schedule怎么做 怎么造句

→ competition造句
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第一篇:competition造句? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Beyond the reach of sb :在某人伸手够不着的地方:Keep chemicals beyond the reach of children. Fall in love with sb:开始爱上某人:I think I’m falling love with his brother/sister. Flash a smile:笑容一闪 She flashed a sudden smile at him. Make an attempt to do sth:努力…., 试图….:They made another attempt to solve the problem. End with 以…结束:The festival ended with fireworks. Like clockwork:极有规律和准确性地,顺利地 The operation went like a clockwork. Loose end(s):尚待解决或解释的枝节问题 There are some loose ends in the plot of the novel. Miscarriage of justice:审判不公,误判 There are miscarriages of justice for lack of proof. Take on:开始具有或呈现.以…面貌出现 These insects can take on the color of their surroundings. Without doubt:无疑地,确实地 Without doubt he has reached the top in his profession. Under arrest:被捕,在押 The drug dealer was under arrest last night. Back out:打退堂鼓,不履行,食言 You can’t back out after you have signed the contract. Catch on:掌握,懂得;流行 He doesn’t take hints easily, but he’ll catch on eventually. fill in:替代某人工作 Sally is off sick. Can you fill in for her for a few days? Get through:干完,完成 Let’ there is a lot of work to get through. Start over:从头开始 If you make a mistake, just start over. try sth out:试用,试验,考验 He wanted to try out the new soap on real people. With a vengeance:激烈地,猛烈地 It began to rain again with a vengeance. A pat on the back:表扬,鼓励 He deserves a pat on the back for his hard work. Attach importance to:认为…重要 I don’t attach any importance to these rumors. Be on to sth:在做有重要意义的事 He is very bright. He is on to something important. Follow up:在…之后再采取进一步行动 I followed up my letter with a visit. Lift up:鼓舞,激励 She really lifted up our spirits with those moving words. Make a habit of:养成…的习惯 I don’t make a habit of chatting to strange men at parties. make sb’s day:使某人的日子过得快活 Hearing her voice on the phone made my day. Pass along:传递,转交 Please pass the picture along to the student. Shy away from:回避,躲开 We frequently shy away from troublemakers.. Turn…(a)round:使…向好的方向发展 Within three years she completely turned the company around. Walk of life:行业 In my job I see people from every walk of life. Act on:根据…行事 Police say they acted on information received. blurt out:脱口而出 Peter blurted the news out before we could stop him. get out of hand:无法控制 Deal with the problem before it gets completely out of hand. If only:但愿,要是…就好了(用虚拟语气)I’m so poor now. If only I were a millionaire./ He failed for he was so lazy. If only he had worked hard. Make…of:理解,解释 What do you make of this message? Move on:更换…等而开始另一项 I think we have talked enou let’s move on. Once too often:次数太多,屡次 He exceeded the speed limit once too often and was fined 20 dollars.
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Tear off :撕掉 The boys tore off their clothes and jumped into the water. to this day:至今 To this day, I still don’t know why he killed himself. Go into 从事,参加 Bob wants to go into the army. Take sb/sth seriously:认真对待,认为…重要 Unfortunately no one took my messages seriously As a matter of fact:事实上 I am very familiar with him. As a matter of fact we are in the same class. Call on:叫…回答问题 The teacher always called on her first. Carry over 继续,保持下去 Attitudes learned at home carry over onto the playground. Fall behind:落后 In secondary school she started falling behind in her schoolwork. Put…away:放好,收好 Come on, it’s time to put these toys away. up to:直到…We’ve kept our meetings secret up to now. At a disadvantage:处于不利地位 The children from poor families were at a distinct disadvantage. Be accustomed to (doing) sth:习惯于 I’m not accustomed to getting up so early. Be in a minority:占少数 Boys are very much in the minority at the dance class. Be typical of 具有…的典型特点 This hot dish is very typical of the food in the south of the country. Burn to death/be burnt to death:烧死 At least 40 people were burnt to death when the bus caught fire. For ages:好久 Simon! I haven’t seen you for ages. Go too far:做得过分 He’s always been quite crude, but this time he’s gone too far. Make a thing of:认为…很重要 Don’t make a thing of leaving early. It’s not so important. A bunch of:一群/束/串 She went to the park with a bunch of friends go beyond:超越,超出 Their relationship had gone beyond friendship. Light up:照明,变得明亮 The candles on the Christmas tree lit up the room. Pull together:把…重新组织好,整顿 Data exist but they need pulling together. Put together 装配,组装 If you take apart the clock, you’ll have trouble putting it together. Be up to:由..做主,取决于 You can pay weekly or monthly---it’s up to you. Involve…in:使某人参与/参加 Don’t involve me in solving your problems. Sacrifice…for…为…而牺牲 It’s not worth sacrificing your health for your career. For the sake of…为了…起见 He move to the seaside for the sake of his health. Not in the least:一点也不,决不 It doesn’t matter in the least if you are a bit late. On occasion 有时,间或 He has, on occasion, made small mistakes. Time and again 屡次,一再 I’ve told her time and again not to bring the dog here. Date back to 可追溯到 This church dates back to the 13th century. Feed back 反馈 The information is fed back to the government department. In the hope that 因为希望…I didn’t phone till four o’clock in the hope that you would have finished it. Proceed to 往下几进行另一事 That’s all for this. Let’s proceed to the next item. To the point 切题 His argument was short but to the point. Drop out 退学,退出 The boys dropped out of school and went to work. Follow one’s lead 以...为榜样 We should follow Leifeng’s lead to help others. Give of 献出..来帮助别人 The teacher gave of his free time to help the student with his
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homework. Have a fit 大吃一惊,My father would have a fit if I made a mistake. Look up to:尊敬 When young we were taught to look up to police. Measure up to 符 合 , 达 到 We should work hard to measure up to our parents’ expectations. Put/place sb on/upon a pedestal 把某人当偶像崇拜 In the past the Chinese people put Chairman Mao on a pedestal. Take …too far/go too far 做得过火 He’s taking the joke too far and becoming rude. Take the place of sb/take sb’s place 代替 No one could take the place of my mother. You name it 凡你能说得出的 They sell everythingtables, chairs, books---you name it. And the like 诸如此类,等等 Many students are keeping fit through jogging, playing basketball, weight training, and the like. Look to 期待,指望 we looked to her for dancing. Measure sb/sth against 拿…与…比 She measured the shoe against the footprint, but it was smaller. On the surface 表面上 On the surface, the painting was the original. But it was a fake. On top of 除…以外 On top of borrowing 80 dollars, she asked me to lend her my car. Be bound up with 与..有密切关系 Be up against 面临,必须对付 He was up against a lot of problems with his boss. Come in for criticism/blame 挨批评,受指责 The police came in blame/criticism for the mistake. Go for 争取获得,选择 Smith is going for gold medal in the 200 meters. In shape 处于良好健康状况 Plenty of physical exercise will help you keep in shape. Dawn on (someone)突然意识到 It dawned on me that John had been right all the time. Go well with 相配 Your new shoes go well with your dress. Sign up 签名参加 Thirty people signed for the writing competition. Strike someone as 在某人看来似乎 This activity strikes me as a waste of time. All manner of 各种各样,形形色色 We will discuss all manner of subjects. End up 结束 He’ll end up in prison if he is not careful. Feed on 由…助长,以…为食 Hatred feeds on envy./Cows feed on grass but what they produce is milk. In question 正被讨论/谈论 That is not the subject in question. May well 很可能 Your job may well involve some traveling. On the strength of 基于…,由于…的影响 I bought the book on the strength of your recommendation. Reduce …to 使某人陷入更坏的状况中;将…概括/简化成…Laziness has reduced him to a beggar. / The report can be reduced to 3 main points. Strike terror/fear into someone’s heart 使某人感到恐惧/害怕 The word “cancer” still strikes terror into many hearts. Bring sth under control 控制住 She used diet and exercise to bring her weight under control. Bear in mind 记住 Bear in mind that gas stations are scarce in remote areas. Make sense 有道理,合乎情理 It would make sense to leave early. In this light 从这一角度看 Viewed in this light, the problem seemed less important.
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By virtue of 由于,凭借 He got the job by virtue of being the only one to apply. Capitalize on 充分利用,尽量获利 Educator has capitalized on its natural beauty to attract tourism. Range from sth to sth else 涉及,包含 Courses in the school range from cookery to computing. Line up 排队 The teacher lined us up against the wall. Short cut 捷径 Fame can be a short cut to love and money. Strike a chord 引起共鸣,大动脉 His writings strike a chord in the hearts of the ordinary people. Act out 将…表演出来,表现 Describe this in detail and act it out. Be rid of 摆脱 Part of his job is boring, and he is glad to be rid of it. By no means 绝不,一点也不 It is by no means certain that they’ll give us a grant. Get down to 开始做某事 After Christmas I’m going to get down to some job-hunting. Look back on 回顾 She looks back on her childhood with affection. Take a close look (at)仔细看 If you take a close look you can just see the lighthouse. Against all odds 尽管有极大的困难 Against all odds, racing driver Lauda recovered from his terrible injuries. Cough up 勉强说出某话,不情愿提供某物 I’ll have to cough up 1000 dollars a year for food. Do sth from memory 凭记忆做…Sometimes she played from memory, sometimes from music. Glaze over 眼睛变呆滞 Her eyes glazed over on hearing that the lottery ticket was a fake one. In session 在开会/开庭/上课 The court was in session. Lock up 将某人监禁起来或送进精神病院 He was locked up in the local police station. Sit around 闲坐,无所事事 Since he lost his job he just sits around the house all day. Sure enough 果然,果真 We said things would turn out well, and sure enough they did. Be unaccustomed to 不习惯 They were unaccustomed to wearing suits and ties. Cast out 把某人赶走,逐出 After the scandal he was cast out of the best society. Chase away 赶走,驱逐 Ellen’s return will help to chase away some of the gloom. Draw closer/nearer 临近 Next spring’s elections are drawing closer. Intrude upon/on/into 干涉,打扰 The bad weather did not seem to intrude uopon her holiday mood. Prey on 捕食(动物),折磨,使烦恼 Lions prey on foxes, rabbits and other animals./ Feelings of guilt preyed on his mind. Adjust to 适应,使适合 It took her two years to adjust to life in England. Insist on 坚决主张,坚决要求 Her parents insist on speaking to her teacher. Summon up 鼓起(勇气)We couldn’t even summon up the energy to open the envelope. Think of …as 把…看着是…We now think of the car as being essential rather than a luxury. Attribute to 归因于 Her teachers attributed her learning difficulties to emotional problems. Break for 突然跑向…,将车开到…Teddy broke for the gate but was caught. In all honesty 坦诚地 It was not, in all honesty, a very good start. Keep pace with 保持同步 She followed Bobby, barely keeping pace with him.
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Be subject to 易遭受,易患 These areas are always subject to strong winds. Call on 短暂拜访 We thought we’d call on James on the way home. Cool one’s heels 被迫久等,空等 The receptionist kept me cooling my heels for over an hour. In effect 实际上,事实上 In effect we’re earning less than last year because of inflation. In question 正被讨论的,谈论中的 The goods in question had been stolen. Loud and clear 明晰地 You should express yourself loud and clear. Sick and tired of 厌烦的确 We’re getting sick and tired of listening to them argue all the time. To the effect 大意是;以便 She made a decision to the effect that more investment would be put in it.
第一篇:competition造句Sentence- making U1 In-class reading a great/good many
a fairly large number of 很多
Stop complaining! A great many people would be happy to have work. come along 1) appear or arrive 出现 Take any job opportunity that comes along. 2) arrive together with someone else 与别人一起来到 Come along with us, if you like. dwell on 谈或想得很多 Let’s not dwell on your past mistakes. hand in hand 1) accompanying each other, closely connected 相伴,形影相随地 Dirt and disease go hand in hand. 2) holding hands 手拉手地 They walked away hand in hand. have something at heart be deeply concerned about 对……深切关心 He has the welfare of the poor at heart. in contrast 与……形成对比,与……截然相反 In contrast to her elder brother, she was always considerate. of one’s choice chosen by oneself, not by someone else 中意的,自己选中的 She married the man of her choice. set aside (为某目的)节省或保留(钱或时间等) I’ll set a piece of cake aside for you. Passage 1 be apt to likely or having a tendency to do something 常会,容易(有某种倾向) He is apt to lose his temper in difficult situations. be prone to 易于(做某事,常指不好的事) Some plants are prone to a particular disease. cheer up improve one’s mood 高兴起来 I cheered up at the good news. in a…light in the way of looking at or considering a matter 从…的角度, 从…的观点 Try to see the problem in a new light. in the grip of in the power or control of 受…控制 The local economy is in the grip of a recession (萧条). in the meantime 在此期间, 与此同时 The doctor will be here soon. In the meantime try to relax. run for try to get elected 竞选 He did not want to run for president in that year. Passage 2 hold somebody back 阻碍某人,阻止某人 You shouldn’t let other people’s opinions hold you back. in a … mood the way you feel at a particular time 处于……心情 I’m in a good mood today.
to some degree, but not completely 部分地
The accident was due in part to my carelessness, but mainly to bad luck. keep track of keep informed of 了解…的情况 It’s difficult to keep track of all the new ideas and developments in education. take credit receive the praise, approval, or honor 接受荣誉 Her boss took all the credit instead.
U2 In-class reading at the (very) thought (…) 一想到某事 At the very thought that he would be cast into prison, he shook with fear. choose to 情愿,决定 I chose to ignore his advice. escape someone’s notice 逃过某人的注意 Nothing important escapes her notice. jump to one’s feet rise up suddenly 突然站起,一跃而起 He suddenly jumped to his feet and left. now and again sometimes but not very often or regularly 时而,偶尔 Now and again he’d join in when we were playing video games. rest assured (that) used to tell someone not to worry or be certain 请放心 You can rest assured that I will never tell anyone. set off 1) start to go somewhere 出发,启程 We set off early the next morning. 2) 激起,引起(尤指意外事件) Smoke alarms can be set off by smoke from cigarettes, cooking, and fireplaces. slowly but surely carefully in order to avoid problems 稳扎稳打地 We are slowly but surely gaining the support of the public. Passage 1 be consumed with/by 而不断受折磨 He was consumed with guilt after the accident. cast a spell on/over 1) do a piece of magic to change someone or something 用符咒镇住 The witch will cast a spell on you if she sees you here! 2) attract someone very strongly and keep their attention completely 使迷住,使着迷 The beautiful island seemed to have cast a spell on him. in place of instead of 代替 I changed my mind. I want a red one in place of the blue one. put an end to something end something 结束 Winning the competition put an end to his financial problems. Passage 2 adept at good at something that needs care and skill 擅长于 She’s very adept at making people feel at their ease. at will whenever you want and in whatever way you want 随心所欲地
As an actor, he has to be able to cry at will. be greeted with/by 受到……的对待、接待 The news was greeted with/by cheering. behave oneself 表现得体,守规矩 Did Peter behave himself while I was away? condemn one to death give someone a death punishment 判……死刑 The prisoner was condemned to death. conform to obey 遵守 You must conform to the rules or leave the school. hand (somebody/something) over 交出; 交付; 交给 You must hand over your passport before you leave. of one’s own accord 自动地,出于自愿地 They gave generously of their own accord. take revenge 报复 She took her revenge on him for leaving her by smashing up his car. with certainty for sure 确定无疑地 I am unable to answer that question with certainty.
U3 In class reading after all 毕竟,终究 She shouldn’t be working so hard―she is 70, after all. all too often 屡次三番,过于频繁 All too often doctors are too busy to explain the treatment to their patients. cope with 对付,善于处理(棘手之事) Young as she was, she could cope with the difficulties well. doze off fall into a light sleep, especially during the daytime 打瞌睡, 打盹 I was just dozing off when the phone rang. in case of… in a particular situation 在……情况下 In case of fire, break the glass. in the long run later in the future, not immediately, eventually 从长远来看 In the long run, I think you’re better off without him. look (up)on… as … think of … as … 看待,看作 I look on him as a good friend. on a daily (weekly, yearly…) basis every day (week, year) 以每天(周,年…)计算 All rooms are cleaned on a daily basis. take … into consideration 考虑某事物 The candidate’s experience must be taken into consideration. work out 1)想出,制定出 The general worked out a new plan of attack. 2) calculate an answer, amount, price, etc. 算出 I was born in 1993you work out my age. Passage 1
come on (spoken) 1) 得了吧,别逗了,算了吧 Oh come on, don’t lie to me. 2) used to tell someone to hurry up 快点儿 Come on, we’ll be late. 3) used to encourage someone to do something 加把劲,来吧 Come on, you can do it! let go of stop holding someone or something 松开,放开 She wouldn’t let go of the rope. Passage 2 all at once suddenly 突然 I feel terribly sleepy all at once. catch sight of see or notice something for a moment 瞧见,注意到 She suddenly caught sight of the look on her mother’s face. hang on to 1) hold something tightly 紧紧抓住 Hang on to the rail or you’ll fall. 2) keep something 保留,保存 Hang on to those old photographs―they may be valuable. in place 1) in the correct or usual position 在合适(通常)的位置 Have you got all the lights in place yet? 2) existing and ready to be used or to work, established 已就绪,到位,建成 It is expected that the new system could be in place next year. in the presence of 当着某人,有某人在场 The talk took place in the presence of a reporter. kill time 消磨时间 Shopping can be a good way to kill time. rip off steal 偷 Somebody ripped off my bike yesterday. trip (somebody) up 1) 绊倒,(用脚)绊某人 He chased the thief, tripped him up, and grabbed the camera. 2) make a mistake, or force someone to make a mistake by tricking them(使)犯错误 The tests are designed to trip you up.
U4 In class reading at stake 濒于险境,处于成败关头 The tension was naturally high for a game with so much at stake. every so often sometimes but not often 有时,偶尔 Every so often he would turn and look at her. in case because of the possibility of something happening(以防)万一 Bring a map in case you get lost. resort to 求助于或诉诸于某事物 David resorted to jogging as a way to lose weight. seize (up)on 抓住,把握
Newspapers seized on the results as proof that global warming wasn’t really happening. take inventory of (对能力、想法、财产、物品等)进行评价,清查,列详细目录 New Year’s Eve is a time of reflection, in which one may take inventory of the year past. take stock of(对情况、某人的能力等)进行细查、评估和鉴定 It was time to take stock of the situation. wishful thinking 如意算盘,痴心妄想 He is poor, so his plan to buy a new car is just wishful thinking. Passage 1 meet with 1) meet somebody especially for discussion 会见,会晤 I’ll meet with all of them on Monday. 2) experience (especially something unpleasant) by chance 偶然遭遇,碰到(不愉快的事) They met with an accident on their way back. on the spot at once 立即, 当场 I) She was caught without a ticket and fined thirty pounds on the spot. II) Anyone breaking the rules will be asked to leave on the spot. weigh…against…比较,权衡某事物与其它事物 We have to weigh the costs of the new system against the benefits it will bring. Passage 2 come into being begin existence 开始形成,成立 The idea came into being during the last decade. figure out 弄明白 Have you figured out what’s wrong with your car? in nature the inherent character or bas its essence 在本质上 The experiment was theoretical in nature. straighten out 解决某事物,排除某事物存在的困难 Can you straighten out this problem with my bill? There are a few things that need straightening out between us. try out test, use or do experimentally 试验,试用,尝试 John hopes to try out his new running shoes this weekend. work on try very hard to improve or achieve something 致力于 He’s working on a new novel.
U5 In class reading at the first/earliest opportunity
as soon as possible 尽快
They will contact us at the first opportunity. I’ll come over to your place at the first opportunity. You will be informed of any changes at the earliest opportunity. give birth to make something new start to exist(新事物)诞生,出现 The film gave birth to a TV show of the same name. The extraordinary experience gave birth to his latest novel.
in time sooner or later, eventually 迟早,最终 You’ll learn how to do it in time. Don’t worry C I’m sure things will get better in time. live over experience again in the imagination 回味,重温 Parents often live over the first words or steps of their children. long (for somebody) to do something 渴望,盼望 He longed for the winter to be over. She longed for him to ask her to dance. She longed to see him again. prey (up)on make someone worry continuously 使持续苦恼,折磨 The accident has been preying on my mind all week. shut somebody/something in 将某人、某事物关在(某处)里面 We always shut the hens in at night. She shuts herself in her study for hours. sweep away completely destroy or make something disappear 清除掉 When she saw her husband return all her tears were swept away. the close of the end of an activity or of a period of time 结束,末尾 They returned home tired but happy at the close of the day. At the close of the nineteenth century Britain was a rich country. to and fro 来来往往地,川流不息地 The smoke drifted to and fro among us. I was disturbed by all the people walking to and fro outside the office. Passage 1 get in the way of 妨碍,阻碍 She had a job which never got in the way of her hobbies. You mustn’t let your social life get in the way of your studies. offend the/one’s eye/ear look very ugly or sound very bad 刺眼,刺耳 Rock music offends my ears. Some of these new buildings really offend the eye. sort… into put things in a particular order or arrange them in groups according to size, type, etc. 将……分类,整理 Let's sort all the clothes into piles. Applications will be sorted into three categories. sort… out arrange or organize something that is mixed up or untidy, so that it is ready to be used 整理,使整齐 Sort out any clothes you want to throw away and give them to me. take …for…mistake…for… 把…误认为… He is often taken for a foreigner. In the dark I could have taken her for your sister. there is no point (in) doing something it’s meaningless to do something 做某事无意义 There is no point arguing about it C just do as you’re told. There is no point talking to him anymore. He never listens to anyone. Passage 2 amount to be the same as or equal to something else 等于,相当于
Keeping what belongs to another amounts to stealing. compete for try to get something that other people also want to have 为……而竞争 Several men were competing for her attention. The stores have to compete for customers in the Christmas season. in honour of 为纪念,表示对……的崇敬 The city set up a monument in honour of the general. The dinner was held in honour of a colleague who was leaving. in the course of during a process or period of time 在……过程中 In the course of our conversation it appeared that Bob had been in prison. The insurance covers you if you are injured in the course of your employment. leave… behind 超过,将……抛在后面 She was leaving the other runners well behind. In class, a child with poor eyesight can soon get left behind.
U6 In class reading as it is 事实上,实际情况是 I thought things would get better, but as it is they are getting worse. care for 1) 关心,照顾 Who will care for the children when she is in the hospital? 2) like (something or someone) 喜欢 I have to say I don’t care for modern music. find expression in something 在……中表达出来 Yao’s athletic abilities found expression on the basketball court. Her concern has now found expression in the new environmental protection act (法令). in itself considered separately from any other facts 本身 The talk was all right in itself but it went on too long. There is a slight infection in the lung, which in itself is not serious. turn to ask for help or support 求助于,借助于 One can always turn to music for comfort. Her family lived a long way away, and she had no one to turn to. warn off 告诫……离开 Some animals mark their territory to warn off rivals. They warned him off, but he kept going back to the dangerous river. Passage 1 armed with…配备,装备 The suspect is armed with a shotgun. She came to the meeting armed with all the facts and figures to prove us wrong. stand by 1)坚持,遵守 I stand by what I said earlier. We shall stand by the decision we made on reforms.
2)袖手旁观 I'm not going to stand by and see her hurt. You can’t just stand by and let those trees be chopped down when they don’t need to be. take…to court 把……告上法庭 She’s threatening to take me to court for not paying the bill on time. Mark threatened to take the magazine to court if they didn't publish an immediate apology. Passage 2 adapt to change something or someone to suit different conditions or uses 适应 The young man from the countryside adapted well to life in the big city. The good thing about children is that they adapt very easily to a new environment. based on used as grounds, evidence, etc. for something else 以……为基础 The figures are based on average market prices. Their relationship was based on mutual respect. head up be in charge of a government, organization or group of people 领导,带领 David was asked to head up the technical team. He was chosen to head up the team investigating the situation. in response to 作为……回应 In response to your inquiries, we regret to inform you that we cannot help you in this matter. The law was passed by the town council in response to complaints from residents. lend/give/offer… a (helping) hand help and support (提出)帮助,支持 I’d be glad to lend a helping hand. She's been lending me a helping hand with the children. on the job 从事某一工作,作为工作的一部分 Today's my first day on the job. Most clerical training is done on the job. seek out keep looking for someone or something until you find them 找出 Now is the time for local companies to seek out business opportunities in Europe. While he was at the library he decided to seek some information out on modern economy. sniff out find something (as if ) by smelling 嗅出,闻出 A police dog, trained to sniff out explosives (炸药), found evidence of a bomb in the apartment. speaking of in regard to, talking about 说到…… Well, speaking of vegetables, do you want more carrots? take…in provide a place for (someone) to live or stay 接纳,吸收 His aunt took him in when his mother died. track down find someone or something that is difficult to find 找到,捕获 I’m trying to track down one of my old classmates from college. I finally managed to track down the book you wanted in a shop near the station.
U7 In class reading appeal to interest or attract someone 对……有吸引力 The program appeals especially to young children. I think what appeals to me about his painting is the colors he uses. back down 打退堂鼓,放弃,认输 Even those who seemed to have good reason to criticize have backed down. experiment with try something to see if it works or is true The school is experimenting with new teaching methods. get away from leave a place, especially when this is not easy 离开,脱身 I’ll get away from work as soon as I can. He climbed out of a window to get away from the attacker. in spite of despite 尽管 In spite of his injury, Ricardo will play in Saturday’s match. In spite of fame and fortune, she was basically an unhappy woman. participate in take part in or become involved in 参加,参与 They expected him to participate in the opening ceremony. Over half the population of this country participate in sports. with all one’s heart very strongly, completely 非常,真心实意地 I love my family with all my heart. I wish with all my heart I could believe what you say. Passage 1 bring on produce something, evoke 引起,使发生 The crisis brought on a full-scale war. 那场危机导致了全面的战争。He died of heart attack, brought on by his lifestyle. fix up clean, repair, or decorate something 整理,装修 They take old furniture and fix it up. We fixed up the guest bedroom before my parents came to stay. go out of business stop operating as a company 停业 I’m afraid your brother’s company has gone out of business. A lot of small companies will have to go out of business because of this new tax. on schedule on time 按期 We expect the building work to be completed on schedule. They could hardly finish this project on schedule with so little financial support. on the move going from one place to another 在移动中,在奔波中 I’ve been on the move all day―I’m really tired. We have received reports that the rebel army is on the move. once in a while sometimes, although not often 偶尔,间或 It would be nice if you’d write to me once in a while. Your body, like any other machine, needs a full service once in a while. pull into arrive at the station and stop 停下,进站 We waved as the train pulled into the station. He pulled the car into a tight parking space on a side street. Passage 2
be descended from 是……的后裔 The people here are descended from the Vikings. She used to tell us that she was descended from some Scottish Lord (苏格兰贵族后裔). set foot 进入,踏进、上 He refuses to set foot in an art gallery (画廊). A little later I left that place and never set foot in Texas again. stretch out lie down, usually in order to sleep or rest(通常为了睡觉或休息)躺下 Moira stretched herself out on the lower bench. I’m just going to stretch out on the couch (长沙发) for ten minutes.
第一篇:competition造句1、 She was enraged at his insult. 她被他的侮辱激怒了。He looked away, apparently enraged.他眼睛看向别处,似乎极为愤怒。2、 . This is an unheard - of outrage. 这是前所未闻的暴行. Her brow wrinkled with outrage. 她愤慨得皱起了眉. 3、 She is scared of going out alone. 她不敢一个人外出。Weren't you just a weeny bit scared? 难道你就一点儿都不害怕吗? 4、 Honey, I'm scared to death. 亲爱的我害怕得要命. Centipede bite yesterday was a dream, scared to death! 昨天梦见被蜈蚣咬了, 吓死了! I was scared to death by the horror movie. 这恐怖片看得我心里发毛啊! 5、 I would beam back in a quietly idiotic manner. 我就冲他们默默地傻乎乎 地笑笑. He is on his beam - ends. 他穷途末路了 6、 They were singing and dancing to celebrate this joyful occasion. 他们唱着、 跳着庆祝这令人欢乐的时刻. The Spring Festival is a joyful occasion. 春 节是欢乐的节庆. 7、 I am as happy as a king. 我像国王一样幸福. he is happy as a king every day. 我认为他每天像国王一样快乐. 8、 . His sudden death came as a bolt from the blue. 他的突然去世犹如晴天霹 雳. When he saw what she had done, he turned the air blue. 在他看到她所做的一 切之后, 他破口大骂. Those old weepy movies always make me feel blue. 那些使人流泪的老电影总是使我感到悲伤. 9、 They came back quiet and cheerless. 他们回来了,闷闷不乐. . It was a cheerless morning. 这是一个令人沮丧的清晨. 10、 The whole team were over the moon at winning the competition. 全队都为赢得这场比赛而欣喜若狂 I was over the moon to get your letter. 接到你的来信,我极为高兴. 11、 My mother hit the roof when she saw my grades. 妈妈看到我的成绩之后 大发雷霆. He hit the roof when he found out I broke his glasses. 当他知道我把他的眼镜 打碎了的时候,他大发脾气. That's too bad The prices have hit the roof these days. 太糟了,这几天物价涨得 特厉害. 12、 We were heartbroken by the news. 这消息让我们很痛心. How else could I be, but heartbroken? 除了心碎,我又能如何呢? I know , I was heartbroken. 我可是伤心透顶. The sad past is heartbroken. 悲伤的往事令人断肠.


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