求助一下all makefiles under all的时候出现如下错误

【Linux内核编译问题】我是初学者,使用make all,运行了一段时间后,出现了下面的错误,麻烦知道的帮一下? - 知乎3被浏览529分享邀请回答0添加评论分享收藏感谢收起编译内核常见错误 收录
编译内核常见错误 收录
编译内核常见错误http://blog.chinaunix.net/uid--id-1777662.htmlmake menuconfig错误:运行到 HOSTCC& scripts/basic/fixdep发生错误:make[1]: *** [scripts/basic/fixdep] Error 1make: *** [scripts_basic] Error 2解决办法:apt-get install build-essential运行到:HOSTCC& scripts/kconfig/kxgettext.o发生错误:&*** Unable to find the ncurses libraries or the&*** required header files.&*** 'make menuconfig' requires the ncurses libraries.&***&&*** Install ncurses (ncurses-devel) and try again.&***&make[1]: *** [scripts/kconfig/dochecklxdialog] Error 1make: *** [menuconfig] Error 2解决办法:apt-get install build-essential内核编译错误的一些解决办法一:invalid option `abi=aapcs-linux'选项错误scripts/kconfig/conf -s arch/arm/KconfigCHK&&&& include/linux/version.hSYMLINK include/asm-arm/arch -& include/asm-arm/arch-s3c2410make[1]: `include/asm-arm/mach-types.h' is up to date.CHK&&&& include/linux/utsrelease.hCC&&&&& arch/arm/kernel/asm-offsets.scc1: error: invalid option `abi=aapcs-linux'make[1]: *** [arch/arm/kernel/asm-offsets.s] Error 1make: *** [prepare0] Error 2解决方法:You're building an EABI kernel with an OABI compiler. You can either turn off the EABI option in your config file (Kernel Features-&Use EABI),or, you can use an EABI toolchain such as the ARM/GNU Linux one from &&recommend the latter, because then you can run Arjan's new images.上述的关掉EABI选项可以通过测试二:drivers/video/console/vgacon.o:987:warning:comparison is always true due to limited range of data typemake[3]:***[drivers/video/console/vgacon.o] error 1make[2]:***[drivers/video/console2] error 2make[1]:***[drivers/video1] error 2make:***[drivers] error 2解决方法:在make menuconfig 时选哪个设备驱动的选项进去在选Graphics support -&console display driver support-&vga text console(不选这个)再编译就行了!三:`rtc_lock'未定义错误(未完全解决)方法:drivers/built-in.o(.text+0x281e4):drivers/char/nvram.c:350: more undefined references to `rtc_lock' follow查 找drivers/char/nvram.c有关的rtc_lock定义,发现2.6.21与以往的kernel不同,于是在包含文件中查找,在 include/linux/mc146818rtc.h中发现了rtc_lock的定义,但是有一个__KERNEL__的条件编译选项,去掉这个条件 编译选项,再make zImage,但是问题好像依然存在,继续在drivers/char/nvram.c中增加这个定义spinlock_t rtc_再编译,发现编译通过。四:make zImage和make xipImageKernel configured for XIP (CONFIG_XIP_KERNEL=y)Only the xipImage target is available in this casemake[1]: *** [arch/arm/boot/zImage] Error 1make: *** [zImage] Error 2解决方法:好象是make menuconfig的时候Boot options---&Kernel Execte-In-Place from ROM选项问题,去掉这个选项编译通过(如果是make xopImage时則需要将这个选项选上),最终成功编译了make zImage。五:出现make:***[.tmp_vmlinux1] Error 1这类错误&解决方法:修改arch/arm/kernel/vmlinux.lds[arm@localhost linux2.6.14]$vi arch/arm/kernel/vmlinux.lds将文件尾2条的ASSERT注释掉(1439行)/* ASSERT((__proc_info_end __proc_info_begin), "missing CPU support") *//* ASSERT((__arch_info_end __arch_info_begin), "no machine record defined") */然后重新make zImage即可&&六:如果大家遇到一下几个问题可以参考本文:a&&&&& make menuconfig&&&& 1)&&&& /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lncurses&&&& 解决办法:&&&& sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev&&&& 2)&&&& Your display is too small to run Menuconfig!&&&& 解决办法:&&&& 窗口最大化b/usr/local/arm/bin/arm-linux-ld:arch/arm/kernel/vmlinux.lds:782: parse errormake: *** [.tmp_vmlinux1] 错误 1ld链接时产生错误对应行:/home/kevin/ARMSystem/linux-2.6.12/arch/arm/kernel/vmlinux.lds/* those must never be empty */ASSERT((__proc_info_end - __proc_info_begin), "missing CPU support")ASSERT((__arch_info_end - __arch_info_begin), "no machine record defined")解决办法: 注释掉这两行Linux内核编译时常见错误及解决方案http://emb.sunplusedu.com/answer/25.html&相信大家在进行Linux内核编译时常会遇见这样或那样的错误,下面笔者列罗列了关于Linux内核编译时最常见的一些错误以及解决方案,大家不妨可以参考下。&&&&&& 1、若编译内核时总是出现同一个错误,如下:&&&&&& 在make&& modules_install时最后几行弹出错误:&&&&&& if&& [&& -r&& System.map&& -a&& -x&& /sbin/depmod&& ];&& then&& /sbin/depmod&& -ae&& -F&& System.map&&&&;&& fi&&&&&& /bin/sh:&& line&& 1:&&&& 3357&& 已杀死&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& /sbin/depmod&& -ae&& -F&& System.map&& 2.6 .12.2&&&&&& make:&& ***&& [_modinst_post]&& 错误&& 137&&&&&& 如果继续make&& install,重启,是进不去刚刚编译安装的那个内核的,显示内核错误。&&&&&& 分析:如果 System.map可读 并且 /sbin/depmod可执行;那么就执行/sbin/depmod -ae -F System.map& 2.6.20;结束&&&&&& depmod(depend module)&&&&&& 功能说明:分析可载入模块的相依性。&&&&&& 语& 法:depmod [-adeisvV][-m &文件&][--help][模块名称]&&&&&& 补充说明:depmod可检测模块的相依性,供modprobe在安装模块时使用。&&&&&& 参& 数:&&&&&& -a或--all& 分析所有可用的模块。&&&&&& -d或debug& 执行排错模式。&&&&&& -e& 输出无法参照的符号。&&&&&& -i& 不检查符号表的版本。&&&&&& -m&文件&或system-map&文件&& 使用指定的符号表文件。&&&&&& -s或--system-log& 在系统记录中记录错误。&&&&&& -v或--verbose& 执行时显示详细的信息。&&&&&& -V或--version& 显示版本信息。&&&&&& --help& 显示帮助。&&&&&& 解决方法:make&& module_install之前你是否关闭了selinux,&&&&&& 该问题是selinux阻止写/lib/modules/ &version& 目录&&&&&& 2、若重启系统后显示:&&&&&& Warning--SElinux relabel is required&&&&&& Disabling security enforcement&&&&&& Relabeling could take a very long time&&&&&& depending on file system size&&&&&& 可以更改grub.conf 将selinux=0添加到如下位置&&&&&& kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.11-1.1369_FC4 ro root=LABEL=/ selinux=0 rhgb quiet&&&&&& 或者更改/etc/selinux/config,将SELINUX=Disabled,存盘就可以把&selinux 关闭了&&&&&& 3、修改selinux&&&&&& 在新版本中的Red Hat 和&Fedora 上,修改档案/etc/sysconfig/selinux:&&&&&& # This file controls the state of SELinux on the system.&&&&&& # SELINUX= can take one of these three values:&&&&&& #&&&&&& enforcing - SELinux security policy is enforced.&&&&&& #&&&&&& permissive - SELinux prints warnings instead of enforcing.&&&&&& #&&&&&& disabled - SELinux is fully disabled.&&&&&& SELINUX=enforcing&&&&&& # SELINUXTYPE= type of policy in use. Possible values are:&&&&&& #&&&&&& targeted - Only targeted network daemons are protected.&&&&&& #&&&&&& strict - Full SELinux protection.&&&&&& SELINUXTYPE=targeted&&&&&& 把&SELINUX设定为disable, 下次启动系统后将会停止SElinux.&&&&&& Linux核心参数(Kernel Parameter)&&&&&& 或者可以在核心参数后加上: selinux=0 (停止) 或&selinux=1 (开启)参数&&&&&& 档案/boot/grub/menu.lst&&&&&& title Fedora Core (2.6.18-1.2798.fc6)&&&&&& root (hd0,0)&&&&&& kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.18-1.2798.fc6 ro root=LABEL=/ rhgb quiet& selinux=0&&&&&& initrd /initrd-2.6.18-1.2798.fc6.img&&&&&& 检查SELinux现时况态&&&&&& 要知到你现在是否使用&SELinux:&&&&&& # getenforce&&&&&& disabled&&&&&& 4、重启后若出现Kernel panic:VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)&&&&&& 从错误信息上看,是没有识别到硬盘。看来,我机器上的SATA硬盘必须在内核中做相应的配置才能识别。&&&&&& 仔细阅读了内核配置时的帮助信息,得知内核支持两种SATA驱动程序:一种是libata,在SCSI子系统中,支持最新的SATA控制器;还有一种是 IDE驱动程序中的SATA,主要是支持第一代的SATA控制器。我的机器应该是比较新的,所以先按libata的方式来配置试试。&&&&&& 先看看我的SATA控制器是什么类型的?运行lspci,输出如下:&&&&&& 00:1f.2 IDE interface: Intel Corporation 82801GBM/GHM (ICH7 Family) SATA IDE Con troller (rev 01)&&&&&& 就是SATA控制器的类型。&&&&&& 解决方法:在make menuconfig中设置以下选项:&&&&&& Device Driver&&&&&& |----&SCSI device support&&&&&& |----&SCSI disk support&&&&&& |-----&verbose SCSI error reporting (不是必须的,但可方便问题定位)&&&&&& |-----&SCSI low-level drivers&&&&&& |----&Serial ATA (SATA) support&&&&&& |----&intel PIIX/ICH SATA support&&&&&& &*& RAM disk support&&&& 在&device drivers -& Block devices中&&&&&& &*& Initial RAM disk (initrd) support&& 在&device drivers -& Block devices中&&&&&& &*& Compressed ROM file system support (cramfs) 在file systems -& Miscellaneous filesystems中&&&&&& 5、若重启之后出现网卡不识别,无法激活,出现via-rhine device eth0 does not seem to be present, delaying initialization&&&&&& 缺少VIA 驱动&&&&&& 运行 make menuconfig&&&&&& 在Networking support--&Networking device support --& Ethernet (10 or 100Mbit) 里找到&&M&"VIA Rhine RevB support"&&&&&& 6、若重启后显示如下:&&&&&& reading all physical volumns, this may take a while…&&&&&& no volumns group found!&&&&&& unable to find volumns group "VolGroup00"&&&&&& ERROR: /bin/lvm exited abnormal with value 5 (pid 335)&&&&&& error 6 mounting ext3&&&&&& ERROR OPENING /dev/console!!:2&&&&&& error dup2ing fd of 0 to 0&&&&&& error dup2ing fd of 1 to 1&&&&&& error duping fd of 2 to 2&&&&&& switchroot:mount failed:22&&&&&& kernel panic - no syncing: attempted to kill init!&&&&&& 运行make menuconfig时在&device drivers -&[*] Multiple devices driver support (RAID and LVM)&&&&&& 如果有以下选项,也应该启用它们:&*&& Logical volume manager (LVM) support
uboot编译学习----直接执行make all,提示编译失败
加入CSDN,享受更精准的内容推荐,与500万程序员共同成长!&[ 12 篇帖子 ]&
&文章标题 : 遇到make: /bin/csh:命令未找到 make: *** [all] 错误 127怎么办?谢谢发表于 :
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安装某水文模型时候,使用make命令,出现以下错误,请问大家如何能够解决,非常感谢!make dependmake: /bin/csh:命令未找到make: *** [all] 错误 127---------该模型的安装教程是这样写的:Download Source Code
* To download the latest VIC source code, proceed to the download page.
* The code is packaged in a compressed tar archive. Extract the contents via:
tar -xvzf filename
where filename = name of the file you downloaded, e.g. VIC_code_4.1.1.tar.gz Compile VIC
* Change directory, cd, to the source code directory (extracted from the compressed tar archive above)
* At the command prompt type:
* If this completes without errors, you will now see a file called vicNl in this directory. vicNl is the executable file for the model.
&文章标题 : Re: 遇到make: /bin/csh:命令未找到 make: *** [all] 错误 127怎么办?谢谢发表于 :
16:10帖子: 1849
系统: Arch debian win7
&文章标题 : Re: 遇到make: /bin/csh:命令未找到 make: *** [all] 错误 127怎么办?谢谢发表于 :
19:14帖子: 39
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zhw2101024 写道:最好安装build-essential,整套编译工具,就什么都不缺了。还是不行,错误是一样的
&文章标题 : Re: 遇到make: /bin/csh:命令未找到 make: *** [all] 错误 127怎么办?谢谢发表于 :
19:14帖子: 39
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好像还是跟路径有关,因为我的make和gmake都在usr/bin里面,但是错误提示是make: /bin/csh:命令未找到
&文章标题 : Re: 遇到make: /bin/csh:命令未找到 make: *** [all] 错误 127怎么办?谢谢发表于 :
16:10帖子: 1849
系统: Arch debian win7
&文章标题 : Re: 遇到make: /bin/csh:命令未找到 make: *** [all] 错误 127怎么办?谢谢发表于 :
19:14帖子: 39
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我把makefile里面的改成bash# Set SHELL = your shell hereSHELL = /bin/bash可以编译了,而且文件夹里面也出现了要求的vicNl可执行文件,可是敲入命令,错误是vicNl找不到命令,太郁闷了
&文章标题 : Re: 遇到make: /bin/csh:命令未找到 make: *** [all] 错误 127怎么办?谢谢发表于 :
19:14帖子: 39
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problem solved,果然还是路径的问题,My first guess is that the $PATH variable in your bash environment doesn't contain the current directory (the code for this is &.&).
To check whether this is the case, please try:
./vicNlIf vic starts running at this point (or gives you a usage message), then the $PATH variable was the problem.
You can look $PATH up in any LINUX reference to figure out how to fix this problem - it will probably involve editing your .bashrc file.希望能给以后学习VIC模型的人一点帮助,同时非常感谢zhw2101024同学
&文章标题 : Re: 遇到make: /bin/csh:命令未找到 make: *** [all] 错误 127怎么办?谢谢发表于 :
16:10帖子: 1849
系统: Arch debian win7
wslgyd 写道:problem solved,果然还是路径的问题,My first guess is that the $PATH variable in your bash environment doesn't contain the current directory (the code for this is &.&).
To check whether this is the case, please try:
./vicNlIf vic starts running at this point (or gives you a usage message), then the $PATH variable was the problem.
You can look $PATH up in any LINUX reference to figure out how to fix this problem - it will probably involve editing your .bashrc file.希望能给以后学习VIC模型的人一点帮助,同时非常感谢zhw2101024同学惭愧,其实我已经下载了这个软件包,光顾着忙毕业设计了,没有耐心实际装一下。是在官网提问人家给的回答吗?看到全都是英文
&文章标题 : Re: 遇到make: /bin/csh:命令未找到 make: *** [all] 错误 127怎么办?谢谢发表于 :
19:14帖子: 39
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zhw2101024 写道:惭愧,其实我已经下载了这个软件包,光顾着忙毕业设计了,没有耐心实际装一下。是在官网提问人家给的回答吗?看到全都是英文我给他们邮件列表发了封信,收到了两个回答,其中一个就是这个
&文章标题 : Re: 遇到make: /bin/csh:命令未找到 make: *** [all] 错误 127怎么办?谢谢发表于 :
16:10帖子: 1849
系统: Arch debian win7
wslgyd 写道:zhw2101024 写道:惭愧,其实我已经下载了这个软件包,光顾着忙毕业设计了,没有耐心实际装一下。是在官网提问人家给的回答吗?看到全都是英文我给他们邮件列表发了封信,收到了两个回答,其中一个就是这个 呵呵,我还没用过邮件列表呢,哪天也去尝试一下
&文章标题 : Re: 遇到make: /bin/csh:命令未找到 make: *** [all] 错误 127怎么办?谢谢发表于 :
15:43帖子: 2090
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&文章标题 : Re: 遇到make: /bin/csh:命令未找到 make: *** [all] 错误 127怎么办?谢谢发表于 :
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extundelete-0.2.0]# makemake -s all-recursiveMaking all in srcextundelete.cc: 在函数‘int load_super_block(ext2_filsys)’中:extundelete.cc:944:47: 错误:对不完全的类型‘struct opaque_ext2_group_desc’的非法使用
group_descriptor_table[n] = fs-&group_desc[n];
^In file included from extundelete.cc:107:0:/usr/include/ext2fs/ext2fs.h:208:8: 错误:‘struct opaque_ext2_group_desc’的前向声明 struct opaque_ext2_group_
^extundelete.cc:944:29: 错误:no match for ‘operator=’ (operand types are ‘ext2_group_desc’ and ‘opaque_ext2_group_desc’)
group_descriptor_table[n] = fs-&group_desc[n];
^extundelete.cc:944:29: 附注:备选是:In file included from /usr/include/ext2fs/ext2fs.h:63:0,
from extundelete.cc:107:/usr/include/ext2fs/ext2_fs.h:149:8: 附注:ext2_group_desc& ext2_group_desc::operator=(const ext2_group_desc&) struct ext2_group_desc
^/usr/include/ext2fs/ext2_fs.h:149:8: 附注:
no known conversion for argument 1 from ‘opaque_ext2_group_desc’ to ‘const ext2_group_desc&’extundelete.cc: 在函数‘void parse_inode_block(ext2_inode*, const char*, ext2_ino_t)’中:extundelete.cc:2614:21: 错误:‘struct ext2_inode::&anonymous union&::&anonymous&’没有名为‘l_i_reserved2’的成员
inode-&osd2.linux2.l_i_reserved2 = le32_to_cpu( (uint32_t *) &inodebuf[item*62] );
^make[2]: *** [extundelete-extundelete.o] 错误 1make[1]: *** [all-recursive] 错误 1make: *** [all] 错误 2想要安装extundelete,./configure没有问题,可是make是出错。


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