上古5 you are a bookin face是什么意思book

you are not face 意思是 “你不是脸”,很明显,这是病句。face 可以指代 “人”,但必须带有相应的定语,如 You are not a familiar face (你不是熟人)。
我们会通过消息、邮箱等方式尽快将举报结果通知您。Facebook Login Helping you with Facebook.com Log In
An social networking site online situated in California, Facebook got its official launch on the 4th of February 2004. Founders of Facebook are Mark Zuckerberg alongside his roommates and classmates coming from Harvard, particularly Andrew McCollum, Chris Hughes, Eduardo Saverin, and Dustin Moskovitz. From the start, the founders of Facebook began with a couple of website members coming only from Harvard University. It later moved to other Ivy League universities, Boston colleges, and Stanford University. It gradually received support from other university students and later on for high school students.
By 2006, any individual who is 13 years old and above may be a registered user of Facebook. Yet this requirements in age may be higher according to local laws, as appropriate. The name is according to the colloquialism as given by students from American universities.
So how do accomplish a Facebook log in?
(1) First, you have to make sure that there is no other individual logged in the Facebook login page of your device. So as to log a person out of their facebook.com login web page, click the you can see on the higher portion of the Facebook web page and select to log out as that person.
(2) Type the address, http://www.facebook.com on the address bar of the web browser of your choice.
(3) Plug your FB Facebook login email address. You can sign in via your email that can be linked to your account on Facebook. You can also do a www.facebook.com login when you use your username. An alternative method of logging in to Facebook is through utilizing your phone number. If you own a phone that is linked and confirmed already to your Facebook login Facebook account, simply plug it in. Just remember not to include the zeroes that is prior to the country code. This includes symbols.
(4) Afterwards put in your password. Next click the hyperlink “Log In.”
If you are wondering on what the difference of a Facebook login and a Facebook sign up, just read on.
If at present you do not own a Facebook account, you can just sign up simply by accomplish the following process. In order to register so you can access a Facebook account, just plug in your phone number, name or email in a form you can find at http://www.facebook.com. Afterwards, choose an appropriate password. Next click on your gender, type your birthday, and click the hyperlink, “Sign Up.”
If you want to log in, this shows that you already have a Facebook account that is in existence. Simply log to your Facebook account as you are still on the same web page. In order for you to log in, just type in your email or phone number. Also include a password found on the upper portion of the web page. Next click the hyperlink, “Log In.”
If it is possible that you still cannot get access to your account with Facebook, try to do a couple of things. First try to do a password reset. Next, go through the login issues in troubleshooting and look for more information on particular login problems. Lastly, if you still cannot remember your log in email address, simply sign in using your phone number or your login name. If you find that the troubleshooting hacks cannot fix these problems, you can get some support to get back your account.
If you need to add or remove an email utilizing your Facebook account, first click the seen on the right portion of the Facebook web page and pick “Settings.” Afterwards, click the hyperlink “Email,” click the hyperlink, “Add another email.” This is so you could have a brand new email as connected to your Facebook account or simply click the hyperlink “Remove” so you can remove the email from your account on Facebook. Next, plug in your password and click the link, “Save Changes.” As soon as you have this brand new email address for your account on Facebook, you will receive a confirmation email from Facebook. In this email, just click the hyperlink to ensure that you would like to include this particular email in your account on Facebook.
Another way to ensure you have a Facebook account that is secure is ensure that your email linked to your Facebook is right. It is also suggested that you have other email addresses linked to your account with Facebook so just in case you lose access to the initial email, you have email backups.
If you utilized your mobile phone to sign in and it appears that you cannot seem to sign in, make sure that you plugged in your complete and correct telephone number. This should include the country code. Take out the additional zeroes and special characters and symbols. If you find that you still could not sign in to your Facebook account or you forgot the password, just look for more help.
Remember that if you signed in for Facebook by utilizing your mobile number, you can use this number and the password that you made while signing up or logging in your computer or phone.
If you still find the error message, “Incorrect Password” when you sign in, you have to make a little research first and foremost. Ensure that the caps lock is not on. Next, try to reset the password. Subsequently, try to change and improve your password then reset it. Lastly, attempt to use another web browser.on Tuesday, January 21st, 2014 |
Meeting new people and communicating with your old friends as never been easy. With the introduction of Facebook a few years back, socializing has been made easy. Facebook gives you an opportunity to communicate with your loved ones no matter where they are. Uploading photos, videos, sending gifts, receiving invitations to events are just but a few benefits that come with using Facebook. For you to enjoy Facebook you will need to have an account, if you already do all you need to do is to . The process is easy and fast.
Log o to start using Facebook, you will need to log out any other user who was logged in. After you log out, you will be directed to the Facebook .
Ente this is the email address that you used when you were signing the account with. If you signed up using your phone number, then you can use the phone number. You can also use your username if you created one to . Like the , you can enter a code that is sent to your phone, then log in and add facebook password. How is this? You must enable this option so that when properly put your username and password, then you will receive a verification code to your mobile by 6 digits. What type and can log in to facebook. This is to have security for our facebook account.
E your password should be the one you used while signing up for an account. There are times that you will have forgotten your password. You can go to the ‘’ bar. Enter your email address. You will receive a mail in your email address containing your new log in details. Login to your Facebook account using the new details ad change your password.
If you would want to automatically sign in every time you open Facebook, you will have to check the ‘keep me signed in’ bar. This will enable you to go straight to your Facebook home page. It is not advisable however, to do that if you are using a shared computer. This is because it will be easy for someone to hack in to your account.
Socializing is a natural need for humans. Every person needs to make new friends as well as keep the old ones. In the past keeping in touch with your loved ones was not easy, however with the development of social media, this has all changed. Facebook being leading social media site, gives you the perfect channel to socialize. It has great features that will enable you to navigate the Facebook site with ease. It also offers you great services like, uploading photos, chatting with friends, group discussions and many more. With these great features one cannot fail to see why it is the best. To participate in any of the Facebook activities, you will have to facebook sign in.
Go to the official Facebook website or .
Click on the “” tab.
Enter your email address. You will be required to enter the email address that you used when you were creating an account. You may also log in with your mobile phone number. Enter the phone number without the zero. You can also use your user name, that is if you created one.
Enter your password. This should be the password you used when you were . In an event that you have forgotten the password, you can go to the ‘forgot password’ bar and enter your email address. You will then receive an email with the new log in details. Log in to your account using these new details. You will then have the liberty to change your password.
Log in to your account. You may check the ‘keep me signed in’ bar while you are logging in. This will enable you to automatically log in to your account every time you open the Facebook site. This feature is however for the persons who use personal computers.
Facebook is the leading social networking site in the world. It is a site that allows you to connect with friends and colleagues. Most people use Facebook as a channel to socialize and communicate with their loved ones who are far from them. Facebook has great features that will make the process of communicating and
so much easier. If you don’t have an account, you will have to create a Facebook account for you to start enjoying the great benefits. The process of creating a Facebook account is very easy.
Go to . This is the official website of Facebook. You will be directed to Facebook home page. Click on sign up
Enter your personal information; you will be required to enter your name, two
your first and last name. Enter your date of birth, your gender and the country you come from.
Enter your email address; you will need to enter the email address that you will want to sign up with. Every time you log in, you will use this email address.
Re-enter your email address.
Enter a password. Enter your most preferred password. A strong password ensures that your account is protected. Choose a password that has alphanumeric characters.
Click on create an account facebook.
Confirm your email address; you will need to confirm your email address so that the Facebook team will know that they are sending information to the right person. You will receive a
confirmation email in the address you entered. Open the email and click on the link provided. If you do not find the link
you will need to report to the Facebook team so that they can rectify.
V after the confirmation of your email you will need to verify the account. This will enable you to use the account.
Facebook is the leading
in the world right now. It has seen tremendous growth over the last few years. The Social network has an approximately 1.11 billion active users as of March 2013. With this kind of growth, the developers keep coming up with great features that will enable the users navigate the site with ease. It is pivotal that you get to know the different features that you will enjoy if you join Facebook. The Facebook features are divided into categories and they are listed below.
These are features that allow you to communicate with the different groups of people in your life. The groups offers you a private arena to share messages, photos etc. with the people in your group. The group features include:
Group messages; this feature allows you to share messages with any member of the group you are in. This feature is however available to only small groups for now.
It is easy to start a conversation with any member of
are advertisements posted with the . These ads get published through Facebook channels and gradually become popular depending on the quality of the ad and the nature of advertising adopted by the user. Advertising in Facebook is volatile, a bit expensive and of course challenging in its own way. There is a lot of competition, so naturally it is a challenge to become 100% successful. Still people enjoy posting ads through Facebook because it offers a great outlet for small business owners and entrepreneurs to get a worldwide exposure.
How To Post Ads On Facebook?
The working of Facebook is quite simple. Everything is self explanatory. Once you create a page for your online business or company, you will be able to post your ads through an option offered by Facebook. In your profile, to your left-hand side you will be getting a list of categories that allows you to undertake a wide range of networking and communication activities. In that you will be seeing a category called “Pages”. Under this category there are a few subcategories and one of them would be ‘create ad’. By using this option you can create different types of ads.
You can post 8 types of ads in your Facebook. These categories are based on the nature and purpose of an ad. If you need ads for getting more response for your page posts, you have to choose the option of . For gaining page
Over the years
has become one of the most used channels of communication. This is because they give one an opportunity to communicate with their friends who are far from them in terms of geographical area. Among all the social media network sites, Facebook is one of the most used social media site.
has great features that offer you a chance to communicate with your old friends as well as make new ones. With Facebook, you can chat with your friends, make conversations, share photos and video etc. there are many more great features that come with facebook sign in.
In the past, Facebook was only available in Web through P.C or computers. One would have to either use their Laptops or go to Cyber Café to access Facebook. However in the recent past, Facebook has introduced
that allows you to access Facebook on your phone. The Facebook mobile is accessible on any type of phone all you need to do is download the perfect app for your phone.
Facebook Mobile Apps
are available to all smartphones, whether android operating phones or IOS operating phones. For persons using the iPhones or iPads, you can download the Facebook mobile apps from the . There are some people who may experience difficulty downloading the app, if that happens then you should contact the customer service for Facebook.
Android operating phones can download the Facebook Mobile Apps from , to some phones the Google play is represented by the play store. One thing with the Android phones is that you will have to keep updating the Facebook Apps toyou want to be my girlfriend facebook什么意思_百度知道
you want to be my girlfriend facebook什么意思
you want to be my girlfriend facebook你想做我的女朋友脸谱网 girlfriend 英[ˈgɜ:lfrend]美[ˈgɜ:rlfrend]n. 女朋友; 女性朋友;[网络] 艾薇儿; 女友; 歌词;[例句]He had been going out with his girlfriend for seven months.他同女朋友已经交往7个月了。[其他] 复数:girlfriends
我们会通过消息、邮箱等方式尽快将举报结果通知您。php - Facebook : You are not logged in: You are not logged in. Please log in and try again - Stack Overflow
to customize your list.
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code throws error
$helper = $fb-&getRedirectLoginHelper();
$loginUrl = $helper-&getLoginUrl("https://apps.facebook.com/{$appname}/", $permissions);
echo "&script&window.top.location.href='".$loginUrl."'&/script&";
You are not logged in: You are not logged in. Please log in and try again.
the url which throws the error is (replaced my appname with appname) :
full script
$fb = new Facebook\Facebook([
'app_id' =& "$appid",
'app_secret' =& "$appsecret",
'default_graph_version' =& 'v2.7',
$helper = $fb-&getCanvasHelper();
$permissions = ['email']; // optionnal
$accessToken = $helper-&getAccessToken();
} catch(Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookResponseException $e) {
// When Graph returns an error
echo 'Graph returned an error: ' . $e-&getMessage();
} catch(Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookSDKException $e) {
// When validation fails or other local issues
echo 'Facebook SDK returned an error: ' . $e-&getMessage();
if (isset($accessToken)) {
$accessToken = (string) $accessT
if (isset($_GET['code'])) {
header('Location: ./');
// validating the access token
$request = $fb-&get('/me');
} catch(Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookResponseException $e) {
// When Graph returns an error
if ($e-&getCode() == 190) {
$helper = $fb-&getRedirectLoginHelper();
$loginUrl = $helper-&getLoginUrl("https://apps.facebook.com/{$appname}/", $permissions);
echo "&script&window.top.location.href='".$loginUrl."'&/script&";
} catch(Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookSDKException $e) {
// When validation fails or other local issues
echo 'Facebook SDK returned an error: ' . $e-&getMessage();
// getting basic info about user
$profile_request = $fb-&get('/me?fields=name,first_name,last_name,email');
$user_profile = $profile_request-&getGraphNode()-&asArray();
} catch(Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookResponseException $e) {
// When Graph returns an error
echo 'Graph returned an error: ' . $e-&getMessage();
$url = "https://apps.facebook.com/{$appname}/";
echo '&script&window.top.location.href='.$url.'&/script&';
} catch(Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookSDKException $e) {
// When validation fails or other local issues
echo 'Facebook SDK returned an error: ' . $e-&getMessage();
// priting basic info about user on the screen
// Now you can redirect to another page and use the access token from $_SESSION['facebook_access_token']
$helper = $fb-&getRedirectLoginHelper();
$loginUrl = $helper-&getLoginUrl("https://apps.facebook.com/{$appname}/", $permissions);
echo "&script&window.top.location.href='".$loginUrl."'&/script&";
This error was thrown because I have not added my app's canvas url(example ) in
Facebook Login->settings under Valid OAuth redirect URIs
If you intend is testing the app in a staging environment, leave the
iPhone Store ID field blank and it will allow you to save the current platform and test.
You have to setup the permissions to the desired URL's on the following sections of the API:
Products -> Facebook Logins -> Configurations -> OAuth URi's
On Configurations > Basic, set your site URL
On Configurations > Advanced , set a list of allowed URI's for share
I have same alert when I try test login facebook with localhost. Then I add
to Valid OAuth redirect URIs and try test again. This worked for me. Thank you
The simple FIX for the Facebook : You are not logged in: You are not logged in. Please log in and try again
Client OAuth Login
Enables the standard OAuth client token flow. Secure your application and prevent abuse by locking down which token redirect URIs are allowed with the options below. Disable globally if not used
This the the TOP button under your app settings.
Hope this helps
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