
关于“一道英语题求解。 ”的正确解答_英语吧_百度贴吧
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it is such a difficult problem()no one can work out.这题的答案是as。原因请看从句, 没有宾语!!!=======================================================that引导从句,只是引导词,如果不是表示人,一般是不能做为句子实际成分的。比如I didn't know "that" you were here.===============================================================所以答案是as, 因为as引导的从句可以参与做成分。例如:Only take such cloches______really necessary. A as were B as they are C as the were D as are (全国英语专业四级)答案为D ==========================================================结论:1.It's such a tiny kitchen that I don't have to do much to keep it clean. that引导完整的从句,本身没做成分。2. it is such a difficult problem as no one can work out.
got it,thx
Thank you!
Only take such clothes______really necessary. A as were B as they are C as the were D as are (全国英语专业四级)答案为D 句子第一部分的宾语是 clothes,它也是第二部分的主语 - (the clothes) are really necessary。+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++It is such a difficult problem()no one can work out.句子第一部分的宾语是 problem,第二部分的主语是 no one。+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++两者结构不同,真的可以比较么?
再进一步简化,给没明白的同学:1.It is such a difficult problem that no one can work it out. 2.It is such a difficult problem as no one can work out.
我搜集资料,尝试把多本字典给出 such。。。as 的例句记录如下,大家可以比较参考一下,看看跟原本的题目有没有相似的地方。我也没有肯定的答案,大家可以继续讨论。Oxford:(such —— as/that) of the type about to be mentioned: e.g. There is no such thing as a free lunch.Cambridge:没有这样的例子。Longman:- used to show that you think that something is not good enough or that there is not enough of it (such ... as [formal]): e.g. Such food as they gave us was scarcely fit to eat. - [formal] used to refer only to people or things of a particular group or kind (such of something/somebody as): e.g. Such of you as wish to leave may do so now.Collins Cobuild:You use "such...as" to link something or someone with a clause in which you give a description of the kind of thing or person that you mean. e.g. Each member of the alliance agrees to take such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force.e.g. Britain is not enjoying such prosperity as it was in the mid-1980s.You use "such...that" or "such...as" in order to say what the result or consequence of something that you have just mentioned is. -- 给出的例句只有 such...that: e.g. The operation has uncovered such backstreet dealing in stolen property that police might now press for changes in the law.Macmillan:such...as [formal] - used for emphasizing that something is not enough for a particular purpose e.g. Such experience as I have is useless in this situation. e.g. Such changes as they made were minor and did not go far enough.
回复 乾元_用九 :1. The operation has uncovered such backstreet dealing in stolen property that police might now press for changes in the law.
THAT为纯粹引导词,不做成分。2. Such changes as they made were minor and did not go far enough.as做宾语。 3.Such experience as I have is useless in this situation. as做宾语。你的例句也验证了我的观点。 谢谢。辛苦。
McArthur的例句很值得一读,McArthur是指Longman Lexicon of Contemporary English by Tom McArthur
Collins Cobulid
W we were loking forward to the world of work. And ___(31)___We graduated from Oxford University in the early 1970s, mywife and I thought we’d ___(32)___ it all.We’d both have successful ,satisfyingcareers(事业...
才给5分啊 太小气了吧不过本人对这样的题目还是有点兴趣的:答案如下(你们老师会解释的哦):31-35 ABCBA
ABCBA 题目太多就不解释了
我们会通过消息、邮箱等方式尽快将举报结果通知您。一道英语题目求解It is hard for me to imagine what I would be doing today if I ______ in love, at t_百度知道
一道英语题目求解It is hard for me to imagine what I would be doing today if I ______ in love, at t
It is hard for me to imagine what I would be doing today if I ______ in love, at the age of seven, with the Melinda Cox Library in my hometown.
wouldn’t have fallen
had not fallen
should fall
were to fall
B.翻译:对我来说很难想象答案。解释:此题考查if从句的错综虚拟语气。1. 主句what I would be doing today是对现在情况的虚拟。但是if从句中,根据时间状语at the age of seven所表达出的句意,If从句如果是对过去动作的虚拟,却是对过去动作的虚拟。根据相关语法,则从句使用过去完成时,即其谓语动词由“had (not) done”构成。所以正确答案非B莫属,如果七岁时我没有喜欢上故乡的梅琳达科克斯图书馆的话,我现在会正在做什么
语调、语速, Remember a certain amount of words。2,将新学的东西和好的方法记下来。5 :1。3,Please don't always ask top students, you should give us a chance to show.多听英文官方语言,体会语音,Listen to
the English official language, voice.请尽量讲解得慢一些,Please
try to explain slower.请不要总是提问优等生,要给我们表现的机会。4,What we need is not the wrong questions after the criticism, but to learn how to solve problems.我们需要的不是做错题之后的批评,而是学会怎样解决问题,并及时回顾检查是否遗忘过去所学。5。3, and timely review whether
you fotget the past knowledge everyday.每天坚持记住一定量的单词.请为我们准备一个录音设备,将我们读的单词录下来, we will read the word records, in order to check,Keep a journal, the new things and good methods down.准备一个本子, tone,因为我们听得不太清楚。2,Please prepare us for a recording device,Please every day with us recall recently learned.请每天都带我们回顾一下近期所学。给学生的,营造英语对话环境,培养兴趣。4:1,Study with friends, creating the English dialogue environment,Failure is the mother of success.More practice, summarize the experience from mistakes.失败是成功之母多作练习,从错误中总结经验, cultivate interest, speed experience给老师的.和朋友一起学习,beacause we can not listen quilte clear,以便于检查
我们会通过消息、邮箱等方式尽快将举报结果通知您。求答案 英语 亲请根据题目要求答题.1、It _____ outside now.A、is rainingB、rainC
求答案 英语 亲请根据题目要求答题.1、It _____ outside now.A、is rainingB、rainC、are rainingD、do rain2、出售,卖A、sellB、buyC、sailD、select3、_____ has travelled to Beijing.A、A friend of hers'B、A friend of hersC、A her friendD、Her one friend4、 _____ guards took _____ American to _____ General Lee.A、T /; theB、a; theC、T /D、T /; a5、---This must be done by those children of uncle Li’s.---_____________. They often come and play in this garden.A、I couldn’t agree more.B、I could not agree with you.C、I can’t accept it.D、Do you think so?6、I have _____ the book for a long time.A、buyB、boughtC、hadD、buying7、---How ____ going hiking on Sunday ?---Good idea.A、oftenB、aboutC、longD、much8、This pencil is _____ than that one.A、longestB、longC、longerD、as long9、—What languages _____ in that country'?—German and English.A、are speakingB、are spokenC、speakD、is spoken10、引起;制造A、getB、takeC、bringD、make请根据题目要求答题.11、Waiter, would you please hang_____my coat?A、onB、upC、downD、/12、Li Lei often talks _____ but does _____ , so we say he is a good boy.A、 moreB、 muchC、 littleD、 many13、She asked if Mr. Liu _____ already _____ back.A、 comingB、 comedC、 comedD、 come14、The airport is _____ from my hometown.A、two hour's rideB、two hours' rideC、two hour rideD、two hours ride15、 _____ blue shirt is mine.A、TheB、/C、AnD、A16、Tom _____ here yesterday.A、wereB、wasC、isD、will be17、So I played a computer game _____ with my friend.A、on the lineB、in the lineC、onlineD、in line18、 _____ key to _____ safe(保险箱)is lost.A、T theB、T /C、a; theD、a; a19、Professor James will give us a lecture on the Western culture, butwhen and where _____ yet.A、hasn’t been decidedB、haven’t decidedC、isn’t being decidedD、aren’t decided20、He _____ up late this morning.A、getB、getsC、gotD、getting21、I found a wallet _____ on the ground.A、lyingB、layC、lainD、lie22、_____ seemed that he didn’t recognize me.A、HeB、SheC、ItD、This23、麻烦,困难,困扰A、troubleB、doubleC、worryD、difficult24、亲爱的A、deerB、deepC、dearD、deed25、We must _____ your sister.A、apologize toB、appologizeC、appologize forD、appologize on26、We didn’t know whether he _____ speak at the meeting.A、is going toB、will going toC、was going toD、will be going to-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1-5 ABBCA6-10. BBCBD11-15. BADBA16-20. BCAAC21-26. ACACAC
与《求答案 英语 亲请根据题目要求答题.1、It _____ outside now.A、is rainingB、rainC》相关的作业问题
ABCCB BBBDD CCBCA BBAAB亲:高老师祝你学习进步,每天都开心V_V!望采纳,thanks(thx)!
1--5 B B B D A6--8 B A D10 A
41.C 42.A 43.B 44.B 45.D 46.D 47.C 48.A 49.B 50.A
The importance of being honestBoys and girls,happy together.Today I want to share some ideas with you about honesty.As is known to us all,everyone has to surviv
状语从句练习题: 1.I’ll let you know ____ he comes back. A. before B. because C. as soon as D. although 2. She will sing a song ____ she is asked. A. if B. unless C. fo
【分析】可逆定义:若n阶方阵A满足,AB=E,则称矩阵A可逆,B是A的逆矩阵。【解答】A²-A+2E=0,A(A-E)=-2E,A(E-A)/2 = E,根据可逆定义,则A可逆,A-1=(E-A)/2newmanhero 日23:23:37希望对你有所帮助,望采纳。
1 A.因为是说以后的事情.2 B.因为是说“情不自禁”的.3 A.因为药物是要帮助人的.4 A.因为一副眼镜.5 C.因为到达下结论的时候了.6 B.因为对不起别人等了那么长时间.7 A.因为比别的好.8 A.前否定后肯定.9 C.that引导定语从句.10 B.“water”是不可数名词.11 B.look for
夜静悄悄的,我站在窗台前,凝望着蔚蓝色的星空.忽然,看见东方有两颗星星特别明亮,一大一小,紧紧依偎在一起,亲如兄妹.我想,这就是所谓的爱吧! 爱,像空气,每天在我们身边;爱,是开启心灵的金钥匙;爱,是一部生动的人生教科书……看了《爱的教育》这部风行全球、脍炙人口的令全世界亿万人感动而泣的伟大作品,我的心被深深地震撼了,
a 再答: 第一题a 再答: 满意请采纳O(∩_∩)O祝学业顺利再问: 要不要剩下的题目 再答: 可以啊 再答: 给分就行再问: 再问: 帮忙我就给。 再答: b 再答: dcc 再答: 给分吧再问: 有,4题
BBC AD bacbd 再问: 再问: 还有这一题打了勾的 再答: 亲,能发成一个心的问题吗?量有点大啊。。 再答: 新的 再答: 新的再问: 嗯嗯嗯再问: 发出去再问: 了你看看
才给5分啊 太小气了吧不过本人对这样的题目还是有点兴趣的:答案如下(你们老师会解释的哦):31-35 ABCBA 36-40 BBCDA41-45 BBCDB 46-50 ABCBA 题目太多就不解释了 欢迎指正~!~
1在精神和躯体上是不倒的,表现在它们临危不惧,为人们抗击洪水这一方面.2.西城杨柳弄春柔,动离忧,泪难收.——秦观 无情最是台城柳,依旧烟笼十里堤.——韦庄 昔我往矣,杨柳依依.今我来思,雨雪霏霏.——《诗经》 汉阳江上柳,望客引东枝.——李白 倚栏凝望,暗牵愁绪,柳花飞趁东风.——欧阳炯 3.文中的“你”“客人”是虚
What is like?What does feel5.How longhave seenIt's difficult to sendas wellwithat the moment 再答: 很高兴能为你解答,同意请采纳为满意答案再问: 别的,谢啦 再答: 很高兴为你作答,如果你对我的回答满意,请【采纳为满意答案】,
个别题目是多选题啦.1. BDE2. BC3. A4. BC5. D如果你满意我的答案,敬请采纳,这是对我们答题者劳动的尊重,多谢! 英语牛人团
第一题绝对是B 再答: BDDCA 再答: 第三题也绝对是C再问: 再答: 错了,D 再答: ?再问: 再问: 还有 再答: 是第一大题吗再问: 所有 再答: 有点看不清,能再清晰点吗再问: 再答: 第五题的开头字母是e吧 再答: 再答: 有的不确定〜 再答: 亲给个好评吧再问: 再答: 再问: 加我qq
We all trials and hardships to walk, past experience has stopped. Look back in spite of many must grasp or has slipped, must treasure or have missed - all canno
1. run out of:The car will run out of petrol before we get there .这辆小汽车将会在我们达到之前就烧没油.I run out of money.我把钱花光了.2 fix upWe've fixed up to go out tonight.我们已经安排今晚


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