second和second secondaryy都有形容词的意思,怎么区别

secondaryadj.次要的, 二级的, 中级的, 第二的 用片段分解的方法
second 第二 ;
ary形容词 词缀合起来就是这个意思了
second-arysecondaryadj.次要的, 二级的, 中级的, 第二的
second是第二的意思。它是数词,还有像它一类的数词。如first,third ,fourth....!
minor a较少的,较小的,较次要的,轻微的但并非不重要的意思。secondary a.第二等的,次要的,在重要性或顺序上处于第二位。
minor: [ 'mainə ]
n. 未成年人,副修科目a. 次要的,较小的,二流的,未成年的v. 辅修[音乐] 小调词形变化: 动词过去式:minored 过去分词:minored 现在分词:minoring 第三人称单数:minors
例句与用法: 1. She acted as a minor role in the play.
2. I made minor alterations to the article.
3. We can only make minor concessions, but it might break the deadlock.
4. A person such as a minor who have a right under the authority of a guardian.
5. He's prone to minor ailments.
6. I've made a few minor adjustments to the seating plan.
7. The plan was approved, with some minor modifications.
那计画已批准, 仅作了些许更动.
8. You should be thankful to have escaped/that you have escaped with only minor injuries.
你仅受轻伤而脱险, 应感到欣慰. 英英解释: 名词minor:1. a young person of either sex同义词:child, kid, youngster, shaver, nipper, small fry, tiddler, tike, tyke, fry, nestling形容词minor:1. of lesser importance or stature or rank2. lesser in scope or effect3. inferior in number or size or amount4. of a scale or mode5. not of legal age同义词:nonaged, underage6. of lesser seriousness or danger7. of your secondary field of academic concentration or specialization8. of the younger of two boys with the same family name9. warranting only temporal punishment同义词:venial10. limited in size or scope同义词:modest, small, small-scale, pocket-size, pocket-sized secondary: [ 'sekəndəri ]
a. 中级的,中等的词形变化: 副词:secondarily 名词:secondariness 名词复数:secondaries
例句与用法: 1. All other considerations are secondary to his safety.
2. He works in a secondary school.
3. Her age is of secondary interest.
4. Such considerations are secondary to our main aim of improving efficiency.
对於我们提高效率的主要目的来说, 这些想法都是次要的. 英英解释: 名词secondary:1. the defensive football players who line up behind the linemen2. coil such that current is induced in it by passing a current through the primary coil同义词:secondary coil, secondary winding形容词secondary:1. being of second rank or not direct or immediate2. inferior in rank or status同义词:junior-grade, inferior, lower-ranking, lowly, petty, subaltern, subordinate3. depending on or incidental to what is original or primary4. not of major importance5. belonging to a lower class or rank
Lesser or smaller in amount, extent, or size. 较小的,较少的在数量、规模或尺寸上较少或较小的Lesser in importance, rank, or stature: 较低的在重要性、级别或程度上较低的:a minor politician.二流政客Lesser in seriousness or danger: 较轻微的严重程度或危险性上较轻的:a minor injury.轻伤 Law 【法律】B not yet a legal adult. 未成年的在法定年龄以下的;尚未成为法律上认可的成年人 Chiefly British 【多用于英国】Relating to or being the junior or younger of two pupils with the same surname. 较年少的指同姓的两个学生中年级较低或年龄较小的或与之有关的Of or relating to a secondary area of academic specialization. 辅修的学术专业上的第二个领域的 Logic 【逻辑学】Dealing with a more restricted category. 小(项)的;小前提的与一个更严格的类别有关的 Music 【音乐】Relating to or being a minor scale. 小调的,小音阶的小调音阶的或与其有关的Less in distance by a half step than the corresponding major interval. 半音的,短音程的比相邻两个大调音阶之间的音程少半阶的Based on a minor scale: 基于小调的,短音阶的基于小调音阶之上的:a minor key.一个小调音minor n.One that is lesser in comparison with others of the same class. 较小者与其同类相比较少、较小、次要的人 Law 【法律】One who has not reached full legal age. 未成年人未达到法定年龄的人A secondary area of specialized academic study, requiring fewer courses or credits than a major. 辅修专业学术研究的第二个特定领域,其要求的课程和学分比主修课要少One studying in a secondary area of specialization: 辅修学生学习第二专业的学生:She is a chemistry minor.她是化学专业的辅修学生 Logic 【逻辑学】A minor premise.小前提A minor term.小项 Music 【音乐】A minor key, scale, or interval.小调音、短音阶或短音程minors Sportsminors 【体育运动】The minor leagues of a sport, especially baseball. 小棒球联盟一项体育运动的小型俱乐部联合会,尤指棒球minor v.intr. mi.. mi..nor. mi..To pursue academic studies in a minor field: 辅修在一辅修领域内进行学术研究:minored in literature.辅修文学O not primary. 第二的第二等级的;不是主要的Inferior.劣等的M lesser.不重要的;次要的Derived from what is primary or original: 间接的从初始的或最原始的衍生来的: a secondary infection.间接来源;继发感染Of, relating to, or being the shorter flight feathers projecting along the inner edge of a bird's wing. 腕羽的沿着鸟翅膀的内侧突出的较短鸟羽的,或与之有关的 Electricity 【电学】Having an induced current that is generated by an inductively coupled primary. Used of a circuit or coil. 产生感应电流的由初级电圈感应产生的感应电流的。用于电路或线圈 Chemistry 【化学】Characterized or formed by replacement of two atoms or radicals within a molecule. Used of a compound. 转化而成的由一个分子内两个原子或电极替代所形成的,或有此特点的。用于化合物 Geology 【地质学】Produced from another mineral by decay or alteration. 中世代的通过腐烂或变化从另一种矿物质产生的Of or relating to a secondary school: 中等的中学的或与之相关的:secondary education.中等教育Being a degree of health care intermediate between that offered in a physician's office and that available at a research hospital, as the care typically offered at a clinic or community hospital. 医疗保健级的保健程度介于研究性医院和医生办公室之间的,如典型地在临床医院或社区医院里提供的医疗保健 Botany 【植物学】Of, relating to, or being growth or tissue caused by activity of the cambium and resulting in wider branches and stems: 再生的 由新生组织的活动诱发的生长或组织,最终促成枝叶和茎的加宽,或与之有关的:secondary xylem.再生的木质组织secondary n. pl. 【复数】 that acts in an auxiliary, subordinate, or inferior capacity. 副手位于附属、从属或低级地位的人One of the shorter flight feathers projecting along the inner edge of a bird's wing. 腕羽沿着鸟翅膀的内侧突出来的一支短的飞行羽毛 Electricity 【电学】A coil or circuit having an induced current. 感应线圈有感应电流的线圈或电路 Astronomy 【天文学】A celestial body that rev a satellite. 行星,卫星围绕另外一个天体转动的天体;卫星The dimmer star of a binary star system.双星系统中稍暗的星 Football 【橄榄球】The defensive backfield. (橄榄)第二防线防御阵地
我们会通过消息、邮箱等方式尽快将举报结果通知您。secondary school 和high school 的区别
secondary school 和high school 的区别Request that all secondary schools attended,colleges or universities attended,or examination boards send original or attested copies of all transcripts,diplomas,mark sheets,and certificates directly to Michigan State University in an official,sealed envelope.In addition,where the original documents are not issued in English,also provide an official English translation of each document.Submit official high school transcripts if you have completed fewer than 28 semester credit hours.这两个话里面的东西,有什么区别啊?
在英国,初中:junior middle school,高中:senior middle school,中学统称为middle school.在美国,初中:middle school(注意英美的不同),高中:high school(不要错误地理解为是“大学,高校”的意思,高等教育应该说成是higher education).junior/senior high school是中国人“发明”的不地道的英语.当然理解对这些词汇的理解存在偏差由各国教育制度、学制安排不同的原因.by the way,elementary school基础教育,在欧美国家一般从1年级到8年级;secondary school指9年级到12年级.
与《secondary school 和high school 的区别》相关的作业问题
secondary school是接受secondary education的地方secondary education是相对于primary education来说的primary education初等教育或者说基本教育,大致相当于我国的九年义务制基本教育的意思,是人人都要上的,secondary educatio
以美国的体制为例Junior School表7~8年级Middle School表6~8年级以上都属于Primary EducationSecondary Education主要指High School,表9~12年级和中国的不一样,中国初中一般是7~9年级,高中10~12年级,经常把高中翻成Senior High S
secondary school中学例句He left secondary school last year.去年他中学毕业.Secondary specialized technical school for adults成人中等专科学校a secondary school (usually private).中学(
第一个回答不对,第二第三个都对high school肯定是高中secondry school是泛指中学,但大多数是指初中我们英语老师是这么说的我在国外也不是白呆的应该不会错
middle school只是初中而已,可是secondary school就包括了初中和高中.
minor a较少的,较小的,较次要的,轻微的但并非不重要的意思.secondary a.第二等的,次要的,在重要性或顺序上处于第二位.
the good investigation,found on the Internet one knows.Canada to study the steps are as follows:-- Steps to study in Canada 1,the choice of schools In choosing
楼上的根本乱说senior high school就是普通高中 高考的时候分数会稍微低点selective high school是精英中学 里面的学生老师都很好 在高考的时候还能加分 而最好的selective high school就是我的学校 james ruse 圣詹姆斯高中 全澳洲最好的但是很难考我也是高一来
The Difference Between England And American Higher EducationBritish higher education has a long history in the UK.State education in England is in three stages:
牛津高阶英汉双解词典 till 1 => until. till 2 / tɪl; tɪl/ n drawer in which money is kept behind the counter in a shop, bank, etc or in a cash register (店铺、 银行等的
美式英语有强烈的儿化音,儿化音已不存在于英式英语当中. 美式英语有大口a音与大口ο音;原英式英语中的ju:音在美式英语中读成u:音;在非重读音节中,原英式英语中的ə音在美式英语中读成ε音. 选词区别 部分美式英语与英式英语的单词选用有差异: 罐头:tin (英式),can (美式),地铁:undergroun
乔治Vanier中学已获得的区别,被选中的加拿大教育协会评为模范学校之一横穿加拿大21岁.我们的课程,在各方面的安省的课程.我们专业的工程项目,包括 Program2艺术,“同一个世界青年艺术工程”程序,它提供了BSc@Van业务专家证书.航天计划和“关注信息技术”项目提供学生机会获得国家承认的certi
为什么要进行接地电阻测试 亦称接地连续性测试, 接地测试必须对所有一类产品(Class I)进行. 测试的目的是保证产品上的所有在单一绝缘失效的情形下会变成带电体,并且可以被使用者接触到的导电性部件被可靠连接到电源输入的接地点. 换句话说, 一个接地测试使用大电流的低电压源加到接地回路来核实接地路径的完整性.通过测量连
The secondary market,often referred to as the supermarket,is refers to the customer self management of food,household items,food consisting mainly of large-scal
区别还是很大的primitive 【形容词】①原始的,太古的,早期的;a primitive man原始人.②简单的;老式的;未开化的;primitive weapons简陋武器(如弓、箭、矛等).primitive tribes原始部落.③朴素的;自然的;-------------------------------
desk research is to gather and analyze information already exists,also called secondary research.field research is to collect information to the targeted group


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