The exercises are extremely gratefuldifficult, but half of the class_____ them ahead of tim

The Content CompanyThetwoboysareboth1.80meters_____height,buttheyarenot_____thesameage.A.inB.ofC.ofD.atB考查介题文The two boys are both1.80 meters _____height, but they are not _____the same B. of C. of D. atThetwoboysareboth1.80meters_____height,buttheyarenot_____thesameage.A.inB.ofC.ofD.atB考查介词的用法。此处inheight意为:在高度上;beofthesameage意为:同岁。黑龙江佳木斯一中学年度高三第四次调研考试英语试题答案B考查介词的用法。此处in height意为:在高度上;be of the same age意为:同岁。相关试题更多相关文档当前位置: >>
高考资源网()您身边的高考专家上海市奉贤区 2011 届高三摸底测试英 语 试 题本试卷分为第 I 卷和第 II 卷两部分,全卷满分 150 分。考试时间 120 分钟。第Ⅰ卷(共 105 分)考生注意: 1.答第 I 卷前,考生务必在答题卡和答
题纸上用钢笔或圆珠笔清楚填写学校、姓名、准 考证号,并用铅笔在答题卡上正确涂写准考证号。 2.第 I 卷(1 C 16 小题,25 C 40 小题,50 C 84 小题)由机器阅卷,答案必须全部涂写在 答题卡上。考生应将代表正确答案的小方格用铅笔涂黑。注意试题题号和答题卡编号 一一对应,不能错位。答案需要改时,必须将原选项用橡皮擦去,重新选择。答案写 在试卷上一律不给分。第 I 卷中的第 17- 24 小题,41 C 49 小题和第 II 卷的试题,其答 案写在答题纸上,如写在试卷上则无效。 I.Listening Comprehension Section A Short Conversations Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers.At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said.The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to question you have heard. 1.A.7 minutes. B.40 minutes. C.33 minutes. D.47 minutes. 2.A.At a supermarket. B.In a restaurant. C.In a post office. D.At home. 3.A.Monday morning. B.Monday afternoon. C.Wednesday morning. D.Wednesday afternoon. 4.A.Her husband. B.Her friend. C.Her boss. D.Her doctor. 5. A.To repair a TV set. B.To complain about a TV set. C.To buy a TV set. D.To return a TV set. 6. A.She will be upset probably. B.She is pleased with their move. C.She feels a little disappointed. D.Moving to the south is better than moving to the north. 7. A.He wrote it last semester. B.He’ll finish it in a few minutes. C.He never does assignments early. D.He isn’t going to write it. 版权所有@高考资源网-1- 高考资源网()您身边的高考专家8. A.At a bus stop. B.On a plane. C.On a train. D.At a travel agency. 9. A.She should lose five pounds. B.She can’t gain any more weight. C.She should buy some new clothes. D.She needn’t worry about her weight. 10.A.Give her the correct time. B.Use her notes. C.Time the speech. D.Continue reviewing. Section B Passages Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages.The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once.When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage. 11.A.Five. B.Fifteen. C.Twenty C five. D.Fifty. 12.A.Lake Huron. B.Lake Eric. C.Lake Superior. D.Lake Michigan. 13.A.All the lakes are located within the United States. B.Large, oceangoing ships can sail the lakes. C.The lakes have salt water. D.Lake Superior ranks the fifteenth largest lake in the world. Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage. 14.A.By report. B.By means of mobile phones. C.By means of the Internet. D.By factories. 15.A.There is not enough meat in China. B.The American meat tastes better than that of China. C.The Chinese meat probably contains chemicals that are not allowed. D.They want to share the meat with those from other countries.16.A.The plan of America makes no difference to China. B.China agreed to it. C.China will guarantee the safety of the meat from America. D.China expressed a strong objection. Section C Longer Conversations Directions: In Section C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice.After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with information you have heard.Write your answers on your answer sheet. Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation. Application Form for St.Louie’s School-2-版权所有@高考资源网 高考资源网()您身边的高考专家Name: May 17 Age: 21 Nationality: 18 Address: 56 Broadway WN 34 Contact number: 19 Course to attend: How to make 20 Date for application: January 7th, 2008 Complete the form.Write ONE WORD for each answer. Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation. The Regent The Ambassador Service Facilities for business Location Food Excellent Close to the 21 Excellent 22 23The orchid Sheraton can hire translators. Excellent 24Complete the form.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer. II.Grammar and Vocabulary Section A Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.choose the one answer that best completes the sentence. 25. increasing number of people are paying different bills An the Net, which brings them a lot of convenience. C.on D.for 26.Standing on the top of the Oriental Pearl Tower, a good bird’s C eye view of Shanghai city. will get will be C.there will be will have gratitude complaint. 27. What moves us deeply is that the seriously sick woman presents A.more … than more … than C.not more … than D.more than … / 28.The exercises are extremely difficult, but half of the class them ahead of time. A.has already finished B.will finish C.have already finished D.finishes 29.Life filled with good things and we should enjoy them, and that includes the lovely snow that sometimes Shanghai. A.was… fell on B.are… fall on … falls on D.were … fell on 30.Schools have been lengthening the school day or added days to raise test marks, which be costly if schools need air conditioning on hot days. A.might B.can C.must D.need 31.Such an effort the severe snow disaster didn’t prevent the whole nation from celebrating the traditional Chinese New Year happily. the Chinese government has made B.has the Chinese government made that C.the Chinese government has made that D.has the Chinese government made as 版权所有@高考资源网-3- 高考资源网()您身边的高考专家32.The Pupils in primary and secondary schools across England lack general a view of world history as ours do. B.too 33. from the job for a long time makes my father have a sense of loss. A.Retire B.Retiring C.have retired D.Having retired 34.As a Senior Three student, we are supposed to know how we should adjust ourselves to sure we are in the proper mental state. A.make B.making C.made be made 35.The five C year C old boy , the whole family burst into tears. A.kidnap B.kidnapped C.was kidnapped D.was kidnapping. 36.It seems as if she has forgotten all abut her ambition now, she made it hers to make a bit of progress every day when school started. A.while B.on condition that spite of the fact that D.unless 37.The instant he finished his description, I knew it would be years everything got right. A.that B.before C.when D.since38.More and more Chinese people follow the practice they will travel to various scenic spots to enjoy the scenery in their leisure time. A.whether B.which C.where D.that 39.The examination was continued at the beginning of the new term, was announced on January 29. A.what C.which D.that 40.--- It is said that Ziyi Zhang sang a song for the 2008 Chinese New Year Spring Festival Party without rehearsal in advance, isn’t it? --- I’m not sure it is true. B.that C.why D.whether Section B Directions: Complete the passage with the words in the box.There is one extra word. A.truly E.approaching I.exhausting B.leave F.goal J.naturally C.give up D . breathtaking G.worth H.opportunityA few years ago, I went hiking with my older sister, Mary, and her friend, Jonathan.Our 41 was to reach the tip of the mountain so we could see the beautiful view. hike was 42 and The the heat drained our energy.As we were 43 the summit, through the treetops we could see the valley below.The sight at that point was 44 impressive.Jason was satisfied with the view and suggested we turn back.Jessi and I insisted we keep going so we could make it to the top, but Jason decided not to continue.When we finally reached our destination, the whole view was 45 . view from the summit gave us a 360 degree advantageous point of the entire area, which The was much more incredible than the limited view Jason had where he stopped.It was well 46 the extra effort.What is the point of this story? Set your goals and never settle for less than what -4版权所有@高考资源网 高考资源网()您身边的高考专家you can achieve! As we 47 high school to go forward with our lives, we will each have our own mountains to climb.All of us will face different challenges and struggles.We all have the 48 to set new goals and to achieve them.As we continue in life, we must remember that if we succeed, we must not be proud.If we fail, we must not 49 .If we face adversity (逆境), we must trust that there is always a way through it.If we experience prosperity, we must never forget those who are not so fortunate. As graduates, we have already proven we can achieve important goals.Let’s go forward, set new goals and never settle for less than what we can achieve.III.Reading Comprehension Section A Directions: For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C andD.Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context. This week, London will be full of celebrations to welcome the Year of the Rat.Every year, London’s Chinatown 50 a spectacular event to celebrate Chinese New Year, the largest event outside of Asia. This year in the UK, there seems to be a huge amount of 51 in Chinese culture.For the third year running, the ‘China in London’ season is being held.This 52 event will run from February to April, finally in the Olympic torch relay, 53 the Olympic flame will pass through London on its way to the start of the Beijing Games. The ‘China in London’ season will combine a huge number of events, 54 from art exhibitions to modern dance, film festivals 55 tea tastings, musical concerts to children’s half-term activities.In addition, 56 Chinese culture festival, ‘China Now’ is launching at Chinese New Year. This is a nationwide season of events leading up to the Beijing Olympics.As well as 57 events, this programme includes an 58 programme for schools to develop relationships with China, and a Football Exchange, where the UK Football Association will be 59 children in China and offering a lucky few the chance to visit Britain on a football tour. The main Chinese New Year 60 will be held on Sunday 10th February, and is expected to attract around 300,000 visitors.It will showcase both 61 and contemporary Chinese arts, bringing together British-born and Chinese performers. The 62 of the day is the grand parade through the streets of London, led by a traditional dragon dance, followed by musicians, acrobats, artists and children.There will be a large stage and screen in Trafalgar Square featuring martial arts, music and dance. It wouldn’t be Chinese New Year 63 fireworks and firecrackers, 64 Leicester Square will see displays on the hour all afternoon.Nearby theatres and arts centres will also be holding special New Year events, such as variety shows. 50.A.celebrates B.welcomes C.holds D.delivers 51.A.passion B.interest C.sensation D.increase 52.A.old B.extended D.developed 版权所有@高考资源网-5- 高考资源网()您身边的高考专家53.A.when B.where C.which D.what 54.A.exchanging B.preventing C.ranging D.changing 55.A.and B.with C.for B.a C.another D.that 57.A.wonderful B.terrific C.interesting D.cultural B.economy C.culture 59.A.coaching B.teaching C.parctising D.enrolling 60.A.parade B.celebration C.performance 61.A.good B.wonderful C.ancient D.traditional B.event C.share D.highlight 63.A.without B.except for C.with D.apart from 64.A.where C.when D.if Section B Directions: Read the following passages.Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read. A There is a new trend that has started in some Italian cities.It is called “Citta Slow”.“Citta” in Italian means city.The concept of “Citta Slow” aims to improve people’s quality of life by creating a more caring and ecologically correct environment through the enjoyment of food art, theatre, community gathering places and so on. Slow cities are characterized by a way of life that enables people to live slowly.Traditions and traditional ways of doing things are valued.Slow cities have less traffic, less noise and fewer crowds. These cities stand up against the fast pace of life often seen in other cities throughout the world. Towns in Italy have banded together to form an organization called the Slow City Movement.The global organization hopes to help the world by deciding which cities can call themselves Slow Cities and which cities cannot. The principles of the Slow City Movement are those we would like all cities to live by.Hopefully the movement will continue and cities that cannot meet the strict criteria will continue to work towards these principles. The Slow City Movement is already very popular around the world.London is one of the cities that are taking part and it has its own website. The website says: “There are people in cities all over the world who have found all sorts of ways to bring a sense of relaxation to places where it can often be stressful to live.Slow London provides a place for these people to meet and share their ideas.” . 65.“Citta Slow” is A.a movement started in some Italian cities B.a new trend already popular around the world C.a way of life that enables people to live slowly D.a concept against the fast pace of life-6-版权所有@高考资源网 高考资源网()您身边的高考专家66.According to the passage, to improve people’s quality of life, it is effective to . A.practise as your previous generations did B.persuade all people to travel on foot a single visit to the theatre D.put emphasis upon the fast pace of life 67.Which of the following statement is NOT true about the Slow City Movement? A.The Slow City Movement was initiated in Italy. B.London is taking part in the Slow City Movement. C.The Slow City Movement is trying to form the standard of slow cities. D.Only some cities are slow ones by the criteria. 68.Which of the following is probably the best title of the passage? A.Citta Slow B.Slow Cities C.Slow Cities and the Slow Movement D.The Slow City Movemet B Department of Homeland Security U.S.Citizenship and Immigration Services I C 797 C, Notice of Action RECEIPT NUMBER CASE TYPE CCC I C 901 C Application RECEIVED DATE July 18,2007 NOTICE DATE JULY 18,2007 PRIORITY DATE APPLECANT N YITIAN CHEN ASC CODE N/A NOTICE TYPE: Receipt Notice Amount Received: $ 100.00 SEVIS ID:PAGE 1 of 1YITIAN CHEN 2008 HUANGXING ROAD SHANGHAI, 200034 CHINA, PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF NF 0311-7-版权所有@高考资源网 高考资源网()您身边的高考专家YITIAN CHEN Your I C 901 fee transmittal form has been received.Please notify us immediately if any of the above information is incorrect. This fee payment is valid only for your particular course of study or program.If you fall out of status, apply for a new F C 1, F C 3.M C 1, M C 3 or J C 1 non C immigrant visa, or if you want to change your non C immigrant category to an F C 1, F C 3, M C 3 or J C 1, you may be required to pay another fee. Bring this receipt to the consulate as proof of payment of the SEVIS fee. Applicant Status: J C 1 Receipt Copy: 01 Date of Birth: 05/25/1975 Amount Received : $ 100.00 Program Number: P C 1 C 04576 I C 901 Student / Exchange Visitor Processing Fee P.O.Box 970020 St.Louis, MO 63197 C 0020 Customer Service Telephone: 785 C 330 C 1048 This form issued by U.S.Immigration and Customs Enforcement Form I C 797C (Rev.01/31/05) 69.What does this table allow you to do? A.To apply for a visit to America. B.To apply for immigration to America. C.To apply for a visit to the People’s Republic of China. D.To apply for immigration to the People’s Republic of China. 70.You can get to the destination on . A.May 25,1975 B.January 31, 2005 C.June 18,2007 D.July 18,2007 71.Suppose you plan to change your applicant status, you have to A.notify U.S.Citizenship and Immigration Services immediately another fee as required C.apply for a new F C 1, F C 3.M C 1, M C 3 or J C 1 non C immigrant visa D.make a phone call to the Customer Service C.Every year, malaria (疟疾) sickens about five hundred million people. More than one million of them die, mostly young children and pregnant women in Africa. For several years in sub-Saharan Africa, the Global Fund and other groups have been paying for bed nets treated with long-lasting insect poison.Malaria is spread by mosquito bites.The groups have also invested in antimalaria drugs for A.C.T., artemisinin-based combination therapy. Recently, a team from the World Health Organization visited Ethiopia, Ghana, Rwanda and Zambia. These countries were the first to distribute the bed nets and medicine. Global Fund to The Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis(肺结核) and Malaria requested a study to see if the interventions were helping. The researchers found that the answer is yes.They looked at records of children under five.They found that malaria deaths fell by sixty-six percent in Rwanda between two thousand five and two thousand seven.Deaths fell by fifty-one percent in Ethiopia, thirty-four percent in Ghana 版权所有@高考资源网-8- 高考资源网()您身边的高考专家and thirty-three percent in Zambia. The team reported that limited supplies of bed nets could help explain the more limited effects in Zambia and Ghana. the findings in Ghana were more difficult to explain, because deaths from But causes other than malaria fell more sharply.The report says this was in keeping with general improvements in health services. The full report can be found at, on the page for the global malaria program. In another new study, researchers reported that vitamin A and zinc treatments might also help protect young children from malaria.Scientists in Burkina Faso found that malaria reinfection rates fell by thirty C four percent in a group of children treated with vitamin A and zinc. The findings appear in Nutrition Journal, an open access publication that can be read free of charge at 72.Which is probably the most useful in fighting malaria according to the passage? A.Bed nets. B.Medicine. C.Vitamin A and zinc treatments. D.Killing mosquitoes. 73.Why did a team from the World health Organization visit the African countries? A.To help the African countries to fight malaria. B.To identify whether their effort to fight malaria was effective. C.To study which people tend to be infected with malaria. D.To study what measures can be taken against malaria. 74.What can be concluded from the passage? A.Malaria only appears in Africa. B.Malaria is no longer a threat to African countries. C.The researchers are disappointed with the result of the study. D.People all over the world are trying to treat malaria. 75.Which one summarizes the passage best? A.A Success Story for Malaria Control in Africa B.Malaria in Africa C.Say No to Malaria D.How to Treat Malaria D Farmers in the United States sometimes plant switchgrass as a border crop.But could this tall grass lower the nation’s dependence on foreign oil? The Department of Energy plans to invest hundreds of millions of dollars to help produce fuels from materials that are not part of the food supply.Growing corn, or maize, for fuel has raised concerns about the supply and cost of corn available for food and animal feed. Fuel made from switchgrass or forestry waste like sawdust(锯屑) is known as cellulosic(有 纤维质的) ethanol(酒精) .Department officials say it contains more energy and produces fewer greenhouse gases than ethanol made from corn.Switchgrass is also easier to grow.Last month, the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences published a study of switchgrass grown on low-quality land.Government scientist Ken Vogel was the lead author.The study says the switchgrass produced five times more energy than was needed to grow it.Also, it says switchgrass, over its lifetime from crop to fuel, produces much less carbon compared to gasoline. 版权所有@高考资源网-9- 高考资源网()您身边的高考专家Fossil fuels like oil take carbon from the ground and release it as waste gas when the fuel is burned.Biofuels(生物燃料) like corn and cellulosic ethanol also produce greenhouse gases, through growing crops and making the fuel.The difference is that biofuels remove carbon from the atmosphere through the growth of the feedstock, the material for the fuel. Science magazine just published two studies of biofuels and the heat-trapping gases that scientists link to climate change.One of the reports notes that most studies have found that substituting biofuels for gasoline will reduce greenhouse gases. But it says the earlier studies failed to count the carbon released into the atmosphere as farmers worldwide react to higher prices.They are clearing forests and grasslands to make way for new cropland to replace the grain used for biofuels. Doing so can release much of the carbon stored in the plants and soil, and sacrifice future storage. The study found that corn-based ethanol could increase greenhouse gases for years from land use change. And it found that biofuels from switchgrass, if grown on American corn land, could also increase emissions, though by less. The study team, led by Timothy Searchinger at Princeton University, says the result shows the value of using waste products for fuel.The other report says carbon savings depend on how biofuels are produced. 76.Switchgrass is a better fuel than corn in all the following aspects except . A.switchgrass grows on low C quality land B.switchgrass produces more energy than corn C.switchgrass produces fewer greenhouse gases than corn D.swiotchgrass is easier to grow77.It is implied in the underlined sentence that . increasing number of people worry about the use of corn as fuel B.there will be an increase in price of corn for food if it is used as fuel C.there will be an decrease in quantity of corn for food if it is used as fuel D.all the above choices are right 78.Biofuels produces much less carbon compared to Fossil fuels in that . A.biofuels produce less greenhouse gases than fossil fuels B.fossil fuels release carbon while biofuels not when burning C.biofuels take in carbon from the air when they are growing D.biofuels produce greenhouse gases only when they are burning 79.The passage indicates that . A.we’d better make full use of biofuels to protect the environment B.the value of using biofuels remains to be further studied’s costless to grow biofeuls D.biofuels are just switchgrass and corn Section C Directions: Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from the list A C F for each paragraph.There is one extra heading which you do not need. 版权所有@高考资源网- 10 - 高考资源网()您身边的高考专家A.How many people have participated in the well C received competition? B.Does the well C received competition of tall tales have an origin? C.Who was the constant winner of the annual competition of tall tales? D.Is there any secret to win the competition? E.Does the competition win the hearts of the people all over the world? F.Who is the annual competition of tall tales given to honour? 80. John Graham won the annual competition of tall tales, which is held at the Bridge.Inn in Santon Bridge, in Britain’s Lake District.The “world’s biggest liar” has been crowned, after telling a tale about a German World War II submarine invading Britain to get digital television decoders.The 69 C year C old Graham, who has won the title five times before, insisted to BBC radio that “it was a true story”. 81. The annual World’s Biggest Liar Competition, which now draws tourists and competitors from around the world, dates back to the 19 th century when it was founded to honor a famous man called Will Ritson (1808 C 1890) . 82. The contest is always held at the Bridge Inn.Ritson was a popular pub owner who lived in the western Lake District.He always kept his customers interested with his funny stories.Of course, Ritson was a very honest and sincere man, who insisted that all his tales were true. 83. Each year, a contest is held to award the title of “The Biggest Liar in the World” to the person who is worthy of following in Ritson’s footsteps. More than 120 people from across the country, and from as far away as Sweden and South Africa, have taken part in this interesting competition. 84. Competitiors have five minutes to tell the biggest lie.Last year’s winner Sue told the truth of “telling a successful lie”, “I think you have got to keep that element of truth and then add some mad and fantastical elements.If you start off in a spaceship then you’ve lost people straight away.” “Politicians and lawyers are banned from entering as they are judged to be too skilled at telling lies.”第Ⅱ卷(共 45 分)I.Translation Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.他擅长使用各种电脑。 (operate) 2.他的父母对他的前途十分有信心。 (confident) 3.和你在一起的时候,我很容易有好心情。 (It) 4.我们俱乐部决不会对这种事情听之任之的。 (have) 5.对于有关自己学校里的各种事情,大多数同学在网上都参加过讨论。 (participate) - 11 版权所有@高考资源网 高考资源网()您身边的高考专家6.各个地区采取了措施,使未能回家的人一起过了个快乐年。 (so that) II.Guided Writing Directions: Write an English composition about 120 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese. 谈谈高考结束之后,你最想做的一件有意义的事情,并且阐明其理由。参考答案I.Listening 30% Section A : Short Conversations 10% Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers.At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said.The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1.W : How long does it take you to get to your university from home? M : It takes about 40 minutes and 7 minutes more during the rush hour. Q : How much time will the man spend on his way from home to his university during the rush hour? 2.M : Have you got everything now? W : No, I still have to get a loaf of bread, two pounds of beef and some oranges. Q : Where are the man and the woman? 3.M : I wonder if you can finish your report by Monday morning? W : I’m sorry, Dr.yang.I don’t think I can finish it that early.Wednesday afternoon would be the earliest that you could have it. Q : When will the woman hand in her report? 4.W : I’ve been having a pain in my stomach for the last week.It’s been so bad that I’ve been off work since Tuesday. M : I see.Let me check it first. Q : Whom was the woman talking to? 5.W : Yes, sir.What can I do for you? M : Well, yes.I bought this TV set two weeks ago and there seems to be something wrong with it. Q : What does the man come to the shop for? 6.M : Are you disappointed that they’re moving to the south? 版权所有@高考资源网- 12 - 高考资源网()您身边的高考专家W : In some ways. Q : What does the woman imply? 7.W : Bill, have you finished the research paper for biology? M : Not yet, I always seem to put things off until the last minute. Q : What does the man mean? 8.W : I hope you enjoy the rest of the flight.Don’t forget to fill in your landing card. M : Thank you.I do appreciate your service. Q : Where is the man most probably? 9.W : Oh, dear.I’ve gained 10 pounds since October.None of my clothes fit me well. M : But you look much better.In fact, you can gain another 5 pounds and still look good. Q : What does the man think of the woman? 10.M : I don’t know whether I should keep on revising my notes.What do you think? W : I’d carry on with what you’re doing. Q : What does the woman suggest that man do? Section B: Passages 12% Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages.The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once.When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage. Five bodies of water make up the chain of lakes called the Great Lakes.Each of these lakes is among the fifteen largest lakes in the world.The largest of these lakes is Lake Superior, followed by Huron Michigan, Eric, and Ontario. Lake Michigan is located entirely within the United States.But the other four lakes form a part of the boundary running between the United States and Canada.These freshwater lakes form a waterway more than 1000 miles long, which is as busy as, if not busier than, any other waterway in the world.Canals have been dug to make the lakes a better waterway.These canals permit large, oceangoing ships loaded with grain, iron ore, and coal to reach the lakes. Questions: 11.How many lakes is the Great Lakes made up of? 12.Of these lakes, which is located entirely within America? 13.Which statement is true of the Great Lakes? Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following news. Now it’s 9 o’clock, time for the evening new. From farm to table, authorities in Beijing say they are able to track the progress of farm animals and crops aimed for human consumption. The Beijing Olympic organizing committee Thursday showed reporters and elaborate Internet C based supervision system that provides detailed information of food products at every step of production.Chinese authorities say they will also set up mobile response teams to react quickly if there are any problems. One worry is the possibility of banned chemicals in the Chinese meat supply, and the chance that athletes consuming such meat could be accused of doping. New York Times report says the The U.S.Olympic Committee is shipping 11,000 kilograms of beef, chicken and pork to China for the 版权所有@高考资源网- 13 - 高考资源网()您身边的高考专家games.Most of that food being brought by the Americans will be served at the U.S.Olympic athlete training center at Beijing Normal University, which lies outside the Olympic village. At Thursday’s news conference, one journalist asked about the report. Tang Yunhua, of Beijing’s Food Safety Office, said athletes will not be allowed to bring their own food into the Olympic Village.She says Chinese authorities cannot guarantee the safety of outside food, and will not know if it is up to the correct standards. Kang Yi, food division chief for the Beijing Olympic organizing committee, called the’s reported plans “regrettable.” She says the Chinese authorities have made a lot of preparations for the athletes of the world to get together.“It is a pity,” she said, “if the is not taking part in these preparations.” 14.How does China provide detailed information of food products at every step of production? 15.Why do the Americans plan to ship so much meat to China during the Beijing Olympics? 16.What was China’s reaction to the plan of America? Section C: Longer Conversations 8% Directions: In Part C, you will hear two longer conversations.The conversations will be read twice.After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with information you have heard.Write your answers on your answer sheet. Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation. M : Good afternoon.Can I help you? W : Yes.I’d like to join in the course of how to make cakes. M : Certainly.May I have your name, please? W : Yes, I’m May Smiley. M : May… Could you spell that for me? W : May smiley.That’s spelled S C M C I C L C E C Y. M : Thanks.Where do you come from, Miss Smiley? W : I come from Australia. M : I see.Where do you live now? W : Now I like with my aunt.Her address is 56 Broadway WN 34.By the way, do you need the telephone number? Yes? … Well, it’s . M : Thank you.And how old are you? W : 21. M : OK.Today is January 7th, 2008.Your lessons will be at 9 a.m.Tuesday morning and 2 p.m.Thursday afternoon., W : Thank you very much. Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation. M : Is that Ms.White? This is Tom Peterson from Sumitomo, Tokyo. W : Hello, Mr.Peterson.How are you? M : Fine, thanks.And you? W : I can’t complain. M : Look, I’m coming to Bangkok next month and I’d like to know if you can recommend a hotel W : Well, Mr.Peterson.Bangkok has a lot of excellent hotels. M : The travel agent recommended three hotels C the Ambassador, the Royal Orchid Sheraton and the Regent. W : Well, it depends what’s important for you.All there have excellent business facilities.The 版权所有@高考资源网- 14 - 高考资源网()您身边的高考专家Regent’s in a very quiet area and still quite close to the business center.It has very good sporting facilities, tennis and so on.The Ambassador’s near the river.But it’s fairly difficult to get a room because they often hold large conference there.The restaurants have an excellent reputation. Sheraton’s good for relaxing. The They can arrange leisure events and so on. They have a service where you can hire one of the hotel’s translators if you need one. M : Which one would you stay in? W : I think I’d choose the Regent, because of the location and the surroundings. M : I think I’ll follow your advice.Thanks for your help. W : My pleasure.And give me a call when you’re in Bankok. 1―5 DADDB 6―10 CCBDD 11―13 ADB 14―16 CCD 17.Smiley 18.Australia (n) 19..cakes centre 22.Near the river 23.Excellent/ Very good / Extremely good 24.Guests/You II.Grammar and Vocabulary 25% 25―29 CAACC 30―34 BBCDA 35―40 BCBDB D 41―45 FIEAD 46―49 GBHC III.Reading Comprehension 15% Section A 50―54 CBBAC 55―59 DCDAA 60―64 BDDAB Section B 65―68 BACC 69―71 ADB 72―75 ABDA 76―79 ADCB Section C 80―84 CBFAD 第I卷 I.Translation 20% 1.He is good at operating different kinds of computers. 2.His parents are very confident of his future. 3.It is easy for me to be in a good mood / to be happy when staying with you. 4.Our club will never have it going on. 5.The majority of the students have participated in the discussion on the net about what happened/ what has happened/ what is happening in their own school(s) . 6.Measures were taken in different areas so that those who had failed to go back home celebrated the New Year with delight. II.Guided Writing 25% (略) 评分标准: 1.第 1―4 题,每题 3 分,第 5―6 题,每题 4 分。 2.在每题中,单词拼写、标点符号、大小写错误累计每两处扣 1 分。 3.语法错误每处扣 1 分。每句同类语法错误不重复扣分。 4.译文没有用所给单词,扣 1 分。 II.Guided Writing:- 15 -版权所有@高考资源网 高考资源网()您身边的高考专家- 16 -版权所有@高考资源网
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