
2017年SAT考到多少分能进入美国Top50? - 留学申请指南 - 留学监理网
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新SAT十年一改却仍发生泄题事件,6月份出炉的成绩普遍不高。想要对申请有把握,需要对自己的分数在整个申请池中有一个客观的评价。目前已知的是,各个学校没有过往数据作参考,只能依据CB提供的新老SAT转换表来进行录取。那么在今年,SAT要考到多少分才能进入Top50呢?对于申请学生,我们需要了解的主要为以下三项:一、新老SAT分数转化旧SAT新SAT旧SAT新SAT239016001870133023701590185013202350158018401310233015701820130023001560181012902280155017901280226015401780127022301530176012602210152017501250219015101730124021701500171012302150149017001220213014801690121021101470167012002090146016501190208014501640118020601440162011702040143016101160202014201590115020001410157011401990140015601130197013901540112019501380153011101930137015101100192013601490109019001350148010801880134014601070二、分数百分比大多数的大学招生官,除了关注学生的SAT分数绝对值,还会考核分数的百分比。他们参考的依据是National Representative Sample Percentile。这个百分比以全美国11年级和12年级的学生作为样本进行能力评估后,预测他们的的SAT考试分数。然后,将考生的真实分数与这个样本进行对比,得出的百分比代表百分之多少的学生会得到比你低的分数。根据CB提供的数据,新SAT的分数所对应的百分比为:&1510: 99+%: 99%: 98%: 96%1360: 95%: 94%: 93%1310: 92%1300: 91%1290: 90%结合第一个新老SAT表对应的分数,对于大部分申请学生而言,最起码要考到1290是一个可以用于申请的分数。三、区间分数区间分数就是Range Score。考虑到单次考试的偶然性,CB会给你的总分和单项分分别加减40分和30分,用来代表你的实际水平是在一个浮动的范围内。这也意味着,你和比你总分相差40分的学生的成绩,在申请时候将被一视同仁。例如,如果你的总分是1500分,申请时这个分数的竞争力等同于1460分和1540分。理解完SAT的分数后,针对申请目标学校,我们还需要知道,新老SAT的分数对于不同档次的大学的竞争力。以排名前50综合性大学为目标的学生,可以参考以下的分数对应表:综合性大学排名老SAT新SAT1-102250153011-202200151021-302150149031-402000141041-5019501380也就是说:新SAT考试的出分时间已经恢复到改革之前的出分间隔(3周左右),10月新SAT出分可以顺利赶上ED申请。四、关于出分时间1、之前旧SAT出分时间为19天左右,三次新SAT出分时间为66天、39天、47天,按这个时间出分,10月份的成绩大概率是影响部分学生ED申请的。为了打消这种顾虑,CB这次公布出分时间,已经是尽可能的在缩短了。一方面为了安抚学生,给学生吃定心丸,另一方面尽量减少学生倒戈ACT。2、这个时间也是&预计&时间,并非板上钉钉,还要排除没有泄题、没有大面积作弊之类的异常出现。3、从CB历次公开出分的时间看,10月份出分时间出现意外的可能性不大,就算有延迟,也不太可能是全部。4、新SAT考试已经开展三场,每次考前都会放&大招&,限制年龄,签协议,调换考场等,10月份之前是不是还会有大招,很值得期待。(CB似乎找到自信了)5、无论如何,考生需要的是安心备考,就算最坏的结果是10月出现意外,没有EA、ED,还有RD呢,11月还可以考。附:美国百余所大学新SAT和ACT录取分数(预估)(New SAT and ACT Score Ranges for Colleges and Universities)大学College新SAT阅读新SAT数学新SAT总分ACT总分美利坚大学American&University640-720580-67026-30阿默斯特学院Amherst&College720-780710-79031-34亚利桑那州立大学Arizona & State University—Tempe560-680550-66023-28奥本大学Auburn & University580-650560-67024-30巴布森学院Babson & College630-710630-74026-30巴德学院Bard & College640-740590-710N/A巴纳德学院Barnard & College690-750640-74028-32贝茨学院Bates & College650-740620-73028-32贝勒大学Baylor & University600-690600-70024-30本特利大学Bentley & University600-690630-72026-30波士顿学院Boston & College680-750660-76030-33波士顿大学Boston & University650-720640-76027-31鲍登学院Bowdoin & College730-780720-78031-34布兰迪斯大学Brandeis & University670-740690-78029-33杨百翰大学Brigham & Young University—Provo620-710600-71027-31布朗大学Brown & University720-790720-79031-34布林茅尔学院Bryn & Mawr College680-750640-76028-32巴克内尔大学Bucknell & University650-720640-74028-32加州理工学院Caltech750-800780-80034-35卡尔顿学院Carleton & College700-770690-78029-33卡耐基梅隆大学CMU700-770740-80031-34凯斯西储大学CWRU660-740690-78029-33森特学院Centre & College580-700590-76026-31克莱蒙特学院Claremont & McKenna College720-770700-79029-33克拉克大学Clark & University650-710610-70027-31克莱姆森大学Clemson & University620-700610-72027-31科尔比学院Colby & College670-740640-75028-32科尔盖特大学Colgate & University660-760650-76030-33新泽西学院College & of New Jersey610-700590-70024-29圣十字学院College & of the Holy Cross660-730640-72028-31威廉玛丽学院College & of William and Mary680-750650-76028-32科罗拉多学院Colorado & College680-740640-74028-32科罗拉多矿业大学Colorado & School of Mines640-710670-76028-32哥伦比亚大学Columbia & University730-790730-80031-34康涅狄格学院Connecticut & College660-730630-73028-31库伯联盟学院Cooper & Union660-750670-78030-34康奈尔大学Cornell & University700-780710-79030-34达特茅斯学院Dartmouth & College710-790700-79030-34戴维森学院Davidson & College670-750650-75029-32德保罗大学DePaul & University560-660520-63022-28迪堡大学DePauw & University570-670570-70025-29迪金森学院Dickinson & College650-720620-73027-30德雷塞尔大学Drexel & University580-680590-71025-30杜克大学Duke & University720-780730-80031-34埃默里大学Emory & University690-750670-77029-32福特汉姆大学Fordham & University630-710600-71026-30富兰克林与马歇尔学院Franklin & and Marshall College640-720650-74027-30福尔曼大学Furman & University620-710590-70025-30乔治梅森大学George & Mason University560-660560-65023-28乔治华盛顿大学George & Washington University650-730620-73027-31乔治城大学Georgetown & University700-780690-78030-33佐治亚理工学院Georgia & Institute of Technology680-750710-78030-33盖茨堡学院Gettysburg & College640-720630-71027-29格林内尔学院Grinnell & College680-760690-78030-33汉密尔顿学院Hamilton & College700-760670-76031-33哈佛大学Harvard & University740-800740-80032-35哈维穆德学院Harvey & Mudd College710-770760-80033-35哈弗福德学院Haverford & College710-780690-78031-34印第安纳大学伯明顿Indiana & University—Bloomington570-680570-69024-30爱荷华州立大学Iowa & State University500-660530-66021-29约翰霍普金斯大学Johns & Hopkins University730-780740-80032-34凯尼恩学院Kenyon & College680-750630-72028-32拉法耶特学院Lafayette & College640-720640-74027-31劳伦斯大学Lawrence & University630-720580-75025-31里海大学Lehigh & University640-720660-76029-32玛卡莱斯特学院Macalester & College680-750640-76029-32马凯特大学Marquette & University580-690570-69024-30麻省理工学院MIT720-780760-80033-35迈阿密大学牛津分校Miami & University—Oxford600-700610-72026-30密歇根州立大学Michigan & State University510-640560-71023-28明德学院Middlebury & College690-760650-76030-33密苏里科技大学Missouri & University of Science & Technology560-700580-66025-31霍山女校Mount & Holyoke College680-750630-76029-32纽约大学New & York University670-740650-76028-32东北大学Northeastern & University700-760710-78031-34西北大学Northwestern & University740-780740-80031-34欧柏林学院Oberlin & College690-750640-75028-32西方学院Occidental & College660-730620-72028-31俄亥俄州立大学Ohio & State University—Columbus620-710630-75027-31宾州州立大学帕克分校Pennsylvania & State University—University Park590-680580-70025-29佩珀代因大学Pepperdine &University610-700570-70025-30匹泽学院Pitzer &College660-760650-75029-32波莫纳学院Pomona & College710-780720-78030-34普林斯顿大学Princeton & University730-800730-80032-35普渡大学主校区Purdue & University—West Lafayette580-680580-73025-30里德学院Reed & College700-760640-75029-33伦斯勒理工学院Rensselaer & Polytechnic Institute660-760710-78028-32罗德岛设计学院Rhode & Island School of Design610-720590-74027-32莱斯大学Rice & University720-780740-80032-35莎拉劳伦斯学院Sarah & Lawrence College650-740580-69027-32斯克利普斯学院Scripps & College690-760640-74028-33西沃恩南方大学Sewanee—University & of the South630-710580-67026-30斯基德莫尔学院Skidmore & College610-710580-70026-30史密斯学院Smith & College680-750640-75028-32创价大学Soka & University of America570-700610-74024-29南卫理公会大学Southern & Methodist University650-730640-75028-32斯坦福大学Stanford & University730-790730-80031-35斯蒂文斯理工学院Stevens & Institute of Technology640-720690-76029-32纽约州立大学石溪分校Stony & Brook University—SUNY600-700620-75026-31纽约州立大学环境科学与林业科学学院SUNY & College of Environmental Science and Forestry580-680580-66024-29斯沃斯莫尔学院Swarthmore & College710-780710-78029-34雪城大学Syracuse & University580-680570-69024-29天普大学Temple & University550-660540-64022-28德州农工大学Texas & A&M University—College Station560-680570-70025-30三一大学(Trinity & University630-710600-71027-32塔夫茨大学Tufts & University720-770720-78030-33杜兰大学Tulane & University680-740640-73029-32纽约州立大学奥尔巴尼分校University & at Albany—SUNY540-620550-62022-26纽约州立大学布法罗分校University & at Buffalo—SUNY540-640570-67024-29阿拉巴大学University & of Alabama540-660530-65022-31亚利桑那大学University & of Arizona530-650510-64021-27加州大学默塞德分校UC-Merced500-610500-60019-24加州大学河滨分校UC-Riverside560-660550-67022-28加州大学伯克利分校UC-Berkeley670-760660-78029-34加州大学戴维斯分校UC-Davis580-690580-74024-30加州大学欧文分校UC-Irvine560-670570-720N/A加州大学洛杉矶分校UC-Los & Angeles650-750630-77025-32加州大学圣地亚哥UC-San & Diego630-720640-77026-32加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校UC-Santa & Barbara610-710600-73024-30加州大学圣克鲁兹分校UC-Santa & Cruz580-690570-70023-29芝加哥大学University & of Chicago740-800740-80032-35特拉华大学University & of Delaware600-690580-69024-29丹佛大学University & of Denver600-690580-69023-30佛罗里达大学University & of Florida640-710610-72026-31佐治亚大学University & of Georgia630-700590-70026-30伊利诺伊大学香槟分校UIUC650-730730-80026-32爱荷华大学University & of Iowa500-680570-72023-28堪萨斯大学University & of Kansas#N/AN/AN/A22-28肯塔基大学University & of Kentucky540-670540-66022-28迈阿密大学University & of Miami640-720630-73028-32密歇根大学安娜堡University & of Michigan—Ann Arbor680-750690-78029-33明尼苏达大学双城分校University & of Minnesota—Twin Cities620-720640-77026-30密西西比大学University & of Mississippi520-640520-61021-27密苏里大学University & of Missouri580-700560-67024-29北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校University & of North Carolina—Chapel Hill650-730630-73027-32圣母大学University & of Notre Dame700-770710-78032-34宾夕法尼亚大学University & of Pennsylvania720-780730-80031-34匹兹堡大学University & of Pittsburgh630-710620-72026-31里士满大学University & of Richmond660-730640-75029-32罗切斯特大学University & of Rochester660-730660-77029-32田纳西大学University & of Tennessee560-680560-65024-30德州大学奥斯汀分校University & of Texas—Austin610-710610-74025-31塔尔萨大学University & of Tulsa620-740590-73026-32犹他大学University & of Utah550-680540-69021-28佛蒙特大学University & of Vermont600-700570-66025-30弗吉尼亚大学University & of Virginia670-750650-76029-33华盛顿大学University & of Washington590-700600-74026-31威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校University & of Wisconsin—Madison640-710650-78027-31维克森林大学Wake & Forest University650-730630-750N/A华盛顿和李大学Washington & and Lee University700-750690-76030-33圣路易斯华盛顿大学Washington & University in St. Louis730-780750-80032-34韦尔斯利学院Wellesley & College690-760670-77029-33卫斯理安大学Wesleyan & University680-760650-76029-33惠顿学院Wheaton & College (IL)600-700570-69027-32威廉姆斯学院Williams & College710-790700-78031-34伍斯特理工学院Worcester & Polytechnic Institute630-710660-76028-32耶鲁大学Yale & University740-800740-80031-35叶史瓦大学Yeshiva & University610-710580-71023-29注:1.Score Ranges是指Middle 50% of First-Year Students,即去年录取的学生,有50%的标化成绩位于区间内,有25%低于区间最低值,有25%高于区间最高值。以知名文理学院阿默斯特学院为例,它的新SAT录取预估分数为,也就是说,新SAT低于1430分,成绩就排在后25%了,有75%的人分数比你高。2.上表是预估分数,存在不准确之处,仅供借鉴参考。记住,标化不是一切(当然,没有SAT/ACT,进Top50就更难了),还要看其他条件。总而言之,随着去美国读本科的人数越来越多,申请难度越来越大。如果想要在申请中把握先机,一定要提前做好规划,提高自身的软实力和硬实力。&
先咨询 后申请 安全有保障
◢&&陷阱合同 霸王条款
◢&&推脱责任 不断拖延
◢&&无端承诺 胡乱收费
◢&&申请失败 拖延退费
◢&&监理师一对一科学分析 定向推荐
◢&&预约高水平的专业顾问 拒绝随机
◢&&审查中介所供留学方案 保障安全
  Harvard University 哈佛大学
  Harvard accepts both the current SAT and the redesigned SAT and will accept both tests for the foreseeable future. You should submit scores from tests taken in the past three years.
  Princeton University 普林斯顿大学
  Both versions of the test will be treated equally in the admission process. We do not have a preference for the old or new SAT. The Optional Essay of the new SAT is required for our application
  Yale University 耶鲁大学
  For freshman applicants to the Yale Classes of 2021 and 2022, we will accept either the current SAT or the redesigned SAT and will require the essay portion on the redesigned SAT. Applicants to the Yale Class of 2023 or later will be required to submit the redesigned SAT with essay.
  Columbia University 哥伦比亚大学
  If you are applying for fall 2017 admission, results from the current SAT and/or the redesigned SAT will be accepted. When evaluating applicants, we will consider only the highest testing results reported from one version of the test, not across both versions.Columbia will not require the optional writing section. Columbia will continue to accept scores for both versions of the SAT for applicants applying for admission for fall 2017 and fall 2018.
  The University of Chicago 芝加哥大学
  We will continue to accept scores from the old version of the SAT for the five years scores remain valid, and will superscore within both the old exam and the new, but will not superscore between the two versions. No matter what scores you send, we'll be considering your best.
  Massachusetts Institute of Technology 麻省理工学院
  For students interested in applying to MIT in 2017, and registering for the new SAT - we will accept all test results regardless of format or our final requirements. We will also accept all test results from exams taken before the new SAT.
  2017年入学申请者目前新旧SAT成绩都接受;但是具体信息、要求待定,预计9月发布。如果申请者考新SAT, 学校肯定接受。
  Stanford University 斯坦福大学
  Stanford will accept scores from both the current SAT and the redesigned SAT. Stanford will require all three components of the redesigned SAT: Evidence-Based Reading and Writing, Math, and Essay. We will superscore the results from the current and redesigned SAT separately.
  Duke University 杜克大学
  Students graduating in 2017 may submit either the new or old SAT. Duke does not have a preference for either test, but if you choose to submit both, Duke will consider the stronger score as determined by concordance tables. Students graduating in 2018 will be required to submit the new SAT.
  University of Pennsylvania宾夕法尼亚大学
  Penn will accept scores from both the current SAT and the redesigned SAT. We will not require the essay portion of the redesigned SAT.Current SAT scores will only be superscored with other current SAT results. Redesigned SAT scores will only be superscored with redesigned SAT test results.
  California Institute of Technology 加州理工学院
  NEW SAT: Caltech will require the essay portion of the new SAT (starts in spring 2016). Those applying for the Fall 2017 start term will be able to submit either the current SAT w/writing or the new SAT w/essay. Applicants applying to Fall 2018 should submit the new SAT w/essay. Keep in mind that we will continue to accept the ACT w/writing.
  Caltech 要求提交新SAT作文。Caltech 2017秋季入学的申请将同时接受新SAT和旧SAT的作文部分。2018年秋季入学的学生必须提交有作文的新SAT。
  Dartmouth College 达特茅斯学院
  If you are applying for admission to enroll at Dartmouth in the fall of 2017 or later, your results from either the current or the redesigned version of the SAT will be accepted, we do not have a preference. However, we will consider your highest &superscored& results from either the current or the redesigned SAT; we will not combine scores from both versions.
  Northwestern University 西北大学
  For applicants seeking to enroll in fall 2017, we will accept either version of the test. However, beginning with those seeking to enroll in fall 2018, we will only accept the new SAT.
  Johns Hopkins University 约翰霍普金斯大学
  The SAT Reasoning Test or the ACT is required for all first-year applicants. Beginning in spring 2016, the redesigned SAT will be available to students applying for entry in fall 2017 and after.
  Washington University in St. Louis 圣路易斯华盛顿大学
  Brown University 布朗大学
  Students applying to Brown's Class of 2021 and beyond are NOT required to take the optional writing section on the new SAT. Brown will still require applicants submitting the SAT to also provide results from two Subject Tests of the applicant's choice.
  Cornell University 康奈尔大学
  The first cohort of students to primarily take the redesigned SAT will be the entering class of 2017 (college graduating Class of 2021). We encourage all students and families to learn more about the new SAT by utilizing the extensive resources on the College Board website: https://www.collegeboard.org/delivering-opportunity/sat.
  Rice University 莱斯大学
  University of Notre Dame 圣母大学
  We will accept both the current SAT and redesigned SAT from students seeking Fall 2017 enrollment and beyond. The essay portion of the redesigned SAT will not be required, and we will superscore, using your highest individual SAT Evidence-Based Reading & Writing and Math sub-scores from multiple testing dates to compute your composite score. We will not superscore sub-scores from the current SAT with the redesigned SAT.
  Vanderbilt University 范德堡大学
  The following will affect students entering Vanderbilt in fall 2017 or later:
  Vanderbilt will accept the existing SAT or the revised SAT. Vanderbilt will not super-score between the existing SAT and the revised SAT, but we will super-score within the same type of SAT. If you take both the existing SAT and revised SAT, we will utilize your highest score for your application review (using comparative data provided by the College Board) The optional writing section in the revised SAT will not be required
  范德堡大学针对2017年和之后入学学生,将接受两个版本的SAT。同时范德堡大学将接受在一种SAT内拼分得最高分,但不接受新旧SAT一起拼分得最高分的方式。如果你两种都考了,我们将根据College Board上的同比分标准来看你的最高分。
  Emory University 埃默里大学
  Emory University applicants seeking admission for enrollment for fall semester 2017 are required to submit scores for the SAT or ACT with Writing Test. Applicants submitting SAT scores may choose to submit scores from either the &old& (prior to March 2016) or &new& (after March 2016) SAT exam.
  Georgetown University 乔治城大学
  University of California--Berkeley 加州大学伯克利分校
  After careful review, UC faculty has voted to adopt the redesigned SAT and to continue requiring the essay section of the exam (which will be optional for test takers in 2016). The first group of UC applicants affected by this will be those applying to Fall Quarter 2017.
  Carnegie Mellon University 卡内基梅隆大学
  University of California--Los Angeles 加州大学洛杉矶分校
  University of Southern California 南加州大学
  University of Virginia 弗吉尼亚大学
  Students who will be applying for Fall 2017 can chose to submit results from the current SAT, the redesigned SAT, or the ACT. The SAT Essay and ACT Writing sections will not be required for those applying for the Fall 2017 term.
  Tufts University 塔夫斯大学
  For the Class of 2021 and beyond:
  Tufts will require either the SAT (without the optional essay) plus two SAT Subject Tests, or the ACT (the writing section will no longer be required.) If you will be submitting 'old' SAT scores as well as scores from the redesigned test, we will look at both individually but cannot superscore between them.
  University of Michigan--Ann Arbor 密歇根大学&安娜堡分校
  University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校
  Please note that the current SAT (what's offered this fall) will include the writing section so students will still submit these scores until the new SAT is offered in the spring.Prior to releasing the test results from the spring 2016 exam, the College Board will release a concordance table that will allow us to compare and align scores from the current version of the test with those from the redesigned version. We will superscore results from the same version of the exam, but we will not mix scores from the two versions.
  Boston College 波士顿学院
  If you are an applicant seeking admission to Boston College for Fall 2017, you may submit the current SAT and/or the redesigned SAT. If you submit results from the redesigned SAT, the essay portion of the redesigned SAT will not be required.
  New York University 纽约大学
  NYU will not require the SAT's Optional Essay when it becomes available, and effective immediately, we no longer require the ACT Writing test. Students can elect to submit the SAT's Optional Essay and/or the ACT Writing test for consideration but neither are required.As a result, we do not &superscore& subject scores to create a new composite score for our applicants.
  纽约大学将接受两个版本的SAT, 同时纽约大学将接受在一种SAT内拼分得最高分,但不接受新旧SAT一起拼分得最高分的方式。
  Brandeis University 布兰迪斯大学
  College of William and Mary 威廉玛丽学院
  Redesigned SAT test scores sent to us in the future will be handled in the same manner; however, superscoring will not take place between the two versions of the test. We will see the highest math and critical reading sections of both the old and the new formats; therefore, the integrity of each version of the exam will be maintained.
  University of Rochester 罗彻斯特大学
  Georgia Institute of Technology 佐治亚理工学院
  At Georgia Tech, we have found the current SAT Writing section to be predictive of freshman success. The redesigned test will take portions of the current Critical Reading and Writing section to create the Evidence-Based Reading and Writing Score. The essay will be optional on the redesigned test and will be recommended for applicants to Georgia Tech.
  Case Western Reserve University 凯斯西储大学
  Lehigh University 里海大学
  Results from the current SAT and/or the redesigned SAT will be accepted. When evaluating applicants, we will consider only the highest testing results reported from one version of the test, not across both versions.
  Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 伦斯勒理工学院
  Redesigned SAT (for fall 2017 applicants and beyond): For students taking the redesigned SAT (beginning March 2016), Rensselaer will not require the writing portion of the test be taken (unless you are applying for one of our accelerated programs in law or medicine- see below). For students taking both the old and new versions of the test, both scores will be considered; however, we will not &super score& across the different test formats.
  University of Wisconsin Madison 威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校
  University of Miami 迈阿密大学
  Beginning in Spring 2016, applicants may submit scores from either the current or redesigned SAT. Students who take both tests will be evaluated on their best score. We will continue to superscore the SAT, but will only combine scores from like tests (in other words, we will not combine a student's best score from the new SAT with the best score from the current SAT).
  Pennsylvania State University 宾州州立大学
  University of Illinois Urbana Champaign 伊利诺伊大学香槟分校
  University of Texas at Austin 德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校
  University of Washington 华盛顿大学
  Recommends but does not require that applicants include the writing portion of either of these exams. SAT Essay option, beginning with March 2016 exam
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