
30多家世界主流媒体记者疯抢一块中国瓷砖 简一创新有什么魔力?
&4月17日始,由广东省人民政府新闻办公室与中国记协主办,香港 商报承办的&世界主流财经媒体看广东创新发展&联合采访团走进惠州、深圳、佛山、广州,深入了解广东的创新发展情况。据了解,惠州TCL、深圳华为、大疆、佛山美的等创新代表企业接受了此次访问。&&Since April 17th, host by the press office of People&s government of Guangdong province and co-organized by Hong Kong Commercial Daily, the media tour themed by Guangdong Innovative Development was held in Huizhou, Shenzhen, Foshan and Guangzhou. It&s reported that TCL in Huizhou, Huawei and DJI in Shenzhen and Midea in Foshan were visited by media as outstanding innovative enterprises.&&简一成为广东创新企业代表&&21&23日,来自包括纽约时报、彭博新闻社、德国商报、NHK、埃菲社、意大利24小时太阳报等30多家国内外媒体,约50名记者来到佛山,走访佛山家用电器、建筑陶瓷、家居用品、机械装备四大行业代表,分别是美的集团、简一大理石瓷砖、维尚集团、嘉腾公司。而简一大理石瓷砖作为中国建筑陶瓷行业唯一受访企业,引起媒体界的广泛关注。30多家世界主流媒体记者疯抢一块中国瓷砖,简一创新有什么魔力?&&On April 21st to 23rd, nearly 50 journalists from over 30 Chinese and International media including The New York Times, Bloomberg, NHK, German daily Handelsblatt, EFE and Italian newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore gathered in Foshan, visiting representative enterprises in household appliance, building ceramics, household supplies and mechanical equipment industry, namely Midea Group, GANI MARBLE TILES, Vishan and Jaten Robot & Automation Co., LTD. As the only building ceramic enterprise invited, GANI MARBLE TILES caught the attention from many media. So what&s the secret of GANI&s innovation?简一大理石瓷砖董事长李志林与世界主流媒体采访团会面Mr. Li Zhilin, Chairman of GANI MARBLE TILES welcomed delegations of world mainstream media&&22日下午,采访团一行到达佛山参观简一总部,与简一董事长李志林及团队进行密切交流,对简一大理石瓷砖创新成果进行深度采访。媒体代表团在简一高管的带领下,体验了简一大理石瓷砖在各种空间及风格的运用效果,近距离探秘简一大理石瓷砖珍稀石材库。简一大理石瓷砖与天然大理石的趣味辨认互动吸引国内外媒体记者驻足停留。媒体们纷纷对简一大理石瓷砖的装饰效果及大理石瓷砖全球领先技术给予肯定的评价。&&In the afternoon of April 22nd, media delegations arrived the head quarter of GANI MARBLE TILES in Foshan and had an in-dept interview with Chairman Li and GANI team on the innovation of GANI MARBLE TILES. Accompanied by GANI&s team, the media delegations visited mock-up rooms of GANI MARBLE TILES with various styles and explored natural beauty in GANI rare stone gallery. And the media found it fun to distinguish natural marble from GANI MARBLE TILES. The leading technologies of GANI MARBLE TILES were also highly recognized by the media.荷兰金融日报、埃菲社、西班牙ABC日报、匈牙利通讯社等世界主流媒体参观简一大理石瓷砖展厅Delegations from world mainstream media like Het Financieele Dagblad, EFE, Spanish ABC Daily and Hungary News Agency in GANI MARBLE TILES exhibition hall外国记者认真记录简一大理石瓷砖发展故事The journalist was making note of GANI MARBLE TILES development story媒体采访团考察简一大理石瓷砖珍稀石材库Media delegations in GANI MARBLE TILES rare stone gallery&&世界主流媒体看简一创新发展&&在谈及创新发展的话题上,李志林现场分享了简一如何以创新推动中国陶瓷(china)的复兴。来自西班牙ABC日报的记者巴布洛对简一创新故事深表兴趣,频频提问。在提到生产与技术的问题时,李志林回答道,简一严格遵循国家倡导的使用新型清洁能源生产,并在生产中逐步实行自动化、减少人工操作,以技术创新驱动传统产业升级。&&When talking about innovation, Chairman Li shared GANI&s story in promoting innovative development of china. Pablo from Spanish ABC Daily was interested about the story. When asked about production and technologies, Chairman Li said that GANI followed strictly the green production mode advocated by the country and would achieve automation in the manufacturing process gradually with the aim of promoting the upgrade of traditional industry with technological innovation.李志林接受媒体采访团访问Chairman Li was interviewed by media delegations李志林与媒体采访团交流互动Chairman Li was making exchanges with media delegations&&2009年,简一全球首创大理石瓷砖,以极致工艺还原世界珍稀石材纹理,凭借强大的产品研发与创新能力享誉业界。其中最为突出的是全通体大理石瓷砖核心技术,已获国家授权了4个外观设计专利,5个实用新型专利,7个发明专利。日,全通体技术成果通过鉴定,经国家级专家组鉴定,获得国际领先。&&Reproducing rare stone veins with excellent craftsmanship, GANI innovated marble tiles in 2009 and enjoys a good reputation in the industry with strong R&D and innovative capability. The most outstanding technology is the core technology for full body marble tiles, which has won the 4 design patents, 5 practical innovative patents and 7 invention patents. On Dec 11th 2015, the Full Body Technology passed the appraisal of state class specia list to be world leading technology.&&简一大理石瓷砖作为差异性的创新产品,聚焦高端市场,与世界接轨。同时,简一国际化战略也全面开花,不管是国内外销售网络的全面铺开,还是品牌亮相纽约时代广场及欧美四大机场、出席博鳌亚洲论坛、参展意大利博洛尼亚展,无不见证着简一以创新的力量,实际的行动不断推动中国陶瓷(china)的复兴。&&As a unique innovative product, GANI MARBLE TILES positioned itself in the high-end market. Besides, the sales network of GANI covers China and the world. GANI&s step toward internationalization is accelerating with brand image appeared in New York Times Square and 4 major airports around the world as well as GANI&s participation in Baoao Forum for Asia and debut in CERSAIE. GANI is promoting the revival of Chinese china with every action it takes.媒体采访团在简一总部合影留念Media delegation in GANI head quarter&&中国创新企业,让世界看到中国创造&&在中国全方位融入国际社会的大潮中,中国企业已成为全球经济不可忽视的力量,现已走到全球经济舞台的中央,受海内外媒体的高度关注。此次联合采访团深入了解广东创新发展,简一成为佛山创新代表与华为、大疆、美的等中国创新代表品牌站到一起,成为主流媒体访问对象。其共同点不仅是产品创新、技术创新,更是注重消费者价值、中国自主品牌国际化的展现。&&With China&s integration into the international community, Chinese enterprises have become an important force on the middle of the world stage. This event gave media delegations in-dept understanding of innovative development in Guangdong. As the representative of Foshan innovative enterprise, GANI had many things in common with other innovative brands like Huawei, DJI and Midea since we all focus on product and technological innovation as well as consumer value.&&确实,中国比以往任何时候都需要通过创新来提升国家竞争力。改变以往数量型扩张的经济模式,为消费者提供更高品质的&中国创造&产品将成为每个创新企业的共同目标,这同样也是简一大理石瓷砖不断追求的。&&Nowadays, China needs to promote its national competitiveness with innovation. To transform from the development mode featuring quantity to the one characterized by providing more innovative quality products for consumers is the common goal of innovative enterprises and it&s also the pursuit of GANI MARBLE TILES.
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