口酥用酥皮披萨 英语翻译怎么说

酥饼的英文:a k shortcakes参考例句:The crisp cakes made by our factory are light, delicious and easy to carry about.本厂酥饼,松软味美,携带方便。Very thin sheets of pastry dough that make a flaky pastry used especially in Greek dishes.擀成极薄层的生面用来做酥饼的非常薄的糕点面粉层,尤指在希腊菜中:n. 种类;性质adj. 和蔼的;宽容的;友好的Kindness always begets kindness善有善根Certain kinds of wine go with certain kinds of food.某些酒与某些饭食相配。The kindness of caring for—saying of the sons for their parents’ kindness顾复之恩:adj. 脆的;酥脆的;鲜脆的;清新的;凉爽的;卷曲的;干脆的,利落的n. 炸薯片v. 使变脆Her hair is naturally crisp.她头发是天热卷的。chip | crisp | potato chips炸薯片 It tastes sweet and crisp.吃起来又甜又脆。:n. 饼干;松饼;淡黄褐色He spiced the biscuits with cinnamon.他在饼干里加了肉桂。She shaped the dough into biscuits.她把生面做成饼干形状。I can see eleven biscuits.我能看见十一块饼干。翻译推荐:相关热点:
发布时间:Apr 15, :37 PM
yo~yo~切克闹,煎饼果子来一套!煎饼果子简直就是天津的“骄傲”,前几年自己考英文导游资质的时候,发现很难找到相关的英语资料,今天突发奇想的google一下,发现煎饼果子也蹿红在英语世界了哦。。。煎饼果子现在在国外普遍接受的一种说法是 Tianjin Pancake其实真正的pancake是长这个样子的Jian Bing Guo Zi (Tianjin Pancake) hails from Tianjin. In China, Tianjin is renowned for its street food, and this goodness is a specialty Tianjin breakfast on-the-run.煎饼果子发源自天津。在中国,天津以街边小吃而出名。煎饼果子是天津快餐早餐的一个特色。Hail from&发源自…be renowned for&以…而出名Usually, the griddle is commonly displayed at the front of the eatery, so that diners can have fun watching their jian bing guo zi being freshly made. You can specify how spicy you want it.通常摊煎饼的平底锅就放在小吃摊的最前面,所以食客可以享受自己的煎饼果子新鲜出炉的全过程。食客还可以自己决定辣椒酱的量。Chewy on the outside, crispy on the inside. The flavors are gutsy, thanks to smears of chili sauce and fermented bean paste (tian mian jiang&甜面酱). The fragrance of spring onions also helps.外面有咬劲,里面松脆。由于抹了辣椒酱和甜面酱的关系,味道很浓烈。小葱也很提味。Chewy&有咬劲的,常常用来修饰美食的词汇哦Crispy&松脆的,也是个美食常用词汇Gutsy&有胆量的,强烈的,文章里面用的很到位,很给力Smear&抹Spring onion&小葱fermented bean paste&发酵的豆子酱。。。甜面酱,感觉翻译成英语,变得很没有食欲了呢…I’m big on textures. And the textural contrast in jian bing guo zi is heaven in a chomp.我很是非常注重口感的人。煎饼果子带来的口感上的强烈冲突效果就像是吃掉了一大口的天堂。。。。Texture&质地,口感Chomp&一大口I’m big on…&我很喜欢…这个在中国街头常见的小吃,如今已经火到了美国纽约的大街上,并且极受当地人追捧,在年轻人中的知名度不亚于披萨和墨西哥煎玉米卷(tacos)。3月20日,《纽约时报》美食专栏发表了一篇文章,专门介绍最近在纽约走红的中国煎饼。↑《在纽约寻觅煎饼的乐趣》我们来看看这些诱人的文字,顺便学习一下,以后就知道怎么用英语跟国际友人夸煎饼了……描写煎饼的“制作工艺”:It starts with&batter&ladled&onto a round cast-iron&griddle. An egg or two are not so much&scrambled&as&scrawled across&the surface. If you’re in Beijing, it’s& in Shanghai, it stays put, for a&crisper&finish.它的做法是,先把一大勺面糊舀到圆形铁烤盘上。然后打一两个鸡蛋,与其说是搅拌,不如说是涂抹在面饼上。北京那边的做法是把它翻过来接着烤;上海那边不翻,让它更脆。batter:面粉、鸡蛋、牛奶等调成的糊状物ladle:(用勺)舀,盛griddle:平底锅、煎锅、圆烤盘scramble:搅拌;炒(蛋)scrawl:涂写flip:翻转crisp:脆的Ingredients and order vary: scattered&scallions,&cilantro&and&zha cai (pickled mustard root); fat brush strokes of&tianmianjiang (sweet bean paste)& and fried dough in the form of&fluffy batons&(you tiao)&or&flat blistered rectangles (bao cui).&各地所用的配料和顺序也不相同:散上葱花、香菜和榨菜;用刷子厚厚地涂上甜面酱和辣椒酱;加上用面炸成的油条或薄脆。scallion&['skaelj?n]:香葱cilantro&[si'lɑ:ntr?u]:香菜baton&[b?'tɑn]:接力棒;短棍blistered&rectangles:表面起泡的矩形物The&crepe&is folded like a&triptych, creased or cut in half and handed over still steaming.煎饼被分成三段折起来,然后再次折叠或切成两半,热气腾腾地递给顾客。crepe&[kreip]:薄饼triptych&['triptik]:三张相联《纽约时报》这位记者吃遍了纽约的煎饼,终于吃到了一款最中意的,他是这样描述自己当时的喜悦心情的:It was just a crepe, with a yellow-white scrum of egg, herbs,&swabbed&sauces, flagrant chile, ham and a great rectangle of bao cui that went in and emerged unbroken. It was so hot I could barely hold it. I ate it and nursed my&singed&fingers, dumb with happiness.它就是一个煎饼,裹满黄白相间的鸡蛋、香菜、涂酱、辣椒、火腿和一大块长方形的薄脆,它被放进去后不会被弄碎。吃的时候依然烫手,烫得我几乎拿不住。我吃完煎饼,抚慰我那烫伤的手指,幸福到说不出话。singed:表面被烫焦的报道中还介绍了纽约一些比较有名的煎饼店。店老板基本都是美国人,他们在中国吃过煎饼,念念不忘,决定拜师学艺,学成后把这款美味带回了家乡。作者对他们的描述非常有趣:They approach the dish with the&zeal&and&reverence&of&the&converted.他们以皈依者的热情和敬畏对待这道小吃。zeal:热情reverence&['rev?r?ns]:崇敬;敬畏converted:改变信仰的比如“老金煎饼”店,Mr Bing,这家煎饼店在2016年底还获得了纽约最佳餐车新秀奖。老金煎饼的老板叫Brian Goldberg,中文名金伯亮。1998年,老金曾经在北京首都经贸大学读中文专业,也在哈尔滨学习过一阵子。那时候,老金每天上课之前都会去宿舍门口买个煎饼作为早餐。老金爱上了这种美食,可是想到还有很多美国人没吃过呢,于是,就有了后来的“老金煎饼”…这是老金煎饼的菜单,你们感受下:对,主要是价格!最贵的一套煎饼卖到15美元!相当于人民币100多块钱!看到这个奇速君想去美国买煎饼果子了,有木有小伙伴一起啊!美国的煎饼当然也根据当地的饮食偏好进行了改良。比如老金煎饼的馅料就五花八门:In go cilantro and fried wonton skins, and then extravagant fillings:&caramelly red barbecue pork,roast duck with lacquered skin,&shredded dark-meat chicken steeped in Shaoxing wine.里面加上香菜和炸馄饨皮,然后是奢侈的馅料:焦糖色烤猪肉、表皮油亮的烤鸭以及用绍兴黄酒泡的撕碎的深色鸡肉。“It’s Americanized,” Mr. Goldberg said — less snack than sandwich, and as such delicious.“这是美国化的煎饼,”老金说。它不像小吃,更像三明治,但同样美味。外国人民吃煎饼,当然要用刀和叉……在外国的大众点评网站Yelp上,这些煎饼店也是好评如潮。点了套餐——素煎饼(大赞)、素水饺(也很美味)和饮料——我觉得价格非常合理。味道太赞了,薄脆里包裹着鸡蛋,配上海鲜酱、葱、香菜、辣椒和鸭肉,还加了炸馄饨皮。围观了摊煎饼的整个过程,简直令人着迷。这些年,随着中外交流越来越频繁,中国的各种美食也走向了世界。早点 BreakfastDough Sticks 油条Dumplings 饺子Chinese-style crepes 煎饼Fried Leek Dumplings 韭菜盒子Steamed Buns 馒头Soybean Milk 豆浆饭类 Rice VarietiesPlain White Rice 白米饭Braised Pork Rice 卤肉饭Glutinous Rice 糯米饭Fried Rice 炒饭Sweet Potato Porridge 地瓜粥面类 Noodle VarietiesWanton Noodles 馄饨面Hand-Pulled Noodles 拉面Braised Beef Noodles 牛肉面Spicy Noodles 辣子面Fried Rice Noodles 炒米粉Duck Noodles 烧鸭面汤类 Soup VarietiesHot Pot 火锅Clam Soup 蛤蜊汤Fish Ball Soup 鱼丸汤Sweet and Sour Soup 酸辣汤Egg and Vegetable Soup 芙蓉蛋花汤甜点 DessertsCandied Haw 冰糖葫芦Dough Twists 麻花Candy Sweet Potato 糖地瓜Sesame Ball 麻球Almond Cookie 杏仁酥Osmanthus Cake 桂花糕点心 SnacksPan Fried Radish Cake 煎萝卜糕Spring Roll 春卷Crystal Dumpling 水晶饺Yam Cake 红薯饼Smelly Tofu 臭豆腐Red Dates with Sticky Rice 红枣糯米说到天津的煎饼果子,奇速君突然想起天津的狗不理包子,那奇速君也给大家简单介绍一下狗不理英文名称。一直以为狗不理包子只有这个接地气的名字。然而早在2008年包子君就有了它fashion的英文名——Go Believe!去相信!The pronunciation of“Go Believe”is quite similar to its original Chinese name,and the meaning is also in accordance with the same belief in the group.既谐音,又体现了天津狗不理集团的集体信念。”Goubuli Stuffed Bun& originated from the Guangxu Era in Qing Dynasty“狗不理包子”起源于清朝光绪年间There was a man nicknamed &Dog&(&Gou Zi&) who set up a vendor's stand to sell steamed stuffed buns (&Bao Zi&)当时,一个小名叫“狗子”的人在天津摆了个包子摊Because his home-made steamed stuffed buns tasted unique and delicious他的包子味道出众his vendor's stand attracted a great number of people吃的人很多&Dog& was so busy with his business that he thought of an idea to simplify the procedure of collecting meney“狗子”忙不过来,就想了一招来简化收钱程序He put a pile of bowls on his stand and asked the customers to throw their money into the bowls他在摊头放一摞瓷碗,食客把钱搁在碗里while he handed them the steamed stuffed buns after watching the money get in to the bowls without saying a word他看钱放包子,一句话不说Gradually, people started to jokingly refer him as &Dog Are Not Interested In& ( &Goubuli&&)久而久之,人们便都戏称他为“狗不理”Goubuli Stuffed Bun has a unique shape as the chrysanthemum and about 16 to 18 pleats狗不理包子造型独特,褶数一般控制在16~18个,形似菊花Moreover, its filling is abundant and rich, which tasted soft, fragrant but not greasy at all而且它陷大油多,口感柔软,香而不腻With such wonderful color, smell, taste and shape, no wonder it is the top delicacy among the famous Chinese snacks色、香、味、形俱佳,为中华名小吃中之极品小伙伴们还想到那些中国的小吃在国外比较火热的欢迎留言!
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起酥面包的英文:Puff Bread:v. 吸,抽;吹,喷,吐,冒;喘气;吹嘘;(使)膨胀n. 吸,抽;一阵;泡芙;吹嘘;粉扑He arrived out of puff.他到达时气喘吁吁。 The stove let out a puff of smoke.炉子里冒出一股烟。 With a puff, a clang, and a clatter of rail it was gone.火车头喷着烟,车轮隆隆转动,铁轨轰轰作响,于是这个地方就过去了。I really like the shrimp puffs.我很喜欢鲜虾泡芙。Smoke(a pipe,cigarette,etc)in puffs一口口地吸(烟斗、香烟等)或喷烟:n. 面包;生计;食物v. 在 ... 上撒面包屑Have you toasted the bread?你烤面包片了吗?Bread is in the basket.面包在这个篮子里面。She soaked bread in milk.
她把面包浸在牛奶里。Sop some bread in soup.把一些面包泡在羹汤中。Bread is the staff of life民以食为天翻译推荐:相关热点:


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