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外文资料翻译资料来源: 文章名:Handbook of Manufacturing Process 书 刊 名 《 Automation,ProductionSystems,andComputer-lntegrated Manufacturing》 作者:James G. Bralla 出版社:Industrial 章节:Section C to G 页码:P 597\611 文 章 姓 学 译 名:加工工艺手册 名: 号: Press, Inc.New York指导教师(职称): 专 班 所 在 业: 级: 学 院:电气信息学院 武汉工程大学外文资料翻译翻译: C.制造单元(成组技术)(集成单元簇)制造单元的使用了代表一个特定种类的工厂布局的制造设备。概念的本质是 ,当制造一 个特定零件或大量的类似零件簇,部分连续操作的设备应该组合在一起。制造元件(或元件 簇)的操作员或操作团队―操作单元中的所有设备。这样的安排像设备聚集在一个部门不同 于更传统的工厂布局。然后零件随着操作从一个部门到另一个部门。单元布局的优点是沟通 渠道和运输线路都很短。 工厂的物料通过速率加快了;大大降低了半成品库存;当一个操作出 现问题的时候,后续操作能够很快辨认出产生的影响。控制工厂中流动的零件的运作线路得 到大大简化或变得不需要了。操作者知道每个操作所需要的,以避免问题在后续操作中出现 和根据效应给予补偿。质量会有所改善。不利条件是有一些设备利用率较少。还有必要让有 的操作者学习几种设备的操作,而不是专注于一种类型。这一概念在图 14 c 所示的关于零件 的特殊簇进行了阐述。图 14 g8 展示了机器人之间的处理操作的更高级的系统。当使用一个 循环布局时,机器人照管单元中的所有机器。Fig.14C 制造单元的概念被阐述为由一个单元排列成锻造栏中由各种强度和直径的传动齿轮组成的 簇。此单元显示同一个操作者的七个操作,基于自动设备的使用。每个工作站的操作时间,类似的安排 可能根据生产水平的需要在一些工作岗位使用更多的工人和多重的设备。在站 1,齿轮栏两侧首先会经过1 武汉工程大学外文资料翻译转动,钻铰。在站 2,在中心孔钻出键槽。在站 3,齿轮齿滚齿。在站 4,完成修面。在站 5,是一个刷子 去毛机。在站 6,用激光标识齿轮的型别或零件序号,和其它描述性数据。在站 7,各种量具和检测设备 用于确保质量达到预估水平。机器间含有少量的在制品的小桌子充当分离板,说明生产流程中哪些机器 可能需要操作员注意维护。理想情况下,这些表是空的,所有半成品都在进行机器操作。D.先进的检验设备Dl.坐标测量机(CMMS)-利用衍射光栅测量高精度的测量探头的位置。典型的系统包括除了 测量机之外,还有传感探头、控制和计算系统和测量软件。各种类型的探针或许都被使用, 因为探针几乎是无摩擦的,因为在设备里面几乎无摩擦的线性关系。被测工件放置在花岗岩 工作台上,然后固定。电子触摸探针在测量的工件周围环绕,接触需要测量的地方,探头运 动可以在 x,y,或 z 方向,探针的运动可以手动控制,通过数控或可编程控制器控制,同时读 出控制台显示的位置探测器的三坐标, 根据被测原件的不同可以使用不同形状的探针。 例如, 如果涉及洞的中心轴的尺寸测量,一个锥形塞可用作探针。测量的准确性是由显微镜中的云 纹模具所决定的,它们在设备上被放置在一起,云纹模具在各种领域中被发现通过光电池, 然后转化为电子脉冲。在测量 10 到 30 英寸时,有 2%到 4%的测量误差是正常的,探头通常 是安装在类似桥梁的结构上,但可能是悬臂安装或固定关节的机械臂,机器通常是安装在一 个温度和湿度控制的房间里面,可以进行坐标,轮廓和角测量。有些机器配有多个探针或视 觉设备或激光扫描仪(见下文),除了接触探针,这样的机器多涉及多传感器系统。图 14D1 演示了一个典型的坐标测量机。2 武汉工程大学外文资料翻译图 14D1 具有坐标测量机的机器尺寸测量D2.视觉设备-在工业中,利用工件的图形图像作为系统质量,机器或过程控制的一部分。通 过电子方法捕获图像来完成控制,然后利用图像的数字数据, 作为计算机处理的数据,提供显 示、 将好的和坏的零件分类或激活控制机制。 视觉设备系统是多功能的,在医学诊断、 监测、 所在地区的邮编邮件排序,交通管制,条形码阅读领域有很多非制造业的应用。 视觉设备系统 包括对工件或现场照片进行适当的描述,照相机或摄像机, 一个数字模拟转换器(尽管一些系 统处理数字数据直接来源于相机),足够的计算机阶段来处理数据,计算机软件应用程序和执 行设备对计算机的数字信号作出响应。适当的照明是一个关键因素 ,有各种照明安排:背光、 低角度照明或强调漫射照明必要的图像元素。3 武汉工程大学外文资料翻译图 14D2 显示了一个典型的工业视觉系统的元素。图像处理删除掉不必要的细节。 什么细节是想要的,什么是结果不希望分割去除的,选择 元素的过程必须通过测量来获得期望的结果。分割降低了计算机必须处理的数据量 ,加快系 统的操作。一种常见的分割是专注于图像的“边缘”,相对而言,是工件或者阴影的三维工 件边缘特性的变化。(这种局部分析是为什么适当的照明至关重要的一个原因)。意想不到的 边缘可能是工件表面瑕疵或其它缺陷的迹象。 另一种分割方法是相机扫描工件一条狭窄的部 分,而不是其全部区域,如果这足以满足所需的测量。另一个是分析整体影像中小的关键部 分。即使分割,由于在每一个图像都有大量的数据,高容量的计算机系统是必需的。相机含 有一个聚焦系统来集中光和 CCD(电荷耦合装置)集成电路,用来接收相机图像(而不是胶片相 机中使用的照相胶片,)相机的每个像素(CCD 传感器的图像处理)感触到光的亮度集中于它。 每个重要的像素的亮度水平被电脑系统转换为二进制数字。 大多数视觉设备相机都是单色的, 所以亮度值取决于于灰度。,然而,当颜色是特定应用程序的一个重要因素时,彩色滤光片可 以使用,或使用彩色相机。所有检验和机器控制操作涉及计算机分析图像数据。这种分析可 能涉及诸如计数两行之间或边缘的像素数量,确定一些弧形边缘的半径,计算整个图像的像 素数量等这样的分析后,这些测量数据与存储在电脑中定义了一个标准的模式或被测量物体4 武汉工程大学外文资料翻译 的值的数据进行比较,。 根据两组之间的差异值,机器或过程控制可能进行调整或零件可能被 退回了。 和人类视觉检测或者控制相比,在机械系统中,机械视觉系统更具有一致性和固有的 测量准确性。同时,机械视觉不会感觉到疲劳,可以在恶劣的工作环境中运行,可以用更高 的速度运行人类相应的操作。 当用到组件检查,视觉设备可以提供几种不同类型的信息:1)识别零件,2)组件的存在与 否或某些特性,3)形状检测,4)测量长度、宽度、面积、孔直径和孔位置 5)表面光洁度,包括 表面探伤检查。6)当涉及多个组件时候的数量确认。 机器人引导是机器控制的一种应用。机器人上的视觉设备可以引导机器人去定位零件 , 然后确定它,然后指导机器人的夹器准确抓取零件正确的部位,然后,抓住后移动到指定的位 置,并使得部件与接受部分契合。机器视觉的其他应用是检测电路板和集成电路制造的整个 电子行业。具体的例子有电路路径宽度以及板和焊点群的完全性检测。视觉设备提供线路焊 接和模切操作的反馈控制数据。在本书中,纺织和塑料工业 ,机械视觉显示了快速连续移动 材料在加工中连续网络的可靠性,包括涂层的完整性。 在高产印刷中,它监视不同的颜色打印 文档的注册。在食品工业、在饼干,糖果,和类似的产品的包装中,视觉设备识别和筛选掉 尺寸过小,超大或畸形产品。 对于很多产品来说,它确认标签是否在容器正确的地方。 在各种绘画的产品中,它确认了 适当的光泽,颜色、覆盖率和自由度或其他缺陷。在利用高度自动的玻璃,塑料以及金属制 造工艺中,机械视觉从制造的单个零件中发现缺陷并且显示制造容器的质量。D3.激光扫描―是一个用于尺寸检查的方法。一个普遍的技术,工件放置在低功耗扫描激光 和光电探测器之间。扫描是通过引导光束到旋转镜的轴,反映了准直镜头上不同点的影像。 镜子的轴在镜头的焦点。镜头引导平行光束到聚光透镜 ,聚焦光束到光电探测器。工件被放 在两个透镜之间,会聚透镜接受那些通过工件的光束,而不是撞机工件的光束和在会聚透镜 上留下阴影的光束。 从而通过激光束的时间间隔和每一面的阴影计算出工件以及阴影的尺寸。 微处理器进行必要计算并且显示出所需的宽度或其它工作片尺寸。图 14 d3 说明工作原理。5 武汉工程大学外文资料翻译 由于工件和测量工具之间没有接触,进程内的测量的步骤是非常有用的。工件在机器或输送 机运动时可以测量。一束光能同时测量多个零件。安装在钳台上的激光测微器也被使用,精 度±10μ in(0.25μ m)是可实现的,2 维的(50 毫米)或更少。对于更大的尺寸,测量公差相应 更大。 在另一个系统中,收到扫描激光的是二极管数组而不是单个光电管。 根据工件的边缘的 位置,一些二极管接收激光和一些不接受。从接收到的信号的差异,可以确定零件的尺寸。 另一个测量指的是是曲面上的激光束记录反射。 以十点每秒的速度扫描产生的数据来描 述曲面的细节, 单位计算机将这些数据与指定的尺寸和形状进行比较, 然后看是否符合规格。 而另一个系统使用干涉法。 在这个方法中, 激光束通过局部镀银镜被分散成两个独立的光束。 一束被传送到一个固定镜,另一个被传送到被测量工件的移动镜。光束被聚合,然后以光的 干涉视觉模式被反射到光电探测器和数字计数器。光条纹数表明移动镜的位移。这个方法非 常准确,被用于测量精度以及机床零部件运动的标准值。图 14D3 激光扫描尺寸测量的工作原理。 尺寸测量是基于光探测器的工件每测得激光束在工件之间进 过的时间。E.自动引导车(AGV)系统自动引导车是把单位负载的材料从一个地方移动到另一个地方的设备 ,在一个设施内部, 没有伴随人类操作员。 汽车电池供电和车载计算机控制运动。 引导是由一个或多个方法提供。6 武汉工程大学外文资料翻译 一种方法使用一个嵌在地板上的电感线。车子在电感线后面有一个传感器系统。其他方法使 用光学读取油漆或胶带标记在地板上或电子读取标记在地板上磁标记, 一些系统使用扫描激 光和反光标记,以三角测量的方法确定车辆的位置。惯性制导系统是用于其他车辆机载陀螺 仪和里程表。当前系统有能力控制在许多不同的路线和目的地的运动。有些具有数据输入设 备,这样一线人员在必要时可以修改路径。 车辆加载和卸载可以由人工操作,机器人操作,或者是相关涉及到的输送带。自动引导 车(AGV)被认为是机器人。在材料、工具和主要部件,如汽车或卡车引擎,由自动引导车系统 移动。通常车辆移动的速度比一个人的行走速度慢,必要时可以很快停止。它们具备容易找 到的紧急停车按钮和/或障碍传感器,如果某些对象在车辆的路径出现会立即停止车辆。 自动引导车系统有三个主要的内型:那些携带单位荷载的车辆 , 那些拖一个或多个拖车 或其它不作功的车辆,和那些配备起重叉子的车辆。后一类型用于运输托盘或打滑的材料。 他们取代至少是有人驾驶叉车的一些操作,。许多单位荷载车辆被用作运输一个特定种类的 材料,例如,印刷厂到的报纸卷或冲压工厂的薄钢板线圈。 图 14 E 提供了一个自动搬运系统的慨念图解。图 14E 自动引导车,自动引导车不需要伴随操作员,被用于移动材料,零件,产品以及工厂里的工 具和用品。在第八版由 E.PaulDeGarmo&others 在 1997 年主编的《材料和工艺》中图解了关于使用埋在7 武汉工程大学外文资料翻译地板里的金属线作为引导系统的路径的引导系统。经 John Wiley 和他的儿子们的许可转载。F .自动存储/检索(ASIR)系统这些系统使用自动设备,在计算机控制下, 放置标准负载的材料在货架上然后从货架上 移除它们。在货架的位置是随机的,这取决于哪里有空余的地方。系统使用一个标准负载的 材料――一个托盘负载,一个处理托盘负载(用于中小型零件)或一个工具箱负载。货架一直 打开着去匹配标准负载的大小。系统完全在计算机控制下;计算机记得每个项目的存储位置 和一个项目被退回的地方,指导检索设备到最原始的单元。在 ASIR 系统中有四个基本组件: 1)存储/检索,库存处理,机器通常存放架轨道上运行,根据电脑信号自动运行,2)货架,通常 一到三个开放单元组成,并建造了一个高达 70 英尺(21 米)的高度。3)一台计算机控制系统, 保持库存记录 4)输送机或其他方式处理来自存储/检索设备的存储项目。 图 14 展示了一个典 型的系统。 ASIR 系统被用于各种各样的材料。他们用于制造业的基层和存储半成品,工具和备件。 在仓储和配送中,这些系统用于根据指令挑选成品和存储原材料和零部件。 应用领域包括在杂货仓库, 低使用率的书籍和期刊的大学和公司的研究性图书馆中的应 用。对于储存的鼓或原材料以及成品的储存,纺织,金属板和印刷操作中的卷材储存,以及 那些不再被使用的面包锅,办公室记录和生产模具,夹具,工具和模具的储存,通常是进行 化学的混合操作。8 武汉工程大学外文资料翻译图 14 f 一个完整的自动存储和检索系统,由计算机控制操作。已完成产品的纸箱自动放置在货架上 打开的位置。当运送订单被处理,计算机指导卸货设备到最原始的纸箱中接受被返工的产品。纸箱会自动 转移到特定装载站需要的地方。G.生产制造中机器人的使用工业机器人是一种可以编程用于执行移动和操作材料、零件、工具或其他自动设备等各 种任务的机械装置。 经常有类似人类的手臂和手的外貌,机器人通常有以下主要元素:1)操作 器――结构和联系提供运动。机器人可能有多达 6 轴的运动,描述了一些“六自由度”,2)结 束效应――一个长得像钳子的装置或一些设备执行一个有用的操作 ,3)控制器-开始,停止和 控制机器人的动作,存储数据和与其他数据设备或与人的通讯的装置;4)机器人操作能源的 供给――这可能是来自液压源或气动源或伺服电机和步进电机。电力是最常见的 ,5)传感器 (在许多机器人中)――检测位置,接触、力、转矩、抵抗,或可能有视觉功能。信号或数据传 输回控制器。 6)活跃设备――机器人可能在手臂的末端装备灵活的设备如喷雾枪、 焊接工具、 钻头、路由器、研磨机、抛光轮、或其他工具。图 14 g 演示了一个典型的工业机器人的主 要原理。 有些机器人配备有“教学模式辅助控制器”,单手手控制器能够使用可以由操作员移动 机器人的手臂和钳子。辅助控制器记录着运动,他们的速度和终点。动作的顺序保留在控制9 武汉工程大学外文资料翻译 器的内存中,可以“回放”来重复所需的一系列执行的操作需要的动作。有些机器人在操作 装置运动结束前有着的点对点控制;其他使用连续路径控制。 一些有固定的运动路径,一些根 据传感器发送到控制器的信息提供手臂的运动变化。图 14G 典型的工业机器人的主要元素。G1.机器人的适用性领域-在工人工作条件不乐观,困难,或不安全的地方机器人的使用是最 常见的,。热锻件和铸件由机器人处理很容易。热,烟雾或异味,污垢,灰尘和溶剂对人类操作 者来说是恶劣的,不健康的或危险,但对机器人并不是一个问题。 使用机器人其他理由来自他 们能够节约劳动力。然而,伴随的机器设备进行输送,定向和运输部分的机器的成本,是一个 除了机器人本身的成本外必须考虑的支出。操作必须有足够的空间来证明投资的价值。机器 人在产品有频繁的变化的情况下是特别有用的;它们提供“灵活的自动操作”,因为许多操作 序列可以存储在控制电脑的内存里。因为现在基于机器人系统的感官能力 ,尤其具有视觉设 备的部件,在可变条件下下的调整操作更加可行。 不过,机器人不太可能使用在大量的部件需 要组装操作的地方。灵活,简洁和具有技术的操作者在那些情况下不容易被取代。 G2.铸造厂的机器人-因为,许多工件的重量和其他不乐观或危险工作环境,机器人在铸造厂10 武汉工程大学外文资料翻译 很容易被使用。 机器人在那些劳动成本本质性降低的机会可能更大的高生产工厂是最常见的。 G2a.在压铸中-高温、灰尘、危害和重复的操作使压铸机械处理中机器人备受青睐。在早期, 仍然常见,应用是从压铸机卸载铸件。 喷涂润滑剂在压铸模具上,浇铸熔融金属到机器中是另 外一项应用。另外的操作是通过浸渍或喷洒冷却铸件,修边和除去毛边,铁闸和背面长条,和 在冲模放置镶嵌件。把相关的铸件调整成合适的冲压模具,激活的切边压力机和修剪和留出 部分。去毛刺与旋转工具被使用。该工具沿着铸件的分割线移动。该方法的一个优点是 ,它 不需要使用专用的每个铸造模具。 G2b.砂型铸造-机器人在砂型铸造的使用比压铸少, 尽管有高温和令人不快的工作条件,但是 仍有许多可能的应用。机器人是用于将液态金属注入模具,核心处理和核心粘合――如果需 要,核心去毛边,在模具上喷涂耐火涂料,从烘烤炉转移模具,模具通分和在振动清箱处理热 铸件。 其他机器人的操作是移除铁闸和立管,使用机器人手持火焰或等离子切割刀,在振动清 箱修边后的铸件,熔融金属的碎屑渣滓去除是在铝铸造厂的另一个应用。去毛边可能仅仅通 过去除剩余材料;否则机器人持有的旋转磨床磨削是机器的方法。 G2c.在熔模铸造-熔模铸造中生产外壳模具的过程需要反复在泥浆或流化床的陶瓷材料和沙 子中浸渍蜡模。每个浸渍步骤后面的是一个干燥阶段。还有最后一个烧制操作是融化蜡模和 熔化陶瓷。 机械代替手工进行重复浸渍处理和干燥和烧制操作,在一些铸造厂,成本和质量都 获益。 G3. 锻压―机器人是机器人被用于增加产量车间装载锻造坯料到熔炉中 ,在加热炉中移动加 热坯料按压或锻锤,将工件从一个压铸站移动到另一个,把锻件从锻压机移动到整型机,绘图 台,托盘或输送机。他们也经常使用润滑剂涂抹到工件和压铸件上。由于工件温度很高,机器 人的使用可以合理的消除不乐观的工作环境以及提高生产力。 G4.金属冲压机器人―用于从冲压机卸载工件(供给卷料),装载在压力机上的工件来进行二 次冲压操作(例如,从拉深压力机卸载工件和在削减冲压模具定位)和冲压生产线一个挨着一 个的传输工件。 机器人的使用是合理的,因为要消除按压过程中人类操作员接触的安全隐患。 当生产水平足够高到可以证明高速、 专注、 有传输设备的机器人在竞争中不是足够快。 然而, 当在冲压过程线有各种零件或当每种零件数量更适中,机器人更容易被指定。11 武汉工程大学外文资料翻译 G5.机器人在注塑和其他塑料成型-卸载模制部件是最常见的机器人操作 - 通常涉及注塑,但 机器人也用于压缩和传递模塑法,特别是当零件特别大的时候。另一个机器人在塑料成型的 应用是金属嵌件在模具的位置。在模具的接头处加固玻璃纤维零件,由机器人喷洒混合的玻 璃纤维和聚酯塑料到打开的的柔弱的模具中。其他机器人操作调整成型后零件 ,钻孔,抛光、 托盘包装和包装。 图 14 g5 展示了一个机器人卸载两个注塑机器的流程。图 14 g5 机器人从两个注塑机器卸载模制部件。G6.机器人在焊接领域―参与焊接操作的机器人比任何其他工业操作都多,最常见的机 器人焊接操作是点焊。机器人点焊是汽车车身组件钣金的标准方法。几种电弧焊接,最近,激 光焊接也机械地进行。 在所有机器人焊接操作中,焊枪或反焊接电极被定位,机械设备手持和 开动。 点焊机器人(通常是基础)在固定金属板上把电极从一个地方移动到另一个地方进行组 装。 机器人使用无触点焊缝跟踪器执行弧焊, 完整的弧焊机器人系统包括,除了机器人之外, 还有一个合适的焊接枪,一个定位器来保持工件在一个可控位置,夹持器夹持工件,机器人的 运动控制系统和定位器,电弧控制设备、电源、保护气体供应,和利用联合操作过程的反馈的 自适应控制,。有指导辅助控制器的机器人可以在复杂空间路径进行焊接。水下焊接可以由 机器人进行,一些机器人在汽车工业中使用激光焊接而不是电弧或点焊固定车顶面板其他组12 武汉工程大学外文资料翻译 件,底盘和卡车前端组件,框架构件。 由于焊接机器人不感到疲劳或分心,他们通常在操作中能够实现比手工焊接工具更高的 操作例的时间和更好的可重复性。机器人也减轻操作员需要进行棘手的 ,没有完全健康的操 作。视觉系统跟踪和控制焊接。 G7.机器人在涂色、密封、涂料,喷涂-机器人与由人类控制喷漆机 相比提供了更加稳定和均匀的涂层。机器人在汽车行业对汽车车身涂色是非常常见的 ,也用 于电器、家具和其他商业组件。油漆、液体和粉末喷涂机器人。底漆,表面涂层、污点、脱 模、 瓷瓷釉或其他材料也同样适用。 当涂色零件位于传送带上时,机器人和输送机是同步的。 静电吸引通常伴随着机器人系统。 机器人被编程去喷雾在静电吸引不能生效的深口袋的地方。 密封剂和胶粘剂也应用于机器人,但不是使用喷雾的方法,机器人在工件沿着规定的路径沉 积小珠和斑点状的密封胶材料。机器人应用程序提供了一致的 ,统一的调剂,使密封胶材料 得到更好的利用并避免操作员暴露在溶剂和其他可能的有害物质下。汽车、家电、航空航天 和家具行业使用带有这些材料机器人的应用。 G8.物料搬运机器人―是常见的。不那么复杂的机器人拥有更少的精确位置的能力,经常用 于将工件从一个工作站移动到另一个工作站。在有循环布局的制造网络中 ,一个机器人可以 从七个工作站移动工件,,如图 14 中所示。其他应用包括将工件从托盘移动到机器(和相反 的操作-在操作后用托盘装载工件),从容器,箱子,圆盘传送带,输送带中移除零件,在机器 设备上定位零件,将部件放置在工具上;然后放置零部件或材料在传送带上。门架式机器人, 这是安装在传统桥式起重机底部的机器人,有一个更大的信封(服务区域)和用于材料处理的 应用。13 武汉工程大学外文资料翻译图 14 制造循环布局网络,一个机器人可以移动输送机和生产机器之间的工件。G9.机器人在机械装配领域-机器人在装配领域的渗透相比上面所说的焊接、 涂色和材料处理 领域更弱。一个例外是下面第 13 章指出的电子装配。其他著名的机器人装配操作是如下所 示的在汽车仪表面板上灯泡的安装、汽车挡风玻璃的安装,粘合剂的喷雾应用。另一个应用 是小型电动汽车的组装。录像机已经被索尼公司和宝丽来相机组装,快门和和其他精密组件 由机器人组装。在必要或合理的地方,机械设备可以处理和组装困难零部件如弹簧 ,弯曲的 电线,可塑性零部件。14 武汉工程大学外文资料翻译图 14 g10 显示了机器人挑选和放置电子遥控汽车的关键机器组装零部件。G10 .机器人在电子行业的应用― 尽管他们在这个行业通常不是被称为机器人 ,机器人或者 类似机器人的机器用于在印刷电路板上放置电路器件。这些单位通常被称为挑选机器 ,或放 置机器,用于有表面镶嵌类型和那些有通孔连接管道的装置。 机器还用于测试和检验操作,和 加载和卸载制造相关的零部件。这些机器相比复杂的有类似于人类的上部和下部的手臂 ,手 腕和手的旋转动作六轴机器人有一个有限数量的的运动轴。 大多数选择并将机器安装在提供 在 x 和 y 方向运动的龙门式框架上。制动装置是 z 轴运动(向上和向下),还有一个握紧的动 作(或使用真空)来控制被放置的设备。 计算机的控制和可编程性帮助这些机器符合机器人通 常的的定义。类似的机器也用于自动组装手机的主要零部件。 G11.机器人在质量控制的应用,质量控制的主要是在测试和测量仪器中移动和定位工件使用 机器人,操作后,将工件移动到需要的地方。在某些应用程序中,机器人可以积极参与检验或 测试。在移动电话的测试中,机器人把每个手机放置在测试架上,按特定的键和编号,使用视 觉设备,验证手机的显示是正确的。 在更传统的安排中,机器人用于在一系列八个测试单元之 间移动光盘,每一个在光盘上执行一个特定的测试。拥有视觉设备的机器人能在工件从一个 工作台移动到另一个地方的过程中做些视觉验证或评估,图 14 使机器人处理大量工作块(一个汽车铝轮)之间的加工操作。(由美国铝业股份有限公司提供)。15 武汉工程大学外文资料翻译 G12.机器人在加工机床中的主要应用是加工,装卸工件-图 14G12 展示了一个典型的应用。 然 而,机器人持有和使用电动工具许多应用在那些精度要求不太严格或固定设备可以帮助控制 的准确性的地方。固定装置可能是必需的,因为机器手臂不具备机床的刚度和数控定位机制 的准确性。机器人持有或者操作的的电动切割工具包括:钻、铰刀、丝锥、穿孔和扩孔工具, 路由器、旋转文件、研磨机、抛光和磨光轮子。这些工具是动力驱动,用于钻井及相关或类 似的操作,去毛刺或改善表面。去毛刺时,削减工具通常是一个旋转锉刀,由硬质合金或其他 硬质材料制成。机器人配备了一个力补偿装置来抵消毛刺被移除中引起的大小的形变。其他 机械加工涉及到使用火焰或等离子切割火把或机器人持有的激光切割机。 持有切削刀具的机 器人的加工操作。 在有大型零件的地方更常见, 其余地方操作由一个工人手持电动工具执行。 飞机、卡车、太空飞行器、船舶、铁路车辆和机车产品的例子,这些操作可能是可行的,更容 易移动工具到工作中,而不是反之亦然。 G13.机器人在热处理中-被用来搬运处理过的零件,主要在装卸热处理炉、 盐浴或洗涤和烘干 设备。机器人在淬火浴场也用来浸泡工件。 G14.机器人在某些特定行业 G14a.在汽车装配-汽车行业一直是使用机器人的领头者。机器人最普遍的使用是在汽车装 配点焊体冲压件。其他重要使用弧焊,人体彩绘和涂料、分发和放置胶粘剂和密封材料,和加 载、卸载工件。 装配玻璃挡风玻璃到汽车的车身是一个有趣的操作。 首先挡风玻璃被真空吸盘拿起和被 夹具放置。一个机器人分配粘合剂固定玻璃的边缘。激光系统测量汽车车身相对于已知的参 考点的位置和运输机器人使用这些数据,在挡风玻璃被再拿起之后,准确地放置在在汽车车 身空缺的位置上。 身体冲压件被物料搬运机器人移动到装配线上。 使用长手臂机器涂装汽车车身可以使油漆均匀涂装在大的车身壁板上。 全自动汽车装配和模块受到抑制时,涉及大量的不同零件,准确性和机器人触觉的局限性, 和空间的限制。 G14b. 电器- 自动化生产 在设备制造中的一个例子是是使用六轴机器人在洗碗机的门插入16 武汉工程大学外文资料翻译 一个挤压的橡胶密封圈。机器人也用于变压器中加载和卸载线圈。 G14c.在食品工业-机器人被用于:食品行业中的许多任务中,处理家禽产品和虾,对着光检 查鸡蛋,检查袋装的即食食品,蘑菇和牡蛎的种类,切肉的等级、特殊加工的鱼。他们在托盘 放置航空食品、餐具和调味品,使用视觉设备。机器人组装分类巧克力糖果,将每一项在其指 定的位置。他们装载包装糖果的包装机。机器人还用于装饰蛋糕和巧克力糖果。他们从烤箱 输送机转移烤的东西(面包、饼干面团坚果和蛋糕)放在包装线每一项预先安排好的位置上。 夹持是在真空中进行。当配备视觉设备,机器人按照他们设定好的检查产品。 在肉类包装工厂,机器人从冰箱输送机拿起冷冻鱼片,牛肉馅饼,香肠和家禽堆栈在包装 容器。视觉设备引导机器人到接地点和检查工件正确的大小和形状。机器人在每个容器堆栈 适当数量并且把每一块放置在正确的位置上。 G14d.在玻璃制造-机器人是用于掌控模具成型玻璃组件和处理玻璃片和模制部件。工作条 件中的热因素给使用操作员带来了困难,但不妨碍正确设计的机器人。 G14e.在化学工业-机器人应用在化学处理的各种材料处理中。他们是用于反应堆清理,特别 是工作对操作员的是危险的时候。 G14f.在木工机械-机器人处理有时被用于家具组件。其他应用是钻孔和路由或铣削工件由 机器人和一些组装操作。 机器人放置组件在装配夹具上和按下销子或者类似的零部件进入轧 件装配成家具。然而,机器人在木工行业的使用普遍低于其他行业。 G14g.在其他行业―机器人使用视觉设备在吸塑包包装分类的药片。其他类似应用是用托盘 包装各种产品到容器和装填袋装包装材料到集装箱。17 武汉工程大学外文资料翻译外文原文:C. Manufacturing Cells (Group Technology)(Family of Parts Concept)The use of manufacturing cells represents a particular kind of factory layout for manufacturing equipment. The essence of the concept is that, when manufacturing a particular part or family of similar parts in substantial quantities, the equipment for successive operations on the part should be grouped together. The operator - or team of operators who make that part (or the family of parts) - operate all the equipment in the cell. This arrangement is in contrast to a more traditional factory layout that groups like equipment together in departments. Then parts move from department to department for each operation. The advantage of the cell layout is that lines of communication and transportation are made very short. The factory's through- work-in-process inventor when problems arise at one operation, their effect on subsequent operations is immediately recognized. Route sheets to control movement of parts through the factory are greatly simplified or not needed. Operators learn what is needed at each operation to avoid problems at subsequent operations and have the satisfaction of seeing the results of their efforts. Quality tends to improve. The dis-advantage is that there is apt to be lesser utilization of some equipment. There is also the necessity of having operators learn the operation of several kinds of equipment rather than specializing in one type. The concept is illustrated in Fig. 14C for one particular family of machined parts. Fig. 14G8 shows a more advanced system where a robot does the handling between operations. When a circular layout is used, the robot can tend all machines in The cell.1 武汉工程大学外文资料翻译Fig. 14( The concept of a manufacturing cell illustrated with a cell arranged to make a family of spur gears of various pitches and diameters from forged blanks . This cell is shown with one operator for seven operations, based on the use of automatic equipment. A similar arrangement may be made using more operators and possibly duplicate machines for some workstations depending on the production level needed, and the operation time at each workstation. The gear blanks are first faced on both sides, turned, drilled and reamed at station one. At station 2, a keyway is broached in the center hole. At station 3, the gear teeth are hobbed and at station 4, they are finish shaved. Stat ion 5 is a brush deburrer. At stat ion 6, the gear is laser- marked to identify its model or part number, and with other descriptive data. At station 7, various gages and inspection devices are used to ensure that quality is of the prescribed level. The small tables between machines act as decouplers/Kanbans, containing small amounts of work- in- process, to illustrate which machines may need operator attention to maintain production flow. Ideally, these tables are empty and all work-in-process is undergoing machine operations.D. Advanced Inspection DevicesDl. coordinate measuring machines (CMMs)-utilize diffraction gratings to gauge the position of a measuring probe with high accuracy. Typical systems include, in addition to the measuring machine, a sensing probe, a control and computing system and measuring software. Various kinds of probes may be used. The probe is moveable with very low friction because of nearly friction-free linear bearings in the machine. The workpiece to be measured is placed on the granite table and is then stationary. The electronic touch probe is guided to move around the workpiece and make contact with it where measurements are wanted. Probe movements can be in the x, y, or z direction. Movement of the probe can be manual, by CNC, or by a programmable controller. The2 武汉工程大学外文资料翻译 readout console displays the position of the probe simultaneously in terms of the three coordinates. Different probe shapes can be used, depending on the element that is being measured. For example, if dimensions involving the center axes of holes are to be measured, a tapered plug is used as the probe. The measurement accuracy results from use of the moire' fringe pattern from two glass scales placed together on the machine at a slight angle from each other. The fringe pattern between the scales is detected by photocells and converted to electrical pulses. Measurement accuracies within 2 to 4 ten-thousandths of an inch in a span of 10 to 30 inches are common. The probe is often mounted on a bridge like structure, but may be cantilever mounted or fastened to an articulated arm. The machine is usually installed in a room in which temperature and humidity are controlled. Coordinate, profile, and angular measurements can be made. Some machines are equipped with more than one probe or with a machine vision device or laser scanner (see below), in addition to a contact probe. Such machines are referred to as multisensor systems. Fig. 14D1 illustrates a typical coordinate measuring machine.Fig. 14D1 Dimensional inspection of a machine component with a coordinate measuring machine. (Courtesy Sheffield Measurement, Inc.)D2.machine vision - in industry, utilizes a pictorial image of the workpiece as part of a system of quality, machine or process control. Control is accomplished by capturing the image by electronic methods and then using digital data of the image, as the data is processed by a computer, to provide a display, to sort good and bad parts or to actuate control mechanisms. Machine vision3 武汉工程大学外文资料翻译 systems are versatile and have many non-manufacturing applications in the fields of medical diagnosis, surveillance, zip-code mail sorting, traffic control, and bar code reading. A machine vision system includes means for proper illumination of the workpiece or scene to be pictured, a camera or cameras, an analog to digital converter (though some systems process digital data directly from the camera), sufficient computer stages to process the data, computer software for the application, and actuating equipment that responds to the digital signal from the computer. Proper lighting is a critical factor and there are various lighting arrangements: backlighting, lowangle lighting or diffuse lighting to emphasize the essential image elements.Fig. 1402 illustrates the elements of a typical industrial vision system.Image processing removes unwanted detail. What detail is wanted and what is not wanted is a result of segmentation, the procedure of choosing the elements that must be measured to achieve the desired results. Segmentation reduces the amount of data that must be computer processed, speeding up the operation of the system. One common form of segmentation is to concentrate on the &edges& of the image, the changes in contrast that are characteristic of the edges of the workpiece or the edges of a shadow of a three-dimensional workpiece. (This localized analysis is one reason why proper illumination is critical.) Unexpected edges may be evidence of a surface flaw or other defect in the workpiece. Another segmentation approach is to scan with the camera4 武汉工程大学外文资料翻译 only a narrow strip across the workpiece instead of its full area, if that is enough to make the desired measurement. Another is to analyze only a small critical portion of the whole image. Even with segmentation, because of the large amount of data in each picture image, high-capacity computer systems are required. The camera includes a lens system to focus the light and a CCD (charged coupled device) integrated circuit that receives the camera image (instead of photographic film that would be used in a film camera). Each pixel (picture element of the CCD sensor) in the camera senses the brightness of light focused on it. The brightness level at each significant pixel is converted to a binary digital number that is processed by the system's computer. Most machine vision cameras are monochromatic, so the brightness value is from a grayscale. Color filters may be used on the camera, however, or color cameras may be used, when color is an important factor in the particular application. All inspection and machine control operations involve computer analysis of the image data. This analysis may involve such things as counting the number of pixels between two lines or edges, determining the radii of some curved edge, counting the number of pixels in the entire image, etc. After such analysis, these measurement data are compared with the data stored in the computer that defines a standard pattern or value for the characteristic being measured. Depending on the difference between the two sets of values, machine or process controls may be adjusted or parts may be rejected. The advantages of machine vision systems compared with human visual inspection or control are the much greater consistency and reliability of measurement that are inherent in the machine system. Also, machine vision does not suffer from fatigue, can operate in adverse working conditions and can often be operated at higher speeds than a human counterpart. When used for component inspection, machine vision can provide several different types of information: 1) part identification, 2) the presence or absence of a component or certain features, 3) shape verification, 4) measurement of length, width, area, hole diameter and hole position 5) inspection of surface finish including surface flaw detection. 6) quantity verification when multiple components are involved. One machine control application is the guiding of robots. Machine vision on a robot can guide the robot to locate the part, then identify it, then direct the robot's gripper to the proper position to grasp the part correctly, and then, after it is grasped and moved to the desired location, orient the5 武汉工程大学外文资料翻译 part to fit the receiving space. Other applications of machine vision are inspections made throughout the electronics industry for both circuit board and integrated circuit manufacture. Specific examples are inspection of circuit path widths, completeness of population of boards and soundness of solder joints. Machine vision provides feedback control data in wire bonding and die slicing operations. In the paper, textile and plastics industries, machine vision monitors the soundness of continuous webs of rapidly moving material during processing, including the completeness of coatings applied. In high-production printing, it monitors the registration of different colors on the printed document. In the food industry, machine vision identifies and rejects undersize, oversize or misshapen products in the packaging of cookies, candy bars, and similar products. For many products, it verifies that labels are properly in place on containers. In the painting of various products, it confirms the proper gloss, color, coverage and freedom from runs or other defects. Machine vision finds flaws in individual parts made with highly automatic glass, plastic and metal manufacturing processes, and monitors the quality of manufactured containers. D3.laser scanning- is a method used for dimensional inspections. In one common technique, the workpiece is placed between a low-power scanning laser beam and a photodetector. Scanning is achieved by directing the beam to the axis of a rotating mirror which reflects the image to different points on a collimating lens. The axis of the mirror is at the focal point of the lens. The lens directs the parallel beams to a collecting lens that focuses the beams on a photodetector. A workpiece is placed between the two lenses. The collecting lens receives the beams that pass the workpiece but not those that strike the workpiece and cast a shadow on the collecting lens. The dimensions of the shadow, and thus the workpiece, are calculated by the timing of the spaced laser beams on each side of the shadow. A microprocessor makes the necessary calculations and displays the width or other workpiece dimension of interest. Fig. 14D3 illustrates the working principle. Since there is no contact between the workpiece and measurement tools, the procedure is useful for in-process measurements. Workpieces can be measured while they are in motion on a machine or conveyor. Multiple parts can be measured simultaneously by the one beam. Bench-mounted laser &micrometers& are also used. Accuracies of ±10μin (0.25μm) are achievable for dimensions of 2 in6 武汉工程大学外文资料翻译 (50 mm) or less. For larger dimensions, measurement tolerances are correspondingly larger. In another system, the scanned laser beam is received by an array of photodiodes instead of a single photocell. Depending on the location of the edges of the workpiece, some diodes receive the laser beam and some do not. From these differences in the signals received, the dimensions of the part can be determined. Another measurement aims a laser beam at a curved surface and records the reflections.Thousands of points per second are scanned and the resulting data describes the curved surface in detail. The unit’s computer compares these data with the specified dimensions and indicates whether or not the shape meets specifications.Still another system uses interferometry. In this method, a laser beam is split into two separate beams by a partially silvered mirror. One beam travels to a fixed mirror and the other to a movable mirror on the workpiece to be measured. The beams are combined and the visual pattern of the interference of the two beams is fed to a photoelectric detector and digital counter. The number of light fringes indicates the displacement of the movable mirror. The method is very accurate and is used in measuring the accuracy of, and in calibrating movements of machine tool elements.Fig.14D3 The working principle of laser scanning for dimensional measurement. Thedimensionalmeasurement is based on the elapsed time between the detection by the photodetector of the laser beam from each side of the workpiece.7 武汉工程大学外文资料翻译E. Automatic Guided Vehicle(AGV) SystemsAn automatic guided vehicle is a device for moving unit loads of materials from one place to another, within a facility, with no accompanying human operator. Vehicles are battery powered and an on-board computer controls the movement.Guidance is provided by one or more of a number of methods. One method uses an electrical inductance wire embedded in the floor. The vehicle has a sensor system that follows the wire. Other methods use optically-read paint or tape markings on the floor or electronically-read magnetic markings on the floor. Some systems use a scanning laser and reflective markers to determine the vehicle’s position by triangulation. An inertial guidance system is used on other vehicles with an on-board gyroscope and odometer. Current systems have the capability to control movement over a number of different routes and destinations. Some have data-entry devices so that the path can be modified by factory-floor personnel when necessary. The vehicle may be loaded and unloaded by human operators, by robots, or by arrangements involving powered conveyors. Automated guided vehicles (AGV) are considered by some to be robots. Both materials, tools, and major components such as car or truck engines, are moved with AGV systems. The vehicles normally move at a rate that is slower than a person’s walking speed and can stop very quickly if necessary. They include easily-found emergency stop buttons and/or obstacle sensors and circuitry to stop the vehicle immediately if some object is path. There are three main types of AGVs: those that carry the unit load right on the vehicle, those that tow one or more trailers or other non-powered vehicles,and those equipped with lifting forks. The latter type are used to transport pallets or skids of material.They replace, for at least some operations, human-operated forklift bucks. Many unit-load vehicles are made to transport one particular kind of material, for example, paper rolls in a newspaper printing plant or coils of sheet steel in a stamping plant. Fig.14E provides an illustration of the AGV concept. in the vehicle’s8 武汉工程大学外文资料翻译Fig. 14E Automatic guided vehicles, AGV, are used to move materials, parts, products, tooling and supplies within a factory, without an on-board operator. One guidance system using a wire buried in the floor as a guidepath is illustrated. From Materials and Processes in Manufacturing, 8th ed., E. Paul DeGarmo and others ? 1997. Reprinted with permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.F. Automated Storage/Retrieval (ASIR) SystemsThese systems use automatic devices which, under computer control, place standard loads of material on storage racks or remove them from the racks. The location in the racks is random, depending on where there is open space. The system uses a standard load of material - a pallet load, a handling tray load (for small to medium-sized parts) or a tote box load. The racks have openings that match the size of the standard load. The system is under compl the computer remembers where each item is stored and, when an item is to be retrieved from stock, directs the retrieval device to the oldest unit of that item in the racks. There are four basic components in the ASIR system: 1) the storage/retrieval, stock-handling, machine which usually runs on a track at the storage rack and operates automatically from computer signals, 2) the storage racks, usually one to three unit loads deep at each opening, and built to a height of as much as 70 ft. (21 m). 3) a computer to control the system and keep stock records and 4) a conveyor or other means to handle the stored items to and from9thestorage/retrieval device. Fig. 14F 武汉工程大学外文资料翻译 illustrates a typical system. AS/R systems are used for a wide variety of materials. They are employed in manufacturing for factory floor storage of work-in-process, tools and spare parts. In warehousing and distribution, these systems are used for order picking of finished products and for storage of raw materials and component parts. Applications include grocery warehouses, university and corporate research libraries for low-usage books and periodicals, chemical blending operations where drums or raw materials and finished products are stored, textile, sheet metal and printing operations where rolls of coiled material are stored, and storage of bakery pans, office records and production molds, fixtures, tools and dies when they are not in use.Fig. 14F A complete automatic storage and retrieval system, operated under computer control. Cartons of completed products are automatically placed in open locations in the storage racks. When shipping orders are processed, the computer directs the unloading device to the oldest carton in storage of the product to be retrieved. The carton is automatically moved to the particular loading station where it is needed. (Courtesy Westfalia Storage Systems)G. Use of Robots in Manufacturing OperationsIndustrial robots are mechanical devices that can be programmed to perform a variety of tasks of moving and manipulating materials, parts, tools or other devices automatically. Often having an appearance similar to that of a human arm and hand, robots typically have the following major10 武汉工程大学外文资料翻译 elements: 1) the manipulator - the structure and linkages that provide movement. Robots may have as many as 6 axes of movement, described some-times as &six degrees of freedom&, 2) the endeffector - a hand-like gripper or some device that performs a useful operation, 3) a controller - the apparatus that starts, stops and controls the action of the robot, stores data and communicates with other data devices or with persons, 4) the power supply - for operation of the robot. This may be from hydraulic or pneumatic sources or from electrical servo or stepper motors. Electric power is the most common, 5) sensors (in many robots) - that detect position, contact, force, torque, resistance, or may have vision capabilities. The signals or data are transmitted back to the controller. 6) active devices - Robots may be equipped at the end of the arm with active devices such as spray guns, welding tools, drills, routers, grinders, buffing wheels, or other tools. Fig. 14G illustrates the major elements of a typical industrial robot. Some robots are equipped with a &teaching pendant&, a hand controller that can be used by a human operator to move the robot's arm and gripper. The pendant records the movements, their rate of speed and the end points. The sequence of motions is retained in the controller's memory and can be &played back& to repeat the desired series of motions necessary to perform the operation. Some robots have point-to-point control over the end effector' others employ continuous path control. Some hav others provide variation in the movement of the arm depending on information sent to the controller by sensors.11 武汉工程大学外文资料翻译Fig.14G The major elements of a typical industrial robot.G1. areas of robot applicability - Robots have been most common in operations where the working conditions are unpleasant, difficult, or unsafe for human operators. Hot forgings and castings are easily handled by robots. Heat, fumes or odors, dirt, dust and solvents are unpleasant, unhealthy, or hazardous for human operators but are not a problem for robots. The other justification for robots comes from the labor savings that they provide. However, the cost of accompanying equipment for feeding, orienting and transporting parts for robotic application is a cost that must be considered in addition to the cost of the robots themselves. The operation must have sufficient volume to justify the investment. Robots are particularly useful in situations where there are freq they provide &flexible automation& because many operational sequences can be stored in the memory of their control computers. Because of the sensory capability of present robot based systems, especially in units with machine vision, justification for use in operations with variable conditions is more feasible. Still, robots are less likely to be found in assembly operation where a great number of parts are involved. The flexibility, compactness and skill of the human operator in those situations is less easy to replace. G2. robots in foundries - Because of heat, the heavy weight of many workpieces and the other unpleasant or hazardous aspects of the working environment, robot use is often easily justifiable in foundries. Robots are most common in high-production shops where the opportunities for labor cost reduction may be more substantial. G2a. in die casting - The heat, dirt, hazards and repetitiveness of the operation make robotic handling particularly attractive in die casting. An early, and still common, application was the unloading of castings from die casting machines. Spraying lubricant on the die casting die, and ladling molten metal to the machine are other applications. Additional operations are cooling the casting by dipping or spraying, trimming to remove flash, gates and runners, and placement of inserts in the die.Trimming involves the placement of the casting in a suitable press die, activation of the trimming press and the removal and setting aside of the trimmed part. Deburring with12 武汉工程大学外文资料翻译 robot-held rotating tools has been employed. The tool is moved along the parting line of the casting. An advantage of this method is that it does not require the use of a dedicated die for each casting. G2b. in sand-mold casting- Robots are used less in sand-mold foundries than in die casting despite the heat and unpleasant working conditions but there are many possible applications. Robots are used for pouring molten metal into molds, for core handling and core gluing - if needed, core deflashing, spraying refractory coatings on molds, moving molds to and from baking ovens, venting molds and handling of hot castings at shake-out. Other robotic operations are the removal of gates and risers, using robot-held flame or plasma cutters, and the deflashing of castings after shake-out. Dross skimming of molten metal is another application in aluminum foundries. Deflashing may be simply done by breaking off otherwise grinding with a robot-held rotating grinder is the robotic method. G2c. in investment casting - The process of making shell molds for investment casting requires repeated dipping of the wax pattern in slurries or fluidized beds of ceramic material and sand. Each dipping step is followed by a drying stage. There is a final firing operation to melt the wax pattern and fuse the ceramic. The repeated dipping and the handling to and from the drying and firing operations are carried out robotically instead of manually, in some foundries, with both cost and quality benefits. G3. robots in forging - Robots are being used in higher-production shops to load forging billets into furnaces, to move heated billets from furnaces to presses or drop hammers, to move workpieces from one die station to another, and to move the forgings from forging presses to trimming presses, drawing benches, pallets, or conveyors. They are also used to apply lubricant to both workpieces and dies. Since the workpieces are very hot, the use of robots can be justified for elimination of unpleasant workplace conditions as well as for productivity improvements. G4. robots in metal stamping - are used for unloading workpieces from punch presses(fed with coil stock), loading workpieces in presses for secondary stamping operations (for13 武汉工程大学外文资料翻译 example, unloading a workpiece from a deep drawing press and positioning it in a trimming press die) and for press-to-press transfer of workpieces in stamping lines. Robots are justifiable because of the elimination of exposure of human operators to safety hazards at the presses. When production levels are sufficiently high to justify high speed, dedicated, transfer equipment, robots are not fast enough to compete. However, when there are a variety of parts to process on the stamping line or when quantities of each are more moderate, robots are more apt to be specified. G5. robots in injection but molding and other plastics operation with molding - Unloading molded plastics. Usually, injection and transfer molding, fiberglass parts, theparts is the most molding is involvedcommonroboticrobots are also used with compressionparticularly when the parts are large. Another robotic application in the molding of plastics is the placement of metal inserts in molds. In layup molding of reinforced mixture of glass packaging. Fig. fibers and polyester plastic is sprayed into open female molds byrobots. Other robotic operations are trimming parts after molding, drilling, buffing, palletizing and 14G5 illustrates an arrangement where one robot unloads two injection molding machines.Fig. 14G5A robot unloading molded parts from two injection molding machines. (Courtesy Milicron, Inc.)G6. robots in welding - More robots are involved in welding than in any other industrial operation and the most common robotic welding operation is spot welding. Robotic spot welding is14 武汉工程大学外文资料翻译 the standard method for automotive sheet metal body components. Several kinds of arc welding and, more recently, laser welding are also carried out robotically. In all robotic welding operations, the guns or opposed welding electrodes are positioned, held and actuated by the robotic devices. With spot welding, the robot (usually six-axis) moves the electrodes from spot to spot on the fixtured sheet metal assembly. Robots performing arc welding use noncontact seam trackers,The full robotic arc welding system includes, in addition to the robot, a suitable welding gun, a positioner to hold the workpiece in a controlled location, grippers to hold the workpiece, a control system for movement of both the robot and the positioner, arc control equipment, power supply, shielding gas supply, and adaptive control that utilizes feedback from the joint as the operation progresses. Robots with teaching pendants can be programmed to make the weld along complex spatial paths. Submerged arc welding can be carried out robotically, and some robotic laser welding has been used in the automotive industry instead of arc or spot welding to fasten roof panels to other components, for floor pan and truck front-end assemblies, and for frame member. Since welding robots do not get fatigued or distracted, they typically achieve a much higher percentage of time in operation, and much better repeatability than welding tools operated manually. The robots also relieve human operators of the need to carry out an awkward, not fully healthful, operation. Vision systems track and control the welds. G7. robots in painting, sealing,coating- Spray painting by robots provides greater consistency and uniformity of coating than that controlled by a human spray painter. Robotic painting is very common in the automobile industry for auto bodies and is also used on appliances, furniture and other commercial components. Paint, both liquid and powdered, is sprayed robotically. Primer, top coat, stain, mold release, porcelain enamels or other materials are similarly applied. When painting parts on a conveyor, the robot and the conveyor are synchronized. Electrostatic attraction typically accompanies the robotic system. Robots are programmed to spray deep pockets where electrostatic attraction is not effective.Sealants and adhesives are also applied robotically, but rather than using a spray, the robot deposits a bead or spots of sealant material along a prescribed path on the workpiece. Robotic application provides consistent, uniform dispensing with a better utilization of15 武汉工程大学外文资料翻译 sealant material and freedom from operator exposure to solvents and other possibly harmful materials. The automotive, appliance, aerospace and furniture industries use robotic application of these materials3. G8. robots in material handling - are common. Less-sophisticated robots having less precise placement capabilities often can be used when moving workpieces from one workstation to another. In manufacturing cells with a circular layout, one robot may move workpieces to and from seven workstations as illustrated in Fig. 14G8. Other applications include moving workpieces from pallets to machines (and the opposite operation - palletizing workpieces after an operation), removing parts from cases, bins, carousels, positioning parts in fixtures on machines, p and placing parts or materials on conveyors. Gantry robots, which are conventional robots mounted on the underside of a bridge crane, have a much larger envelope (service area) and are used in material handling applications.Fig. 14GB A manufacturing cell with a circular layout so that a single robot can move workpieces between the conveyors and the production machines.G9. robots in mechanical assembly - The penetration of robots into assembly operations is less16 武汉工程大学外文资料翻译 than in the welding, painting and material handling mentioned above. One exception is electronic assembly as noted below and in Chapter 13. Other notable robotic assembly operations are the installation of light bulbs in automotive instrument panels, the installation of auto windshields as noted below, and the spray application of adhesives. Assembly of small electric motors is another application.Video tape recorders have been assembled robotically by Sony Corp and Polaroid camera shutters and other precision components have been assembled by robots.Where necessary or justifiable, robotic equipment can handle and assemble difficult parts such as springs, crooked wires, and compliant plastic parts.Fig. 14G10 shows a robotic pick and place machine assembling parts of an electronic remote key for an automobile.G 10.robots in electronics - Although they are not normally called robots in the industry, robotic or robot-like machines are used in the placement of circuit devices on printed circuit boards. These units are normally referred to as pick and place machines, or placement machines, and are used for both the surface-mount type of devices and those with through-hole connecting leads. The machines are also used in test and inspection operations, and to load and unload machines involved in parts fabrication. These machines have a limited number of axes of motion compared to the sophisticated 6-axis robots that have pivoting actions similar to those of the human upper and lower arm, wrist and hand. Most pick and place machines are mounted on a gantry-type frame which supplies motion in the x and y directions. The gripping device is given Z-axis motion (up17 武汉工程大学外文资料翻译 and down) and there is also a gripping motion (or use of vacuum) to hold the devices to be placed. Computer control and programmability help these machines conform to the usual definition of robots. Similar machines are also used to assemble major parts of cellular telephones automatically.G 11.robots in quality control- The major use of robots in quality control is to move and position workpieces in testing and measurement devices and, after the operation, to move the workpiece to where it is needed. In some applications, the robot may actively participate in the inspection or test. In one test of cellular phones, the robot places each phone in a test cradle, presses specific numbered keys and, using machine vision, verifies that the phone's display is correct. In a more conventional arrangement, robots are used to move compact discs between a series of eight testing units, each of which performs a particular test on the discs. Robots with machine vision can make some visual verifications or evaluations during the process of moving a workpiece from one workplace to another.Fig. 14G12 Robotic handling of a large workpiece (an aluminum vehicle wheel) between machining operations. (Courtesy Alcoa Inc.)18 武汉工程大学外文资料翻译 G 12 robots in machining - Loading and unloading workpieces from machine tools is the prime robotic application in machining. Fig. 14G 12 shows a typical application. However, robotically held and used power-tools are used in a number of applications where the precision requirements are less strict or where fixtures can help control the accuracy of the cut. Fixtures may be required because robotic arms do not possess the rigidity of machine tools, nor the accuracy of CNC positioning mechanisms. Powered cutting tools held and operated by robots include: drills, reamers, taps, countersinking and counterboring tools, routers, rotary files, grinders, polishing and buffing wheels. These tools are power driven, and are used for drilling and related or similar operations, deburring or surface improvement. When deburring, the cutting tool is usually a rotary file, made of carbide or other hard material. The robot is equipped with a force compensation device to offset deflections caused by variations in the size of the burr to be removed. Other robotic machining involves the use of flame or plasma cutting torches or a laser cutter held by the robot. Machining operations with the robot handling the cutting tool are most common on large parts where the operation otherwise would be performed by a worker with a hand-held power tool. Aircraft, trucks, space vehicles, vessels, railroad cars and locomotives are examples of products where these operations may be feasible, where it is easier to move the tool to the work instead of vice versa. G 13.robots in heat treatment-are used to handle parts to be processed, primarily in loading and unloading heat treatment furnaces, salt baths or washing and drying equipment. Robots also are used to immerse workpieces in quenching baths. G14. robots in some specific industries G 14a.in automobile assembly - The auto industry has been a leader in the use of robots. The single most prevalent use of robots in automobile assembly is in spot welding body stampings. Other significant uses are arc welding, body painting and coating, dispensing and placement of adhesives and sealers, and loading, unloading and transfer of workpieces. Assembly of glass windshields to auto bodies is one interesting operation. The windshield is first picked up with vacuum cups and positioned in a fixture. A robot dispenses an adhesive to the edges of the glass in the fixture. A laser system measures the position of the auto body in relation to known reference points and the transport robot uses those data, after the windshield has been picked up again, to position it accurately in the auto body opening.19 武汉工程大学外文资料翻译 Body stampings are moved to the assembly line by material handling robots. Painting of auto bodies includes the use of long-arm robots that can apply paint uniformly to large body panels. Fully automatic assembly of automobiles and subassemblies is inhibited, perNof, by the very large number of different parts involved, limitations of accuracy and tactile sense of robots, and space limitations. G14b. in appliances - One example of robotic assembly in appliance manufacture is the use of a six-axis robot to insert an extruded profile rubber seal in the doors of dishwashers. Robots are also used to unload and load wire coils used in transformers. G 14c.in the food industry -Robots are used in the food industry for many tasks: to handle poultry products and prawns, to candle eggs, inspect pouches of ready-to-eat foods, sort mushrooms and oysters, grade and cut meat, and process fish. They place airline food, tableware and condiments on trays, using machine vision. Robots assemble assortments of chocolate candies, placing each item in its assigned location. They load machines for packaging wrapped candies. Robots are also used in decorating cakes and chocolate candies. They transfer baked items (bread, cookies, doughnuts and cakes) from oven conveyors and place them on packaging lines with each item prearranged for position in the packages. Gripping is achieved by vacuum. When equipped with machine vision, the robots inspect the products as they are handled. In meat packing plants, robots pick up frozen fish fillets, ground beef patties, sausages and poultry pieces from freezer conveyors and stack them in packaging containers. Machine vision directs the pick up location for the robots and inspects pieces for correct size and shape. The robots stack the proper quantities of pieces in each container and place each piece in the correct position. G 14d.in glass making - robots are used to charge molds for molded glass components and to handle sheet glass and molded parts. The heat factor in these operations presents difficult working conditions if human operators are used, but does not impede a properly designed robot. G 14e.in chemical industries - Robots are used for various material handling applications in chemical processing. They are employed for reactor clean up, particularly when the work would be hazardous for human operators. G 14f.in woodworking - Robotic handling is sometimes used with furniture components.20 武汉工程大学外文资料翻译 Other applications are drilling and routing or milling of workpieces by robots and some assembly operations. Robots place components in assembly fixtures and press dowels or similar parts into workpieces for their assembly into furniture. However, the use of robots in woodworking is less widespread than in a number of other industries. G 14g.in other industries - Robots pack assortments of pills in blister packages using machine vision. Other similar applications are palletizing of containers of various products and packing of bagged materials into shipping containers.21
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