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【痔疮的微创治疗】  美国强生微创痔疮手术(PPH)又称吻合器痔上黏膜环切术,是建立在肛垫学说基础上的,运用吻合器治疗环状 脱垂痔的新技术。强生医疗器材有限公司爱惜康内镜外科部与意大利学者Dr.Antonio longo合作,于1993年成功研制了一种专门用于治疗Ⅱ-Ⅳ度重痔、不破坏肛垫正常生理功能且显著缩短手术时间并极大减轻术后疼痛的痔吻合术。它通过对直肠黏膜及黏膜下层组织进行环形切除。有效治疗重度脱垂内痔。至今全世界已有30万痔疮患者成功实施了PPH手术,在中国,自2000年开展来,近30000名患者成功接受了该项手术。  PPH的主要优点 : 痛苦少,出血少,恢复快,一般无需住院,加快了康复周期,不影响日常生活。  痔疮的传统治疗方法:饮食疗法、口服用药、外敷用药、注射疗法、枯痔疗法、红外疗法、冷冻疗法、激光疗法。  传统手术疗法:采用外剥内扎术切除痔核,是近年来最常用的重度痔的治疗方法,但是传统手术疗法所带来的术后疼痛以及较长的住院与愈合时间等问题,常常使病人闻之色变,而且传统手术疗法存在一定的复发可能性,尤其重要的是它或多或少地切除了肛垫,因而有病人在术后有不同程度的失禁现象发生。PPH手术的缺点 :目前pph手术价格比较高,单手术费用在7000元左右,国内普通患者一般难接受。  【针灸治疗】  1.基本治疗  治法 清热利湿,化瘀止血。以足太阳经及督脉穴为主。  主穴 承山 次髎 二白 长强  配穴 便秘者,加支沟、大肠俞;脾虚气陷者,加脾俞、百会。  操作 诸穴均针用泻法,脾虚气陷者宜用补法,可灸。  方义 承山、次髎均为膀胱经穴,足太阳经别自承山穴处上行入于肛中,故取之用泻法,既能调理膀胱气化以清湿热,又能疏导肛门局部气血,属“经脉所过,主治所及”。督脉亦过肛门,长强穴属督脉,位近肛门,刺之可直达病所,清利湿热。二白为治疗痔疮的经验用穴。  2.其他治疗  三棱针法 在第7胸椎两侧至腰骶部范围内寻找痔点,其状为红色丘疹,一个或数个不等,出现的部位亦不一致。每次选一个痔点,用粗针挑刺,并挤出血珠或粘液,7天左右1次。  痔疮常用偏方秘方  [方一]  蒲公黄、黄柏、赤芍、丹皮各30克,桃仁20克,土茯苓30克,白芷15克。水煎外用,每日1剂,日用2--3次,先加水2500---3500毫升,煮沸后过滤去渣,将药液倒入普通盆内,患者趁热先熏后洗,每次15--30分钟。  本方为邹桃生方,功能清热解毒除湿消肿,凉血散瘀,适用于痔疮。  [方二]  硫黄、雄黄各10克,樟脑3克,麻油适量。前药研成细末,用麻油调匀,擦患处。  本产适用于湿热而致痔疮。  [方三]  乌梅、五倍子各10克,苦参15克,射干、炮山甲各10克,煅牡蛎30克,火麻仁10克。水煎服,日1剂,日服2次。  本方为凌朝光方,功能清热解毒,润肠通便,适用于痔疮。  [方四]  浮萍适量。水煎,趁热擦洗患处。  本方适用于痔疮抓破出血不流水者。  [方五]  槐花、地榆各10克,仙鹤草、旱莲草、侧柏叶各15克,枳壳10克,黄芩5克,胡麻仁15克,勒莱苋30克。水煎服,每日1剂,日服2次,另外,可用此药煎液熏洗肛门。  本方为黄洪坤方,功能清肠利湿,止血,适用于痔疮。  [方六]  柞树叶30克。捣烂敷患处。  本方源于《黑龙江常用中草药手册》,适用于痔疮。  [方七]  刘寄奴、五倍子备等分。研为细末,空心酒下,仍用其末敷,遂愈。  本方源于《类编朱氏集验方》,治痔疮。  [方八]  生豆腐渣,锅内炒干为末,每服9克,白砂糖汤下,日3次。  本方源于《危氏方》,适用于血痔。  [方九]  丝瓜,烧存性,研末,酒服6克。  本方主治肛门久痔。  痔疮患者的饮食调理  1、增加含纤维高的食物。高纤维素(纤维素产品,纤维素资讯)饮食可使大多数患者的症状缓解或消失,有类似括约肌切开和肛门扩张的效果。  2、“食不厌粗”。粗加工的食品,含有较多的营养素和食物纤维,适合便秘或痔疮患者食用,有利于大便通畅。  3、纠正不良饮食习惯。长期饮酒不但对肝脏有损害,而且也可促进痔疮的形成,痔疮患者应戒酒,同时避免辛辣刺激性的食物。  4、治疗原发病。对患有全身性慢性疾病的患者,注意营养素的补充和治疗,可以减少痔疮的发生。  5、痔疮病人应选择的食物:  ◇五谷、蔬菜类:竹笋、甜菜、卷心菜、胡萝卜、绿豆、韭菜、芹菜、茭白、豌豆苗、马铃薯,未经加工的谷类,粗粮、麦麸面包、黑绿叶蔬菜、油菜、荷兰豆、莴苣。  ◇水果类:苹果、巴西果、橘子、猕猴桃、葡萄、西瓜、香蕉、草莓。  ◇肉类:猪、牛、羊的瘦肉,里脊肉,鱼肉,鸡、鸭、鹅肉。  痔疮食疗方  1.黑木耳5克,柿饼30克,将黑木耳泡发,柿饼切块,同加水煮烂,每日1~2次,有益气滋阴、祛瘀止血功效,适用于痔疮出血。  2.鲜荸荠500克,红糖90克,加水适量,煮沸1小时,饮汤,吃荸荠,每日一次,有清热养阴的功效,适用于内痔。  3.黄鳝100克,去内脏切段,加调料水煮,食肉饮汤,有补中益气、清热解毒、祛风除湿之功效,适用于肠风下血。  4.蕹菜2000克,蜂蜜250克,将蕹菜洗净,切碎,捣汁,放锅内,先以武火,后以文火加热煎煮浓缩,至较稠时加入蜂蜜,再煎至稠黏时停火,待冷装瓶备用,每次以沸水冲化饮用1汤匙,每日两次,有清热解毒、利尿、止血功效,适用于外痔。  5.桑耳3克,粳米50克,先煎桑耳,去渣取汁,和米煮粥,空腹服用,有祛风活血作用,用于肠风痔血。  6.苍耳子15克,粳米100克,先煎苍耳子,去渣,后入米煮粥,空腹服用,有祛风消肿功效,适用于痔疮下血,老人目暗不明等。  7.牛脾1具,粳米100克,每次用牛脾150克,细切,和米煮粥,空腹食之,能健脾消积,适用于脾虚食滞,兼治痔疮下血。  8.桑仁100克,糯米150克,将桑仁煮取汁,和糯米同煮成粥,每日1~2次,空腹食用,有滋补肝肾、养血功效,适用于痔疮下血,烦热消瘦等。  9.无花果(干品)100克,猪瘦肉200克,加水适量,放入沙锅内,隔水炖熟,调味即可,每日服两次,可养胃理肠、清热解毒,适用于痔疮以及慢性肠炎。  10.丝瓜250克,猪瘦肉200克,将丝瓜切块,猪瘦肉切片,加水适量煲汤,每日2~3次,用食盐调味,佐膳,有清热利肠、解暑除烦功效,适用于内痔便血初期。  11.鱼肚25~50克,白砂糖50克,加水少量,同放沙锅内隔水炖熟,每日服1次,连续服用,适用于痔疮,有补肾益精、止血消肿功效。  12.金针菜100克,红糖适量,同加水煮熟,去渣,每日早晚空腹服,连服数天,适用于痔疮疼痛出血,有清热、利尿、养血平肝功效。  13.香蕉蔬菜粥  香蕉、绿色蔬菜各100克,粳米70克,食盐适量。香蕉去皮捣为泥,蔬菜切成丝。粳米煮粥至熟时,加入香蕉泥和蔬菜。煮沸后,加入食盐。每天早餐服食。  14.凉拌马齿苋鱼腥草  将马齿苋与鱼腥草各250克,分别洗净,用沸水汆一下。加麻油、酱油、味精和醋等调料凉拌。分顿服食。  15.三瓜时蔬  取丝瓜、冬瓜、西瓜各250克。丝瓜、冬瓜去皮切片;西瓜去外层绿衣,将中层白皮切成片。将三者放入水中汆一下,沥出。放入适量食盐、麻油和味精调匀,当菜食用。  16.荸荠猕猴桃汁  荸荠10~15个,猕猴桃4个,去皮,切成小块,加水1000毫升,放入冰糖,打成汁。每天喝1000毫升。  提示:痔疮患者饮食宜清淡,可常食用有清热解毒作用的食物;多吃蔬菜、水果,保持大便通畅。  17.菠菜粥  用料:鲜菠菜100克,粳米100克。  制法:先将菠菜洗净放滚水中烫半熟,取出切碎。粳米煮成粥后,放入菠菜,煮沸食用。1日2次。  18.猪血汤  用料:猪血250克,鲜菠菜500克。  制法:将猪血切成厚块,菠菜切碎,放入调料少许,制成汤食用,每日或隔日1次  19.胡萝卜蜂蜜方  用料:熟胡萝卜,蜂蜜。  制法:将胡萝卜煮熟后,蘸蜂蜜食用,每次吃250~500克,1日2次。  痔疮预防最好的四种方法  有的人总是认为自己没有患上痔疮。其实,一期痔疮有点儿感觉不到(大多为内痔),二期痔疮有点儿感觉也不理会,到了三期,患者又总以为不挡吃喝,不妨碍工作,再加上面子问题(特别是女同志),不愿到医院去治疗。万不得已到医院治疗的,已是影响正常生活较为严重的痔疮患者。  诱发痔疮的原因很多,但经临床证明,最为突出的就是每次排便时间较长。超过3分钟的蹲厕时间,就能导致痔疮的形成,轻重也由时间长短决定。所以,蹲厕时间较长的人,大部分是大便干燥者,应尽早调节饮食或进行药物治疗,养成按时排便的习惯。  蹲厕时间过长,可直接导致直肠静脉曲张,瘀血就会形成静脉团(医学称为痔疮)。有的人蹲厕排便时爱看报纸,不卫生不说,若看到情节精彩之处,便排空了也不起来,长此以往自然会使直肠静脉长时间受到挤压,诱发痔疮。  目前,痔疮的最佳预防办法是:  (1)每次排便超过3分钟的,应逐步控制在3分钟以内(若控制在1分钟以内,一二期痔疮可自行康复)。  (2)司机、孕妇和坐班人员在每天上午和下午各做10次提肛动作。  (3)习惯性大便干燥者,在每天晚饭后(隔一小时)生吃白菜心三至五两。  (4)便后不能及时洗浴的,蹲厕起身前,可用较柔软的多层(2×4厘米)卫生纸夹在肛门处(半小时后取出即可)。这样,在走路运动时,能使直肠静脉迅速活跃还原,正常回流。  以上四点方法,如能结合预防,是远离痔疮的最佳捷径。  痔疮饮食治疗方  患了痔疮吃什么,这是许多患者最关心的问题之一。其实,患了痔疮的患者可食用的食物很多,也不乏美味食品,除了五谷杂粮外,我们在此列出一些野味和水产品供大家参考。  蛤蜊  性寒,味咸。《本草求原》中说:“蛤蜊治五痔。”蛤蜊肉能润五脏,软坚散肿。痔疮患者宜用蛤蜊肉经常煮食。  螺蛳  性寒,味甘,能清热、利水,治疗痔疮。古代《日用本草》中记载:“螺蛳能解热毒,治酒疸,利小水,消疮肿。”《本草纲目》亦云:“醒酒解热,利大小便,治脱肛、痔漏。”《玉楸药解》中还说:“螺蛳清金利水,泄湿除热,治脱肛、痔瘘。”患有痔疮的人,适宜常吃螺蛳。  蚌肉  性寒,味甘咸,有清热、滋阴、解毒的作用,适宜湿热痔疮者煮食或喂汤服。《日华子本草》中记载,蚌肉“除烦解热毒,并痔瘘、血崩、带下。”  泥鳅  补中气,祛湿邪,既营养,又疗痔 ,久痔体虚、气虚脱肛者宜常食之。中国药科大学叶橘泉教授认为,泥鳅肉“暖中益气,解毒收痔。”民间有用鳅鱼模压粉煮羹食用,治疗痔疮脱垂,可起到“调中收痔”的效果。  鳗鲡  俗称白鳝。性平,味甘,能补虚羸、祛风湿,对体弱气虚痔疮患者,最为适宜。早在《别录》中即载:“鳗鲡鱼主五痔疮瘘。”唐代著名食医孟诜还说:“鳗鲡熏痔,患诸疮瘘及疬疡风,长食之甚验。”在孟诜的《食医心镜》中有一方:“治五痔瘘疮,杀虫:鳗鲡一头,治如食法,切作片炙,着椒、盐、酱调和食之。”鳗鲡鱼的确含有丰富的蛋白质、营养滋补价值极高,它的补虚疗痔功效为历代医家称赞。如明代缪希雍《神农本草经疏》中说:“五痔疮瘘人常食之,有大益也。”明·倪朱谟亦认为:“疬疡瘘痔人常食之,渐渐获效。”  鳢鱼  俗称乌鱼、黑鱼。性寒,味甘有补脾、利水的作用,能疗痔疮。《别录》中早已说它“疗五痔。”《外台秘要》中亦载:“治肠痔,每大便常有血:鳢鱼脍、姜、齑食之。”  黄鳝  能补虚损、除风湿、强筋骨,亦可疗痔瘘。《便民食疗》中说:“治内痔出血:鳝鱼煮食。”《食用中药与便方》亦载:“内痔出血,气虚脱肛,黄鳝煮羹食之,有补气固脱之功。”  猪大肠  适宜痔疮出血脱肛者食用。古代治疗痔疮的效方,也常用到猪大肠。如《奇效良方》中的猪脏丸,“治痔瘘下血”,就是用猪大肠同槐花煮烂捣和后为丸。《本草蒙筌》中的连壳丸,“治内痔”,也是用猪大肠同黄连、枳壳、糯米做成丸药内服。  野猪肉  性平,味甘咸,不仅能补虚弱羸瘦,又能疗痔疮出血,对患有慢性痔疮出血者最宜。唐代信知家孟诜在其《食医心镜》中介绍:“治久痔,下血不止,肛边痛:野猪肉二斤,切,著五味炙,空心食,作羹亦得。”  柿饼  性寒,味甘涩,能清热、润肺、涩肠、止血,尤其适宜痔疮出血者食用。《本草纲目》记载:“白柿治痔漏下血。”对痔疮出血,或肛门裂出血,大便干结者,民间习惯用柿饼适量,蒸熟 后,每次吃饭时吃1个,或加水煮烂当点心吃,1日2次,柿霜对痔疮患者亦有益。《本草求真》中也有记载,说“柿霜治肠风痔漏。”故痔疮出血吃柿霜也颇适宜。  香蕉  性寒,味甘,能健胃清肠、消肿解毒,对肛肠疾病患者,如便秘、肠炎、痢疾、痔疮等,均有效益。《本草纲目》早就说过:无花果治五痔。《福建中草药》还介绍:“治痔疮,脱肛,大便秘结:鲜无花果生吃。或干果十个,猪大肠一段,水煎服。”  榧子  又称香榧。有润肺滑肠、通便化痔、杀虫消积的作用。早在一千多年前的《别录》中就记载:“主五痔。”对此,《本草经疏》还解释说:“五痔三虫,皆大肠湿热所致,苦寒能泻湿热,则大肠清宁而二怔愈矣。”中国药科大学叶橘泉教授还认为,痔疮患者,“每日嚼食香榧7粒,有养身治病之功。”  韭菜  有行气、散血的作用,现代认为韭菜里含粗纤维较多,而且比较坚韧,不易被胃肠消化吸收,能增加大便体积,促进大肠里动,防止大便秘结,故对痔疮便秘者有益。  蕹菜  又称空心菜、空筒菜。性寒、味甘,有治疗便秘、便血、痔疮的作用。《陆川本草》中说过:“治肠胃热,大便结。”《贵州省中医验方秘方》中还介绍:“治翻肛痔:空筒菜二斤,水二斤,煮烂去渣滤过,加白糖四两,同煎如饴糖状。每次服三两,一日服二次,早晚服,未愈再服。”所以,蕹菜对痔疮病人大便经常干结者,最为适宜,  菠菜  性凉,味甘,有养血、止血、润燥、滑肠、通便的作用。据《本草求真》记载:“菠菜,何书皆言能利肠胃,盖历滑则通窍,菠菜质滑而利,凡人久病大便不通,及痔漏关塞之人,咸宜用之。”《随息居饮食谱》中也说:“菠菜,开胸膈,通肠胃,润燥活血,大便涩滞及患痔人宜食之。  丝瓜  性凉,味甘,能清热、凉血,适宜痔疮出血者食用。《本草纲目》中说:“煮食除热利肠,治大小便下血,痔疮十”尤其是湿热下注,或血分有热的痔疮患者,最为适宜。  黑木耳  性平,味甘,善能凉血止血,有治疗血痢、便血、痔疮的作用。《本草纲目》载黑森耳治痔。《药性切用》认为,黑木耳能“润燥利肠”。清代食疗名医王孟英还说:“黑木耳补气耐饥,活血,治跌仆伤。凡崩淋血痢,痔患肠风,常食可瘳。”尤其是体虚久痔者,常吃尤宜。  石耳  主产江西庐山,性平,味甘。《粤志》中说:“石耳味甘腴,性平无毒,多食饫人,能润肌童颜,在木耳、地耳之上。”它有养阴、清热、止血的功效,大便出血,痔漏脱肛之人宜食之。《医林纂要》中就有记载:“石耳治肠风痔瘘,行水解毒。”每次可用石耳30-50克,瘦猪肉150克,加盐少许,隔水蒸熟。上午蒸1 次,喝其汤;下午蒸1次,全吃尽。  槐花  槐树的花朵或花蕾可供食用,有清热、凉血、止血的功效,也是中医最常用的治疗痔疮药物。《医学启源》中说:“槐花凉大肠热。”《日华子本草》称它“治五痔”。《本草正》亦云:“槐花凉大肠,治痔漏。”古代治痔验方,每每用之。尤其是对痔疮发作期,湿热下注,疼痛出血时,更为适宜。  胖大海  性凉,味甘淡,有清热、润肺、利呖、解毒的作用,痔疮便血者宜用胖大海泡茶频饮。《本草纲目拾遗》中记载:胖大海“治痔疮漏管。”《医界春秋》中还曾介绍:“治大便出血:胖大海数枚,开水泡发,去核,加冰糖调服。”  何首乌  有补肝、益肾、养血、祛风的功效。《江西草药》认为首乌还能“通便,解疮毒。”首乌疗痔,自古有之。《何首乌录》中说过:“主五痔,益气力。”《开宝本草》亦云:“主瘰疬,消痈肿,疗五痔。”《圣惠方》中介绍治痔一法:“治大肠风毒,泻血不止;何首乌二两,捣细罗为散,每于食前,以温粥饮调下一钱。”对于体虚久痔患者,常用何首乌粉调服,最为适宜。  麒麟菜  俗称鸡脚菜,产于我国台湾省及广东、海南沿海的浅海珊瑚礁间,夏秋采收。性平,味咸微苦。《食物中药与便方》中介绍:痔疮便结:麒麟菜、石花菜等量,水煮成冻胶,加白糖适量,空腹食用。清代《本草纲目拾遗》记载:“麒麟菜消痰,能化一切痰结,痞积,痔毒。”《养生经验补遗》记载:“治辛苦劳碌之人,或嗜酒从欲,忽生外痔:麒麟菜洗去灰一两,用天泉水煮烊,和白糖五钱食之。”  治痔疮中药偏方  中药方剂(一)  【辨证】风湿燥热侵袭脏腑,阴阳失调,气血纵横,经脉交错,浊气瘀血下注。  【治法】清热解毒,除湿消肿,凉血散瘀。  【方名】治痔汤。  【组成】蒲公英30克,黄柏30克,赤芍30克,丹皮30克,桃仁20克,土茯苓30克,白芷15克。  【用法】水煎外用,每日1剂,日用2-3次,先加水毫升,煮沸后过滤去渣,将药液倒入普通搪瓷盆内,患者趁热先熏后洗,每次15-30分钟。  【出处】邹桃生方。  中药方剂(二)  【辨证】湿热内生,气血运行不畅,经络阻滞,瘀血浊气下注肛门。  【治法】清热解毒,活血祛瘀,润肠通便,化湿通路,软坚散结,收涩固脱,止血定痛。  【方名】消痔汤。  【组成】乌梅10克,五倍子10克,苦参15克,射干10克,炮山甲10克,煅牡蛎30克,火麻仁10克。  【用法】水煎服,每日1剂,日服2次。  【出处】凌朝光方。  中药方剂(三)  【辨证】中焦湿热下注。  【治法】清热利湿,润肠止血。  【方名】甘旱蜜汤。  【组成】苋菜30克,生甘草10克,旱莲草30克,蜂蜜10毫升。  【用法】水煎服,每日1剂,日服2次,服时加蜜糖10毫升。1-2次煎液内服,第3次煎液外用熏洗肛门。  【出处】黄洪坤方。  中药方剂(四)  【辨证】血热毒火内盛,瘀血浊气下注。  【治法】凉血止血,清热解毒,活血止痛,逐淤消痔。  【方名】槐花消痔汤。  【组成】槐花15克,槐角15克,生地12克,黄连10克,银花12克,黄柏10克,滑石15克,当归12克,升麻6克,柴胡6克,枳壳6克,黄芩10克,甘草3克。  【用法】水煎服,每日1剂,日服2次。  中药方剂(五)  【辨证】中焦湿热,下注挟寒湿。  【治法】清肠利湿,止血。  【方名】加味槐榆合剂。  【组成】槐花10克,地榆10克,仙鹤草15克,旱莲草15克,侧柏叶15克,枳壳10克,黄芩5克,胡麻仁15克,菜苋30克。  【用法】水煎服,每日1剂,日服2次,另外可用此药煎液熏洗肛门。[编辑本段]痔疮手术后的自我调养  无论是门诊手术,还是住院治疗,痔疮患者术后都应注意自我调养,以配合治疗,主要应注意以下几个方面内容:  (1)保持大便通畅:痔疮术后一般要在24小时以后方可第一次排便。在禁止排便的这段时间里,应多饮水和食用有润肠作用的饮料如蜂蜜、果汁和青菜汁等,这样可以促进排尿和避免大便秘结。由于手术损伤肛管皮肤,引起括约肌痉挛,所以第一次排便前应口服麻仁润肠丸、地榆槐角丸、果导片等润肠药物。若大便秘结严重,可用石蜡油灌肠,便前温水坐浴使肛门括约肌松弛,可使排便所引起的肛门疼痛有所减轻。~般讲第一次排便常伴有少量鲜血,系粪便摩擦创面所致,属正常现象,不必惊慌。以后应养成每日晨起排便的习惯,便后坐浴换药。为防止大便干燥,应多吃含纤维素高的饮食和高脂肪油类,不应每日依靠泻药排便,如有便秘,可于临睡前口服麻仁润肠丸、地榆槐角丸、牛黄解毒丸或果导片,待大便变软后应立刻停药。  (2)便后坐浴:坐浴是清洁肛门,促进创面愈合和消炎的简便有效的方法。每次便后都必须坐浴,坐浴时先用热气熏,待水温适中时,再将肛门会阴部放入盆内洗涤坐浴,每次20分钟左右。坐浴可用温热盐水、中药祛毒汤或1:5000高锰酸钾液等。  (3)换药:痔注射术后可将消炎痛栓、洗必泰痔疮栓、红霉素栓、马应龙痔疮栓等药填塞于肛门内即可。开放创面除使用上述栓剂外,亦需将凡士林油纱条、中药生肌玉红膏纱条或红粉纱条等填塞肛内并用其保护创面,以利于创面引流。  (4)术后活动:一般讲手术创面较大,而伤口尚未完全愈合期间,应尽量少走路,这样可避免伤口边缘因用力摩擦而形成水肿,延长创面愈合时间。创面愈合后3个月左右不要长时间骑自行车,以防愈合的创面因摩擦过多而引起出血。  体育疗法防治痔疮  痔疮是中年人的一种常见病,多发病,其最主要的原因是人体自身的生理特点所造成。我们知道,人的静脉血回流心脏,主要是靠肌肉的张与驰及静脉瓣本身具有的静脉瓣的作用。静脉瓣就象阀门一样只能使血液向心脏方向流动,而不能倒流;因而比心脏水平低的静脉内有静脉瓣。而人类的祖先是由四只脚行走的类人猿演化而来的,是与心脏同在一个水平部位上的,因而直肠上静脉就没有静脉瓣,所以在以后人类直立行走时直肠上静脉血向上回流就比较困难,加上内脏的下压,就更容易形成静脉扩张而患直痔疮。   体育疗法对防止瘀血有很大作用。适当地从事体育运动,能减低静脉压,加强心血管系统的机能,消除便秘,增强肌肉力量,这些对痔疮的防治有着重要的作用。   下面介绍几种锻炼的方法:   1、提肛运动。全身放松,将臀部及大腿用力夹紧,配合吸气,舌舔上腭,同时肛门向上提收。象忍大便的样子,提肛后稍闭一下气不呼,然后配合呼气,全身放松。每日早晚两次,每次做十几下。   2、举骨盆运动。仰卧屈膝,使脚跟靠近臀部,两手放在头下,以脚掌和肩部作支点,使骨盆举起,同时提收肛门,放松时骨盆下放。熟练后,也可配合呼吸,提肛时吸气,放松时呼气。此法每日可坚持做1~3次,每次20下。   3、旋腹运动。仰卧,两腿自然伸展,以气海穴(脐下一寸处)为中心,用手掌作旋转运动;逆时针旋转坐较软的座椅、沙发。  久坐容易导致腹部血流速度减慢,下肢静脉血不能回流,血液循环受阻,直肠静脉容易发生曲张,血液淤积,形成一个静脉团,这就是痔疮。[编辑本段]痔疮病人应注意饮食方面的问题  1、痔疮病人的宜忌   (1)宜常取食易于消化、质地较软的食物。   (2)力求大便通畅,宜食用富含纤维素的食物,如:新鲜蔬菜、水果、银耳、海带等。   (3)宜摄取具有润肠作用的食物,如:梨、香蕉、菠菜、蜂蜜、芝麻油及其他植物油、动物油。   (4)宜选用质地偏凉的食物,如:黄瓜、苦瓜、冬瓜、西瓜、藕、笋、芹菜、菠菜、莴苣、茭白、蕹菜、茄子、丝瓜、蘑菇、鸭蛋、鸭肉等,以免加重仙热而导致便血。   (5)久治不愈、长期出血、体虚者,宜适当翰良滋补性食品,如桂圆、红枣、莲子、百合、牛奶、芝麻、蜂蜜、核桃等。   2、痔疮病人的饮食禁忌   (1)禁 食辛辣刺激、油腻、煎炸熏烤及热性食品,如:羊肉、狗肉、生蒜、生葱、辣椒等,同时也应禁烟、禁酒。   (2)忌吃辛辣刺激性的食物,忌吃燥热、肥腻、煎炒等助热助湿的物品,忌吃发物和烟酒
[Edit this paragraph] Cloning Cloning is the English &clone& of the word who, in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao for the copying or paraphrasing the general transfer is the use of biotechnology produced by asexual reproduction are identical to the original individual genome after the generation process. Scientists to artificial genetic manipulation of animals the process of reproduction is called cloning, this is called cloning biotechnology in itself is the meaning of asexual reproduction, that is, by the same ancestor cell division and the formation of breeding pure cell lines, the cell line in every cell of the same genes with each other. Cloning of the English 'clone' from the Greek 'klōn' (shoot). In horticulture in, 'clon' has always been the word to the 20th century. Later, sometimes together with the suffix 'e' as a 'clone', to indicate that the 'o' is the long vowel sounds. With recent word in the concept and the extensive use of public life, spelling has been confined to the use of 'clone'. Chinese translation of the term in China, who as' cloning ', while in Hong Kong and Taiwan paraphrase as &transgenic& or' copy '. The former 'cloning' as transliteration copy 'copy', there are not shortcomings of the and the latter 'copy' are able to clone about the meaning of the expression, there can not be precise and easy to regret the misunderstanding. Cloning is usually induced by an artificial means of asexual reproduction asexual reproduction or natural (such as plants). A clone is a genetic multi-cellular organisms with exactly the same as another biotechnology. Cloning could be a natural cloning, for example, by asexual reproduction as a result of accidental causes, or have two exactly the same genetic individual (the same as identical twins). However, we are usually talking about cloning is the conscious design through to produce a copy of exactly the same. Cloning technology in modern biology has been called the &biological amplification&, it has gone through three development periods: the first cloning of a period of time is the micro-organisms that reproduce very quickly with a bacteria and its tens of thousands of the same bacteria , and b the second period of cloning and biotechnology, such as the use of genes - DNA third period of animal cloning, cloning a cell from an animal. Cloned sheep &Dolly& from a sheep cloned from somatic cells, the use of animal cloning technology is. In biology, cloning is usually used in two aspects: Cloning of a gene or a species cloning. Cloning of a gene is defined as an individual to obtain for some genes (for example, by PCR method), and then insert the other in any sector of animal breeding, but was particularly prevalent in the non-vertebrate animals, such as the breeding division of protozoa, the end of cable type budding reproduction and other animals. But for senior animals, under natural conditions, sexual reproduction in general can only be carried out, there is a need to carry out cloning, scientists must go through a series of complicated procedures. In the 50s of this century, scientists succeeded in cloning an amphibian - Xenopus laevis, has opened a new chapter in cell biology. The United Kingdom and China and other countries in the late 80's, as has the use of embryonic cells for the body, &clone& of the mammals. To the mid-90's, China has used this method &clone& of mice, rabbits, goats, cattle, pigs five kinds of mammals. July 5, 1996 cloned a gene structure is identical to the donor of the sheep &Dolly& (Dolly), which shocked world public opinion. &Dolly& is that it is so special about the birth of the life there is no participation of the sperm. The researchers first egg of a sheep in the smoke went out of genetic material to make it into a shell, and then from a 6-year-old ewe who was seen taking out a breast cells, in which genetic material will be injected in the egg shell. This will be a new genetic material that contains no sperm of the egg well. The modified egg cell division and proliferation of the formation of embryos be implanted in the womb of another sheep only, with the successful delivery of the sheep, &Dolly& came to the world. But why did not other cloned animals in the world have such a big impact? This is because the genes of other animals from cloning embryos and embryonic cells are carried out using nuclear transfer, can not, strictly speaking, is &cloning.& Another reason, embryonic cells is through sexual reproduction, and its nucleus in the genome from the paternal half and half from the female parent. And &Dolly& the genome, all from single-parent, this is the real cloning. Therefore, from a strict sense, the &Dolly& is truly the world's first cloned mammal. Its characteristics is that it provides it with genetic material for 97 years February 23, the United Kingdom, Scotland's Roslin Institute scientists announced that they make use of the research team goat somatic cells successfully &Cloning technology is the result of scientific development, It has a very wide range of applications. in horticulture and animal husbandry, the cloning technique is the nature of the stability of the genetic selection of the ideal means varieties, which can produce high-quality varieties of fruit trees and livestock. in the medical field, currently the United States, Switzerland and other countries have been able to make use of &cloning& technology to cultivate human skin graft surgery. This new achievements sik avoid allogeneic rejection possible, bring the Gospel to the patients. According to China's Xinhua News Agency, April 4, 1997 reported that Ninth Hospital, Shanghai plastic surgery expert staff CAO Yi-lin in the world was first introduced in vitro propagation methods, the success of reproduction in rats on the human ear, loss of organs for the human body to repair and reconstruction of hope. cloning technology can also be used to the large population of many valuable genes, such as insulin to treat diabetes, there is hope so long dwarfism patients with high re-growth and disease resistant variety of interferon and so on. Cloning of human biological sciences in the field of a major technological breakthrough, reflecting the division of nuclear technology, and control of cell culture technology. Was originally a clone of the English transliteration, which means cells of organisms through the formation of vegetative propagation is identical to the genotype composed of the descendants of individual stocks, referred to as &cloning.& Animals a major breakthrough in cloning technology, it also brings a wide range of disputes. &Cloning& the term was introduced in 1903 in horticulture, gradually applied botany, zoology and medicine and so on. Broad sense of the word &clone& in fact, is often encountered in daily life, but did not call it &cloning& only. In nature, many plants have the innate instinct of cloning, such as sweet potatoes, potatoes, roses and other plant cuttings propagation. And animal cloning technology, it has undergone by the embryonic cells into somatic cells of the development process. In the spring - the那头6-year-old ewes with identical genes, can be described as a copy of its mother. It is worth noting that human cloning technology has brought enormous benefits in the same time, will bring disaster to human beings and problems, but we can not because the technology could have serious consequences and to prevent its development, its major benefit arising from the final analysis, the disadvantages, it will be widely used in regard to the benefit of humanity. An individual (usually through the carrier), further study or use. Sometimes refers to the success of cloning to identify a - (A | zh-cn: zh-tw: dominant) - of the gene. Therefore, when biologists say a certain disease genes have been cloned successfully, that is the location of this gene have been identified and DNA sequence. Obtained copies of the gene can be identified that is a by-product of this gene. Cloning an organism means to create an original organism and has exactly the same genetic information of the new organisms. In the context of modern biology, which usually include somatic cell nuclear transfer. In somatic cell nuclear transfer, the oocyte nucleus has been removed, replaced by the cloning of organisms from the nucleus out of cells, usually oocyte and its nucleus should be moved from the same species. As the nucleus contains almost all the genetic information of life, host to the development of oocytes into nuclear genetic donor with the same organism. Although mitochondrial DNA has not been transplanted here, but mitochondrial DNA is still relatively small, usually negligible impact on organisms. Clone in horticulture is through nutritional means have a single plant reproductive future generations. Cloning a lot of plants through asexual reproduction such as plants from a single individual to obtain a large number of offspring. The use of cloning technology to save rare and endangered animals, the expansion of animal breeding groups, the provision of experimental animals in sufficient quantities to promote the study of transgenic animals, capture of genetic diseases, the development of a high level of new drugs, the production of organs for human transplant organs, such as the role of research, However, if its application in human reproduction on its own, will have a huge crisis of ethics. What China's cloning? Frog: in 1952, was not successful. Lei: 1963, Chinese scientists Tong Dizhou early in 1963 by a male carp carp genetic material injected into the eggs of females to successfully clone a female carp, than the cloning of Dolly the sheep as early as 33 years. However, because the relevant papers are published in a Chinese scientific journal, has not translated into English, it is not known internationally. [Edit this paragraph] the new period, fruits of China's cloning technology As the new century, cutting-edge science, cloning technology from the moment of its birth since attracted the attention of the world. As the world's largest developing country, China has been committed to the forefront of scientific research. According to the current situation, the cloning of the emerging technology in China has been unprecedented attention and fruitful: 1,2000 in June 16, from the Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University of Science and Technology of Animal Embryo Engineering expert Professor Zhang Yong cultivated the world's first goat adult somatic cell cloning, &Yuan Yuan& Breeding Farm in the smooth birth of the school. &Yuan Yuan& as a result of defects in lung development, only survived for 36 hours. June 22 the same year, second only to somatic cells of goat &Yangyang& in the Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University of Science and Technology was born. August 8, 2001, &Yang-Yang& in the Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University of Science and Technology birth of &龙凤胎&, meaning that the first generation of cloned sheep breeding normal capacity. According to the briefing, February 26, 2003, cloned sheep &Yangyang& daughter &庆庆& birth to daughter &sweet&, February 6, 2004 &sweet& smooth birth to her daughter, &smiled.& &Yangyang& family four generations to achieve. This is not only the first generation of cloned sheep with reproductive capacity, their descendants still have normal fertility. At present, the &Yang-Yang& and her daughter &庆庆& granddaughter &sweet& and the great granddaughter &庆庆& free to live together. By the end of May 2004, all visitors have more than one million people 2, Not long ago, in the Agricultural University of Hebei, Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Biotechnology Research Center, a joint research, China's scientific and technical personnel through the &primordial germ cells animal embryonic stem cells and cloning research,& experimental subjects successfully cloned two small White Rabbit - &Lu-sing& and &Lu on.& The experiment shows that China has successfully mastered the cloned embryos, although not technically meet the somatic cell cloned sheep &Dolly& level, but it is for China's cloning technology laid the foundation for progress. , China Institute of Animal Reproduction, Guangxi University, the success of breeding rabbits shape than ordinary cloning large rabbit. Because rabbit and human physiology more similar to the successful birth of cloned rabbit and help human medical research. 3,2002 years May 27, China Agricultural University and Beijing Gene Technology Co., Ltd. and Hebei farms芦台through somatic cell cloning technology, the first successfully cloned the first high-quality cattle - bovine erythroid Ji-nan. This is the first called &Beauvoir& the somatic cell cloned cattle identified by the authoritative departments, and some indicators of cloning technology to meet international standards. Niu Ji-nan is the unique quality of our local cattle breeds, are located in China's Hebei Province, the main characteristics of cold meat less greasy. However, the number fell sharply, have been threatened with extinction. The successful cloning of endangered species the protection of our country have far-reaching implications. 4,2002 year at noon on October 16, China's first use of technology to produce vitrification of bovine somatic cell cloning in Liangshan County, Shandong Province, was born. This is the first cloned bovine nuclear donor an annual output of fresh milk from more than 10 tons of high-quality black and white dairy cattle ear skin fibroblasts. After cloning of embryos after vitrification Luxi Cattle transplanted into a body, after 281 days in at 11:52 on October 16, 2002 outputs a healthy Holstein. This is the first cloned cow was born weighing 40 kg, height 80 cm, 72 centimeters in length, chest circumference 80 centimeters, 11.5 centimeters Wai tube. Day colostrum 14:20, 14:30 to start standing for the night to ask, to bed, to jump, with normal signs of the same cow was born. This is the first use of vitrification technology to produce the first of the first somatic cell cloned cattle. Prior to this, China has used the fresh embryo transfer technology, has been successfully cloned using frozen precedent. Ancient mythology, the Monkey King into their own countless small hairs of the bizarre story of the Monkey King to express the yearning of mankind for self-replication of the illusion. In 1938, German scientists first proposed the idea of cloning a mammal, in 1996, somatic cell cloned sheep &Dolly& was born, the cloning of the world is rapidly becoming the focus of attention, people can not help but doubt: we will not be in the back of sheep? Questions for all of this fear. However, the noisy voice against human cloning have not arrived in pursuit of scientists, along with cattle, mice, pigs and even monkeys and human biological characteristics that are most similar to the primates have been cloned successfully, people have believed that one day, Scientists will use a human cell replication to provide cells with the same people who, human cloning is not the dream of science fiction, but all-too-apparent reality. At present, there are three foreign organizations will be formally announced their human cloning experiments, the Davos University of Kentucky professor who is working with Italian experts名叫安提Connolly co-operation plan in two years to clone a person. Due to the complexity of human cloning may have consequences, some developed countries in biotechnology, are now prohibited to take the attitude, or severely restricted. Clinton said: &The adoption of this technology to copy human beings is dangerous and should be put an end!& Members of the CPPCC National Committee, Chinese Academy of Sciences, the national director of the Center for Gene Research HONG Guo-Fan also made it clear that opposition to human cloning research, and in favor of cloning and cloning distinguish between people. Human cloning, such as Pandora's box is really the devil, as frightening? In fact, people can not accept human cloning experiments the main reason is that the concept of traditional ethical obstacles. For thousands of years, human beings have been guided by way of sexual reproduction, and human cloning is a product of the laboratory was created by the manipulation of life. Especially in the West, &abandoned to God, detachment of the Adam and Eve& of cloning, but also by a number of religious organizations. Moreover, human cloning and human cloning was also contrary to the relationship between the traditional kinship by blood to determine the ethical way. All this makes human cloning can not be ethical and moral traditions of humanity to find a suitable shelter in place. However, as the Chinese Academy of Sciences He said: &The emergence of human cloning should face up to ethical issues, but there is no reason to oppose the progress of science and technology.& Own development of human society tells us that people's concept of technology-driven update of the progress of history, and to the old concepts to scientific and technological development constraints, it is rigid. History of blood transfusion and organ transplantation, have a great ethical controversy, and when the first test-tube baby was born in 1978, they are set off an uproar, but now, people have been able to correctly deal with all this. This shows that scientific and technological development in the face of up-to-date ideas and do not bring disaster to human beings, on the contrary, it is the benefit of mankind. On the cloning technology, the &therapeutic cloning& will be in the production of organs for transplant and to capture aspects of the disease, such as access to a breakthrough in biotechnology and medicine to bring about revolutionary changes in technology. For example, when your daughter needs a bone marrow transplant and no one when you are unfortunate enough to lose the 5-year-old child and can when you want to raise their children are unable to birth ... ... maybe you will be able to understand the cloning great scientific value and practical significance. Therapeutic cloning research and human cloning experiment integrity between the complementary and mutually reinforcing, and therapeutic cloning as the end point is the emergence of a complete human cloning, if the right to use, they all can and should be brought to human society to the Gospel. Science has always been a double-edged sword. However, a scientific and technological progress is really beneficial to humans, the key lies in how to deal with human beings and use it, not because of the time being unreasonable on the因噎废食. Cloning technology and nuclear technology may indeed, as can the benefit of mankind, but also harmful effects. On the one hand, it can bring many benefits to mankind. Such as to maintain a good species, save endangered animals, animal cloning using the same genetic background, such as On the other hand, it will challenge on biodiversity. Biological diversity is the result of natural evolution, but also the driving force of evolution, sexual reproduction is important to form the basis of biological diversity, and &cloned animals& will result in reduced biological strains, decreased the viability of the individual. As soon as people worry about cloning technology matures, there will be bad intentions were cloned hundreds of &Hitler&, or another celebrity cloning to create confusion, it is a misunderstanding of cloning. Human cloning is being copied genetic characteristics, and acquired by many factors affect the environment of thinking, personality and other social attributes can not be exactly the same, that is, no matter how the development of cloning technology, human cloning can only physical, but not the soul of human cloning Moreover, human cloning and the cloning of human beings have the age gap. Therefore, the so-called human cloning is not the full copy, historical figures will not revive, the reality people do not have to worry about more than a &self& to. [Edit this paragraph] of all goods and cloning cloning time Sheep: 1996, Victoria (Dolly) Monkeys: in January 2000, Tetra, female Pig: in March 2000, five piglets PPL S in August, Xena, female Cow: in 2001, Alpha and Beta, male Cat: the end of 2001, CopyCat (CC), female Rat: 2002 Rabbit: 2003, March-April in France and North Korea were to
Mule: in May 2003, Idaho Gem, June, Utah Pioneer, male Lu: 2003, Dewey MA: 2003, Prometea, female Dog: In 2005, the Korean team at Seoul National University experiment, Snoopy (Snoopy) Pig: August 8, 2005, the first for the first somatic cell cloned pig Although cloning has made considerable progress, the current success rate of cloning is still very low: Dolly was born before the researchers experienced a 276 of 70 calves were born in 9000 after attempts to be successful, and one-third of them at a Prometea also took 328 attempts before a successful birth. For some species, such as cats and gorillas, there is no reports of successful cloning. The dog cloning experiments have also been repeated hundreds of times and then test the results obtained. Dolly was born after the testing showed that age was born when its older. When her 6-year-old would have only a general old-age arthritis. This is considered the aging of the wear and tear caused by telomere. Telomere is located at the end of chromosomes. With cell division, telomeres in the replication process of continuous wear, which is usually considered to be one of the reasons for aging. However, the researchers succeeded in cloning cattle only to find that they are actually younger. Analysis of their telomeres that they not only returned to the birth length, and time of birth than the average telomere longer. This means that they can beef than the average have a longer life, but due to excessive growth, many of them died prematurely. The researchers believe that the research could eventually be used to change human life. [Edit this paragraph] human cloning incompatible with human life ethics Modern science and technology, especially in science and technology of modern life, we should not respect the principles of ethics, we should not listen to the voice of ethics? Experts for scientific madman secret human cloning in the United States pointed out that the practice of human cloning ─ ─ contrary to the ethics of human life, there is a great deal of controversy and difficult to solve a series of legal problems. China's media are reproduced in the foreign media recently reported a surprising source: a group of manipulation by the cult of science and lunatics, the United States Nevada desert to the depths of a secret human cloning experiment. According to British scientists who create the world's first cloned sheep &Dolly& the same principle, from one who died in February this year, the 10-month-old baby had extracted the United States to create cloned human cells. It is said that &If everything goes smoothly, the world's first cloned human will be born the end of next year.& After the disclosure of information, cloning technology and its ethical issues brought about by the people once again become a hot debate. If this news is true, how the matter should be, how to correctly evaluate and think about this problem, for this reporter visited the National Human Genome Research Center of the South ethical, legal and social director of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Institute of Philosophy, Shen Ming Yin Fellow. Professor Shen said: Since 1997, the UK Roslin Institute successfully cloned &Dolly& the sheep, the fame and fortune abroad, there have been driven in, and tried to engage in human cloning research. Although governments banned, but the report of human cloning in recent press coverage on more than one occasion over the past two years. However, the speed so fast, but also associated with the cult really is appalling. Those who have lost their beloved daughter's parents, hope that through cloning technology to make his daughter back to life, this feeling is understandable. But if the scientists to conduct human cloning experiments, it is worth discussion. Professor Shen said: Even if we brush aside the cult, which is undesirable. On &human cloning& This individual is concerned, he will live in &I am a dead person's copy& of such a shadow, which he will have the psychological impact of what? In accordance with the views of bioethics, science and technology from a long-term interests, the benefit of mankind as a whole. It must follow the &do good, not harm, autonomy and justice& of these four internationally recognized ethical principles. &Dolly& the sheep, after the successful cloning of the failure of more than 200, deformity or mortality occurred in the sheep. More complex and human cloning will undoubtedly encounter more failures, if the produce unhealthy, abnormal or short-lived people, would be a violation of human rights. Professor Shen pointed out that: It is now the cloning of the scientific community is divided into therapeutic cloning and reproductive cloning of two. The former is the use of embryonic stem cell cloning of human organs for medical research to address the shortage of organ transplant donor, which is the international scientific community and the ethics of community support, but there is a premise that therapeutic cloning for embryonic pregnancy can not exceed 14 days of the boundaries. As for reproductive cloning, known as human cloning, since it, in general, contrary to ethical principles of life, so the mainstream view of scientists is strongly against it. UNESCO, the World Health Organization and the International Ethics Committee of the Human Genome and governments are very clear that opposition to reproductive cloning. Even if human cloning is really the birth, we still have to adhere to this basic position. [Edit this paragraph]克隆利and disadvantages From November 8, 2000 &Wen Wei Po& text We are talking about biotechnology, the main advantages and disadvantages of cloning refers to its advantages and disadvantages of the Lee: 1) cloning technology are able to remove those who can not become a mother, the suffering of women. 2) the implementation of cloning experiments promoted the development of genetics, in order to &create& can be transplanted into the human body opens up the prospect of animal organs. 3) cloning technology can also be used to detect fetal genetic defects. Cloning of the fertilized eggs for the detection of a variety of genetic diseases, cloning of embryos and the developing fetus in utero is identical to genetic characteristics. 4) cloning technology can be used for the treatment of nervous system damage. Adults, there is no regeneration of nerve tissue, but stem cells can repair the nervous system injury. 5) In vitro fertilization and surgery, doctors often need to be a number of fertilized eggs implanted into the uterus to draw into the pregnancy stage of screening. However, many women only have one egg for fertilization. Through cloning can solve this problem. Cloning of the egg cell can become more than used for fertilization, which greatly improved the success rate of pregnancy. Disadvantages: 1) cloning will reduce the genetic variation, arising from the individual through cloning have the same genes, the sensitivity of the same disease, a disease can destroy whole groups generated by cloning. Can imagine that, if a country's cattle are a product of the same clone, a virus is not serious may be the destruction of the country's livestock industry. 2) the use of cloning technology will allow people to tend to a large number of breeding populations of most existing use value of the individual, rather than the entire population as a natural process to promote the survival of the fittest. In this sense, cloning technology interferes with the process of natural evolution. 3) cloning technology is an expensive technology, requires a large amount of money and professionals involved in biotechnology, the failure rate is very high. Dolly experiment is only 277 results. Although the development of more advanced technology, the success rate can only reach 2-3%. 4) transgenic animals to increase the risk of disease transmission. For example, if the production of a drug bovine milk infected with a virus, the virus may be infected through the milk of patients 5) applied to human cloning would result in genetic traits to future generations of artificial control. Cloning technology is controversial whether to allow the core of the early development of genetic manipulation of human embryos. This is what many ethicists can not accept. 6) cloning technology can also be used to create a &Superman&, or have a strong physical person has mental retardation. Moreover, if cloning technology to effective use in humans, men have lost their genetic significance. 7) The cloning of the impact of family relations will also be enormous. A father's child-generated cloned DNA can be seen as his father's twin brother, only delay it for decades was born. It is hard to imagine when a person finds himself is another person's complete copies of, he (she) have any feelings? [Edit this paragraph] the origin of cloning Cloning is the English transliteration of the clone, is a simple and stress-induced vegetative propagation artificial means. However, cloning and vegetative propagation are different. Asexual reproduction means that gender is not male and female germ cells through the combination of organisms produced by only one mode of reproduction of future generations, there is a common reproductive spores, budding reproduction and reproductive split. By plant roots, stems, leaves and so on through layering, cuttings or grafting, such as a new entity also called vegetative propagation. Sheep, monkeys and cattle and other animals there is no manual operation is not carried out the cloning. Scientists to artificial genetic manipulation of animals and plants is called reproductive cloning process, this is called cloning biotechnology. The idea of cloning embryos by German scientists first proposed in 1938, and in 1952, scientists use the frog to carry out the first cloning experiments, after the repeated use of animal cloning technology for research. Because the technology is almost no progress has been made, the study was in the early 80's into the trough. Later, it was used for cloning of embryonic cells in mammals success. July 5, 1996, British scientist, Dr. Ian Wilmut of adult sheep by somatic cell cloning of a sheep live births to the study of cloning technology has brought a major breakthrough, it can only be broken through the previous animal embryonic cells Cloning technical difficulties, the first somatic cells with the goal of animal cloning, to achieve a higher sense of animal reproduction. The goal of cloning research is to find a better way to alter the genetic makeup of livestock, produce to the consumer groups that may be required to provide better food or animal of any chemical substances. Cloning of the basic process is first to contain the genetic material of somatic cells for nuclear transfer to the nucleus to the egg in addition to the use of microcurrent electrical stimulation, etc. so that the two merge into one, and then cell division to promote the breeding of this new development into embryos, when embryonic development to a certain extent (Roslin Institute cloned sheep used in about 6 days) were implanted in animals and then make the uterus of pregnant animals can be produced to enable the provision of cells with genes from the same animal. If this process for the genetic transformation of somatic cells, then animal cloning generations of the same gene changes occur.克隆鼠nurture the success of three generations of the &Honolulu Technique& Dolly and cloning technology, the main difference is in the process of cloning the genetic material without the cultivation of culture medium, but directly into the egg using physical methods. The process to replace the use of chemical stimulation of electrical stimulation to re-control egg. July 5, 1998, Japan, Ishikawa Prefecture Livestock Center and Kinki University scientists Livestock Lab announced that they make use of somatic cell cloning adult animals of the birth of two calves. This is the birth of two cloned cattle cloning of adult animals show that the technique is repeatable. What is cloning? Cloning is a clone of the transliteration of English words, clone derived from Greek klone, refers to the original intent of seedlings or young shoots to vegetative propagation or vegetative propagation methods of breeding plants, such as stroke and graft inserted. Today, cloning refers to organisms carried out through somatic cell cloning, as well as vegetative propagation by the formation of future generations of the same genotype of the population of individuals. Cloning can also be interpreted as a reproduction, copy, that is generated from the prototype copy of the same, its appearance and genetically identical with the prototype. In February 1997, sheep &Dolly& the news of the birth of the disclosure, the immediate cause of concern all over the world, this first by the British biologist nurtured through cloning cloning sheep, mean that human animals can make use of a somatic cell, resulting in a identical with the animal life, breaking the laws of nature remain unchanged through the ages. What else can we Cologne? It should be said that life can be cloned. What has now been cloned? Frog: in 1962, was not successful. Lei: 1963, Chinese scientists Tong Dizhou early in 1963 by a male carp carp genetic material injected into the eggs of females to successfully clone a female carp, than the cloning of Dolly the sheep as early as the 33 years. However, because the relevant papers are published in a Chinese scientific journal, has not translated into English, it is not known internationally. (From: PBS) Ancient mythology, the Monkey King into their own countless small hairs of the bizarre story of the Monkey King to express the yearning of mankind for self-replication of the illusion. In 1938, German scientists first proposed the idea of cloning a mammal, in 1996, somatic cell cloned sheep &Dolly& was born, the cloning of the world is rapidly becoming the focus of attention, people can not help but doubt: we will not be in the back of sheep? Questions for all of this fear. However, the noisy voice against human cloning have not arrived in pursuit of scientists, along with cattle, mice, pigs and even monkeys and human biological characteristics that are most similar to the primates have been cloned successfully, people have believed that one day, Scientists will use a human cell replication to provide cells with the same people who, human cloning is not the dream of science fiction, but all-too-apparent reality. At present, there are three foreign organizations will be formally announced their human cloning experiments, the Davos University of Kentucky professor who is working with Italian experts名叫安提Connolly co-operation plan in two years to clone a person. Due to the complexity of human cloning may have consequences, some developed countries in biotechnology, are now prohibited to take the attitude, or severely restricted. Clinton said: &The adoption of this technology to copy human beings is dangerous and should be put an end!& Members of the CPPCC National Committee, Chinese Academy of Sciences, the national director of the Center for Gene Research HONG Guo-Fan also made it clear that opposition to human cloning research, and in favor of cloning and cloning distinguish between people. Human cloning, such as Pandora's box is really the devil, as frightening? In fact, people can not accept human cloning experiments the main reason is that the concept of traditional ethical obstacles. For thousands of years, human beings have been guided by way of sexual reproduction, and human cloning is a product of the laboratory was created by the manipulation of life. Especially in the West, &abandoned to God, detachment of the Adam and Eve& of cloning, but also by a number of religious organizations. Moreover, human cloning and human cloning was also contrary to the relationship between the traditional kinship by blood to determine the ethical way. All this makes human cloning can not be ethical and moral traditions of humanity to find a suitable shelter in place. However, as the Chinese Academy of Sciences He said: &The emergence of human cloning should face up to ethical issues, but there is no reason to oppose the progress of science and technology.& Own development of human society tells us that people's concept of technology-driven update of the progress of history, and to the old concepts to scientific and technological development constraints, it is rigid. History of blood transfusion and organ transplantation, have a great ethical controversy, and when the first test-tube baby was born in 1978, they are set off an uproar, but now, people have been able to correctly deal with all this. This shows that scientific and technological development in the face of up-to-date ideas and do not bring disaster to human beings, on the contrary, it is the benefit of mankind. On the cloning technology, the &therapeutic cloning& will be in the production of organs for transplant and to capture aspects of the disease, such as access to a breakthrough in biotechnology and medicine to bring about revolutionary changes in technology.For example, when your daughter needs a bone marrow transplant and no one when you are unfortunate enough to lose the 5-year-old child and can when you want to raise their children are unable to birth ... ... maybe you will be able to understand the cloning great scientific value and practical significance. Therapeutic cloning research and human cloning experiment integrity between the complementary and mutually reinforcing, and therapeutic cloning as the end point is the emergence of a complete human cloning, if the right to use, they all can and should be brought to human society to the Gospel. Science has always been a double-edged sword. However, a scientific and technological progress is really beneficial to humans, the key lies in how to deal with human beings and use it, not because of the time being unreasonable on the因噎废食. Cloning technology and nuclear technology may indeed, as can the benefit of mankind, but also harmful effects. However, &technology of fear& in essence, is the fear of the wrong use of technology, rather than the fear of the technology itself. At present, all countries in the world attitudes on human cloning and more &ambiguous&, the United Kingdom last year to more than two-thirds majority vote to allow cloning of human embryos bill, and in the United States, Germany, Australia, is also heard calling for a gradual relaxation restrictions on therapeutic cloning voice. It can be said that a country which will acquire the technology of human cloning, it means that the country has strengths and take the initiative, which started late in the country may still suffer the loss can not be predicted. As was the United States Atomic Energy will acquire the technology, although the technology from the very beginning to show its evil side, but later had to step up the countries in this area of research and experiment. From this point of view, taken on human cloning experiment is a simple negative attitude worth exploring. As soon as people worry about cloning technology matures, there will be bad intentions were cloned hundreds of &Hitler&, or another celebrity cloning to create confusion, it is a misunderstanding of cloning. Human cloning is being copied genetic characteristics, and acquired by many factors affect the environment of thinking, personality and other social attributes can not be exactly the same, that is, no matter how the development of cloning technology, human cloning can only physical, but not the soul of human cloning Moreover, human cloning and the cloning of human beings have the age gap. Therefore, the so-called human cloning is not the full copy, historical figures will not revive, the reality people do not have to worry about more than a &self& to. Sheep: 1996, Victoria (Dolly) Monkeys: in January 2000, Tetra, female Pig: in March 2000, five piglets PPL S in August, Xena, female Cow: in 2001, Alpha and Beta, male Cat: the end of 2001, CopyCat (CC), female Rat: 2002 Rabbit: 2003, March-April in France and North Korea were to
Mule: in May 2003, Idaho Gem, June, Utah Pioneer, male Lu: 2003, Dewey MA: 2003, Prometea, female Dog: In 2005, the Korean team at Seoul National University experiment, the history of Nabil Although cloning has made considerable progress, the current success rate of cloning is still very low: Dolly was born before the researchers experienced a 276 of 70 calves were born in 9000 after attempts to be successful, and one-third of them at a Prometea also took 328 attempts before a successful birth. For some species, such as cats and gorillas, there is no reports of successful cloning. The dog cloning experiments have also been repeated hundreds of times and then test the results obtained. Dolly was born after the testing showed that age was born when its older. When her 6-year-old would have only a general old-age arthritis. This is considered the aging of the wear and tear caused by telomere. Telomere is located at the end of chromosomes. With cell division, telomeres in the replication process of continuous wear, which is usually considered to be one of the reasons for aging. However, the researchers succeeded in cloning cattle only to find that they are actually younger. Analysis of their telomeres that they not only returned to the birth length, and time of birth than the average telomere longer. This means that they can beef than the average have a longer life, but due to excessive growth, many of them died prematurely. The researchers believe that the research could eventually be used to change human life. Contrary to human life and human cloning ethics Modern science and technology, especially in science and technology of modern life, we should not respect the principles of ethics, we should not listen to the voice of ethics? For a number of scientific experts lunatics in the United States the practice of secret human cloning that - contrary to human cloning ethics of human life. China's media are reproduced in the foreign media recently reported a surprising source: a group of manipulation by the cult of science and lunatics, the United States Nevada desert to the depths of a secret human cloning experiment. According to British scientists who create the world's first cloned sheep &Dolly& the same principle, from one who died in February this year, the 10-month-old baby had extracted the United States to create cloned human cells. It is said that &If everything goes smoothly, the world's first cloned human will be born the end of next year.& After the disclosure of information, cloning technology and its ethical issues brought about by the people once again become a hot debate. If this news is true, how the matter should be, how to correctly evaluate and think about this problem, for this reporter visited the National Human Genome Research Center of the South ethical, legal and social director of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Institute of Philosophy, Shen Ming Yin Fellow. Professor Shen said: Since 1997, the UK Roslin Institute successfully cloned &Dolly& the sheep, the fame and fortune abroad, there have been driven in, and tried to engage in human cloning research. Although governments banned, but the report of human cloning in recent press coverage on more than one occasion over the past two years. However, the speed so fast, but also associated with the cult really is appalling. Those who have lost their beloved daughter's parents, hope that through cloning technology to make his daughter back to life, this feeling is understandable. But if the scientists to conduct human cloning experiments, it is worth discussion. Professor Shen said: Even if we brush aside the cult, which is undesirable. On &human cloning& This individual is concerned, he will live in &I am a dead person's copy& of such a shadow, which he will have the psychological impact of what? In accordance with the views of bioethics, science and technology from a long-term interests, the benefit of mankind as a whole. It must follow the &do good, not harm, autonomy and justice& of these four internationally recognized ethical principles. &Dolly& the sheep, after the successful cloning of the failure of more than 200, deformity or mortality occurred in the sheep. More complex and human cloning will undoubtedly encounter more failures, if the produce unhealthy, abnormal or short-lived people, would be a violation of human rights. The diversity of the human genome is the biological basis of human evolution, and those scientific madman to create the so-called &eternal life& is actually a replica of the same gene, which has the potential to reduce genetic diversity, is not conducive to human beings evolution. Therefore, from the individual, entity, or from a social evolution, bioethics perspective, should be resolutely opposed to cloning human behavior. Professor Shen pointed out that: It is now the cloning of the scientific community is divided into therapeutic cloning and reproductive cloning of two. The former is the use of embryonic stem cell cloning of human organs for medical research to address the shortage of organ transplant donor, which is the international scientific community and the ethics of community support, but there is a premise that therapeutic cloning for embryonic pregnancy can not exceed 14 days of the boundaries. As for reproductive cloning, known as human cloning, since it, in general, contrary to ethical principles of life, so the mainstream view of scientists is strongly against it. UNESCO, the World Health Organization and the International Ethics Committee of the Human Genome and governments are very clear that opposition to reproductive cloning. Even if human cloning is really the birth, we still have to adhere to this basic position. Modern science and technology is a double-edged sword, in their well-being of humanity at the same time bring some negative effects. This presented us with a question: modern science and technology, especially in science and technology of modern life, we should not respect the principles of ethics, we should not listen to the voice of ethics? Professor Shen pointed out: At present, some scientists, as long as science is likely to do so, we should do it. In fact, it is wrong. If the technology we can create a serious hazard of the super-human life, it can be to create it? Madman is the scientific name of &scientific freedom& banner, to do some thing against humanity. Therefore, we must be on guard against modern science and technology was the use of some people with ulterior motives. In additi


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