You seem too younger 第五季

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two younger,too simple......
two younger,too simple......">two younger,too simple......
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Reference #9.27da387d..5d53211You Can Grow Younger
Boomers -- Proof that You Can Slow & Reverse Aging and HOW!
Want to know how to slow the aging process? YOU'LL FIND IT HERE. Want to know how to recapture energy levels you thought were the exclusive domain of the young? YOU'LL FIND IT HERE. Want to lose the weight AND keep it off? YOU'LL FIND IT HERE. Want to meet folks just like you who've done the above and can show how you can easily do it, too? YOU'LL FIND THEM HERE! 
There are more than 156 articles and inspiring stories here to challenge any self-destructive and self-limiting beliefs you may have about aging. Reading these entries/stories will make room for new, more empowering beliefs. These new tenets will inspire you to take action steps resulting in your enjoying robust well-being and energy levels heretofore thought to be the exclusive domain of the young.
Starting with the January, 2008 story of how Bill Anderson developed the endurance and strength to peddle his bike the 2,000-mile perimeter of rugged Arizona in just over two weeks to celebrate his 81st birthday to the more recent article that revealed the &secrets& to the World's Oldest Man's longevity and excellent health -- you'll find one potentially life-transforming and inspiring idea after another. Find out how New York's Sheila Isaacs went from a non-athletic sedentary full-time working mother of two at age 53 to Ironman and an impressive triathlon first at age 67 (Feb, 2009). Get excited as you follow the story of how Michael Tasman found a single thought that rocketed him from 225 pounds of inertia to Ironman triathlete at age 50 (April, 2008).
Congratulations to Fitness Legend Dr. Bob Delmonteque, ND
Earlier this year the National Fitness Hall of Fame honored Dr. Bob Delmonteque with its Lifetime Achievement Award. Find out how this lifelong elite bodybuilder got in &the best shape of my life at age 78.& (April, 2009) For more on Dr. Bob Delmonteque, you'll find a 16-page chapter devoted to his techniques for staying young in the book, Fitter for Life: The Secrets of 25 Masters of Fitness
274 Pounds to ULTRA Runner in Less than 2 Years
Susan Jennings, 48, lost nearly half her weight in less than two years and then had the newly-found energy to run a jaw-dropping 64 miles in a 24-hour race. Find out how she did it and how you can completely transform yourself, too, in this tell-all interview. (Aug., 2009)
Here's Susan in 2007 and the new 2009 version.
What's the Secret to Dancing in a Chorus Line at 85?
Find out where Dorothy Dale Kloss gets the energy and stamina to perform in 240 three-hour shows a year with the Fabulous Palm Springs Follies. Includes a video of Dorothy dancing ... and audio of a very entertaining radio interview she did last Spring. (Aug., 2009)
Going Strong at 73 -- The Ernestine Shepherd Story
Learn how a sedentary, well-padded school secretary, at age 56, transformed herself into a professional model, personal trainer and award-winning competitive bodybuilder at 73 gorgeous years. You'll be amazed by Ernestine's fit and youthful appearance in two photos and a video. Put her age-blasting techniques to use in your life. (Sept., 2009)
Tony Handler Turns Mega Excuses Into Reasons
Since age 43, Tony Handler has: fought off six different cancers (prostate, thyroid, liver ...), had 16 operations, including an aortic valve replacement, endured chemo (ongoing for the rest of his life) AND successfully completed more than 220 triathlons over the last 27 years. When this article was penned, Tony was looking to complete a half Ironman -- 70.3 miles to celebrate his 70th birthday. (May, 2009)
The Weaker Sex?
North Carolina's Ruth Ann Calais entered a gym for the first time in her 50s just to get strong enough to care for her invalid parents. From this inauspicious beginning and despite some health issues, Ruth Ann went on to become a World Champion PowerLifter at age 61. Find out how she greatly slowed the aging process and how you can, too! (May, 2008)
Great Gifts for that Special Someone
  Is there someone in your life in their 40s, 50s or better whom you want to stay well and have robust good health for years or decades to come? If so, there are age-blasting books and CDs by author Ed Mayhew that make excellent gifts for them -- available at   
Ed Mayhew is a leading authority on slowing and reversing aging, who through his speaking engagements, books, CDs and newsletters, helps Boomers thrive! His age-redefining books include: Fitter After 50, Fitter for Life and AGE BLASTERS: 3 Steps to a Younger You Visit him at:     AND Ask for your F*R*E*E** Fitter After 50 e-newsletter or visit:
AGE BLASTERS: 3 Steps to a Youngr You is now available in electronic KINDLE edition to be downloaded in 60 SECONDS to your pc, mac, smart phone, ipad ... GOOGLE &Kindle for pc& or &kindle for [your gizmo's name here]& to have the kindle book reader on your electronic device in minutes -- AND it's completely FREE!
Get your Kindle electronic copy of AGE BLASTERS here ===&  
 Starting Classes with Exercise Optimizes Learning
1. An exercise session at the beginning of class greatlyimproves the ability of students to focus, learn and remember (Hillman, 2009 –neuroscience: 159, ). 
2. It only takes 5 to 10 minutes of exercise (if it’s HIIT*centered) to optimize brain function for an entire class period.
3. When MBPB Brain Sprints (HIIT for theclassroom) are the exercise of choice, there is NO loss of academic class time.
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* HIIT = High Intensity Interval Training
Thanks and I hope you will take advantage of this free offerand give your students a truly HUGE advantage!
You've got to take a look at this very inspirational video of a successful 75-year-old bodybuilder. His name is Jim S a heavy smoker until age 54, he traded his tobacco habit for a new habit of working out. Like so many others, he thought he wouldn't like exercisng, but he did! See his hope-giving story here.
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Too many of us can't seem to find the time to exercise. Here's an interview with a trucker who has found how to combine the hectic life driving a big rig thousands of miles at a time with getting the exercise he needs to be his best. It must work because he recently won two national titles in masters swimming and has now successfully taken up triathlons. Listen in on this web-cast interview he recently did from the side of the road with the Growing Bolder radio/TV.
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 Check out Siphiwe's excellent and very informative website to find out more about how top fit exercise into your busy lifestyle even if you aren't hauling several tons of freight:
And now I'd like to invite you to claim your FREE Fitter After 50 / Fitter for Life e-newsletter when you visit
From Ed Mayhew -- the author of Fitter After 50, Fitter For Life and other books, CDs, videos and articles on how you, too, can make falling apart as you age merely an option -- NOT a mandate. Why not make the rest of your life the BEST of your life?
(click here for paperback or Kindle editions of AGE BLASTERS)
Ed Whitlock, an 81-year-old Canadian runner is doing it again. Rewriting the record books, as he breaks one record after another for the 80-84 age group. First, as mentioned in the title of this piece, Ed annihilated the marathon record for this age group by completing the 26.2 miles in 3 hours 25 minutes. For those of you with limited knowledge of marathoning, that time is an hour and 10 minutes faster than the average time of ALL marathoners -- all ages. And what does he say about his time? &I should have done faster.& He hopes to do so this fall.
Ed, however, isn't just a marathoner. He excels at all distances, from single miles to the 26-milers. This spring he ran a 20:58 5K (3.1 miles) and a 42:59 10K (6.2 miles). These were both World records for his age group. To put these times in perspective, his per-mile pace for the 10K was 6:55 -- the one-mile run World Record is 7:09. Most runners will never run a 5K or 10K this fast at any age!
Ed shows us that falling apart as we age really is an option -- not a mandate! You can find out some of his secrets to enjoying robust health and record-breaking runs in this radio interview he did on the Growing Bolder network. Enjoy!
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And now I'd like to invite you to claim your FREE Fitter After 50 / Fitter for Life e-newsletter when you visit
From Ed Mayhew -- the author of Fitter After 50, Fitter For Life and other books, CDs, videos and articles on how you, too, can make falling apart as you age merely an option -- NOT a mandate. Why not make the rest of your life the BEST of your life?
(click here for paperback or Kindle editions of AGE BLASTERS)
Here's a video of a 96-year-old record-breaking swimmer. Her obvious continued
zest for life and trying new things can inspire the rest of us to get the most out of life -- no matter our age. And she gives away some of her secrets in a lively interview. Mary Anne Cooper is her name and she has something to teach us about aging well. Take a gander.
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And now I'd like to invite you to claim your FREE Fitter After 50 / Fitter for Life e-newsletter when you visit
From Ed Mayhew -- the author of Fitter After 50, Fitter For Life and other books, CDs, videos and articles on how you, too, can make falling apart as you age merely an option -- NOT a mandate. Why not make the rest of your life the BEST of your life?
(click here for paperback or Kindle editions of AGE BLASTERS)
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 Bonnie Ave went from worrying about a loss of bone mass at 57 to a champion bodybuilder at 60. Listen to see what you can learn from her amazing transformation.
This unicyclist is not too old or &too tired& to ride like a wild and reckless youth. Some would call what you are going to see this 54-year-old do, &foolhardy.& But what it really is is age-defying fun! Take a look and see for yourself. Enjoy!
And now I'd like to invite you to claim your FREE Fitter After 50 / Fitter for Life e-newsletter when you visit
From Ed Mayhew -- the author of Fitter After 50, Fitter For Life and other books, CDs, videos and articles on how you, too, can make falling apart as you age merely an option -- NOT a mandate. Why not make the rest of your life the BEST of your life?
(click here for paperback or Kindle editions of AGE BLASTERS)
Here's a video that is guaranteed to challenge any self-destructive beliefs about what has to happen to us as we age. Take a look -- it's only about a minute of your time -- and compare 74-year-old Tosaka's body with that of any 20- or 30-year-old you know. How's he compare? Look -- see!
In particular, check his calf muscles. It looks to me that this fabulously fit 74-year-old has the well-chiseled, muscular calves that rival those of the world's best young bodybuilders. See if you agree.
&======== *** watch VIDEO here ***
And now I'd like to invite you to claim your FREE Fitter After 50 / Fitter for Life e-newsletter when you visit
From Ed Mayhew -- the author of Fitter After 50, Fitter For Life and other books, CDs, videos and articles on how you, too, can make falling apart as you age merely an option -- NOT a mandate. Why not make the rest of your life the BEST of your life?
(click here for paperback or Kindle editions of AGE BLASTERS)
Of all the 26,800-or-so runners who will be competing in the 115th running of the Boston Marathon, Patriots Day, April 18, 2011, one is sure to get some of the most enthusiastic encouragement from the half-million expected spectators. That runner is the oldest competitor, 81-year-old Clarence Hartley of Young Harris, Georgia.
The massive crowds will cheer for him, not only in deference to his age, but also because he is surprisingly competitive. You see, Clarence is likely to be in the middle of the action. That's because he qualified for Boston with a 4-hour-39-minute marathon and has since run an even more impressive 4:26. His goal is a time of 4 hours 20 minutes. To put these times in a little bit of perspective, the average time for male marathoners in recent
years is right around 4:30 (4:32 in
in 2007) and their average age is 40, or about half Clarence's age. The women average close to 5 hours and 34 years of age. From this we can see that Clarence should be right in the middle of the pack -- beating thousands of runners young enough to be his children and even his grandchildren.
Lest you think that this octogenarian is just a natural runner who's been competing all his life, here are a few interesting facts. Clarence witnessed a local race being run in 1998 when he was 68. Thinking that it looked like fun, he took up running and soon was running in local 5K and 10K races, working up to half-marathons. Having caught the running bug, in the ensuing seven years he ran almost 150 races, winning numerous age-group awards.
In 2005 he decided to up the ante and run a 26.2-mile marathon. This he did, and ran a Boston-qualifying 4:09. All, however, was certainly not clear sailing for Clarence. He wanted to run Boston in 2006, but a bout with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma interfered. His bad luck continued when he was diagnosed with prostate cancer a couple of years later. Treatment for these ailments delayed his entry into the Boston Marathon and so, 2011 is his first.
Besides his two illnesses, Clarence has to deal with running with two metal plates in his right ankle, the result of a fall from a ladder 15 years ago. The ankle doesn't bother him, but one of the eight screws securing the plates sticks out under the skin and occasionally collides with his other ankle. To protect his left ankle, he has to tape the right so the protruding screw doesn't wreak havoc during his runs.
As we age, although it is still possible to compete well, it takes longer to recuperate from long runs, hard training sessions and races. To have time to recover fully from his intense training runs, Clarence only runs every other day and alternates days of speedwork with days of long endurance-enhancing runs. In preparation for the hills, including Heartbreak Hill, for which the Boston Marathon is famous, he has also incorporated hill repeats into his training.
Some folks just don't understand why runners run, and especially why older runners continue this exhausting activity when they could just put their feet up and take it easy. For the Clarences of the world, the satisfaction gained from completing something difficult keeps them coming back for more. No matter how much they are hurting those last few miles or yards to the finish line, the sense of relief and accomplishment when they enter the finish shute is more than worth it.
Scientifically speaking, after a hard run there is a flood of chemicals in and into the brain (endocannabinoids, endorphins, the neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin, BDNF, IGF-1 and many more) which results in a feeling of euphoria that can last for days, or even weeks. There is also the fun of the challenge to win or to place in one's age group, plus the satisfaction of outrunning men and women decades younger than you -- outsprinting a clearly younger runner to the finish line.
Clarence is excited to have qualified for Boston -- the marathon of marathons. He's looking forward to beating thousands of much younger runners -- decades-younger runners -- to Copley Square, where his family (his wife, two daughters and son) will be cheering for him and making the celebration a family affair. While many of his peers are shuffling from chair to refrigerator and back as their day's exercise, Clarence Hartley is enjoying the thrill of preparation for athletic competition at its best, for experiencing the cheers of adoring crowds along the way in Boston.
And now I'd like to invite you to claim your FREE Fitter After 50 / Fitter for Life e-newsletter when you visit
From Ed Mayhew -- the author of Fitter After 50, Fitter For Life and other books, CDs, videos and articles on how you, too, can make falling apart as you age merely an option -- NOT a mandate. Why not make the rest of your life the BEST of your life?
(click here for paperback or Kindle editions of AGE BLASTERS)
You won't believe this man is 85. Bodybuilder Ramon Lim Lopez of Cebu City in the Philippines, born on December 25, 1924, shows his buff body and workout technique in this April, 2009 video. A professional bodybuilder for over 50 years, he is, as of this video, now a professional bodybuilding instructor and known as the Grand Master Blaster of Cebu City. Watch and be amazed!
Mr. Ramon Lim Lopez shows he still has it at AGE 85!
And now I'd like to invite you to claim your FREE Fitter After 50 / Fitter for Life e-newsletter when you visit
From Ed Mayhew -- the author of Fitter After 50, Fitter For Life and other books, CDs, videos and articles on how you, too, can make falling apart as you age merely an option -- NOT a mandate. Why not make the rest of your life the BEST of your life?  and   (click here for paperback or Kindle editions of AGE BLASTERS)
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