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[1.12.2-1.6.4][永久更新]VoxelMap - 小地图[授权搬运]
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帖子更新历史 - 1.12.2更新1.7.1版
- [新增]1.12.2更新1.7.0版
- 1.7.10更新1.7.0b版
- [新增]1.12.1/1.12/1.11.2/1.11/1.10.2/1.10/1.9.4/1.9/1.8.9/1.8/1.7.10更新1.7.0版
- 1.12/1.11.2/1.11/1.10.2/1.10/1.9.4/1.9/1.8.9/1.8/1.7.10更新1.6.23版
- [新增]1.12/1.11.2/1.11/1.10.2/1.10/1.9.4/1.9/1.8.9/1.8/1.7.10更新1.6.22版
- 1.9.4/1.9更新1.6.21b版(链接替换1.6.21版链接,更新日志写入1.6.21版日志)
- 1.11.2/1.11/1.10.2/1.10/1.9.4/1.9/1.8.9/1.8/1.7.10更新1.6.21版
- 1.11.2/1.11/1.10.2/1.10/1.9.4/1.9/1.8.9/1.8/1.7.10更新1.6.20版
- [新增]1.11.2/1.11更新1.6.19版
- 1.11/1.10.2/1.10/1.9.4/1.9更新1.6.18版
- 1.11/1.10.2/1.10/1.9.4/1.9/1.8.9/1.8/1.7.10更新1.6.17版
- 1.11更新1.6.16版
- [新增]1.11更新1.6.15版
- [新增]1.10.2更新1.6.15版
- [新增]1.10/1.9.4/1.9/1.8.9/1.8/1.7.10更新1.6.15版
- 1.9.4/1.9/1.8.9/1.8/1.7.10更新1.6.14
- 1.9.4/1.9更新1.6.13
- 1.9.4/1.9/1.8.9/1.8/1.7.10更新1.6.12
- 1.9.4/1.9/1.8.9/1.8/1.7.10更新1.6.11
- 1.9.4/1.9/1.8.9/1.8/1.7.10更新1.6.10
- [新增]1.9.4更新1.6.9版
- 1.9更新1.6.8版
- 1.9/1.8.9/1.8/1.7.10更新1.6.7版
- 1.9/1.8.9/1.8/1.7.10更新1.6.6版
- 1.9/1.8.9/1.8/1.7.10更新1.6.5版
- 1.9/1.8.9/1.8/1.7.10更新1.6.4版
- [新增]1.9更新1.6.3版
- 1.8.9更新1.6.1版
- [新增]1.8.9更新1.6.0版
- 1.8/1.7.10更新1.5.20版
- 1.8/1.7.10更新1.5.19版
- 1.8更新1.5.18a版
- 1.8/1.7.10更新1.5.18版
- 1.8/1.7.10更新1.5.17版
- 1.8客户端更新1.5.16b版
- 1.8/1.7.10更新1.5.16版
- 首次发布
官方更新历史1.7.1 (for MC 1.12.2)
fixed voxelmap menus to work with touchscreen (and touchpad)
fixed CTM overlay methods sometimes making blocks appear black on the map
redid CTM support to handle new numberless specifications using block and tile names, and descriptive metadata
fix for randomobs with newer versions of optifine
fixed up icons for aether legacy and aether 2
sky color (on the map) fix when betweenlands is running
new generic hostile/neutral/tamed icons for when a custom icon can't be built (replaces the colored squares with ? marks)
1.7.0 (for MC 1.12.2)
released for 1.12.2
fix so mob icons rotate smoothly when player is in a turning boat
updated Chinese translations (traditional and simplified) by oldmiow
initial release for 1.12.1
new Minecraft themed waypoint icons (temple, pickaxe, wheat, etc)
/ztp waypointName command works in multiplayer too now (requires /tp or /tppos permission)
block key stored with persistent world map data, preparation for Minecraft 1.13 (1.8 and up)
1.9 and up fix for optifine CTM method overlay, could cause blocks to appear black on map (Sphax BDCraft for example)
1.10 and up fixed polar bear icon
1.11.2 and up re-added some Twilight Forest icons now that mod is resurrected
1.12 fixed parrot icon
1.12 added Illusioner icon
Fix for possible periodic flash with the radar turned on (when failing to create mob icon). P also won't continue to try to make that mob's icon
Map can use custom icons (in resource pack etc) for built-in mobs too now
initial release for 1.12
fixed nether waypoint icons on the worldmap
trimmed llama icon (1.11+)
fixed possible crash with Minecraft-Flux (1.11.2)
fix for guardian elders (1.11+)
fix for players or mobs wearing plain Steve skull (crash fix for 1.8.9 and below, just visual otherwise)
screens with filters (waypoints, mob select and player select) start with those filters focused. IE you can open the waypoint list and start typing
support for a lower res background map that shows the whole server (not just areas players have explored) if it is included in a server resource pack (or elsewhere)
new keybind: toggle in-game waypoints on/off (unbound by default)
fix for crash when entity appeared on radar (ie, pretty much immediately under normal circumstances) (1.9, 1.9.4)
slime chunks (and option to enter server's seed, if you know it. Otherwise SP only)
click coordinates in worldmap to enter your own, the worldmap will jump to them
waypoint view distance affects minimap as well as in game
spectators can see other spectators on the minimap
minimap hides with f3
when in the top right corner the minimap moves out of the way of potion effect icons (doesn't apply to 1.8.9 and below)
fixed world map zoom not centering on cursor on really HD displays
initial release for 1.11.2
1.11 and up get new old north functionality: toggling Old North on ( for those old alpha/beta maps) actually moves the sun/moon to their original location as well as rotating the map 90 degrees
fix for hand rendering transparent if in-game waypoints are set to beacon only (fix needed for 1.9.0 and up only)
fix for freeze in the world map with biome overlay and old north on
fix unreadable coordinate text for users with unicode font on smaller window sizes
fix for multiworld automatic world matcher breaking if too many areas went from water to dry
radar correctly shows blocks on head that have a different model as an item than as a block (1.8 and up)
pre 1.11 versions also get these fixes backported (introduced in VoxelMap 1.6.16 for Minecraft 1.11)
artifacts around radar icons after changing resource packs
tooltip showing when it shouldn't on the player selection screen (for sending waypoints)
wearing player heads shows correctly on radar
fix shulker icon
fix vex icon
fix for possible corruption around the edges of icons when switching texture packs
players wearing other players skulls now show the other player's face on the minimap (instead of steve)
slightly better handling of multiworld recognition for skyworlds
fix for tooltips displaying when they shouldn't on the player selection (for waypoint sharing) screen
this version released for Minecraft 1.11 too
initial release for 1.10.0
can toggle map off with map menu key (like the inventory screen). Also fixes bug where pressing map menu key while map was open would cause it to open again immediately when it closed
zooming map with mousewheel doesn't scroll through inventory slots (1.7 and 1.8)
fix broken waypoint loading (losing capitalization from names, custom icons reverting to default)
fix broken automatic multiworld detection
1.9+ only hotfix: fix to allow world map panning with movement keys when Forge is installed
fix waypoint share to allow names with unicode and punctuation
fix crash in worldmap when movement/sprint keys were bound to unicode chars
fix for possible crash with resourcepacks with enormous font images
show in world icon for disabled waypoint if it is highlighted
shared waypoint tooltip translated
greatly reduce chance of a rare ConcurrentModificationException crash (and eliminated entirely in 1.9+)
fixed display of helmets added by Forge mods (1.8+)
fix color reading with optifine shaders enabled
fix for showing flowing water from Streams mod
better handling of liquid in general - fix possible purple water bug - (1.9+)
LMM Mod support, possibly
mipmapped 0.25 zoom level on minimap, much better looking (1.8+)
better CTM parsing (1.8+)
CTM fix for some blocks not loading (1.9+)
fix for resource packs with really HD fonts not showing player names on minimap (now in versions below 1.9.4 as well)
filter added to mob show/hide selection screen (now in versions below 1.9.4 as well)
better occlusion of distant in-game waypoints by far away terrain (now in versions below 1.9.4 as well)
initial release for Minecraft 1.9.4. Some changes that will also make their way into VoxelMap for older versions of Minecraft eventually
fix for resource packs with really HD fonts not showing player names on minimap
filter added to mob show/hide selection screen
better occlusion of distant in-game waypoints by far away terrain
1.6.8 (1.9 only hotfix)
fix zombie villager icon
fix optifine randomobs support
bugfix: couldn't mouseover waypoints in the nether
added hotkey to go straight to the waypoint menu
in-game waypoint signs changed from name+distance to icon (name+distance shown on mouseover)
highlighted waypoint/coordinate shows up in-game
fix crash when right clicking on unloaded region in the world map
better handling for barrier blocks (1.8 and 1.9)
better handling of waypoint transparency, especially with water (1.9)
added ability to share waypoints and coordinates with other users of VoxelMap and JourneyMap. Right click on world map, or from the waypoints list
Polished the highlight waypoint interface (more obvious how to remove highlights)
bugfix: prevent crash when a player wears an enderdragon head (1.9)1.6.4search for waypoints on the waypoints screen (like creative inventory search)highlight specific waypoint or spot on the world map (can make a waypoint easier to find if there are hundreds)1.6.3fix for liquids showing as purple with Forge runningfix for junk characters in chat wherever a color code was used1.6.2initial release for 1.9switch from using transformers to mixins (safer)1.6.1Fix being unable to hide/show waypoints or mob types by clicking on the eyeball icon in the list viewre-add a bunch of icons and icon hints for mobs from various mods1.6.0get Liteloader for 1.8.9 here: 1.5.20for 1.7.10: don't allow unicode characters on the controls configuration screen (like Minecraft itself), preventing a crash when attempting to save invalid (for 1.7.10) charactersfor 1.8: fix so unicode characters chosen as inputs in the controls screen are successfully saved and restored1.5.19fix for mooshroom and spider jockey iconsless likely to hit out of memory errors1.5.18a1.8 only hotfix: fix for mods' mob icons and icons for blocks worn on player/mob heads being broken with shaders mod installed1.5.18allow voxelmap keys to be bound to mouse buttons (and have them remembered on next load)
1.5.17fix for crash when cached data has a no longer valid biomeID1.5.16bfix for CTM occasionally reading wrong metadata (for instance red sand looked wrong with Misa's pack)can delete the squaremap frame image and use the build in Minecraft map image like with 1.7 and earlier1.5.16biome labels on the world map (calculated, and displayed, only after visible regions finish loading)the end dimension persistent map can now show structures above y level 90regions created with invalid metadata (from before 1.8) will now load in the persistent map in 1.8setting worldmap max zoom to 32x remembered for next session (previously reset to 16x)uses less direct buffer memory, fix for an occasional crash on initialization (for users whose direct buffer memory was all used)fix for rare crash on initialization in the font renderer (NPE)slight reduction in memory and storage space for underground dimensions (10 percent-ish)1.5.15
fix for invalid coordinate values causing a crash in the new/edit waypoint screen (&done& button greys out as intended with invalid values)
fix so the map doesn't stop updating when the player is above the build limit (1.8)
can edit and delete world names for multiworld servers (instead of just choosing one or adding a new one)
world map: right click works with touchscreens
world map: underground transparent blocks and liquids don't become invisible if unlit - affected nether-like dimensions
world map: remove spurious biome tinting for spruce and birch leaves (1.8)
world map: fix for possible null pointer exception in world selection screen
world map: mipmapping so zooming extra far out looks better
radar: helmets with custom models not drawn too large
radar: more than one icon for mobs from mods and more than one block-as-helmet icon can be created per tick (AMD/Intel), or can be made at all (nVidia) (1.8)
fix for crash when clicking very right or very bottom of color selector
fix for crash when running in 1.7.10 after running in 1.8 and having a zoom level unsupported by 1.7.10 (1.7)
automatically detect multiworld server (without the user manually specifying that it is one, though that's still possible) when switching between two worlds with the same dimension
multiworld button will flash when attention is needed (multiworld server with the current world as yet unrecognized)
best effort fix for player icon on worldmap not reflecting player's skin occasionally on first open, or showing as a white square for some players
more consistent at showing newly explored areas on next opening of the worldmap
don't save bad data (fix possible corruption of saved map region data)
possible fix for padding error on in game waypoint text display (1.7)
show server name instead of address on world map screen (fix for streamers)
don't freak out when player presses map key while holding a movement key (that would formerly attempt to display an area very far away that was most likely blank, and possibly crash)
old north setting now applies to world map as well
old north setting remembered per world, defaults to off (for all those old pre-beta worlds before notch changed the direction of the sun. Set it once for them and it will be remembered)
partial fix for switching into cavemode when riding a minecart on a slope (1.8). You can sometimes see the sky dim near the horizon when you are riding a cart. This is because Minecraft thinks it's a Minecraft bug
correctly display blocks worn on head when the blocks use a custom .json model (1.8)
greatly reduce the chance of a ConcurrentModificationError when encountering a resource pack that has a badly formed .mcmeta file for a texture, ie successfully fail and don't keep trying (1.8)
fix so worldmap is able to determine correct multiworld when first re-joining a server (1.7)
improved multiworld support. VoxelMap now automatically recognizes previously visited (and labeled) worlds, as long as they haven't changed too much. If the user has stated that a server is multiworld, and a world is not recognized (either the first visit, or it has changed a lot) a message in chat will state that it is an unknown world, and remind the player to manually select the world in the multiworld screen
manually select which world you are in on multiworld servers that don't communicate with the client via world_info/journeymapServer/voxelPlayer plugins. Credit to cubic72 for the selection screen
configurable zoom levels. zoom out 4 times as far as before, if your memory can handle it
configurable in memory region cache size. again, if memory can handle it, increasing the size of the cache makes regions less likely to unload (to reload later) as you pan around
now cache map data on disk for singleplayer worlds too instead of creating from scratch every time from the anvil files (mostly because loading from the voxelmap disk cache is twice as fast)
fix for crash when opening the worldmap with coloredLights mod installed
performance improvement: empty regions do not count towards the region pool size. Loading an empty region will never cause a non-empty region to unload (saving having to possibly re-load it later). Empty regions also use no memory now
teleport in Nether works much better. Tp will go to the surface the world map knows about. If no surface at that X/Z, will check above and below to find one (everywhere for SP, loaded chunks for MP). If none found, TP not allowed so you don't end up inside a wall
player icons reflect whether the player has his hat layer turned off
waypoint icons in icon selector sorted alphabetically
loaded regions use much less memory, which means, for the same usage, you can now
zoom out twice as far on the world map
world map loads much faster. If you scroll faster than it can load, it skips to your current location instead of making you wait for everything to catch up. Regions that have gone off the screen before they could render because you scrolled so fast are now removed from the queue
keyboard controls for the world map. up/right/left/down to pan, crouch/jump to zoom in/out. hold sprint key to pan faster
bugfix for zombie villager and spider jockey helmets rendering too large
add support for CustomNPCs mod
player icon on worldmap now works when radar is turned off
small scale skull icon fixed
keep openGL stack consistent when attempt to automatically create an icon for an unknown mob type fails
add support for Colored Lights mod
custom mob icons can be created with a text .properties file, allowing them to use the current resource pack (and saving space over .png custom icons)
fix for teleport to waypoint sometimes trying to teleport to the coordinates of a waypoint in a different dimension
fixes for compatibility with shaders mod (roundmap stenciling, blurred text on worldmap UI)
more consistent getting the name from multiverse servers with the requisite plugins
zooming in world map much more consistent with low framerates
handle resource packs included with saves
handle launchers that connect the client directly to a server
handle resource pack waypoint icons with different sizes
waypoints created with a now missing image will show as the default instead of not at all
lot of CTM and custom color map fixes, which improve support for some complex resource packs that rely on MCPatcher or Optifine
configurable waypoint icons. Add your own! Either put in the .litemod file with the rest, or create a resource pack with new icons like /assets/voxelmap/images/waypoints/waypointNAME.png
Internally, using sprite sheets now instead of individual small images. The speed boost is actually rather minimal but it is there, particularly on busy servers with a ton of players and their names being rendered.
Also persistent map backported to 1.7.10
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③在“Choose the minecraft directory for installation/extraction”项点击“...”定位到自机客户端的.minecraft文件夹下
④在“Install LiteLoader (recommended)”项“Extend from:”子项选择启用Forge的启动项(默认类似于1.8-Forge11.14.3.1491)
⑤在“Install LiteLoader (recommended)”项“New Profile:”子项输入新的启动项名称(用于区别只加载Forge与Forge、LiteLoader同加载)
③在“Choose the minecraft directory for installation/extraction”项点击“...”定位到桌面(其实无具体要求,只是桌面比较方便操作)
④选择“Extract LiteLoader Jar”
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发表于 4&天前
这mod不能调字体 很头疼。。。能显示怪物是我用的原因 。。。被潜艇虐怕了。。。。
马上两级了 在让我水水呗i
发表于 4&天前
要有Liteloade Api&
""以及"我的世界"为Mojang Synergies AB的商标。本站与Mojang以及微软公司没有从属关系。


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