it also helps fight cancer and hearplant diseasee

The Immune System and Cancer - How your Immune System can fight cancer
The Immune System and Cancer
A Weakened Immune System Leads To Cancer...
A Strong Immune System Seeks Out and Destroys Cancer
The Immune System and Cancer - An Antibody (The Immunoglobulin)
Here are a few facts about the immune system and cancer. For most of your life, your immune system
successfully fought cancerous cells, killing them
as they developed. That's its job. In fact, the only job
Natural Killer cells have is to kill cancer cells and viruses.
For cancer to
develop, your immune system must
either be worn out, ineffective,
unable to kill
cancer cells as fast as they normally develop, or you must be exposed to a mass of cancer causing toxins, radiation or some such thing, that increase the rate of development of cancer cells to such an abnormally high level that your immune system can't handle it.
Either way,
it is vital to strengthen the immune system in your battle against cancer . Especially if you are getting medical treatments that wipe out your immune system.
Many natural supplements support the immune system. This is why so many of them are touted as being able to help you beat cancer. If someone has an immune system that is almost able to handle the cancer, even a poor immune system supplement can be enough to improve the immune system to the extent that it beats cancer.
Of course, for
folks with more seriously compromised immune systems, this supplement or group of supplements would not work well because they are in worse shape. This is why it can get so confusing in deciding what to use. When a supplement or procedure has been used for years, especially if it is popular, you'll
hear how it has
beat cancer.
But what you don't know is if it worked 2% of the time or 15% of the time. Given the number of people who die from cancer, the success rate of most of these supplements is fairly low. In this report we try to find and recommend the supplements that work the best, so that you have the greatest likelihood of success. It is easy to squander money and more importantly time, on products that won't get the job done.
The other concern is to make sure you do enough to wipe out the cancer. Cancer is not something to pussyfoot around with. While it is always hopeful and great to read about how someone took just one supplement and beat their cancer, and while that could happen to you, your odds of success are much higher if you take many different supplements in order to hit the cancer as hard as you can.
In order to determine which cancer fighting supplements are the most effective ones, we
energetically test them for what we call their healing power. We have found this to be the most effective way of determining which supplements are likely to be the best to use. Our experience is that this works much better than taking a guess at what is good, and what isn't as good as it sounds.
When we started doing this we were surprised at how poorly the well known supplements and procedures tested. Many had been around for years and were popular, used by many patients and naturopaths, etc. But they actually weren't highly effective. Though they are good enough to help some people, and thus over time, produced plenty of testimonials, as you see in this report, we've been able to find many stronger products. Most of them new and thus unknown.
We hope you find these testing numbers useful. We retest new supplements after they have been used a while, to check how good they are proving to be after extended use. So numbers will change and emphasis too, based on real life results.
It is all too easy to waste money,
taking supplements that are not as good as they seem. This testing and these recommendations will help you determine what is, in our opinion, just okay to take, and what is very good to use. Given that many of the most well known cancer fighting supplements test in the range of 200 to 300,
these new supplements are the
strongest immune boosting and cancer killing supplements you can get.
We will divide these supplement ratings and explanations
broad categories of similar products.
The immune system uses inflammation to get rid of killed cancer cells, whether they are killed by an herb or essential oil, by chemotherapy, or by the immune system. If you kill a lot of cancer cells fast, as you can with the top supplements on this site, the tumors these cells are in get inflamed. This is because the immune system is using inflammation to get rid of the dead cells.
This inflammation could cause
pain or dysfunction -- depending on its location. You don't want
in the brain, the bones or in the throat, for example. In this case you need to be using products that cause the cancer cells to die a natural death, either by poisoning themselves with auto-toxicity like PrugX and Optimal C Elixir cause, or by causing apoptosis (natural cell death).
So the supplements in this section are divided into two groups. Supplements in the first group include
cancer killers and immune boosters that work by both killing cancer cells and stimulating the immune system to do so -- along with many other cancer healing elixirs and supplements that are also used when you need to avoid swelling.
The second group of supplements in this section include immune system modulators which reduce inflammation, and other supplements that cause cancer cells to die naturally.. Use these if the swelling of a tumor would cause
pain or dysfunction.
Cancer Killing, Immune System Boosting, Super Supplements
Addressing the immune system and cancer, these supplements will be listed in order of their energetic testing healing power. They are much more powerful than the standard immune system supplements.
Optimal Immune 1 and 2
By far the single highest testing cancer fighter is a new powerful immune system duo called....Optimal Immune 2 and Optimal Immune 1
These are a combination of an oil based immune formula with an immune boosting, medicinal mushroom and herb
formula. More than just an immune system supplement, these both focus on support for the liver and the brain, clearing pathways in each organ and supporting their function. The enables the liver to better support the brain, and the brain to better control the immune system.
Making for a more powerful and effective immune system response.
The ingredients in Optimal Immune 2 supply about the same amount of immune system
and hormone system support as did Immune Force. However, Optimal Immune 2 supplies considerably more support for brain and liver function, and has a greater anti-inflammatory effect.
Taking the Optimal Immune 1 herbal formula at the same times as Optimal Immune 2 increases the immune system action considerably, and further enhances brain and liver support.
Faster and deeper healing with more powerful cancer fighting
benefits occurs when the liver and brain are also supported in an immune supplement. The liver and brain work together closely. The liver supplies nutrients to the brain, and the better it can do this, the better the brain will function.
The brain controls the immune system, so improving function of the brain improves immune system response.
Optimal Immune 2 is an emulsified oil and water based formula that is emulsified in a new breakthrough process to significantly increase absorption of the herbs, liquid chlorophyll and structured water mixed in it.
To be more precise, it is made using a proprietary, patent pending, low temperature, transaction and emulsification process that is the newest breakthrough in emulsifying oils. This process micronizes, microblends, and activates Parent Essential Oils, other fats and the herbal/nutraceutical ingredients mixed in it to significantly increase bioavailability. In other words, the nutrients in it can get into your cells to do their work.
Optimal Immune 2's most important action is to enhance immune system function. It does so in two ways.
1. Calms down the over responding immune system to reduce inflammation.
All the oils in it work to calm down the inflammatory response of the immune system. And the herbs in it, Ashwagandha, Green Tea Extract and Turmeric also help reduce inflammation.
2. Boosts the effectiveness of the immune system.
Black Cumin Seed Oil is a power immune system supercharging oil. Hundreds of medical studies have been published in the Middle East, Asia and Europe focusing on its immune strengthening, anti-histamine, anti-tumor, anti-microbial, and anti-inflammatory activity. This cold pressed oil is exceptionally high in antioxidants and contains thymoquinone, nigellone and beta-sitosterol, a plant sterol known to lower serum cholesterol.
the other emulsified oils in Optimal Immune 2 carry
immune enhancing components into cells because they create a liposomal delivery system, absorbing these herbs and nutrients into the oil so that the cells much more readily uptake them. These components include....
Cordyceps Militaris and Colorius Versicolor medicinal mushrooms form an equally powerful immune boosting combination. One brief description of cordyceps militaris points out some of its benefits. Research shows that C. militaris acts as pro-sexual, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant/anti-aging, anti-tumour/anti-cancer/anti-leukemic, anti-proliferative, anti-metastatic, immunomodulatory, anti-microbial, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal agent.
Colorius Versicolor extracts have a well known history of helping to fight cancer, especially when used with chemotherapy. In addition, it helps reduce chemotherapy side effects.
Other immune enhancing ingredients in Optimal Immune 2 include the herbs Ashwagandha and Turmeric,
both of which supply numerous health benefits on top of improving immune function.
The final ingredient in Optimal Immune 2 is a
specially processed Structured Water that has a 25 year history of improving immune response and overall health and well being.
Optimal Immune 2's next most valuable benefit is to enhance brain function.
helps the immune system work better as the brain will
do a better job of directing and controlling the immune system.
It's most valuable brain support nutrients are Phosphatidylcholine and Phosphatidylserine, along with Lecithin. These are lipids or fats vital for brain and nerve function.
ProCoQ10, an ester or fat bound CoQ10, helps to protect brain cells from damage, and increases the ability of brain cells to produce energy using oxygen.
Chia Seed Oil, Pumpkin Seed Oil, and Evening Primrose Oil
supply the right ratio of Omega 6 and Omega 3 oils to the brain to the brain so the the cellular membranes in the brain function better. This enhances communication in the brain and assists in the uptake of oxygen and nutrients into brain cells.
Equally valuable as these oils, are the Liquid Chlorophyll and Structured Water in Optimal Immune 2. These also help get more oxygen and other nutrients into brain cells.
And finally, the herbs Ashwagandha, Green Tea Extract and Turmeric will, among other things, help clear pathways in the brain, and reduce brain inflammation.
Liver cleansing and support is the other significant action
Optimal Immune 2 will produce.
Liquid Chlorophyll and the Structured Water act as powerful liver detoxifiers. They grab hold of toxins and carry them out to be eliminated by the kidneys.
The Structured Water, Green Tea Extract, Turmeric and ProCoQ10 and
antioxidants in Optimal Immune 2 neutralize free radicals in the form of toxins in the liver and elsewhere. This helps to
eliminate toxins from your body, and improves the liver's ability to detoxify other toxins being sent to it..
Ashwagandha, Green Tea Extract and Turmeric clear pathways in the liver as they do the brain.
Optimal Immune 2 also enhances hormonal function.
The Evening Primrose Oil, Ashwagandha, and medicinal mushrooms in it all enhance hormonal function. A strong hormonal system makes for a strong immune system, so this benefit, while minor in the whole context of Optimal Immune 2, is significant.
Optimal Immune 2 Ingredients:
Parent Essential Oil Base:
7,950mg per two teaspoons.
Cold Pressed Organic Black Cumin Seed Oil, Organic Chia Seed Oil, Organic Pumpkin Seed Oil, Evening Primrose Oil.
Organic Essential Oils: Peppermint, Lemon, Lime, Rosemary and Cinnamon.
Blending Agents: Lecithin from Sunflower Oil, Liquid Chlorophyll, Purified
Structured Spring Water.
Herbal Proprietary Blend:
Medicinal Mushrooms: Organic Cordyceps Militaris, Organic Colorius Versicolor.
Antioxidants/Carotinoids/Phytochemicals: Lycopene, Lutein/Zeaxanthin, Arabinogalactan and Dihydroquercetin.
Full Spectrum Herbal Extracts: Ashwagandha, Green Tea, Turmeric.
Nutraceuticals: Phosphatidylcholine, Phosphatidylserine, ProCoQ10.
Stabilizers: Xylitol (from US Hardwood), Potassium Sorbate, Vitamin C.
Optimal Immune 2 comes in an 8 ounce bottle. Use 1 and 2/3 teaspoons once a day as at this amount one bottle will last a month.
This formula is so potent, you only need to use one bottle a month. It doesn't hurt to use more, and increases effectiveness by 20%, but one is usually enough.
Using the energetic test done to rate all the
supplements covered in this site, Optimal Immune 2 on its own, and at just one bottle a month dosage, comes in at an extremely high 22,600, the single highest testing supplement for fighting cancer.
As this section covers immune supplements when you do not have to worry about swelling and inflammation causing significant problems,
Optimal Immune 1 should also be used.
Taking just one bottle a month of Optimal Immune 1 along with Optimal Immune 2 tests at
a powerful
26,500 for fighting cancer.
Take 3 capsules of Optimal Immune 1 with each serving of Optimal Immune 2. You will have considerably more immune system and brain support with the addition of Optimal Immune 1.
Optimal Immune 1 is an immune boosting supplement that can supercharge the immune system into killing so many cancer cells in a tumor that the could tumor swells up from the considerable amount of inflammation being used to get rid of these dead cells.
Optimal Immune 1 is built around four medicinal mushrooms well known for their immune
boosting capabilities, along with a combination of nine important herbal extracts.
The mushrooms are Reishi, Cordyceps Sinensis, Turkey Tail and Mitake. They are all covered elsewhere on this page, and are among the most valuable of extracts for improving immune system function.
Several herbs in Optimal Immune 1 work together to
fight cancer. Some kill cancer cells directly, some help the immune system to do so. These include Astragulus, Burdock Root, and Mangosteen Extract.
All the herbs in Optimal Immune 1 help improve the function of the brain. This
enables the brain to better direct and control the immune system to fight cancer, pathogens and remove toxins.
Other benefits include liver support,
antioxidant free radical scavenging and anti-inflammatory actions.
Optimal Immune 1 ingredients....
Medicinal mushrooms:
Organic U.S. grown Reishi, Cordyceps Sinensis, Turkey Tail and Mitake.
Herbs: Astragulus 4:1, Burdock Root 4;1, Turmeric Extract, Green Tea Extract, Mangosteen Extract, Bacopa Extract, Gymnema Extract, Mulehi Extract, Garcina Cambogia Extract, Guggul Extract, Colesus Extract, and Piperine.
Because Optimal Immune 2 has a powerful anti-inflammatory action and thus is an immune modulator, it can be used when you need to avoid swelling of cancer tumors and will be featured in the Avoid Swelling section below.
It is the top product to use in every instance other than if you have advanced kidney disease you should avoid taking it. This is because its nutrients will sweep toxins out of the liver to be processed by the kidneys, which can stress the kidneys if they are very poorly functioning.
Because of their powerful cancer fighting action, even though these two formulas contain some antioxidants, they still enhance the action of
PrugX. Normally, use of antioxidant only supplements is not recommended with PrugX as they decrease PrugX's effectiveness by a small amount.
Optimal Immune 2 and Optimal Immune 1
greatly improve the effectiveness of chemotherapy. The antioxidants in them may slightly decrease the effectiveness of some types of chemo by protecting cancer cells from free radical damage. But as they are helping the immune system to do a much better job of dealing with the cancer, overall they greatly improve likelihood of success when using chemotherapies. Especially as they support the liver and will reduce the negative side effects of chemotherapy.
Optimal Immune 2 and Optimal Immune 1 are, by our testing, the
most valuable supplements for dealing with cancers, many other ill health conditions, and for general health improvement or cancer prevention.
The next group of immune system supplements are elixirs that are consistently among the top group of suggested products to use in the protocols. All enhance and support the actions of Optimal Immune 2 and Optimal Immune 1. The first two elixirs below are exceptionally powerful cancer fighters because of their ability to supercharge the ability of immune system cells to identify and then kill, cancer cells. They work in similar, but slightly different ways, making the both valuable to use.
Immune Cell Enhancement Elixir
The Immune Cell Enhancement Elixir is a frequency enhanced elixir
carrying vibrational frequencies instructing the body to optimize the function of all antibodies and T cells in order to improve the ability of the immune system to identify and kill cancer cells.
The first set of instructions in Immune Cell Enhancement Elixir turns of production of all antibodies and T Cells to optimal levels. This alone has much value. But it gets better.
The immune system is instructed to make the specific antibodies and T Cells to deal with the particular types of cancer cells and pathogens that are in the body. And to make as much of these immune cells as would be needed to identify and destroy all the cancer cells or pathogens in the body.
Better still, the body is told to link together or combine the particular antibodies and T cells that are needed to kill the cancer cells that are in the body. And is also instructed by this elixir, to send these linked antibodies and T Cells to every cancer cell in the body.
This combination
then identifies the cancer cells with the antibodies, thus enabling the T Cells that are there too, to immediately kill the cancer cells. Antibodies and T cells, linked and working in this way, is a much more effective way to kill cancer cells.
Immune Cell Enhancement Elixir comes in at 23,700 in our energetic testing, for fighting cancer. Do not use it when you need to avoid swelling up a tumor, as it can get the immune system killing so many cancer cells that a tumor could swell from the inflammation used to get rid of killed cells.
Use 1 to 3 bottles a month of Immune Cell Enhancement Elixir. Three is better.
Quzu Elixir &
There is a study showing that using intravenous alpha lipoic acid a couple of times a week with low dose&Naltrexone 4.5 mg had eliminated advanced pancreatic cancers in some patients. An impressive feat. I energetically tested this combination as being very good, 850. About as high as I've tested for something alternative practitioners are doing. The report explained that&Naltrexone is a narcotic antagonist. When you take low doses ( 4.5 mg at bedtime), it blocks
production of endorphins (your own self-made narcotics). When it wears off, your brain makes an explosion of endorphins to compensate for the low levels caused by the Naltrexone. This explosion of production creates many more endorphins then there were before.
This is important because endorphins directly talk with your immune cells. This explosion of endorphins causes your brain and immune system to become part of a greater unified organ and
enable it to overcome the defenses cancer puts up to immune cell activity. And for some reason, this, combined with the antioxidant activity of alpha lipoic acid worked very well to eliminate very tough cancers.
Quzu is an elixir that tells your body to take this action, and more. It tests in our energetic testing at 12,400.
It has energies that tell your body to create a flood of endorphins. This enables the brain to better control the immune system.
Next, Quzu tells the body to increase production of powerful free radical scavengers -- cellular glutathione, SOD, Catalase, and Melatonin. But not in cancer cells.
action increases free radical scavenging
much better than ALA does. Glutathione is the body's #1 toxin neutralizer and #2 anti-oxidant. Thus you get increased detoxification and liver support too.
Quzu also causes an increase in the vibrations per minute of the cellular energy in your body to the optimal levels to deal with the cancer or any health issue. This significantly boosts the life force energy in the body and boosts the immune system response. According to Dr. Bryon Gentry,
optimal vibrations per minute for health are 108,000. But to improve health, much higher vibrations are needed. The energies in Quzu cause an increase
of up to 800,000 vpm. The optimal vpm
you need is instructed to be created.
Finally Quzu delivers a message to activate stem cell repair of organs and to heal cancer.
Use 2 bottles a month of Quzu for an early stage cancer, 3 for an advanced
ESME version C
ESME is an Energized Super Mineral Elixir. The basis of it is a trace mineral formulation that took years to develop and is supercharged with billions of electrons. ESME optimizes cellular function and overall functioning of the body.
When you have the right balance of minerals, then your body starts to work correctly and major dysfunctions of the body can reverse. At least, that is what practitioners using this mineral concentration noticed over the years as they gave this to their patients. There are several reasons that this happens.
First is that your body is an electrical system.
It runs on electricity. Nerve cells, called neurons, use electrical impulses to communicate to other neurons. The neuron is a switch which is turned either on or off according to the right conditions. Typically, the frequency of the body's neuron electrical pulse transmission may range from 10 to 500 impulses per second.
Even more astounding is the number of synapses, with estimates ranging between ten trillion to one hundred trillion synapses, or connections between nerve cells, in the body. Each one communicates via electrical impulses.
In order for all this electrical to work right, for your nerves to communicate properly, your body must have minerals and electrons. They are what makes this electrical system function. If you lack the right balance of minerals, or worse, are extremely low in a wide range of them, your nervous system won't be able to communicate properly. It would be like having a computer with a battery powered wireless keyboard whose battery went dead. The computer won't work.
Replace the battery in the keyboard and the computer starts to work again. In the same way,
the electrical system in your body needs minerals and electrons to function properly. When you don't have them, disease happens as the body malfunctions. Get the right minerals and billions of electrons back into the body,
it starts working again and disease can be corrected. This is what ESME does.
The extra ordinary value of the mineral concentrate in ESME lies in the decade of study looking into what makes up the best balance of minerals -- in the best form. The right balance of minerals increases cellular hydration, improves oxygenation of cells, are required for proper functioning of enzymes (needed for every action in your body), and even for detoxification as glutathione must have these enzymes to detoxify properly.
The minerals in ESME come from volcanic tubes deep below a series of protected Hungarian healing hot springs. Put in a special healing water,
minerals are structured and naturally charged with billions of electrons. Not only are these electrons vital for the proper functioning of your nerves, they enable a deep penetration of the minerals into your body and increase access to damaged tissues.
For this reason ESME should not be contacted with metal (spoons, cups, etc) as this will discharge the excess electrons it carries. You must also use purified or filtered water with ESME --
no chlorination or fluoridation -- as you don't want these or other toxins to be carried into your cells too.
With its dense crystalline structure
and high mineral concentrate, ESME is a perfect medium to accept and carry information. A programming process provides information in the form of frequencies that have historically been developed to support recovery from 140 plus modern diseases.
On top of this combination of a healing structured and programmed water with billions of electrons, and a healing mineral concentrate -- both with a long history of improving health, ESME version C is additionally energized using the technology that is used to make PrugX, BLA and to enhance many of the other elixirs.
This technology concentrates instructions into ESME version C that fine tune its capacity to directly kill cancer cells -- and to boost the ability of the immune system to attack cancer.
ESME version C kills cancer cells
One set of instructions enhances the ability of the minerals in ESME to kill cancer cells by disrupting the metabolism of cancer cells, causing them to die. Cancer cells cannot handle high energy because they can only produce a small amount of energy using lactic acid fermentation of sugar.
ESME can increase the energy output of the cancer cells to such an extent that it overloads the cells, causing them to
die. It disrupts the electricity in the cancer cells and interferes with their metabolism.
The frequency enhancing of ESME also tells your body to boost the immune system response against cancer cells -- enabling the immune system to do a much better job of killing cancer cells. This is the most significant action of ESME version C. Besides disrupting the metabolism of cancer cells, and getting the immune system to better kill them, three other actions take place when you use ESME version C. They are not as significant as these first two are, but are indeed valuable.
Instructions are put into it to help the immune system to better identify cancer cells. One issue with fighting cancer is the ability of cancer cells to hide from the immune system. ESME version C works to prevent this.
The additional energetic vibrations in ESME version C kill cancer cells by disrupting their energetic frequencies to such an extent that some cancer cells become sick and die.
ESME supports the overall health of the body -- the organs, the immune system, all your cells will work better when using ESME.
ESME version C tests energetically at a very high 15.400 -- making it a valuable supplement to use to kill cancer cells. (If you need to avoid any swelling of a tumor, do not use ESME version C as it would kill too many cancer cells, and the immune system -- using inflammation to get rid of the killed cells -- would ultimately swell up the tumors with the inflammation.
Use 3 bottles a month of ESME version C when dealing with early stage cancers, 4 per month with advanced stage cancers, and 5 a month for very advanced cancers. In addition, ESME version C, because it supports overall health so well, may be the best overall cancer prevention supplement we have seen. Use 2 bottles a month for prevention or to get your body healthy after the cancer is gone.
One reason that cancer cells can survive in your body, given that the immune system has ways to destroy cancer cells, is that cancer cells have various mechanisms that enable them to hide from the immune system. This next elixir deals with this issue.
ESME and Quzu (described further down on this page) are not quite as valuable when you are using Optimal Immune 1 or Immune 2. It takes over some of their actions and drops them down to being Important to use. However, if you are not using Optimal Immune 1 and/or Optimal Immune 2, they are usually considered Vital to use.
A number of aggressive types of cancer can use other mechanisms to protect themselves. Glioblastoma brain tumors are the classic type of cancer that was studied to determine why they survive and reoccur so well. And these strategies are used by other types of cancer also.
To put it simply, some cancer cells or tumors produce an enzyme, the QRPT enzyme, or turn on production of that enzyme by microglia immune system cells. This enzyme breaks down quinolinic acid into NAD+. NAD+ is vital for DNA repair in damaged cancer cells.
When more QRPT is produced, more NAD+ is made, and the cells can repair themselves more effectively. Researchers have noted that after anti-cancer therapies
have been used, there is more QRPT then normal in
tumors. This enables the cancer cells in these tumors to better survive these therapies.
GlioX carries a set of instructions into the body to stop the production of QRPT in tumors.
This reduction of ORPT means that cancer cells will
be less able to repair their DNA -- causing them to die a natural death once that DNA is damaged by therapies such as radiation, many chemotherapies, and the oxidative stress that PrugX causes with the buildup of hydrogen peroxide in cancer cells.
Another mechanism that helps insure the survival of cancer cells is increased production of metalloprotease (MMP) enzymes. These enzymes facilitate the development of blood vessels to feed the cancer cells. The activity of various MMPs has been found to be up-regulated in virtually every type of human cancer. Increased activity correlates with advanced stage, invasive and metastatic cancers in particular.
The more MMP there is, the worse the prognosis is.
GlioX carries instructions to stop the production of MMPs by cancer cells and also by microglial immune system cells that can be tricked into producing MMP by cancer cells.
Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are immune system components that help identify viruses and bacteria, and to recruit other immune system cells to deal with these pathogens -- using an inflammatory response.
Unfortunately, when it comes to cancer tumors, when TLR activity and expression is high, it helps cancer cells survive. Although TLR is useful for fighting pathogens, over-expression of TLRs has been paradoxically found in many tumor cases. (This may be one way that viruses or bacteria infection can lead to the development of cancer.)
In fact, it has been demonstrated that TLR-mediated signaling promotes tumor growth, and helps the tumors escape detection by the immune system.
GlioX delivers instructions to the body to reduce the amount of TLRs in tumors.
By interfering with these three powerful mechanisms that enable cancers to more aggressively develop and survive, GlioX is a powerful cancer fighter. In our energetic testing, it comes in at 9800.
Pineal Gland Elixir
The pineal gland is located at the center of the head and has long been associated with the intake of light energy into the body. Among its many functions is the production of melatonin. Research has shown that melatonin is a strong cancer fighter. The reason this is so is that melatonin has a powerful regulatory effect on the immune system.
A poorly functioning pineal gland producing not enough melatonin will in effect result in a poorly functioning immune system.
In addition the pineal gland helps control immune system response as there is a communication feedback loop between the pineal gland and the immune system.
It also influences the immune system through its association with the thymus gland. A poorly function pineal gland results in a small, poorly functioning thymus gland. The thymus gland is a primary gland for producing immune system cells.
The action of the elixir to optimize pineal gland function ultimately improves thymus function also -- enabling the immune system to increase production of immune system cells in order to fight cancer.
The action of the Pineal Gland Elixir to ultimately improve and influence immune system function is powerful. It tests at 9800 in our energetic testing.
Telomerase Elixir
The Telomerase Enzyme makes repairs to the telomeres at the ends of chromosomes. Every time a cell divides, the chromosomes lose a little bit of the telomeres. When the telomeres get used up, the cell dies.
Primarily telomerase enzymes are produced by or used by stem cells in the body that need to live on and on. Normal body cells do not have telomerase enzymes to keep them young.
Unfortunately, cancer cells seem to have the ability to produce telomerase enzymes. These enzymes are frequently found in cancer tumors.
Because they are repairing the telomeres of the cancer cells, the cancer cells can continue living on and on. There is no apoptosis or programmed cell death for these cancerous cells.
If the telomerase enzymes were prevented from working in cancer cells, they would start to age and naturally begin to die.
The Telomerase Elixir tell the body to prevent or not allow cancer cells to produce the telomerase enzymes. One thing we have noticed is that the elixirs that turn on or turn off product of enzymes or hormones in the body tend to work very well.
The Telomerase Elixir is thus able to work very well at stopping production of telomerase enzymes in cancer cells. Thus initiating a process where they begin to die a natural death.
It also helps the immune system better fight the cancer. It does this by transmitting instructions to the body that tell normal healthy somatic (body) cells to produce telomerase enzymes.
Remember, these cells do not normally produce many of these enzymes. When they produce more, these cells are able to repair themselves and heal.
Immune system cells will become stronger and better able to fight cancer.
This is why there have been some reports of supplements that promote production of telomerase enzymes helping to heal cancer.
Unfortunately, the danger of those supplements is that they could also be helping the cancer cells live longer. Telomerase Elixir will not do this as its instructions to the body, when you take it, prevent cancer cells from producing telomerase enzymes.
So you get the best of both worlds. A powerful cancer apoptosis initiator that also stimulates regeneration and healing in the body.
The Telomerase Elixir tests at 9800 in healing power for fighting cancer and healing the body.
Supplements That Avoid Inflammation and Swelling
section we cover the best
immune system supplements for fighting cancer when the cancer is in a place where the inflammation and swelling (caused when a supplement, medicine, or the immune system kills
cancer cells) must be avoided. This includes
& & & & brain cancers
bone cancers (or when cancer has metastasized to the bones)
tumors that may block a pathway if they swell, like throat and esophageal cancers,
any cancer where the oncologist may need to put in a splint to keep a passage open
cancers that are pressing up against a nerve or blood vessel.
So in general, use the supplements in this section when dealing any tumor that would cause problems if it swells.
any immune boosting, cancer killing supplements in the section above.
Many of the supplements in this section work by stimulating the cancerous cells to start functioning normally again. By repairing the cell's ability to produce energy aerobically using oxygen, the cancer cell obtains enough energy to
function as a normal cell.
All cancer cells have
lived too long. It's the nature of cancer cells to keep on living and replicating, rather then dying at the appropriate time.
So the first thing a cancer cell does once it is able to function normally, is to tell itself to die. Its internal clock sees that it has lived too long and sends out
instructions telling the cell to die.
This natural cell death, called apoptosis, where cancer cells tell themselves to die, does not cause an inflammatory response of the immune system to get rid of the dead cell.
The cell is recycled and disposed of just like every other normally functioning cell in the body is disposed of. No inflammation is used to get rid of the cell and thus no swelling occurs.
Found throughout the site....
Apopto Activation Elixir, TGF Optimization Elixir, Mutation Prevention Elixir, C and P Removal Elixir, Power Restore Elixir, Morphic Field Elixir, CMSD Elixir, Optimal C Elixir and PrugX are the top elixirs to be using when you need to avoid swelling.
Optimal Immune 2
is covered in the Swelling is Okay section above.
Quzu, GlioX, Pineal Gland Elixir and Telomerase are also covered in the 'When swelling is okay' section above.
Other immune system supplements that you can use when you need to avoid swelling are covered in this section below.
The next most highly rated immune system supplement to take when you need to avoid swelling is....
ESME version NS
This is the no swelling version of ESME version C. Instead of being potentized with energies that work on killing cancer cells, it is potentized with instructions that work to cause cancer cells to die a natural death. This happens either by disrupting the cancer cells so that they die naturally, or by causing cancer cells to function normally again. When this happens, they realize they have lived too long, and tell themselves to die. Like with version C, the healing power of ESME version NS is extremely high, 13,200 in our testing.
It is a combination of a healing water, a structured and programmed water with billions of electrons, and a healing mineral concentrate -- both with a long history of improving health, ESME version NS is
energized using the technology that is used to make PrugX, BLA and to enhance many of the other elixirs. This technology concentrates instructions into ESME version NS that fine tune its capacity to cause cancer cells to die a natural death.
It disrupts cancer cells metabolism just like version C does, however ESME version NS does it in a way that causes the cancer cells to die naturally, like by making them sick. Like version C, it also works to overload the energetics of the cancer cells, but does so in a way that will result in them dying naturally, not being killed.
Use 3 bottles a month of ESME version NS when dealing with early stage cancers, 4 per month with advanced stage cancers, and 5 a month for very advanced cancers. Use version C for cancer prevention.
Next in importance, in these immune system products, is a
powerful honokiol extract called....
HonoKare is an
herbal extract focused on supplying honokiol
from the bark of the magnolia
officianalis tree along with other synergistic nutrients in a highly absorbable, liquid solution that is frequency enhanced to make it even more powerful. It's energetic test comes in at 7,600. It fights cancer in several ways that do not cause an inflammatory response of the immune system's dead cancer cell removal.
HonoKare first came to my attention in an article by Michele Cagan describing some of the research that has been done on honokiol. She wrote:
&When it comes to cancer, there&s more than one way to beat it, so honokiol doesn&t stop at one. Instead, it attacks cancer on multiple fronts, fighting tumors head-on.
It starts by making sure the tumors can&t supply themselves with the nutrients they need to thrive. You see, like all other cells, cancer cells need food and oxygen (among other things) to stay alive. They get their supplies by creating their own blood vessel networks, a process called angiogenesis.
But honokiol simply doesn&t let that happen. An early in vitro study found that honokiol could prevent that angiogenesis,
1 and more. This research also uncovered another anti-cancer power in honokiol&s arsenal: the ability to prevent tumor growth (formally known as antiproliferative activity) in mice with angiosarcoma, an extremely malignant and aggressive cancer that usually grows and spreads alarmingly fast.
Another in vitro study 2 discovered one of the key ways that honokiol helps conquer many types of cancer. It prevents a cancer-sustaining enzyme called PLD (phospholipase D) from doing its job. Left unchecked, PLD keeps cancer cells from dying off (a process known as apoptosis). So when honokiol blocks it, cancer cells die.
Increased PLD activity has been linked to several cancers (breast, kidney and colon, for example) and cancer cell lines (lung, pancreatic, and prostate, to name a few). So honokiol&s ability to rein in this disease-promoting enzyme can have a remarkable effect on any cancer that relies on PLD to survive.
Fight colon cancer without making yourself sicker
Colorectal cancer strikes hundreds of thousands of people every year&often affecting people over 60 years old. And while this form of cancer can be treated successfully using mainstream methods (like surgery and chemotherapy), the treatments themselves can be painful and debilitating.
Honokiol fights and kills many forms of cancer&but studies have shown that it does this without harming healthy cells (unlike many forms of chemotherapy). So researchers investigated honokiol&s effect on one of the most common cancers&colorectal cancer.
One group of researchers studied mice with human colon cancer. They injected the mice with honokiol every other day, and the results were stunning. The honokiol blocked tumor growth without a toxic effect on the mice. In fact, this powerful natural treatment prolonged their lives. 3
Prostate cancer can be complicated, but the real solution is very simple
Prostate cancer takes more than one form, but most mainstream treatments only work on a single, specific form. Honokiol, it turns out, just may be able to treat prostate cancer regardless of the form: androgen status, for example, or p53 status. (Androgen status refers to hormone levels, and p53 is a gene that is sometimes altered in men with prostate cancer.)
An in vitro study found that honokiol effectively caused apoptosis in several kinds of prostate cancer cells, both androgen dependent and independent, as well as cells with varying p53 status.
Bolstered by that success, they progressed their research to an animal study. There, the scientists found that treating mice with honokiol three times a week halted prostate tumor growth. The researchers also found a higher rate of cancer cell death. And more prostate cancer cell death combined with less tumor growth is exactly what you want when fighting this disease.
And unlike the mainstream options&surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, and hormone therapy&honokiol did not cause weight loss or any other side effects.
Honokiol takes on even &incurable& cancers
B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL) is one of the toughest cancers to treat and beat. According to the mainstream medical community, it remains incurable.
But some very insightful researchers refused to accept that. And based on honokiol&s success against other cancer cell lines, they decided to see how well it would work fighting B-CLL cells. Their intuition paid off.
Their in vitro study 5 found that honokiol sets off the death cycle of these cancer cells, and that the extract was more toxic toward the B-CLL cells than healthy cells. On top of that, honokiol also improved the anti-cancer effects of chemotherapy drugs (fludarabine, cladribine, and chlorambucil).
And that&s not the only difficult cancer that honokiol helps conquer.
According to the National Cancer Institute, &For most patients with non-small cell lung cancer, current treatments do not cure the cancer.& And squamous lung cancer fits right into that category. While current mainstream therapies remain largely ineffective, honokiol (at least in lab tests) appears to have a very deadly impact on these cancer cells.
When researchers tested honokiol against squamous lung cancer cells in an in vitro study, their work paid off. The honokiol treatment set off a chain reaction that led to apoptosis, cancer cell death. 6&
1 Bai, X., et al. Honokiol, a small molecular weight natural product, inhibits angiogenesis in vitro and tumor growth in vivo. J Biol Chem. 2003.
2 Garcia, A., et. al. Honokiol suppresses survival signals mediated by Ras-dependent phospholipase D activity in human cancer cells. Clin Cancer Res. )
3 Chen, F., et al. Honokiol: a potent chemotherapy candidate for human colorectal carcinoma. World J Gastroenterol. 10(23):, 2004.
4 Hahm, E., et. al. Honokiol, a constituent of oriental medicinal herb magnolia officinalis, inhibits growth of PC-3 xenografts in vivo in association with apoptosis induction. Clin Cancer Res. 14(4), 2008.
5 Battle, T. E., et al. The natural product Honokiol induces caspase-dependent apoptosis in B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL) cells. Blood. 2005.
6 Yang, S. E., et al. Down-modulation of Bcl-XL, release of cytochrome c and sequential activation of caspases during honokiol-induced apoptosis in human squamous lung cancer CH27 cells. Biochem Pharmacol. 63(9):, 2002.
Honokare is a full spectrum, supercritical extract of five
organic and wild crafted roots and barks, six organic essential oils with synergistic cofactors all infused into a Humic and Fulvic acid solubilized solution (which increases absorption and bioavailability).
Current medical research focuses on the anti-cancer properties of many of the extracts within Honokare. These include Honokiol, Magnolol, Astragaloside, Gingerols, methoxyisoflavones, beta-lapachone, lapachol, taraxacin, saponins among others.
It also works to balance and help keep stress response and stress chemicals in check. This can be a great assistance when worry blocks relaxation and even sleep. This effect can free up a lot of healing energy. Users report feeling &dark clouds& lifting from their outlook within moments of use. This effect can be tracked not only to the magnolia extracts but also to the high purity essential oil component, which brings with it the nurturing focus of tens of thousands of medicinal flowers.
Medicinal Roots and Barks
A proprietary extraction process is used
to create these extracts. The process starts with whole roots and barks. This ensures complete active ingredient levels. The multi-stage extraction captures all the hot water and fat-soluble micronutrients from the five roots and barks chosen for Honokare. The focus is on Magnolia and Astragulus but includes a supportive complement of Dandelion root, Pao D'Arco bark and Ginger root.
Magnolia Bark Extracts Are Safe, Fight Anxiety - Brain Booster - Powerful Anti-oxidant
While magnolia bark has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for over 2000 years, only recently have researchers explored its components. Human, animal, and in vitro studies are confirming what traditional herbalists have already known about its safety and efficacy.
avoids immediate break-down by the liver - and crosses blood barriers that often exclude other compounds. Recent studies have
found validation for honokiol as a treatment option for anxiety, cancer, periodontal disease, stroke, inflammation, and even weight loss.
Magnolia bark is generally used as an anti-stress and anti-anxiety agent. Medical research on two of its bi phenol compounds (magnolol and honokiol), indicates that magnolia&s anti-stress benefits are linked to its ability to control levels of the body&s primary stress hormone, cortisol. Myriad health benefits are associated with normal cortisol levels versus elevated cortisol. Elevated cortisol levels are associated with conditions including obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis, memory problems and suppressed immune function.
Research indicates that honokiol also selectively modulates GABA receptors. GABA (gamma Aminobutyric acid) is the major inhibitory neurotransmitter for nervous tissue. Many sedatives work by targeting and attaching to GABA receptors in the brain. Honokiol has shown anti-anxiety effects while avoiding the side effects of many sedatives.
Research has shown both magnolol and honokiol to possess powerful &brain-health& benefits via their actions in modulating the activity of various neurotransmitters and related enzymes in the brain (increased choline acetyltransferase activity, increased acetylcholine release and inhibition of acetylcholinesterase).
Japanese researchers have determined that the magnolol and honokiol components of Magnolia officinalis can be up to one thousand times more potent than alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E) in their antioxidant activity, thereby offering a potential heart-health benefit and added free radical protection.
Astragulus Root
Astragulus root is one of the 50 fundamental Chinese medicinal herbs. It helps modulate the immune system and strengthens several organs while lowering blood pressure and blood sugar levels.
Astragalus is an adaptogen, antipyretic, diuretic, tonic, uterine stimulant and vasodilator. Astragalus as an adjuvant therapy has been used in the treatment of cancer, prolapse of the uterus or anus, abscesses and chronic ulcers, chronic nephritis with edema and proteinuria. Recent research has shown that the root can increase the production of interferon and macrophages and thus support normal immune function in cancer patients.
Chinese studies show that patients undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy recover faster and live longer when given Astragulus root extract as an adjuvant therapy. The roots of 4 year old plants is harvested in the autumn and dried for use in the extraction process. Astragulus extracts are bactericidal, hypoglycaemic, hypotensive, cardiotonic and vasodilatory.
Dandelion Root
Dandelion root works by decongesting and restoring the liver. It does this by stimulating the flow of bile. Recent scientific investigation shows that dandelion root improves the body&s ability to eliminate cancer cells. Studies show possible anti-tumor activity and antioxidant action.
Wildcrafted Pau D&Arco Extract
Pau d&Arco is a natural herb retrieved from the inner bark of the Tabebuia Avellanedae or Tabebuia Impetiginosa, known as taheebo. The taheebo tree is grown predominantly in Central and South America, but may also be cultivated in southern Florida. Pau d&Arco, also known as ipe roxo or sometimes lapacho, has been used for centuries by the Indio tribes of South America, as well as the ancient Incas and Aztecs.
Pau D&Arco tea or tinctures have had beneficial effects for the immune system and cancer victims, anywhere from alleviation of chemotherapy symptoms to complete remission of tumors. An article published by Dr. Daniel B. Mowrey on Pau D&Arco stated that &Lapacho has produced clinical anti-cancer effects without side effects.&
Ginger Root Extract
Ginger can help with nausea, digestive problems, circulation and arthritis. Relief of nausea caused during pregnancy or by motion is one of the benefits of ginger root. Ginger is also known to have the ability to calm an upset stomach and to promote the flow of bile. Stomach cramps can be eased and circulation can also be improved. Ginger supports a healthy cardiovascular system by making platelets less sticky, which in turn reduces circulatory problems. Ginger is often included in many herbal decongestants and can help to minimize the symptoms of respiratory conditions, colds and allergies.
The Extraction Process used to make HonoKare
This 12:1 extract involves a multi-stage extraction and concentration process using a time honored Traditional Chinese Medicine approach to give you the benefits of a standardized extract but with the added benefit of the coexisting compounds that may greatly enhance absorption and proper use in your body and provide your cells with balanced nutrition.
&Supercritical& extraction means Super Purity, Super Potency, Broad Spectrum, and No Chemical Solvents. There are no synthesized additives or processing agents. In fact, the supercritical process is the gentlest way to extract these delicate plant compounds to best preserve their potency and stability. Our supercritical extraction process ensures that neither you nor the environment have to contend with chemical solvents.
The Essential Oil component
Essential oils concentrate the therapeutic properties of flowers and plants and can provide therapeutic benefits in very small amounts. Most have anti-bacterial and anti-pathogenic properties and have historically been used for stimulation, relaxation, pain-relief and healing.
These are it normally takes a few hundred kilos and sometimes a few tons of flowers to obtain a liter of essential oil. Thus pure organic and wildcrafted oils, undiluted, as these are, can be very expensive and of course very effective.
Another way to appreciate and understand the potency of essential oils is to look into their frequency.
Everything in the universe vibrates at a specific frequency. Living creatures, plants, objects, everything has its own frequency, even disease.
In 1992, Bruce Tainio of Tainio Technology, an independent division of Eastern State University in Cheney, Washington, built the first frequency monitor to determine the average frequency of the healthy human body. This was found to be is in the range of 62 to 72 Hz.
He discovered that when body frequency drops, the immune system is jeopardized. If it drops to 58 Hz, cold and flu symptoms start appearing, 55 Hz trigger diseases like Candida, and at 52 Hz, it&s Epstein Bar. Cancer is at 42 Hz and below.
The study of frequencies raises questions regarding the substances we ingest or absorb on a daily basis. Many pollutants lower our body frequency. Processed or canned foods can have a frequency of close to zero. Fresh produce has up to 15 Hz, dried herbs from 12 to 22 Hz, and fresh herbs from 20 to 27 Hz.
Pure essential oils start at a frequency of 52 Hz and can go up as high as 320 Hz. Clinical research shows that essential oils have the highest frequency of any natural substance known to man. They create a condition where bacteria, virus, fungus and disease simply cannot survive.
Organic Black Cumin Oil -
Recent research has verified claims that it strengthens and stabilizes the immune system and is effective in the treatment of asthma, allergies, and other immune disorders as well as numerous skin conditions ranging from acne and Rosacea to psoriasis. Black cumin has helped with bronchial spasm, spasmodic coughs, muscle pain, osteo and rheumatoid arthritis, the accumulation of fluids or toxins, poor circulation, lymphatic congestion, mumps, glandular swelling, colic, dyspepsia, flatulence, colitis, colic, indigestion, constipation, frigidity, debility, migraine, tiredness, nervous exhaustion, insomnia and lethargy.
Organic Cinnamon Oil & Now it is being used all over the world for treating a variety of health disorders including respiratory problems, skin infections, blood impurity, menstruation problems, heart disorders, etc. The most widely used part of cinnamon is its bark.
The health benefits of cinnamon can be attributed to its antibacterial, antifungal, anti microbial, astringent and anti clotting properties. Cinnamon is rich in essential minerals such as manganese, iron and calcium. It is also rich in fiber.
Organic Lemon Oil & Lemon oil is calming in nature and therefore helps in removing mental fatigue, exhaustion, dizziness, anxiety, nervousness and nervous tension.
Organic Lime Oil & Lime is so famous as a cure for scurvy, the disease which is caused due to deficiency of vitamin-C and characterized by frequent infections cracked
ulcers spongy, swollen and bleeding gums etc.
Organic Orange Oil & Orange oil is being studied as a possible antibacterial agent to fight against drug-resistant bacteria. The oil has been found to have anti microbial activity against Helicobacter pylori, gram-negative bacteria that live in your stomach mucous.
Organic Peppermint Oil & Peppermint oil comprises vitamins A and C, omega-3 fatty acids, and minerals including potassium, manganese, iron, magnesium, calcium, and copper. The numerous health benefits of peppermint oil include its ability to treat several health problems. Peppermint oil benefits the respiratory system.
Humic and Fulvic Acid Enhance absorption of HonoKare's Nutrients
Humic acid, a complex plant-derived energy rich molecule, provides many nutritional benefits. It&s a foundational carbon complex with thousands of negatively charged ion exchange points. Think of it as a train with many cars. These cars are loaded with bio-available minerals and other plant-derived nutrients (and in this case it carries many of the minerals and active components from the roots and herbs) which are made available to the cells. Upon reaching the cell, the nutrients in the cars are selected as needed, and then, with numerous negatively charged cars empty, it loads itself with metallic, non-digestible minerals, and other toxins which it takes out to the trash.
Fulvic acid molecules, also derived from plants, are known to condition the cell wall increasing its permeability. This automatically boosts nutrient absorption and cellular hydration. Whenever minerals come into contact with Fulvic acid, in a water medium, they are naturally dissolved into an ionic form. Once the minerals meld into the Fulvic acid complex they become bioactive and bioavailable. Unlike Humic acids, whose molecules are large and complex, Fulvic acid is composed of very small molecules which can access tiny deposits of toxicity that the Humic and Zeolite alone cannot reach.
HonoKare works on all types of cancers. It does not directly kill cancer cells, but promotes their natural death through shutting off blood supply to cancer cells and prevent the PDL enzyme from extending cancer cell life. Thus it can be used where swelling of a tumor from inflammation would be a problem. It can also be used when you can directly kill cancer cells but as it wouldn't work as fast as the top cancer killers
work, it is not featured in the swelling is ok section above.
With its energetic testing rating of 7,600, Honokare is a top cancer healer. Use 3 bottles a month for early stage cancer, 4 per month for advanced -- of this 2 ounce dropper bottle per month.
Pain Relief
Penuva is a frequency enhanced water elixir that works on pain relief in a number of ways. It is easily the strongest pain relief natural supplement we have tested, coming in at 1600 for its ability to relieve pain. Penuva instructs the body to reduce pain, to increase tolerance of pain, to not over-respond to pain, and more. Use 1 to 4 bottles a month -- depending on the amount of pain.
Radiant Care 11:1
Radiant Care when used topically over areas of pain, is excellent for relieving pain. In fact in is the strongest pain reliever we have seen. It can be used internally to increase hydration of organs, lessen inflammation and to improve healing. In addition, Radiant Care supercharges the effectiveness of the elixirs, increasing their effectiveness by as much as 30%.
It is a special formulation of a specific ration of oil and water and additional ingredients that has proven to have remarkable powers in promoting healing, reducing inflammation and pain to boot. For pain relief, Radiant Care tests at 6400 in our energetic testing. Use as needed, up to 4 or more times a day.
Nymsar is a frequency enhanced elixir that does not cause cancer cells to die, but it is quite important to use if your cancer is causing pain and or dysfunction. Its function is to tell the immune system to stop its inflammatory actions. It turns down the TH-2 side of the immune system - the inflammation producing side. This enables the Th-1 side that fights cancer to becomes stronger as these two sides of the immune system balance each other out.
Also important, Nymsar has energies that support the liver and kidneys.
In fact, if you have pain or dysfunction from your cancer, Nymsar is the best liver support supplement to use, especially if you are also taking Immune Force.
Energetic testing puts Nymsar at 2200 in healing power.
This completes the section with the highest rated supplements that fight cancer without causing swelling and inflammation
There are other supplements that are useful when avoiding inflammation. We will put an * by those in this section that you can also use to fight cancer without causing inflammation.
Mushroom, Beta Glucan and Similar Immune Support Supplements
Some of the better known immune system and cancer supplements are found in this section. A surprising number are not that good. Some are good, and we'll cover a few of those. None are great- at least not that we've checked on so far. Mushroom based supplements help to increase Natural Killer Cell activity. Beta Glucans which also come from mushrooms also work on increasing the number of T cells. All valuable things to happen when fighting cancer.
The AHCC mushroom extracts have been around for years with a good deal of research behind it. I've spoken with mushroom product formulators who say that it is a bit out of date and not that good. They may be right. Energetic testing on this comes in at 82. Not what you'd like to see in a product if you're taking it to beat cancer. It is sold under various names.
A number of the individual mushroom supplements came in at around 100 in energetic testing. These include good Maitake and Shitake supplements.
UltraCeps, a cordycep mushroom formulation comes in at 380 for fighting cancer. It works synergistically with Optimal Immune 1 and Optimal Immune 2. Increasing its healing power to 1830. (We suggested it previously for improving the ability of the blood to carry oxygen and for helping to heal the liver.)
Beta Glucans have long been touted for their immune boosting ability. The very best one, with a lot of testing showing it is better than other similar products, however, energetically tests at only 150 for cancer. I suspect that in general products that are isolates just don't work as well as you would like - in the body.
There are a few companies producing Rice Bran Arabinoxylan Compound (RBAC) immune boosting products. MGN... being the most well known. It and Peak Immun... both energetically test good. At 200. Some other off brands, so to speak were much less, around 130.
There is one mushroom supplement that tests much better than these - when used in extra high doses. In fact, in these high doses it is one of the most potent cancer fighters based on our energetic testing. It is....
When it comes to the immune system and cancer, UltraImmune9 specifically targets and nutritionally supports optimum anti-cancer
performance. It is based on a little known Chinese Medicine anti-cancer formulation, giving you a high concentration of nine established immune boosting mushrooms.
These nine mushrooms have both historical and modern track records of proven performance, and provide a broad base of nutritional support for a hard working immune system. Energetic testing puts the cancer fighting power of the newly reformulated UltraImmune9 at
summary of the medicinal and anti-cancer properties of each mushroom in it.
1) Trametes Versicolor or the Turkey Tail mushroom.
This mushroom has long been treasured in the E in Japan it is known as kawaratake (mushroom by the river bank), and in China it is called Yun Zhi or Cloud Fungus. In Japan around 1965 a chemical engineer investigated this mushroom for its anticancer constituents after observing his neighbor's life-threatening cancer was cured after taking Cloud Fungus. This led to the discovery of PSK and later it's closely-related PSP (Polysaccharide-Peptide).
Decades of clinical experience indicate PSK is very gentle on cancer patients and works well for cancers. PSK significantly extended survival at five years or beyond in cancers of the stomach, colon-rectum, esophagus, nasopharynx, and lung (non-small cell types), and in a HLA B40-positive breast cancer subset. It's sister, PSP, in double-blind trials,
significantly extended five-year survival in esophageal cancer. PSP significantly improved quality of life, provided pain relief, and enhanced immune status in 70-97 percent of patients with cancers of the stomach, esophagus, lung, ovary, and cervix.
PSK and PSP boosted immune cell production, ameliorated chemotherapy symptoms, and enhanced tumor infiltration by immune system cells.
2) Agaricus
With a high beta glucan content this mushroom assists in the production of interferon and interleukin which are potent in fighting cancer, especially in the uterus. Anti-tumor effects come from a range of polysaccharides including &beta/ alpha/ xylo/ galacto/ and protein glucan. And its steroids, nucleic acids, lipids and lectins have cancer inhibition properties. In Japan, intensive research done with guinea pigs showed that Agaricus Blazei blocks cancer development 99.4% and reverses growth in 90.0%.
3) Grifola Frondosus or Maitake Mushrooms
Along with Ganoderma lucidum (Reishi) and Lentinula Edodes (Shitake), this is one of the most thoroughly studied of the medicinal mushrooms. It is an extremely rich source of polysaccharides which stimulate the immune system in diverse ways including boosting T-cells and NK-cells. Extensive studies also verify its liver support efficacy.
4) Ganoderma Lucidum or Reishi Mushroom
Ganoderma lucidum is one of the most thoroughly documented mushrooms with extensive human trials verifying its highly effective pharmacological characteristics which include
Anti-cancer tumor inhibition,
Histamine inhibition,
Antioxidant, anti-inflammation, ant


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