lot, i just glimpse at them and walk through the long road. a pair of lonely steps is put into the earth, remember i am just a little boy&&dont know anything&&surely including the whole world.
&&& 这种心情好久没有了,很不是滋味 &
I stay here a whole night, tomorrow i will&build new plan , idon't wanna lose chance ........
& 不再是个学生了 &
近期心愿好好学习 博客等级
this.p={b:2,ua:29, ub:'http://img.bimg.126.net/photo/FYLKDKdcF7julYDbOFKPKA==/070986.jpg',us:'他', friendstatus:'none',followstatus:'unFollow',hmcon:'1',aShowT:'1',guideId:6};
积分 ${data.totalScore} 分,距离下一等级还有 ${data.nextGradeNeedScore}分
{if defined('fl')&&fl.length>0} {list fl as x}
${x.content|xescape:x.id,x.moveFrom} ${x.publishTime|xtime}
{if x.moveFrom&&x.moveFrom=='wap'} && {/if} {if x.moveFrom&&x.moveFrom=='mobile'} && {/if}
{/list} {else} 暂无心情随笔记录! {/if}
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{if defined('wl')} {list wl as x}{/list} {/if}What happened to the Sphinx’s nose? | Blog
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The mysterious Sphinx in front of the Pyramid of Khafre on the Giza Plateau, Egypt
Legends have passed over hundreds of years regarding the simple omission in this photograph of the Sphinx and the Pyramid of Khafre, part of the Giza Pyramid (or Great Pyramid) complex&#160;in . Where is the Sphinx&#8217;s nose? Many of us have heard the tale that a cannonball fired by Napoleon&#8217;s soldiers hit the nose and caused it to break off. Sketches of the Sphinx by the Dane Frederic Louis Norden were&#160;created in 1737 and published in 1755, well before the era of Napoleon. However, these drawings&#160;illustrate the Sphinx without a nose and clearly contradicts the legend. So what really happened?
The Egyptian Arab historian &#160;in the 15th&#160;century that the nose was actually destroyed by a Sufi Muslim named Muhammad Sa'im al-Dahr. In 1378 CE, Egyptian peasants made offerings to the Great Sphinx in the hope of controlling the flood cycle, which would&#160;result in a successful harvest. Outraged by this blatant show of devotion, Sa'im al-Dahr destroyed the nose and was later executed for vandalism. Whether this is absolute fact is still debatable.
Have you seen the Sphinx up close? Share your story below.
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Leafy seadragon
Named after the dragons of Chinese mythology, Leafy seadragons (Phycodurus eques) resemble a piece of drifting seaweed as they float in the seaweed-filled water. The Leafy seadragon, with green, orange and gold hues along its body, is covered with leaf-like appendages, making it remarkably camouflaged. Only the fluttering of tiny fins or the moving of an independently swiveling eye, reveals its presence.
Like the seahorse, the male seadragon carries as many as 150-200 eggs. After being deposited by the female, the eggs are carried in the honeycomb-shaped area (known as the brood patch) under the male's tail for approximately eight weeks. Seadragons have no teeth or stomach and feed exclusively on mysidopsis shrimp. Known as "Australian seahorses" in Australia, they are found in calm, cold water that is approximately 50-54


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