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| 欢迎来到杭州厨师培训英语中“一…就…”的多种表达方式(高三英语语法)
英语中“一...就...” 的表达方式丰富多彩,现将其表达形式及用法总结如下:1、 as soon asas soon as 是最常见的表达方式,前一个as 是副词,后一个as 是连词,引导时间状语从句。注意:⑴as soon as所指的动作发生在另一分句所指的动作之前。如:He made a phone call to me as soon as he came back.他一回来就给我打了个电话(回家在前,打电话在之后)。⑵as soon as引导的从句可以放在主句之前,也可放在主句之后。如:As soon as he came back, he paid a visit to me. = He paid a visit to me as soon as he came back.他一回来就来看我。⑶as soon as 可用于一般现在时、一般过去时或完成时,主句的动词用现在时、过去时或将来时。例如:We will go outing as soon as he returns. 他一回来,我们就去郊游。He started as soon as he received the news. 他一得到消息就出发了。As soon as I had got on the bus, my grandma said“good goodbye”to me我一上车,外婆就向我说再见2、when/whenever/just when在一般人眼里,when这个词就是“…时候”,“在…时候”的意思,其实不然,它也有“一…就…”之意,作连词,常常和just连用。比如:(1)& && & He had just drifted off to sleep when the phone rang.他刚睡着电话铃就响了。(2)& && & I had just finished the magazine when supper was served. 一读完杂志,饭就端上来(3)& && & I’ll visit him whenever I get the chance.一有机会我就会去看望他。注意:如果把just放到句首,其句型结构、用法就和hardly/scarcely/barely…when一样,just引导的句子要had倒装,后面的句子用正常语序,一般为过去时态。比如:Just had Dick left home when it began to rain. 狄克一离开家,天就开始下雨了。Just had he gone to bed when the telephone rang. 他一上床睡觉,电话铃就响了。3、onceonce作副词讲是“一次”,“曾经”等意思,但作连词讲就作“一旦”,“一…就…”讲,相当于“as soon as, from the moment that”.例如:(1)& && & The water is fine once you’re in! 你一下水,就会觉得水里挺舒服!(2)& && & Once Mr Wang arrives we can start. 王先生一到我们就可以动身。注意⑴:once引导时间状语从句,常常隐含条件。请看2001春季高考第14题:--Did you remember to give Mary the money you owed her?--Yes. I gave it to her ______I saw her. A. while&&B. the moment C. suddenly D .once答案:B分析:不少学生误选D,但“once”隐含条件,意为“一旦……就……”,该句理解成“我一旦见到他就把钱给了他”显然不符合上下文的语境,故排除D。“the moment”看似名次词组,但实际上用作连词,引导时间状语从句,故应选B。⑵:once后面的从句中常可采用省略结构。Once seeing it (=Once you see it ),you can never forget it.Once seen ( = Once it is seen ),it can never be forgotten.一(旦)见到了就永远不会忘记。4、at+名词或动名词 ⑴at后的名词或动名词,一般是sight, thought, sound, hearing, idea或者see,hear,think等情感、感观动词, 组成结构为:at the sight/hearing/sound/(bare)thought/idea of或者at seeing/hearing/thinking等,翻译为:一看到/听到/想到…就…。句中的谓语动词用一般过去时。如:At hearing the news, he rushed out. 一听到这个消息,他就冲出去了。At the sight of the police officers they ran off.一看见那些警官,他们便逃跑了。On the other hand, My stomach will turn at the thought of frying food in animal fat. 另一方面,我一想到动物油炸食品就会反胃。I was so miserable at the idea of you in trouble.一想到你有麻烦,我就很痛苦。At the bare thought of her lost baby, she would burst into tears.一想到丢失的孩子,她就会泪流满面。⑵另外还可以用at the(mere)/(very) mention of当说到…;一提到…就…, at the first opportunity(chance)一有机会就…等, 例如:I feel sick at the mere mention of blood 一提到血,我就恶心I’d like to pay a visit to her at the first opportunity.我一有机会就去看望她。⑶at+名词或动名词多放在句首,但直接加名词常放到后面。比如:At seeing her mother,the girl burst into tears. 一见到母亲,那女孩就放声大哭起来。He was in tears at the news that his grandpa died yesterday. 他一听到他爷爷昨天过逝的消息就哭了。They threatened to call the police. At this, the police pointed out ironically that this would hardly be necessary as the men were already under arrest. 他们威胁说要去叫警察。警察一听到就讥讽地说,这大可不必,因为他俩已被逮捕了。5、on/upon + 名词/动名词on/upon为介词,后接名词或动名词作宾语,表示它所表达的动作刚一发生或完成,句子谓语所表示的动作就接着发生,所接动词基本是短暂动作,如:arrive, reach, hear, see, receive, enter, get, step, leave等。它相当于as soon as 引导的时间状语从句,意为immediately after, at the time of。例如:On his arrival at the school, he was warmly welcome by all the teachers and students. 他一到达学校就受到全体师生的热烈欢迎。On arriving home I found they had gone. 我一到达家就发现他们已经离开了。There was a letter waiting for him on his return.他一回来就有一封信在等着他看。On seeing this, she burst into tears. 一看到这种情景,她就哭了。6、directly/ immediately/instantly⑴directly作副词讲意思是:1、直接地;笔直地2、正好,恰好;截然。例如:She drove directly to school.她开车直接去学校。His political views are directly opposed to mine.他的政治观点与我的截然相反。directly也可作连词用,常用于非正式文体或口语中,相当于as soon as。比如:I went home directly I had finished work. 我一干完活就回家了。He came directly I called.我打了电话他就来了。⑵immediately作副词用是:立刻/即;紧接,接近等意思。但作连词讲是一…就…, 相当于as soon as,主要用于英式英语中。比如:Return immediately you are done.事情一做完就回来。Immediately she’d gone, I remembered her name. 她刚走开我就想起了她的名字。⑶instantly作副词讲意为:立即,马上。例如:The police came to my help instantly.警方立刻来帮助我。作连词时,和immediately的意思和用法一样,如:I came instantly I saw the need.一发觉有必要走一趟我就来了。I telegraphed instantly I arrived there.一到那里我就发电报。I recognized her instantly I saw her. 我一看见她就把她认出来了。7、immediately / instantly/ directly +after在第6个用法点中,我们看到,directly/ immediately/instantly这三个词的用法基本相似,但是如果在他们后面加上after, 不仅可以接从句,还可以接名词、代词,相当于“as soon as”,意为“一……就……”,习惯上将其放在句子尾部,主句的谓语动词通常用过去时。例如:I came immediately after breakfast. 我一吃完早饭就来了。I made contact with him immediately after I received the letter. 我一接到信就和他联系了。The machine will start instantly after you press the button.你一按电钮机器就会开动。They had a meeting to sum up our experience immediately after finishing the work.工作一结束,他们立即开会总结经验。8、① hardly…when…② scarcely…when…③ barely…when…④ no sooner…than…这四个短语,结构和用法类似,只是前三者常和when匹配,而no sooner和than搭配; 意义相同,等于as soon as;hardly/scarcely/barely和no sooner放在when和than之前。例如:The race had hardly/scarcely/barely begun when it started raining. 比赛刚一开始就下起雨来了。The race had no sooner begun than it started raining.比赛刚一开始就下起雨来了。注意: hardly/scarcely/barely和no sooner否定词位于句首时,句中的主语和谓语必须部分倒装,而“when/than”从句部分语序不倒装; hardly/scarcely/barely和no sooner引导的是主句,表示它的动作发生在从句之前,故常用过去完成时, 而when和than引导的从句只能与一般过去时连用。例如: Hardly/Scarcely/Barely had the race begun when it started raining.No sooner had the race begun than it started raining.Hardly had we started our journey when the car got a flat tyre.另外,前三者除了和when搭配外,还可以与before配用。比如:Hardly/scarcely/barely had we sat down at the table when the phone rang.= Hardly/scarcely/barely had we sat down at the table before the phone rang.我刚在桌子旁坐下电话铃就响了。再者,该句型含“惊奇”之意。如: Mr wang had no sooner left the room than the students began to chat about her.王老师刚离开房间,学生就议论起她来了。 Scarcely/Hardly/Barely had she begun to speak when we sensed that she was in trouble. 她刚一开口,我们就感到他遇到麻烦了。 No sooner had we set out than a thunderstorm broke.我们一动身就遇上了大雷雨。They had hardly started their journey when the car got a flat tyre. 他们刚出发,车胎就漏气了。9、① the moment ② the minute ③ the instant ④ the second在这些结构中,the moment, the minute, the instant, the second看似名词词组,但实际上用作conj.,引导时间状语从句,相当于as soon as。例如:I recognized her the instant I saw her我一看到她,就认出她来了。We recognized the star the moment we saw him.我们一看到那个明星就认出他来了。The minute I saw him I knew he was angry.我一见到他就知道他生气了。The second they arrived in Hohhot,, the soldiers joined the herdsmen(牧民)in the work.士兵们一到呼和浩特就和牧民一起劳动。另外,这几个词后面可以加that,含义不变,比如:I want to see him the minute/ instant/second/moment that he arrives. 他一到我就要见他。10、soon / right / just + after这是几个用得很普遍的单词,他们的意思类似just when,一…(马上/即刻)就…,但是短语结构却和directly/ immediately/instantly + after一样,后面可以接名词、动名词和句子。例如:John arrived soon after two. 两点刚过约翰便到了。The turtles return to the sea soon after they have laid their eggs.海龟一产完卵就返回大海。Just after putting the baby onto bed, his wife suddenly caught sight of the doll panda.刚好把孩子放到床上,他妻子就看到玩具熊猫了。The representatives recommend that for 60 to 120 minutes each evening, right after the early evening news, all television broadcasting in the United States be prohibited by law.代表们建议每天晚上一播完晚间新闻,美国所有的电视节目都依法停播60至120分钟。主要参考书目:1、 江苏省海安县曲塘中学 汪 宁“一……就……”在英语中的表达 流星之家中学英语 &&2、 “一 …… 就……”句 式 的 多 种英 文 表 达 胡德良 2009-02-3、 牛津高阶英汉双解词典第6版 商务印书馆、牛津大学出版社 2004-6作者介绍:邓继国,男,毕业于西华师范大学,大学本科,文学学士,通过专业英语八级。中学一级教师,成都市青白江区优秀青年教师。曾任教于国家级示范高中荣县中学。从教9年,教育教学成绩较突出,多篇论文在《中国多媒体教学学报》、《英语辅导报》大、中、小学版、《英语周报》、《中学生英语读写》等国家、省级刊物上发表;曾获英语辅导报“十佳作者”,稿件获“十佳稿件”;获全国省市区县奖励的论文课件10余件;主研一省级课题,参与一县级教研课题。所带学生在全国中学生英语能力竞赛中多次荣获全国奖励。已送走的三届毕业生中多名学生考入清华北大,辅导学生在高中阶段顺利通过全国公共英语三级和大学英语四级考试3人次。现任高三补习班英语教学工作兼职大学一年级公共英语教学。
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他来了请闭眼22集谢晗唱的英文歌叫什么名字,他来了请闭眼22集谢晗唱的英文歌叫How Could An Angel Break My Heart。歌词How Could An Angel Break My HeartSinger:Declan GalbraithAlbum:Thank YouI heard she sang a lullabyI heard
他来了请闭眼22集谢晗唱的英文歌叫How Could An Angel Break My Heart。
How Could An Angel Break My Heart
Singer:Declan Galbraith
Album:Thank You
I heard she sang a lullaby
I heard she sang it from her heart
When I found out thought I would die
Because the lullaby was mine
I heard he sealed it with a kiss
And gently kissed her cherry lips
I found that so hard to believe
Because her kiss belonged to me
How could an angel break my heart?
Why didn't she catch my falling star?
I wish I didn't wish so hard
Maybe I wished our love apart
How could an angel break my heart?
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娱乐聚焦 TOP10
状语从句 一、状语从句的分类。 1. 时间状语从句用法要点。 (1)as、when、while用法一览表。 类别 作
句 as表示“当……的时候”,往往和She came up as I was when/ while通用,但它着重强调cooking.(同时) as 主句与从句的动作或事情同时或The runners started as the gun went off.(几乎同时) 几乎同时发生。 (at or during the time that )既可以It was raining when we 表示在某一点的时候,又可表示arrived.(指时间点) when 在某一段时间内,主句与从句的When we were at school, we 动作或事情可以同时发生也可以went to the library every day.(在一段时间内) 先后发生。 while意思是“当……的时候”或“在某一段时间里”。主句中的动Please don’t talk so loud while others are working. 作或事情在从句中的动作或事情He fell asleep while/when while 的进展过程中发生,从句中的动reading. Strike while the iron is 词一般要用延续性动词。在whenhot.(用as或when不可,这里表示a period of time时,两者可的while意思是“趁……”) 以互换。 凡是从句都必须有引导词,引导时间状语从句的词有 when, before, after, until, as soon as, while 等,具体用法如下: 1. when 意为“当……时”,引导时间状语从句,表示主句的动作和从句的动作同时或先后发生。例如:
I feel very happy when you come to see me. 你(们)来看我时,我感到很高兴。 When you are crossing the street, you must be careful. 你(们)过街道时,一定要小心。 when引导的时间状语从句,when的从句可以用延续性动词,也可以用点动词。例如: He was working at the table when I went in. 当我进去的时候,他正在桌旁工作。 Someone knocked at the door when I was sleeping. 当我正在睡觉时,有人敲门。 I will visit my good friend when I have time. 当我有空儿时,我将去看望我的好友。 I worked for a foreign company when I was in Shanghai. 当我在上海时,我为一家外国企业工作。 注:when也可以作并列连词,表示一个动词正在进行的时候,突然间发生了另外一件事。 I was fishing by the river , when someone called for help. 我正在河边钓鱼,就在那时有人求救。We were working in the chemistry lab, when the lights went out. 我们正在化学实验室工作,突然灯都熄灭了。 2. before 意为“在……之前”,引导时间状语从句时,表示主句的动作发生在从句的动作之前。例如:
We cleaned the classroom before we left school yesterday.昨天离开学校之前,我们打扫了教室。
He had been a cook before he went to college . 他上大学前曾当过厨师。 after 意为“在……之后”,引导时间状语从句时,表示主句的动作发生在从句的动作之后。例如:
After you use plastic bags, you mustn't throw them about. 你(们)用过了塑料袋之后,不准到处乱扔。 He called me after he had finished his work. 他在工作完之后给我打了个电话。 注:若主句和从句两个动作发生的先后顺序十分接近,那么也可以不用完成时态,例如上面的第二句可改成:He called me after he finished his work.
3. since引导的时间状语从句,译为“自从……”,主句常用现在完成时,从句常用一般过去时。例如: We have made many dumplings since we began to cook. 自从我们开始做饭起,我们已经包了许多饺子了。 We haven't seen each other since we parted . 我们自从分手以后一直没见过面。 注:常用句型:It is +时间段+since从句
译为:自从……有多长时间了。例如: It is six years since she graduated from the university. 自从她大学毕业已有六年的时间了。 4. until 意为“直到……时”,引导时间状语从句时,表示主句的动作发生在从句的动作之前。当主句的谓语动词是持续性动词时,主句常用肯定形式;当主句的谓语动词是非持续性动词时,从句常用否定形式, not... until... 意为“直到……才……”,这时的until可以用before 来替换。例如: I'll stay here until you come back. 我会呆在这里,直到你回来。(stay表示的动作可以持续)
He didn't go to bed until he finished his homework.他直到做完作业才睡觉。(go to bed 表示的动作不能持续)
5. as soon as 意为“一……就……”,表示从句的动作一发生,主句的动作马上就发生。例如:
I'll tell him about it as soon as he comes back.他一回来我就告诉他这件事。 6. while引导的时间状语从句,常译为“与……同时,在……期间”,while的从句中常用延续性动词或表示状态的词。例如: They rushed in while we were discussing problems. 当我们正在讨论问题时,他们冲了进来。 Father was cleaning the car while I was playing computer games. 当我正在打电子游戏时,爸爸正在清洗汽车。 注:while也可以作并列连词,表转折的关系,相当于but,译为“然而”。 例如: I like listening to music, while my brother likes doing sports. 我喜欢听音乐,而我的兄弟爱好运动。 7. till和until引导的时间状语从句,译为“直到……为止”,not … till / until引导的时间状语从句,译为“直到……才”。前者强调主句动作的结束,用延续性动词,后者强调主句动作的开始,用点动词。例如: I will wait for my friend until / till he comes. 我要一直等到我朋友来。 We won't start our discussion until / till he comes. 我们要等到他来了,再开始我们的讨论。 2. 条件状语从句用法要点。
我们主要看一下由if引导的条件状语从句。if 意为“如果”,引导条件状语从句时,表示假如有从句的动作发生就(不)会有主句的动作发生。例如:
If it doesn't rain tomorrow, we will go there by bike.如果明天不下雨,我们就骑自行车去那里。 If I get there early, I can see the doctor quickly.如果我早早地到那里,我就可以快点看病。 3. 地点状语从句用法要点。常用where(哪里)和wherever(无论哪里)例如: Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者,事竟成。 We will go wherever the motherland needs us most. 我们要到祖国最需要的地方去。 4. 原因状语从句用法要点。
常用的引导连词有because, as和since。三者的区别是:在回答问题的时候,使用because;对于显而易见的原因,常用as或since;as和since的从句常放在主句之前,而because的从句常放在主句之后。eg. Why did you go?
I went because Tom told me to go. 你为何去?那是因为汤姆叫我去。 He was angry not because we were late but because we made a noise. 他很生气不是因为我们来迟了,而是因为我们弄出了声音。 As it was raining hard, we had to be indoors. 由于雨太大,我们只好呆在家里。 Since you feel ill, you'd better not go to work. 既然你感觉不舒服,你最好不要去上班了。 5. 目的状语从句用法要点。
常用的引导连词有so that, that和in order that译为:以便,为了,目的是。例如: Please speak more slowly so that we can make full notes. 请讲慢一点,以便我们能作详细笔记。 I shall write down your address that I may not forget. 我要把你的地址记下来,以免忘记。 I sent the letter by air mail in order that it might reach him in time. 这封信我以航空信发出,以便他能及时收到。 注:目的状语从句可以用动词不定式来替换做目的状语eg. We work harder than usual finish it in a week.
我们比平常加倍努力工作以在一周内完成工作。 二、主句与从句时态一致的问题。
1. 若主句是祈使句,或主句中有情态动词,或主句中谓语动词是一般将来时,那么从句用一般现在时表示一般将来时。例如:
Be careful when you cross the road. 过马路时要小心。 Put up your hand if you have any questions to ask. 如果你们有问题要问的话,请举手。 The traffic must stop when the lights are red. 红灯亮时,车辆必须停下。 2. 若主从句谓语动词都是陈述过去,那么主从句都可以用一般过去时。例如:
She could sing when she was four years old. 她四岁的时候就会唱歌。 【考例】 一Mum,____shall we have lunch?
――We will have it when your dad__________.
[07连云港市] A when;returns
B where returns
C.where;will return
D.when;will return [答案]A.[解析] 答语中when引导了一个时间状语从句,主句用了一般将来时态,所以从句用一般现在时态,可见正确答案在A与B之中。既然答语用了时间状语来回答,可见问句询问的也一定是时间,从而确定正确答案为A。 【考例】Could you please give me your e-mail address _________you go? [昆明市] A. as soon as
D. until [答案]B.[解析]这四个词(组)都可以引导时间状语从句,as soon as一……就.before在……之前;after在……之后;until直到……才。分析句子可以看出句意为“在你走之前把你的电子邮件地址给我好吗?” 【考例】一Hurry up.The bus is coming. ――Oh。no.We mustn't cross the street ____the traffic lights are green.[福州市] A. after
[答案]D .[解析]本题应从句意人手。until常用于否定句中,构成\结构,意为“直到……才……”,该句意为“直到交通灯变绿,我们才能穿过马路”。 The kids didn't start to fly kites in the playground _________the rain stopped. [成都市] A. if
C. whenever [答案]B.[解析] not…until…直到……才。“直到雨停孩子们才可以去操场放风筝”, --Look! Here comes our school bus.
--No hurry. Don't get on it _________it has stopped. [安徽省] A. until
D. when A.[解析]句中有don't,可想not...until为固定结构,意为“直到……才……”。 【考例】__you go to bed earlier, you won't feel tired in the mornings.[沈阳市] A. Unless
D.When [答案]C .[解析]考查if引导的条件状语从句。“假如你早一点上床睡觉,那么你在上午就不会感到累。” You won't pass your exams ___________ you work harder.
D. after [答案]C .[解析]when,after一引导的是时间状语从句,不合题意;if,unless引导的是条件状语从句,If不合句意,“除非你更加努力地学习,否则,你不会通过考试”。故用unless。 【考例】―Shall we go on working?
I prefer to have a rest . (2004江西省南昌)
B.if C.because
D.though [答案]: D [命题立意]:本题考查从属连词引导让步状语从句的用法。 [试题解析]:依据上句:我们继续工作吗?是的,尽管我想休息会。 Edison never gave up,
he failed many times. (2004四川)
C.or [答案]: B [命题立意]:本题考查从属连词引导让步状语从句的用法。 [试题解析]:依据题意:即使爱迪生失败多次,他也决不放弃。though用来引导让步状语从句。故选B。 【考例】一More and more people in Beijing are learning English _______they can better serve the 2008 0lympic Games. 一I'm sure they will.[宜昌市] A.because of
C.even though
D.as if [答案]B.[解析] 本题也应从句意人手。越来越多的人学习英语,“为的是”能更多更好地为奥运服务。so that引导一个目的状语从句。 【考例】The camera is
I can’t afford
it. (2004辽宁本溪) A. so, that
B. such, that
C. so, as to
D. enough, that [答案]: A [命题立意]:本题考查从属连词引导结果状语从句的用法。 [试题解析]:依据题意:这照相机太贵以致我买不起。expensive为形容词,so…that…句中要用形容词或副词;such…that…要用形容词修饰名词。其他两项不能引起从句。故选A。
【语法过关】 1.I was drawing a horse ____the teacher came in.
D. the moment 2.Some passengers were walking through one of the big halls at Paris' Charles De Gaulle Airport __
the whole roof(屋顶)fell down.
B. as soon as
D. after 3.You will stay healthy _______ you do more exercise, such as running and walking.
D. where 4.---Shall we go on working? ---Yes, _________ I prefer to have a rest.
C. because
D. though 5.None of us knew what had happened _________
they told us about it.
D. though 6.---I hope you’ll enjoy your trip, dear! ---Thank you, mum. I’ll give you a call _________ I get there.
B. as soon as
D. till 7.The camera is
I can’t afford it.
A. so, that
B. such, that
C. so, as to
D. enough, that 8.I never seem to lose any weight,
hard I try.
A. even though
B. no matter how
D. ever since 9.―Shall we go on working?
I prefer to have a rest .
D.though 10.Edison never gave up,
he failed many times.
C.or 11.The policeman asked the child
cross the street
the traffic lights turned green.
B.don’t; before
C. until 12.---It’s time to go to bed ,Li Ming.
---Mum, I have a lot of homework to do ,I won’t go to bed
I finish it
C.as soon as
D .since 13.You should make a good plan ______ you do anything important.
14.________ they are brothers, they don’t look like each other at all.
A. Because
D. As 15。I enjoy learning English, ____ it takes me a lot of time.
D.for 【参考答案】透析中考英语语法定语从句考点 1。答案C 解析:when为并列连词“这时”(=and then),句意为:我们正当我在画马的时候,这是老师进来了。while表示“正当……时”,用于同时进行的动作。 2.答案C 解析:依据题结构,be doing sth…when…表示“正在……这时……”的意思。故选C。 3.答案A 解析: 从意思上看,从句应是一个条件状语从句,在这四个选项中只有if能引导条件状语从句,所以选A。 4.答案D 解析: 从意思上看,只有选though才能说得通。 5.答案B 解析: 本句的意思是“在……以前我们没人知道这件事。”要表达着一意思应用“not…until” 这一句型。 6.答案B 解析: 本题的意思是“一到那里,我就给你打电话。”要表达这个意思应选用as soon as。 7.答案A 解析:依据题意:这照相机太贵以致我买不起。expensive为形容词,so…that…句中要用形容词或副词;such…that…要用形容词修饰名词。其他两项不能引起从句。故选A。 8.答案]B 解析:依据题意:无论我如何努力,好像也没有减肥。 9.答案 D 解析:依据上句:我们继续工作吗?是的,尽管我想休息会。 10.答案 B 解析:依据题意:即使爱迪生失败多次,他也决不放弃。though用来引导让步状语从句。故选B。 11.答案C 解析:until用在否定句中,主要动词一般是终止性的,表示这个动词的动作直到till(until)所表示的时间才发生。故选C。 12.答案 B 解析:until用在否定句中,主要动词一般是终止性的,表示这个动词的动作直到till(until)所表示的时间才发生。故选C。 13.答案 A 解析:依据题意:在你做重要的事情之前,应该做好计划。表示“在……之前”的意思,故应选用A。 14。答案B 解析:依据题意:尽管他们是兄弟,但他们彼此一点都不像。引导让步状语从句,应选B。15。答案B解析:依据题意:尽管他花费了我很多时间,但我还是喜欢学英语。应选B。
三亿文库包含各类专业文献、幼儿教育、小学教育、行业资料、高等教育、中学教育、15 2013中考英语复习 状语从句21等内容。 
 15 2013中考英语复习 状语从句 重点中学英语教研组内部使用资料,精选近年来全国各地中考试题,避免题海战术,明确中考重点、难点;语法讲解清晰、明了、准确、精炼。本套...  2015年中考英语总复习-状语从句讲解及中考真题练习_英语_初中教育_教育专区。2016...won’ will rain 【2013 广西玉林】15. ―Please give Alice the ...  中考英语状语从句归纳(附练习及答案)_英语_初中教育...中考英语代词专项复习课... 暂无评价 57页 2下载券...暂无评价 15页 1下载券 喜欢此文档的还喜欢 涓...  2015年中考英语总复习-状语从句讲解及中考真题练习_中考_初中教育_教育专区。2015...won’ will rain 【2013 广西玉林】15. ―Please give Alice the ...  2015中考英语状语从句复习_英语_初中教育_教育专区。2015中考英语状语从句复习2015...since 15. It is ___ that we’d like to go out for a walk. A. a...  中考英语专题复习 状语从句_英语_初中教育_教育专区。状语从句状语从句在复合句中...15.Give me your paper ___you have finished it. 16.It is raining hard,...  领军教育一对一个性化讲义 1 中考复习――状语从句...Though 2. (2013 陕西)When you ___ at a restaurant...but 15.(2015 天津) A. How B. though more...  初中英语复习15-状语从句 隐藏&& 初中英语复习―状语从句 初中英语复习 状语从句 ltzzjr 状语从句有: 状语从句有: 1.时间状语从句 2. 条件状语从句 3. 原因状语...


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