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转藏至我的藏点职场秘技:教你制作出精美的邮件模板 - 简书
另外一种方法是使用网页编辑工具如Webstorm、Sublime来对代码进行编辑,推荐这种方法,因为邮件所涉及的代码还是挺长的,层级比较多,所以借助于工具可以更加方便地对代码进行编辑。大家编辑的时候注意代码缩进,让代码更加清晰。下面就从代码的角度来详细说明一个精美的邮件模板是怎么诞生的第一步:新建一个html文件使用Sublime或Webstorm等网页编辑工具,新建一个html文件,将如下代码复制粘贴到html文件里面,邮件的正文代码会写在body标签内,我们从QQ邮箱拷贝的代码也是复制粘贴在这个标签里面,保存之后,邮件就做成了网页啦。控制邮件样式的css支持内联式和嵌入式两种写法,style写在标签里面这个写法和html的规范有点不一样哦,这个要注意一下~在style标签里面我们可以以class和id选择器的形式来定义。第二步:邮件正文的框架通常我们把整个邮件的内容都置于一个table标签里面,所以这里我们需要大家对HTML的table标签比较熟悉,HTML的table标签相关知识内容可以学习这里:下面先建了一个一行一列的table表格,整封邮件都放到了这个表格里面,表格的宽度为100%,cellpadding、cellspacing、boder-spacing、vertical-align等这些大家学习的时候可以对照我们设置Excel表格来学习,知识都是相通的,不需要死记下来哦(我的记忆力就很差,不是用编辑器提示和查文档,完全没法写代码)~~第三步:邮件正文的结构在第二步中,我们确定了邮件正文的整个框架都是一个一行一列的table表格,那么我们开始写邮件的正文啦,写邮件的时候我们都是一段一段分块来写,先写头部,再写中间的,可能中间有好几块,最后是尾部,于是我们可以把每一块都写成一个table表格。这个思想是不是和写html的时候很相似,不同的是html我们是用一个个div标签和section标签来分块,这里使用table来分块。值得说明的是,邮件代码也可以使用div来分块,只是用table标签来分块写邮件是最常见的做法。把一个整体的网页和一封整体的邮件分成一块块的分别来编辑它们的代码,是不是更加井井有条一些?分块编写是写网页以及写邮件专业化、流程化的做法。标签里面添加了又嵌套了很多个table标签。大家可以查看大疆的邮件代码,把邮件的每一块的table折叠起来,这样一封邮件的代码结构就清晰了。如下图标签里面复制了8遍...当大家把一封复杂的邮件分成一块一块解读时,就发现没有想象之中那么难啦~~第四步:定义table的样式在第二步中,我们已经提到html和css关于table标签和属性的资料,大家可以根据需要自行来添加,这里我们说明一下写邮件代码要注意的点。注意一:为了让整个页面美观,我们需要给整封邮件设置一个宽度,比如Apple Music的邮件是750px,大疆的是650px,这时候就会用到width,width也可以设置成百分比。注意二:为了让邮件的正文内容不要太靠近边框,我们需要设置一个cellspacing,比如为20px。注意三:值得说明的是table的很多属性被css给取代了,比如bgcolor,我们可以使用style="background-color:***"来代替,当然你也可以用bgcolor。注意四:table标签通常只是用来给邮件来分块,类似于html的div的作用,所以在邮件里面使用会跟html的div一样类似与频繁,所以会有table标签的嵌套。而table标签和div标签不同的是,table标签往往是一组,包含tbody,tr,td。大家可以把第二步里面的整个当成一组,确实也是够长的...第五步:邮件样式的说明在写邮件的时候,总会涉及到文本、图片、链接、按钮等元素,我们来说明一下这些元素的样式。比如文本、链接的样式,这些我们可以使用邮件客户端自带的编辑器来解决。这里主要介绍一下图片。不过CSS里面有很多属性是用可视化的编辑器实现不了的,比如圆角、虚线、边框、渐变色、透明度、阴影等等,这些都是css经常会使用到的基本属性。不过由于邮件不需要做得那么花哨(邮件的核心是布局),这里就不多说了。我们写邮件的时候,通过可视化的编辑器往邮件里面插入图片的时候,这个图片经常会溢出,不能适配不同的终端,要么不是太大,就是太小。推荐大家添加的图片为100%的宽度,让图片占满一行。我们可以找到该图片,把该img的width修改成为100%,将height设置为auto。如果是这样就需要一张一张图片处理,你也可以使用css的!important一起设置。table[class="body"] img { height: auto ! width: 100% ! }
第六步:邮件的响应式布局通常我们用代码编写多行多列的时候用到的并不是table表格,而往往使用div标签,也就是说table在邮件里面起到的作用就是进行分块搭建邮件的结构以及制作一些真正的表格(表格的样式固定),如腾讯企业邮箱报价表:而像大疆邮件里面的三个产品是一个table,但是三个产品的排列却不是用table的一行三列来做的;底部关于我们部分,左边2/3右边1/3,这样看似用表格可以实现的布局方式通常不用table来实现,这是因为要实现响应式的布局(当在手机上打开这封邮件时,一行三列会变成三行一列),也就是为了让邮件适配到不同的终端,table适合做固定布局,但不大适合做响应式布局(虽然也可以,但是现在大家都不这么用了)。那我们在代码上该如何实现呢?这里我们需要用到媒体查询(media query)的知识。比如你整封邮件设置的宽度为650px。响应式布局其实是有两套以上的css,当打开邮件的终端屏幕宽度大于650px时,为一套,这时你可以固定每个分栏的宽度;当屏幕小于650px时,每个分栏就要有所调整了。比如大疆的邮件的例子,当屏幕宽度大于650px时,每个分栏的宽度为216px,但是当屏幕小于650px时,每个分栏的宽度就变成了100%了。本文就写到这里,又到了脑暴的时间:邮件到底不支持哪些html标签和CSS属性呢?邮件作为网页除了有终端适配的问题,不同的邮件客户端是否也存在适配问题呢?H5模板催生了一系列创业公司,那邮件模板呢?你是否可以挖掘其中的商机?如果你遇到了问题,或者有更好的经验与创意,欢迎大家关注HackWeek技术社区(微信号:hackweekorg)。
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When you know what (not) to say, reaching out to strangers for your job hunt becomes less awkward and more effective.当你知道该说什么(或不该说什么)时,联系陌生人来寻求工作机会就不会显得那么尴尬,反而更加有效了。
Maybe it’s been a few months since you’ve graduated and you’re getting anxious to land a job. Or maybe you’re further on in your career and looking to move into a new industry. In either case, there’s one major hitch: You’ve heard how helpful it can be to reach out to people outside of your network. But the idea of cold-emailing old contacts and people you don’t know at all seems awkward, uncomfortable, and–let’s be honest–pretty much hopeless.或许你已经毕业好几个月了,渐渐地,你开始有些焦急地想把工作落实。又或者你想在事业上更进一步,希望踏入一个新的行业。无论是哪种情况,都有一个主要的难题:你听别人说在自己的社交网络之外与人多做接触非常的有帮助。但是,你认为发送陌生邮件给你根本不认识的人似乎有些尴尬,还令人不舒服,而且不得不诚实地说——几乎没什么希望。
It doesn’t have to be. In truth, contacting strangers for networking opportunities and, ultimately, job leads can actually pay off–just as long as you know what (and what not) to say. And since your goal is just to clinch an opportunity for an offline conversation, the emails you need to write are probably more straightforward–and effective–than you may think.其实不必如此。事实上,与陌生人联系很可能会获得社交机会以及最后获得工作机会,只要你知道什么该说(什么不该说)。既然你的目标只是想让自己有机会和对方进行面谈,那么你需要写的邮件内容可能比你想象的还更直接、更有效。
Your very first email should be the most thorough, but that doesn’t mean it should be long. Here’s a template you can adapt:你的第一封邮件内容应该是最详尽的,但这并不意味着它很冗长。这里有一个模板供你修改:
Dear [first name],
My name is Samantha Daniels, and I’m a recent college graduate from the University of Southern California, which I saw you graduated from as well.
I’m reaching out because I noticed from my research on LinkedIn that you work at Edelman, and your career journey is so inspiring. I’m impressed by how quickly you’ve been able to move up within the last four years after starting as an intern before. That would be a dream come true for me.
It would be great to learn more about your experience in the PR industry and the qualities you feel have helped you become so successful since graduating from USC. I’d especially love to hear what it was like starting out as a recent grad and finding your way in the industry.
I would be more than happy to meet you for coffee or at your office or wherever is more convenient for you. Or if you’d prefer a conversation over the phone, please just let me know. I’m very flexible, and even just 15 minutes of your time would be invaluable and greatly appreciated.
Would it be possible for us to find a time to chat?
Thanks so much,
[Your name]
There are three straightforward rules to remember for writing introductory emails like this one:
1. Keep it short—four paragraphs tops—and specific. The purpose of this email is to explain how you found them, why they caught your interest, and what you’d like to discuss with them, without overloading them with too much information.[/en]1 .尽量简短,最多四段,并且还得要具体。这封邮件的目的是为了解释你是如何找到他们的,为什么他们能引起你的兴趣,以及你想和他们谈论什么,而不是给他们提供过多信息。
[en]Start off with who you are and what you have in common. This helps the person feel comfortable and (hopefully) makes them want to continue reading. Plus, relaying why you’re attracted to the person will make later conversations and interactions more sincere and authentic.从你是谁以及你们有什么共同之处开始。这能让对方感到舒适,而且有希望让他们想要继续读下去。另外,表达你被对方吸引的原因会让以后的谈话和交流更加真诚和真实。
But to be clear, your reason for reaching out should be more than, “Can you help me land my dream job?” or, “Will you hire me?” Avoid any wording that sounds like you’re asking for a job interview.但要清楚的是,你与对方联系的原因应该不只是“你能帮我找到我梦寐以求的工作吗?”或者“你愿意雇我吗?”避免任何听起来好像你在要求面试机会的措辞。
2. Do your research and share what caught your attention. It could be something that inspires you, intrigues you, or motivates you about their career journey. By being explicit about what caught your eye, you’ll have greater chances of building mutually beneficial and genuine relationships with the right people–rather than firing off dozens of scattershot messages to the wrong ones.2. 做好调查研究,分享引起你注意的东西。它可以是一些事情,激发了你的灵感,引起了你的兴趣,或者刺激了你的职业生涯。通过明确什么东西吸引着你,你将会有更大的机会与合适的人建立起互惠和真诚的关系,而不是向不合适的人发送数十条分散的信息。
3. Always close with a question. In the last paragraph, be sure to always make the ask. Ask to meet in person if you live in the same city, or suggest a phone call if that would be more convenient.3 .最后总是以一个问题结束邮件。在最后一段,一定要提出一个请求。如果你们住在同一座城市,可以要求见个面,或者如果更方便的话可以建议通个电话。
When asking for a meeting or phone call, you want to make it as easy as possible for the person to say yes without having to do too much thinking. Remember, this person is probably busy. The last thing you want is for them not to respond because you made them think twice about how easy it’ll be to fit you into their schedule. That’s why closing the email with the question, “Would it be possible for us to meet?” works, because they can easily reply, “Yes!”当你要求见面或打电话时,你要尽可能让对方说“是”,而不需要太多的思考。记住,对方很有可能非常忙。你最不想要的就是他们不回应,因为你让他们再三考虑如何将和你见面放进他们的时间安排里面。这就是为什么以“我们有可能见面吗?”这样的问题结束邮件最有效,因为他们很容易回答,“有!”
Don’t worry about the specific time and location of
you just want them to agree to talk with you first. Fingers crossed, once they do, you can then share times that work best for you.不用担心见面的具体时间和地点;你只需要让他们先同意和你谈谈。幸运的话,如果他们同意了,你就可以与对方分享你最合适的时间。
If you reach that stage, congrats! The key here is not to overthink it. Once someone has offered to meet up or chat, keep your second email limited strictly to pinning down. Resist the temptation to dig into any of the topics you’re planning to discuss face-to-face (that will be your chance to impress them, not right now). Try this:如果你到了这个阶段,恭喜你!这儿的关键是不要考虑太多。一旦有人主动提出要与你见面或聊天,将第二封邮件的内容严格限制在商定行程安排上。控制自己不要深入谈论你计划面对面讨论的话题(这将是你给他们留下深刻印象的机会,但不是现在)。试试这个模板:
Hi [first name],
So great to hear from you! I would love to meet next week. I’m happy to find a location that’s most convenient for you. I’m free after 5 p.m. on Monday and I’m pretty flexible on Tuesday and Wednesday, but if another day works best I can work around your schedule.
Looking forward to meeting you soon,
[your name]
Done! Leave it at that.好了,就这样放着吧。
However, if you don’t receive a response in one to two weeks, don’t take it personally, and don’t be afraid to follow up. Chances are the person may have gotten busy, or your email could’ve been buried in their . I can’t tell you how many times I’ve followed up with someone and received an immediate response. Here’s what to say:然而,如果你在一到两周内没有收到回复,别太在意了,也不要害怕再进行后续跟进。很可能是这个人很忙,或者你的邮件可能淹没在他们的收件箱里了。我是不会告诉你有多少次我发送了后续邮件后就得到了即时回应的。你可以这样说:
Hi [first name],
I hope your week is going well. I wanted to follow up with you to see if you’d be interested in meeting with me. I’m so impressed by [the reason you stated you were attracted to them in the first email], and I’d love to learn more about [the key thing that you initially mentioned].
I’d be more than happy to meet with you whenever is most convenient for you. However, I’m sure you’re busy, so if your schedule does not permit, I completely understand.
Many thanks again,
[your name]
Be sure to also include the previous email beneath your follow-up email to make it easy for them to refer back to it in case they missed it the first time.一定要在你的后续邮件下面附上之前的邮件,让他们可以很容易地回来查看,以防第一次他们错过了这封邮件。
The scary part is drafting an email and pressing “send.” But when you know exactly what to say–and what to avoid–reaching out to people you don’t know becomes a whole lot easier.可怕的做法是一写完电子邮件和立马按“发送”键。但是,如果当你知道确切地该说些什么,以及避免谈及什么,那么与你不认识的人接触也就变得容易多了。
几乎所有的公司都为员工设置了这道一年终极大题,美其名为「回顾过去,展望未来」,...当前位置:&&& &
精华:SCI 投稿各阶段的电子邮件模板集锦
09:36:17 点击 5127 次
  在读学生、在职科研人员、大学教授,甚至是基层的分析测试人员,SCI 论文都是迈不过去的坎。  辛苦得来的实验室数据,字斟句酌的文章;迫在眉睫的毕业、找工作、评职称,大家是那么的期望能在心仪的期刊上发表自己的文章,于是从最初满怀期望的投稿、望眼欲穿之后的催稿、精心修改之后的回复......每一个阶段的邮件都是那么的重要。  什么样的时间点该发什么样的邮件?每个阶段的邮件中有哪些注意事项?今天,小编就给大家分享一下SCI
投稿各阶段电子邮件模板,不管现阶段的你是不是需要都要留存下来。   一、最初投稿Cover letter  Dear Editors:  We would like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled “Paper Title”,
which we wish to be considered for publication in “Journal Name”. No conflict of
interest exits in the submission of this manuscript, and manuscript is approved
by all authors for publication. I would like to declare on behalf of my
co-authors that the work described was original research that has not been
published previously, and not under consideration for publication elsewhere, in
whole or in part. All the authors listed have approved the manuscript that is
enclosed.  In this work, we evaluated &#823&#823 (简要介绍一下论文的创新性). I hope this paper is suitable
for “Journal Name”.  The following is a list of possible reviewers for your consideration:  1) Name A E-mail: ××××@××××  2) Name B E-mail: ××××@××××  We deeply appreciate your consideration of our manuscript, and we look
forward to receiving comments from the reviewers. If you have any queries,
please don’t hesitate to contact me at the address below.  Thank you and best regards.  Yours sincerely,  ××××××  Corresponding author:  Name: ×××  E-mail: ××××@××××  二、催稿信  Dear Prof. ×××:  Sorry for disturbing you. I am not sure if it is the right time to contact
you to inquire about the status of my submitted manuscript titled “Paper Title”.
(ID: 文章稿号), although the status of “With Editor” has been lasting for more than
two months, since submitted to journal three months ago. I am just wondering
that my manuscript has been sent to reviewers or not?  I would be greatly appreciated if you could spend some of your time check
the status for us. I am very pleased to hear from you on the reviewer’s
comments.  Thank you very much for your consideration.  Best regards!  Yours sincerely,  ××××××  Corresponding author:  Name: ×××  E-mail: ××××@××××  三、修改稿Cover letter  Dear Dr/ Prof..(写上负责你文章编辑的姓名,显得尊重,因为第一次的投稿不知道具体负责的编辑,只能用通用的Editors):  On behalf of my co-authors, we thank you very much for giving us an
opportunity to revise our manuscript, we appreciate editor and reviewers very
much for their positive and constructive comments and suggestions on our
manuscript entitled “Paper Title”. (ID: 文章稿号).  We have studied reviewer’s comments carefully and have made revision which
marked in red in the paper. We have tried our best to revise our manuscript
according to the comments. Attached please find the revised version, which we
would like to submit for your kind consideration.  We would like to express our great appreciation to you and reviewers for
comments on our paper. Looking forward to hearing from you.  Thank you and best regards.  Yours sincerely,  ××××××  Corresponding author:  Name: ×××  E-mail: ××××@××××  四、修改稿回答审稿人的意见  (最重要的部分)  List of Responses  Dear Editors and Reviewers:  Thank you for your letter and for the reviewers’ comments concerning our
manuscript entitled “Paper Title” (ID: 文章稿号). Those comments are all valuable
and very helpful for revising and improving our paper, as well as the important
guiding significance to our researches. We have studied comments carefully and
have made correction which we hope meet with approval. Revised portion are
marked in red in the paper. The main corrections in the paper and the responds
to the reviewer’s comments are as flowing:  Responds to the reviewer’s comments:  Reviewer #1:  1. Response to comment: (&#823&#823简要列出意见&#823&#823)  Response: ××××××  2. Response to comment: (&#823&#823简要列出意见&#823&#823)  Response: ××××××  ......  逐条意见回答,切忌一定不能有遗漏  针对不同的问题有下列几个礼貌术语可适当用用:  We are very sorry for our negligence of &#823&#823...  We are very sorry for our incorrect writing &#823&#823...  It is really true as Reviewer suggested that&#823&#823  We have made correction according to the Reviewer’s comments.  We have re-written this part according to the Reviewer’s suggestion  As Reviewer suggested that&#823&#823  Considering the Reviewer’s suggestion, we have &#823&#823  最后特意感谢一下这个审稿人的意见:  Special thanks to you for your good comments.  Reviewer #2:  同上述  Reviewer #3:  ××××××  Other changes:  1. Line 60-61, the statements of “&#823&#823” were corrected as “&#823&#823&#823&#823”  2. Line 107, “&#823&#823” was added  3. Line 129, “&#823&#823” was deleted  ××××××  We tried our best to improve the manuscript and made some changes in the
manuscript. These changes will not influence the content and framework of the
paper. And here we did not list the changes but marked in red in revised
paper.  We appreciate for Editors/Reviewers’ warm work earnestly, and hope that the
correction will meet with approval.  Once again, thank you very much for your comments and suggestions.  五、文章接受后可以考虑感谢一下  负责你文章的编辑或主编(根据需要)  Dear Prof. ××××××:  Thanks very much for your kind work and consideration on publication of our
paper. On behalf of my co-authors, we would like to express our great
appreciation to editor and reviewers.  Thank you and best regards.  Yours sincerely,  ××××××  Corresponding author:  Name: ×××  E-mail: ××××@××××  六、询问校稿信件  (如果文章接受后时间较长)  Dear ×××:  Sorry for disturbing you. I am not sure if it is the right time to contact
you to inquire about the status of our accepted manuscript titled “Paper Title”
(ID: 文章稿号), since the copyright agreement for publication has been sent to you
two months ago. I am just wondering that how long I can receive the proof of our
manuscript from you?  I would be greatly appreciated if you could spend some of your time for a
reply. I am very pleased to hear from you.  Thank you very much for your consideration.  Yours sincerely,  ××××××  Corresponding author:  Name: ×××  E-mail: ××××@××××  七、文章校稿信件  Dear Mr. ×××:  Thanks very much for your kind letter about the proof of our paper titled
“Paper Title” (ID: 文章稿号) for publication in “Journal Name”. We have finished the
proof reading and checking carefully, and some corrections about the proof and
the answers to the queries are provided below.  Corrections:  1. In ****** should be **** (Page ***, Right column, line***)  2. In **** the “*****” should be “****” (Page ****, Right column,
line****)  Answers for “author queries”:  1. *********************.  2. **********************  3. **********************  We greatly appreciate the efficient, professional and rapid processing of
our paper by your team. If there is anything else we should do, please do not
hesitate to let us know.  Thank you and best regards.  Yours sincerely,  ××××××  Corresponding author:  Name: ×××  E-mail: ××××@××××
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