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诗作很长,我在末尾还附上了我昨天下午翻译的《木兰诗》,很多地方是受许老的启发,翻地仓促,十分粗糙,敬请诸君斧正。&/p&&br&&p&-----最近在运营公众号 大家觉得我答案有帮助的话可以帮忙关注一下公众号吗?老板给的任务
公众号是 yimitrans 翻译类的,提供翻译技巧,资讯,招聘,以及解决方案。&/p&&br&&p&《孔雀东南飞》
译 许渊冲&/p&&p&孔雀东南飞,五里一徘徊。
A pair of pe
At each mile they look back and cry.
“I could weave,” said Lan-zhi, “at thirteen
And learned to cut
At fifteen
At sixteen to read and to write.
At seventeen to you I was wed.
What an austere life I have led!
I toil as housewife night and day.
At daybreak I
At night the loom I dare not leave.
I’ve finished five rolls in three days,
Yet I am blamed for my delays.
Not that my work is done too slow,
But hard your housewife’s role does grow.
If Mother thinks I am no good,
What use to stay, although I would?
Will you come and to Mother say,
Send me back home without delay?”
Jiao Zhong-qing came home at her call
And said to his mother in the hall,
“I’m destin
By fortune I have this good wife.
We’ve shared the pillow, mat and bed,
And we’ll be man and wife till dead.
We’ve lived together but three years,
Which not too long to me appears.
She has done nothing wrong, I find.
Why should you be to her unkind?”
His mother said then in reply,
“You are indeed shortsighted. Why,
This wife of yo
She always does whate’er she will.
I’ve been offended by her for long.
How dare you say she’s done no wrong?
In the east there’s a match for you,
A maiden whose name’s Qin Luo-fu,
A peerless beauty of this land.
I’ll go for you to ask her hand.
Now send your slut out of our door!
She should not stay here anymore.”
Zhong-qing knelt down with trunk erect
And said to her with due respect,
“If you should send away my wife,
I won’t remarry all my life.”
The mother w
Her strumming on the stool was heard.
“Has filial reverence come to nil?
Defend your wife against my will!
You are such an ungrateful son!
Of your request I will grant none.”
Zhong-qing dared not speak anymore,
But bowed and entered his own door.
He tells his wife when she appears,
His voice choked so with bitter tears,
“Not that I would send you away,
But Mother won’t allow you to stay.
Return to your brother’s house, so
That to my office I may go.
When I have finished my work, then
I’ll come and fetch you home again.
Do not be grieved to say adieu,
But keep in mind what I’’ve told you!
“Nay, make no care to come for me!”
To her husband addresses she.
“One early spring day, I recall,
I left home for your entrance hall.
I’ve done what Mother ordered me.
Dare I be careless and carefree?
Alone I toil with all my might.
I think I have done nothing wrong,
Still with Mother I can’t get along.
To what avail to talk about
Returning now I’m driven out!
“I’ll leave my jacket of brocade,
Whose lacings bright of gold are made,
And my canopy of gauze red,
Whose four corners with perfume spread,
And sixty trunks and coffers tied
With silken threads all in green dyed,
Where different
Not two of them are of a kind.
They are as cheap as I, it’s true,
Not good enough for your spouse new.
So as gifts you may share them out,
As we can’t meet again, no doubt.
Keep them in memory of me!
Forgetful we can never be.”
At dawn she roses at the cockcrow
And made up with care, ready to go.
She put on an embroidered gown
And checked it over, up and down.
She put on shoes made of brocade,
Of tortoise shell her hairpin’s made.
Her waist was girt with girdle white,
Her earrings shone like moonlight bright.
She had tapering finger tips,
Like rubies were her rouged lips.
She moved at slow and easy pace,
Unrivaled in the human race.
She came to his mother in the hall,
Who said no tender words at all.
“While young, before I was a spouse,
I lived but in a country house.
Not well instructed or wide read,
For noble heir I was ill-bred.
Though kindly you have treated me,
Yet I’m not dutiful,” said she,
“So I must go back in despair,
Leaving to you all household care.”
She said to his sister good-
Bitter tears trickled from her eye.
“When your brother and I were wed,
You came around our nuptial bed.
You are as tall as I today,
When I am to be driven away.
Take good care of your mother old,
And take good care of your household!
When maidens hold their festive day,
Do not forget me while you play.”
She went out
Tears streamed down, heavy was her heart.
Jiao Zhong-qing rides before, his mind
Turning to his wife’s cart behind.
The cart’s rumble’s heard to repeat,
The husband stops where four roads meet.
He gets down from his horse, comes near
His wife and whispers in her ear,
“I swear not to leave you long, my spouse.
Return now to your brother’s house.
When I have finished my work, then
I’ll come and fetch you home again.
I swear to heaven high above.”
Lan-zhi says to her husband dear,
“I’m touched by your love sincere.
If I’m engraved deep in your mind,
Come then in time and not behind!
If as the rock your love is strong,
Then mine as creeping vine is long.
The vine’s resi
No one could lift a rock o’erhead.
But my brother’s temper is hot,
Look on me kindly he will not.
I am afraid he’ll never care
What I like, and it’s hard to bear.”
They wave their hands with broken heart,
From each other they will not part.
Lan-zhi came to her mother’s place,
Feeling embarrassed in disgrace.
Her mother clapped loud in surprise:
“How can you come back in this guise!
You were taught
To cut the
At fifteen
At sixteen to perform the rite.
By your husband you should abide.
Had you done nothing wrong at all,
Why come back alone to my hall?”
Lan-zhi told her mother the truth,
Who was moved to tears, full of ruth.
She had been back many a day,
A go-between then came to say,
“Our magistrate has a third son,
Whose good looks are second to none.
Though at eighteen or nineteen years,
For eloquence he has no peers.”
Her mother said to her, “consent
To this proposal benevolent!”
But she only answered in tears,
“Can I forget my married years?
My husband vowed when we parted then,
Never should we sever again.
If I should break my word today,
I would regret for e’er and aye.
Will you please tell the go-between
Gently and clearly what I mean?”
Her mother told the messenger,
“This humble daughter of mine, sir,
Sent back by an official of late,
Can’t match son of magistrate.
Why not inquire another house
Where may be found a better spouse?”
No sooner had gone this messenger
Than came one from the governor.
“You have a daughter fair,” said he,
“Of an official’s family.
Our governor has a fifth son,
Unmarried, he’s a handsome one.
My lord’s secretary asked me
His lordship’s go-between to be.
I was told to say openly
I come for my lord’s family.
His son will have your daughter for spouse.
That’s why I’m sent to your noble house.”
Mother LIu thanked the messenger,
But said she could not order her
Who’d made a vow, to break her word.
By Lan-zhi’s br
As it troubled his worldly mind,
He spoke to Lan-zhi words unkind.
“Why don’t you, sister, think it o’er?
You left then an official’
Good luck comes when bad luck is done.
If you refuse this honour great,
I know not what will be your fate.”
Lan-zhi replied, raising her head,
“Brother, it’s right what you have said.
I left you once to be a spouse
Sent back, again I’m in your house.
So I’m at your disposal now.
Can I do what you don’t allow?
Though I vowed to my husband dear,
We cannot meet again, I fear.
So you may marry me at will,
My obligation I’ll fulfill.”
The go-between learned what they said,
To his lord’s house he went ahead.
He said his
The lord rejoiced for his fifth son.
He found in the almanac soon
The auspicious date of that moon.
He said to his subordinate,
“The thirtieth day is the best date.
That is only three days ahead.
Arrange the marriage in my stead.”
The lord’s
People bustled like floating cloud.
They painted with bird designs the boat
And with dragons the flag afloat.
A golden cab with wheels trimmed with jade
And golden saddles for steeds were made.
Three thousand strings of coins were sent
And silks to the bride with compliment.
Delicacies from land and sea
Were bought by two corteges or three.
Mother Liu told her daughter, “Word
Comes from the governor have you heard?
Tomorrow is your wedding day.
Put yourself in bridal array.
Make your own dress ere it’s too late!”
Lan-zhi sat in a pensive state.
She sobbed ’neath her handkerchief,
And streaming tears revealed her grief.
She dragged a marble-seated chair
Towards the windows in despair,
In her left hand the scissors bright
And silk and satin in her right.
At noon a jacket new was made
And at dusk a robe in brocade.
Behind dark clouds the sun down crept,
Grief-stricken, she went out and wept.
Zhong-qing, at this news of his spouse,
Asks leave and starts out for her house.
After a short ride on his way,
His horse makes an anguished neigh.
This neigh is
She comes out before he appears.
She gazes afar, at a loss
What to say when he comes across.
She pats the horse when it comes nigh,
And then says with a woeful sigh,
“Alas! Since you parted with me,
What’s happened we could not foresee,
Our hope cannot be realized.
On hearing this, you’ll be surprised.
I was compelled by my own mother
Together with my tyrant brother
To wed another man at last.
What can we do? The die is cast.”
Jiao Zhong-qing tells his former wife,
“I wish you a happier life!
The lofty ro
It will stand for thousands of years.
Howe’er resistant the vine may be,
’Twill lose its toughness easily.
May you live happier day by day!
Alone to death I’ll go my way.”
“Why say such cruel things to me?”
To her former husband says she,
“We are compelled, both you and I
How could I live if you should die?
E’en dead, let us together stay!
Forget not what we’ve said today!”
They stand long hand in hand before
They go each to his or her door.
No lovers know a sharper pain
Than to part till death joins them again.
They’re willing to breat
A severed life is worse than death.
Jiao Zhong-qing wen
He went straight to his mother’s room.
“Today the cold w
Bitten by frost, the orchids freeze.
I fear my life will end like the tree,
Leaving you alone after me.
That’s what such forebodings proclaim.
Don’t lay on gods or ghosts the blame!
May you like hillside rock live long
With your four limbs both straight and strong!”
On hearing this, his mother shed
Copious tears before she said,
“As son of noble family,
A high official you should be.
How could you die for such a wife?
Don’t play down on your noble life!
There’s a maiden in east neighborhood,
Beside her no one else is good.
I have wooed h
Soon the reply will come to our house.”
Zhong-qing retired to his empty room,
Determined not to be a bridegroom.
He sighed and glanced towards the hall,
Seeing his tragic curtain fall.
In the blue tent on her wedding day
Lan-zhi heard cows low and steeds neigh.
At dusk the gh
The guests gone, lonely she remained.
“My life,” she thought, “will end today.
My soul will go, but my body stay.”
She doffed her silken shoes to drown
Herself in uprolled wedding gown.
This news came to her Zhong-qing’
He would not be severed from his dear.
To and fro in the yard paced he,
Then hanged himself beneath a tree.
Their families, after they died,
Buried them by the mountainside.
Pine trees were planted left and right,
And planes and cypresses on the site.
Their foliag
Their branches intertwined are found.
They are well known as birds of love.
Heads up, they sing song after song,
From night to night, and all night long.
A passer-by wo
A lonely widow would wake dumbfound.
Men of posterity, I pray,
Do not forget that bygone day!&/p&&br&&br&&p&木兰诗&/p&&p&唧唧复唧唧&/p&&p&Squeak was heard with the loom spinning&/p&&p&木兰当户织&/p&&p&Inside her boudoir Mulan was weaving&/p&&p&不闻机杼声&/p&&p&No sound was audible out of the loom&/p&&p&惟闻女叹息&/p&&p&There wafted Mulan's sigh, full of gloom&/p&&p&问女何所思&/p&&p&&What on earth.& Asked father &blights upon you?&/p&&p&问女何所忆&/p&&p&&Or over anything my daughter is in a stew?&&/p&&p&女亦无所思&/p&&p&&Nothing's bothering your daughter.& answered she&/p&&p&女亦无所忆&/p&&p&&And not a thing that blights upon me.&/p&&p&昨夜见军帖&/p&&p&Only I saw the conscription order last night&/p&&p&可汗大点兵&/p&&p&Monarch is raising troop with all his might&/p&&p&军书十二卷&/p&&p&Among twelve volumes of order and command&/p&&p&卷卷有爷名&/p&&p&On each and every roll my father is in demand&/p&&p&阿爷无大儿&/p&&p&You've no son responding to Monarch's call&/p&&p&木兰无长兄&/p&&p&I've no elderly brother rising to the war&/p&&p&愿为市鞍马&/p&&p&Along to the mart I shall buy a steed&/p&&p&从此替爷征&/p&&p&to replace my father in the warfare deed&/p&&p&东市买骏马&/p&&p&Mulan bought the horse at the east mart&/p&&p&西市买鞍鞯&/p&&p&And the saddle was bought at west mart&/p&&p&南市买辔头&/p&&p&At south mart to buy a bridle strong&/p&&p&北市买长鞭&/p&&p&At north mart, she bought a horsewhip long&/p&&p&旦辞爷娘去&/p&&p&She bade at dawn her parents goodbye&/p&&p&暮宿黄河边&/p&&p&She rested at dusk by the yellow riverside&/p&&p&不闻爷娘唤女声&/p&&p&Slowly fading was parents’ call of “ave” &/p&&p&但闻黄河流水鸣溅溅&/p&&p&She could hear the yellow river flow away&/p&&p&旦辞黄河去&/p&&p&At dawn she bade the yellow river goodbye&/p&&p&暮至黑山头&/p&&p&At the Black Hill before twilight she arrived&/p&&p&不闻爷娘唤女声&/p&&p&Slowly fading was parents’ call of “ave” &/p&&p&但闻燕山胡骑鸣啾啾。&/p&&p&She could hear across hill the horse neigh&/p&&p&万里赴戎机&/p&&p&Ten thousand miles she traveled to the battlefield&/p&&p&关山度若飞&/p&&p&Across the mountain she strode like a bird wild&/p&&p&朔气传金柝&/p&&p&The gold clapper was heard in the air cold&/p&&p&寒光照铁衣&/p&&p&The moonlight beamed over the iron coat&/p&&p&将军百战死&/p&&p&In the battle the commander was deceased&/p&&p&壮士十年归&/p&&p&Warriors returned, the war was ceased&/p&&p&归来见天子&/p&&p&She came back to meet the monarch high&/p&&p&天子坐明堂&/p&&p&Who sat in the palace hall, shining and bright&/p&&p&策勋十二转&/p&&p&He rewarded Mulan with her just deserts&/p&&p&赏赐百千强&/p&&p&which was priceless treasures, all she deserves&/p&&p&可汗问所欲&/p&&p&The monarch asked what Mulan desired&/p&&p&木兰不用尚书郎&/p&&p&Officialdom was the last thing she admired&/p&&p&愿驰千里足&/p&&p&A speedy horse she'd rather ride&/p&&p&送儿还故乡&/p&&p&To her hometown, Mulan headed back&/p&&p&爷娘闻女来&/p&&p&On hearing the return of their little daughter&/p&&p&出郭相扶将&/p&&p&Out of town her parents slowly wandered&/p&&p&阿姊闻妹来&/p&&p&On hearing the return of her younger sister&/p&&p&当户理红妆&/p&&p&She sat down right before the red dresser&/p&&p&小弟闻姊来&/p&&p&On hearing the return of his elderly sister&/p&&p&磨刀霍霍向猪羊&/p&&p&To the livestock her brother whetted the dagger&/p&&p&开我东阁门&/p&&p&Mulan opened her east door&/p&&p&坐我西阁床&/p&&p&Sat on the bed in west hall&/p&&p&脱我战时袍&/p&&p&Disrobed of her armor clad at war&/p&&p&著我旧时裳&/p&&p&Attired herself in auld apparel &/p&&p&当窗理云鬓&/p&&p&Cloudlike hair combed beside the windowpane&/p&&p&对镜帖花黄&/p&&p&Rouge now was dabbed on her face again&/p&&p&出门看火伴&/p&&p&She came out to greet her comrades in arms&/p&&p&火伴皆惊忙&/p&&p&who were immediately by her look charmed&/p&&p&同行十二年&/p&&p&We treated you as brother in the army&/p&&p&不知木兰是女郎&/p&&p&Unaware of your true identity&/p&&p&雄兔脚扑朔&/p&&p&Male hare walks hopping and skipping&/p&&p&雌兔眼迷离&/p&&p&While female are those hare squinting&/p&&p&双兔傍地走&/p&&p&But when two hares walk side by side&/p&&p&安能辨我是雌雄&/p&&p&His or her gender is but disguised&/p&
诗作很长,我在末尾还附上了我昨天下午翻译的《木兰诗》,很多地方是受许老的启发,翻地仓促,十分粗糙,敬请诸君斧正。 -----最近在运营公众号 大家觉得我答案有帮助的话可以帮忙关注一下…
金岳霖当年翻译《毛泽东选集》,译到“吃一堑,长一智”时,一时下不了手。&br&钱钟书遂支招,译作&br&A fall into the pit,a gain in your wit.&br&译文和中文一样对仗,而且押韵。&br&&br&钱老有个学生叫许渊冲&br&&blockquote&日,现年93岁的北京大学教授、中国当代著名翻译家许渊冲,在柏林举行的第20届世界翻译大会会员代表大会上,荣获国际翻译界最高奖项之一——国际翻译家联盟2014“北极光”杰出文学翻译奖,成为该奖项自1999年设立以来首位获此殊荣的亚洲翻译家。&/blockquote&&figure&&img src=& data-rawwidth=&401& data-rawheight=&270& class=&content_image& width=&401&&&/figure&许老自称“书销中外六十本,诗译英法惟一人。”他评点自己的翻译水平说到“不是院士胜院士,遗欧赠美千首诗。”很狂吧,还有更狂的,他评价自己法国留学的意义:“假如我也去了美国,那二十世纪就不一定有人能将中国古典诗词译成英法韵文了。”言下之意整个中国就他一个能干这活。99年被提名为诺贝尔文学奖的候选人。诺贝尔文学奖评委会的评委、女诗人Vallquist特地给他写了信,称他的翻译是“伟大的中国传统文学的样本”。然而许老答曰“诺奖一年一个,唐诗宋词流传千年。”&br&这个现代狂叟到底有几分水平?&br&&br&先来一首许老的译作&br&By riverside a pair &br&Of turtledoves are cooing; &br&There’s a good maiden fair &br&Whom a young man is wooing.&br&&br&看不出来哪首吧&br&提示(我承认是从百度抄的)&br&&br&cooing&br&v. (鸽) 咕咕地叫,发出鸽叫般的声音( coo的现在分词 )&br&&br&woo&br&vt. 求爱,求婚; 争取…的支持;vi. 求爱&br&&br&这首就是“关关雎鸠,在河之洲。窈窕淑女,君子好逑。”,当年我看到这个的时候由衷的发出了“卧槽”的赞美声。英文直译回来就是“一对斑鸠在河边咕咕叫,美好的姑娘正在被年轻小伙子求爱”,符合主旨,而且读着十分舒服,每行六个音节(我英语在听力上是短板,错了别拍我),一三行和二四行均押韵。当然,cooing和wooing简直妙不可言,意境,形式,音韵三者堪称完美。&br&&br&许老年轻的时候就很屌,我看到有知友提到林肯的of the people,by the people,for thepeople,其实这话许老用过。珍珠港后陈纳德率美国志愿空军援华,西南联大外文系的所有男生被集体征调为飞虎队的翻译,许老就在其中。然而,欢迎陈纳德时,“三民主义”如何翻译给米国盟友难倒了大家,招待会的主持人,国民党高级官员黄仁霖亲自上阵译为:&br&nationality,people 's sovereignty,people's livelihood &br&陈纳德:what the hell?&br&许老站了出来,大嗓门喊到&br&of the people,by the people,for the people.(民有,民治,民享)&br&美国大兵:so easy!&br&萝莉控:excited!&br&&br&再说许老的作品&br&李清照《声声慢》开头的七对叠词“寻寻觅觅,冷冷清清,凄凄惨惨戚戚。”而且“寻寻,清清,凄凄”属平声,“觅觅,冷冷,惨惨,戚戚”是仄声,平仄交替,除了音韵的美感还有感情的郁结,翻译难度极大。&br&美国翻译家Kenneth Rexroth译为&br&Search. Search. Seek. Seek.&br&Cold. Cold. Clear. Clear.
&br&Sorrow. Sorrow. Pain. Pain.&br&然而英语单词叠加使用并没有起到中文的效果&br&&br&林语堂译为&br&So dim,so dark,&br&So dense,so dull,&br&So damp,so dank,&br&So dead!&br&七个形容词都以d开头,具有极佳的形式美,绝对可称为翻译中的上品了。&br&&br&许渊冲译为&br&I look for what I miss,&br&I know not what it is,&br&I feel so sad,so drear,&br&So lonely,without cheer.&br&押韵完美,意思上有所发挥,不过还是忠实于原文,我更喜欢这个翻译,不仅仅因为我是脑残粉。译文比原文多了一个主人公,I,刻画出了一个愁苦忧郁的人,抑扬间有种独特的悲伤。&br&&br&《大风歌》&br&大风起兮云飞扬。&br&威加海内兮归故乡。&br&安得猛士兮守四方!&br&&br&许渊冲译为 &br&A big wind rises, clouds are driven away. &br&Home am Inow the world is under my sway. &br&Where are brave men to guard the four frontiers today! &br&&br&《大风歌》三句都押尾韵“ang”,而许译三句,均押尾韵“/ei/”,读起来有种爆裂的感觉,倍儿爽。&br&&br&静夜思&br&床前明月光
Abed,I see a silver light,&br&疑是地上霜
I wonder if it's frost a ground.&br&举头望明月
Looking up,I&br&低头思故乡
Bowing,in home sickness I'm drowned.&br&许老译文的二、四两行韵脚相押,而且发音近似“霜”和“乡”,如果不近似,那就是我英语口音的问题了。。。。。。&br&&br&除了诗词,许老翻译水准之高,做人性情之爽,世所罕见。&br&50年代许渊冲在北京教英文和法文,他公开说斯大林肃反杀害好人太多,这就算了;还说“共产主义”翻译错了,原文没有“产”字,吃果果歧视日本人的翻译水平;《共产党宣言》也被他挑刺,“幽灵”不如改为“魔影”,“徘徊”应该改成“经常出现”——因为欧洲各国不会害怕徘徊不前的幽灵。&br&果然后来被批斗了,然后他就一边被批斗一边翻译毛泽东文集&br&&br&山上山下,风卷红旗如画。&br&Below&br&Below&br&The wind unrolls&br&Red flags like scorlls.&br&&br&天高云淡,望断南飞雁。&br&The sky is high &br&The clouds are light&br&The wild geese flying south out of sight.&br&&br&中华人民多奇志,不爱红装爱武装&br&Chinese people prefer to face the powder rather than powder the face.&br&powder the face 为 涂脂抹粉 ,face the powde 面对硝烟,简直绝妙&br&&br&而且许老是在被红卫兵殴打中完成这些翻译的,红卫兵痛恨他的“学霸作风”,这霉倒的。&br&&br&再分享几个许老的译作,实在收不住哇!&br&&br&近水楼台先得月,向阳花木易为春。——俞文豹《清夜录》&br&The poolside bower’s the best placetoenjoymoonbeams,&br&The flowers basking in sunshine maydreamspringdreams.&br&&br&千山鸟飞绝
from hill to hill no bird in flight&br&万径人踪灭
from path to path no man in sight &br&——柳宗元《江雪》&br&&br&清明时节雨纷纷,
A drizzling rain falls like tears on the Mourning Day,&br&路上行人欲断魂。
The mourners’heart is going to break on his way.&br&借问酒家何处有,
Where can a wineshop be found to drown his sad hours?&br&牧童遥指杏花村。
A cowherd points to a cot amid apri-cotflowers.&br&——杜牧《清明》&br&&br&葡萄美酒夜光杯
With wine of grapes the cups of jade would glow at night,&br&欲饮琵琶马上催
Drinking to pipa songs, we are summoned to fight.&br&醉卧沙场君莫笑
Don’t laugh if we lay drunken on the battleground!&br&古来征战几人回
How many warriors ever came back safe and sound? &br&——王翰《凉州词》&br&&br&道可道,非常道&br&Truth can be known,but it may not be the well-known truth
金岳霖当年翻译《毛泽东选集》,译到“吃一堑,长一智”时,一时下不了手。 钱钟书遂支招,译作 A fall into the pit,a gain in your wit. 译文和中文一样对仗,而且押韵。 钱老有个学生叫许渊冲 日,现年93岁的北京大学教授、中国当代著名翻译家…
&p&补充:不编情景了,我决定把以前看外国电影时记下来的地道用法搬上来~ &/p&&p&(继续待补充)..My dissertation is killing me. &br&&br&&b&【友情篇】&/b&&br&1. I'll always have your back .
我会一直支持你。 = I stand behind you .
I got your back .
我挺你。 &br& 2. I know how you feel .
我明白你的感受。&br&&/p&&p&3. keep an eye on each other 相互照应&/p&&p&4. You have to stay strong .
你要坚强。&/p&&p&5. He didn't wanna tell on her.
他不想打她的小报告。 snitch 告密者,打小报告者&/p&&p&6. You're debasing yourself . 你在贬低自己。&/p&&p&7. You want to bet on it ?
你想打个赌?&br&8. keep her company
I'll pick you up tomorrow .
made your favorite dinner . 我做了你最爱吃的菜。&br&11. It has been a long time .
好久不见。&br&&/p&&br&&p&&b&【爱情篇】 &/b&&br&1. Never,ever,ever&br&.
永远永远不。&br&2. I take this seriously .
I'm with him . 我和他在一起。 (既可以指那个在一起又可以指那个在一起)&br&
I'm with somebody else now . 我现在和别人在一起了。&br&4. You can't take him from me . 你不能把他从我身边带走。&br&5. She would never go out with me . 她是不会和我交往的。&br&6.
got a tongue bath from sb 和谁谁舌吻。。额&br&7.
I let him slip through my fingers . 我让他从我指间溜走。&br&8. move in together
搬到一起&br&9. He asked me to marry him . 他向我求婚。&br&&/p&&p&10. You and I can never , ever ,ever be together
你和我永远不可能在一起。&/p&&p&11. He is not picking up his phone . 他不接电话。&/p&&p&12. Their marriage is going downhill . 他们的婚姻在走下坡路。&/p&&p&13. You're so caring . It's touching . 你这么关心我,我好感动。&/p&&p&14. the
girl is too good for you 你配不上那个女孩= you are not good enough for that girl&/p&&p&15.
pop the lock on the closet
and come out
承认自己是同性恋&/p&&p&16. I'm getting married .
You had an affair .
你出轨了。&br&18. I will always love you .
我会一直爱你。&br&19. I'll never leave you .
我再也不会离开你。&br&20. He doesn't hover .
他不缠人。&br&21. I dreamt of him .
我梦见他。 &br&22. I dream about being with you forever .
我想永远和你在一起。&br&23. I am unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him .&/p&&p&
(嘿嘿)&/p&&p&24. Let's just give her some space .
给她一点空间。&br&25. I can take care of you . 我能照顾你。 &br&25. I miss you so bad .
我真的好想你。&br&26. change my mind
改变心意&br&27. He is a bad kisser .
他吻技超烂。&br&28.You guys make a really cute couple . 你俩真是天造地设的一对。&br&29.
I hope one day , I can love you the way that you love me .&br&&/p&&p&
我希望有一天,能像你爱我一样爱你。&/p&&p&31. Are you seeing anyone ?
你在和谁交往?&/p&&p&32. Shakespeare said, &Journeys end in lovers meeting . &&/p&&p&
莎士比亚说过,旅程会因恋人的聚首而结束。 &/p&&p&
It was Shakespeare who also said, &Love is blind .& 莎士比亚也说过,爱情是盲目的。&/p&33. unrequited love 单相思
fall in love alone&br&34. He cheated on you , but you stayed friends ?&br&&p&
head over heels
疯狂爱上某人,神魂颠倒&/p&&p&She was head over heels
她是神魂颠倒了。&/p&&p&36. do his laundry
&/p&&p&37. swear on my life
用我的生命发誓&br&38. —
I would never cheat on you , not under any conditions .&/p&&p&我永远不会背叛你,无论在任何情况下。&/p&&p&— Neither would I . 我也不会。&/p&&p&39. In the world of love , cheating is not acceptable .
出轨去死。&/p&&p&40. You are a knockout. 你太迷人了。&/p&&p&41. We hardly know each other . 我们几乎不了解对方。&/p&&p&42. Can I offer you a lift home ?
我能送你回家么?&/p&&p&43. My palms are starting to sweat . 我的手心开始出汗了。&/p&&p&44. He is a one-woman-at-a-time kind of guy. 他用情专一&/p&&p&45. She push every guy away .
她拒绝每个男人。&br&46. Do you want some company ? 想要有人陪么?&br&&br&&b&【&/b&&b&花痴男女篇】&/b&&br&1. He&br&is in great shape .
他身材很好。&br&2. a man of good taste 有品位的男人&br&3.
insanely good-looking 极帅无比&br&&br&&b&【学校篇】&/b&&br&1. straight-A student 全优生&br&2. no phones
no texting
不准发短信&br&3. postpone the match 推迟比赛&br&4. Play big .
好好表现。&br&5. return the favor 还人情
open old wound 揭老伤疤&br&&br&&b&【职场篇】 &/b&&br&1. I got off work early .
我下班早。&br&2.Is that a good living
你那份工作好么?&br&3. It was tough starting out . 开始很难。(指创业等等)&br&4. I subbing for her .
我顶替她。&br&5. His contract is up .
他的合同到期了。&br&6. Appreciate it .
v. 兼职&/p&&p& I moonlight as an adult-phone entertainer .
我兼职接听成人电话。&br&8. I am on the paper .
我是报社的&br&9. (对长辈说)I don't meant to be disrespectful , but .........&br&&/p&&p&
我无意冒犯,但是。。。。&/p&10. pay you the big bucks 付你很多薪水&br&11. Severe stress makes women age prematurely .
How do I reach you ?
我怎么和你联系?&br&&br&&b&【生活篇】&/b&&br&1. How is going ?
怎么样?(打招呼时用)&br&2. Let's reschedule .
我们改时间。&br&3. Can I get a little help ? 能帮我个小忙么 ? 大忙可以说 Can
you do me a favor?&br&4. This is kind of personal . 这有点私人。&br&5. How you holding up?
(不知怎么翻译,一般用于去参加葬礼时候跟主人说的,大概意思是你没事吧)&br&6. We'll take the check .
我们买单。&br&7. I'm stuck .
&br&8. The door is jammed. 门卡住打不开了&br&9. I'm begging you . 求求你了。&br&10.
I'm looking for sb .
(打电话时) 我找谁谁&br&11.
She is not answering her phone .= She's not picking up the phone. &br&12.
unwrap the present 拆礼物&br&13. Don't be mean . &br&别那么刻薄。&br&14. It's the least we can&br&do .
这是至少我们可以做的。&br&15. door handles 门把手
door knobs 门把(圆的那种)&br& I'm running out of time . 我就快没时间了。&br&16. Go ahead .
继续。17. —What about battery life ? 电池电量如何?&p&
—It's just less than half . 不到一半。&/p&&p&18. How much does the phone have left ?
手机还能维持多长时间?&/p&&p&19. You have conserve that battery . 你必须省着用电池。&/p&&p&20. Is the ringer set on a sound or vibrate ? 铃声是设置在响铃还是震动?&/p&&p&21. We are doing the best we can . 我们正在尽最大的努力。&br&22.
I'm gonna throw up .
我要吐了。&br&23. We'll blow-dry it&br&.
我们把它吹干。&br&24. Can I use the bathroom ? 我们用下厕所么?&br&25. What's that suppose to mean ?
你说那是什么意思?(有点生气地问)&br&26. We didn't mean anything .
我们没别的意思。&br&27. It's not worth it .
这不值当的。&br&28. I don't follow you .
我听不懂你说什么。&br&29. He's making fun of you . 他在取笑你。&br&30. You are up .
&br&31. The clock is 3 minutes fast .
表快3分钟。&br&32. cell phone reception
手机信号&br&33. put it on their tab
记在他们账上&br&34. two adjoining rooms 两个相邻的房间&br&35. steaming tea
热气腾腾的茶&br&36 put seat belt on
系上安全带 &br&37. We ran into each other .
我们遇上了。&br&38. now and forever 永永远远&br&39. We'll always find the way back to each other .&br&40. I hope you don't mind .
我希望你别介意。&br&41. neat freak 洁癖&br&42. We should get the bill .
我们该买单了。&br&&br&&b&【人物评价篇】&/b&&br&1. He is kind of temperamental . 他有点喜怒无常。&br&2. You're so right .
你说的太对了。&br&3. You look pale .
你看起来脸色苍白。&br&4. I am really kind of suffer-in-silent type . 我是沉默寡言型的。&br&5. your mood swings
你的情绪变化(你忽冷忽热)&br&6. You have impressive power of observation .
你的洞察力还挺强。&br&7. Clumsy me .
我真是笨手笨脚的&br&8. She is so sure of herself . 她很自信。&br&&br&&b&【个人感受篇】&/b&&br&1. I feel sorry for you .
我为你感到遗憾。(当听到别人说不好的事情时用于安慰)&br&2. yuck !
&br&3. I'm so dead .
I'm scared . 我很害怕。&br&5. It doesn't matter .
无所谓/不重要&br&6. I'm freaked out . 吓死我了 = You're freaking me out. &br&7.
It is so excruciating . 太痛苦了。&br&8. I'll be fine . 我没事。. &br&9
It's unbearable&br&.
太难以忍受了。&br&10. I regretted it very much .
我非常后悔。&br&11. It's so funny and you will fall off your chair . 哈哈哈哈太有意思了哈哈哈。&br&&br&&b&【其他篇】&/b&&br&1. That's my stuff . 那是我的东西。&br&2. I got caught .
我被抓住了。&br&3. I got in trouble .
我碰上麻烦。&/p&&p&4. That makes sense .
有道理。&br&5. a starry night 满天繁星的夜晚&br&6.
He blew it . 他搞砸了。&br&7. I shouldn't have done that .
There you are .&br&9. There is no way that happening .
weirdo 怪人
pervert 变态
&br&11. We are even .
我们扯平了。&br&12. Let's proceed .
我们继续。&br&13. funeral home
殡仪馆&br&14. Forget it .
算了。&br&15. It's an absolute emergency .
I blacked out .
我昏迷了。 &br&17. fan the flames 火上浇油&br&18. I'm warning you .
我警告你。&br&19. follow-up reports 后续报道
&br&20. fly around everywhere
(空中飞人呢)到处飞&br&21. I half-remember that .
我对那有点印象。&br&22. vending machine 自动售货机&br&23. Please every one form a single-file line . 请大家排成一队。&br&24.
stop bickering
别吵了&br&25. Your turn . 该你了。
加粗的是比较地道的用法~&br&&br&&b&情景1: 学霸与学渣&/b&&br&学渣: I've been &b&studying like crazy&/b& for final exams. I think my &b&brain is going to explode&/b& !!&br&
我一直在为期末考试疯狂学习, 啊啊啊我的大脑要炸裂了!!学霸: &b&Give me a break&/b& ! You've been &b&binge eating&/b& Ferrero Rocher &b&like a baby dinosaur&/b& the
whole time. &br&
你一直在像个恐龙宝宝一样狂吃费列罗!!!&br&学渣: I'm exhausted and I need a &b&pick-me-up&/b&.
我都累瘫了,需要费列罗提神。&br&学霸:Alright. &b&Take a brain break&/b& and watch an episode of The Big Bang Theory with me. I &br&
heard that Sheldon is gonna kiss Amy in this new episode. &br&
好啦好啦,换换脑子跟我看一集生活大爆炸吧! 我听说这集谢耳朵会亲亲Amy噢!&br&学渣: &b&Spoil Alert&/b& !!!
啊啊啊讨厌不准剧透!!!&br&学霸: &b&My apologies&/b&. (Sheldon's voice)
(用谢耳朵的声音说) 我错啦!&br&&br&&b&情景2: 八卦小姐妹Lucy and Lily 的下午茶&/b&&br&Lucy: Did you know that Jimmy &b&dumped&/b& Emily and &b&came out of the closet &/b&? &br&
你知道Jimmy甩了Emily,出柜了么!!&br&Lily:Oh my god !!! But Jimmy &b&looks so straight&/b& !!&br&
额滴神呀!但是Jimmy看起来很直呀!&br&Lucy: I know !!
But&b& to be honest&/b&, I always thought that Emily &b&is out of Jimmy's league&/b&. It &br&
seems like she is just his &b&cover&/b&. &br&
我也觉得!!不过实话说,我一直觉得Emily配不上Jimmy, 现在看她只是个挡箭牌。&br&Lily:
Really? I think they are &b&so made for each other&/b& .
Emily is pretty, she just &b&didin't &/b&&br&&b&
photography well.&/b&&br&
真的啊? 我觉得他俩挺般配呢!Emily挺好看的呀,她只是不上相。&br&Lucy: I heard Emily was totally&b& furious &/b&and &b&threw drinks in Jimmy's face.&/b&&br&
She &b&has every right to &/b&be mad, but it's better to &b&be grown ups about&/b& this . &br&
她完全有理由生气,但最好还是成熟对待吧!&br&Lucy: Oh...oh... 嗷嗷~&br&Lily: What ? 咋啦? &br&Lucy: I think I just &b&got my period&/b&, do you have tampons right now ? &br&
我好想大姨妈来了~ 你带卫生棉了么?&br&Lily: Oh, we are &b&in complete sync&/b& !!
Here !&br&
哎呀,咱俩大姨妈完全同步呀!拿去!&br&Lucy: You are my &b&life savior&/b& .
补充:不编情景了,我决定把以前看外国电影时记下来的地道用法搬上来~ (继续待补充)..My dissertation is killing me. 【友情篇】 1. I'll always have your back . 我会一直支持你。 = I stand behind you . 我支持你。 = I got your back . 我挺你。 2.…
1. 最重要的就是——不要用错词!!!!!&br&当你用 a bar of cigarettes 来表示一条烟的时候,剩下的再怎么说都是逗逼了。(一条烟是 a carton of cigarettes)&br&搭配!搭配很重要!!!&br&&br&2. 扩大词汇量&br&《中式英语之鉴》里作者明确说了,一直用动词+副词的方式是很 low 的,英语里词汇那么多,十有八九有特定动词可以表示某个普通含义动词+副词&br&walk unsteadily 可以用 totter 代替;cry loudily 可以用 wail 代替等等。一直用各种动词+副词是文化水平不高的表现&br&&br&除了别老用副词之外,各种同义词的替换也很重要。以《银河系漫游指南》小说的开头为例&br&&br&Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small unregarded sun&br&&br&作者一连用了三个形容词 uncharted, unfashionable 和 unregarded 来表示偏僻的,另外还有个名词 backwaters&br&&br&3. 用好介词&br&最经典的例子,林肯所说的“民有、民治、民享”,如果翻回英文,大部分人恐怕都会翻译 owned, governed and shared by people. 但是英文原文用的是 of the people by the people for the people,根本就没用动词。简洁有力&br&&br&4. 名词化。&br&名词化是非常重要的,英文中一个句子只能有一个谓语动词,所以每一个动词的使用都必须小心谨慎,为了让句子简洁,把动词转换为名词是十分重要的。&br&&br&中国越来越多地参与地区性事务说明中国是个负责任的国家 &br&&br&上句如果用从句的话就累赘了 That China is increasingly participating in regional affairs shows that it is a responsible country.&br&前面的从句改成名词就好多了 China's increasing regional involvement shows .....&br&&br&5.原则上就这些。但是真要应用起来,还需要大量的阅读和背诵为基础才能好好运用&br&&br&6. 补充一下口语的一条——千万不要把能拼读的缩写词一个字母一个字母地读!&br&联合国教科文组织 UNESCO 不要读作 &U-N-E-S-C-O&,要当作一个完整的单词读作&br&/ju:'n?sk??/&br&&br&==============================================================&br&&br&号补充~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~&br&沉寂了一段时间之后,这两天这个回答突然又多了好几个赞。所以再补充几点吧&br&&br&关于3用好介词的。再给一个很有典型意义的例子&br&&br&他正绝食抗议,声称对他犯有谋杀罪的判决不公正&br&&br&如果让中国人来翻译,首先的反应差不多是这样的句子: He is on hunger strike claiming his conviction for murder is unjust(我自己翻译的句子)&br&&br&这样的翻译其实已经不错了,不过还可以做到更好&br&&br&He is&b& on&/b& hunger strike&b& in &/b&protest&b& at&/b& his wrongful conviction&b& for &/b&murder(某部英英字典给的例句。每次读到这种多个介词连用的句子都特别爽快……)&br&&br&7.语序/逻辑的调整(这个不像上面是词层面的,本条是句子层面的。再往上段落、修辞层面的就心有余而力不足了)&br&&br&中文的特点是经常用语言的内容表达逻辑性,而不是用表示逻辑关系的关联词来表达。例如这道题目的问题 “有哪些高级的英语表达技巧,让人一听就很地道?”,完整的表达应该是 “有哪些英语表达技巧很高级,高级到让人一听就很地道?”(不知道这个例子够不够好……),这个题目翻译成英文,就算不用 so ... that ... 这样的句式,最起码也要加个 and 表达句子之间的关联(看到 and 不要觉得只能翻译成和)&br&&br&这就造成一个问题,那就是中文的句子顺序比较固定,在不使用连接词的情况下,必须遵守先因后果,先时间再事件等顺序,否则逻辑关系就表达不出来(当然你要是用了关联词,顺序就比较自由了)。&br&&br&但是写英文的时候,就不能总是遵循这样的顺序(不是不可以遵循,也不是说不遵循这个顺序就一定特别地道,只是说大家写文章要有意识的调整语序,让句子读起来更灵活,而不是始终差不多)&br&&br&比方说“你定罪后会被判处五年”(请大家试试自己翻译这个句子,“定罪”是 convict sb 或 sb is convicted,判五年是 five years' imprisonment,不需要纠结具体的词,重点是句式)&br&&br&&br&==============================================================&br&&br&&br&&br&学渣(最普通的版本):&br& When you are convicted, you will face five years' imprisonment. (如果是写作,也许还有人能够注意到可以把 when 从句放到句尾,但是如果是口语,恐怕很少有人能够做到,因为先因后果,先时间后事件的逻辑关系已经深深印入我们的语言习惯中。)&br&&br&学霸(准确来说是简洁一点,不过能把英文写简洁,对于很多人来说就已经算是学霸了):&br&When convicted, you will face five years' imprisonment&br&&br&学酥(表面上看起来很高端,但是实际上是错误的版本):&br&After being convicted, five years' imprisonment is inevitable(提示一下,是语法错误,而不是翻译地不精确之类的问题。请大家努力找哦~~~)&br&&br&学神(这个句子当然也不至于到学神的地步,只是说以中国人的标准而言算是一个好句子):&br&you will face five years' imprisonment on conviction&br&&br&当然,这个例子也是介词用法的一个例子。但是更重要的是这个句子的顺序是先果后因,先事件后时间&br&&br&8. 主从句关系(这个是小问题)&br&&br&Busy as my father is, he never seems in a hurry&br&&br&这样的一个句子,其实问题不是特别大。不过,习惯上,主句在句子中比较重要,因此应该把代词所代替的主语分配给主句,从句不太重要,可以用代词&br&&br&所以最好把 my father 和 he 的顺序换一下&br&&br&Busy as he is, my father never seems in a hurry(大家读英文的时候可以注意一下,有良好写作风格的作者,是不会把代词所指代的名词放在句首的从句中,而是会放在主句中)&br&&br&其实这个问题和 7 中的中文语言习惯也有关系,因为中文中,就算先说的句子不重要,按照逻辑顺序,也会先把关键信息放到先说的句子中,后说的句子,哪怕更重要,也只会放置代词。但是英语不一样。主从句之间是有重要性区别的,这个区别同时也会反映到遣词造句上
1. 最重要的就是——不要用错词!!!!! 当你用 a bar of cigarettes 来表示一条烟的时候,剩下的再怎么说都是逗逼了。(一条烟是 a carton of cigarettes) 搭配!搭配很重要!!! 2. 扩大词汇量 《中式英语之鉴》里作者明确说了,一直用动词+副词的方…
&p&我这里提供一种新的思路,不列出具体的表达技巧,而是告诉你应该如何判断以及寻找这些高级的表达,写出地道的文章。&/p&&p&&br&&/p&&p&在接触英美人士的过程中,有时候你会发现这种所谓的表达差异性:同样是在说明一件事情,native speaker 的表达给人的感觉要灵活简洁很多,比如要表达“他参加了竞赛”,一般人想到的可能是 &He took part in the competition &,但老外的说法可能是&He entered for the competition&, “他肯定要60岁了”很可能不是&He must be nearly 60 years old& 而是&He must be going on for 60&,类似的情况还有很多,为了更好地说明问题,我找了一个例子。下面这篇短文是一名外教写的自我介绍,发表在国内某英语杂志上:&/p&&figure&&img src=& data-caption=&& data-rawwidth=&741& data-rawheight=&378& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&741& data-original=&上面的短文是不是读起来挺舒服,给人的感觉很地道?这是什么原因?我们可以仔细分析一下,注意下面加粗的部分:&/p&&p&&br&&/p&&p&Being &The New Guy& at Crazy English is something I &b&take pride in&/b&. I've been &The New Guy& many times in my life: at new schools(after &b&being kicked out&/b& of a few for insubordination),in new shows (over 30 live stage productions),and in new homes(I &b&end up&/b& moving every year or so).&/p&&p&&br&&/p&&p&I used to hate being & The New Guy& in town, having to adjust to a new way of life &b&at the drop of a hat&/b&,but &b&that is no longer the case&/b&. I've only been here a few weeks,but I am already starting to &b&find my place &/b&here at CE Magazine HQ. I even drew a mini-map to help me find my new colleagues' cubicles.&/p&&p&&br&&/p&&p&My colleagues are all easy-going and enjoyable &b&to be around&/b&. &b&On a daily basis&/b&,they all seem eager to share their knowledge and experience, especially through my new QQ group. The work environment here is &b&neither fast-paced nor stressful&/b&(&b& as opposed to&/b& when I &b&waited tables&/b& on Manhattan's upper west side),and my superiors are &b&a far cry from &/b&the &b&whip-cracking-slave&/b& drivers I &b&grew accustomed to &/b&working under back in the States.&/p&&p&&br&&/p&&p&All in all,I am &b&having a blast&/b&!&/p&&p&&br&&/p&&p&你应该注意到了,文章中并没有出现很多大词和难词(除了一个insubordination),但小词和短语的应用非常灵活且恰到好处。比如“对某事感到骄傲”,我们一般用&be proud of &,但文中用了&take pride in&,“最终处于…”,作者用了&end up doing sth&(这个表达很常见), 表示差别很大用的是&a far cry from sth&(这个也很常见),“每一天”不说&Every day & 而是 &On a daily basis&,表示“随时,马上”不是用&in a hurry&,而是&at the drop of a hat&...正是这些灵活的短语和小词让整篇文章显得很地道,读起来有节奏感。&/p&&p&&br&&/p&&p&从上面的分析我们可以得到的启发是:要写出地道文章的第一步并不是一味追求所谓的大词难词,而是要先把最简单的小词和短语给学好用好。&br&&/p&&p&&br&&/p&&p&我们有必要回头去重新学习我们曾经“熟视无睹”的单词。比如&see&这个单词看起来似乎人畜无害?但如果你去翻翻朗文词典的话会发现它有几十条释义,有些搭配你可能见都没见过,更别说用了,比如see through,see over sth ,see about sth,see sb/sth out 等,而这些我们认为陌生的短语和表达,可能会在母语人士的文章中被大量应用。&/p&&figure&&img src=& data-caption=&& data-rawwidth=&720& data-rawheight=&1280& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&720& data-original=&这些“看起来很简单但我就是写不出来”的东西,才是我们需要积累的东西。&/p&&p&&br&&/p&&p&应该怎样去积累这些表达?&/p&&p&&br&&/p&&p&大量阅读是一个方法,通过阅读,发现好的表达,然后一步步积累下来,这是最正常的做法。但在这里我想说的是一种比较“极端”的方法:读词典。&br&&/p&&p&&br&&/p&&p&词典确实是可以拿来读的,类似于上面提到的&see,go,enter,pride& 这类简单词,我们完全可以把词条通读一遍,留意一下有哪些新鲜的搭配和用法,有些可能会让你大开眼界“居然还能这样用”,比如我之前在朗文词典中发现了&a match made in heaven& 这个说法,跟汉语中的“天作之合”完美对应。&/p&&figure&&img src=& data-caption=&& data-rawwidth=&720& data-rawheight=&1280& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&720& data-original=&当然这里并不是要叫你拿一部大砖头词典一个个单词去翻去查,这样下来谁都会崩溃的。&br&&/p&&p&&br&&/p&&p&我用技术手段做了一点微小的工作,用一种更加巧妙的方式来读词典。具体思路是这样的:&br&&/p&&p&&br&&/p&&p&&b&1.确定有多少值得注意并认真掌握的单词&/b&&/p&&p&&b&2.把这些单词在词典中对应的释义导出来&/b&&/p&&p&&br&&/p&&p&对于第一个问题,我参考了目前比较流行的柯林斯五星词频理念,将柯林斯五星,四星以及三星共计1000多个单词提取出来,做成词汇表,这些单词就是值得我们重点掌握的小词。有了词汇表之后,我们还需要把这些单词在词典中的释义提取出来。在这里我采用的词典是朗文英英5(因为这本词典的单词短语搭配非常丰富,例句也很棒,极具学习价值),将词汇表中每一个单词在朗文词典中的解释都导出来后形成html文档,并调整了一下布局,最后导出来的文件长这样子:&/p&&figure&&img src=& data-caption=&& data-rawwidth=&720& data-rawheight=&1280& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&720& data-original=&文件中包含了每一个单词在朗文词典中的完整释义,换句话说,其实这是一本词汇书,而且还是定制版的。&/p&&p&&br&&/p&&p&怎么使用?你可以将它放到手机平板或者电脑上,使用浏览器打开,建议把词汇书通读一遍,碰到好的表达就截图或者做标记,方便日后复习。&/p&&figure&&img src=& data-caption=&& data-rawwidth=&720& data-rawheight=&1280& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&720& data-original=&词汇书的下载链接我放在文末,如果你想自己制作词汇书的话也可以参考这篇文章:&a href=&// class=& wrap external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&有哪些相见恨晚的学单词方法?&/a&&/p&&p&&br&&/p&&p&除了读词典之外,大量阅读“地道”的英文材料也是一个好方法。&/p&&p&&br&&/p&&p&这里我给“地道”下的定义是:话题贴近日常生活(比如日常衣食住行,生活感悟等),实用性较高。&/p&&p&&br&&/p&&p&但这种材料并不好找。《经济学人》这类外刊并不一定合适,因为他们是严肃的政经材料,用来准备雅思托福作文肯定没问题,但当涉及到与日常生活相关话题时却并不一定管用,假如现在让你用英文写一下自我介绍,你总不能用《经济学人》那种君临天下指点江山的文风来写吧,而应该参考一下上面那篇外教文章的风格。&/p&&p&&br&&/p&&p&在这里推荐一些比较好的材料:贴近生活的原版畅销书以及电影剧本。&/p&&p&&br&&/p&&p&之所以要强调是“贴近生活的原版畅销书”,是因为原版书也分很多类,比如经典名著(像 1984, The Great Gatsby ),商业读物,名人传记,青春文学小说等。年代过于久远的经典以及专业性太强的读物并不适合,我们需要的读物应该是话题喜闻乐见,用词鲜活地道的作品。从这个标准来看,不少畅销小说可以满足这个特点,比如 Gone Girl, The Time Traveler's Wife ,&/p&&p&&br&&/p&&p&具体的书单可以参见美国亚马逊的畅销书排行榜以及书评。&/p&&p&&br&&/p&&p&&br&&/p&&p&另外一个需要着重介绍的材料是电影剧本。&/p&&p&&br&&/p&&p&电影字幕相信很多人都听说过,但了解电影剧本的就比较少了。剧本除了包含台词(字幕)之外,还带有人物动作的说明,剧情背景以及剧情进度的说明等。比起看电影学英语,我更加推荐“读剧本学英语”——因为剧本中包含了电影中所有台词,而且还带有大量背景说明,看完电影再读剧本的过程就相当于把电影场景又脑补了一遍,在这个过程中对台词的理解会大大加深,各种鲜活的表达也能更加深刻地记忆。&/p&&p&&br&&/p&&p&我记得盗梦空间(Inception)在电影开头有这样一个场景:在梦境中 Nash 走到了窗边,拨开窗帘观察外面的情况。如果让你来写这个场景,你会怎么写?&/p&&figure&&img src=& data-caption=&& data-rawwidth=&1211& data-rawheight=&596& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&1211& data-original=&剧本中是这样写的 & Nash moves to the window, parts the curtains.&
是的,part 在这里居然还可以当动词用,而且用得非常自然。脑补完电影中的场景之后,相信你对 part的动词用法再也忘不了了。&/p&&figure&&img src=& data-caption=&& data-rawwidth=&577& data-rawheight=&276& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&577& data-original=&而这样的例子在剧本中往往大量出现,一部电影的剧本读下来笔记都能写好几页了。希望通过看电影学英语的同学可以尝试下这种方式,找几部之前看过的电影,下载对应的剧本去认真读一读,并做好笔记,然后再重新看一遍电影,这样收获会比单纯看电影大很多。&/p&&p&&br&&/p&&p&需要下载剧本的同学可以按 &电影关键词+movie script& 的方式搜索,比如 &Inception movie script&,或者可以去IMSDb(The Internet Movie Script Database)这个网站下载,链接是 &a href=&// class=& wrap external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&The Internet Movie Script Database (IMSDb)&/a&&/p&&figure&&img src=& data-caption=&& data-rawwidth=&814& data-rawheight=&450& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&814& data-original=&总结:&/b&&/p&&p&&br&&/p&&p&要像母语人士一样写出地道的文章并不是一件简单的事情,它需要大量的素材积累,最简单的小词和短语也一定要学好用好,在这个基础上,多接触不同的英文材料,比如各种贴近生活的原版书,各种电影电视剧本,从这些材料中积累对于母语人士而言最自然的表达,才能慢慢写出地道的英文。&/p&&p&&br&&/p&&p&&b&Q&A:写得地道的文章一定是好文章吗?&/b&&/p&&p&&br&&/p&&p&不一定,地道与否是衡量一篇文章好坏的重要标准,但并不是唯一标准——思想和逻辑同样重要。有兴趣的同学可以看看下面这个视频,如果让外国人来考雅思会怎样?&br&&/p&&p&&a href=&// class=& wrap external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&外国人考雅思&/a& &/p&&p&实际情况是,对于GRE写作(甚至更简单的雅思写作)来说,即使让一名野生老外来写,也不一定能够拿高分,GRE写作同样让很多美国学生头疼。因为比起浅层次的表达,思想与逻辑才是最难掌握的东西。除了追求语言表达地道之外,文章做到逻辑严密,思想深刻,才是我们最终的目标。&br&&/p&&p&柯林斯词表下载:&a href=&// class=& external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&&span class=&invisible&&http://&/span&&span class=&visible&& class=&invisible&&l&/span&&span class=&ellipsis&&&/span&&/a&&/p&&p&&br&&/p&&p&喜欢阅读外刊,致力于提高英文水平的同学可以关注我的公众号:英文悦读(ID:read_the_economist),公众号每周会分享对外刊文章的翻译,点评以及赏析,还有我个人的英文学习相关文章,欢迎关注,感谢!&/p&&figure&&img src=& data-caption=&& data-rawwidth=&1213& data-rawheight=&567& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&1213& data-original=&
我这里提供一种新的思路,不列出具体的表达技巧,而是告诉你应该如何判断以及寻找这些高级的表达,写出地道的文章。 在接触英美人士的过程中,有时候你会发现这种所谓的表达差异性:同样是在说明一件事情,native speaker 的表达给人的感觉要灵活简洁很多,…
谢邀~~&br&我想起来一个,不能说很高极,只是很多人想不到这么用 或者不太熟悉这样的表达。&br&&br&&b&否定疑问句的用法&/b&&br&通常情况下,当否定疑问换成英语时,很多人会改变句式结构,变成从句(陈述句)的模式。&br&这样的变化从语法上是对的,但是改变了整个句子的语气~&br&&br&例如:&br&&br&1 平时我们说中文经常遇到 &b&“A为啥不是B” &/b&这样的句子,比如 “ 得诺贝尔奖的为啥不是村上春树啊?” 。&br&一般的翻译:&br&Why Haruki Murakami didn't receive the Nobel Prize?
&br&(这个句子我个人不太喜欢,有点blame的感觉)&br&&br&如果保持“为啥、为什么”的语气的话,建议换成&br&&b&Why isn't Haruki Murakami the recipient of the Nobel Prize?&/b&&br&&br&来练习一下 -- &br&&br&&有什么话为啥不直说?“&br&&figure&&img src=& data-rawwidth=&663& data-rawheight=&107& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&663& data-original=&“为啥收据上不是你的名字?”&br&&figure&&img src=& data-rawwidth=&639& data-rawheight=&106& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&639& data-original=&
中文中的&b& “怎么一。。。A就成了B了?” 比如 “你怎么一失恋就拿他当备胎?、怎么你一失恋他就成了你的备胎?“&/b&&br&翻译:&br&Why is it that he becomes a rebound guy when you‘re disappointed in love?&br&(用从句引导陈述句,一定程度上削弱了语气)&br&&br&建议:&br&Why is he a rebound guy when you're disappointed in love?&br&&br&练习一下~~&br&&figure&&img src=& data-rawwidth=&927& data-rawheight=&108& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&927& data-original=& “难道”的用法&/b&&br&&b&
3.1: “难道A不是B吗?” - isn't A B?&/b&&br&&figure&&img src=& data-rawwidth=&549& data-rawheight=&92& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&549& data-original=& src=& data-rawwidth=&537& data-rawheight=&86& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&537& data-original=&
谢邀~~ 我想起来一个,不能说很高极,只是很多人想不到这么用 或者不太熟悉这样的表达。 否定疑问句的用法 通常情况下,当否定疑问换成英语时,很多人会改变句式结构,变成从句(陈述句)的模式。 这样的变化从语法上是对的,但是改变了整个句子的语气~ 例…
我以前在美国的 MetLife 等大公司里长期负责销售人员的广告、产品介绍、推销信件等的创作、审核和写作培训,最多时候负责22个州7000 多美国销售人员的这些 marketing & sales materials,根据自己的经验解释一下:&br&&br&决定究竟如何措辞之前,首先要确认是哪一种邮件:是纸质的,还是电子邮件? &br&&br&1. 纸质信件/邮件:&br&&br&Enclose 一词一般指把纸质文书等“装入信封”,随纸信附上的附件也称 enclosure(s)。但是电子邮件中一般 &b&不&/b& 用 enclose / enclosure. &br&&br&2. 电子邮件:&br&&br&随邮件附上。。。供参考: I have attached / am attaching xxxx for your review ( 或 consideration, reference)
&br&&br&详见附件: Please refer to the attachment(s) for details 或
Please see the attachments for details.&br&&br&无论是纸质的还是电子邮件,最好都不要说
Please find enclosed / attached xxxxx ------ 这与美国商界比较规范的措辞习惯不符。&br&&br&3. 如果你怕自己“记不住、会搞反”,那最简单的办法就是无论是纸信还是电邮,都一概用 attach / attachment(s) 这一种说法,肯定不会错。&br&&br&题外话:如果是很熟悉、关系不错的(平级或下级)同事、朋友,在电邮中你用 pls, thx 之类的缩写没什么问题。但是对于关系一般的同事、尤其是对上级、或客户,你如果不想显得很随便、不愿意让人家因此而小看你的话,那就千万不要用这类缩写:这些缩写丝毫不能说明你的英语如何“地道”,相反,会给人家一种你“不够 professional”的印象。因为这种缩写所带来的口吻,就象一个中国律师在法律文书中用了诸如“嘿,我说,你把。。。拿过来我再搂一眼”之类的字眼。&br&当然,在一些节奏极快的行业里,大家可能已经有了约定俗成的习惯做法,公司内部的一般邮件中谁都那样写,那你当然也可以入乡随俗。但是在你那样做之前,最好先仔细留意一下周围同事、尤其是你的(老外)上司、同事们的做法,再决定你该怎么做。中国人同事“大家都这么说”,丝毫不能说明问题(大家半斤对八两);但需要你用比较高大上的英语写东西的话,恐怕还是以给老外看的为主。&br&这其实说到底是一个习惯问题:如果你习惯于学、记、说、写高质量的英语,你什么时候写出来的英语都不会太丢人现眼。但是如果平时学英语时就经常从 Prison Break, The South Park 之类的剧中学,那你的英语质量很可能会让很多老外暗自发笑,虽然一般没几个老外会那么好事、来当面告诫你“your English is kind of funny”。
我以前在美国的 MetLife 等大公司里长期负责销售人员的广告、产品介绍、推销信件等的创作、审核和写作培训,最多时候负责22个州7000 多美国销售人员的这些 marketing & sales materials,根据自己的经验解释一下: 决定究竟如何措辞之前,首先要确认是哪一…
我觉得最好是写成:&br&&br&Please refer to the attachment(s) for more details. &br&或&br&Please check out the attachment(s) for more details.&br&&br&attachment(s)也可以用attached file(s)代替
我觉得最好是写成: Please refer to the attachment(s) for more details. 或 Please check out the attachment(s) for more details. attachment(s)也可以用attached file(s)代替
&p&h*多图预警*&/p&&br&&p&图片都是我亲自拍的而收集的,不一定都是“雷人”的,但都对我来说比较搞笑或者很代表性的Chinglish。&/p&&br&&p&我对“Chinglish”的界定比较广。部分是拼写和语法错误为重点。还有部分语言没错但表示方式很“中国化”,对母语为英语的人来说奇奇怪怪的,或者萌萌哒的。这类Chinglish对中国人来说可能找不到笑点。&/p&&br&&p&我曾经有了个想法,开一个“Chinglish咨询公司”,帮中国公司纠正Chinglish错误。后来放弃了这个想法,因为觉得Chinglish其实这个东西很好玩,若是没有的话中国会失去她的一些特色和味道。&br&&/p&&br&&figure&&img data-rawheight=&633& data-rawwidth=&800& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&800& data-original=&这里的“怪”应该是&strange&不是&blame&&br&&br&&figure&&img data-rawheight=&381& data-rawwidth=&600& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&600& data-original=&看到&not into & 不得不想起《He's just not that into you》(&a class=& wrap external& href=&// target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&他其实没那么喜欢你 (豆瓣)&/a&)&br&&br&&figure&&img data-rawheight=&458& data-rawwidth=&600& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&600& data-original=& on everyone& 这么一个场面好恐怖!&br&&br&&figure&&img data-rawheight=&338& data-rawwidth=&600& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&600& data-original=&烫应该是&hot&不是&soup&!&br&&br&&figure&&img data-rawheight=&198& data-rawwidth=&600& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&600& data-original=&加拿大车厘子&。。。&产于智利&&br&&br&&figure&&img data-rawheight=&363& data-rawwidth=&640& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&640& data-original=& Is&好奇怪的一个地名。中文的地名不要直译。这个地方的英文名字应该是直接按照中文拼音的“Nanhen”&br&&br&&figure&&img data-rawheight=&536& data-rawwidth=&640& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&640& data-original=&“South Drug Park”大部分外国人会理解为“南毒品公园”&br&&br&&figure&&img data-rawheight=&226& data-rawwidth=&640& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&640& data-original=&英文的“cliff”(悬崖)是个名词,不能当形容词。“cliffy”这么个个词不存在,不过听起来萌萌哒!&br&&br&&figure&&img data-rawheight=&556& data-rawwidth=&640& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&640& data-original=&在虎跳峡,这个牌子的英文翻译错误多得很&br&&br&&figure&&img data-rawheight=&184& data-rawwidth=&500& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&500& data-original=&这句子很书面,也很50年代文革的味道。英文本身没错,就是和别扭。&br&&br&&figure&&img data-rawheight=&239& data-rawwidth=&500& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&500& data-original=&很色情的感觉,你懂的&br&&br&&figure&&img data-rawheight=&196& data-rawwidth=&500& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&500& data-original=&太书面化,很别扭&br&&br&&figure&&img data-rawheight=&166& data-rawwidth=&500& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&500& data-original=&翻译没错,就是这个店名在我国不会出现,太傻,太萌&br&&br&&figure&&img data-rawheight=&222& data-rawwidth=&500& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&500& data-original=&不成熟的宝贝。一般immature指应该成熟但不成熟的成年人,不会指婴儿&br&&br&&figure&&img data-rawheight=&205& data-rawwidth=&500& src=& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&500& data-original=&“Three Creates”这种翻译很中国化,像蛤蟆的“三个代表”英文版“The Three Represents&&br&&br&&figure&&img data-rawheight=&404& data-rawwidth=&306& src=& class=&con


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