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The Correttis : Sins | AustLit: Discover Australian Stories
With British author, Sarah Morgan
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Includes An Invitation to Sin by Sarah Morgan
* Contents derived from the
North Sydney,
North Sydney - Lane Cove area,
Sydney Northern Suburbs,
Harlequin Mills and Boon
Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents.
single work
'Business & Pleasure: What the Corretti playboy wants...'Personal assistant Ella is never without her "Santo Bag"-not the latest designer "must have," but emergency supplies to handle whatever the devilish Santo Corretti throws at her. But no pair of sunglasses will cover the darkness in her boss's eyes this morning.'Scandal is circling. Santo's family is in tatters. His brother is languishing in a jail cell and his latest film's on the rocks. All Santo wants is a little TLC. Except, Ella's heart is not part of the playboy fix-it kit.'But what Santo Corretti wants he gets!' (Publication summary)
Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of
North Sydney - Lane Cove area,
Sydney Northern Suburbs,
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