i think the iq is veryi think importantt because it help

Taking Part Is More Important Than Winning Free Essays
As soon as the topic “Being part of a team is more important then leading it” was given as an assignment to be submitted in the form of an essay, I thought to myself what is there to discuss about it? Of course leading is more important then being just part of a team. It was indeed the first thought, the confusion was increasing as I focused more on the topic. Being part of the team is important as well. Indeed it needs to be discussed briefly to reach to the conclusion by discussing both positions...
&Being part of a team is more important than leading it.&
It is too difficult these days during the complexity of business and corporate pressure to build out teams, in order to resolve business challenges situations like service, product renovation, turnaround recovery plans, launch new products, meet the market changes and challenges it’s important to pay attention to building a team.
Team, by concept, is a group of members whom could be selected or nominated u the role is...
Winning is the most important thing
1. Because in life there are always winners and losers???,???get used to it!
2. Competition is a good thing because it makes us work harder
3. Winning is important because it shows what can be accomplished, great people get great accolades.
Winning is most definitely the most important thing in life.
It is important that we learn from an early age that winning is important because all through life we will be faced with situations where there are winners...
“The Journey Is More Important Than the Destination”
The psychological motivations, or inner journeys, that influence a physical journey can give the most insightful look into what that physical journey meant, and why it took place. Although the destination is important, the inner journey that takes place during a physical journey is often more significant. This inner journey that often drives the physical journey, and can also inspire imaginative journeys, gives multiple layers of meaning to...
Discuss the proposition that culture is more important than the individual.
Many cultures have different ways on how they view the group versus the individual.
This depends on whether it is an individualist culture or a collectivist culture.
An individualist culture is one I which people tend to view themselves as individuals and to emphasize the needs of individuals.
Western culture tends to be individualist.
A collectivist culture is one in which people tend to view themselves as members...
‘Imagination is more important than knowledge’
The sum or range of what has been perceived, discovered or learned is what every dictionary or scientist would answer when one would ask them to define knowledge. Imagination, is what these scientists and dictionaries would answer when they were given the question to state one word on the following: ‘The faculty of imagining, or of forming mental images or concepts of what is not actually present to the senses.’ In 1929, Albert Einstein was brave enough...
What is IQ ? What is EQ ? For decades, a lot emphasis has been put on certain aspect of intelligence. This intelligence is called IQ ( Intelligence Quotient ). IQ includes aspects of Mathematics, spatial learning, Verbal, logical reasoning, and memory...
I read this poem as part of my school curriculum. It’s been 13 years now and I remember the page where it was written in the book. The course was over, the poem was well read. The meaning as taught by teachers was well understood but the application was never taught. Some verses are not to be taught, they are there to just to be shown to you. May be that had clicked me sometime in early 2000s when I recalled this poem after someone stated the name of the poem in one of the institute lectures...
National Security is More Important than Human Rights
The conception of human rights and freedoms is the cornerstone of American traditions, law and the indicator of democracy.
The approach of prevailing interest in personal privacy, property privacy and non-interference of state authorities in private affairs is the basic ground for modern organization of American society. For centuries the courts have been standing safeguards of protection of persons against unreasonable intrusion of the State...
Working Experience is More Important than Education
It's been a question that society has debated for a long time. Does education or work experience provide the most benefits and therefore hold more importance for children and society as a whole? Many people believe that it's the most important for children to spend time becoming highly educated so that they can obtain great jobs. Others believe that children and adults should gain work experience instead because this will lead to better jobs. Both...
Why is Education the Key to Success?
Man is what his thoughts make him. Education provides direction to these thoughts. Success is more than just accumulation of material wealth. I believe that success is not a destination but a never ending journey in self exploration. It is unlocking your true potential to make your life itself a work of art. Success has more than one dimensions to it. Acquiring material wealth is not the only one. To what degree have you conquered your self and achieved liberation...
Assignment: Argument Essay
Is Social Life More Important than Academics?
Social life and Academics carry their own importance. Academics are important for one to know what is what in all aspects of life. Social life will automatically teach you to live life but may not teach you in a systematic and a neat manner. Also, Social life is important to have a strong social interpersonal relationship with the world, whereas academics will only be important to self and nothing in terms of the world. All...
Our group aim for this topic:
To gauge an opinion of the general public and find out if the competition aspect of sports is more important than participation.
Key Terms for this topic:
Can be defined as relating to the act victorious.
Can be defined as taking part of, or engagement: the act of sharing in the activities of a group.
left the company in his first 5 years at chief executive officer.
Since he retired from General Electric in 2001, he has traveled the world giving speeches and lectures to business audiences.
In his book, Winning, Jack Welch tells his story on how to win in business.
Jack Welch wrote Winning after speaking to audiences all over the world.
He summarizes the most frequently asked questions he has received over the years.
The book is broken out into 5 Underneath It All, Your Company...
investigated into the reasons why individua whether it was an individual act or a rebellion against society. Looking at Durkheim's study will enable a greater understanding of the relationship between society and it's individual parts.
Society is the world we live in. It is the country we reside in. The town we shop in. The family we are born in. It encompasses a range of cultures, traditions, places and people. It provides rules and regulations that individuals are supposed...
Risk Taking
In our lives, it is important to exercise self-command.
However, we
should not be so concerned with the future that we stifle the present. The
question becomes what balance should we strike between self-command and risks?
What kinds of risks are acceptable or unacceptable?
In this essay, we will use
two examples of risks to show the distinction between the two and arrive at a
conclusion as to the balance one should have between risk and self command.
first example we...
“Imagination is more important that knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.” Do you agree?
Albert Einstein once said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand while imagination embraces the entire world...
the link between the father and the son. Many people think that money is more important than anything in their however, there is still something very important that money can’t buy.
Money is very powerful and can help people buy everything they want, achieve whatever they need. That is the thought of most of the populace. Many people include the word money when they were asked to pick five things considered important to their lives. In a short article, “Money, Markets and Madness,” Vanessa...
“The war at sea was more important than the Western Front”
When many people think about World War 1, they imagine trench warfare with machine guns and tanks. They just think about the Western Front and men conquering bits of land bit by bit to win the war. This was certainly the more publicised part of the war. But what many people missed was the war at sea. What did the ships do to help win the war? Could we have won the war without our navy? And was it even more important than the war on the Western...
Albert Einstein
Imagination is more important than knowledge
Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879 in Ulm, Wurttemberg, Germany. Einstein contributed more than any other scientist since Sir Isaac Newton to our understanding of physical reality.Einstein worked at the patent office in Bern, Switzerland from 1902 to 1909. During this period he completed an astonishing range of theoretical physics publications, written in his spare time, without the benefit of close contact...
&Health Is More Important Thant Wealth&
Do you know how precious your health is? Do you know the value of your health? What about the wealth? Which one of them is important? Health and wealth, two words that rhyme so well but often do not occur together. People said that &Health is Wealth&. Good health can be define as if your body is free from mental and body disease. According to Bidisha Mukharjee (2012) in her article &Why is Health Important?&, she stated that a good health can be describe...
Emotional Intelligence : Is is more important than IQ
For decades, a lot of emphasis has been put on certain aspects of intelligence such as logical reasoning, math skills, spatial skills, understanding analogies, verbal skills etc. Researchers were puzzled by the fact that while IQ could predict to a significant degree the academic performance and, to some degree, professional and personal success, there was something missing in the equation. Some of those with fabulous IQ scores were doing...
Remember the Titans is more than a film about winning. The movie has many aspects to it and discusses many important issues including friendship, which was between Gerry and Julius, racial tolerance, which was shown among Julius and Emma and many historical facts. People say that the journey makes up the end and the movie displays this expression perfectly, winning was just a fraction of the film it was the many other important parts that make up the end.
A key component to the film was its historical...
All the German states were able to unify faster than Italy because a very strong German nationalism existed between them. Bismarck was able to bring this nationalism together and unify all states into a strong Germany. On the other side, the revolutionaries had many obstacles to be able to unite the Germans into one whole country. Bismarck was more successful than the revolutionaries...
Case Application:- More Than a Good Story Jake and Rocket, a cartoon guy and his cartoon dog, can be found on most of the apparel and other branded products sold by the Life is good(R) company. With his perky beret (or other appropriate head gear), Jake has that contented look of being able to enjoy life as it is and finding reasons to be happy right now. And Rocket? Well, he’s just happy to be along for the ride. And what a ride it’s been for the two! They’ve been a part of the company’s growth to...
much often a better teacher than success, Failure is practice towards becoming successful if you always succeed you will never know what it feels like to fail and won’t know how to react whenever that time comes. It is everyone’s dream to be successful, but success is very rarely given to anyone.
Everyone has obstacles to get over and their own set of trials and tribulations. What is really important in life are the lessons learned from these events, teaching you more about yourself and the object...
tend to behave more violently and aggressively than human females – and it seems true. In United States, most of the homicides during 1980 to 2008 are males, representing 90% of the total number (United States Department of Justice, 2010), and it is also the trend in the whole world. The reason of the difference between man and female in violence is always explained biologically – the testosterone level of adult males is 20 times to females, as testosterone would make people more aggressive (Terburg...
“Nothing Can Happen More Beautiful Than Death”
In death, people will find that it is a ravishing, striking thing. “Why Leaves Turn Color in the Fall” was written to show the beauty in death.
People see how beautifully colored the leaves are, but they don’t seem to realize that the leaves are dying and that’s what makes them charming.
The way that leaves change color is a process that most people usually won’t understand, but in order for them to turn colors, they have to die.
Leaves are green...
connection with them by raising them, but is not hindered by the fact that he is going to have to eventually kill them to eat them. Some people might agree with Martinez’s thoughts about chickens because they might not think about chickens emotionally, but more on a worldly level and realize that that is just the way things work. In addition, in Oxford, Ohio, neighbors complained about how one man collected over one hundred roosters and the amount of noise that was produced completely disrupted the lives...
Taking notes during lectures is very beneficial to students in a number of ways. One, which is to remember and it will save student time relying on memory later on. You can be an amazing listener, but unless you have good note taking skills, it will be hard for you to remember what the teacher said in previous lectures. For notes to become useful, they should be well structured and you can go through them over and over so that the information remains fresh days prior to the exam.
Reviewing and...
IHG’s corporate strategy: ‘The winning ways’
IHG’s mission statement is: ‘to become the greatest company in the world through creating great hotels guests love’. IHG’s road map for growth is dependent on engagement and high performance from the entire workforce. In order to achieve this, IHG designed a set of values, known as ‘the winning ways’. The winning ways serve as ‘a road map’, which enables IHG to reach their long-term vision. IHG’s winning ways will act as the foundation for how...
The terms &order winners& and &order qualifiers& were coined by Terry Hill, professor at the London Business School, and refer to the process of how internal operational capabilities are converted to criteria that may lead to competitive advantage and market success. In his writings, Hill emphasized the interactions and cooperation between operations and marketing. The operations people are responsible for providing the order-winning and order-qualifying...
qualitative variables. PS. 1.1.3 Identify populations and samples. PS.1.1.4 Determine the levels of measurement. PS. 1.1.5 Compare descriptive and inferential statistics. Standard 2: Random samples. Students will be able to explain why random sampling is important to the study of Statistics, they will know how to use a their calculators o a random number table to make a simulation, and describe different sampling strategies and how to use them. Benchmark Code Benchmark PS.1.2.1 Explain the importance of random...
September 24, 2014
Why Are More Students Taking Online Classes
Going into my second year of online classes I can truly relate to the other students my age taking online courses. Right now 450,000 students in the United States have abandoned traditional public schools for an online education (Pellissier). Many people say that taking an online class presents the risk of procrastination for young students, but I believe there is a lot of good that comes out of taking an online course. Online classes...
More Than a Veil A Feminist Readings of Marjane Satrapi’s Persepolis Cultural differences have been on the foreground of the ongoing struggle between the United States and Iran since the 1970’s. Stereotypes are built on misunderstandings which can prove costly in international relationships. Our national media coverage of Iran portrays radical Islamic men oppressing their female counterparts. Many American citizens have narrow opinions on Iranian women, most of them dealing with the infamous veil...
More Than Just Race: Being Black In The Inner City
William Julius Wilson
Chapter One Synopsis
In this Chapter, the author introduces his backstory and the way people react around him despite the fact that he is a Harvard professor. Many of the residents in his building get nervous because he is black when he rides the elevator with them. However, despite the fact that he is discriminated against when he is out of his suits, he states that he cannot...
has shown that you forget up to 90% of what you’ve learned in less than a week (Sid Savara, 2007). In order to understand and comprehend what is being taught one must take notes and only write down the important information given. Studies show that having important information inside notes gives the learner a 34% chance in being remembered (Longman, D. & Atkins , R., 1991). This essay will give a couple of different ways of taking notes and learning new material.
In order to learn one must simply...
Reading is important it helps you to learn all you can about variety of things.
But just like everything it needs to be
excited for children. A child would not take up a book and read about Sam Sharpe or why Jamaica got independence or important things like that but what if it was on television and it was not boring learning about it . What television does to children is that it draws their attention and they do not even know they are getting useful information in that little brain of theirs...
Are apps more valuable to Apple than music? Yes, by a long way
Understandably, much of the post-keynote analysis of Apple's &Let's Talk About iPhone& event focused on hardware: the new iPhone 4S and the lack of an iPhone 5. Software also got a look-in, particularly the Siri voice control features of the new handset, and the imminent debut of Apple's iCloud service.
Less feted, but no less important, were some significant figures around Apple's content business. 250 million iOS device sales have...
&center&&b&By close reference to &More Than Just The Disease&, show what feelings you have for Neil in the course of the story. What lessons do you suppose he has learned by the end of it?&/b&&/center&
&br&In the story, &More than Just the Disease&, Neil who was away from home for a holiday with the Middleton family experienced and learned much. The best part was how Neil managed to take the first step of overcoming his shyness, not to &suffer from more than just the disease&.
&br&At the...
Jackson Spielvogel said, “Yet for all of its obvious impact, the American Revolution proved in the long run to be far less important to Europe than the French Revolution. The French Revolution was more complex, more violent, and far more radical in its attempt to construct both a new political order and new social order.” The French Revolution was extremely influential to the rest of Europe because it proved that a country could benefit from a republic. It also showed just how brutal a monarch could...
Sports: More Than Just a Game
More than 7.6 million high school students played sports during the
school year, an increase of nearly 40,000 students compared to
according .
Why is this number so high?
The benefits of playing sports are not just physical.
While many students get involved in high school athletics for sheer love of the game, there are significant benefits from these extracurricular activities as well.
Being an athlete teaches life lessons like...
guide to taking a patient’s health history is an article published in Nursing Standard in the August 2007 issue, written by Hiliary Lloyd and Stephen Craig. In this article Lloyd and Craig outlines the process and rationale for taking a health history. Also, this article provides different methods to taking a comprehensive history.
Summary of Article
Taking a successful history includes preparing the environment, effective communication skills, and order. It is the most important part of patient...
Islam More Than A Religion
Despite its huge following around the world and the growing Muslim
communities in the United States, Islam is foreign to most Americans who are
familiar with Christianity or Judaism.
Because most Americans know little or
nothing about Islam, they have many misconceptions about Muslim beliefs and
The negative image many people in the United States and Europe have
of Islam and the Muslim world has a long history.
Many have judged Islam
without making an effort...
By the end of the nineteenth century, there was reason to suggest both why the vote for women had been brought closer and also been pushed further away. This was due to a number of aspects which arose during the period which seemed to show to people that the vote was further away than it did seem that the vote was nearing closer by the end...
Note taking and note making is one of the most fundamental and important tasks that students must do. It cannot be doubted that a student that takes notes during lectures is more likely to achieve a higher grade compared to a student that does not. However, note taking might not have the positive effect the student wants if it is not done properly. “What to note down, how much to note down and how detailed the notes should be, takes time to develop” (Open University Malaysia [OUM], 2011, p. 92)....
More than Basketball
At first glance, basketball may seem like an easy concept to comprehend. It’ two teams compete against each other to shoot a ball in a goal more than one another, scoring more points, thus winning the game. Simple enough, right? Well, basketball goes a little deeper than that. It is quite a bit more than what meets the eye and can even get a little complicated at times. However, sticking to the basics is what will be done in this essay for getting in depth...
There are many reasons why a soldier should follow all of the orders they are given because every one of them is important in any circumstance. An order is a task given to a soldier that has to be done in a certain period of time in an efficient manner. There are three main reasons of why it’s important for a soldier to follow the orders they are given: To be disciplined, an effective combat, and be a good soldier and love your job. When a soldier doesn’t follow the orders they were given it doesn’t...
disagree with the following statement? It is more important to keep your old friends than it is to make new friends. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
Sample Response 1:
In the following essay I would like to express my opinion in regard to the thesis “It is more important to keep your old friends than it is to make new friends.”
On the one hand, you could always say that making new friends is a lot more entertaining than keeping in touch with the old ones. There are...
English 101-A51
15 February 2011
More Human than Human
Technology has advanced by leaps and bounds over the past twenty years.
What was once considered science fiction is now yesterday’s headlines.
In just a hundred and fifty years we have gone from the first combustion-powered motor vehicle to space exploration and now we are managing our lives from handheld mobile devices.
So let’s face it, technology evolves at a faster rate than humans.
In fact it moves at such a rapid pace...
vitally important in the business operations o however this document strives to explore both ends of the debate, that is, the overarching importance of employees and customers. Significant research has been conducted regarding the nature of the two groups, which has aided this critical analysis of the notion that employees are more important than customers as well as the counter-argument that employees are indeed more important.
Employees are more important than customers
Winning by Jack Welch
The book Winning by Jack Welch was written in 2004. It is a straight forward book that goes into all aspects of running a business and becoming a successful leader.
The author was the CEO of General Electric for over 20 years. Welch retired in 2001 and spends his time traveling around the world giving speeches, answering questions and giving advice about how to be able to run a successful business.
After a couple of years of touring and giving advice he decided to put it...
Pablo Picasso once said that, &Action is the foundational key to all success&. In some ways I must agree with Picasso. To succeed in something of importance and value you must take action and not idle away as action speaks louder than words. Though knowledge is important because in some aspects as you cannot be illiterate about your cause if you wish to succeed.
Knowledge is a key aspect of human beings. In order to advance in our society you must gain knowledge. Therefore to take action you must...
Should students have a part-time job in their free time? Different countries and cultures may have fully different answers for the same question. Although Chinese nowadays are affected a lot by western culture, there are still existing much diversity between China and America, especially on this question, the differences are obvious. This essay will explain four differences of people’s attitude towards students working part-time in China and America.
First of all, I will explain students’ attitude...
of Cigars, Whiskey and Winning
Ulysses S. Grant was the 18th president of the United States. In the book, “Cigar, Whiskey and Winning”, it highlights his management skills during the Civil War as he lead the Union Army to defeat the Confederate Army. When he was younger, Grant attended West Point. He was not the brightest student, but he did enjoy reading. After he graduated, he became second lieutenant in an infantry regiment. In the book it showed him taking advantages of opportunities...
More Than One Reality
By: Ethan Caldwell
Reality is kind of like a memory. Everyone has their own different ideas of what it should be but none are necessarily the truth. For example two people who were both in the great depression could have totally different thoughts on the difficult times. While one could have lived on the streets struggling every day to find food and water, the other could have been among the few rich people and lived in luxury. Both of them would have very different memories...
I disagree with the statement that friends are more important than family.
Three good points that show this -and will be discussed- are the historical part of family,
emotional/ social part of family and financial part of family.
When you live in a family you have something to be proud of, something that you will carry on. The family history/ cult. This means that as soon as you are born you are a (the) person that will carry on a cult, a history. With your friends you have nothing that you...
Airport Security: Why Safety Is More Important than Privacy
Since September 11th, people have become concerned about airport security. The millimeter body scanner is one of the outcomes of people’s concerns. The scanner creates a full body image that can reveal any suspicious element that may be concealed on their person. While this type of image can calm some fears, the scanner is now a controversial issue. Arguments for each side focus on two main areas:...
There's More to Life Than Being Happy
&It is the very pursuit of happiness that thwarts happiness.&
In September 1942, Viktor Frankl, a prominent Jewish psychiatrist and neurologist in Vienna, was arrested and transported to a Nazi concentration camp with his wife and parents. Three years later, when his camp was liberated, most of his family, including his pregnant wife, had perished -- but he, prisoner number 119104, had lived. In his bestselling 1946 book, Man's...
Every Day There Is A New Question
&Winning& is written by Jack Welch and, whether you love him or hate him, the guy has real experience in running a large corporation successfully. This is unlike so many other authors who can be somewhat academic. Welch began his career with the General Electric Company in 1960, and in 1981 became the company's eighth chairman and CEO. During his tenure, GE's market capitalization increased by $400 billion, making it the world's most valuable corporation. Jack retired...
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