
大师来袭丨David Kyle 火箭瑜伽100小时培训
大师来袭丨David Kyle 火箭瑜伽100小时培训
Progressive Rocket Yoga Teacher Training with David Kyle:500小时本次的的进化Ashtanga瑜伽教师培训是一个实用且有效的系统式渐进训练过程, 这个系列培训将教授传统式初级到中级的体位法及非传统的进化火箭瑜伽串联体系,从而使受训者掌握丰富的传统体位及其变体的练习和纠正技巧,从而在课程结束后有能力教授从初级到高级,各种经验水平的学员。The 500 Hour Progressive Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training Program is a practical training designed to make you a knowledgeable and effective Ashtanga Yoga Teacher for all levels of students by providing a progressive system that allows modifications for new students and variations for more seasoned practitioners.
This training includes the opportunity to learn the traditional primary and intermediate yoga asana and non-traditional variations like the Progressive Rocket Vinyasa Yoga Stystem.本次100小时“火箭流瑜伽”(火箭100TT)是关于进化Ashtanga的浸入式培训课程。本次授课将介绍由Larry Schultz创编的火箭流瑜伽体系,及最后阶段:火箭流瑜伽现状。第4阶段包含了火箭流的3个基本序列,火箭1、火箭2、火箭3,以及进化Ashtanga流瑜伽培训所独有的体式变体,使得学员们在自我练习中更容易找到适合自己的体式表现方式。如果你在哲学方面已经有了深入的理解和体验,建议尽量参加火箭100小时培训。 第4期的最后阶段将考评你的体式、教学法、及对瑜伽哲学的理解,最终完成100小时培训。Our Progressive Ashtanga Immersion is 100 hours in &Progressive Rocket Yoga: As It& This stage teaches both an introduction to the Rocket Vinyasa Yoga System as taught by Larry Schultz and Final Phase: Rocket Vinyasa Yoga: As It Is. Phase 4 covers the 3 basic sequences referred to as Rocket 1, Rocket 2, and Rocket 3 as well as encouraging students to practice variations that are unique to the Progressive Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga trainings. We find this helps students to find their own self-expression through their personal practice! Students are encouraged to take as many Rocket 100 Hour trainings as they like as they all build experience and understanding of a deep philosophy. The &Final Phase& of the 4th stage completes the 100 hours through critique of your physical practice, teaching methodologies, and understanding of the philosophies that carry this practice.老师介绍:David是继Larry Schultz之后,当今最风行的Rocket瑜伽体系鼻祖。随着阿斯汤伽瑜伽群体的增长,我们对这种古老练习的认知也逐渐丰盈。在此基础上,袭承Sri K. PattabhiJois传统阿斯汤伽的教学,结合Larry Schultz的变革,David创立了全新的进化阿斯汤伽瑜伽体系。这个体系摒弃了以往的教条,使得体式适合不同的练习者。人人皆可参与!David指导的200小时和300小时的传统阿斯汤伽以及进化阿斯汤伽瑜伽教师培训均为美国瑜伽联盟认证。David的教学风格直接、富有灵性,他带领瑜伽行者更多地去觉知身体。他运用哲学性的提问引导练习者超越身体层面,从不同角度审视自己。About teacher:David is the founder of the Progressive Ashtanga Yoga movement that honors the traditional teachings of SriK. Pattabhi Jois and embraces the revolutionary views of Larry Schultz. This Ashtanga Yoga style holds no dogmas or bias towards the asana practice that is designed to fit the individual practitioner.
We are all inclusive! Our philosophies and understanding of this ancient practice is becoming more popular as the Ashtanga Yoga community grows.
David leads trainings in both traditional Ashtanga Yoga as well as the Progressive Ashtanga Yoga methods with a 200-Hour and 300-Hour training module recognized by Yoga Alliance.David’s’teaching style is direct and full of insightful tips that can bring a fellow yoga practitioner to a space of more awareness in their bodies.
Light philosophical questions are encouraged to bring the experience beyond the body attachment and to see ourselves from a different angle.Date & Price:10月1日至10月10日07:30-11:00 晨课练习11:00-12:00 理论课程12:00-14:00 午休14:00-16:00 体式纠正16:00-19:00 高阶练习October 1st
10th07:30-11:00 Morning Course11:00-12:00 Theory Course12:00-14:00 Noon break14:00-16:00 Asana16:00-19:00 Advanced exercise
百家号 最近更新:
简介: 分享瑜伽体式,推广瑜伽
作者最新文章David Kyle 火箭瑜伽100小时培训/印想瑜伽
Progressive Rocket Yoga Teacher Training with David Kyle:
500小时本次的的进化Ashtanga瑜伽教师培训是一个实用且有效的系统式渐进训练过程, 这个系列培训将教授传统式初级到中级的体位法及非传统的进化火箭瑜伽串联体系,从而使受训者掌握丰富的传统体位及其变体的练习和纠正技巧,从而在课程结束后有能力教授从初级到高级,各种经验水平的学员。
The 500 Hour Progressive Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training Program is a practical training designed to make you a knowledgeable and effective Ashtanga Yoga Teacher for all levels of students by providing a progressive system that allows modifications for new students and variations for more seasoned practitioners. This training includes the opportunity to learn the traditional primary and intermediate yoga asana and non-traditional variations like the Progressive Rocket Vinyasa Yoga Stystem.
本次授课将介绍由Larry Schultz创编的火箭流瑜伽体系,及最后阶段:火箭流瑜伽现状。
Our Progressive Ashtanga Immersion is 100 hours in &Progressive Rocket Yoga: As It& This stage teaches both an introduction to the Rocket Vinyasa Yoga System as taught by Larry Schultz and Final Phase: Rocket Vinyasa Yoga: As It Is. Phase 4 covers the 3 basic sequences referred to as Rocket 1, Rocket 2, and Rocket 3 as well as encouraging students to practice variations that are unique to the Progressive Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga trainings. We find this helps students to find their own self-expression through their personal practice! Students are encouraged to take as many Rocket 100 Hour trainings as they like as they all build experience and understanding of a deep philosophy. The &Final Phase& of the 4th stage completes the 100 hours through critique of your physical practice, teaching methodologies, and understanding of the philosophies that carry this practice.
David是继Larry Schultz之后,当今最风行的Rocket瑜伽体系鼻祖。随着阿斯汤伽瑜伽群体的增长,我们对这种古老练习的认知也逐渐丰盈。在此基础上,袭承Sri K. PattabhiJois传统阿斯汤伽的教学,结合Larry Schultz的变革,David创立了全新的进化阿斯汤伽瑜伽体系。这个体系摒弃了以往的教条,使得体式适合不同的练习者。人人皆可参与!David指导的200小时和300小时的传统阿斯汤伽以及进化阿斯汤伽瑜伽教师培训均为美国瑜伽联盟认证。
About teacher:
David is the founder of the Progressive Ashtanga Yoga movement that honors the traditional teachings of SriK. Pattabhi Jois and embraces the revolutionary views of Larry Schultz. This Ashtanga Yoga style holds no dogmas or bias towards the asana practice that is designed to fit the individual practitioner. We are all inclusive! Our philosophies and understanding of this ancient practice is becoming more popular as the Ashtanga Yoga community grows. David leads trainings in both traditional Ashtanga Yoga as well as the Progressive Ashtanga Yoga methods with a 200-Hour and 300-Hour training module recognized by Yoga Alliance.
David’s’teaching style is direct and full of insightful tips that can bring a fellow yoga practitioner to a space of more awareness in their bodies. Light philosophical questions are encouraged to bring the experience beyond the body attachment and to see ourselves from a different angle.
Date & Price:
07:30-11:00 晨课练习
11:00-12:00 理论课程
12:00-14:00 午休
14:00-16:00 体式纠正
16:00-19:00 高阶练习
October 1st to 10th
07:30-11:00 Morning Course
11:00-12:00 Theory Course
12:00-14:00 Noon break
14:00-16:00 Asana
16:00-19:00 Advanced exercise
今日搜狐热点Y+ Rocket 50hrs Teacher Training with David Kyle 火箭瑜伽50小时教师培训
Progressive Rocket Yoga Teacher Training with David Kyle:
500小时的进化Ashtanga瑜伽教师培训是一个实用且有效的系统式渐进训练过程, 这个系列培训将教授传统式初级到中级的体位法及非传统的进化火箭瑜伽串联体系,从而使受训者掌握丰富的传统体位及其变体的练习和纠正技巧,从而在课程结束后有能力教授从初级到高级,各种经验水平的学员。
本次为期5天共50小时的教授内容是进化Ashtanga瑜伽500小时教师培训系统第四阶段的课程-- Rocket瑜伽。Rocket是由著名的瑜伽大师Larry Schultz创编,由传统的Asthtanga序列1,2,3演变而来。整个序列非常丰富,结合了站立、手臂支撑平衡、后弯、倒立等各种体式,需要学员将呼吸和流动体式合一,流畅不断地在90或120分钟的课程里完成120-142个体式。这种充满趣味和活力的练习方式以能快速帮助习练者提升自身潜能闻名。David是世界上唯一直接从创始人Larry Schultz授权教授500小时的高级认证的学生,David将这份荣誉传承称为 “分享爱的实践。”
The 500 Hour Progressive Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training Program is a practical training designed to make you a knowledgeable and effective Ashtanga Yoga Teacher for all levels of students by providing a progressive system that allows modifications for new students and variations for more seasoned practitioners.
This training includes the opportunity to learn the traditional primary and intermediate yoga asana and non-traditional variations like the Progressive Rocket Vinyasa Yoga Stystem.
This 5 day 50 hour training is considered part of the 4th Stage of the Progressive Ashtanga Yoga 500 hourTeacher Training Program.
Progressive Rocket Yoga is known for its accessibility and inspirational sequences that were created as a counter balance to the more rigid discipline of traditional practice.
David useshis direct experiences of practice and tutelage with Larry Schultz, creator of the Rocket Routines.
David is the only student in the world to receive a 500 hour advanced certification directly from Larry Schultz.
It is apleasure for David to carry this lineage and "share the love of the practice."
Rocket Yoga is a style that is known across the world as a fun and energetic modification and variation of the Ashtanga Yoga Series. In Progressive Rocket Yoga trainings student will be exposed to the 3 fundamental Rocket Yoga Routines and their variations that help fine tune the series to the individuals personal goals with yoga asana. By the end of the first 5 day training with David Kyle,students will have over 6 different Rocket classes that are designed to be taught in a led class format. The training is designed to help new teachers be able to provide these amazing sequences to beginners and advanced students alike to open up their ability to serve the students more efficiently!
We go in depth into hand stand variations and more advanced balancing postures to help build up the students understanding and practice of yoga asana. Adjustments are also covered on the core Rocket asana so teachers are able tosafely introduce new postures of difficulty to students with safety andease.
Join the Rocket Revolution!
David是继Larry Schultz之后,当今最风行的Rocket瑜伽体系鼻祖。随着阿斯汤伽瑜伽群体的增长,我们对这种古老练习的认知也逐渐丰盈。在此基础上,袭承Sri K. PattabhiJois传统阿斯汤伽的教学,结合Larry Schultz的变革,David创立了全新的进化阿斯汤伽瑜伽体系。这个体系摒弃了以往的教条,使得体式适合不同的练习者。人人皆可参与!David指导的200小时和300小时的传统阿斯汤伽以及进化阿斯汤伽瑜伽教师培训均为美国瑜伽联盟认证。
About teacher:
David is the founder of the Progressive Ashtanga Yoga movement that honors the traditional teachings of SriK. Pattabhi Jois and embraces the revolutionary views of Larry Schultz. This Ashtanga Yoga style holds no dogmas or bias towards the asana practice that is designed to fit the individual practitioner.
We are all inclusive! Our philosophies and understanding of this ancient practice is becoming more popular as the Ashtanga Yoga community grows.
David leads trainings in both traditional Ashtanga Yoga as well as the Progressive Ashtanga Yoga methods with a 200-Hour and 300-Hour training module recognized by Yoga Alliance.
David’s’teaching style is direct and full of insightful tips that can bring a fellow yoga practitioner to a space of more awareness in their bodies.
Light philosophical questions are encouraged to bring the experience beyond the body attachment and to see ourselves from a different angle.
Date & Price:
9:30- 12:30 14:00-18:00
May 22nd to
9:30- 12:30 14:00-18:00
Early Brid Price: 6880 RMB
Regular Price:7380 RMB
OR HIGHER,,IE7 OR HIGHER. COPYRIGHTS & 纳玛特健身管理(上海)有限公司 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 沪ICP备号 沪ICP备号Advanced yoga trainning|孟男神火箭流精进班来袭!
火箭瑜伽(ROCKET YOGA)分3个序列
ROCKET 1:由经过修改的传统阿斯汤加瑜伽站立体式组成。这一序列指导学生加强腿部力量、打开髋部、增强平衡能力,所有的站立体式全部由右侧开始。持续的练习会让身体不断产热,就真的像一支待发的火箭那样活力十足。在这些站立体式的之后是一系列的坐立体式,包括了腹部运动和倒立。这个系列以瑜伽契合法和挺尸式结束。
ROCKET 2:是由ROCKET1一样的站立体式组成,但是除去站立平衡体式的 部分。ROCKET2的坐立体式包括了手臂平衡、后弯、扭转、腹部运动和倒立。当 完成这些提示后你会感受到身体的平衡以及内在的喜悦。
ROCKET 3:被称为“快乐时光”,因为它包含了ROCKET1和ROCKET2的坐立体式。历时90分钟,并且鼓励练习者挑战任何可以完成的体式。
火箭瑜伽是阿斯汤加瑜伽创始人Pattabhi的学生Larry Schultz创立,他来自圣弗朗西斯科。Larry坚持每天早上4点起床练习阿斯汤加瑜伽,在坚持不懈地练习之下,他创造了火箭瑜伽,一直流传至今,有将近30年历史,深受练习者的喜爱。
Rocket 初级 起飞的准备
Rocket 中级 燃料的补给
流动的力量源于稳定的呼吸与精准的vinyasa的链接,作为ashtanga 的核心内容同样延续到了火箭瑜伽当中。
Rocket 高级 自由飞翔
2017年参加Duncan Wong 战士流瑜伽课程


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