
网页版学习工具dovetail female的意思沪江词库精选dovetail female是什么意思、英语单词推荐例句&a population imbalance , in which more males are born than females& 人口不平衡,其中男性出生多于女性&In most birds, the male is bigger and more brightly colored than the female.& "雄鸟大抵都比雌鸟大,而且羽毛颜色更鲜艳。"Dovetail joint 鸠尾榫;鱼尾榫;燕尾榫Dovetail nailing 斜钉法Dovetail saw 鸠尾榫锯Lapped dovetail joint 不贯穿鸠尾榫On the one hand, the country's calculating method has dovetailed international practices 一方面,核算方法已经跟国际标准基本接轨Your suggestions are good indeed,but they don't quite dovetail into the rest of the plan. 你的建议固然很好,但跟计划的其余部分不很协调。Dovetail into 严丝合缝地嵌进,切合,吻合Dovetail trench 斜槽位;鱼尾槽位相似短语 鸠尾槽,鸠尾槽 门鸠尾榫 phr. 女性生殖器 男 女 n.插座 phr. 女性儿童 n.阳-阴面 杠杆女 指的是能够“旺夫益子”的女人。聪明的杠杆女能利用一个支点,将平凡的老公或者男朋友“撬”起来,助他成功。 宅女 phr. 女性身体相似单词 n.[C] 1.女子 2.雌性动物 3.【植】雌性植物,雌株 a. 1.女性的,妇女的;由妇女组成的 2.雌的;【植】雌性的,只具雌蕊的 3.女性特有的;温柔的;(声色)柔和的;(音调)高的 4.【机】阴的,内孔的 n. 女性特征;女子本性 试情母畜最新单词 无主物(拉丁文) phr. 隆头鱼 工人寄宿处 phr. 锯盖鱼科的典型属 6378 一面倒 粗毛 节日包裹焦虑症(指因为没收到本该在圣诞节前送到的某件网购物品而感到焦虑不安的心理。)网页版学习工具
dovetail cutter怎么翻译及发音
沪江词库精选dovetail cutter是什么意思、英语单词推荐
Dovetail and inverse dovetail milling cutters with plain parallel shanks
Dovetail and inverse dovetail milling cutters with flatted parallel shanks
Dovetail and inrerse dovetail milling cutters with parallel shanks technical specificatians
&Windrowing is done with a special windrowing machine or modified pea-cutter, and allows more time for the combining operation. &
The designer develops ideas for samples, which are passed on, in the form of a working sketch to the pattern cutter. .
The list include a furniture caster, a biscuit cutter, and a crystal vase.
Dovetail into
There are miscellaneous tools, pliers, putty knife, polarity stamps, battery stamping or coding equipment, lead cutters
Taps, reamers, drills, saws, milling cutters, burnishing tools, and so on, have all been successfully plated
Milling can produce flat or angled surfaces, groves, slots, gear teeth, and other profiles, depending on the shape of the cutters being used.
adj. 千篇一律的,俗套的
phr. 衣服裁缝
n. 切叶器; adj. 切叶的
phr. 割毡刀
n.[C] 树篱修剪机
phr. 宝石切割
phr. 奶酪刀
刀头; 刀座
【医】 切条器
【医】 剪楔[料]器
phr. 隆头鱼
phr. 锯盖鱼科的典型属
graver是什么意思 graver在线翻译 graver什么意思 graver的意思 graver的翻译 graver的解释 graver的发音 graver的同义词 graver的反义词 graver的例句
graver英 ['gre?v?] 美 ['gre?v?] \u\u006E\u\u002E\u\u\u\u002E\uF\u006D原级:最高级:第三人称单数:第三人称复数:现在分词:过去分词:; 过去式:graver 基本解释名词雕刻师,雕刻刀; 錾刀; 刻具graver 网络解释1. graver是什么意思1. 雕刻刀:grating 格栅,光栅 | graver 雕刻刀 | grave wax 尸蜡2. 雕刻师, 雕刻刀:spoil heap [采矿]矸子山 | graver 雕刻师, 雕刻刀 | check screw 压紧[止动, 定位]螺钉3. 雕刻儀:grating格栅,光栅 | graver雕刻儀 | grave wax尸蜡4. 刻刀:seal 图章 | graver 刻刀 | making rubbings from stone inscriptions 拓碑graver 双语例句1. This can be a difficult task for the inexperienced engraver as good graver control is important.&&&&这可以是一个良好的控制没有经验的雕刻更严重困难的任务是重要的。2. As the lark poured out her melody clearer and stronger, he fell into a graver and profounder silence.&&&&云雀的歌声越来越清脆,越来越有力,而他则越发变得庄重,越发变得沉默。3. In the citron wing of the pale butterfly, with its dainty spots of orange, he sees before him the stately halls of fair gold, with their slender saffron pillars, and is taught how the delicate drawing high upon the walls shall be traced in tender tones of orpiment, and repeated by the base in notes of graver hue.&&&&在淡淡的蝴蝶那香淡黄色并带有鲜艳橘黄斑点的翅膀里,他看见了金碧辉煌的大厅以及里面耸立着的金黄石柱,而且明白了高高绘于墙上的精巧图画,须用轻柔的雄黄色调描摹出来,并以更淡的底色将其绘制下来。4. Specializing in the production of diamond circuit board knife, metal machine knives, graver, flower approved knives, chamfering knives, cubic boron nitride, and sale of natural diamond tool machining, automotive, aviation industry, electronic industry 3C high-precision cutting tools.&&&&专业生产金刚石线路板刀、五金机加刀、雕刻刀、批花刀、倒角刀,立方氮化硼,天然钻石刀具及销售机械加工、汽车、航空工业、电子3C产业等高精密切削刀具。5. A level two reiki attunement allows one to heal graver maladies and emotional ills.&&&&第二阶段灵气点化允许疗愈深刻病疾和情绪问题。6. This company mainly produces the overall quality hard alloy milling cutter, drill, reamer, center drill, graver, Ling-tooth milling cutter, dovetail milling cutter, ladder drill, PCD insert carbide cutting tools and various non-standard cutting tools such as Product mainly used in molds, models, Auto, aviation, electronics, advertisement production, woodworking furniture and other industries.&&&&本公司主要生产整体硬质质合金铣刀,钻头,铰刀,中心钻,雕刻刀,菱齿铣刀,燕尾铣刀,阶梯钻,PCD刀具及各类镶硬质合金非标刀具等,产品主要应用于模具,模型,汽摩,航空,电子,广告制作,木工家具等行业。7. Experts said China's sidelining, for now at least, of the graver espionage claims may signal an effort to reduce political friction with Australia over the matter.&&&&专家说,中国的靠边站,至少目前,在严重的间谍索赔可能的信号,以减少政治摩擦与澳大利亚对此事的。8. Then use graver to sculpt the narrow line.&&&&再用刻刀刻出深的轮廓,用竹签刻出较细的内部线条。9. 9. First, professional production tool: 1, diamond metal machine tool series: PCD Found disposable knife tablets, welding- 2, diamond tool PCB Series: Diamond V-CUT card knife, trimming knife, saw blade, G 3, diamond graver awarded flower cutter, chamfering tool, woodworking knives, wood laminate f 4, computer gongs, CNC CNC Lathe, Automatic Bed specialized cutting tools Series: Found disposable razors, the blade, automatic lathe tool, milling cutter and the Health and claw, thimble attachment, etc.; 5, diamond knives, tungsten steel, carbide cutter non-standard design and production.&&&&金刚石五金机加刀具系列:PCD拾弃式刀粒、焊接式刀;2、金刚石线路板刀具系列:钻石V-CUT卡刀、修边刀、锯片、金手指等;3、金刚石雕刻刀,批花刀,倒角刀,木工刀、强化复合木地板刀系列;4、电脑锣,CNC数控车床,自动床专用切削刀具系列:拾弃式刀架、刀片,自动车刀,铣刀及生爪,顶针等附件;5、金刚石刀、钨钢刀、硬质合金刀的非标准的设计与生产。10. 911查询·英语单词大全10. Firstly, with families becoming smaller and living pace escalating, it is even graver for families to care for aged members adequately.&&&&首先,当家庭成为升级更小和生存的步幅,它是严重为了家庭能充分地照料年迈的成员。11. For it is a much graver matter to corrupt the faith which quickens the soul, than to forge money, which supports temporal life.&&&&&&因为,败坏信仰——信仰是灵魂的生命——是比造假币来维持世俗生活更严重的罪行。12. Her resolve, however, had been taken, and it seemed vacillating even to childishness to abandon it now, unlessfor graver reasons.&&&&&&然而,她当初已经打定了主意,如果没有更重要的理由,现在再改变主意,这似乎太游移不定了,甚至太孩子气了。13. graver在线翻译13. Little though he liked to think about the Minister of Magic (or, as he always called Fudge in his head, the Other Minister), the Prime Minister could not help but fear that the next time Fudge appeared it would be with graver news still.&&&&&&虽然他并不想考虑那个魔法部部长(或者像他平时在脑子里称呼他为,另一个部长)的事,但首相仍然禁不住担心福吉的下一次出现会带来更灰暗的消息。14. Oughtfully, as if wondering whether it would be wiser to return home. Her resolve, however, had been taken, and it seemed vacillating even to childishness to abandon it now, unless for graver reasons.&&&&&&尽管苔丝·德北菲尔德生来胆子就大,但是自从她父亲的马被撞死以后,苔丝一坐车就感到非常害怕;马车的行驶稍微有点儿摇晃,她就感到心惊肉跳。15. graver是什么意思15. But I think your face looks graver than mine.&&&&&&可我觉得你的脸色比我还差。16. 16. And it was-- but for only one of them. But the matter has become graver&&&&&&这件事情--虽然只是他们俩人之中的一个人干的,可是问题却没有这么简单17. I can ` t be any graver until you find me a grave man.&&&&&&我这辈子算是严肃不起来了。18. 18. Mr Brown`s error may be still graver.&&&&&&布朗先生的错误可能更严重。19. If he is convicted of having erred intentionally in the matter, then he is to be subject to graver punishment.&&&&&&如果他被定罪的有错误故意在这个问题上,那麼,他是受到严重的处罚。20. 20. The problem was the absence of government staff (they will be off dealing with the graver emergencies).&&&&&&问题出在政府人员的缺席。graver 单语例句1. Corruption cases occur more and more, often with graver consequences than before.2. " The consequences of a global ecological crisis are even graver than the current economic meltdown, " he said.3. The longer the slump lasts, the graver the danger it poses to bankers.4. Graver tests may yet occur for the two, as the prolonged and at times somewhat anguished integration process between Lenovo and IBM suggests.\u\u\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCDgraver 英英释义noun1. a tool used by an engraver&&&&Synonym: graver是什么意思,graver在线翻译,graver什么意思,graver的意思,graver的翻译,graver的解释,graver的发音,graver的同义词,graver的反义词,graver的例句,graver的相关词组,graver意思是什么,graver怎么翻译,单词graver是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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rack up是什么意思
rack up是什么意思 rack up在线翻译 rack up什么意思 rack up的意思 rack up的翻译 rack up的解释 rack up的发音 rack up的同义词 rack up的反义词
rack up英 [raek ?p] 美 [raek ?p] rack up 基本解释在比赛中获(胜),得(分)rack up 相关例句ph.1. 1. He racked up his legs in the car accident.&&&&他在车祸中伤了双腿。2. The home team racked up fifty points in the football game.&&&&主队在那次足球赛中得到五十分。rack up 网络解释1. 排放完:rack tooth 齿条齿 | rack up 排放完 | rack wheel 棘轮2. danci.911cha.com2. 获胜:rack rent 最高年租 | rack up 获胜 | rack wheel 大齿轮3. 积累,积聚,逐步增加:tend to do sth. 倾向于 , 易于 , 往往会 | rack up 积累 , 积聚 , 逐步增加 | the Stone Age 石器时代4. 获胜,击倒:convenient 方便的,便利的 | rack up 获胜,击倒 | survey 调查rack up 双语例句1. Anonymous depressed before work, after the lectures covered the tired, after work and the hawkers have to bargain stop to the podium, he will lose these mundane world distractions, only the cadence of the time, rack their brains to speak, and only correct answer to intense The argument, in order to liven up the smile that only teachers spoke proudly Department of narcissism, and only when the students heard the emotional secretly applauded.&&&&上班前无名的郁闷,讲课后满身的疲惫,下班后也要和小贩们讨价还价,一站到讲台上,这些凡尘杂念便化为乌有,只有抑扬顿挫的读,挖空心思的讲,只有为了正确答案激烈的争论,为了活跃气氛会心的微笑,只有教师讲到得意处的自我陶醉,只有学生听到动情时的暗自叫好。2. Interest rates can easily be as much as twenty five or even thirty per cent so you probably do not want to rack up too much debt on these cards.&&&&利率可轻易高达25,甚至百分之三十,让你大概不想煞了太多的债务,这些卡。3. In a SUV, it is irritating to have to fold down the seats every time that you want to load up your bike, which is why you will want to check into a receiver car bike rack for your truck or SUV.&&&&在越野车,这是刺激了对折下来的席位每次要加载您的自行车,这就是为什麼你会要检查到一个接收车自行车机架的卡车或SUV的。4. I looked up and saw the clouds rack at an unusual rate.&&&&我抬头看到云朵在顺风飞驰。不适合5. It's easier to read and it takes up less space on a rack.&&&&这种设计很受消费者的欢迎。6. Orcollo then had the opportunity to break and run a rack of his own to claim the day, but when his break came up dry Alcano took full advantage and never let Orcollo stand back up.&&&&orcollo ,然后有机会打破并运行一个机架他自己的要求一天,但是当他来到打破了干alcano充分利用和决不辜负orcollo的立场,回到了。7. rack up7. While tidying up, her mother picked up the red stiletto with the broken leg, that had been flung under the white dresser, and placed the pair on top of the chestnut wooden double shoe rack.&&&&顺便将那双折了腿的,被她气呼呼扔掷于白色化妆镜底部的红色露趾细高跟鞋,亦伸手拾了起,放置于房门旁那个二层高胡桃色木鞋架上。8. It expects to rack up a similar loss this year.&&&&今年预计亏损数与上年相似。9. I w she would wind up with off the rack.&&&&我将得到初制品;而她也会把所有的成品出售完。10. I w she would wind up with off the rack..&&&&我飞快地跑到超市里的那个女人那里。11. \u\u006E\u\u002E\u\u\u\u002E\uF\u006D11. It is a kind of patch panel used for cabinet, which could be used for quick inlay graft replacing the 25-pair connection module and 110 series wire fixture and manage cables by means of install a clean-up rack.&&&&&&超五类12/18/24/48位接线板是机柜用配线盘,可替代25对接线模块和110系列卡接模块作为快速插接使用,背后可安装理线架进行线缆管理。12. 12. The great pressure must`ve caught up to both players, for they both missed the 8 ball in the first rack of the second set, though Feijen ended up drawing first blood.&&&&&&巨大压力must've赶上了双方球员,因为他们都错过了8球,在第一机架的第二盘,虽然feijen结束了绘图第一滴血。13. Although Telsa's Tornado hasn't yet been featured on television, McHargue did rack up wins in his first season when the BattleBot delivered knockout blows to its opponents.&&&&&&虽然特斯拉旋风还没有在电视上露面,但mchargue在他的第一个季度赛中就击倒了他的竞争对手。14. rack up的反义词14. The combine uses the brand-new rack and the transmission system, cob lift conveyer and straw stalk lift conveyer up and down arrangement, and both use the under drawing template, the dovetail flail knife located at the stripper roller underneath, the front of the knife is cut off part, the other is cut up part, after the straw stalk cuts to pieces, first are tossed into the straw stalk lift conveyer, rises to transport again to stirs dragon and transport to throws delivers throw out, the stubble cleaner is located at behind tractor's to eliminate stubble.&&&&&&该机采用全新的机架和传动系统,果穗升运器和秸秆升运器上下布置且均采用下刮板,燕尾甩刀位于摘穗辊正下方,该刀前端为切断部分,后面为切碎部分,秸秆被切碎后首先抛入秸秆升运器中,再升运至搅龙输送到抛送器抛送,根茬由位于拖拉机后方的灭茬机灭茬。15. As for Mourinho, it was just another victory to rack up among the thousands of others.&&&&&&对于穆里尼奥,这只是他战胜成千上万的其他人其中的一场胜绩。16. I looked up and saw the cloud s rack at an unusual rate.&&&&&&我抬头看到云朵在顺风飞驰。17. The mechanism is made up of gear and gear rack can get rid of dead point.&&&&&&提出了一种齿轮齿条机构产生匀速往复直线运动并能克服死点的方法。18. On the other hand, if you notice a gradual loss of power as evidenced by an increasingly difficult time moving the steering wheel or if you notice the problem when you first start up your car in the morning, then your steering rack may be going.&&&&&&在另一方面,如果您看到一个渐进的功率损耗,足以证明一个越来越困难的时间移动方向盘或如果您发现的问题,当您第一次启动了你的车是在早上,然后您的督导机架可去。19. Advertisement creative design and production - Business VI Visual Identity System - posters, advertising, outdoor ads, such as print media advertising creative, design and production - the effect of three-dimensional space design - Terminal publicity materials design, printing, printing and production of terminal logo logo display terminal design and production - retail, restaurant chains, the Exhibition Hall, proprietary point of sale visual, display, logo design and production - large-scale buildings and public facilitiessystem design and production - display display rack, Steel-wood counters, props, metal, plexiglass products, design and production planning and implementation of the Convention and Exhibition Events - Exhibition design, exhibition and set up the planning, organization - the contractors of various large-scale exhibition PR campaign society System: display cabinets and display of aircraft products and Exhibition Items Exhibition Logo Products Terminal Units structures: the word independent Lightbox plexiglass signs carved three-dimensional packing of hard metal processing of aluminum and neon signboards word products LED advertising signs lightguide plate flipped three ultra-thin light box light box cloth 3M Film 3M Inkjet Printer Photo Posters posters from scratch, from a point to face, from the visual culture, from the surface to the deep, from products to brands, Norma are consistent pursuit.&&&&&&广告创意设计及制作-企业VI视觉识别系统-海报、车身广告、户外广告等平面媒体的广告创意、设计及制作-三维立体空间效果设计-终端宣传品的设计、印刷、喷绘及制作终端标识终端标识展示设计及制作-零售、餐饮连锁店、展示厅、专卖售点的视觉、展示、标识设计和制作-大型建筑物及公共设施导视系统的设计和制作-展示展架、钢木柜台、道具、金属、有机玻璃制品的设计和制作会展活动策划及执行-展览会设计、布展及搭建策划、组织-承办各项大型社会公关活动展览展示系统:展示柜及陈列架产品展示道具展览展台搭建终端标识产品:独立字灯箱有机玻璃雕刻立体吸塑硬招牌金属加工铝字招牌霓虹灯及LED制品三翻转广告招牌导光板超薄灯箱 3M灯箱布喷绘 3M贴膜宣传画招贴喷绘写真从无到有,从点到面,从视觉到文化,从表面到深邃,从产品到品牌,是诺玛一贯的追求。20. These guns are carried by policemen in short-sleeved shirts and black flak-jackets, alert for terrorists about to blow up Tie-Rack.&&&&&&这些枪由身穿短袖衬衫和黑色防弹衣的警察所佩带,他们随时警惕着准备在人群中引爆炸弹的恐怖分子。rack up 词典解释1. (商业上)大量获得(利润),遭受(严重损失),热销;(体育中)获胜,得(分)&&&&If a business racks up profits, losses, or sales, it makes a lot of them. If a sportsman, sportswoman, or team racks up wins, they win a lot of matches or races.&&&&e.g. Lower rates mean that firms are more likely to rack up profits in the coming months...&&&&&&&&&&&更低的费率意味着各公司更有可能在未来的几个月中大幅获利。&&&&e.g. India while not racking up such an impressive score beat Japan 3-0.&&&&&&&&&&&印度尽管没有大胜,却也以3比0击败了日本。rack up 单语例句1. Your secret good deeds rack up double karma today, so get out there and make the world sweeter!2. The nation's top snooker shooters will rack'em up in Shanghai this week.3. World No 17 Li and No 33 Zheng have been sidelined to give younger players a chance to rack up Olympic ranking points.4. Zheng was one of two Chinese players to rack up three goals but he failed to shine in the title game against Japan.5. The US deficit took until 1982 to rack up its first trillion.6. While Chinese companies rack up investments in Australia, doubts over Chinese investment deals have surfaced in recent years.7. " Such an approach would limit the astronomical fees users rack up without knowing it, " he said.8. The brawl resulted in Noel smashing up one of his brother's treasured guitars and Liam retaliating by destroying a rack of his sibling's instruments.rack up 英英释义verb1. supply a rack with feed for (horses or other animals)2. defeat thoroughly&&&&e.g. He mopped up the floor with his opponents&&&&Synonym: 3. gain points in a game&&&&e.g. The home team scored many times&&&&&&&&&&&He hit a home run&&&&&&&&&&&He hit .300 in the past season&&&&Synonym: 4. place in a rack&&&&e.g. rack pool ballsrack up是什么意思,rack up在线翻译,rack up什么意思,rack up的意思,rack up的翻译,rack up的解释,rack up的发音,rack up的同义词,rack up的反义词,rack up的例句,rack up的相关词组,rack up意思是什么,rack up怎么翻译,单词rack up是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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