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中文翻译adj.〔和表示否定、疑问的 any 对应的肯定词〕1.(a) 〔用于单数普通名词前〕(有)一个(人、物、时间)。 He went to some place in Africa. 他到非洲一个地方去了。 S- fool or other has broken it. 是一个蠢家伙把它弄坏了。 We must find some way out of it. 得想一个方法逃脱才行。 ★ some 是指完全不知道的事物而言, a certain 则是在知道而故意不说时、或轻蔑地说‘某一个…’时用。 (b) 〔强调〕了不起的,极好的。 He is some scholar. 他是了不起的学者。 I call that some picture. 我觉得那是很不错的画。 This is some war. 这是很像样的战争。2.〔用于复数普通名词或物质、抽象名词前表示数量〕 (a) 〔一般〕 若干(的),多少(的),一些(的),几分(的),一点儿(的)。短语和例子I want some money. 我需要一点钱。 I saw some people I knew. 我看见了几个熟人。 ★表示疑问、条件时虽用 any, 但表示劝导、拜托而期待 yes 时则用 some: May I give you some tea 您喝茶吗? Will you buy me some books 请您给我买几本书好吗? (b) 〔强调〕有的(人、物)。 S- people do not like that sort of thing. 有的人不喜欢那种事。 A some wood is soft. 木料不一定都硬,也有软的。 (c) 相当多的,不少的。 I stayed there for some days. 我在那儿待了好多天了。 You'll need some courage to face this. 应付这件事情得有相当勇气。 3. (a)〔用于数词前〕大约。 some 40 tons in weight 约重四十吨。 (b) 〔用于距离、时间的单数名词前〕左右。 some mile [hour] or so 一英里[一个钟头]左右。 after some time 过了一会,不久之后。 in some degree 多少,几分。 in some way or other 设法,想法子。 some day 改天,他日;(今后)有一天。 some days ago 几天前。 some few [little] 少许,一点,少数,几个。 some more 再…一点。 some one 有人; 某一个(人)。 some other day 改天,过天。 some punkins 〔美国〕名流;摆架子的人。 some time 暂时,一会儿 (=some day)。 some time ago 先前,不久以前。 some time or other 迟早,早晚。pron.有些人;有的东西;若干(数量);若干部分,多少,几分,有些 (of)。 Some of it is spoiled. 其中有些已经坏了。 and (then) some 〔美俚〕(比那个)还要多一些。 some of these days 近日内。adv.〔英俚、美口〕几分,稍微;〔美口〕很,非常,相当。 look some 〔美口〕很不错。 That's going some. 〔美口〕那很不错,那个倒好极啦。 Do you like it? - Some! 你喜欢那个吗? --当然。&&&& comb. f. 表示 1.“易于…的”,“使人…的”,“有…倾向的”: wearisome, quarrelsome. 2.〔附加数词后〕 “ ...&&&&一些&&&&有的人死去了,有的人继续活着; 有些已经死去,有些仍活着&&&&相当详尽地&&&&adj. 爱争吵的,好口角的。 &&&&有点用&&&&但是有些事在一起; 但由于这个结束&&&&不知为啥, 不知道为什么&&&&某个的&&&&不知什么原因; 由于某个理由; 由于某种原田; 由于某种原因&&&&一段时间; 一会儿&&&&四人一组&&&&四人一组/双打&&&&n. 四人一组;(游戏中,特指高尔夫球中的)双打;参加双打者。 &&&&adj. 1.[苏格兰语] 冒失的,鲁莽的。 2.〔古语〕有利的,有帮助的,起促进作用的。 &&&&做了不少, 得了不少&&&&一个球的比赛; 一球比赛&&&&饮食吃一点吧&&&&颗粒&&&&在某些方面&&&&在某些场合; 在某些情况下&&&&稍为详细地&&&&部分地; 多少; 有几分,稍稍&&&&在某些方面&&&&一些建此意见&&&&颂德拍
例句与用法Some of the days i will clean the house for him .我迟早要跟他算帐。I must keep to myself, at least for some time .我暂时还要秘而不宣。Open the window and let in some fresh air .打开窗户放进些新鲜空气。The change of scene will do her some good .换个环境对她是有好处的。The girl looked at it with some disdain .女孩露出轻蔑的样子望着它。Some so-and-so has pinched my towel .某些讨厌的家伙拿走了我的毛巾。There 's sure to be some sort of dinner going .肯定会有一顿饭吃的。Some doctors are pretty puny characters .医生中也不乏庸庸碌碌之辈。They often fall out over some trifling matter .他们常常因小事争吵。Some people use flattery to get favours .有些人靠阿谀奉承谋求好处。更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
英文解释 used with either mass nouns or plural count nouns to indicate an unspecifie "have some milk"; "some roses were still blooming"; "having some friends over"; "some apples"; "some paper"(of quantities) imprecise but fai "lasted approximately an hour"; "in just about a minute"; "he''s about 30 years old"; "I''ve had about all I can stand"; "we meet about once a month"; "some forty people came"; "weighs around a hundred pounds"; "roughly $3,000"; "holds 3 gallons, more or less"; "20 or so people were at the party"同义词:, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , (of quantities) imprecise but fai "lasted approximately an hour"; "in just about a minute"; "he''s about 30 years old"; "I''ve had about all I can stand"; "we meet about once a month"; "some forty people came"; "weighs around a hundred pounds"; "roughly $3,000"; "holds 3 gallons, more or less"; "20 or so people were at the party"同义词:, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , relatively many but u "they were here for some weeks"; "we did not meet again for some years"relatively much but unspecified "we talked for some time"; "he was still some distance away" "that was some party"; "she is some skier"
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