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keep walking 是一个过程,keep on loving you是一个状态.这只是我的理解,你可以思考一下,我不能肯定我说的是正确的,
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DowntonAbbey-唐顿庄园-第三季中英对照剧本.pdf 183页
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Downton Abbey S03 Scripts
【唐顿庄园】第三季中英对照剧本 由
Downton Abbey S03E01
1-- Downton Abbey
2—Edited by owenlee @
3--有茜玻的消息吗Is there any news of Sybil?
4--她还是不来 非说付不起路费She's still not coming. She insists they can't afford it.
5--崔维斯先生 可以继续了吗Mr Travis, can we move forward?
6--请你们再走一次红毯If I could just ask you to come down the aisle again?
7--请大家各就各位Can we get the troops organised?
8--叫我呢That means me.
9--老崔维斯够可怜的It seems rather hard on poor old Travis
10--他不辞劳苦地忙东忙西when he's doing all the work,
11--最后却让大主教不劳而获but the archbishop gets the glory.
12--是爸爸非要红衣主教来主持婚礼Papa was the one who wanted a prince of the church.
13--我有崔维斯就满足了I'd have settled for Travis.
14--我们真的没办法让茜玻来吗Is there really no way we can get Sybil over?
15--她不来真是太荒唐了It seems ridiculous.
16--恰恰相反 他们不来正好On the contrary, it's a relief.
18--等我们的仆人就绪We'll ask him here
19--游刃有余时 再请他来也不迟when we can prepare the servants and manage it gently.
20--他真是太小题大做了He's making a problem where none exists.
21--有谁会在意No-one could care less
22--布兰森参不参加婚礼呢whether Branson's at the wedding or not.
23--你一定是把乡间生活想得太精彩了吧You must think country life more exciting than it is
24--才会觉得人们不会在意if you imagine people don't care
25--伯爵的女儿跟司机私奔when an earl's daughter runs off with the chauffeur.
26--事实是 她就是和司机跑了The fact remains she has run off with the chauffeur
27--他们只能接受这个事实and they'll have to get used to it.
28--崔维斯先生 准备好了吗Mr Travis, are we ready?
29--马上 大人 马上Any moment, Your Grace. Any moment.
30--请大家准备Can we... please.
31--这糖浆馅饼味道真不错That treacle tart just hit the spot.
32--谢谢你 帕特莫太太Thank you, Mrs Patmore.
ready to let?
34--是那么打算的That is the plan.
35--没想到安娜还能留住那房子I'm surpris
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整理影视剧对白是件累而有趣的事。如果觉得无趣,就很可能坚持不下来。我以前说过,《唐顿庄园》大部分有趣的道白都出自于老夫人之口。仔细看下来,厨娘帕特莫太太也是个奇人,她的讲话方式与很多英国传统文学中的人物一脉相承,生动有趣,偶尔刻薄。剧中老夫人全称Dowager Countess of Grantham,太长。下文中,所有老夫人的话前面都用DC代替。
Lord Grantham: Every mountain is unclimbable until someone climbs it, so every ship is unsinkable until it sinks.格兰瑟姆伯爵:没有攀不上的山峰,也没有永不沉没的船。DC: Of course I've heard! Why else would I be here?lady Grantham: Robert didn't want you to read about it in a newspaper and be upset.DC: He flatters me. I'm tougher than I look. I'm very sorry about poor Patrick, of course. He was a nice boy.lady Grantham: We were all so fond of him.DC: But I never cared for James. He was too like his mother and a nastier woman ever drew breath.老夫人:我当然听说了,要不然怎么会匆匆赶来?伯爵夫人:罗伯特不想让您因报纸上的消息而哀伤过度。老夫人:他多虑了,我可比看上去要坚强。我很为可怜的派崔克难过,那是自然。他是个好孩子。伯爵夫人:我们都很喜欢他。老夫人:可是我一直不在意詹姆斯。他太像他的母亲,这个讨厌的女人一刻都不让人安生。Mrs Hughes: Oh, heavens, girl! You're building a fire, not inventing it!休斯太太:噢,天哪,姑娘!你是在生火,又不是钻木取火!Mrs Patmore: So, put it somewhere careful. It's poison.Daisy: Seems like a lot of food, when you think they're all in mourning.Mrs Patmore: Nothing makes you hungrier or more tired than grief. When my sister died, God rest her soul, I ate my way through four platefuls of sandwiches at one sitting and slept round the clock.Daisy: Did it make you feel better?Mrs Patmore: Not much, but it passed the time.帕特莫太太:找个地方仔细放好,那东西有毒。戴茜:看上去食物准备的也太多了,他们可全都在服丧呢。帕特莫太太:没有什么比悲伤更加让人又累又饿了。我姐姐死的时候,愿她安息,我一口气吃了满满四盘三明治然后整整睡了12个小时。戴茜:那让你感觉好些吗?帕特莫太太:没什么用,但总还能打发时间。DC: No one can foresee the future, Doctor. Not you, not I, and certainly not Mrs Crawley.老夫人:没有人能预见未来,医生。我不能,你不能,克劳利夫人当然也不能。Matthew: About your scheme for restoring the estate cottages. You don't mind my interfering?Lord Grantham: My dear fellow, I brought you here to interfere. In fact, why don't you stay for dinner and we'll talk about it? We'll send down to Molesley for your clothes.Matthew: I better not. My mother's expecting me. In fact, I've been meaning to speak to you about Molesley. Would you find me very ungrateful if I dispensed with his services?Lord Grantham: Why? Has he displeased you in some way?Matthew: Not at all. It's simply that he's superfluous to our style of living.Lord Grantham: Is that quite fair? To deprive a man of his livelihood when he's done nothing wrong?Matthew: Well, I wouldn't quite put it...Lord Grantham: Your mother derives satisfaction from her work at the hospital, I think? some sense of self-worth?Matthew: Well, certainly.Lord Grantham: Would you really deny the same to poor old Molesley? And when you are master here, is the butler to be dismissed, or the footman? How many maids or kitchen staff will be allowed to stay?Or must every one be driven out? We all have different parts to play, Matthew. And we must all be allowed to play them.马修:关于您重修小屋的计划,您不介意我插手吧?伯爵:小伙子,我安排你来这里就是让你插手的。那么,为什么不留下来用晚餐,我们可以谈谈?我们会差人让莫斯利把你的衣服送过来。马修:我还是告辞吧,我母亲在等我回去。事实上,我正想跟您谈谈莫斯利。如果我辞掉他您不会觉得我不领情吧?伯爵:为什么?他哪方面惹你不高兴了吗?马修:不是这样。只是我们的生活方式让他显得有些多余。伯爵:这样公平吗?无缘无故就剥夺一个人的营生?马修:哦,我倒没这么想...伯爵:你母亲在医院工作得到了满足感,不是吗?所谓实现自我价值的成就感对不对?马修:嗯,当然。伯爵:你真忍心剥夺可怜的莫斯利的这个权利吗?等你成了这里的主人,你是不是还要辞退管家?或是男仆?多少女仆和厨房的佣人能保住工作?还是所有的人都要被驱逐?我们都有不同的角色要扮演,马修。大家都有权扮演不同的角色。DC: Mary won't take Matthew Crawley, so we'd better get her settled, before the bloom is quite gone off the rose.老夫人:玛丽不会接受马修.克劳利,所以我们得赶快把她嫁出去,否则鲜花易谢,容颜易老。Mrs Patmore: Daisy, what's happened to you? I said you could go for a drink of water, not a trip up the Nile.帕特莫太太:戴茜,你怎么回事?我让你去喝点水,又不是让你去尼罗河旅行。Mr Bates: I saw this advertisement for a limp corrector. What does it do, exactly?craftsman: It corrects limps.Mr Bates: Does it work?craftsman: Well, as I make it and I advertise it, is it likely I'd say no?贝茨先生:我看到这张跛足矫正器的广告。这个到底是干什么用的?工匠:矫正跛足的。贝茨先生:有用吗?工匠:东西是我造的,广告是我做的,我会说没用吗?Mary: If you don't, we will figure in a scandal of such magnitude, it will never be forgotten until long after we're both dead. I'll be ruined, Mama. Ruined and notorious. A laughing stock, a social pariah. Is that what you want for your eldest daughter? Is it what you want for the family?lady Grantham: I feel now that I can never forgive what you have put me through this night. I hope in time I will come to be more merciful, but I doubt it.Mary: You won't tell Papa?lady Grantham: Since it would probably kill him and certainly ruin his life, I will not. But I keep the secret for his sake, not for yours. Anna. I will not insult you by asking that you also conceal Lady Mary's shame. Let us go.玛丽:如果你不这么做,我们会深陷丑闻泥潭,即便你我都死去也无法摆脱。我这辈子就毁了,妈妈。一败涂地,声名狼籍,沦为笑柄,被人唾弃。您真的希望您的长女沦落至如此境地吗?您真的想让家族蒙羞吗?伯爵夫人:今晚你让我如此蒙羞,我想我永远都不会原谅你。我希望有朝一日我能更加宽容,但我很怀疑。玛丽:你不会告诉爸爸吧?伯爵夫人:考虑到这可能会要了他的命并且彻底毁掉他的生活,我不会。但我保守这个秘密是为了他,不是为你。安娜,我不会侮辱你的人格要你也隐瞒玛丽小姐的丑事。我们走吧。lady Grantham: Edith, go and tell Mary to come back at once and apologise to her grandmother.DC: No, leave her alone. She's had a shock. We all have. Just let her rest. Oh, just the ticket. Nanny always said sweet tea was the thing for frayed nerves. Though why it has to be sweet, I couldn't tell you.伯爵夫人:伊迪斯,去叫玛丽立刻回来向祖母道歉。老夫人:算了,由她去。她受了惊吓,我们也是。就让她静静吧。噢,来得正是时候,外婆总是说喝甜茶能够舒缓紧绷的神经,至于为什么非得是甜茶,我就不知道了。Mary: Thank you, Carson.You've always been so kind to me. Always. From when I was quite a little girl. Why is that?Mr Carson: Even a butler has his favourites, milady.玛丽:谢谢你,卡森。你总是对我很好,一直是。从我很小的时候你就如此,为什么?卡森先生:就算是管家也会偏心的,小姐。DC: How about some house parties?lady Grantham: She's been asked to one next month by Lady Anne McNair.DC: That's a terrible idea. She doesn't know anyone under 100.lady Grantham: I might send her to visit my aunt. She could get to know New York.DC: Oh, I don't think things are quite that desperate. Poor Mary. She's been terribly down in the mouth lately.lady Grantham: She was very upset by the death of poor Mr Pamuk.DC: Why? She didn't know him. One can't go to pieces at the death of every foreigner. We'd all be in a state of collapse whenever we opened a newspaper.老夫人:去参加家庭聚会怎么样?伯爵夫人:安妮.麦克莱夫人邀她下月去参加聚会。老夫人: 去了也什么没用,她根本不认识小于100岁的人。伯爵夫人:要不就让她去我姑姑家住些日子,顺便让她了解一下纽约。老夫人:我觉得还没沦落到那种境地。可怜的玛丽,最近总是闷闷不乐。伯爵夫人:帕姆克先生的死让她深受打击。老夫人:为什么?他们又不熟。不能因为死了个外国人就像丢了魂儿,如果那样,岂不是每天翻开报纸都会晕倒。DC: Good heavens! What am I sitting on?Matthew: A swivel chair.DC: Another modern brainwave?Matthew: Not very modern. They were invented by Thomas Jefferson.DC: Why does every day involve a fight with an American?Matthew: I'll fetch a different one.DC: No, no, no. I'm a good sailor.老夫人:老天爷!我坐的这是什么?马修:转椅。老夫人:又是什么新潮灵感吗?马修:不算太新潮。是托马斯·杰斐逊发明的。老夫人:为什么每一天都跟美国人犯冲?马修:我去换一把。老夫人:不,不用了,我能控制好。Lord Grantham: She never listens to me. If she did, she'd marry Matthew.lady Grantham: What about Anthony Strallan?Lord Grantham: Anthony Strallan is at least my age and as dull as paint. I doubt she'd want to sit next to him at dinner, let alone marry him.lady Grantham: she has to marry someone, Robert. And if this is what's being said in London, she has to marry soon.伯爵:她从来不听我的话。如果她听话,就会嫁给马修。伯爵夫人:你觉得安东尼.斯特兰怎么样?伯爵:安东尼.斯特兰至少有我这岁数了,而且乏味无趣。她晚宴时也许都不想挨着他坐,更别说嫁给他了。伯爵夫人:她总得嫁给什么人,罗伯特。如果伦敦有这样的传言,她更得赶紧嫁。Mrs Patmore: Have you taken leave of your senses?Daisy: I was only trying to help.Mrs Patmore: Oh, like Judas was only "Trying to help" I suppose, when he brought the Roman soldiers to the garden!帕特莫太太:你是不是疯了?戴茜:我只不过是想帮个忙。帕特莫太太:噢,就像犹大带罗马士兵去橄榄山,他也“只不过是想帮个忙”!DC: You are quite wonderful the way you see room for improvement wherever you look. I never knew such reforming zeal.Mrs Crawley: I take that as a compliment.DC: I must have said it wrong.老夫人:你这本事真让人惊叹,无论什么事在你看来都有改革的余地,我还从没有见到过如此的改革热情。克劳利夫人:我权当你是在夸我了。老夫人:那肯定是我措词不当。lady Grantham: I'd like you to look after sir Anthony Strallan. He's a nice, decent man. His position may not be quite like Papa's, but it would still make you a force for good in the county.Mary: Mama, not again! How many times am I to be ordered to marry the man sitting next to me at dinner?lady Grantham: As many times as it takes.Mary: I turned down Matthew Crawley. Is it likely I'd marry Strallan when I wouldn't marry him?lady Grantham: I'm glad you've come to think more highly of Cousin Matthew.Mary: That's not the point.lady Grantham: No. The point is, when you refused Matthew you were the daughter of an earl with unsullied reputation. Now you are damaged goods. Somehow, I don't know how there is a rumour in London that you are not virtuous.Mary: What? Does Papa know dbout this?lady Grantham: He knows it and he dismisses it, because, unlike you and me, he does not know that it is true. Let's hope it's just unkind gossip. Because if anyone heard about...Mary: Kemal. My lover. Kemal Pamuk.lady Grantham: Exactly. If it gets around, and you're not already married, every door in London will be slammed in your face.Mary: Mama, the world is changing.lady Grantham: Not that much, and not fast enough for you.Mary: I know you mean to help. I know you love me. But I also know what I'm capable of, and forty years of boredom and duty just isn't possible for me.伯爵夫人:我想让你今晚多招待安东尼.斯特兰爵士。他人好,正派得体。他的地位虽然不如你爸,但还是能让人在郡里举足轻重。玛丽:妈妈,你又来了。还得有多少次我被命令嫁给晚宴时坐在我旁边的男人?伯爵夫人:需要多少次就多少次。玛丽:我拒绝了马修.克劳利。难道我不愿嫁给他却愿意嫁给斯特兰吗?伯爵夫人:我很高兴你对马修堂侄的评价有所提高。玛丽:这不是关键。伯爵夫人:的确。关键是,当你拒绝马修时,你还是伯爵身家清白的女儿,如今你已不再冰清玉洁。不知为何,伦敦近来有谣言说你行为不检。玛丽:什么?爸爸知道吗?伯爵夫人:他知道,但没有放在心上,因为与你我不同,他不知道这是真的。希望这只是恶意的闲话,因为如果有人听到了关于...玛丽:科莫,我的情夫,科莫.帕姆克。伯爵夫人:没错。如果流言四散,而你又没有出嫁,伦敦的每一扇门都会摔到你脸上。玛丽:妈妈,世界正在改变。伯爵夫人:变得不多,也来不及救你。玛丽:我知道你想帮我,我知道你爱我。但我也知道自己能做什么,不能做什么。四十年的百无聊赖却又恪守妇道我根本做不到。Lord Grantham: Mary can be such a child. She thinks if you put a toy down, it'll still be sitting there when you want to play with it again.伯爵:玛丽有时真是孩子气。她以为把玩偶放在一边,等她回头再想玩时它还会呆在原地。DC: Yes, I know what canvassing is.Mary: I think that Sybil is...DC: What? Are you canvassing, too? Or would you rather take a washing?Mary: I was only going to say that Sybil is entitled to her opinions.DC: No, she isn't until she is married, then her husband will tell her what her opinions are.老夫人:我当然知道什么是拉票。玛丽:我觉得茜玻只是...老夫人:什么?你也想去拉票?还是要自己洗衣服了?玛丽:我只是想说茜玻有权持有自己的观点。老夫人:不,那得等她嫁人以后,那时她丈夫自然会告诉她应该持有什么观点。Anthony Strallan: The Kaiser is such a mercurial figure, one minute the warlord, the next a lovelorn poet.Edith: But a poet in need of an empire.Anthony Strallan: That's very good. "a poet in need of an empire." Yes.安东尼.斯特兰:凯撒大帝是个如此善变的人,前一分钟还是个暴君,接下来又成了一位失恋的诗人。伊迪斯:一位想要称霸天下的诗人。安东尼.斯特兰:说得好。“一位想要称霸天下的诗人。”正是如此。lady Grantham: But who's it from?DC: Susan Flintshire.lady Grantham: What does she say?DC: Well, prepare for the worst. Not the first page. My poor niece never uses one word when 20 will do. Start there"I'm sorry..."lady Grantham: "I'm sorry to have to tell you that Hugh has heard a vile story about your granddaughter Mary..."DC: Sorry? She's thrilled. Now, first I must ask, and I want you to think carefully before you answer. Is any of this true? I see. Some of it is true. How much? Oh, dear.lady Grantham: She didn't drag him.DC: I wondered about that. I mean, obviously Susan's forgotten the distance between the girl's rooms and the bachelors corridor.lady Grantham: She couldn't manage it alone.DC: So how did she do it?lady Grantham: I helped her. She woke me up and I helped her.DC: Well. I always thought this family might be approaching dissolution. I didn't know dissolution was already upon us. Does Robert know?lady Grantham: No. And he isn't going to. Of course it was terribly wrong. It was all terribly wrong. But I didn't see what else...DC: Please! I can't listen to you attempts to try and justify yourself.lady Grantham: I know this is hard for you to hear. God knows it was hard for me to live through. But if you expect me to disown my daughter, I'm afraid you will be disappointed.伯爵夫人:是谁写来的?老夫人:苏珊.弗林夏尔。伯爵夫人:她说了些什么?老夫人:嗯,做最坏的准备吧。不在第一页,我这可怜的外甥女用起词来倒是一向大方得很。从这儿开始“我很遗憾...”伯爵夫人:“我很遗憾不得不告诉您,修听说了一件丑事,是关于您的孙女玛丽...”老夫人:遗憾?我看她都乐疯了。现在,我首先必需要问,我希望你回答之前好好想一想。这信里说的,有半句是真的吗?我懂了,有几分真的。有几分呢?噢,天哪!伯爵夫人:她没有把他拖走。老夫人:这个我也纳闷。我是说,苏珊显然忘记了女孩们的房间离单身男子的走廊远着呢。伯爵夫人:她自己应付不了。老夫人:那她怎么做到的?伯爵夫人:我帮了她。她叫醒我,然后我帮了她。老夫人:我一直觉得,这个家可能正在分崩离析,可我不知道,天已经塌了。罗伯特知道吗?伯爵夫人:不,也不会让他知道。当然了,这整件事大错特错,完全错得离谱。但我看不出还能怎么...老夫人:请住口!我不能听你试图尝试着为自己辩解。伯爵夫人:我知道您很难接受这件事,上帝知道我是怎么熬过来的。但是如果您期望我与女儿断绝关系,恐怕您要失望了。Mrs Patmore: What's wrong with you? You're always dozy, but tonight you'd make Sleeping Beauty look alert.帕特莫太太:你这是怎么啦?你一向迷迷糊糊,不过今晚就连睡美人看上去都比你警觉。Mary: Better be prepared. I'm afraid Lord Grantham will hit the roof.Branson: I never would have taken her there. I may be a Socialist but I'm not a lunatic.Mary: I'm not sure Papa knows the difference.玛丽:做好心理准备吧。老爷怕是要大动肝火了。布兰森:我如果早知道,绝对不会带她去的。也许我是个社会主义者,但我不是疯子。玛丽:我不确定爸爸能分辨出这二者之间的区别。DC: Good afternoon, my dear.lady Grantham: Good afternoon.DC: There's no need to be so prim. I come in peace. Now, I've been thinking... I confess I do not know if I would have had the strength, mentally or physically, to carry a corpse the length of this house. But I hope I would have done. You were quite right. When something bad happens, there's no point in wishing it had not happened. The only option is to minimise the damage.lady Grantham: Or try to. But if the Flintshires have got hold of it...DC: I've written to Susan. I said it was a story made up by Mr Pamuk's enemies to discredit him. Even if she doesn't believe me, she won't tell, in case it reflects badly on her. The Ambassador is dangerous. But then, how many people really go to the Turkish Embassy?lady Grantham: It only takes one.DC: Well... I mean, that just can't be helped. We can't have him assassinated. I suppose.lady Grantham: Robert still doesn't suspect.DC: Oh, I should hope not. No, our only way forward is to get Marry settled as soon as possible.lady Grantham: I have news on that score. Matthew has proposed.DC: My, my. Has she said yes?lady Grantham: She hasn't said anything yet, except that she's going to have to tell him about Pamuk.DC: For heaven's sake, why?lady Grantham: She thinks to keep it secret would be dishonourable.DC: She reads too many novels. I mean, one way or another, everyone goes down the aisle with half the story hidden. The question is, will she accept Matthew?lady Grantham: I'm not sure.DC: Well, if she doesn't, we'll just have to take her abroad. In these moments, you can normally find an Italian who isn't too picky. We'll give her till the start of the grouse.lady Grantham: Very well. If she turns Matthew down, we'll take her to Rome in the autumn.DC: It's official.lady Grantham: Thank you for not turning against her. I know that you have rules, and when people break them you find it hard to forgive. I understand that and I respect it.DC: In this case Mary has the trump card.lady Grantham: What?DC: Mary is family.老夫人:下午好,亲爱的。伯爵夫人:下午好。老夫人:不必这么拘谨,我是过来示好的。我近来一直在想... 我承认,我不知道自己是否能有那样的力量,无论身体上还是精神上,把一具尸体搬那么远。但我希望我能。你说得很对,既然坏事情已经发生,再指望它没有发生就完全没意义了。唯一的选择就是把损害降到最小。伯爵夫人:至少要试一下啊。可是如果弗林夏尔家的人知道了这些...老夫人:我已经给苏珊写了信。我说那是帕姆克的仇家编出来诋毁他的,就算她不相信,也不敢再乱说,以免有伤她的名誉。这位大使很危险。不过,又有几个人会真的去土耳其大使馆呢?伯爵夫人:一个就足够了。老夫人:那...也无计可施了,我们又不能把他给暗杀了,应该不行吧。伯爵夫人:罗伯特还是没起疑心。老夫人:哦,那就好。不对,我们唯一能做的就是赶紧想办法把玛丽嫁出去。伯爵夫人:要说这事儿,有进展呢。马修求婚了。老夫人:哎哟,我的天。那她答应了吗?伯爵夫人:她还没说什么。她倒是想把帕姆克的事情告诉他。老夫人:老天爷呀,为什么?伯爵夫人:她觉得隐藏真相太无耻了。老夫人:那是她小说读太多了。我是说,不管怎样,谁结婚的时候还不是半遮半掩。问题是,她究竟会不会接受马修?伯爵夫人:我可说不准。老夫人:好吧,如果她不同意,我们就只能把她送到外国去。这个年头,通常还可以找一个不太挑剔的意大利人。让她先想,我们等到猎松鸡的时节。伯爵夫人:好。如果她拒绝马修,我们秋天就带她去罗马。老夫人:就这么定了。伯爵夫人:谢谢您没有离弃她。我知道您有您的规矩,一旦有人违反,您就很难原谅。这一点我理解也尊重。老夫人:在这件事上,玛丽手中握有王牌。伯爵夫人:怎么讲?老夫人:玛丽是我的家人啊。Mr Napier:The thing is, Lady Mary, I am here today because I needed to tell you something, face to face, before you went to the country.Mary: "Face to face"?Gracious me!Mr NapierI've recently heard gossip about the time when I came to Downton with Kemal Pamuk. Gossip that I believe has made life difficult for you. I've also heard it said that I am the source of these stories. It is very important to me that you should know that I am not. From that day to this, I have never spoken one word on the matter.Mary: Then who did?Mr NapierIt seems to have come from the Turkish Embassy, from the Ambassador himself, in fact, and his wife.Mary: But who told them, if not you?Mary: This is the hard part. When I discovered the answer, I debated whether I should relay it, but in the end I feel you ought to know.Mr NapierThe suspense is killing me.Mary: It was your sister, Lady Edith, who wrote to the Ambassador. That is why people accept the story.Mary: Edith?Mr NapierIt is very hard to believe.Mary: Harder for you than for me.奈皮尔先生:事实上,玛丽小姐,我今天登门拜访是想面对面告诉您一件事,在您回乡下之前。玛丽:“面对面”?天哪!奈皮尔先生:我最近听到一些流言,是关于那次我和科莫.帕姆克对唐顿的造访。我相信这些流言给您的生活造成了不便。我也听闻,人们说我是这些流言的源头。让您知道事实并非如此,这对我来说很重要。从那天起到现在,就此事我从未说起过一个字。玛丽:那究竟是谁?奈皮尔先生:似乎是从土耳其大使馆传开的。事实上,正是大使本人,还有他的夫人。玛丽:但如果不是你,那谁会告诉他们呢?奈皮尔先生:这一点很难启齿。当我发现真相时,我很犹豫是否应该告诉您,不过最终,我认为您应该知道。玛丽:求你别再制造悬念了。奈皮尔先生:是您的妹妹,伊迪斯小姐,她写信给大使。所以人们才会对此深信不疑。玛丽:伊迪斯?奈皮尔先生:的确很难相信。玛丽:对我来讲不算太难。DC:I have a horrible feeling simmons is about to hand in notice. She's looking very fidgety, lately, and I saw her hurrying to meet the postman.lady Grantham: Oh, you poor thing. Is there anything worse than losing One's maid?DC:I mean, why would she want to leave me? I've been as gentle as a lamb. Most of the time.老夫人:我有个很可怕的预感,西蒙斯将要向我提交辞呈。近来,她看上去很烦躁,我还看到她一见邮差就赶紧迎上去。伯爵夫人:噢,你真可怜。还有什么比失去贴身女仆更糟的?老夫人:我是说,她为什么想要离开我?我的性格一直温顺得像只羊羔。大部分时间。DC:I Know those men of the moral high ground. If she won't say "Yes", when he might be poor, he won't want her, when he will be rich.老夫人:我了解那些道德观念很强的人。如果她现在不愿与他共贫贱,那将来他亦不会与她共富贵。DC:First electricity, now telephones. Sometimes I feel as if I were living in an H.G.Wells' novel. But the young are all so calm about change, aren't they? Look at Matthew, I do admire him.Mrs Crawley: Do you?DC:What have I done wrong now?Mrs Crawley: Oh, please. Don't pretend Mary's sudden reluctance can't be traced back to you.DC:I shall pretend it, I told her to take him. Your quarrel is with my daughter, Rosamond, not me. So put that in your pipe and smoke it.老夫人:先是通电,现在又装电话。有时我觉得自己像是生活在H.G.威尔斯的小说里。但是年轻人对于变化倒是镇定自若,是不是?你看马修,我真佩服他。克劳利夫人:真的吗?老夫人:我又做错什么了?克劳利夫人:噢,少来了。别假装玛丽突然之间不情愿不是你的功劳。老夫人:我可不敢贪功,我一直劝她接受他。你想吵得去跟我女儿罗斯孟德吵,别跟我吵。所以,你还是先把那股气给咽下去吧。注:H.G.威尔斯,即赫伯特·乔治·威尔斯(Herbert George Wells ),英国著名小说家,尤以科幻小说创作闻名于世。1895年出版《时间机器》一举成名,随后又发表了《莫洛博士岛》、《隐身人》、《星际战争》等多部科幻小说。他还是一位社会改革家和预言家,曾是费边社的重要成员,会晤过罗斯福和斯大林,撰写了《基普斯》、《托诺-邦盖》、《波里先生和他的历史》、《勃列林先生看穿了他》、《恩惠》、《预测》、《世界史纲》等大量关注现实,思考未来的作品。


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