
&&&&METS二级考试词汇 &&&&
U &&&&ultrasonic exam 超声检查 tentative 不确定的;暂定shampoo n. & adj. 洗发剂;ultrasound n. 超声 的 用洗发剂洗 undernourished adj. 营养不terminal 晚期的 shatter v. 使粉碎;使破碎 良的 therapist 治疗学家 shed b. (毛发)脱落 undress v. 脱去衣服 thoracic 胸的 shift n. 班次 upperresiratory infection thyroid 甲状腺;甲状软骨 shiver v。 颤抖 上呼吸道感染 tongue depressor 压舌板 sinusitis n. 窦炎 uremia n. 尿毒症 tonsil 扁桃腺 skeletal adj. 骨骼的 ureter n. 输尿管 tooth decay 龋齿 skeleton n. 骨骼 urethra n. 尿道 toxic 有毒的;中毒的 slide n. (显微镜)载玻片 urinalysis n. 尿分析;尿检toxin 毒素 sling n. 悬带,吊带 验 trachea 气管 sluggish adj. 行动迟缓的 urinary adj. 泌尿的 transfer 转移;迁移 slur v. 含糊发音 urination n. 排尿 transmit 传播 smear n. 涂片(标本) urology n. 泌尿学 traumatic 外伤的;创伤的 sober adj. 清醒的;冷静的 uterus n. 子宫 tuberculosis 肺结核 sodium n. 钠 &&&&soluble adj. 可溶解的 V S &&&&vaccinate v. 接种疫苗 saline solution n. 盐水 spasm n. 发作;痉挛 vagina n. 阴道 sanitarian n. 公共卫生 spatula n. 压舌板 valve n. 心脏瓣膜 sanitation n. 公共卫生 specialty n. 专业 vascular asj. 血管的 scalp n. 头皮 speculum n. 窥器;开张器 ventilation n. 通风;通气 scalpel n. 手术刀;解剖刀 sperm n. 精子 ventricle n. 脑室;心室 scanner n. 扫描仪 sphygmomanometer n. 血压vertebral adj. 脊骨的;脊椎scattered adj. 分散的;零星计 &&&&的 的 spinal puncture n. 脊椎穿刺 vertebral column 脊椎 scour v. (用力)刷,擦亮 spine n. 脊柱 vessel n. 脉管;导管 scrape v. 擦伤;擦 sponge bath n. 擦浴 virulem n. 致病力强的 scratch n. 划破;抓伤 spotty adj. 有雀斑的;有粉vocal cord 声带 scrotum n. 阴囊 刺的 &&&&void v. 排尿 secretion n. 分泌物 spray n. 喷雾 vulnerability n. 脆弱性;易section n. 切开;切面 spread v. 传播 受攻击性 semen n. 精液;精子 squeeze v. 挤;捏 vulnerable adj. 脆弱的;易sensory adj. 感觉的;感觉器squirt v. 喷射;喷出 受攻击的 官的 stabilize v. 使…稳定 womb n. 子宫 sever v. 切断;割断 stagger v. 蹒跚;摇晃 zinc n. 锌 severity n. 严重性;严重程stain n. 污迹;着色剂 &&&&度 standard n. 标准 T &&&&tarry (大便)柏油状的 sew up v. 缝接上 static adj. 静止的;不动的 tendency 倾向 sexual adj. 性别的;性的 sterilization n. 杀菌;绝育 tenderness 压痛 shallow adj. (呼吸)浅的;sticky adj. 粘的;粘性的 tendon 腱 弱的 stiffness n. 僵直;不灵活 1/5页&&&&stifle v. 使感到窒息 replenish v. 补充 precaution n. 注意事项;预stimuland n. 兴奋剂 reproduction n. 生殖 防 &&&&stomachache n. 胃痛 rescue v. & n. 抢救 predict v. 预言 stomatitis n. 口腔炎 resistance n. 抵抗力 preliminary adj. 初步的;预stuffy adj. 不通风的;闷热respiration n. 呼吸 备的 &&&&的 retina n. 视网膜 preoperative adj. 手术前的 subcutaneoous adj. 皮下的 prevalent adj. 盛行的;流行Q
&&&&subside v. 平息;沉降 quality n. 质量 的 &&&&sucker n. 吸管;抽吸器 quarantine n. & v. 检疫;隔prick v. 刺;扎 sucking reflex 吸吮反射 离 principal adj. 主要的 sufficient adj. 足够的 prognosis n. 预后 P
&&&&suffocate v. 使窒息;噎住 pacemaker n. 起搏器 progressive adj. 进行性的 sunburn n. 晒斑;晒黑 palate n. 腭 prohibit v. 禁止 supine position 仰卧位 palpation n. 触摸 prone position n. 俯卧位 supplement n. 补充;补充剂 pancreatitis n. 胰腺炎 prop up v. 支撑起 suppress v. 抑制 paralysis n. 瘫痪;麻痹 property n. 特点;性质 survival n. 生存 paramedics n. 医务辅助人prostate n. 前列腺的;前列susceptible adj. 易受影响员 腺 &&&&的;易得病的 past history n. 既往史 proteinuria n. 蛋白尿 suture n. & v. 缝合;缝线 pathogen n. 病原体 protrude v. 伸出;突出 swab n. 药签;拭子 pathogenic adj. 病原的;致puberty n. 青春期 sweating gland 汗腺 病的 pulmonary adj. 肺部的 swollen adj. 肿胀的 pediatrician n. 儿科医生 pulsation n. 有节奏的跳动 syncope n. 昏厥 pediatrics n. 小儿科 pupil n. 瞳孔 syndrome n. 综合症 peptic adj. 助消化的;胃蛋O
&&&&syrup n. 糖浆 白酶的 obstetrician n. 产科医生 systemic adj. 全身的 peptic ulcer n. 消化性溃疡 obstetrics n. 产科 &&&&percentage n. 百分比 obstruct v. 阻隔;阻塞 R
&&&&radiation n. 放射;辐射 percussion n. 叩诊 oculist n. 眼科医生 radical adj. 根本的;根治的 perineal care n. 会阴清洁 oncology n. 肿瘤学 radiography n. X光照相术 perinuem n. 会阴 operation room n. 手术室 rebound tenderness 反跳痛 persistent adj. 持久性的 optical adj. 眼的;视力的;recipient n. 接受者;手体 pharyngitis n. 咽炎 光学的 rectal adj. 直肠的 pharynx n. 咽 oral hygiene n. 口腔清洁 rectum n. 直肠 physiatrist n. 理疗医师 original adj. 原始的;初始的 recurrent adj. 复发的;周期physiological adj. 生理的 OTC (over the counter) 非性发作的 physiology n. 生理学 处方药 reduction n. 减少;缩小;复pigment n. 色素 output n. 排泄量;排泄物 位 pimple n. 丘疹;脓包 ovary n. 卵巢 regulate v. 调节 placenta n. 胎盘 overactive adj. 过分活跃的 remedy n. 纠治;治疗法 plasma n. 血浆 overdose n. 超剂量 renal adj. 肾脏的;肾的 portable adj. 便携式的;手overexertion n. 过分用力 renal colic n. 肾绞痛 提式的
&&&&replacement n. 置换;替换 postoperative adj. 手术后的
2/5页&&&&hemoglobin n. 血红素;血红N
&&&&narcotic n. & adj. 尼古丁 laryngitis n. 喉炎 蛋白 &&&&nasogastric tube 鼻胃管 lavage v. 灌洗 hepatic adj. 肝的 necrosis n. 坏死 laxative adj.& n. 放松的;泻herbal adj. 草药的 negligible adj. 可忽略不计剂 hoarse adj. 嘶哑的 的 lead n. 铅 hormone n. 荷尔蒙;激素 nephritis n. 肾炎 lethal adj. 致死的 host n. 主人;宿主 neurological adj. 神经的 life expectancy n. 预期寿命 hygienic adj. 卫生保健的 newborn n. 新生儿 linen n. 织物;衣物 hyperthyroidism n. 甲状腺nostril n. 鼻孔 lipid n. 油脂 功能亢进 nourishent n. 营养品;食物 localize v. 使局部化 G
&&&&lymph node n. 淋巴结 gangrene n. 坏疽 M
&&&&magnesium n. 镁 gasp v. 喘气;喘息 K
&&&&malaria n. 疟疾 knee-jerk n. 膝跳反射 gastrectomy n. 胃切除术 malfunction n. 机能障碍;机gastric lavage 洗胃 I
&&&&能不良 imbalance n. 不平衡;不均gastroenteritis n. 胃肠炎 malnutrition n. 营养不良 衡 gastrointestinal adj. 胃肠的 malpractice n. 治疗不当;医implement v. 实施;执行 gavage n. 管饲法 疗差错 incidence n. 发病率 gene n. 基因;因子 mammary gland n. 乳腺 incision n. 切口;切开 generalized adj. 涉及全身的 masculine adj. 雄性的 incubation n. 潜伏;潜伏期 genitalia n. 生殖器 maternal adj. 母亲的;母性indigestion n. 消化不良 gerontology n. 老年医学 的 induce v. 导致;引起 glandular 腺体的 measles n. 麻疹;风疹 indwelling adj. 留置的 glucose tolerance test 糖耐mechanical adj. 机械性的 indwelling urinary catheter 量试验 medication n. 药物;药物治留置导尿管 glycogen n. 糖尿 疗 infect v. 感染 goiter n. 甲状腺肿大 membrane n. 粘膜 inhalation n. 吸入 groin n. 腹股沟 menopause n. 绝经期;更年inspection n. 检查;审视 grunt v. 打呼噜 期 instill v. 滴注 F
&&&&metabolic adj. 新陈代谢的 instruction n. 说明书 facilities n. 设施 midwife n. 助产士 instrument n. 器械 fasting n. & adj. 禁食;空腹minimal adj. 最小的;最低insulin n. 胰岛素 的 &&&&限量的 intellectual adj. 智力的 feature n. 特征 moderate adj. 适度的mold interact v. 互相作用 fecal adj. 粪便的 n. 霉菌 interfere v. 干扰;妨碍 feminine adj. 雌性的;女性mole n. 痣;色素 intestinal lavage 洗肠 的 &&&&mortality n. 死亡率 intramuscular adj. 肌肉内的 femur n. 股骨 motion sickness n. 晕车;晕irregular adj. 不规则的 fetid adj. 恶臭的 船;晕机 isolation n. 隔绝;隔离 fetus n. 胎儿 mucosa n. 粘膜 flabby adj. 松弛的;不结实H
&&&&mocous adj. 粘液的 harelip n. 兔唇 的 &&&&murmur n. & v. 低声说 heart failure n. 心力衰竭 fleeting adj. 短暂的;瞬间 myopia n. 近视 hematuria n. 血尿病 fluid diet 流质食物 3/5页fore-arm n. 前臂 心电图 etiology n. 病因学;病原学 &&&&fracture n. 骨折;挫伤 electrodiograph 心电图机 excessive adj. 过度的;过多&&&&frighten v. 使害怕 embolism n. 栓赛 的 &&&&encephalitis n. 脑炎 expectorant adj. & n. 化痰E
&&&&ease v. 使容易 enlarge v. 使增大 的;除痰剂 &&&&eczema n. 湿疹 epidemic n. & adj. 流行病;extension n. 伸展;延伸 &&&&egg n. 卵子 流行性的 extremity n. 末端;肢体 &&&&electrocardiogram(ECG) erruption n. 爆发;出疹
METS二级重点词汇 &&&&bronchitis emphysema arthritis malaria &&&&paralysis antibiotics pediatrician dentist surgeon obstetrician circulatory respiratory reproductive be concern about endocrine circulatory respiratory reproductive suffer from thermometer stand for mortality side effect ward cellar chamber scarlet fever invade acute contagious genetically substance characteristic physically in consequence vessel in fact in particular artery gene cerebellum prevalent phenomenon define insomnia sufficient unpleasant transient moderate tension short-term indicate emotional timely remedy result in &&&&dizziness disorder treatment relaxation mattress classification interferon interferon assist with severe infections bacterial &&&&depression tumor provoke reaction &&&&to date negative significance scarcity species virus powerful injection &&&&resistant multiplication dramatic physician surgical conventional compared with tragedy preventable drowning parental suffocation unintentional be aware diabetes insulin glucose retina symptom defense system
METS一级重点词汇 &&&&check-up biology waist health insurance nutrient recovery consciousness by no means give up remain loneliness achievement donate droplet vein sterilize feces strengthen stretch fitness walking tenderly bend cure vaccinate &&&&respiratory cough sneeze protect from germ contaminate prevent from seasonal flu chill in case symptom infectious disease vomit consult committee recommend decrease by accident anaesthetics physical fitness sufficient essential ineffective medical care personal habit out-patient tissue microorganism eliminate conclusion bowel bacteria disappointment excrement perform urine expense waist sprain classify corridor sore throat be through in no time genius practically improve identify hygiene intestine indicate effect genetic evaluate distribute cerebral chemical dental department contact deficiency disturb emergency extract gland fiber gargle progress &&&&rough poison sickness relieve &&&&procedure swell sprain remove
我们会通过消息、邮箱等方式尽快将举报结果通知您。iis - Comet implementation for ASP.NET? - Stack Overflow
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I've been looking at ways to implement gmail-like messaging inside a browser, and arrived at the
concept. However, I haven't been able to find a good .NET implementation that allows me to do this within IIS (our application is written in ASP.NET 2.0).
The solutions I found (or could think of, for that matter) require leaving a running thread per user - so that it could return a response to him once he gets a message. This doesn't scale at all, of course.
So my question is - do you know of an ASP.NET implementation for Comet that works in a different way? Is that even possible with IIS?
closed as off-topic by ♦
This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:&Questions asking us to recommend or find a book, tool, software library, tutorial or other off-site resource are off-topic for Stack Overflow as they tend to attract opinionated answers and spam. Instead,
and what has been done so far to solve it.& & Undo If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the , please .
Comet is challenging to scale with IIS because of comet's persistent connectivity, but there is a team looking at Comet scenarios now. Also look at
as I believe he's done some early Comet work in ASP.NET.
is a standards-compliant scalable Comet server that integrates directly into the IIS/.NET pipeline.
It's also available on demand as a hosted service.
It officially supports up to 20,000 concurrent client connections per server node, but individual tests have seen it go as high as 50,000. Message throughput is optimal around the 1,000-5,000 concurrent clients mark, with messages delivered as high as 300,000 per second from a single node.
It includes client-side support for JavaScript, .NET/Mono, iOS, Mac OS X, Java, Silverlight, Windows Phone, Windows Runtime, and .NET Compact, with server-side support for .NET/Mono and PHP.
Clustering is supported using either SQL Server or Azure Caching out of the box, but custom providers can be written for just about anything (Redis, NCache).
Disclaimer: I work for the company that develops this product.
I recently wrote a
using MVC 3 Async Controllers based on a
You can use the
I set up based on the source from the BitBucket project.
Also, more information available from my .
Actually there are many choices to create ajax supported website with ASP.NET but honestly,
is the easiest way to create an comet ajax supported web application. It has saved one of the projects of my company.
You might also look at the
which has made a production release of their webSocket [HTML5] gateway which supersedes the comet way completely and enables full-duplex connections between browsers & application servers.
You might also look at
I once used a chat site long ago that utilized a custom built http streaming server. I actually reproduced that software at one point out of sheer curiosity, and it's easy enough to do, I think. I would never try to implement a similar type of "infinite request" in IIS, especially in ASP.NET, because the requests tie up a thread pool thread (or IO thread, if asynchronous handlers are used) indefinitely, which means you can only handle so much per server as your thread pool configuration allows.
If I had a strong legitimate need for such functionality, I'd honestly write a custom http server for it.
I know that doesn't really answer your question, but I thought the input might be relevant.
The WS-I group published something called
that has a Glass Fish and
that apparently
With any luck there is a
implementation out there as well.
There is also a Silverlight implementation that uses
object to get callbacks when a push occurs.
There are also
I think the Comet approach isn't really scalable unless you are prepared to expand the web farm horizontally (by adding more web servers to the mix). The way it works is that it leaves a TCP connection open per user session, just so the server can push stuff into that connection from time to time to immediately inform the user of a change or activity.
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