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Video Review: Meikino Syoumei 09 Rola Misaki Masturbator | ToyDemon Blog
, Rola Miaski, Rola Misaki. This woman’s beauty makes me want to stand in front of a mirror in a dark bathroom and say her name aloud in a a feeble attempt that she will magically appear behind me. Hook for a hand or not, I wouldn’t give two doo-doo’s!!!! I freaking love Rola Misaki. Now only if I shared the same love of her glorious beauty as I did her onahole that is loosely based on her then we may have a new number one on my list. However, given a few loosely put together pieces to the puzzle this onahole lacks the power to knock the
off their pedestal.
Sensation & Feeling: 4/5
has a lot to offer once you peel back the skin. The inner tunnel is loaded with choke points and your typical overly pronounced g-spot, the whole lot. Even though it’s all packed in there I can’t help but think that all of it would have been easily amplified 10 times by making this a dual-layer onahole. Being a single layer makes it feel too soft or smooth to me. Though if you take it low and slow the texture does come out of hiding and becomes quite nice. Plus, if your lucky enough to own the , it will allow this toy to come alive. Still, I wish it was a direct scan of her womanly bits. That in itself would have made this good toy great.
Cleaning & Maintenance: 3.5/5
Cleaning is rather typical with this single layer onahole. There are a few warnings flying about that the lips of the toy are rather narrow and will rip after the first use. I did notice this but to be honest, it didn’t effect the look or feel of the toy at all. I bring this up because you can easily spread the toy open to get to the bottom of the toy rather easily. In the video you can clearly see just how far they can be pried apart. You won’t damage the toy at all. So run through the paces per usual and clean it like you would any other toy. I would however highly suggest buying some Berman anti-bacterial toy cleaner. This will insure that anything floating around in the toy will be eliminated and you won’t end up with blotches of black mold all over your toy.
Price & Performance: 4.0/5
You won’t get sticker shock from this toy especially if you have already familiarized yourself with all the other onaholes out there based on Japanese AV actresses. At $89.95 the Rola fits right in with all the others. So basically it all comes down to performance. Like I said, it’s a good toy for its money but is eclipsed by the
and the . If I have never tried those toys then maybe, just maybe the Rola would be number one in my book. Still, it can run with the big dogs any given Sunday and is still worth it for any toy enthusiast out there. Just look at her man! How can you say no to that face! That perfect Russian/Japanese face! My god what a combination!!!
Final Thoughts & Score: 3.8/5
While writing this I cannot help but feel like I might be being a little to rough on this toy. Or in some spots, too soft. It’s one of those teeter tottering toys for me where it goes either way. The good, the bad, and the . There is just too many little things that push me into the black about this toy. So many things that could have easily been improved. A dual-layer construction could have made the inner texture more pronounced. A direct scan would have not only helped this baby sell like crazy, but would have brought much needed realism to the toy. All in all it’s a good toy, take away the Rola and you would still have a good toy regardless. I just don’t think this particular model lives up to the high standards its sisters have laid out. That in itself, is a great shame.
Sensation & Feeling
Cleaning and Maintenance
Price and Performance
Summary: A good toy, but not good enough to push the ZXY or Maria Ozawa off the top shelf.
User Rating: 0 (0 votes)
About the Author
has been doing sex toy reviews for well over a year now and have yet to become sick of it. He's nearing a hundred video reviews and shows no signs of stopping or slowing down any time soon. He has been an affiliate of numerous various sex toy companies and websites and can honestly say that is the best website he has been apart of thus far. It can be hard out there for a male sex toy reviewer, so it's nice to finally find a home where people don't ask the same questions..."Why in the hell is a man reviewing this?!?!?" His take on reviews may be a little different from the norm. He likes to make his reviews as fun and as informative as possible. This way you can get as excited as he does when fresh new toy arrives in the mail! The point is to let you all know that it's okay to own a sex toy. There is nothing wrong with it. So by all means embrace it. We all have a lil' demon in us, why not let him out to play every once and awhile.
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阅读下面短文,并根据短文后的要求答题(请注意问题后的字数要求)。[l]Children learn by doing. While children may feel love towards others,they aren' t always sure how to express it. Parents can teach their children to love others by helping them find proper ways to express their care and concern. When they do so,their children will have a better understanding of what loving others really means. [2]Provide Opportunities: Care and compassion are a part of love.Teach your child to love others by providing opportunities to put love into action. Make a card for a sick friend, bring cookies to an elderly neighbor or volunteer at a local soup kitchen. [3]Potential: Visit your local library and look for appropriate books that talk about love, care and com&passion. Read stories and point out how characters expressed their love. &&&&, "How did the characters feel when they felt loved?" [4]Talk: Coach your child to express his love in different ways. When we feel care and compassion towards others,the appropriate response is to show it. Talk about ways you can show -care and compassion with your child. These may include offering a kind word to a sad friend,helping someone in need,or doing something for someone that they cannot do for themselves. [5]Considerations: Role-playing can be an effec&tive way to teach children new ideas. To role-play how to love others, set up a situation and act it out with your child. For example, pretend that one of his stuffed toys ask him what he could do to help his toy feel better. 【小题1】.. Complete the following sentence according to the underlined one in Paragraph 2. (no more than 5 words) You should give your child chances of&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& to teach him to love others. 【小题2】.&What does the underlined word “These” in Paragraph 4 refer to? (no more than 10 words) 【小题3】.What's the author's advice for you on role-playing how to love others? (no more than 15 words) 【小题4】.&Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with proper words. (no more than 6 words) 【小题5】.. What is the main idea of the text? (no more than 15 words) . showing their care and compassion&
习题“阅读下面短文,并根据短文后的要求答题(请注意问题后的字数要求)。[l]Children learn by doing. While children may feel love towards others,t...”的分析与解答如下所示:
阅读下面短文,并根据短文后的要求答题(请注意问题后的字数要求)。[l]Children learn by doing. While children may feel love towards oth...
欢迎来到乐乐题库,查看习题“阅读下面短文,并根据短文后的要求答题(请注意问题后的字数要求)。[l]Children learn by doing. While children may feel love towards others,they aren' t always sure how to express it. Parents can teach their children to love others by helping them find proper ways to express their care and concern. When they do so,their children will have a better understanding of what loving others really means. [2]Provide Opportunities: Care and compassion are a part of love.Teach your child to love others by providing opportunities to put love into action. Make a card for a sick friend, bring cookies to an elderly neighbor or volunteer at a local soup kitchen. [3]Potential: Visit your local library and look for appropriate books that talk about love, care and com&passion. Read stories and point out how characters expressed their love. ____, "How did the characters feel when they felt loved?" [4]Talk: Coach your child to express his love in different ways. When we feel care and compassion towards others,the appropriate response is to show it. Talk about ways you can show -care and compassion with your child. These may include offering a kind word to a sad friend,helping someone in need,or doing something for someone that they cannot do for themselves. [5]Considerations: Role-playing can be an effec&tive way to teach children new ideas. To role-play how to love others, set up a situation and act it out with your child. For example, pretend that one of his stuffed toys ask him what he could do to help his toy feel better. 【小题1】.. Complete the following sentence according to the underlined one in Paragraph 2. (no more than 5 words) You should give your child chances of to teach him to love others. 【小题2】.What does the underlined word “These” in Paragraph 4 refer to? (no more than 10 words) 【小题3】.What's the author's advice for you on role-playing how to love others? (no more than 15 words) 【小题4】.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with proper words. (no more than 6 words) 【小题5】.. What is the main idea of the text? (no more than 15 words) ”的答案、考点梳理,并查找与习题“阅读下面短文,并根据短文后的要求答题(请注意问题后的字数要求)。[l]Children learn by doing. While children may feel love towards others,they aren' t always sure how to express it. Parents can teach their children to love others by helping them find proper ways to express their care and concern. When they do so,their children will have a better understanding of what loving others really means. [2]Provide Opportunities: Care and compassion are a part of love.Teach your child to love others by providing opportunities to put love into action. Make a card for a sick friend, bring cookies to an elderly neighbor or volunteer at a local soup kitchen. [3]Potential: Visit your local library and look for appropriate books that talk about love, care and com&passion. Read stories and point out how characters expressed their love. ____, "How did the characters feel when they felt loved?" [4]Talk: Coach your child to express his love in different ways. When we feel care and compassion towards others,the appropriate response is to show it. Talk about ways you can show -care and compassion with your child. These may include offering a kind word to a sad friend,helping someone in need,or doing something for someone that they cannot do for themselves. [5]Considerations: Role-playing can be an effec&tive way to teach children new ideas. To role-play how to love others, set up a situation and act it out with your child. For example, pretend that one of his stuffed toys ask him what he could do to help his toy feel better. 【小题1】.. Complete the following sentence according to the underlined one in Paragraph 2. (no more than 5 words) You should give your child chances of to teach him to love others. 【小题2】.What does the underlined word “These” in Paragraph 4 refer to? (no more than 10 words) 【小题3】.What's the author's advice for you on role-playing how to love others? (no more than 15 words) 【小题4】.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with proper words. (no more than 6 words) 【小题5】.. What is the main idea of the text? (no more than 15 words) ”相似的习题。How To Buy Her A Sex Toy - AskMen
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