
初中英语试题文章总数:605085篇 关于初中英语试卷的参考文献: 9775次 优秀文章:28344篇 经典论文53698篇
浅谈高中生英语阅读理解能力的提高    黄冈市红安县第三中学
蔡亚兰    关键词英语
阅读理解    高中英语教学大纲明确指出,全日制高级中学英语教学的目的是在义务教育初中英语教学的基础上,使学。
作者:vfmrc浏览: 14542 评论: 307 赞同: 4736
作者:ryvwt浏览: 12228 评论: 483 赞同: 3564
作者:bbezg浏览: 37779 评论: 378 赞同: 3510
【关键词】初中英语 听力考试 听力水平【中图分类号】G 【文献标识码】A【文章编号】(89-01作为英语教学的四大基本能力之一,听力与学生未来交际技能的发展密切。
作者:ugcrw浏览: 45134 评论: 745 赞同: 6988
语言,不是随便可以学好的,学本族语如此,学习英语更是如此 尤其是面对初中学生,压力大、任务重,学生面对大量的习题和升学的压力,很容易产生逆反情绪 由于教师的素质不同,教学对象不同,使用教材不同,因而进。
作者:etoyt浏览: 16938 评论: 139 赞同: 4395
【摘要】要运用各种有效的教学方式唤起学生对英语阅读的兴趣;指导学生养成良好的英语阅读习惯并形成有效的阅读策略,为终身学习打下坚实的基础 【关键词】阅读技能;兴趣;习惯;方法;策略英语阅读在整个初中教学。
作者:cbvra浏览: 9681 评论: 485 赞同: 3966
贵州省盘县普古中学(553522)【摘要】所谓的微课是指借助视频对教学过程中的某部分或者是重难点内容进行的讲解,目的就是要让学生在视觉的冲击下理解相关的知识点,进而确保高效英语课堂顺利实现 因此,在素。
作者:camry浏览: 69546 评论: 541 赞同: 4718
青海省西宁市湟中县鲁沙尔镇西村学校(811600) 【摘要】怎样才能把试卷讲评课上好,上活,从而促进学生的全面发展,更好的体现评价的意义呢?本人在教学实践中摸索、归纳出了一套行之有效的以人为本,面向全。
作者:plijo浏览: 21136 评论: 570 赞同: 2641
阅读教学在初中英语教学中,占了很大的比重 人教版Go for it从八年级下册开始,增加了article, passage, reading阅读文章,同时,介绍了一些learning strategy。
作者:yiegs浏览: 74947 评论: 592 赞同: 5239
随着教育改革的不断深化,为适应不断改进的教学目标,教学方式多种多样,在众多教学方式中,互动式教学的实践在改善初中英语教学中取得了显著效果 互动式教学是指在课堂教学中引入了学生的参与,学生和教师可以相互。
作者:humdd浏览: 18964 评论: 220 赞同: 2986
如今,在我国英语教学的不断深化改革下,经过教师与学生的共同努力,学生在英语方面的能力得到了极大的提升 在英语学习的众多环节中,由于现在英语学习对学生的书面表达能力要求越来越高,因此,根据英语教材的特点。
作者:rqodp浏览: 37173 评论: 452 赞同: 2611
【摘 要】文章根据目前中职教育的特点,结合海南的中职教育现状,试图构建一个中职学生的评价模式,促进中职教育的良性发展 【关键词】评价模式;中职学生;中职教育一、研究背景目前中职学校评价模式和督导机制还。
作者:kyivi浏览: 11756 评论: 146 赞同: 5856
SVOOC 在初中基础知识学习阶段,英语课本中就将五种基本句型列为重要的语法点 五种基本句型充当着学生由简单的句型模。
作者:efsdb浏览: 72106 评论: 118 赞同: 3235
【摘 要】当今的信息时代,英语阅读能力已日益成为衡量语言水平的重要标准 英语阅读己成为获取信息最重要的基本技能之一 目前的中考试题中,能力题部分(包括完型,阅读,首字母填空……)的分值占了很大比重,而。
作者:cbkrg浏览: 16336 评论: 405 赞同: 2138
新课标提出要实现三维教学目标,使学生在学习英语知识的同时,语言能力,情感体验得到全面发展 因此,在教学中,教师要结合三维教学目标对学生进行引导,使学生的英语综合素养得到全面均衡发展 在英语教学中,培养。
作者:xorzo浏览: 18943 评论: 941 赞同: 5399
【摘 要】农村初中学生的英语水平参差不齐,部分学生对英语学习缺乏兴趣和信心,导致英语学习成绩不理想 本文结合后塍学校的实际情况,从社会、学校、家庭和自身角度分析英语学困生的成因,通过问卷调查、行动跟踪。
作者:ulqmn浏览: 40565 评论: 164 赞同: 6881
【摘 要】在初中英语教学新课改实施的背景下,在初中英语教学的过程中实施形成性评价有利于提高初中学生学习英语的热情和信心 与此同时,形成性评价还能对教师的教学效果提供科学高效的评价建议 本文主要阐述形成。
作者:bynkg浏览: 73930 评论: 939 赞同: 2799
434302)【摘 要】本文就小组互动在听、说、读、写、复习、试题讲解、课外活动上的运用及其存在问题的对策方面进行阐述 【关键词】英语;小组互动;问题对策小组互动是提。
作者:iqxvb浏览: 39910 评论: 274 赞同: 2717
(番禺区市桥星海中学,广东 广州 511400)【摘 要】计算机技术的应用,已推动了信息化社会发展的脚步与教育事业发展的进程 新课改的实施,打破了初中英语听说教学传统的教学模式,多媒体的参与为英语听说。
作者:pexvj浏览: 69791 评论: 138 赞同: 3558
英语障碍一般分为知识性障碍和非知识性障碍 知识性障碍包括语音、词汇、语法、文化背景知识……,非知识性障碍如学生的心理状态、教学设备的质量、教学气氛…… 听力障碍会严重影响听的能力的。
作者:vwfav浏览: 57543 评论: 561 赞同: 4965
英语专家丁往道曾说过写在学英语的过程中有其特别重和不可替代的作用 写作一直是中考英语试题的重要组成部分,它体现书面表达和春地信息的交际能力 是训练学生在学习英语的过程中语言综合能力的重要手段 然而对于。
作者:instm浏览: 57054 评论: 610 赞同: 5726
【摘 要】人们只有通过贯穿整个生命历程的不间断的自主学习,才能适应从事某一工作岗位或转岗、再就业的要求,才能提高生活质量,完善自身,实现人生价值 新英语课程标准中强调了自主学习的重要性 【关键词】英语。
作者:fbtvl浏览: 58577 评论: 830 赞同: 6533
【摘 要】新的英语课程标准对初中学生的写作能力提出了明确的要求,要求学生能根据图画或文字所提供的信息,围绕文章的话题或主题,综合运用已学语言知识写出文章 但是,现在的初中生英语写作能力却不容乐观,主要。
作者:resvk浏览: 20344 评论: 339 赞同: 5968
【摘要】现在的中考英语试题,考查学生阅读和运用能力的要求也越来越高,而阅读理解题(包括阅读选择题、阅读回答问题、综合阅读题)对于测试学生思维能力方面提出了很高的要求 【关键词】初中英语;阅读题;答题方。
作者:qtbab浏览: 17729 评论: 177 赞同: 3193
【摘 要】在英语课程标准中理念的指引下,在阅读课堂教学和阅读理解试题中越来越注重学生的多层次阅读能力的培养和考查 在阅读课中我们需注重体现学生主体作用、激发学生阅读兴趣、促进学生体验参与,形成学生良好。
作者:fhwxt浏览: 57784 评论: 683 赞同: 6037
书面表达是中招英语和高考英语考试的重要题型,是一种可以测试学生表达、传递信息和解决实际问题能力的重要手段,同时也是用于测试学生的语言交际能力和语言知识活用能力的一项综合性试题 英语课程标准对各个年级学。
作者:uqxho浏览: 50648 评论: 915 赞同: 4855
雄县大营镇中心学校071800写作的最终目的是要准确有效地表达作者的思想 所以良好的思维能力是写作成功的基础 在平时的写作练习时,如感到无内容可写,就去读相关的范文,这样可以受启发,获灵感 英语 写作。
作者:kczer浏览: 44861 评论: 466 赞同: 5247
听力是一种复杂的认知过程 听力练习不仅可以巩固和学习语言知识,而且可以训练学生的听力能力和听力技巧,激活学生的思维
听力是一种复杂的认知过程 听力练习不仅可以巩固和学习语言。
作者:jujvd浏览: 29745 评论: 917 赞同: 3324
邢基会 四川省西昌市西乡中学英语的听力教学目前我们采用的方法多数都是练习,练习,再练习 教师和学生都误以为只要通过了海量的练习,学生的听力水平就提高了 殊不知,英语的学习是多方面的,听力水平的提高,还。
作者:evzgm浏览: 41015 评论: 967 赞同: 2511
摘要:关注学生的语言表达运用,培养学生地道的语言学习运用思维,是体现学生语言知识技能运用转化的重要途径和方法,能够有助于培养学生的综合语言运用能力 书面表达教学应从文本表达素材的特点和学生的语言运用规。
作者:yiqvr浏览: 12595 评论: 467 赞同: 2745
摘要:当下的英语改革越来越重视学生综合能力以及应用能力的提高,英语教学更注重学生听、说、读、写能力的全面发展 在英语测试中英语听力测试题目所占的比例也在逐年增加 因此,如何让学生在英语听力测试中迅速地。
作者:edcvu浏览: 40866 评论: 231 赞同: 2093
摘要:初中英语在新课程改革中指出:“教师要鼓励学生通过体验、实践、讨论、合作和探究的方式,发展听、说、读、写综合语言技能 ”学生的英语能力是作为一个整体进行不断提高的,教师在教授过程中不能只偏重英语课。
作者:pncgn浏览: 15039 评论: 221 赞同: 6533
文 陈菊听力测试作为了解学生获取信息能力的有效办法,在中考中占有重要的位置 但是很多学生对听力测试信心不足,存在心理障碍 要想在中考英语测试中取得理想的成绩,在复习阶段,无论在心理上,还是时间利用上,。
作者:eqfcu浏览: 48782 评论: 990 赞同: 5323
生本教育的理念就是在教育中一切以学生为主,要充分尊重学生的主观能动性,使得学生参与到教学过程中来 将生本教育的理念应用于英语作业过程中,就是作业的选定、完成都是由学生来完成的,学生在完成的过程中教师要。
作者:hfnsh浏览: 37679 评论: 188 赞同: 2097
作者:dpdtw浏览: 57287 评论: 696 赞同: 6019
2016年全国II卷遵循《2016年高考考试说明》,题型与前两年保持一致,并且阅读ABC篇和七选五,完形填空,语法填空,短文改错和书面表达整体难度与前两年基本一致 但是笔者从2016年的高考题中也明显。
作者:kfcgr浏览: 66129 评论: 617 赞同: 2342
一、单项选择(20分)1.There are two _____ in our school.A.library B.libraries.C.librarys2.There aren’t _____ apples in the basket, but there are some on the table.A.someB.anyC.a3.—Is there a dining hall in your school?—__________A.Yes,there are.B.No,there is. C.Yes,there is.4.Loo k,my grandmother is _____ my grand father.A.on the left ofB.nextC.on the right of5.—Have you got a dictionary?—_______________A.Yes,I do. B.Yes,I gotC.Yes,I have.6.—Where are _____?—They are on the chair.A.Tony's books B.Tony's book C.Tony books7.He ______ any aunts or uncles.A.doesn't has gotB.haven't got C.hasn't got8.—How many computers _____ in your classroom?—There are two.A.are there B.are you have C.does you have9.—Where _____ you _____?—I'm from Beijing.A.are, fromB.do, fromC.are, come10._____ is a doctor.What about _____ father?A.His,yourB.Her, your’s C.His,you11.There are _____ students in our class.That is 19 boys and 21 girls。A.fortyB.fourtyC.fourteen12.Juice and water are healthy drinks,_____ Coke isn't healthy drink.A.and B.but C.or13.Can I have _____ water?A.theseB.someC.one14.Lingling is in __________.A.Class Four,Grade OneB.Grade One,Class FourC.Class four,grade one15.What's your _____ fruit?A.very like B.favouriteC.much like16.She can't ________ in the lake.A.swimmingB.swimingC.swim17.There __________ a cat and two dogs in my home.A.beB.isC.are18.He _____ hamburgers.A.like eatB.likes eating C.like to eats19. The office building _____ the classrooms.A.behindB.behinds C.is behind20.__________ there any apples in the kitchen?A.HaveB.Be C.Are二、智力测验(5分)21.Paris is the capital of __________.A.the USAB.the UKC.FranceD.Australia22.About ________ percent of the earth's surface is covered with water.A.29B.82  C.71D.10023.A car travels at a rate of 50 miles per hour.How long will it take to travel 300 miles?A.250hoursB.6hours C.1/6hoursD.15000hours24.Beijing Olympic Games are the __________ modem Olympic Games.A.B.C. D.25.The number of seconds in one day _____ The number of minutes in one weekA.&B.& C.= D.We don't know三、完形填空(10分)NBA is the most famous basketball game in the world.There_____ 26_____ a Chinese player in this game.His name is Yao Ming.He is _____27 _____ player in this game。In his spare time,Yao _____28_____cars. On last Christmas,he drove _____ 29 _____ old car to visit one of his _____ 30 _____.On his way, he ______ 31 _____ a policeman following him.Finally, he stopped and said to the policeman:“______ 32 _____ Christmas,sir.Is there anything wrong with me?”.“No,of course not”answered the policeman.“Then _____ 33 _____ did you _____ 34 _____ me?”asked Yao.“______35______be angry.”said the policeman:“You did nothing wrong,I only want to ask you for a signature(签名)!”26.A.be B.are C.is27.A.tallB.the tallest C.tallest28.A.1ikes driving  B.1ikes drive C.1ike driving29.A.aB.anC.the30.A.friendsB.friendC.the friend31.A.seesB.seed C.saw32.A.Marry B.MerryC.Happy33.A.WhyB.How C.When34.A.askB.followC.stopped35.A.Don’t B.You don’tC.You can't
作者:佚名 资料来源:网络 点击数: &&&
文 章 来源 莲山 课件 w w w.5 Y k J.cOM 初中英语分类练习――名词部分&&&&&&&&&&& 一. 写出下列名词的复数形式: 1. house _________&&&&&&&& 2. village ___________ &3. map __________ 4. orange _________&&&&&&& 5. bag ___________&&&& &6. exercise ___________ 7. brush __________&&&&&&& 8. family ___________& &9. bus ___________ 10. city __________&&&&&&& 11. box ___________&&& &12. baby __________ 13. class __________&&&&&& 14. factory _________& &15. glass __________ 16. dictionary __________&& 17. watch _________&&& &18. wo man _________ 19. match __________&&&&& 20. man _________&&&&& &21. wish __________ 22. German __________&& & 23. tomato _________&& &24. policeman ___________ 25. kilo __________&&&&&&& 26. human _________&&& &27. potato ___________ 28. Chinese __________&&&& 29. shelf __________&& &30. Japanese __________ 31. leaf ___________&&&&&& 32. American __________&33. life ___________ 34. tooth __________&&&&&& 35. wife ___________&& &36. foot ___________ 37. knife __________&&&&&& 38. sheep _________&& &39. half _________ 40. child __________ 二. 将下列词组译成英语: 1、一群孩子&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &2、两箱子苹果 3、三篮子蔬菜&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &4、九块面包 5、十杯牛奶&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &6、五块肉 7、多种植物&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &8、一副眼镜 9、两块冰&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &10、三张纸 11、四瓶橘汁&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &12、五杯茶 13、六碗米饭&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &14、七袋米 15、八块木头&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &16、九块金属 三. 写出下列各词的名词形式: 1. work _________& &&2. teach _________ &&3. sing ________ &4. ill ___________ &&&5. fight ___________&&6. invent ________ &7. wait ________& &&&8. woolen __________ &&9. win ____________ &10. thankful ________&&11. foreign _________&&12. cloudy ________ 13. run __________ &&14. dirty ________ &&15. visit _________&16. funny __________ &&17. wooden _______ &&18. medical ________ &19. operate ________& &&20. hot __________ &&21. invite __________22. worried ________& &&23. build __________& &&24. please ________ 25. help _________&&&26. safe ________&&&27. die _________&28. dangerous ______ &&29. draw ________& &&30. noisy ________ 四. 选择: 1. I want to buy ________. A. two bottles of ink&& B. two bottle of ink&&& &C. two bottle of inks&& D. two bottles of inks 2. They don’t have to do _______ today. A. much homework& &B. many homeworks& C. many homework&&&& D. much homeworks 3. The ______ of machine made us feel sick. A. voice&&&&&&&&&& &B. noise&&&&&&&&&& &C. sound&&&&&&&&& &D. noises 4. The blouse is made of ________. A. a wool&&&&&&&&& &B. these wood&&&&&& &C. wools&&&&&& &&D. wool 5. There are three ______ and seven ______ in the picture. A. cows, sheeps&&& &B. cows, sheep&&&&&&& C. cow, sheep&&&&&& &D. cow, sheeps 6. June 1 is _______. A. children’s day&&&&& &B. children’s Day&&&& &C. Children’s Day&&& &D. Children’s day 7. ______ room is next to their parents’. A. Kate’s and Joan’s&&&& B. Kate’s and Joan&&&& C. Kate and Joan’s&& &D. Kate and Joan 8. Miss Green is a friend of _______. A. Mary’s mother’s&& &B. Mary’s mother&&&& C. Mary mother’s&&&& &D. mother’s of Mary 9. Tom is ______. He will come to see me. A. my a friend&&&&&& &B. a friend&&&&&&&& &C. mine friend&&&& &D. a friend of mine 10. Sheep _______ white and milk _______ also white. A. is, are&&&&&&&&&&& &B. are, is&&&&&&&&&&&& C. is, is&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. are, are 11. I’d like to have a glass of milk and _______. A. two breads&& &B. two pieces of breads& C. two pieces of bread&& D. two piece of bread 12. It’s a long ______ to Paris. It’s two thousand kilometers. A. street&&&&&&&&& &B. road&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. way&&&&&&&&&& &D. end 13. Many ______ are singing over there. A. woman&&&&&&&&& &B. women&&&&&&&&&& &C. girl&&&&&&&&&&&&& &D. child 14. He bought _______. A. two pairs of shoes& &B. two pair of shoes& &C. two pairs of shoe& &D. two pair of shoe 15. Mr. White has three _______. A. child&&&&&&& &&B. children&&&&&& &&C. childs&&&&&&&& &D. childrens 16. Beijing is one of the biggest _______ in the world.A. citys&&&&&&&& &&B. city&&&&&&&&&& &C. cityes&&&&&&&&&& &D. cities 17. --- Where’s Mr. White? --- He’s in _______. A. the room 202&&& &B. Room 202&&&& &&C. the Room 202&&&& &D. room 202 18. Shops, hospitals and schools are all _______. A. places&&&&&&&&&&& &B. homes&&&&&&&&&& &C. rooms&&&&&&&&&&& &D. buildings 19. Every morning Mr. Smith takes a _______ to his office. A. 20 minutes’ walks& &B. 20 minute’s walk&& &C. 20-minutes walk&&& &D. 20-minute walk 20. ---Are these ______? --- No, they aren’t. They’re _______. A. sheep, cows&&&& &B. sheep, cow&&&& &C. sheeps, cow&&& &&D. sheeps, cows 21. There are many ______ in the fridge. A. fish&&&&&&&&&&& &B. fruit&&&&&&&& &&C. eggs&&&&&&&&&&& &D. bread 22. --- Whose room is this? --- It’s __ _____.A. Li Ming&&&&&&&& &B. Li Ming’s&&&&&&& &C. Li Mings&&&&&&& &D. Li Mings’ 23. Here are ______ for you, Sue. A. potatos&&&&&&&&&& &B. some potatoes&&&& &C. three tomatos&&&&& &D. some tomato 24. Here are some birthday cards with our best ______ for her. A. wish&&&&&&&&&&&& &B. hope&&&&&&&&&&& &C. wishes&&&&&&&&&& &D. hopes 25. I always go to that ______ to buy food on Sunday. A. shop&&&&&&&&&&& &B. park&&&&&&&&&&&& &C. zoo&&&&&&&&&&&&& &D. garden 26. What’s the Chinese for “ PRC”? A. 中国人民解放军& &B. 中华人民共和国&& C. 联合国&&&&&&& &D. 中国共产党 27. Sam gave Ann some _______ to look after Polly while he was away. A. picture-books&&&& &B. inventions&&&&& &C. instructions&&&& &D. messages 28. --- Which of the following animals lives only in China? --- The ________. A. monkey&&&&&&&& &B. elephant&&&&&&& &C. panda&&&&&&&&&&&& D. cat 29. ______ room is on the 5th floor. A. Lucy and Lily&& &B. Lucy and Lily’s& &C. Lucy’s and Lily &&D. Lucy’s and Lily’s 30. The third month of the year is _______. A. March&&&&&&&& &B. January&&&&&&& &C. February&&&&&&& &D. April 31. Mum, I’m quite thirsty. Please give me ________. A. two orange& B. two bo ttle of oranges& C. two bottles of orange&& D. two bottles of oranges 32. How wonderful! The ______ is made of _______. A. house, glass&&&&& &B. house, glasses&&&&& C. houses, glass&&&& &D. houses, glasses 33. I met some ______ in the park and talked with them the other day. A. Janpaneses&&& &&B. American&&&&&&& &C. Chineses&&&&&& &D. English 34. _______ is the best time for planting trees. A. Summer&&&&&& &B. Winter&&&&&&&&& &C. Spring&&&&&& &&D. Autumn 35. Tom was badly hurt in the match. They carried him to the ______ as quickly as possible. A. bank&&&&&&&& &&B. post office&&&&&& &C. shop&&&&&&&&&& &D. hospital 36. There are two ______ in the room. A. shelf&&&&&&&& &&B. shelfs&&&&&&&&& &C. shelfes&&&&&&&&& &D. shelves 37. There are seven ______ in a week. A. years&&&&& &&B. months&&&&&&& &C. days&&&&&&& &&D. minutes 38. My father is a ______. He works in a hospital. A. teacher&&&& &&B. doctor&&&&&&&&& &C. farmer&&&&&&&&&& &D. writer 39. It’s very cold today. Why don’t you put on your ______? A. watch&&&&&& &&B. shirt&&&&&&&&&&& &C. sweater&&&&&& &&D. glasses 40. --- Excuse me, are you ______? --- Yes, I’m from ________. A. Japan, Japanese&& &B. China, Chinese &C. England, English &D. American, America 41. They took a lot of _______ in the children’s park.A. photo&&&&&& &&B. photoes&&&&&& &&C. photos&&&&&&& &&D. the photo42.There is _______ in the bottle.A. no any orange& &&B. not a orange& &&C. not any orange& &D. no oranges43. Maths _______ an important subject taug ht in the middle school.A. are&&&&&&& &&B. is&&&&&&&&&& &&C. was&&&&&&&& &&D. were44. There are more ______ in this hospital than in that one.A. woman doctors &&B. women doctor &&C. women’s doctor &D. women doctors45. The ________ eat a lot of rice.A. Japan people&& &&B. Japanese& &&&C. Japaneses&&&&& D. people of Japanese46. Two ___ and five _______ are studying Chinese at Beijing University.A. German, English& B. Germans, English&C. Germans, Englishmen D. Germen, Englishmen47. Then the ______ began to eat the green ______ of young trees.A. deer, leafs&& &&B. deer, leaves&&& &&C. deer, leaf&&&& &&D. deers, leafs48. Would you like _____ ?A. some rice&& &&B. any rice&&&&&& &&C. some rices&&&&& &D. any rices49. Don’t hurry! We still have _______ time left.A. little&&&&&& &&B. few&&&&&&&&& &&C. a little&&&&&&&&& &D. a few50. These mountains will be covered with tree in ______ .A.&&&&& a few year’s time& &B. a few years’ time &C. a few year’s times& &D. a few years’ times51. The children had _______ in the park.A. good times&&&B. good time&&&C. the good time&&D. a good time52. I am busy with my work these days. I don’t get _______.A. many sleep&&&&&&& &B. much sleep&&&C. more sleep&&&&&&& &D. most sleep53. This is an interesting _______.A. news&&&&&&& &&B. information&&&&&& &C. work&&& &&&D. job54. Her parents are _______.A. English&&& &&B. America&& &&C. Frenchman&&&& &D. two English55. Room 110 on the second floor is the _____ office. I know some of them.A. doctors&&&&&& &&B. doctor’s&&&&&& &&C. doctors’&&&& &&D. doctors’s56. The room is _______. They are brothers.A. Tom and Mike’s&& &B. Tom’s and Mike’s&C. Tom’s and Mike&&& &D. Tom and Mike57. The box is made of a kind of hard _______.A. wooden&&&&& &&B. wood&&&&&&& &&C. woods&&&& &&D. word58. Can you see some _______ on the hill?A. sheeps and deers&& &B. sheeps and deer&&C. sheep and deers&& &D. sheep and deer59. How many _ ______ shall we pay for the special service?A. money&&&&&&&& &B. yuans&&&&&&& &&C. dollars&&&& &&D. pound60. I have many friends here. Lily is _______.A. mine friend&&& &&B. a friend of my& &&C. one of my&&&&& &D. one of them61.--- Would you like some _______?&&---Thank you, but I am not hungry.A. breads&&&&&&&& &&B. cakes&&&&&& &&C. oranges&&& &&D. orange juice62. Don’t make any _______, the boy is sleeping.A. voice&&&& &&&B. noise&&&& &&&C. music&&&& &&D. laugh63. She was born in Xiangfan, but now she works in Taiyuan. So we cannot say Taiyuan is her ____.A. hometown&&&&& &B. second home&&&& &C. family&&&&& &&D. house64. Is this your _______ for making so many mistakes?A. idea&&&&&&& &&B. mind&&&&&&& &&C. excuse&&&&& &&D. result65. There are few _______ for supper. Would you please buy some carrots and cabbages on your way home?A. meat&&&&&&&& &&B. eggs&&&&& &&C. fruit&&&&&& &&D. vegetables66. --- Would you like some _______?& --- Oh, yes, just a little please.A. pears&&&&&&& &&B. apples&&&&&& &&C. bananas&&&&& &&D. milk67. --- Can you finish the work in a week?& --- No _______.A. problem&&&&&& &&B. matter&&&&&&& &&C. trouble&&&&&& &&D. question68. Is there a little _______ left for me?A. room&&&&&&&&& & B. place&&&&&& &&C. ground&&&&&& &&D. house69. The sign “_______!” is often seen on the box.A. NO PHOTOS&&&& &B. NO SMOKING&&C. BUSINESS HOURS& D. THIS SIDE UP70. Help yourselves to some _______, children.A. fish&&&&&& &&&B. fishes&&&& &&&C. a piece of fish&&&& &D. a fish71. --- Here is the _______, please.&& --- Oh. Fried meat with some green peppers and two eggs.A. bill&&&&&&&& &&B. list&&&&&&&&& &&C. book&&&&&&&&& &&D. menu72. _______ is used to eat soup.A. Knife&&&&&&&& && B. Fork&&&&&&& &&C. Spoon&&&&&& &&D. Chopsticks73. --- What’s the _______ like today?& --- It’s sunny.A. climate&&&&&&&& &B. weather&&&&&&&& &C. sky&&&&&&&& &&D. space74. Two thirds are _______ in our school.A. woman teachers&& &B. women teachers&&C. woman doctor&&&& &D. women doctors75. It’s _______ walk from my home to our school.A. two minutes’&& &&B. two minute’s&&C. two minutes&&&& &D. two-minutes’&五. 各地中考题选编: 1. --- Where is Tom? --- He’s left a ______ saying that he has something important to do. &A. excuse&&&&& &&B. message&&&&&&&&& &&C. exercise&&&&&&&& &D. news 2. There is no ______ in the bus so we have to wait for another bus. &A. room&&&& &&B. a room&&&&&&&&&&& &&C. rooms&&&&&&&&& &D. seats 3. --- Would you like some ______? --- Oh, yes. Just a little. &A. pears&&&& &&B. oranges&&&&&&&&&&& &C. sugar&&&&&&&&&& &D. apples 4. You can find the following INSTRUCTIONS on _______. KEEP IN A COLD PLACE &A. food&&&&&&& &&B. money&&&&&&&&&&&& &C. clothes&&&&&&& &&D. books 5. Mr. Green has lived in the _____ hotel since he came to China.&A. five-star&&&& &&B. five-stars&&&&&&&&&&& &C. five star’s&&&&&&& &D. five stars 6. She was born in Wuhan, but Beijing has become her second _______. &A. home&&&&&& &&B. family&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &C. house&&&&&&&&& &D. place 7. --- What’s the _____ today? --- It’s June 26. &A. day&&&&&& &&B. date&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &C. time&&&&&&&&&&&& &D. hour 8. English is spoken as a first language in ______. &A. the USA&&&& &&B. France&&&&&&&& &&C. Japan&&&&&&&&& &D. China 9. ______ comes from cows. &A. Wool&&&&& &&B. Chicken&&&&&&&&&& &&C. Pork&&&&&&&&&&& &D. Milk 10. Let the children go away. They’re making too much ______ here. &A. noise&&&& &&B. voice&&&&&&&&&& &&C. noisy&&&&&&&& &&D. sounds &&附加练习1. We went to Dr. Brown's yesterday. He gave us_____.&A.some advice&&B.advices&&&&C.an advice&&&D.some advices2. What _____ they've got! No wonder they are very happy.&A.a good news&&B.quite a few news&&C.good news&&&D.little news3. Much _____ to fight against pollution.&A.have been done&B.has been done&&C.had been done&&D.has done4. What _____! Let's go swimming.&A.a fine weather&B.fine day&&&C.a fine day&&&D.bad weather5. You have made ______.& You should be more careful.&A.a lot of mistake&B.a great deal of mistakes&C.a large number of mistakes&D.few mistakes6. Before we moved into the new house, we bought many _____&A. furnitures&&B. furniture&&&C. pieces of furniture&D. pieces of furnitures7. The bookshelf over there is_________.&A.Mary’s and Jane’s&B.Mary’s and Jane&C.Mary and Jane’s&D. Mary and Jane8. We saw the guest off at ______ yesterday..&A. The Shanghai’s Railway Station.&&B. The Shanghai Railway Station.&C. Shanghai Railway Station.&&&&D. The Railway Station of Beijing Railway9. They had a good time at the _____ Palace.&A.children&&&B.Children’s&&C.Children&&D.Childrens’10. Xiao Li was ____ in my boyhood.&A. my close friend&B. mine a close friend& C. a close friend of mine& D. a close friend of me11. These are ____ from other presses. They are having a meeting in one of the ___ office.&A. editor- in-chiefs,& editor’s-in-chief&&B.editors Cin Cchief , editors-in-chief’s&C. editors Cin-chief’s, editor’s Cin-chief’s&D.editor-in-chief’s , editors Cin-chief12. There are five ____ in our clas s.&A. Zhang’s&&&B. Zhangs’& &&C. Zhangs& &&D. The Zhangs13. How far is your school ?&A. twenty - five minutes walk&&&B. the walk of twenty-five minutes&C. twenty-five minutes walks&&&& &D. twenty-five minutes’ walk14. ---What’s the distance from her e to the station?&& - ---It’s __________from here.&A. two kilometre distance&&&B. two kilometres’ distance&C. distance of two kilometers&&&D.& distance of two kilometres’15. We’re going to have __________next month.&A. two day’ h oliday&&B. two day holiday &C. two days holiday&& &D. two days’ holiday16. Who’s a cousi& n?&A. Uncle or aunt’s son&&&&B. Uncle or aunt’s daughter&C. Uncle or aunt’s child&&&&D. Uncle or aunt’s brother or sister17.& She always wears beautiful _____.&A.clothes&&&B.cloth&&&C.dress&&&&D.clothings18.Will you have a little ______?&A.more fishes&&B.more fish&&C.much fishes&&&D.fishes19. There _____ in my class. Which of them do you want to see?&A.is John&&&B.are three Johns&C.are the John's&&D.is the John20. Twenty dollors ____ what he needs&A.was&&&B.were&&&C.is&&&&&D.has been21.The United Nations ____ a resolution&A. has past&&B. has passed&&C. have passed&&&D. has through22. The Arabian Nights ____ a very interesting storybook&A. is&&&&B. are&&&C. has been&&&D. had been23. The New York Times ____ a wide circulation&A. is&&&&B. has&&&C. are&&&&D. have24. Mathematics_____ a very important subject.&A. are&&&B. is&&&&C. were&&&&D. was25. His mathematics ____ weak&A. is&&&&B. seems&&&C. was&&&&D. are26. An iron works _____ now.&A. is being built&B. are being built&C. has built&&&D. had been built27. Every means _____ tried to improve teaching and learning&A. has&&&B. has been&&C. have&&&&D. were28. The police _____ searching for a tall dark man with long hair.&A. is&&&&B. has been&&C. are&&&&D. had been29. One of his fingers was wounded. What about _____.&A. the other&&B. another&&C. others&&&&D. the others30. There’s an English book in _____ of his hands, and he also has a dictionary in his _____ hand.&A. one, other&&B. one, another&&C. one, the other&D. another, second&参考答案一 ~ 三 答案略&四.1-5AABDB& 6-10 CCADB& 11-15 CCBAB& 16-20 DBDDA& 21-25 CBBCA& 26-30 BCCBA&& 31-35 CADCD& 36-40 DCBCD& 41-45 CCBDB& 46-50 CBACB&& 51-55DBDAC&&&&& 56-60 ABDCD&&&&& 61-65 BBACD&&&& 66-70 DAADA&&&&& 71-75 DCBBA&五、1―5 BACAA& 6―10 ABADA&附加练习参考答案1.A&2.C&3.B&4.C&5.C&6.C&7.C&8.C&9.B&10.C11.B&12.C&13.D&14.B&15.D&16.A&17.D&18.C&19.A&20.B21.B&22.C&23.B&24.A&25.A&26.B&27.B&28.A&29.B&30.A 文 章 来源 莲山 课件 w w w.5 Y k J.cOM
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