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The school is where we learn every day, the school for us it is all too familiar. Please write a 65 word English essay about your school, the overall impression from the school to start, and then specifically describe the layout of the main building, and finally make a brief summary.
The school was the place which we studied every day, the school to us is again familiar.Please write about 65 words English short written work to introduce your school, may to from school overall impression obtaining, then the concrete description main building layout, finally make the brief summary
School is the place where we learn every day, schools are familiar to us. Please write the English essay about a 65-Word introduce your school, you can start with the overall impression from the school, and then describes the layout of the main buildings, and finally make a short summary.
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一篇描写学校的英语作文My school(我的学校)初一水平英语作文英语带翻译40词50...
My school(我的学校)
Hello! My name is BiNanXin. My school is very beautiful.
I like my school very much. There is a playground in my school. We often play basketball, play football in the playground. Our teaching building has three floors. My classroom is on the third floor. It is big and clean. There is a teacher's office. There are many teachers in the office.
The computer room on the second floor. The library is on the second floor, too. There are many books in the library. I often read here. There are some music classroom and fine arts classroom in the teaching building. There is a washroom, it is very small, but it is very clean. It is on the left side of the library. I can wash your hands in the bathroom. Restaurant is on the right, it is very big, at noon, I eat in school.
I am very happy in my school!
英语医院:(错:黑色 对:红色)
Restaurant is on the right, it is very big, at noon, I eat in school
There is a restaurant on the right, it is very big. At noon, I eat at school. I can wash your hands in the bathroom.
I can wash my hands in the bathroom.
There are some music classroom and fine arts classroom in the teaching building.
There are some music classrooms and fine arts classroom in the teaching building.
The computer room on the second floor.
The computer room is on the second floor.
There is a playground in my school.
There is a playground on my school.
My&&school&&is&&in&&Jili&&Luoyang ,&&it’s&&a&&very&&beautiful&&place.
In&&my&&school , there&&are&&many&&trees&&and&&flowers.&&The&&trees&&are&&green&&and&&tall, the&&flowers&&are&&beautiful .
My&&school&&has&&a&&big&&playground .&&Every&&day ,we&&do&&morning&&exercises、play&&football&&and&&run&&on&&the&&playground .&&We&&feel&&very&&happy .
I&&have&&Chinese 、 Maths 、 English 、 PE&&、 Art、 ME&&and&&Music&&in&&school.&&My favouvite&&subject&&is&&Maths.
I’m&&in&&Class&&Three&&Grade&&Four&&,&&there&&are& &forty-three&&classmates&&and& &my teachers&&in&&our classroom&&.&&This&&is& &Ms&&Li ,& &she& &is&&tall&&and&&beautiful&&,& &she&&teaches&&us&&Chinese . This&&is&&Ms&&Zhang&&,&&she&&is&&very&&beautiful too . She teaches us Maths . And&&this&&is&&Ms&&zhao&&, she&&is&&fat&&and&&short , but& &she&&is&&very&&nice . she&&teaches&&us&&English&&.&&I&&like&&my&&teachers&&.
This& &is& &my&&school , it’s&&a&&happy&&and&&beautiful&&school&&.
中文意思:& & 我的学校
& &Hello,I am XU Tianxu.I am nine years old.I am from Luoyang.I am in Class One,Grade Three.I like Chinese and English.There is a playground near ourteaching building.We often play football games with my friends on the playground after class.We are very happy in our school.
& && & I like our school very much.
& && && &你好,我叫徐天宇,我九岁了,我来自洛阳,我在三年级一班。我喜欢汉语和英语。这里有个操场在我们教学楼的旁边,放学后我和我的朋友经常在操场上踢足球。我们在我们的学校里很开心。
& && &&&我非常爱我的学校。
Powered bymy school英语作文带翻译:说说我的学校_英文写作翻译_无忧考网
my school英语作文带翻译:说说我的学校
Speaking of my school, Yancheng nobody know, known to everybody, which is located in the south of Yancheng City Center Street. Here, here, here, alive and well. Here is the Ea here, here, is full of vigor and vitality of Jiefang experimental school ......In our campus, when the morning sun quietly scattered earth, come on campus, I often accompanied by ear breeze blowing, it is difficult to describe to enjoy comfortable. Wander, but see grasses, spring and spring, intoxicated D summer camphor, f autumn crest, with the British T winter palm, Aoxue bullying cream. Seasons change, varied scenery, vibrant, beautiful. More than learning, students can stroll beneath the trees, or two or three groups in this broad large playground frolicking ...... Just as a natural harmony, vitality cozy beautiful picture!In our campus, you can smell the fragrance of magnificent poetry Wen Fu, you can hear the melodious instrumental songs, you can see the art studio of individuation, you can feel rich and colorful cultural and sports activities. Jiefang vibrant colorful experimental schools have large recess sports activities, there are exciting speech contest, there are beautiful campus group dance, there are entertaining poetry aerobics, there are games in full swing, there are colorful festival ...... here is not only the halls of learning, it is the cradle of happiness!In our campus every day to hear the sound of loud reading the book, crisp, homework uniform of "imperfections" sound music classroom often heard bursts beautiful song, brin an exquisite and creative small production from us both dexterous hands, teach us to use their own hands to
enjoy the playground to show our valiant figure, spirit Dousou face, with a healthy body to meet the challenges of every day!Look how beautiful our school! How could I not like my school do?说起我的学校,盐城人没人不知、无人不晓,它坐落在盐城市中心街的南边。这里,绿荫遍地;这里,书香满园;这里,生机勃勃。这里,是雏鹰展翅的高地;这里,是梦想起飞的舞台;这里,就是充满活力与朝气的解放路实验学校……在我们的校园里,当早晨的阳光悄悄撒落大地,降临校园时,我常常伴随耳边吹过的阵阵微风,尽情地享受难于形容的惬意。徜徉其中,但见芳草如茵,春有迎春,沉醉东风;夏有香樟,满蓄幽凉;秋有鸡冠,含英吐蕊;冬有棕榈,傲雪欺霜。四季更迭,景色各异,生机勃勃,美不胜收。学习之余,同学们可以漫步于绿树之下,或是三两成群于这宽广的大操场上嬉戏玩耍……恰如一幅自然和谐、活力惬意的美好画卷!在我们的校园里,你可以嗅到诗词文赋的清香瑰丽,你可以听到器乐歌曲的婉转悠扬,你可以看到艺术画室的个性张扬,你可以感受到文体活动的丰富多彩。活力十足的解放路实验学校有绚丽多姿的大课间体育活动,有振奋人心的演讲比赛,有美轮美奂的校园集体舞,有寓教于乐的古诗韵律操,有热火朝天的运动会,有精彩纷呈的艺术节……这里不仅是学习的殿堂,更是快乐的摇篮!在我们的校园里,每天都能听到琅琅书声,清脆、悦耳;做作业时齐刷刷的“沙沙”写字声让人陶醉;音乐教室时时传来阵阵优美的歌声,让艺术与我们结下不解之缘;一件件精美而富有创意的小制作出自我们一双双灵巧的手,教会我们用自己的双手来创造美好的生活;在操场上尽情地展现我们英姿飒爽的身影,精神抖擞的面容,以健康的身体迎接每一天的挑战!看我们的学校多么美!我怎么可能不喜欢我的学校呢?
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