fight ship drive ride哪个ship发音相同的词语的i不同

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英语音标是记录英语发音的音素符号,英语共有 48 个音标,其中元音 20 个(单 元音 12 个,双元音 8 个),辅音包含清辅音和浊辅音 26 个(一舌、二半、三鼻、六 爆、六破、十摩擦 )。根据国际音标的特点,以下将第十四版国际音标例词及发 音规则归纳如下: 一、元 音 在英语的元音中,一共有 12 个单元音和 8 个单元音, 双元音是由两个元音音 标所组成的音素,发音时要注意“前轻后重,前长后短”的特点。 (一)单元音(12 个) 1、/i:/ 例词: me he she see tea key east发音要诀: 舌抵下齿,嘴唇扁平,做微笑状,发“一”之长音。 2、/ I / 例词: it big ship study listen发音要决:舌抵下齿,双唇扁平分开,牙床近于全合,发短促之“一”音。 3、/e/ 例词: bed get end let head many friend lesson发音要决:舌近硬颚,舌尖抵下齿,牙床半开半合,做微笑状。 4、/Q/ 例词: map cap cat bad and apple发音要决:双唇扁平,舌前微升,舌尖抵住下龈,牙床全开,软腭升起,唇自然 开放。 5、/:/ 例词: car fast dark star card hard farm garden的发音: 双唇张而不圆, 牙床大开, 舌后微升, 舌尖向后收缩, 微离下齿, 发“啊” 之长音。 6、/?n/ 例词: on hot cup want mother touch发音要决:双唇张而不圆,牙床大开,舌后微升,舌尖向后收缩,微离下齿,发 短促之“啊”音。 7、/?:/ 例词: her bird dirt early worker purse发音要决:舌上抬,唇成自然状态,口半开半闭,发“厄”之长音。 8、/? / 例词: ago panda teacher doctor around famous发音要决:舌上抬,唇成自然状态,口半开半闭,牙床较张开,发“厄”之短音。 9、/u:/ 例词: zoo who ruler food fruit cool shoot发音要决:双唇成圆形,牙床近于半合,舌尖不触下齿,自然而不用力,发“屋” 之长音。 10、/u / 例词: foot good cook book took full should发音要决:双唇成圆形,牙床近于半合,舌尖不触下齿,自然而不用力,发短促 之“屋”音。 11、/?:/ 例词: horse water short door talk saw autumn发音要决: 双唇界于开闭、 圆唇之间, 牙床半开至全开, 舌尖卷上再过度为卷后。 12、/ ?: / 例词: dog what ball call hall talk bought发音要决:双唇稍微向外突出成圆形,舌后升起,舌尖抵下齿,发“奥”音。 (二)双元音(8 个) 1、/ ei / 例词: age day they eight great date wait race发音要决::舌尖抵住下齿,牙床半开半合,双唇扁平,由发“哀”音平稳过渡到 发“一”之长音。 2、/ ai / 例词: hi my bye fly high buy rice like light发音要决:将口张开略圆,舌后微升,舌尖向后收缩,由发“阿”音平稳过渡到发 “一”音。 3、/ i / 例词: boy toy oil join soil noise 发音要决:双唇外突成圆形,发“奥”音。逐渐过度为双唇扁平分开,发“一”之短 音。 4、/ ?u / 例词: no own note bowl boat know shoulder发音要决:口半开半闭,舌后微升,过渡双唇成圆形,发“欧”之音。 5、/ au / 例词: out now town sound house brown发音要决: 将口张开略圆, 渐渐合拢, 双唇成圆形, 由发“阿”音平稳过渡到发“屋” 音。 6、/ i? / 例词: ear deer fear here idea near发音要决:双唇张开,牙床由窄至半开舌抵下齿逐渐过度为上卷,从“一”音过渡 到“厄”音。 7、/ε? / 例词: air hair bear dare there their carefully发音要决:双唇张开后略圆,牙床张开相当宽,舌尖卷上渐至卷后。 8、/ u? / 例词: sure poor tour february 发音要决:双唇成圆形,牙床近于半合,舌尖不触下齿,发“屋”之长音,然后从 “屋”过渡到“厄”音。 二、辅 音(28 个) 国际音标里总共有 28 个辅音音素,辅音里面有清辅音和浊辅音,浊辅音在发 音时声带振动,而清辅音在发音时声带不振动。 (一) 摩擦音(10 个) 摩擦音是发音时,气流开始部分受到阻碍,随后气流从缝隙中泄出,发出声 音。 1、 /f/ /v/ 例词: fat fast face fine life fire phone father 例词: of love view vine very violin leave发音要决:下齿轻触上齿,气流从唇齿间的缝隙泻出摩擦成音,/f/ 是清辅音, /v/浊辅音。 2 、/θ/ /e/ 例词: both cloth three thing mouth hanks birthday例词: that than these bathe mother发音要决:舌尖轻触上齿背,气流从唇齿间的缝隙泻出摩擦成音,/θ/ 是清辅音, /e/ 是浊辅音。 3 、/s/ /z/ 例词: sun ice sea sell same face snake mouse 例词: zoo eyes nose knees prize music发音要决:舌抬起,靠近上齿龈,气流由舌端和齿龈间泻出摩擦成音。/s/ 是清 辅音, /z/ 是浊辅音。 4 、/ ? / /?/ 例词: she sure wash ship sheep share shake shop fish 例词: pleasure usually发音要决:舌尖和舌端向上齿龈后部抬起,舌身靠近硬颚开成一条狭窄的通道。 气流由此泄出口腔,摩擦成音。双唇向前突出,略成圆形。/ ? / 是清辅音,/ ? / 是浊辅音。 5、 / h / 例词: he hen hat hill high hair horse发音要决:口张开气流不受阻碍,自由溢出口腔,在通过声门时产生轻微摩擦, /h/ 是清辅音。 6 、/ r / 例词: run red rain free race write read 发音要决: 舌尖向上齿龈后部卷起,舌前部下陷,略成凹型,双唇稍向前突出, 气流从口腔泻出,声带振动 ,/r/ 是浊辅音。 (二) 爆破音(6 个) 在发音时,气流开始完全受到阻碍,然后气流有力急促的冲开阻碍发出声音。 1 、/p/ /b/ 例词: pen pig park pool peach happy speak bark bike例词: big bye bad bus job bird发音要决:双唇紧闭,然后突然张开,气流泄出口腔。/p/ 是清辅音,/b/是浊辅 音。 2 、/ t / /d/ 例词: to tea tear seat boat town bottle glad made window例词: do dog date down duck发音要决:舌尖紧抵上齿龈,形成阻碍,然后舌尖突然离开气流泄出口腔。/t/ 是 清辅音, /d/是浊辅音。 3 、/k/ /g/ 例词: cap key cow car card 例词: go bag egg pig gap girl come kite back cold gold gave发音要决: 舌后部抬起紧贴软颚, 形成阻碍, 然后舌后部突然离开气流泄出口腔。 /k/ 是清辅音,/g/ 是浊辅音。 (三) 破擦音(6 个) 破擦辅音是由一个爆破音和一个摩擦音组成。 1 、/ t? / 例词: watch child China chair cheap lunch / d? / 例词: Jane jeep gem joke bridge orange 发音要决:舌间和舌端抬起。贴住上齿龈后部形成阻碍,双唇稍向前突出,气流 冲破这个阻碍后,通过舌和齿龈间的窄缝摩擦成音。/t?/ 是清辅音。/d?/是浊辅 音。 2 、 / ts/ 例词: pats cats shirts skates students /dz/ 例词: seeds cards hands roads发音要决: 舌尖抵上齿龈形成阻碍,舌尖略下降气流泻出口腔/ts/ 是清辅音。/dz/ 是浊辅音。 3 、 /tr/ /dr/ 例词: train tree trip例词: drive drip dress dream 发音要决:舌尖抵上齿龈后部形成阻碍,舌身取发/r/的姿势,气流冲破阻碍发出 短促的[t]或[d]之后立即发/r/。/tr/ 是清辅音,/[dr/ 是浊辅音。 (四)鼻辅音(3 个) 发三个鼻辅音时气流在不同的位置,程度不同地受阻,最后都通过鼻腔泄出,其 中最难的音为/ ? /, 其次应注意/m/在单词末尾时应闭嘴,另外/n/不能与/l/混淆。 1 、/m/ 例词: me home came some mouth game many发音要决:双唇闭合,软鹗下垂气流从鼻腔泻出,/m/是浊辅音。 2 、/ n / 例词:son run thin neck noon knife number发音要决:舌尖紧抵下齿龈形成阻碍,软鹗下垂气流从鼻腔泻出,/n/是浊辅音。 3 、/ ? / 例词:Sing king song thing strong bring发音要决:舌后部抬起,抵住软鹗,气流从鼻腔泻出,/ ? / 是浊辅音。 (五)半元音(2 个) 1 、/ j / 例词: yes yard year yellow发音要决:舌前部尽量向硬鹗抬起,双唇平展口微开,气流从口腔泻出,可有轻 微摩擦声带振动,一经发出立即向后面的元音滑动,一起发/j/。 2 、/ w / 例词: wheat wheel way wood发音要决:舌后部向软鹗抬起,双唇收圆并向前突出气流从口腔泻出声带振动, 一经发出立即向后面的元音滑动,一起发/w/。 (六)舌侧音(1 个) 发音有两种,清晰的/l/ 和含糊的/l/,清晰的/l/出现在元音前面,含糊的/l/ 出 现在辅音前面或词尾。 1 、清晰的/ l / 例词: letter lesson lion lamp发音要决:舌端紧贴上齿龈,舌前部向硬颚抬起。气流从舌的两端泻出口腔[l] 是浊辅音。 2 、含糊的/ l / 例词: ball girl tall bottle 发音要决:舌端紧贴上齿龈后部,舌前部下陷气流从舌的两端泻出口腔[l]是浊辅 音。 3、区分鼻音[n]和舌侧音[l] 例词: /n/ nine now night know [l] line law light lown 44 个基本音;代表 44 个基本音的字母和字母组合;468 个不间断音;30-40 常用 的前缀和后缀; 二十六个辅音 b+e=be b h+e=he h p+e=pe p *v+e=ve v ch+e=che k+e=ke c zh+e=zhe j k+uo=kuo qu w+e=we w sh+e=she d+e=de d l+e=le l r+uo=ruo r ke+se=kse x ch+uo=chuo f+e=fe f m+e=me m s+e=se s y+e=ye y zh+uo=zhuo g+e=ge g n+e=ne n t+e=te t z+e=ze z **s+e=se z+e=ze ch sh tr dr th or th*发此音时,上齿咬著下嘴唇 英辅 b c c k, ck, ch j wh j ,dge, g (i,e,y) qu qu w w, sh tch sh, ti, si, ci wh d d l l r r, x x**发此两个音时,把舌尖伸出上下齿间 f f, m m s wr s, c (i,e,y) y y dr dr ph g g, gu, gh n n, kn, gn t t z z th or th th字母组合 b h h, p p v v ch ch,tr tr注:表中下划线不发音,g(iey)表示 g 在字母“i,e,g”前可发“j”音。C 在字母“i,e,y” 前必须发“s”音 十八个元音 i a ei a_e a ar or e i **ee i ai i_e e ur o ou o_e ao owA *u iu u_e u ooaireeroiour*此音要发的比汉语拼音中的“a”要短而窄。 **此音要发的比汉语拼音中的“i”要长 而窄。 a a a _e e ea ee e i y i_e y, igh, ie ur i o a o_e o, oa, ow, oe ow o u o, ou, oo,u u_e ue, ui, ew oo oo,ui, ew, ueai, ay, ey, eigh,ea ea, ie,ei,ee ar ar air or aw, au, al ,or earir,er,ear,(w)or,ur ou , ow oi oy,oieir,air,ear,are,ere Eer, ear, ere 英语单词的构成元音是单音节英语单词中的王,因为它们决定着一个单词最终的发音. 在单音节英语单词中,级别最高的辅音是元音前面紧挨着它的那个辅音. 一个元音和它前面紧挨着它的那个辅音共同组成一个不间断音. 多音节词是由不同的不间断音和其他辅音组成或词缀组成的。 第二部分: 五个长元音 长元音“a_e” 代表长元音“a_e”的字母: 不间断音: b+ a_e=ba_e 26 个不间断音 ai, ay, ey, eigh,ea ba_e ha_e pa_e va_e cha_e 真词认读(1) table cable label fatal able paper baby baker bakery baconca_e ja_e qua_e wa_e sha_eda_e la_e ra_e xa_e tra_e 真词认读(2)fa_e ma_e sa_e ya_e dra_ega_e na_e ta_e za_e tha_e 真词认读(3)favor savor hasty tasty hasten famous capable patriotic patiencetailor sailor mailer drainer rainy brainy dainty daily daisy gaily grainybailey frailty mailing sailing fainting training draining drainage failure faintnessnavigate graduate fascinate candidate suffocate calculate fabricate activate tabulategenerate celebrate devastate demonstrate emigrate delegate estimate legislate lemonade要点 在由“-tion”结尾的单词中,重音一般落在“-tion”前面紧挨着的不间断音上,而且 元音字母发其字名音,如:“education”。但是如果“-tion”和前面紧挨着的不间断 音被一个辅音字母隔开,前面这个不间断音的元音字母发其短元音的音, 如: “transaction”。 真词认读(4) desolation punctuation generation destination 真词认读(5) justification nomination decoration plantation legislation liberation elevation estimation 真词认读(6) fabrication desolation graduation punctuation ventilation generation inspection destination plantation legislation investigation domination populationinvestigation modernization television populationoccupationtransportation domination filtration demonstration occupation suffocation obligation connection separation education inspection television federation deliberation immigrationbenediction transportation education connection demonstration nomination separation obligation fabrication justification graduation decoration liberation elevation estimationbenediction constitution declarationventilation modernization revolution suffocation filtra tion dedication communicationimmunization federation短句认读 I hate to be late on such a date. Jane wants to save my face. Don’t make the same mistake. We were born on the same date. You can bake a cake in the same way. I will wait to play a game with Jane. Can you stay in the shade? Just call a spade a spade. Please wait at the gate. Shame on the snake. You need to pray on such a day. Can you stay away from the tray? I will pay for the delay on payday. Do you want to ride in the train in the rain? That is a main gain in the game. He will stay in a jail in Spain for eight days. No pains, no gains! I saw eight whales in the lake. Stay and pray! He is such a brave slave. Stay awake!长元音“ee” 长元音“ee”的代表字母和字母组合: ea ie 不间断音: b+ ea=bea 26 个不间断音 bea hea pea vea chea 真词认读(1) fever lever lethal legal levis meter peeler peeper meeker belief defeat repeat retreatcea jea quea wea sheadea lea rea xea trea 真词认读(2)fea mea sea yea dreagea nea tea zea thea 真词认读(3)median media mediate Medium lethargic dealer stealer healer deceit receive receipt relieveeagle beadle beagle needle feasible beaker cleaner speaker meager beamer weaker squeakersteamer gleaner eater meaner teaser leaner leaser sneaker bleaker leader seeker heelerbleacher preacher cheater teacher eaten neaten beaten weaken reason season Seaton deceivebreeding creeping beaming beamish bleakish seeding dreaming meaning cleaning feeling relief believe短句认读 He is in such a deep sleep. Can you increase the speed? Check the steering wheel? I feel such a sweet breeze in the field. Can you give him a kiss on the cheek? He seems to be asleep in the ship. Where do you want to preach the creed? Read the lease and sign the deeds. Please repeat the speech. It is just a cheap steel wheel. I see three sleeping geese in the field. I need more cheese.长元音“i_e” 长元音“i_e”的代表字母和字母组合: i_e y ie 不间断音:b+ i_e=bi_e 26 个不间断音 bi_e hi_e pi_e vi_e chi_e 真词认读(1) rifle trifle stifle rival arrival dilate digest digress bilingual trilingual prior fiber tiger cipher primer giant pious lilac digestible baptize ci_e ji_e qui_e wi_e shi_e di_e li_e ri_e xi_e tri_e 真词认读(2) library primary finance priority hibernate migrate tripod bicycle tricycle microbe galvanize memorize centralize westernize baptize empire franchise tranquilize maximize transcribe tantalize scandalize satellite sacrifice minimize paraliye describe prescribe fi_e mi_e si_e yi_e dri_e gi_e ni_e ti_e zi_e thi_e 真词认读(3) galvanize memorize centralize westernize enterprise summarize recognize standardize humanize modernize minimize paralyze describe prescribe Americanize sometime apologize moralize subsidize fantasize ighphilosophize empire criticize jeopardize pressurize franchise tranquilize maximizephilosophize sympathize criticize jeopardize pressurize characterize capitalize moralize symbolize emphasizetranscribe tantalizeenterprize summarize recognize standardizeAmericanize symbolize sometime apologize capitalize emphasizesubsidize fantasizerevolutionize scandalize sympathize satellite sacrificerevolutionize humanize characterize modernize短句认读 Out of sight, out of mind. She is my bright child. I drank five glasses of wine last night. What a bright night! It is just a little harmless white lie. I often ride a bike to school. We had a big fight last night. Can you stay by my side? This isn’t a right size for my child. I wish I could fly in the sky. Don’t cry, my child. We had a good time on a wild night. This is my fight in my life. This is just the right time. Just write her a nice letter. Rain or shine. She is not my wise wife. Can you fly a kite in the sky? Mike has such a nice sweet smile. He might be in his prime time. Sam might be right. Don’t bribe a child.长元音“o_e” 长元音“o_e”的代表字母和字母组合: o_e oa 不间断音: b+ o_e=bo_e 26 个不间断音 bo_e ho_e po_e vo_e cho_e co_e jo_e quo_e wo_e sho_e do_e lo_e ro_e xo_e tro_e fo_e mo_e so_e yo_e dro_e go_e no_e to_e zo_e tho_e ow o oe 真词认读(1) moment locust locus focus gofer sober donor motor molar polar solar Polish coordinate cooperate coworker focal total social local logo solo mojo token tonus rodent rodeo roman rotate sodium podium真词认读(2) boaster coaster roaster toaster boater boastful roaming coaxing coating loafer loathing toasting soaking loadable Poland moaning floating boating loading loader poacher loather moaner roamer telescope microscope telephone headphone suppose compose真词认读(3) narrow shallow gallows sallow shadow fellow barrow pillow widow swallow repose expose depose dispose buffalo potato tomato tango solo echo memo Kilo video radio propose interpose impose oppose短句认读 Go home to impose. So old to propose. No hope to expose the host. Gold coast to compose. Make a toast to the host. Holy ghost。 I know how to tow Joe’s slow boat. Joe knows the owner of the boat. Rose grows so slow in the snow. Throw Joe his coat. No joke on the road. ET phone home。 Show me the gold。 To feel cold in the boat。 Step on my toe。 He chose some rose for Rose。 Who wrote those prose。 Close the road。 A moaning goat。 Show Joe the toad。 Wind blows the snow。 A floating boat。 长元音“u_e” 长元音“u_e”的代表字母和字母组合: u_e ue ew 不间断音:b+u_e=bu_e 不间断音 bu_e hu_e pu_e cu_e ju_e su_e 真词认读(1) nuclear nutrient tutor human humor mutual tumor educate bugle duty funeral museum music nutrition numerous du_e lu_e tu_e 真词认读(2) institute destitute numerous university fu_e mu_e vu_e gu_e nu_e thu_e 真词认读(3) regulate calculate peculate articulate multitude assume resume capitulate enthusiastic habituate gesticulate unilateral duplicate studentverisimilitude universal attitude altitude latitude aptitude universe unique unity ubiquitous第三部分: 五个普通元音 普通元音“ar” 普通元音“ar”的代表字母和字母组合: ar 不间断音: b+ar=bar 26 个不间断音 bar har par var char car jar quar war shar dar lar rar xar trar far mar sar yar drar gar nar tar zar thar 真词认读(1) market target carpet garden harden Darden carbon farther garter darter barley hardly starkly martyr smarter larder harder darker barker barber marker sparker Barkley army Darby lardy真词认读(2) archly starchy sparkly cargo embargo Fargo charming darling barbecue bargain barbarian department barbershop barnacle cardiac carcass cardinal charcoal cardiology carnival carpenter cartoon garlic gargle garnish harmless真词认读(3) garment garbage margin martial marbles harmony harmonic barren barricade barrier barrow carriage chargeable Marxism marvelous harmonious Barnyard barracks carrot barrel tardy hardy barmy harpy farthest普通元音“or” 元音“or”的代表字母和字母组合: or aw au 不间断音: b+ or=bor 26 个不间断音 bor hor por vor chor 真词认读(1) border porter sorter Norman shorten formal cor jor quor wor shor dor lor ror xor tror 真词认读(2) corkage corporal corpulent formalize immortalize formation for mor sor yor dror gor nor tor zor thor 真词认读(3) morning mordant moreover fortunate fortress forward order former corner dormer Mormon gorgon cordonnormal mortal sordid morbid orbit torrid torpiddormant dormitory normality mortality formality normalize portfolioCordial formula borderline forthrightmorphemefortitudemorphology gorgeous corporate formulate formidable portrait portray sorghumforthcoming mortgage fortnight normative普通元音“ur” 普通元音“ur”的字母和字母组合: ur ir er ear (w)or 不间断音: b+ur=bur 26 个不间断音 bur hur pur vur chur 真词认读(1) dirty thirty thirsty jerky Gerber merger furbish further murder burner murmur earner cur jur quur wur shur dur lur rur xur trur 真词认读(2) hurdle turtle girdle burglar turbo herder ferment Bermuda burbling fermentable fur mur sur yur drur gur nur tur zur thur 真词认读(3) hurdler hurter hurler gurgle learner jerkins girlish skirmish turbotfermentation turner普通元音“ow” 普通元音“ow”的代表字母和字母组合: ow ou 不间断音: b+ ow=bow 26 个不间断音 bow how pow vow chow 真词认读(1) coward cowardly dowdy nowadays powder powerful powerfully powerhouse powering towel tower chowder shower drowning drowsing drowsily drowsiness townsman chowchow drowsy cow jow quow wow show dow low row xow trow 真词认读(2) bouncer bouncing bouncy bounty boundary bounden bounder boundless bounteous bountiful foully loudly lousy lousily bouncy bounty lounger bouncer bounder fow mow sow yow drow gow now tow zow thow 真词认读(3) founding fountain foundation loudness loudspeaker lousiness mountain mounting pounding loudmouth bouncing boundary bounden boundless bounteous bountiful powerless founder普通元音“oo” 普通元音“oo”的代表字母和字母组合: oo 不间断音: b+ oo=boo 26 个不间断音 boo hoo poo voo choo coo joo quoo woo shoo doo loo roo xoo troo foo moo soo yoo droo goo noo too zoo thoo 真词认读(1) cooker looker booker roomer boomer footer goober cooler hooter hooker Hooper Hoover rooster booster tooter pooper scooter snooper Spooner roofer puller ruler rumor真词认读(2) lunar cookie bookish foolish booking cooking looking booming shooting mooting soothing booby booty boozy hooky loony loopy sooty toothy moody goopy goody真词认读(3) oozy roomy groovy kooky goofy woody gloomy Spooky gooey goosey rookie Rudy Ruby Judy July pulley looming loosen noodle poodle goodness googol普通元音“air” 代表双元音“air”的字母: air are ere 不间断音: b+are=bare 26 个不间断音 bare hare pare vare chare 真词认读(1) bare care dare fare share ware glare snare care jare quare ware share dare lare rare xare trare 真词认读(2) air fair hair lair mare pare rare pair fare mare sare yare drare gare nare tare zare thare 真词认读(3) scare aware spare square chair flair stair hare 普通元音“ear” 双元音“ear”的代表字母和字母组合: ear eer 不间断音: b+ eer=beer 26 个不间断音 beer heer peer veer cheer 真词认读(1) ear year fear gear dear hear tear shear clear smear spear appear ceer jeer queer weer sheer deer leer reer xeer treer 真词认读(2) jeer peer queer seer cheer sheer steer sneer here mere leer volunteer feer meer seer yeer dreer geer neer teer zeer theer 真词认读(3) rear near sear deer beer auctioneer cannoneer engineer mountaineer pioneer普通元音“oi” 双元音“oi”的代表字母和字母组合: oi oy 不间断音: b+ oi=boi 26 个不间断音 boi hoi poi voi choi 真词认读(1) coi joi quoi woi shoi doi loi roi xoi troi 真词认读(2) foi moi soi yoi droi goi noi toi zoi thoi 真词认读(3) boy coy soy joyoil boil coil foilcoin join noise poisepoint moist joist toilsoil broil spoil jointRoy toy ploy voice第四部分: 特殊多音节词 特殊多音节词(1) 由 “ic”组成的多音节词的重音问题 要点: 一般来讲, 由“ic”结尾的多音节词的重音几乎全部落在倒数第二个音节上。 由“ic”结尾的多音节词(1) specific geologic acrobatic alcoholic academic economic epidemic optimistic pessimistic demonic infrasonic harmonic nationalistic democratic idealistic 由“ic”结尾的多音节词(2) idiotic deterministic individualistic intergalactic geographic atomic autocratic ironic diplomatic authentic enthusiastic gymnastic systematic linguistic magnetic symbolic特殊多音节词(2) 由 “sive”组成的多音节词的重音问题 要点: 一般来讲,由携带前缀的动词派生来的形容词其原有重读音不变。 由 “sive”组成的多音节词 aggressive defensive decisive excessive intensive offensive extensive attractive destructive constructive effective productive objective perspective collective addictive expensiveincentiveprotective特殊多音节词(3) 三个音节以上单词如何处理重音问题 要点:一般来讲,三个音节以上单词的重音几乎全部落在倒数第三个不间断音上。 三个音节以上的多音节词 三个音节以上的多音节词(2) 三个音节以上的多音节 (1) legitimate inveterate invigorate intoxicate hegemony hereditary hallucinate habituate exhilarate expatriate 词(3) ubiquitous apostrophe topography antipathy tautological anthropology telepathy revivify antithesis affiliategesticulate discrepancy expedient gastronomy degenerate equilibrium galvanize fabricate escalate debilitate decimate fidelity empirical elucidate duplicity coordinateasseverate acidulous articulate assimilate aboriginalephemeral facilitatehermaphrodite disseminate curriculum parathyroidectomy apostatize contaminate consecutive capitulate calamity benevolent velocity autonomy unilateral unequivocalsubsidiary unanimous clemencyconglomerate chimerical astrology commiseratevicissitude verisimilitude特殊多音节词(4) 由 “ous”结尾的多音节词的重音问题 要点: 在认读由“ous”结尾的多音节词时,切记不要把“ous”和前面的元音划在一 起,否则重音的确认将会出现问题。 由“ous”结尾的多音节词(1) ambiguous ambitious conspicuous mysterious nutritious fictitious 由“ous”结尾的多音节词(2) gregarious supercilious simultaneous adventurous ubiquitous anonymous contemptuous continuous courageous impetuous hilariousconscious unconscious subconscious religious hilariousspontaneous superstitious advantageous tenaciousglamorous solicitous autonomous tremendous前缀“a-” about above abuse accept accord account accuse achieve across adapt attend attract avail 前缀“be-” because become before begin behave 前缀“com-” combine complete computer companion comparison common beside betray between beyond beguile bequeath berate beseech besiege behead believe belong below beneath belittle beloved bewildered bewitched bestow bewail befuddled behind address adhere adjust admit adopt advance advice affair affect affirm aware away await afflict afford afraid against ago agree ahead alarm alert alike attain attempt attack alive allow alone along aloud amaze among amount amuse announce assume attach annoy apart apparent appeal appear applaud apply appoint approach approve avert avoid around arrange array arrest arrive aside assault assert assess assist awake award commit commend commute compact compare compel compete comparable 前缀“con-” concede conceive concern conclude condemn condense conduct confer confess confine conscience contract conscious confederatecomply compose compress comprise compute combust command compromisecomposer commander combustor comfort combat comment companycommiseratecommissione complex commune commutecommunicate r compassionate competent compatible compensatecomplement compile compliment complain comprehendcompensation complicatecompression compassconfide confirm conform confront confound confuse congeal congest connect connoteconsent conserve consist consider console conspire constrain construct construe consultconsume contain contend contest continue contrive control convene converge converse consequent consequence conservativeconvert convey convict convince convoke concise content contrite contempt consistentconsultant container controller contact contest context constant conflict congress conquestconfederatio congenital n conference confession congestion congestiveconspicuous contaminate conspiracy conspirator constitute continent continuation continuouscongressman considerable congruous connecticut considerateconglomerate confidence congratulate confidentconstitution contributeconsideration constitutional contribution considering consolidate construction conversation convertible consumption constructive contagiouscongratulatio confirmation connection n congregate confrontation connotation confidential consecutive consensusconsolidation congenial consonantcongregation confiscate convent 前缀“de-” debar debate debug decay deceive decide declaim declare decline decease despair detach detail detain detect deter determine detest 前缀“dis-” disagree disappear disappoint disapprove disarm disarray disbar disburse discharge disclaim disclose disconnect discount discourse discover discrete disguise disgust disjoin dislike dismay dismiss dismount dispatch disperse displace display dispose dispute disregard disrupt dissect distil distinct distort distract distress distrust disturb distance discrete disorder discriminate discriminatio n distinction distinguish distribute decipher decrease decoy decrypt deduce deduct defeat defend defer define develop devise devote devour delighted despite decade desert deflate defog defrost defraud default defy degrade degree deject delete decadent decadence deciduous dedicate decimal decision decisive declassify delay delight deliver deluge demand demean demise demolish denote denounce delirious demonstrate deny depart depend depict deplete deplore deploy deport deposit depress destiny deprive derail derive descend describe desert deceit deserve design desire deputydeterminate designate deficit delicious decimate depressing depressiondemonstration detriment departure depreciate depressive detrimental deviate detract devalue discern discard 前缀“e-” educe effect effuse eject elate elect elapse eleven elicit elude 前缀“em-” embattle embark embed embezzle 前缀“en-” enable enact encage encode encroach enclose endanger 前缀“ex-” exact excessdiscuss disgracedispel dispensedissent dissolvedistant discreetemerge emit equip erase erect erode erupt escape estate evadeevent evict evoke evolve elaborate elastic elevate element elementary electionelectricity eliminate elucidate elusive elusion emancipate emotion emotional evacuate evaluateevaporate evasive eventual emergency emigrate emigration eminent educate economy economicseccentric economical edifice editor effective efficient establish emergent eligibleembroider empty empireemplace employ empoweremperor empress embodyemphasize empirical emphasisembrace embroil embassyendure enforce engage engrave engulf enhance enjoyenrich enroll ensure ensue entail entire enticeentreat entrench entrust envision entangle encounter encumbeendorse endow enlist enquire endearentreat entrench enlighten entitle enlargeexceed excelexhale exhaustexplode exploitexaggerateexperienceexaggeration explicit exotic extinct extreme exam extent expense example 前缀“im-”except exchange excite exclaim exclude excuse exemptexhibit exist expand expect expel expend expireexplore export expose express extend extort exertexamination external exchangeable exercise excursion execute execution exertion expert experiment extract extrude explain前缀“in-” incept incline include increase incur indent induce induct indulge infect 后缀“-er” anger cancer manner scanner spanner banner canter packer slacker slander cander gangster transfer grammer hanger acter janiter chapter rattler scamper barrier caliber passenger calender bett lett ledg tell sell sett cent ent cind hind ging ling sinn winn inn spinn lock rock socc doct pond conqu shopp hopp infest infer inflict inflame inflate inflect inform inhabit inhale inherit inlay inquire insane insert insist inspect inspire install instead instruct insult intact inland intend intense intent intrigue intrude invade invent invert invest invite invoke involve indeed inside in-depth indicate innovate innocent integrate intimate intoxicate institute investigate invigorate lacquer cracker thunder blunder muster bluster cluster 后缀“-tion” desolation punctuation generation destination populationfacter tracter upper supper utter butter shutterbacheler plunder under bunker hunger huntergend tend slend sputt clutt lustsingul wint slumb lumb numb plumblogg chopp stutt gutt cumbplantation legislationmodernizatio revolution n dedicationconstitution inspection declaration televitioninvestigation filtration domination suffocation occupation federation fabricationcommunicatio immunizatio benediction n connection separation deliberation immigration n liberation elevation estimation obligation justification decorationtransportation educationdemonstratio nomination graduation n 后缀“-ern,-en,-on ” lantern pattern happen barren sadden madden 后缀“-ish” vanish banish Spanish British Jewish Kurdish Danish lavish ravish publish rubbish sluggish lumpish melon felon beckon lesson lemon reckon bitten sicken loosen weaken brighten whiten ventilationblacken flatten slacken fatten worsencheapen straighten sharpen tighten lightenthicken stiffen quicken kitten widenblandish famish polish snobbishIrish Scottish Polish SwedishTurkish punish foolish radish 单个辅音结尾的单词 tragic traffic panic Slavic plastic 后缀“-y” pacify ratify gasify satisfy magnify classify testify edify fatty snappy smoky snowy hardy corny 后缀“-ate” regulate educate peculate desolate decorate hesitate dedicate delegate emigrate destitute desperate generate celebrate devastate bellicose envelope gesticulate legitimate inveterate invigorate intoxicate degenerate debilitate decimate exhilarate elucidate coordinate facilitate expatriate asseverate shaggy happy brandy handy candy bandy cranky shanty scanty sexy cloudy roomy gloomy sketchy density entity brevity chemistry melody felony steady itchy shifty worthy earthy sturdy tinny lofty foggy stocky blotchy bulky dusty stumpy sunny dumpy gastronomy mortality normality husky musty stuffy stubby muddy rugby ugly grumpy jumpy hubby wary hegemony weary touchy rainy tasty hasty leafy sneaky cheeky dreamy seedy mighty horny dirty murky frolic toxic tonic conic republic rabbit habit tacit profit vomit candid rapid valid solid gossip civic ironic optics tonsil topic logic comic nostrilcontaminate articulate conglomerate apostatize commiserate fabricate capitulate estimate legislate hallucinate demonstrate lemonade delicate 后缀“-ize” baptize empire franchise tranquilize maximize transcribeescalatehabituatetantalize scandalize satellite sacrifice minimize paralyzegalvanize memorize centralize westernize enterprise summarize prescribeapologize moralize subsidize fantasize philosophize criticize sometimesymbolize emphasizehumanize modernizerevolutionize jeopardize sympathize pressurizecharacterize recognize capitalize standardizeAmericanize describe 后缀“-ic” atomic idiotic ironic specific geologic acrobatic alcoholic 后缀“-ive” active massive aggressive attractive 后缀“-ous” ambiguous ambitious conscious affective effective excessive expensive optimistic pessimistic demonic infrasonicintergalactic symbolic geographic autocratic diplomatic naturalistic socialistic periodic classic organic propheticgraphic panic artistic automatic systematic linguistic magneticidealistic deterministic individualist academic economic epidemic harmonicnationalistic authentic democratic enthusiastic gymnasticobjective extensive perspective collectivedefensive detective decisive constructiveinvective productive protective offensiveintensive incentive addictive destructiveadvantageous impetuous mysterioussolicitoussimultaneousunconscious tenaciousautonomous spontaneous tremendous superstitious glamorous superciliousconspicuous subconscious adventurous nutritious contemptuous religious continuous hilarious gregarious ubiquitous anonymous fictitious courageous 后缀“-ary” cautionary mercenary secondary solitary subsidiary temporary incendiary literary legendary military necessary luminary missionary secretary visionary vocabulary dictionary contemporary extraordinary ordinarydiscretionary customary fragmentary honorary momentary monetary contrary granary primary 后缀“-less” airless flawless useless motionless spotless careless imaginaryprobationary hereditary proprietary sanitaryinflationary dignitary precautionar voluntary y arbitrarypreliminary auxiliaryendless restless lifeless seedless regardlesslistless stainless wireless hairless relentlesschildless hopeless powerless thoughtless tactlessmotherless spineless brainless heartless harmlessmeaningless helpless speechless 后缀“-ful” armful bagful mouthful glassful spoonful bottleful handful 后缀“-ibility” pocketful bucketful roomful thankful namelessdutiful helpful hopeful joyfulharmful painful shameful successful awful gratefulfruitful lawful wrongful wonderful boastful cheerfulpowerful tactful useful graceful boxful housefulteaspoonful peaceful cupful careful playful platefulaccessibility responsibilit visibility eligibility legibility y plausibility credibilityaudibility feasibilitytangibility possibilitysusceptibility invincibility 辅音浊化 元音字母组合 sp 发音 例词 sb Sc,sk,sch squ sg sgw squabble square st sd Star Start study str sdr String straightSpider Skill space Scare school发音一样的双写和不双写后缀的听写问题, 后缀与前面的不间断音之间有辅音隔 开则是非双写后缀,否则是双写的后缀 bble ddle ffle ckle ggle cabble fiddle ble dle fle cle gle candle确定重音; 1.一个单词含有三个以下(一个、两个或者三个)整体音时,重音在第一个整体 音上。如:`ba rot, `tea cher, `pa ket. 2.如果单词含有三个或者三个以上整体音,重音在倒数第三个整体音上。如:`re la tive, `le gi ble, `be ne fi t. 注意弱读:不在重音上的整体音需要弱读。 e `li gi ble, `ne ga tive, `me lo dy, `fe lo ny, `me mo ry, `fo cu s, 美国小孩都学自然拼读法, 中国也在往那个方向走。 了解了自然拼读法的发音规则后, 看到一个新单词就能对它的读音猜个八九不 离十, 而且有利于记住拼写. 自然拼读法基本规则: 1. 二十六个字母的读音 (Letter Sounds). l 五个元音字母(a, e, i, o, u), 每个发两种音:长音(其字母音)和短音 l y 不在单词开头时,一般被看做元音 2. 单元音单词拼读 (Consonant-Vowel-Consonant Combinations) 如果一个英语单词或音节里只有一个元音, 且元音不在末尾,这个元音一般发 短音. 如: Sam, cat, mat, 等等. l Beginning Consonants l Ending Consonants l One Vowel Word, Short Vowel Sounds 3. 双元音单词拼读(Two Vowel Words): 一个单词或音节里有两个元音时, 一般来说, 前边一个元音发长音 (其字母音) , 后边一个元音不发音. 如: make, mail, may, hay, say, see, sea, meet, meat, key, five, nine, tie, road, coat, toe, cute 等等. 4. 双/三辅音在一起时的联读 (Consonant Blends) l Beginning consonant blends (bl, br, cl, cr, dr, fl, fr, gl, fr, pl, pr, sc, sk, sl, sm, sn, sp, st, sw, tr, tw, scr, spl, str) l Ending consonant blends (ft, lf, lm, lp, lt, mp, nd, nk, nt, pt, sk, st) l Words ending in ll, ss, ff l Consonant digraphs (ch, th, sh, wh) 5. 特殊读法(1)C 带元音的特殊读法(Irregular Vowels) igh, ing, ind, ild, ar, or, oi, oy, alt, alk, ost, old, er, ir, ur, ew, sion, tion, eigh, all, ow, ow, ou, ay, ous, ed, ed (t), ed (d), aw, au, oo, oo 以上字母组合作为整体音节发音。需记住它们所发的音。 Examples: l ar (car, far), air (hair), are (hare), au, augh (caught), aw (hawk) al, all (all, tall, mall, hall), alk (talk, walk), alt (halt, salt), ay (may, play) l ew (new, few), eigh (eight, weight), ed: usays /ed/: patted, landed, lifted usays /t/: walked, hopped, stopped usays /d/: cried, played, chewed l er (sister, brother), ir (girl, fir, firm), ur (burn, hurt) l ie (field), ing(king, sing, dancing), ind (find, kind, behind), ild (mild, wild, child), igh (high, night, light), ire l oi (oil, boil), oy (boy, toy), old (old, cold), ost (most, host), olt, oo (book), oo (tool, school), or (or, for, horn), ow (读音一:cow, now, how, bow; ou (shout, out, loud) ould (could, would), ough (五种不同的读音:cough, through, ought, slough, plough), ought, , ous (famous, nervous), l ue (cruel), ui (fluid) l tion (attention, fiction), sion (passion, expression), l ending sounds : ang, ong, ung, edge, le 6. 特殊读法(2) l 如果一个单词或音节里只有一个元音,而且元音在末尾, 这个元音一般发长音 (其字母音) (Vowel at the end). 如:me, hi, go, baby, table, humor,hibernate 等等。 l Y 在末尾 (作为元音处理) at the end) (y : u 单音节词, 没有其他元音, 发”I”(one syllable word, y at the end (pronounced as y “I”)): my, why, fly, sky 读音二:bow, low, blow, snow), u 多音节词, y 发”E” 的音(two or more syllables, y at the end (pronounced as “E”)): daddy, mommy, baby,honey, crazy 7. 特殊读法(3) - 固定读音的单词 (Sight Word): is, are, the, a, to, here, hey, have, son, love, come, give, field…… 等. 它们不遵守前边的发音规则,需要死记硬背。 8. 特殊读法(4) C 辅音的特殊读法 l 有一些辅音不发音 (silent consonants). u Silent b: comb, lamb u Silent h: ghost u Silent k: knife, knock, knob, know… u Silent w: write, wrist, wreck … l &c& 和 &k& 在一起时, 发一个音: quick, black 等.l &q& 总是和&u&在一起:quite, quick, quit, quilt 等. 之所以指出这一点, 是在这里 u 不能再被认为是元音, 而是和 q 一起组成一个 辅音组合. 于是, 在 quite 这个单词里只有两个元音, 是双元音单词, 第一个元音 i 发字母音, 第二个元音 e 不发音. l &p&和 &h&在一起, 发/f/的音: phone, photo. l 复数 s 及末尾 s 的读音(Plural s and the sounds of ending s) l c 和 g 的两种读音: u 如果 i(或 y)或者 e 跟在 c 或者 g 的后边, c 发/s/, g 发/j/的音: center, cigar, nice, mice, gem, giant, gym, page. u 其他情况下, c 发/k/, g 发/g/: can, clap, cup, great, glad, got, goat, log. u 特殊情况: get, give 9. 多音节单词和复合词 (Words with multiple syllables and compound words) l 多音节单词: believe, multiple, syllable, compound l 复合词: homework, highway, sidewalk, inside, outside
记录和 描写音素的符号是音标。 二.国际音标 学习英语语音,一般采用国际音标。...概括起来,英语发音的复杂特点有以 下几种情况: (1)一个字母可有多种发音。...英语音标是记录英 语发音的音素符号,英语共有 48 个音标,其中元音 20 个(单元音 12 个,双元音 8 个),辅音包含清辅音和浊辅音 26 个(一舌、 二半、 三...英语音标知识大全 1.什么是英语音标 什么是音标?音标就是记录音素的符号,是音素...3.什么是严式标音和宽式标音 严式标音和宽式标音的区别 用音标标记语音的...四十八个音素发音图解暨口形及发音方法 1./ /美式读音符号 / /英式读音符号 /i/传统式的国际音标读音符号 该音是个前元音,是字母 i 或 y 在重读闭音中的...3、音素的个数:共 48 个,元音音素 20 个,辅音音素 28 个。 4、音标:记录音素的符号叫做音标。 5、国际音标:国际音标是由国际语音协会规定的一套音标,用来...1英语音标发音表 - 1 英语音标发音表(国际英语音标分类表) 音标是记录音素的符号,是音素的标写符号。它的制定原则是:一个音素只用一个音标表示,而一个 音标并...音标是英语的发音符号 - 音标是英语的发音符号(英语的拼音),发音标准是英语的开始。 音标分类 元音:可单独构成音节,必须重读。(重要) 辅音:不可单独构成音节,轻...英语音标发音方法(附谐音)_英语_初中教育_教育专区。本文档详细介绍了48个音标...4、什么是音标:记录音素的符号叫做音标。 5、开音节:?辅音+元音+辅音+e : ...英语音标发音规则表 - 一、 音 标 1、音素:音素是英语中最小的语音单位,英语中有 48 个音素,其中元音 20 个,辅音 28 个。 2、音标:是记录音素的符号,...英语国际音标发音方法及口型 (图)――四十八个音素发音图解暨口形及发音方法 四十八个音素发音图解暨口形及发音方法 1./ /美式读音符号 / /英式读音符号 /i...
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