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fàng dàng bù jī成语解释:放荡:不受约束或行为不检点;羁:约束。形容行为放纵;不受约束。成语出处:晋 王隐《晋书 王长文传》:“少以才学知名,而,州府辟命皆不就。” 成语繁体:放蕩不羈成语简拼:FDBJ成语注音:ㄈㄤˋ ㄉㄤˋ ㄅㄨˋ ㄐㄧ常用程度:常用成语成语字数:感情色彩:中性成语成语用法:动宾式;作定语、宾语;含贬义。成语结构:成语年代:古代成语成语正音:羁,不能读作“ē”。成语辨析:见“放浪形骸”(258页)。近义词:反义词:、成语例子:平时与一班好朋友,只以诗酒娱心,或以山水纵目,。(明 凌濛初《初刻拍案惊奇》卷十六)英语翻译:dissipated and unrestrained日语翻译:放(ほう)らつで締(し)まりがない俄语翻译:расхлябанность其他翻译:&德&unkonventionell und zügellos:野渡无人舟自横:晋朝时期,王长文自幼刻苦好学,性格孤僻,,从不把州府的征召放在眼里。州里召他为别驾,他偷偷地出走。他闭门不出潜心写字,他著书四卷《通玄经》。晋武帝时四川天旱,官府开仓借粮,他借了很多无法偿还而惹官司成语接龙:
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jee是什么意思 jee在线翻译 jee什么意思 jee的意思 jee的翻译 jee的解释 jee的发音 jee的同义词 jee的反义词 jee的例句 jee的相关词组
jee英 [d?i:] 美 [d?i:] jee 基本解释向前走;jee在线翻译jee 网络解释1. 向前走:jebel 山 | jee 向前走 | jeep 吉普车2. 居:纪/翼/季/吉/嵇/汲/籍/姬-- Jee | 居-- Jee | 贾-- Jia3. 3. 纪/翼/季/吉/嵇/汲/籍/姬:呼延--Hwu-yen | 纪/翼/季/吉/嵇/汲/籍/姬-- Jee | 居-- Jee4. 吉普车:超重型越野车 extra heavy off- road vehicl | 吉普车 jee | 硬顶吉普车 hard top jeejee 双语例句1. jee1. The only thing that I feels and what other aspiring JEE students fails to see is instead of taking mechanical/chemical or civil in IT BHU, it is alot better to take Computers in some good NIT.&&&&唯一的一件事,我感觉和其他什麼抱负高考学生看不到,是不是采取机械/化学或民事bhu它,它是一个更好的地段采取电脑一些好的nit。2. I have yet to see Jee-Woon`s original film, but it was fairly well reviewed.&&&&我没有看过金知云导演的原作,但是这部影片收到广泛好评。3. Dr Jee and his colleagues think that the ring is evidence of this collision.&&&&Dr Jee 和他的同事认为这环是他们碰撞的证据。4. 4. The venue is neat and also near to Jee Hoon so it seems that we can do it together.&&&&活动场地是很整齐也很近智勋的所以看来我们可以在那里一起活动。5. 5. First of all, I would like to thank Cocalalah and Jee for giving me recommendations about the spams.&&&&这部戏,我是看了电影后才看到人家的介绍。6. The course materials are good and useful for the actual IIT JEE test.&&&&该课程的教材是好的,有用的实际高考研究所测试。7. I can write on and on, on this topic about the best coaching institute in India for JEE but will stick to only 4 of them.&&&&我可以写上和对,就这个话题的最佳教练研究所在印度为重吉,但将坚持只有4人。8. What I use is the version of JEE, be like me to did not install MyEclipse.&&&&我用的就是JEE的版本,好像我没有装MyEclipse。9. 9. Zodakara Eka Zodakare ad Zodameranu. zodakara人Ekazodakare专zodameranu. ado Kikle Qaa Piap Piamoel od Vaoan.拖kikle的QAALaX3-PIAP-H2Ovaoanpiamoel外径. Oh-ell soh-noof vay-oh-air-sah-jee goh-hoh ee-ah-dah bahl-tah. Elex- ar-pay-hay Co-mah-nah-noo Tah-bee-toh-ehm. Zohd-ah-kah-rah ehkah zohd-ah-kah-ray oh-dah zohd-ahmehr-ah-noo oh-doh kee-klay kah-ah pee-ah-pay pee-ah-moh-ehl oh-dah vay-oh-ah-noo.&&&&哦-烤鳗开销-noof胰腺癌-哦-空中蛛网膜下腔-高考吴作栋-蕙夷-啊-达赫误光大。elex氩薪熙共同酸酐-对NAH-光大可分-蜂托-切削。zohd-啊-海外堿ehkahzohd-啊-海外光哦-达赫zohd-ahmehr-啊-哦可分-卫生基-莱克海外小便啊-啊-薪小便-啊-卫生部-润滑哦-达赫胰腺癌-哦-啊-可分。10. 10. The entire JEE package, container and application, can be abstracted in the same manner.&&&&整个JEE包,包括容器和应用程序,都可以采用相同的方式进行抽象。11. 11. There you'll find the complete source code for the Grails application, a sample JEE application that uses these entity beans, and other useful artifacts.&&&&&&你将在那儿找到该Grails应用的完整源代码一个使用这些实体Bean的简单JEE应用以及其它有用的东西。12. For EJB-based Web services, the configured JEE principal can be used for JEE role-based authorization checking using annotations or deployment descriptors.&&&&&&对于基于EJB的Web服务,通过使用注释或部署描述符,经过配置的JEEprincipal就可以用于JEE的基于角色的授权检查。13. 'As high heels are in fashion and sometimes required for certain professions, many women may be unaware of the extent to which [the shoes] may be weakening their dynamic balance, 'said Dr Yong-Seok Jee, from Hanseo University in South Korea.&&&&&&韩国韩瑞大学的季永颂博士说:穿高跟鞋是一种时尚,有时候穿高跟鞋也是出于职业要求,许多女性也许没有察觉到穿高跟鞋会一定程度上削弱她们的动态平衡。14. 14. We suddenly have all the enterprise-level capabilities of JEE/EJB3 and the benefits of RAD web application development!&&&&&&我们瞬间就拥有了JEE/EJB3的企业级能力和RADWeb应用开发的全部好处!15. WebSphere Application Server provides a security infrastructure and mechanisms to protect sensitive JEE resources and administrative resources.&&&&&&WebSphereApplicationServer提供安全基础设施和机制以保护敏感的JEE资源和管理资源。16. 16. The WPS server hosts and runs a JEE application with an MDB connected to the queue.&&&&&&WPS服务器托管并运行一个JEE应用程序,有一个MDB与队列相连。17. \u\u\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD17. 'It is clinically important for wearers of heels to regularly perform [these] exercises, 'Dr Jee said.&&&&&&季博士说:从临床方面来讲,穿高跟鞋的人有规律地进行这些练习十分重要。18. The persistence architecture that was introduced in JEE5 is Java Persistence API (JPA) architecture.&&&&&&JEE5中引入的持续性结构是JavaPersistenceAPI(JPA)结构。19. 911查询·英语单词19. For each component type. We thought it would be a novel idea to add even more power to the concept of container services in JEE by adding support for some of the powerful ideas of cloud computing & namely parallelism, elasticity, multi-tenancy, and security.&&&&&&我们认为,可以通过增加一些云计算的强大概念即并行性、灵活性、多租户和安全性给JEE的容器服务概念增加更多的功能,这是一种全新的概念。20. Part 2 of this series covered the configuration of the transactional support and the implementation of the two transactional web services (for the Credit and Charge operations), based on JEE and. NET technologies.&&&&&&本系列的第2部分介绍了事务支持的配置和两个事务Web服务的实现(针对Credit和Charge操作),这两个服务分别基于JEE和.NET技术。jee是什么意思,jee在线翻译,jee什么意思,jee的意思,jee的翻译,jee的解释,jee的发音,jee的同义词,jee的反义词,jee的例句,jee的相关词组,jee意思是什么,jee怎么翻译,单词jee是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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