read and trace thethe topic sentencee

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七年级语文上册 看云识天气同步训练 苏教版(The seventh grade language is read by the Chinese).doc 13页
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七年级语文上册 看云识天气同步训练 苏教版(The seventh grade language is read by the Chinese)
七年级语文上册 看云识天气同步训练 苏教版(The seventh grade language is read by the Chinese)
Watch the weather synchronism
I tamper with my standard
1. The whole group of the notes with the following words is ()
A. Luan colored glaze (li)
Fish scales (Lin) silk curtain (mo)
B. Omen (man)
Uniform (y) arrival (jiang)
C. (sha) light (ying)
D. Raised (t) blur (mo)
Instant (x) attack
2. One of the following words which has no typo is ()
A. The posture collapses
B. The silk curtain was on a clear peak
C. The fish scales are the same
D. embellishment of the trace
The correct order of the following sentences is ()
A thin cloud gradually appeared in the sky
The cirrus cloud moves slowly forward
The clouds are gathering
It was like a white silk curtain
When the continuous rain and snow will come
The weather will be cloudy
This cloud is called a cirrus cloud
A. (5) (3) (4) (1) (2) 7 6
B. (5) (3) (1) (4) 7 (2) 6
C. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 7 6
D. (5) 6 (1) (2) (3) (4) all landowners
The following sentence does not use an illustration of the method of illustration ()
A. they are like feathers, which float gently in the air.
B. The cloud is like a &sign& of the weather.
C. The sky gradually appeared a layer of thin clouds, like a white silk curtain.
D. Now the volume cloud has changed its name, it should call it high level cloud.
There are many proverbs about things in the folk. I believe you have collected a lot. Take out your life experience and intelligence to complete several choice questions.
(1) swallows fly low to forecast: A. It's going to rain
(2) ant base nest forecast: a. the temperature is high b. it's going to rain
(3) the cicada in the rain is called: A. Sunshine to b. fine
6. Language is accurate and vivid, and needs to be tempered. &Look at the weather& has been modified several times in its writing. Try to compare the following phrases and sentences, find out the changes, and talk about the benefits from an accurate and vivid point of view.
(1) there are also moun
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所需积分:0words and sentences
Sentence Chinese, 翻译, 例句,... ... to serve (a sentence) outside prison (law) 监外执行; 监外执行 to serve a prison sentence 服刑 words and sentences 词句; 词句 ...
Sometimes I type in a large font to have the words and sentences bold before me.
But it is not only the words and sentences of language that perform the function of building a bridge from person to person.
First, she notes, "Most people do know how to write in complete words and sentences, but they may simply be forgetting to switch gears between texting their friends and writing a report to a boss.
And even if you put those sentences into your own words, you should still give credit to where you got the information.
VOA: special.
And now that you have patterns of bits after bits after bits, and if you chunk them up into say, eight-unit quantities, now can you start storing words and sentences, and paragraphs.
And syntax refers to those rules and principles that allow us to combine words into phrases and phrases into sentences.
In the end, words and sentences aren't atoms and molecules, even if they can be fodder for the same formulas.
The device continues to read out words and sentences, adding in the ability to trace letters and write them out on its special paper.
If, when she embarked on this errand, the words and sentences had been whirling around in her head, they had got themselves in order en route.
- 来自原声例句


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