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2、突然发现,原先不少要好的朋友已经在不知不觉中失去联系。原来,友情和爱情一样,需要经营。 3、心情不好的时候,只想一个人安安静静的待着,不求安慰,只求有个人能懂。 4、喜欢一首歌,有时候只是喜欢了一句歌词,因为它碰到了你内心的深处 。5、被特别在乎的人忽略,会很难过。而更难过的是,你还要装作不在乎。
6、眼泪,有时候是一种无法言说的幸福,微笑,有时候是一种没有说出口的伤痛。 7、小时候认为流血了就是很严重的事,不管疼不疼,先哭了再说.直到长大后才发觉,其实流泪比流血更疼。 8、最宝贵的东西不是你拥有的物质,而是陪伴在你身边的人。不能强迫别人来爱自己,只能努力让自己成为值得爱的人,其余的事情则靠缘分。 9、世上除了生死,都是小事。从今天开始,每天微笑吧。不管遇到了什么烦心事,都不要自己为难自己; 无论今天发生多么糟糕的事,都不应该感到悲伤。今天是你往后日子里最年轻的一天了,因为有明天,今天永远只是起跑线。记住一句话:越努力,越幸运…… 10、跟自己说声对不起,因为总是莫名的忧伤;跟自己说声对不起,为了别人为难了自己;跟自己说声对不起,因为伪装让自己很累; 跟自己说声对不起,因为总是学不会遗忘;跟自己说声对不 起,因为很多东西没有好好珍惜;跟自己说声对不起,因为倔强让自己受伤;
11、幸福不是房子有多大,而是房里的笑声有多甜;幸福不是你能开多豪华的车,而是你开着车能平安到家;幸福不是爱人多漂亮,而是爱人的笑容多灿烂; 幸福不是在成功时喝彩多热烈,而是失意时会不会有个声音对你说——朋友别倒下;幸福不是听过多少甜言蜜语,而是在你伤心时能有人对你说; 没事有我在 。 12、有钱,不可能养你一辈子。帅气,不可能炫耀一辈子。自己的另一半是拿来过日子,而不是拿来比较的。日子过的好,才是真的好。 所以不找帅不找富,找个能包容你的。如果他不能包容你的情绪和缺点,就算条件好又有什么用呢?其实最好的日子,无非是你在闹,他在笑,如此温暖过 一生。 13、一个人的美丽,并不是容颜,而是所有经历过的往事,在心中留下伤痕又褪去,令人坚强而安谧。所以,优雅并不是训练出来的,而是一种阅历。 淡然并不是伪装出来的,而是一种沉淀。 从某种意义上来说,人永远都不会老,老去的只是容颜,时间会让一颗灵魂,变得越来越动人。 14、不是眼泪就能挽回失去;不是所有人都值得你付出;不是伤心就一定要哭泣;不是所有表情都要写在脸上;不是任何人都理解你。 所以,面对生活中偶尔的不如意,我们要学会坚强的微笑。难过的时候,告诉自己:我很好、很开心。失落的时候,笑着对自己说,没事的,一切总会过去......
北回归线 Tropic Of Cancer
One night, in desperation, I dragged my friend Joe to a synagogue, during the service. It was a Reformed congregation, and the rabbi impressed me rather favorably. The music got me too & that piercing lamentation of the Jews. As soon as the service was over I marched to the rabbi's study and requested an interview with him. He received me decently enough & until I made clear my mission. Then he grew absolutely frightened. I had only asked him for a handout on behalf of my friend Joe and myself. You would have thought, from the way he looked at me, that I had asked to rent the synagogue as a bowling alley. To cap it all, he suddenly asked me pointblank if I was a Jew or not. When I answered no, he seemed perfectly outraged. Why, pray, had I come to a Jewish pastor for aid? I told him naively that I had always had more faith in the Jews than in the Gentiles. I said it modestly, as if it were one of my peculiar defects. It was the truth too. But he wasn't a bit flattered. No, siree. He was horrified. To get rid of me he wrote out a note to the Salvation Army people. &That's the place for you to address yourself,& he said, and brusquely turned away to tend his flock.
The Salvation Army, of course, had nothing to offer us. If we had had a quarter apiece we might have rented a mattress on the floor. But we hadn't a nickel between us. We went to the park and stretched ourselves out on a bench. It was raining and so we covered ourselves with newspapers. Weren't there more than a half hour, I imagine, when a cop came along and, without a word of warning, gave us such a sound fanning that we were up and on our feet in a jiffy, and dancing a bit too, though we weren't in any mood for dancing. I felt so goddamned sore and miserable, so dejected, so lousy, after being whacked over the ass by that half witted bastard, that I could have blown up the City Hall.
The next morning, in order to get even with these hospitable sons of bitches, we presented ourselves bright and early at the door of a Catholic priest. This time I let Joe do the talking. He was Irish and he had a bit of a brogue. He had very soft, blue eyes, too, and he could make them water a bit when he wanted to. A sister in black op she didn't ask us inside, however. We were to wait in the vestibule until she went and called for the good father. In a few minutes he came, the good father, puffing like a locomotive. And what was it we wanted disturbing his likes at that hour of the morning? Something to eat and a place to flop, we answered innocently. And where did we hail from, the good father wanted to know at once. From New York. From New York, eh? Then ye'd better be gettin' back there as fast as ye kin, me lads, and without another word the big, bloated turnip faced bastard shoved the door in our face.
About an hour later, drifting around helplessly like a couple of drunken schooners, we happened to pass by the rectory again. So help me God if the big, lecherous looking turnip wasn't backing out of the alley in a limousine! As he swung past us he blew a cloud of smoke into our eyes. As though to say & &That for you!& A beautiful limousine it was, with a couple of spare tires in the back, and the good father sitting at the wheel with a big cigar in his mouth. Must have been a Corona Corona, so fat and luscious it was. Sitting pretty he was, and no two ways about it: I couldn't see whether he had skirts on or not. I could only see the gravy trickling from his lips & and the big cigar with that fifty cent aroma.
All the way to Dijon I got to reminiscing about the past. I thought of all the things I might have said and done, which I hadn't said or done, in the bitter, humiliating moments when just to ask for a crust of bread is to make yourself less than a worm. Stone sober as I was, I was still smarting from those old insults and injuries.
I could still feel that whack over the ass which the cop gave me in the park & though that was a mere bagatelle, a little dancing lesson, you might say. All over the States I wandered, and into Canada and Mexico. The same story everywhere. If you want bread you've got to get in harness, get in lock step. Over all the earth a gray desert, a carpet of steel and cement. Production! More nuts and bolts, more barbed wire, more dog biscuits, more lawn mowers, more ball bearings, more high explosives, more tanks, more poison gas, more soap, more toothpaste, more newspapers, more education, more churches, more libraries, more museums. Forward! Time presses. The embryo is pushing through the neck of the womb, and there's not even a gob of spit to ease the passage. A dry, strangulating birth. Not a wail, not a chirp. Salut au monde! Salute of twenty one guns bombinating from the rectum. &I wear my hat as I please, indoors or out,& said Walt. That was a time when you could still get a hat to fit your head. But time passes. To get a hat that fits now you have to walk to the electric chair. They give you a skull cap. A tight fit, what? But no matter! It fits.
You have to be in a strange country like France, walking the meridian that separates the hemispheres of life and death, to know what incalculable vistas yawn ahead. The body electric! The democratic soul! Flood tide! Holy Mother of God, what does this crap mean? The earth is parched and cracked. Men and women come together like broods of vultures over a stinking carcass, to mate and fly apart again. Vultures who drop from the clouds like heavy stones. Talons and beak, that's what we are! A huge intestinal apparatus with a nose for dead meat. Forward! Forward without pity, without compassion, without love, without forgiveness. Ask no quarter and give none! More battleships, more poison gas, more high explosives! More gonococci! More streptococci! More bombing machines! More and more of it & until the whole fucking works is blown to smithereens, and the earth with it!
Stepping off the train I knew immediately that I had made a fatal mistake. The Lyc&e was a little dista I walked down the main street in the early dusk of winter, feeling my way toward my destination. A light snow was falling, the trees sparkled with frost. Passed a couple of huge, empty caf&s that looked like dismal waiting rooms. Silent, empty gloom & that's how it impressed me. A hopeless, jerkwater town where mustard is turned out in carload lots, in vats and tuns and barrels and pots and cute looking little jars.
The first glance at the Lyc&e sent a shudder through me. I felt so undecided that at the entrance I stopped to debate whether I would go in or not. But as I hadn't the price of a return ticket there wasn't much use debating the question. I thought for a moment of sending a wire to Fillmore, but then I was stumped to know what excuse to make. The only thing to do was to walk in with my eyes shut.
It happened that M. le Proviseur was out & his day off, so they said. A little hunchback came forward and offered to escort me to the office of M. le Censeur, second in charge. I walked a little behind him, fascinated by the grotesque way in which he hobbled along. He was a little monster, such as can be seen on the porch of any half-assed cathedral in Europe.
The office of M. le Censeur was large and bare. I sat down in a stiff chair to wait while the hunchback darted off to search for him. I almost felt at home. The atmosphere of the place reminded me vividly of certain charity bureaus back in the States where I used to sit by the hour waiting for some mealy mouthed bastard to come and cross examine me.
Suddenly the door opened and, with a mincing step, M. le Censeur came prancing in. It was all I could do to suppress a titter. He had on just such a frock coat as Boris used to wear, and over his forehead there hung a bang, a sort of spitcurl such as Smerdyakov might have worn. Grave and brittle, with a lynxlike eye, he wasted no words of cheer on me. At once he brought forth the sheets on which were written the names of the students, the hours, the classes, etc., all in a meticulous hand. He told me how much coal and wood I was allowed and after that he promptly informed me that I was at liberty to do as I pleased in my spare time. This last was the first good thing I had heard him say. It sounded so reassuring that I quickly said a prayer for France & for the army and for the navy, the educational system, the bistros, the whole goddamned works.
This folderol completed, he rang a little bell, whereupon the hunchback promptly appeared to escort me to the office of M. l'Econome. Here the atmosphere was somwhat different. More like a freight station, with bills of lading and rubber stamps everywhere, and pasty-faced clerks scribbling away with broken pens in huge, cumbersome ledgers. My dole of coal and wood portioned out, off we marched, the hunchback and I, with a wheelbarrow, toward the dormitory. I was to have a room on the top floor, in the same wing as the pions. The situation was taking on a humorous aspect. I didn't know what the hell to expect next. Perhaps a spittoon. The whole thing smacked very much of prepar the only things missing were a knapsack and rifle & and a brass slug.
The room assigned me was rather large, with a small stove to which was attached a crooked pipe that made an elbow just over the iron cot. A big chest for the coal and wood stood near the door. The windows gave out on a row of forlorn little houses all made of stone in which lived the grocer, the baker, the shoemaker, the butcher, etc. & all imbecilic-looking clodhoppers. I glanced over the rooftops toward the bare hills where a train was clattering. The whistle of the locomotive screamed mournfully and hysterically.谁能帮忙看一下参考的博i天_堂是怎样的_百度知道


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