
专题18 人口的数量变化与人口的合理容量
a方案人口结构(%)  &
& &b方案人口结构(%)  &
& c方案人口结构(%)
(1)c方案与a方案的人口结构比较,差异最大的是(  )
A.人口性别比   B.老年人口比重
C.青壮年人口比重 D.少儿人口比重
(2)从我国可持续发展的角度判断,三种生育率方案(  )
A.a方案较合理 B.b方案较合理
C.c方案较合理 D.均不合理
答案:(1)D (2)B
(1)下列关于人口增长模式图的说法,正确的是(  )
(2)我国在Ⅲ阶段最可能出现的现象是(  )
答案:(1)C (2)A
热点题型二 &环境人口容量与人口合理容量
例2、结合下表信息进行两国比较,可知 (  )
& 人口(万人) 面积(万平方千米) 可开采石油储量(亿吨) 年可再生水资源量(立方千米)
(1)截至2015年(  )
(2)到2050年(  )
答案:(1)A (2)B
& & 常见人口统计图的判读
(1)若我国人口婚育的平均年龄为25岁,则下一次生育高峰出现的时段大约在(  )
(2)我国人口总数达到最高峰的时间大约在(  )
A.2020年 B.2028年
答案:(1)B (2)B
水资源总量(亿立方米) 778.5 914.3 283.4
耕地面积(万公顷) 588.31 528.18 814.07 414.95
A.甲省 B.乙省 &C.丙省
A.劳动人口平均受教育年限偏低 B.技师技工数量偏低
C.制造业从业人口数量偏低 &
& D.研发人员数量偏低
①城乡间人口流动 & &
& &②农业专业化发展 &
A. ①→②→③ & &
& &B. ①→③→② &
& & C. ③→②→① &
A. 人口流动扩大了城乡收入差距
【答案】3.D &
A.产业转型升级 &&B.食品价格大增
①服务设施齐全 &②承接了上海市转移的产业
&③适宜就业机会多 &④生态环境好
A. ①③
(2<span STYLE="mso-spacerun:'yes';font-family:宋体;font-size:10.5000mso-font-kerning:1.&江苏卷)28.
材料二&&近年来老钢铁工业城市攀枝花已成为我国冬季养老的热点城市之一。<span STYLE="mso-spacerun:'yes';font-family:宋体;font-size:10.5000mso-font-kerning:1.
&22、B &23、C
A.a方案较合理 &&B.b方案较合理
【解析】 表中数据不能判断城市化水平;也不能判断百万人口以上大城市数量多少;但由百万人口以上大城市人口占本国人口比重,以及各国的人口总数,可以推断百万人口以上大城市人口的数量,所以经计算可知,中国百万人口以上大城市人口比美国和印度多,故选D。
17.1980年我国执行计划生育政策后(  )
3.黑龙江省的人口自然增长率与全国同期相比差异最小的年份是(  )
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【高考复习方案?2015高考英语冲刺】2015最新模拟题汇编:第三模块 完形填空
第三模块专题十一 记叙文型完形填空完形填空A【2015?东北三校第一次联考】 DPaul must have been trying to carry his waste paper to garbage can and dropped a few pieces.‖ I 1 , picking them up.2 later I found more pieces.No quiet sighing this time.I3 , ??Who is throwing garbage?‖ No answer.Instead, I saw more bits of paper silently floating 4 from upstairs. Looking up, I saw my seven-year-old son, Paul. DStop making a mess.‘‘ DIt‘s not a mess.They‘re heard him clearly. He didn‘t answer me.Paul has autism (自闭症) and when he‘s 7 6 answers a question, especially 5 .‖ DSorry, what did you say?‖ I hadn‘tattentively on something else.He ran down the stairs.DWhere are my other 8 around.Every time Paul 9 five or more words together, my 11 that the benefits of formingbutterflies?‖ he asked, heart says a 10of thanks.But lately he seems to 12complete sentences when communicating are Butterflies.Of course.I rushed to 13of the effort. them off and handedthem from the garbage, 14 15them to my young artist.DWant to see themagain?‖ he asked with a shy smile.DOh yes! 16 down again.They reallyThey‘re beautiful.‖ I whispered.He ran back upstairs to float his did look like beautiful butterflies. That day Paul 17 me to look up at 18instead of down at garbage.How many other 19 20 to take time to appreciate what‘s we look at it.Now, I look up.masterpieces do I miss because I‘m too caught up in my right in front of me? Life is not what happens to us.It‘s1.A.laughedB.sighed C.amazed D.shouted2.A.Days B.Years C.Moments D.Weeks 3.A.called out B.turned up C.got in D.added to 4.A.upB.down C.away D.off D.butterflies5.A.planes B.papers C.leaves6.A.rarely B.frequently C.willingly D.eagerly 7.A.devoted 8.A.showingB.depended C.focused D.addicted B.looking C.playing D.drawing9.A.spells B.puts C.pushes D.accumulates1 10.A.sound B.remark C.report 11.A.refuse B.hear C.mind D.realize 12.A.worthyD.prayerB.aware C.fond D.typical13.A.hide B.destroy C.rescue D.remove 14.A.tore B.dusted C.cut D.seized 15.A.throw B.flow C.land D.fly 16.A.masterpiecesB.schoolwork C.inventions D.imagination17.A.reminded B.forced C.intended D.permitted 18.A.mistakes B.weaknesses C.beauty D.scenery 19.A.amusement B.housework C.communication D.homework 20.A.when B.whether C.where D.how【解析】 【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了“我”七岁的儿子 Paul 患有自闭症,但是他 却把飘着的纸看作是蝴蝶在飞。而“我”看到的只是地上的一堆垃圾。生活亦如此。不是我 们发生了什么,而是我们如何看待它。 1.B laugh 笑;sigh 叹了口气;amaze 使惊奇;shout 大喊。句意:我叹口气,把掉在地上的几张废纸捡起来,后面有“No quiet sighing this time.”提示一开始只是慢慢地叹息。故选 B。 2.C days 数日;years 数年;moments 片刻;weeks 数周。语境提示:一开始只是几张,边 走边拾,同时发现更多的废纸。所以时间应该很短。故选 C。 3.A call out 大声叫喊;turn up 出现;get in 进入;add to 添加到。前面说不再静静地叹息, 所以这里应该是大声喊:是谁在扔垃圾?故选 A。 4.B up 向上;down 向下;away 离开;off 切断,走开。根据“from upstairs”可知,纸是 从楼上飘下来的。下文有“He ran back upstairs to float his 选 B。5.D16down again.”的提示。故plane 飞机;paper 纸;leaf 树叶;butterfly 蝴蝶。根据下文的“Where are my otherbutterflies?”可知,他 7 岁的儿子认为是蝴蝶。故选 D。6.Ararely 很少;frequently 经常;willingly 愿意;eagerly 渴望地。根据介绍说儿子有自闭症、不回答问题可知,他很少回答问题。故选 A。7.Cdevote 献身于,跟 to 搭配;depend 依靠,与 on 连用;focus 专注,与 on 连用; addict上瘾,与 to 连用。当他专注于别的事情时,他就很少回答问题。故选 C。2 8.Bshow around 四处参观;look around 环顾四周;play around 玩耍,鬼混;draw around围在四周。他一边问一边四处看。故选 B。9.Bspell 拼写;put 放;push 推;accumulate 积累。每当 Paul 把 5 个以上的词放在一起时,因为孩子的病的原因, “我”应该很激动。故选 B。10.Dsound 声音;remark 注意,评论;report 报告;prayer 祈祷。孩子能说更多的话, “我”就会发出感谢的祈祷。故选 D。11.Drefuse 拒绝;hear 听到;mind 在意;realize 认识到。最近他似乎认识到交流时说完整的句子的好处,所以上问出了他的问题:Where are my other butterflies?故选 D。12.Aworthy 值得;aware 知道;fond 喜欢;typical 典型的。这四个单词都可以与 of 连用。这个好处值得努力。故选 A。13.Chide 躲藏;destroy 毁坏;rescue 拯救;remove 删除。 “我”跑过去把它们从垃圾堆里救出来。故选 C。14.Btear 撕开;dust 除去灰尘;cut 切;seize 抓住。垃圾里应该很脏,所以应该是去掉灰尘。故选 B。15.Dthrow 扔;flow 流动;land 着陆;fly 飞。从后面看这里 Paul 在问:还想看它们飞吗?故选 D。16.Amasterpiece 杰作; schoolwork 功课; invention 发明; imagination 想象。 既然说很漂亮,所以应该是跑回去再让它们从楼上飘下来。这里家长和孩子都认为是儿子的杰作。故选 A。17.Aremind 提醒;force 强迫;intend 打算;permit 准许。根据孩子的提醒“我”看到,飘着的纸的确看起来像美丽的蝴蝶。那一天,Paul 提醒了“我”抬头看美的东西而不是低头看 垃圾。故选 A。18.Cmistake 错误;weakness 弱点;beauty 美;scenery 风景。我抬起头看到了美。instead ofdown at garbage 和前面对比提示,故选 C。19.Bamusement 娱乐;housework 家务;communication 交流;homework 作业。 “我”太忙于家务活而没有时间去欣赏眼前的东西。 根据前面的叙述说 “我” 拾起地上的废纸可知, “我” 总是做家务活让家干净而没有考虑其他。故选 B。20.Dwhen 当……的时候;whether 是否;where 哪里;how 如何。生活不是我们发生了什么,而是我们如何看待它。故选 D。3 B【四川省宜宾市 2015 届高三第一次诊】 I got a guitar for my birthday, and since then I have been struggling.It‘s kind of sad.To be honest, it is 1 how many problems are caused by such little things in the life of a teenager.It 2 me.And it couldn‘t have happened at a worse time.has awakened another side of myself I‘m a senior, I‘m going to 3soon and I know what college I‘m going to.And now I 4 me that I‘m going to be a rock star,have to deal with this little voice in my head constantly not a scientist. A few weeks ago I was given the5 simple task of writing a short story.I sat down to6a beautiful work of fiction that would 7 area I generally feel very 8 amount of time. So I was 10my teacher and classmates.To be honest, this is an 9in.I really enjoy it and such writing tasks used to take theto write my story, and across the room lay my beautiful birthday 11 in my chair, and stared for a momentpresent.DOnce upon a time,‖ I wrote.Then I stopped, at the 12 .Its dark red paint was 13and I could see my reflection in its perfect 14 , but it sure was.I‘dsurface.And then my reflection started dancing and singing.I wasn‘t follow its until late15 .So I seized my guitar and plucked (拨动) a string.I sat rocking with my guitar 16 the night.I was sure I was preparing for the 17 much more efficientlynow that I wasn‘t spending time writing stories. Needless to say, no story was written, and many have constantly asked, DAm I importantly, 20 19 18 arose in my mind.Since then, Ifor not wanting to do my work anymore?‖ More, I‘ve learned I really am going to be a rock star.1.A.interestingB.excitingC.disappointingD.surprising 2.A.withinB.with C.beforeD.beyond3.A.workB.writeC.graduateD.retire 4.A.teachingB.advisingC.remindingD.fooling 5.A.actuallyB.seeminglyC.obviouslyD.partly 6.A.planB.createC.carryD.continue 7.A.frustrateB.amuseC.astonishD.admire 8.A.happyB.richC.fortunateD.strong 9.A.leastB.mostC.largestD.best4 10.A.tryingB.helpingC.refusingD.learning 11.A.seatedB.editedC.turnedD.digested 12.A.paperB.instrumentC.floorD.desk 13.A.runningB.shiningC.deepeningD.fading 14.A.playingB.dreamingC.movingD.repeating 15.A.leadB.musicC.speedD.rule 16.A.ofB.atC.forD.into 17.A.universityB.life C.futureD.exam 18.A.doubtsB.fearsC.discussionsD.problems 19.A.curiousB.cleverC.normalD.alone 20.A.thereforeB.thoughC.otherwiseD.even 【解析】 【文章大意】一份生日礼物――吉他,唤醒了作者对摇滚音乐的热情,改变了作者对未来的 追求。 1.D interesting 有趣的;exciting 令人兴奋的;disappointing 令人失望的;surprising 令人惊 讶的。 “我”生日时得到一把吉他。自从那时“我”的生活就一直在挣扎。说实话,这个小 东西竟然给一个青少年带来这么多问题,非常令人惊讶。选 D。 2.A within 在??之内;with 和;before 在??之前;beyond 超出。它唤醒了“我”内心 的另一面。选 A。 3.C work 工作;write 书写;graduate 毕业;retire 退休。 “我”是一名高中生,即将毕业。选 C。 4.C teach 教学;advise 建议;remind 提醒;fool 愚弄。 “我”脑海中总是有个声音不断提醒“我” , “我”将要成为一名摇滚歌星而不是科学家。选 C。 5.B actually 事实上;seemingly 看来似乎;obviously 明显地;partly 部分地。几周前, “我” 被分配完成一个看起来简单的写作任务。选 B。 6.B plan 计划;create 创造;carry 携带;continue 继续。因此“我”坐下来创作了一篇令老 师和同学们惊讶的唯美小说。选 B。 7.C frustrate 沮丧;amuse 好笑;astonish 惊讶;admire 羡慕。一篇会令老师和同学们惊讶的唯美小说。选 C。 8.D happy 快乐的;rich 富有的;fortunate 幸运的;strong 强壮的,强项的。说实话, “我”5 感觉这是自己的强项。选 D。 9.A least 最少的;most 最多的;largest 最大的;best 最好的。 “我”真的很喜欢写作,完成 这样的写作任务,以前花费我最少的时间。选 A。 10.A try 努力;help 帮助;refuse 拒绝;learn 学习。因此我尽力写“我”的故事。选 A。 11.C seat 就座;edit 编辑;turn 转身;digest 消化。然后“我”停下来,坐在椅子上转身盯 着“我”的吉他。选 C。 12.B paper 纸张;instrument 乐器;floor 地板;desk 课桌。盯着吉他这个乐器。选 B。 13.B run 跑步;shine 照耀;deepen 加深;fade 褪色。吉他深红色的漆身在闪耀发光。选 B。 14.C play 玩耍;dream 梦想;move 移动;repeat 重复。 “我”没有动,但是“我”的思绪 在歌唱、在飞舞。选 C。 15.A lead 领导;领先;music 音乐;speed 速度;rule 规章。 “我”会追随它的指引。选 A。 16.D of 所属关系;at 在某地;for 对于;into 内部。 “我”拨动琴弦直到深夜。选 D。 17.C university 大学;life 生活;future 未来;exam 考试。 “我”确信“我”一直在为未来 做高效的准备,不是通过写故事而度过时光。选 C。 18.A doubt 怀疑;fear 恐惧;discussion 讨论;problem 问题。不用说,没有写任何故事, 在“我”的脑海中产生很多疑问。选 A。 19.C curious 好奇的;clever 聪明的;normal 正常的;alone 独自一人的。自从那时, “我” 不断问自己: “不想再从事“我”的工作, “我”自己是否正常?”选 C。 20.B therefore 因此;though 尽管,然而;不管怎样;otherwise 否则;even 甚至。不管怎 样,最重要的是, “我”知道“我”真的打算成为一个摇滚明星。选 B。 C【2015 届河北保定市高三调研试题】 It was the beginning of the school year a few years ago.I had a little boy in my class who was very quiet and _ 1 .I wasn&#39;t sure how much he understood during the school day and I was especially 2 that he just stood by himself at _3 shut his eyes to time and did not play.If l tried to talk to 5 from me. 7 littlehim, he would turn away and _4After a couple of days, I decided to seek _ 6from one of my outgoing and 8girls.I called her over and asked her if she would get him to the, and I started talking about all she could try this idea or9 .on how she could start communication with him I 10 11that.Shemy arm to stop my talking and looked up at me in that _ 12 _ way that only a6 six-year-old can, and said, &Don&#39;t _13 I stood there all alone, 14, I speak kid&.And she ran off.watching her. It took less than a minute for the two new joining a game of tag. it is for allfriends to run off, hand in hand, _15I often think of that small _16 , about what I learned and how _ 17 teachers to speak kid.I know-my _ to _ 19 18should be on teaching students how to think and how 20 a because those &teachablesolutions.We must be ready to learn from ourmoments& during the school days are for us, the teachers, as well as our kids. 1.A.slow 2.A.concerned 3.A.lunch 4.A.closely 5.A hide 6.A advice 7.A brave 8.A change B. clever B.curious B.break B.suddenly B.keep B.help B casual B.study C.shy C.doubtful C.school C.slightly C.flee C.confidence C.friendly C move C.problems C.realized C.touched C.strange C.hurry C.silently C.hopefully C.moment C.awkward C.advice C.make up C.teachers D.lazy D.disappointed D.sports D.tightly D.separate D.technique D.hard-working D.play D.possibilities D.explained D.pulled D.effective D.worry D.excitedly D.happily D.difficulty D.funny D.problem D.figure out D.parents9.A.suggestions B.opinions 10.A knew 11.A.caught 12.A.special 13.A.care B.understood B.felt B.good B.talk14.A.anxiously B.seriously 15.A quietly 16.A boy B carefully B.girl17.A.interesting B.important 18.A.focus 19.A.look for 20.A.friends 【解析】 B lesson B get in B.students【文章大意】本文主要讲述了在几年前开学的时候,遇到一个安静和害羞的男孩儿,D我‖ 不知道他怎么看待在学校里的生活,D我‖担心他只是一个人,不和别人玩。当D我‖尝试和他7 聊天的时候,他会转过头去,紧紧地闭上他的眼睛。几天后,D我‖让D我D外向的女儿和他一 起玩,而D我‖一直在说着怎么让她和那个小孩儿交流。但是她却要我不要担心。 “我”在那 静静地看着,而没有花几分钟的时间,这两个孩子就手拉着手一起玩起贴标签的游戏。 1.C slow 慢的,迟钝的,温和的;clever 聪明的,灵巧的;shy 害羞的,怕羞的;lazy 懒惰的,无精打采的。在我们班上有一个小男孩儿很安静,有点害羞。故选 C。 2.A concerned 被牵连的,担心的,有关(方面) ;curious 好奇的;doubtful 难以预测的,难 以预料的,怀疑的;disappointed 失望的,沮丧的。我不确定他对于校园生活理解多少,而 且我特别担心。故选 A。 3.B lunch 午餐;break 破裂,中间休息,间断;school 学校,学院,上学;sports 运动,游戏,运动会。我不确定他对于校园生活理解多少,而且我特别担心休息的时候,他总是一个 人站着,不玩。故选 B。 4.D closely 接近地,紧密地,亲近地;suddenly 意外地,忽然地;slightly 轻微地;tightly 紧紧地,坚固地。如果我试图跟他说话,他将会转过去,紧紧地闭上他的眼睛…故选 D。 5.A hide 隐藏,躲避,遮蔽;keep 保持,保留,遵守;flee 逃走,逃掉,消失;separate 分 开,区分,隔开。如果我尝试跟他聊天,他将会转过去,紧紧闭上眼睛躲避我。故选 A。 6.B advice 劝告,建议;help 帮助,助手,补救方法;confidence 信心;technique 技巧,技术,技能。在几天之后, “我”决定向我外向的小女儿求助。seek help from sb 向…求助。 故选 B。 7.C brave 勇敢的,需要有勇气的;casual 偶尔的,临时的,非正式的;friendly 友好的,亲 密的;hard-working 勤勉的,努力的工作。几天之后, “我”向我外向和对人友好的小女儿 求助。故选 C。 8.D change 改变,变更,交换;study 学习,研究,考虑;move 移动,搬动;play 扮演, 担任,玩耍,游戏。 “我”把女儿叫过来,问她是否能够让他一起玩。故选 D。 9.A suggestion 建议,意见,联想;opinion 意见,主张,评价;problem 问题,习题,引起 麻烦的人;possibility 可能性,可能的事。我开始谈论所有建议,她可以开始和他聊天。故 选 A。 10.D know 知道,料及;understand 了解,理解,领会;realize 实现,了解,意识到;explain 解释,说明。我解释道他可以尝试自己的想法或者其他。故选 D。 11.C catch 赶上,接住,看见;feel 感觉,认为,触摸;touch 触摸,接触,联系;pull 拉, 扯,赢得。她摸着我的胳膊,来阻止我谈论,看着我…。故选 C。8 12.A special 特殊的,专门的,专用的;good 好的,优秀的,有益的;strange 陌生的,生 疏的,奇怪的;effective 有效的,起作用的,实际的。她摸着我的胳膊阻止我谈论,以一种 六岁孩儿可以有的特殊的方式看着我。故选 A。 13.D care 关心,照顾,喜爱;talk 说,讨论,说话;hurry 仓促,催促,迅速移动;worry 担心,焦虑,使烦恼。不要担心,我跟孩子讲话,然后,就跑出去了。故选 D。 14.C anxiously 焦急地,担忧地;seriously 认真地,严肃地,严重地;silently 寂静地,沉 默地;excitedly 兴奋地,激动地,勃然。我独自一个人站在那,静静地看着她。故选 C。 15.D quietly 平静地,轻声地,静止地;carefully 小心谨慎地,谨慎地,仔细地;hopefully 有希望地,有前途地;happily 快乐地,幸运地。不过几分钟这两个新朋友跑出去,手拉着 走,快乐地加入了贴标签的游戏。故选 D。 16.C boy 男孩,少年,小伙子;girl 女孩,姑娘;moment 瞬间,片刻,时刻;difficulty 困 难,麻烦,争论。我经常想起那个时刻。故选 C。 17.B interesting 令人感兴趣的,有趣的,引起注意的;important 重要的,权威的,有势力 的;awkward 令人尴尬的,难对付的,不方便的;funny 有趣的,好笑的,滑稽的。老师就 是跟一个孩子说话是多么的重要。故选 B。 18.A focus 焦点,注意力,中心;lesson 教训,功课;advice 劝告,忠告,建议;problem 问题,引起麻烦的热。我知道我的注意力应该在教孩子怎么去思考…。故选 A。 19.D look for 寻找;get in 到达,收割,当选;make up 组成,补足,化妆,编造;figure out 计算出,弄明白,解决,相处。我知道我的注意力应该在教孩子怎么去思考和怎么弄清楚解 决问题的办法。故选 D。 20.B friend 朋友,资助者,同胞;student 学生,学者;teacher 教师,老师,先生;parents 父母。我们必须准备好从我们的学生中学习,因为这些在学校的D可教的时刻D是对我们这些 老师,也是为我们的孩子。故选 B。D【北京市东城区 2015 届高三上学期期末教学统一检测】 I still remember the first time I was Dqualified‖ to go to a football game with my daddy.My pare so they had a million hung low and heavy over our heads as we stadium.Following my dad, I the top of the 4 1 3 for when you could be Dqualified‖ to do 2 .The sky the steep streets that led to the 6 .It was things.It was a cold fall day, and I had just turned 8, the magic Dqualified‖ age forto keep up with him.We bought our treats and climbed up to5 .Our seats were in the third row from the top, so they were easy to9 very important for us to be in our seats before kick-off, which made everything leading up to it a mad 7 against the clock.We had just 8 10 into our seats when a light rain started to each season with my daddy.I 11 12 these at the 13 fall.Everyone opened their umbrellas.9 the rain, Daddy and I had a great time.Each year, I returned to at least onemoments and looked forward to our time together.My dad and I became best and told me everything he remembered.I intently listened as he 14football games.I could ask my dad about anything and knew that he would answer me grandparents, the love between he and my mother, and politics at work in general.his childhood, myWhen I was 19, The University of Utah was playing their opening game at Utah State University.Dad really wanted to go, and I really wanted to get those trip to Utah.We ate huge hamburgers us. This Sunday I will have the once more.I walk a pace In all my years of actual game have never 18 20 17 of climbing those steep streets leading to the stadium now, so that my aged daddy can keep up with me. to me as much as the time I spent with my dad.Truly, the most 16 15 ; so we drove a long we watched the game with the sun setting behind19 , I haven‘t really learned much about football.The details of theimportant thing I have learned from watching football is this: Treasure every moment that I have the privilege of spending with my great teacher and friend―MY DADDY. 1.A.wishes B.rules C.chancesD.tasks 2.A.basketball B.volleyball C.baseball D.football 3.A.climbed B.crossed C.blocked D.passed 4.A.paced B.headed C.raced D.wandered 5.A.street B.stadium C.seat D.field 6.A.find B.use C.keep D.take 7.A.desire B.idea C.plan D.rush 8.A.put B.broke C.turned D.settled 9.A.Besides B.Despite C.Below D.Beyond 10.A.treat B.tripC. game D.chat 11.A.recalledB.choseC.valued 12.A.friends B.fans C.viewers D.provided D.judges13.A.actually B.luckily C.frequently D.honestly 14.A.spent B.discussed C.described D.praised 15.A.hours B.ticketsC.teams D.results 16.A.as B.since C.until D.once 17.A.activity B.privilege C.objective D.challenge 18.A.later B.slower C.closer D.lighter 19.A.working B.training C.travellingD.watching 20.A.returnedB.belonged C.mattered D.referred10 【解析】 【文章大意】 本文讲述作者与他的爸爸经常一起看足球比赛, 作者很珍视和父亲一起度过的 时光,也很高兴与父亲成为好朋友。 1.B wish 希望;rule 规则;chance 机会;task 任务。 “我”的父母有六个孩子,所以他们对于你什么时候有资格去做一些事情,有一百万条规定。由于作者提到家里孩子六个,很多, 所以父母便会有很多规则来约束,管理孩子们,故选 B。 2.D basketball 篮球;volleyball 排球;baseball 棒球;football 足球。这是一个寒冷的秋日, 而且“我”刚过 8 岁,这是个看足球的“合格”年龄。根据前文提到的“I still remember the first time I was‘qualified’ to go to a football game with my daddy.(我仍然记得我第一次能够 和我爸爸一起去一场足球比赛。) ”可知选 D。 3.A climb 爬;cross 交叉;block 阻止;pass 通过。天空笼罩在我们的头上方,又低又重, 因为我们在爬那个去往体育场的陡峭街道。后文“This Sunday I will have the 17 ofclimbing those steep streets leading to the stadium once more.” 提到再次爬那些通往体育馆场的 陡峭街道。故选 A。 4.C pace 踱步、 缓慢而行; head 前进; race 使急走; wander 徘徊, 漫步。 跟着我爸爸, “我” 走很快以赶上他。结合下文“现在我走慢了以便我年迈的父亲能赶上我”可知小时候爸爸走 得快,我必须走快点才能赶上父亲。故选 C。 5.B street 街道;stadium 体育场;seat 座位;field 田野,领域。我们买了我们的座位,并爬到了体育场的顶部。故选 B。 6.A find 找到;use 使用;keep 保持,经营;take 拿,取。我们的座位在从上方数第三排那 里,所以很容易就找到他们了。根据前文“我”和父亲买了座位就往上走,可知是找座位, 故选 A。 7.D desire 欲望、要求;idea 想法;plan 计划;rush 冲进,突袭。对我们来说,在开球之前 就坐在我们的位置上是非常重要的, 这样使得一切导致一场疯狂的争分夺秒的冲刺。 故选 D。 8.D put 把……放进;broke 闯入,破门而入;turned 变成;settled 习惯于,适应。我们刚 坐在座位上,这时一阵小雨开始下了。故选 D。 9.B besides 除了……之外;despite 尽管,不管;below 在……下面;beyond 超过。尽管下 雨,“我”和爸爸玩得很开心。这里 despite 表示让步,意为“尽管,不管”。故选 B。 10.C treat 请客,款待;trip 旅行;game 游戏,比赛;chat 聊天。每年,“我”和爸爸每个 季度至少看一场比赛。故选 D。11 11.C recall 回忆;choose 选择;value 珍视,重视;provide 提供。“我”珍视这些时刻, 并期待着我们一起的时间。故选 C。 12.A friend 朋友;fan 粉丝;viewer 观察者;judge 裁判。“我”的爸爸和“我”在足球比 赛上成为了好朋友。结合下文作者问父亲任何事情,父亲都会回答并向他讲述童年的故事, 外祖母等, 可见 “我” 与父亲是朋友般的交流, 再根据后文 “my great teacher and friend―MY DADDY.”可知选 A。 13.D actually 实际上;luckily 幸运地;frequently 频繁地;honestly 诚实地。“我”可以问 “我”老爸任何事情,知道他会诚实地回答“我”,并告诉我他记得的一切。结合前文提到, 作者和爸爸成为了好朋友,故他知道爸爸会诚实地回答,故选 D。 14.C spend 花费,度过;discuss 讨论;describe 描述;praise 赞美。“我”专心地听着他描 述他的童年生活。故选 C。 15.A hour 小时;ticket 票;team 队;result 结果。父亲真的想去,而且“我”也真的想去 得到那些时间。故选 A。 16.A as 当…时;因为;since 自从;until 直到 才;once 一旦,曾经。太阳沉落在我们身 后,我们看着比赛,吃着汉堡包。这里是指两个动作是同时进行的,as 连接时间状语从句, 故选 A。 17.B activity 活动;privilege 优先权;objective 目标;challenge 挑战。“我”将会很荣幸再 次爬那些去往体育场的陡峭的街道。结合下文“I have the privilege of”,故选 B。 18.B later 后来;slower 更慢地;closer 更近地;lighter 更轻地。现在“我”走得更慢了, 以便“我”年老的父亲能跟上“我” 。由于父亲年迈,故“我”的步伐是越来越慢了。故选 B。 19.D work 工作;train 训练;travel 旅游;watch 观看。在“我”这所有观看的几年里,关 于足球方面的“我”没有真正地了解很多。本文作者讲述跟父亲一起度过的时光,很多的是 一起看足球比赛。故选 D。 20.C return 返回;belong 属于;matter 重要;refer 提到。实际比赛的细节对“我”来说从 未和爸爸一起度过的时间一样重要。结合下文“Truly, the most important thing I have learned from watching football(说实话,我从看足球比赛中学到的最重要的事) ” ,故可知作者是说足 球比赛不重要,故选 C。12 E【河北省邯郸市 2015 届高三上学期 1 月份教学质量检测】 The moment I stepped off the plane after a writer‘s conference, my youngest son Jeremy greeted me and cried out, DPoster paper, Mama! I need poster paper. We‘re having a school.‖ Being a housewife and writer, I felt like no matter how hard I tried, I couldn‘t keep up with the needs of my couldn‘t at the 6 3 2 .Back at home, Jeremy kept reminding me of the poster paper, but I just a minute for it.Gradually though, he began to speak more of my long list of things to do. 7 fell 10 8 .Jeremy stood quietly watching me.Oh, 9 .I smiled 4 , almost 5 1 athe were talking to himself.Maybe he‘ll just forget it, I thought hopefully.So I put Jeremy‘s request My third day home I managed to take fifteen minutes to type an article when a small across my paper.I knew who it would be before I at Jeremy and kept typing.He 11 almost didn‘t hear his Lord, please don‘t let him say it again.I knew what he wanted but I needed tofor a few more minutes, then turned and walked away.I12 .DCompetition is over tomorrow, anyway.‖ The small figure walking and looked at me in 16 14 DYou‘reout of my room, a silent voice spoke urgently to my heart, DGet him that paper-now!‖ DLet‘s go to get the paper, Jeremy.‖ He stopped, 13 going to the store just for me?‖ I the disbelief.I don‘t think I‘ll ever 18 Certificate of Award.So poster paper. 1.A.raceB.classC.ceremony D.competition 2.A.colleaguesB.family 3.A.spareB.waitC.spendD.lose 4.A.slowlyB.softly C.confidently D.loudly 5.A.as soon asB.as long asC.as thoughD.even if 6.A.bottom B.topC.beginningD.corner 7.A.letterB.footC.imageD.shadow 8.A.woke upB.stood upC.got up 9.A.restB.typeC.learnD.exercise 10.A.widelyB.happilyC.weaklyD.politely 11.A.watchedB.searchedC.hesitatedD.complained 12.A.commentB.footstepsC.warningD.advice 13.A.fell overB.sat downC.turned aroundD.walked away 14.A.peace B.astonishment C.relief D.silence 15.A.doubtedB.argued C.apologizedD.nodded D.value1315 .Suddenly, a look of 17shot across his face, erasingthat moment.Later that day, he worked silently on the 20 to get him someall afternoon.And a few weeks later, a large yellow envelope came.Inside it was the 19 was I that I didn‘t turned away from hisC.neighbours D.relativesD.looked up16.A.surpriseB.sadnessC.disappointmentD.excitement 17.A.enjoyB.rememberC.forget 18.A.storyB.questionC.posterD.composition19.A.gratefulB.generousC.forgetfulD.selfless 20.A.opinionB.requestC.promiseD.gift 【解析】 【文章大意】作者是一个家庭主妇兼作家,她发现自己无论多么努力,都无法满足家人的不 同需要。她的小儿子想要一些招贴纸以参加学校的比赛,但是作者没有把这件事放在心上, 在离比赛截止日期还有一天时间的时候,作者给儿子买了招贴纸。看到儿子的作品获奖了, 作者内心充满了感激。 1.D race 种族,(速度)比赛,赛跑;class 班级,课,课堂,阶层,等级;ceremony 仪式, 典礼;competition 竞赛,比赛。根据第三段“Competition is over tomorrow, anyway.”可知, 作者的小儿子问作者要招贴纸是为了参加比赛,故选 D。 2.B colleague 同事;family 家庭,家人;neighbour 邻居;relative 亲戚。作为一个家庭主妇 兼作家,无论作者怎样努力,她似乎都无法满足家人的需要。作者没有足够重视小儿子的需 要。故选 B。 3.A spare 抽出,拨出,使免遭;wait 等待;spend 花费,度过;lose 丢失,失去。作者的 小儿子一直不停地跟作者提买招贴纸的事, 但是作者就是无法抽出哪怕一分钟的时间来处理 此事,故选 A。4.B 考查副词辨析。slowly 缓慢地;softly 柔软地,温和地;confidently 自信 地;loudly 大声地。根据“he were talking to himself”可知,Jeremy 几乎是在自言自语了, 说明他说话的语气更加缓和了,故选 B。 5.C as soon as 一......就;as long as 只要;as though 似乎;even if 即使。作者小儿子说话更 缓和了,就像是在自言自语一样,故选 C。 6.A bottom 底部;top 顶部;beginning 开始,开端,早期;corner 角落,拐角。作者没时 间管 Jeremy 的事,她认为 Jeremy 会把买招贴纸一事忘掉,因此,作者就把 Jeremy 的事情 放在了清单的最后,把故选 A。 7.D letter 信件;foot 脚;image 形象,图像;shadow 阴影,影子。有人进来了,他的影子 落到了作者的文件上,故选 D。 8.D wake up 醒来,激起;stand up 起立,经得住考验;get up 起立,起床,装扮;look up 向上看,调查,看望,改 9.B rest 休息;type 打字;learn 学习;exercise 练习。根据“I managed to take fifteen minutesto type an article”可知,作者当时需要打字,故选 B。14 10.C widely 广泛地; happily 开心地; weakly 虚弱地, (声音、 笑容)微弱地, 无力地; politely 有礼貌地。根据“and kept typing”可知,作者勉强对 Jeremy 笑了一下,又继续打起字来, 故选 C。 11.A watch 观察,注视;search 搜寻;hesitate 犹豫;complain 抱怨。Jeremy 站在一旁观察 着作者,又过了几分钟之后,Jeremy 转身离开,故选 A。 12.A comment 评论, 意见; footstep 脚步, 足迹; warning 警告, 预兆; advice 建议。 “Competition is over tomorrow, anyway.”是 Jeremy 在离开房间的时候说的话,排除 B; “不管怎样,比赛 明天就结束了”这句话表达了 Jeremy 的想法,而非警告或建议,故选 A。 13.C fall over 摔倒;sit down 坐下;turn around 转向,好转,改变意见;walk away 走开。 作者的儿子转过身来看着作者,根据“then turned and walked away”可知,Jeremy 转身离开 时,作者的话让他停下了脚步,故选 C。 14.B peace 和平,安静;astonishment 惊讶;relief 欣慰,解脱,减轻;silence 沉默,寂静。 根据“You‘re going to the store just for me?”可知,Jeremy 不相信作者会为了他跑一趟商店。 in surprise 惊讶地。故选 B。 15.D doubt 怀疑;argue 争论;apologize 道歉;nod 点头,点头同意。作者点头示意,即作 者同意带 Jeremy 去买招贴纸,故选 D。 16.D surprise 惊讶; sadness 悲伤; disappointment 失望; excitement 兴奋。 作者小儿子 Jeremy 的脸上顿时洋溢着兴奋,故选 D。 17.C enjoy 喜欢;remember 记得,想起;forget 忘记;value 重视。看到 Jeremy 开心的样 子,作者认为她将不会忘记那一刻,故选 C。 18.C story 故事;question 问题;poster 海报;composition 作文。后来,Jeremy 整个下午都 在招贴纸上写写画画,故选 C。 19.A grateful 感激的; generous 慷慨的; forgetful 健忘的; selfless 无私的。 根据 Inside it was the Certificate of Award.可知,信封里装着获奖证书,作者感激自己没有拒绝儿子的请求,否 则就不会有机会看到儿子获奖了,故选 A。 20.B opinion 观点,意见;request 要求,请求;promise 承诺,答应;gift 礼物,天赋。这 里指 Jeremy 请求作者给他买招贴纸,故选 B。F【江苏省南京市、盐城市 2015 届高三第一次模拟】 Everyone en it is wonderful to say the right thing at the right time!15 When I was a senior in high school, I Writing had basically 21knew I wanted to pursue writing as a career. 3 4 since that time, I‘d me to have Dame when I was only 7 years old,been bombarded by guidance counselors and career planners who all back-up plan‖ in case writing didn‘t work out. I‘d never even thought, I decided high school. This 8 5 7 a different career path, so I was very 6and worried.After muchwould be my Dback-up plan,‖ and I signed up for a class through mythat every morning, I would serve as a teacher‘s helper for my favorite 6th gradeteacher, Mr. Ralston.Morning after morning, I showed up in Mr. Ralston‘s classroo m and 9 papers for him. 10 a lesson or two.It was fun, and the students seemed to like me, so I 11 .Mr. Ralston looked me right in the eyes andSometimes, I evenwas surprised when it came time for my asked, DDo you really want to teach?‖ DHad I really been that 12 ?‖ I thought.DDon‘t misunderstand.You‘ll do fine in teaching,‖ he continued.DBut, is your it?‖ DNot really,‖ I 1413really in.DI want to write.I want to write news stories and fiction and poetry and so 15 I thought maybe Imuch more…but I‘ve been told it‘s tough to make it as a writer would teach and then use my summers 16 to pursue writing.‖As I shared with Mr. Ralston my hopes, dreams and carefully plotted-out back-up plan, he smiled and said, DWhy are you preparing to go for it! Pursue writing!‖ Mr. Ralston‘s my 19 18 to follow my dreams was the little nudge I needed to help me push past 17 with this back-up plan? If you want to be a writer,of not making it as a writer and simply DGo for it!‖ 20 season. So, let‘s tryThat‘s what an encouraging word will do when spoken in love inand be like Mr. Ralston and speak that word of encouragement at just the right time and make a difference in someone‘s life today. 1.A.evenB.neverC.alreadyD.also 2.A.remindedB.entertainedC.accompaniedD.chosen 3.A.or B.andC.forD.but16 4.A.urgedB.forcedC.taughtD.persuaded 5.A.createdB.takenC.consideredD.examined 6.A.embarrassedB.confusedC.annoyedD.frightened 7.A.writingB.teachingC.studyingD.compiling 8.A.meantB.indicatedC.suggestedD.revealed 9.A.readB.setC.gradedD.composed 10.A.reviewedB.skippedC.tookD.presented 11.A.application B.evaluationC.instructionD.qualification12.A.transparentB.shallowC.superiorD.ambitious 13.A.eyeB.mindC.heartD.focus 14.A.interruptedB.jokedC.admittedD.apologized 15.A.unlessB.ifC.becauseD.so 16.A.upB.apartC.alongD.off 17.A.failB.followC.departD.compete 18.A.encouragementB.determinationC.tendencyD.attempt 19.A.dreamsB.fearsC.regretsD.mistakes 20.A.peak 【解析】 【文章大意】本文讲述“我”于青葱时期在人生道路一次关于择业的选择,Mr. Ralsto 的鼓 励使我坚信自己能在写作这条艰辛的道路上前行,对此我感激不尽。 1.C even 甚至;never 从不;already 已经;also 也。由“When I was a senior in high school, I even knew I wanted to pursue writing as a career”得知作者在高中时就已经知道自己想当一名 作家。故选 A。 2.D remind 提醒,使想起;entertain 娱乐,招待;accompany 陪伴,伴随,伴奏;choose B.lowC.due D.new选择。作者 7 岁那年被选中去写作。故选 D。 3.D or 或许;and 和,并且;for 因为;but 但是。由后文得知周边人都有在建议我留条后 路,以防写不出名堂来。but 表转折,故选 D。 4.A urge 规劝,督促;force 强迫;teach 教授;persuade 说服,劝说。have Da back-up plan‖, 制定一个“B 计划” 。只是在建议,并不是完全在极力阻拦。故选 A。 5.C create 创造;take 拿,带走;consider 考虑;认为;examine 检查;调查。 “我”甚至从17 未考虑过别的职业生涯。其余选项不符文意。故选 C。 6.B embarrass 尴尬的;confuse 困惑的;annoy 恼怒的;frighten 害怕的。到了人生的十字 路口,因此“我”十分困惑和担忧。故选 B。 7.B writing 书写,作品,著作;teaching 教学,教义;studying 研究;compiling 编译。由后文“I would serve as a teacher‘s helper”得知我去做了助教,所以这里是指从事教育。故选 B。 8.A mean 意味,打算;indicate 表明,暗示;suggest 建议,表明;reveal 透露,显示。这 意味着每天早晨,(我都要去当一名助教) 。故选 A。 9.C read 阅读,读懂,理解;set 树立,点燃,点缀;grade 评分,把?分等级;compose构成,写作,使平静,排?的版。帮他评卷,这是助教的工作。故选 C。 10.D review 回顾,检查,复审;skip 跳过,遗漏;take 拿,带走;present 呈现,赠送。有 时“我”甚至还能讲一两节课。故选 D。 11.B application 应用,申请,应用程序,敷用;evaluation 评价,求值;instruction 指令, 命令,指示,教导;用法说明;qualification 资格,条件,限制,赋予资格。由后文学生的 问话得知,学生们觉得“我”教的不错。 “我”惊讶于得知他们对“我”的评价。故选 B。 12.A transparent 透明的,显然的,坦率的,易懂的;shallow 浅的,肤浅的;superior 上级 的, 优秀的, 出众的, 高傲的; ambitious 野心勃勃的, 有雄心的。 “我” 有那么明显吗? “我” 其实是想写作,当老师只是 B 计划。故选 A。 13.C eye 眼睛;mind 大脑,理智,精神,意见,智力,记忆力;heart 心;focus 焦点,中 心,清晰,焦距。但是你真的心甘情愿吗?故选 C。 14.C interrupt 中断,打断,插嘴,妨碍;joke 开玩笑;admit 承认;apologize 道歉。 “我” 被识破后如实承认了。其他选项欠佳。故选 C。 15.D unless 除非;if 如果;because 因为;so 所以。从事写作很难所以“我”试想我也许 能教书。so 表顺承。故选 D。 16.D up 向上;apart 分开;along 单独;off 完毕。然后“我”利用暑假继续写作。summers off“暑假” ,词组搭配。故选 D。 17.A fail 失败;follow 跟随;depart 离开;compete 完成。由后文得知 Mr. Ralston 鼓励我 去追逐自己梦想,便反问我一句何苦失败去选 B 计划呢。故选 A。 18.A encouragement 鼓励; determination 决心; tendency 趋势; attempt 企图。 由 “If you want to be a writer, go for it! Pursue writing!”得知 Mr. Ralston 鼓励我去追逐自己梦想。故选 A。18 19.B dream 梦想;fear 恐惧;regret 后悔;mistake 失误。Mr. Ralston 的鼓励排除了“我” 从事写作的恐惧。故选 B。 20.C peak 巅峰;low 低谷;due 应有的;new 新的。spoken in love in due season 在合适的 时候给予爱的鼓励。in due season 恰逢其时。故选 C。 G【2015?全国第一次大联考(新课标 II) 】 A light drizzle (小雨) was falling as my sister Jill and I ran out of the Methodist Church, eager to get home and play with the presents that Santa had left for us and our baby sister, Sharon.1 a 3 the street from the church was a gas station.It was 2 for Christmas, but I noticedstanding outside the locked door, huddled(挤在一起) under the narrow overhang in an 4 .I wondered briefly why they were there but then 5 about them as Iattempt to keepraced to keep up with Jill. Once we got home, there was barely time to grandparents‘ house for our 7 6 our presents.We had to go off to ourChristmas dinner.As we drove down the highway through 8 there, standing outside the closed gas station.town, I noticed that the family wasMy father was driving very slowly down the highway.The closer we got to the turnoff for my grandparents‘ house, the and said, DI can‘t 11 9 it!‖ the car went.10 , my father U-turned in the middle of the roadDWhat?‖ asked my mother. DIt‘s those people back there at the gas station, standing in the Christmas.‖ When my father 14 into the service station, I saw that there were five of them: the 12 .They‘ve got 13 .It‘sparents and three children ― two girls and a small boy. My father father asked. The man said that they family 18 . 19 17 .They were going to Birmingham, where they would have a 15 down his window.DMerry Christmas.You are 16 on the bus?‖ myDWell, that bus isn‘t going to come along for several hours and you‘re getting standing here.Why don‘t you all get in the car and I‘ll 1.A.Across B.Over C.Through D.Past1920you up there.‖ 2.A.checked B.kept C.closed D.opened 3.A.man B.family C.group D.team 4.A.active B.close C.warm D.dry 5.A.talked B.forgot C.cared D.wondered 6.A.enjoy B.touch C.count D.collect 7.A.grand B.pleasant C.rich D.annual 8.A.forever B.still C.already D.always 9.A.slower B.faster C.farther D.closer 10.A.Actually B.Quickly C.Suddenly D.Naturally 11.A.understand B.miss C.control D.stand 12.A.wind B.outside C.rain D.cold 13.A.luggage B.trouble C.children D.worries 14.A.hurried B.turned C.pushed D.pulled 15.A.rolled B.took C.pressed D.forced 16.A.catching B.waiting C.expecting D.riding 17.A.did B.had C.have D.were 18.A.plan B.celebration C.reunion D.party 19.A.anxious B.wet C.lost D.helpless 20.A.run B.send C.help D.find 【文章大意】本篇文章是记叙文。文中讲述了在圣诞节来临的时候,作者一家人要去祖父母 家团聚。在路上遇到了一家在加油站躲雨等车的人。父亲的车停下了,把这家人送到了他们 想去的地方。 1.A across 横穿,在对面;over 越过;through 穿行;past 过去。这里说的是在教堂对面是 一个加油站,故答案选 A。 2.C check 检查,核对;keep 保持;close 关闭;open 开着。根据下文“the closed gas station” 可知因为圣诞节加油站是关闭的,故选 C。 3.B man 男人;family 家人;group 小组;team 队。作者注意到一家人正站在锁着的门外, 应该选择 B。 4.D active 积极的;close 近的;warm 温暖的;dry 干燥的。天正在下雨,这家人正在避 雨而不是御寒,故选 D。20 5.Btalk 谈话;forget 忘记;care 关心,照顾;wonder 想知道。作者虽然想知道这家人为什 么呆在那里,但是因为要跑着跟上 Jill,所以很快就忘记了,故选 B。6.A enjoy 欣赏,喜欢;touch 触摸;count 数数;collect 收集。作者回到家里几乎没有时 间去欣赏自己的礼物,就要赶往祖父家里去参加一年一度的圣诞节晚宴去了,故选 A。 7.D grand 宏大的,宏伟的;pleasant 令人愉快的;rich 富有的;annual 一年一度的。这里 是指一年一度的在祖父家的圣诞节晚宴,故选 D。 8.B forever 永远;still 仍然;already 已经;always 总是。在作者一家的车驶上高速公路的 时候,作者注意到那家人仍然在那里,站在关闭的加油站的外面,故选 B。 9.A slower 更慢;faster 更快;farther 更远;closer 更近。这里指作者的父亲也注意到了 那家人,想搭载那家人,所以越接近转弯车开得越慢了,故选 A。 10.C actually 实际上;quickly 迅速地;suddenly 突然;naturally 自然地。作者的父亲突然 在路中央转向回去,因为他自己“受不了了” ,故选 C。 11.D understand 理解;miss 错过;control 控制;stand 忍受,站立。作者的父亲“忍受不了了” ,指他不搭载那家人心里过意不去,故选 D。 12.C wind 风;outside 外面;rain 雨;cold 寒冷。因为天正在下雨,所以作者的父亲说那 家人站在雨中,故选 C。 13.C luggage 行李;trouble 麻烦;children 孩子们;worry 担忧。作者的父亲想到那家人还 带着孩子,并且是圣诞节,所以于心不忍,故选 C。 14.D hurry 急忙;turn 转身,转向;push 推;pull 拉。作者的父亲把车驶入(pulled into)了 加油站,所以选 D。 15.A roll 摇动;take 拿,取;press 按,压;force 强迫,迫使。作者的父亲摇下车窗,故 选 A。 16.B catch 抓住;wait 等待;expect 期待;ride 骑乘。作者的父亲询问那家人是否在等公共 汽车,故选 B。 17.D do 做;have 有;were 是。那个男人回答说是,因为作者的父亲用进行时态询问,那 个男人回答的时候只能用 were,故选 D。 18.C plan 计划;celebration 庆祝;reunion 团聚;party 聚会。那家人也要家庭团聚,所以 是 a family reunion,故选 C。 19.B anxious 焦急的;wet 湿的;lost 丢失的;helpless 无助的。作者的父亲说那家人站在 那里都被淋湿了,故选 B。21 20.A run 跑,开车送;send 送;help 帮助;find 发现。作者的父亲要开车送那家人回去团 聚。run sb“开车送某人” ,故选 A。 H【2015?全国大联考福建卷】 When 24-year-old Hannah Brencher moved to New York after college, she was hit by loneliness.One day she felt so 36 that she want to reach out to someone.And so she put pen 37 .to paper and started writing letters-letters to complete But these weren‘t 38letters about how she was feeling.There were happy letters, all day & andabout the other person, not her.She would write messages for people to have a D 39 tell strangers how brilliant they were, began dropping the subway.It made her through just a few 41 42 44 40they thought no one else had noticed.Brencherall over New York, in cafes, in library books, in parks and on the letter, knowing that she might be making somebody‘s words.It gave her 45 43to focus on.And so, The Word Needs MoreLove Letters was born. The movement is all about 46 letters―not emails, but handwritten letters.Not 48 47love letters, written to a real beloved, but DI love you‖, but they are 49letters for strangers.They don‘t necessarily say 50 andkindness―telling people they are remarkable andall-round amazing.It‘s the sort of stuff that most people don‘t really say out loud even to the people they 51 , let alone a total stranger. 52 .There are more than 10,000 people who join in allBrencher‘s initiative(初衷) has nowover the world.Last year, she gave a talk.In it, she talked about a university student who dropped letters around her campus, only to suddenly love letters hanging from the trees. It‘s a very cute idea.I know that if I was on the certainly would put a same for someone else. 36.A.sick B.alone C.comfortable D.great C.strangersD.fools D.careless D.bright 55 54 end of a letter like that, it almost 53 everyone was writing them and there wereon my face.So I decided to give it a try and see if I could do the37.A.businessmenB.friends 38.A.formal B.sad 39.A.rainy B.cold C.long C.hot40.A.in caseB.so thatC.as thoughD.even if22 41.A.notesB.pensC.papers D.books C.study D.play D.dream D.empty42.A.feelB.behave 43.A.way 44.A.funnyB.dayC.fortune C.bigB.sweet45.A.anything B.everythingC.somethingD.nothing 46.A.openingB.reading 47.A.countless 48.A.official 49.A.full of 50.A.strong C.writing D.answeringB.endlessC.public D.conventional B.polite C.apology D.surprise D.known forB.short ofC.prepared for B.specialC.commonD.friendly51.A.look down upon B.give up onC.care aboutD.worry about 52.A.failedB.occurred C.stopped D.exploded53.A.findB.forgetC.rememberD.guess 54.A.receivingB.sendingC.starting 55.A.signB.wrinkleC.smile D.finishingD.sticker【文章大意】本文记叙了 Brencher 创立 The World Needs More Love Letters 爱心组织,为陌 生人写祝福信。 36.B 根据上文“she was hit by loneliness”可以得到提示。sick 恶心的,不舒服的;alone 单独的, 独自的,孤单的;comfortable 舒适的;great 伟大的,杰出的。故选 B 项。 37.C 由下文“tell strangers how brilliant they were”可以得到提示。businessman 生意人,商 人;friend 朋友;stranger 陌生人;fool 傻瓜。故选 C 项。 38.B 根据 But 的转折意义可知,此处表示的意思与 happy letters 相反,故选 B 项。sad 悲 伤的;formal 正式的;long(内容) 长的;careless 粗心的。 39.D 根据下文“how brilliant they were”及“The World Needs More Love Letters”等信息 可知,信中所传递的信息是希望人们有D美好的(bright) ‖一天。故选 D 项。bright 明亮的, 美好的;rainy 多雨的;cold 寒冷的;hot 炎热的。 40.D 这些信会告诉那些陌生人他们有多么出色,D尽管(even if) ‖他们自己认为自己没有人 注意到,故选 D。even if 尽管;in case 万一;so that 以便;as though 似乎,好像。 41.A notes 短信(short letters) , 即上文提到的 letters, 故选 A 项。 note 短信; pen 钢笔; paper 文件;books 书籍。23 42.A 由下文此项活动不断发展壮大的事实可知, 这项活动让 BrencherD感觉(feel)‖更好, 故 选 A。feel 感到;behave 表现,举止;study 研究,学习;play 玩耍。 43.B make sb.‘s day 意为D使某人非常高兴‖,故选 B 项。make sb.‘s way 行走,前进;make sb.‘s fortune 发财;make sb.‘s dream 使梦想……。 44.B 要让陌生人高兴,自然是要写一些D甜蜜的(sweet) ‖话,故选 B。sweet 甜蜜的;funny 有趣的,滑稽的;big 大的;empty 空的。 45.C 给陌生人写信使得 Brencher 关注D一些事情(something) ‖故选 C。 something 一些事情; anything 任何事;everything 每件事,一切;nothing 没有事情。 46.C 由首段中的“starting writing letters”可以得到提示,故选 C。writing 写(信) ;opening 打开;reading 阅读;answering 回复。 47.D 指的是D传统的(conventional) ‖书信,故选 D。conventional 传统的;countless 无数的; endless 无尽的;public 公众的,公共的。 48.D 由第二段中的描述 “Brencher began dropping the…all over New York, in cafes, in library books, in parks and on the subway”可知,这些信件是D意想不到的(surprise) ‖信件,故选 D。 surprise 意外的事,作定语;official 官方的;polite 有礼貌的;apology 道歉。 49.A 由下文的“telling people they are remarkable”可知,这些信件D充满(full of) ‖爱,故选 A。full of 充满;short of 缺乏;prepared for 为……准备好的;known for 因……出名。 50.B 此处应该填与 remarkable, amazing 意思接近的词,所以选 B。special 特别的;strong 强壮的,强烈的;common 常见的;friendly 友好的。 51.C 对于我们D关爱(care about) ‖的人, 我们也很难开口说爱, 故选 C。 care about 关爱; look down upon 看不起;give up on 放弃;worry about 担心。 52.D 根据“There are more than 10,000 people who join in all over the world”可知,Brencher 的活动开始D扩大(exploded) ‖,故选 D。explod 扩大;fail 失败;occur 发生;stop 停止。 53.A 一位在校园里放置信件的大学生,突然D发现(find) ‖周围每个人都在写同样的信件, 故选 A。find 发现;forget 忘记;remember 记得;guess 猜测。 54.A 如果自己是D收到信件的(receiving) 一方‖,这样的一封信一定会让我脸上满是D笑容 (smile) ‖,故选 A。receive 收到;send 发送;start 开始;finish 完成。 55.C sign 标志,迹象;wrinkle(使) 起皱纹;smile 微笑;sticker 张贴物。故选 C 项。 专题十二 夹叙夹议型完形填空 A【江西省吉安市第一中学 2015 届高三上学期第二次阶段考】24 I am a single mum and have a child.Knowing that I could not ___1___ to get him anything at all for his birthday had broken my heart.___2__, I decided to post a(n) ___3__ on wishuponahero.com for people to ___4__ my son birthday cards. I knew he loved to __5___ the mailbox and always asked if there was anything for him.I __6____ that if he could get a few cards, it would make him smile and maybe, just maybe, he wouldn‘t be so __7__ that I wasn‘t able to get him anything. The cards just started ___8___ in and my little child was absolutely ___9___.Every day more and more cards came and this went ____10___ for about three weeks.The smile on his face and the sparkle in his eyes brought me to ____11___. Then he started thinking about Christmas and he ___12____ knew that there really would not be much under the ___13____ for him due to my finances, but it didn‘t seem to __14_____ to him.All he talked about was how much he wanted to make other children ____15___. So he decided that what he wanted to do was to earn money to buy Christmas cards and send them to other children from ___16____ families.My son went out daily and walked some dogs and such to make money.Not only did he make the money to buy, the cards, but he also made enough money to buy all the stamps and lollipops(棒棒糖)to put in the ____17___.He sent out about 100 cards.Doing this ___18____ him that same smile and sparkle in his eyes as did the birthday cards that he received.I was so ____19___ of him. My son and wishuponahero.com have given me renewed ___20____ that there are still people in this world that care about others. 1..A.agreeB.pretendC.expectD.afford 2.A.InsteadB.However C.So D.Besides 3.A.letterB.wish 4..A.showB.sell C.job D.advertisementC.design D.send5.A.check B.produce C.address D.receive 6.A.explainedB.thoughtC.regretted D.promised 7.A.angry B.curious C.upset D.lucky8.A.breaking B.happening C.pouring D.improving 9.A.excited B.troubled C.disappointedD.worried10.A.away B.off C.up D.on25 11.A.surpriseB.difficulty C.respect D.tears 12.A.already B.still C.even D.never 13.A.control B.gifts C.tree 14.A.matter D.helpB.object C.belongD.refer15.A.understand B.change C.continue D.smile 16.A.ordinaryB.poorC.familiar D.distant 17.A.mailboxB.houseC.cards D.stamps 18.A.savedB.brought C.owed D.taught 19.A.proud B.aware C.carefulD.full 20.A.excuseB.suggestion C.fact 【解析】 【文章大意】作者是一个单身母亲,由于无力D承担‖给孩子购买任何生日礼物的费用, 感 到伤心欲绝。作者把自己的D愿望‖发布在网络上, 希望能得到网友的帮助。作者儿子的善 解人意和DWish Upon A Hero‖这个网站使作者重新燃起了世界上仍然有人关心他人的 D希 望‖。 1.D agree 同意;pretend 假装;expect 期望;afford 支付得起。作者无力D承担‖给孩子购买 任何生日礼物的费用, 伤心欲绝。选 D。 2.C instead 相反;however 然而;so 因此;besides 另外。作者由于没有钱给孩子购买生日 D.hope礼物D,所以‖决定求助于网络。选 C。 3.B letter 信件;wish 希望;job 工作;advertisement 广告。作者把自己的D愿望‖发布在网络上, 希望能得到网友的帮助。选 B。 4.D show 展示;sell 出售;design 设计;send 发送。作者想让网友给儿子D寄‖生日卡片。 选 D。 5.A check 核对;查看;produce 生产;address 地址;receive 收到。作者的儿子喜欢D查看‖ 邮箱, 希望里面有寄给自己的东西。选 A。 6.B explain 解释;think 认为;regret 后悔;promise 答应。作者D认为‖如果儿子能收到几张 卡片,心中也许能得到慰藉。选 B。 7.C angry 生气的;curious 好奇的;upset 不高兴的,难过的;lucky 幸运的。儿子不会因为 作者无力购买礼物而那么D难过‖。选 C。26 8.C break 打破;happen 发生;pour 倾倒;涌来;improve 提高。根据下文内容可知贺卡源 源不断地寄来。此处 pour 表示 D涌来‖。选 C。 9.A excited 兴奋的;troubled 困扰的;disappointed 失望的;worried 担心的。上文提到作者 的儿子喜欢查看邮箱, 此时贺卡雪片般飞来, 由此可知他是D极其‖兴奋。选 A。 10.D away 离开;off 在??之外;up 向上;on 在??之上。这种情况D持续‖了大约三个 星期。go away 离开,离开;go off 熄灭,走火;go up 增长;go on 持续。选 D。 11.D surprise 惊讶;difficulty 困难;respect 尊重;tears 眼泪。作者因为自己无力给孩子 购买生日礼物而感到愧疚,所以看到他脸上的微笑和眼里闪耀着的光芒时,禁不住D泪水‖ 涟涟。选 D。 12.A already 已经;still 仍然;even 甚至;never 从未。.作者的儿子知道自己家的窘况,而 且上文也提到了作者没有给他买生日礼物, 由此可知他D已经‖知道了不会有太多的圣诞节礼 物。选 A。 13.C control 控制;gift 礼物;tree 树木;help 帮助。圣诞节传统是家人在圣诞树下会放很 多礼物,但是由于我个人财力有限,孩子知道不会有太多礼物。选 C。 14.A matter 重要;object 反对;belong 属于;refer 指,参照。尽管如此,这对他来说似乎 并不D重要‖。选 A。 15.D understand 理解;change 改变;continue 继续;smile 微笑。上文提到网友送给他的贺 卡让他高兴不己,所以他也想给其他孩子带去D微笑‖。选 D。 16.B ordinary 普通的;poor 贫穷的;familiar 熟悉的;distant 遥远的。作者的儿子因为贫穷 而接受了别人的恩惠,所以他想帮助其他D贫苦的‖家庭的孩子。选 B。 17.C mailbox 邮箱;house 房子;cards 卡片;stamps 邮票。他要把卡片邮寄给穷人的孩子, 因此要把棒棒糖放在D卡片‖中。选 C。 18.B save 挽救;bring 带来;owe 亏欠;teach 教授。这样做又D带给‖他上文提到的那种微 笑和眼睛里闪耀着的光芒。选 B。 19.A proud 骄傲的;aware 意识到的;careful 小心的;full 满的。作者一直为自己的儿子 感到D自豪‖。选 A。 20.D excuse 借口; suggestion 建议; fact 事实; hope 希望。 作者的儿子和DWish Upon A Hero‖ 这个网站使作者重新燃起了世界上仍然有人关心他人的D希望‖。选 D。B【山西省大同一中、同煤一中 2015 届高三联考】27 Lara was dying to discover how college could benefit her.Day after day, she sat in the waiting for something her professors said to have a(n)1, 32 .By the end of the semester nothing 5had happened and she was 4 .She approached one of herand asked, DIs this all there is?‖The teacher looked at her for a moment and answered, DFor you, apparently so.‖ As simple as it is, this story contains an important cannot depend entirely on others to 7 6 for all potential students to learn: you with the educationyou.If you do, you will get 8system with its inefficiencies and imperfections.You‘ll enjoy your educational experience more and get more 11 9 if you realize that 10 education is self-education, as it is you whohow much and how well you will learn. Learning is a partnership of two or more willing minds.Your teachers can 12 you withinformation and guidance, but much of the responsibility to learn is on your this 14 , you will exercise more control over your 15 161 3.If you welcomeexperience, both in and out of the to meet their responsibilities in theclassroom.Then, even if some of your instructors partnership, you can still 17the situation from your side.Having more control will make you feel more fully involved, and feeling more involved will make you more 18
20 19 , you will not only increase your capacityto learn but will probably freedom and direction. 1.A.studythe process more.You will also experience a greater sense ofB.theater C.classroom D.hall2.A.judgment B.result C.joke D.influence 3.A.strange 4.A.puzzled 5.A.professors B.negative C.impressive D.movingB.disappointed C.pleased D.worried B.classmates C.teammates D.partners D.reality D.invite6.A.truth B.symbol C.memory 7.A.change 8.A.concerned 9.A.pleasure 10.A.compulsory 11.A.decides 12.A.assist B.educate C.follow B.frustratedC.satisfied D.connected D.helpB.information C.benefit B.formal C.real D.public


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