
改错题1.your schoo孩埂粉忌莠涣疯惟弗隶lbag is a little heavier than me 2.Hollys best friends is quite funnier than she is 3.although he worked hard t his lessons,but he didn't pass the exam翻译题.(“空”里填么)1.凯特比我瘦一点儿。Kate is 空 空 空 than me 2.她和我有一样多的钢笔She has 空 空 空 空 I。托尼不如杰克擅长体育Tony isn't 空 空 空 空 空 Jake。我的包比你的包大多了。My bag is 空 空 空 空。把那个我答一下,谢了问题补充:
1.Your schoolbag is a little heavier than mine.2.Holly's best friends are much funnier than she i孩埂粉忌莠涣疯惟弗隶s. 3.Although he worked hard at/on his lessons, he didn't pass the exam.翻译题.(“空”里填么)1.凯特比我瘦一点儿。Kate is a little thinner than me 2.她和我有一样多的钢笔She has as many pens as I。托尼不如杰克擅长体育Tony isn't as good at sprts as Jake。我的包比你的包大多了。My bag is much bigger than yours。
改错题1.Your schoolbag is a little heavier than mine.主语是你的书包,所以than后应该也是谁谁的 2.Holly's best friend is quite funnier than she is (friend是单数就用is,friends就用are)3.Although he worked hard with his lessons,but he didn't pass the examaithough ,but只能留一个,不能同时用翻译题1.凯特比我瘦一点儿。Kate is a little thinner/slimer than me. 2.她和我有一样多的钢笔She has
as many pens as I.托尼不如杰克擅长体育Tony isn't as good at PE as Jake。我的包比你的包大多了。My bag is much bigger than yours.
改错题1.Your schoolbag is a little heavier than mine.主语是你的书包,所以than后应该也是一个物体,而不应是人,要用名词性物主代词mine。 2.Holly's best friend is quite funnier than she is (friend是单数就用is,friends就用are,主谓一致啊。)3.Although he worked hard with his lessons,but he didn't pass the examAlthough就有虽然......但是......之意思,用but就造成句式重叠 翻译题1.凯特比我瘦一点儿。Kate is a little thinner/slimmer/slenderer than me.(a little,much,even,quite,far可以跟比较级走) 2.她和我有一样多的钢笔She has
as many pens as I do.(同级比较用as...as第一个as是副词,后跟形容词,第二个才是介词或连词,跟名,代或句子)托尼不如杰克擅长体育Tony isn't so good
as Jake at sports.我的包比你的包大多了。My bag is much bigger than yours.
改错题 (答案及理由):【鄙视复制的person 版权所有 翻版必究】!!1.Your schoolbag is a little heavier than mine.(mine是名词性物主代词,带替my schoolbag 此处也可以填my schoolbag)2.Holly's best friends are much funnier than she is. (同理,下面提到的在比较级词前可加much, a little )3.Although he worked hard at his lessons, he didn't pass the exam.(此题主要考察although与but不能连用 这一知识点
通俗一点说就是一个句子中有but 就不能有although, 有although 就不能有but。because和so也不能连用)翻译题(答案及理由):这些题 应该是初二上学期的 主要考察的知识点是:在比较级词前可加much,a little例如much taller(高多了) ;a little more athletic(活跃一点) 和 so+形容词/副词原型+as as+形容词/副词原型+as 表示和什么什么一样
根据这些知识点 你可以自己做下面的题1.凯特比我瘦一点儿。Kate is a little thinner than me 2.她和我有一样多的钢笔She has as many pens as I。托尼不如杰克擅长体育Tony isn't as good at sports as Jake。(good at 擅长,be good at doing sth 擅长做某事)我的包比你的包大多了。My bag is much bigger than yours比较级与最高级知识点也不是那么多,这些是基础,必须背下来!!!!!改错题文档_百度文库
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更正在括号处标出,总共十处错误,保证准确率!It was (加入a) quiet,sunny afternoon.I was sitting in the garden,(read改成reading) the Sunday newspaper and expecting a couple of (hour改成hours) of peace.Then I (hear改成heard) a loud knock on the door.I saw about twelve ladies wearing (her改成their) Sunday clothes.They said,"Well,we hope we are not late,(so改成but) it is not easy to find your house." One lady said,"Well,your husband is very kind to (inviting改成invite) us to tea." I thought,"My God,my husband must have been mad." I asked (去掉for) them into the house and they sat down and started talking (happy改成happily).But when my husband appeared,it was quickly discovered that (we改成they) should have gone to the house on the other side of the street.
与《一道英语改错题It was quiet,sunny afternoon.I was sitting in the gar》相关的作业问题
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1.2.(As) is known to all that millions of graduates (crowded) into the job market each year.改为It和crowd3.the situation of the emplayment has (because) very serio
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1.改正:another改成other2.1)人一般只有两只手,而another表示“三者及以上中的另外一个”;2)答案是the other(两者之间的另外一个),但是因为前面已经有了限定词your,所以要去掉the,单独用other.
worried——worryin——toin——withand——butbe important 中间加anbe 删掉没错hear——hearing一行对应一行 万恶的英语周报的题吧.
你自己翻译成中文觉得说得通吗?“当你坐公交车时,需要一个小时”?句子的意思显然是 如果你坐公交就需要一个小时(到某地) 是类似条件句的表达
1.quite sure后面加of2.exact改成exactly3.has been good改成have been good4.in a fact删除a5.has always been one of the改成has always been the6.enjoy it most删除it7.had already改
要用标准的改错方法,但我只能这样了,My car just couldn’t move any further.It was complete pletely and I was a few miles far away from anywhere on a cold,77.去掉awaywet n
1.fond 后加of 2.or 改为 and 3.a 改为the 4.couldn't 改为 could 5. I 改为she 6. hang ---hanging 7.去掉to 8.try ---tried 9.balances---banlance 10. because ----so
It's nice of you to bring me the newspapers and magazines.
My aunt was out of work in 2009.At a (the) very beginning,she was afraid of being laughing (laughed) at by others.She was worried about (去掉) and wondered which
of是多余的:All students might make some mistakes 再问: 有解释吗 再答: of这里应该表示从属关系,这里是指学生都会犯错,也就是这里的学生没有什么从属关系,所以就不用of了。
63.well--much (非常感谢very much)64.myself--me (帮助某人came to help sb.不必用反身代词)65.special (形容词做定语修饰attention)66.去掉inspired后面的to (inspired sb.)67.because后面加of (because是
In our school students are(1.have) complained about bad food in the dining room.It serves with(2.去掉) many dishes from Cantonese to Sichuan hotpot,so(3.but) the(你猜我叫什么)
作者:佚名 资料来源:网络 点击数: &&&
文章来源 莲山课件 w w w.5 Y Kj.Co M 1、【题文】 Last night my wife and I had dinner at a restaurant not far from our home. We like this place very much, but we have eaten there many times. Last night, otherwise, the service was not very good. We had to wait a long time after a waiter came to our table. He was very nice, but he didn't do the very good job. I ordered chicken with mushroom, but he bring me chicken with cream sauce. My wife got her main course OK, but she put the wrong kind of salad dressing on her salad. We didn't say something to the waiter. We just ate what he brought us. I know that 15% is the unusual amount for a tip. I wanted to leave 10% show that we were not happy. Did I do the right thing?【解析】【答案】【小题1】but→and【小题2】otherwise→however【小题3】after→before【小题4】the→a【小题5】mushroom-mushrooms【小题6】bring→brought【小题7】she→he【小题8】 something→anything【小题9】unusual→usual【小题10】show→showing【试源】各地改错【结束】
2、【题文】 It is five years now since I graduate from No.3 High School. Last Saturday, the class that I was on held aget-together, which took us a long time prepare. It was indeed not easy to get in the touch with everybodyand set a well time for all of us. We all enjoyed this precious day greatly, remember the time we spenttogether and the people they were familiar with.It was a pity which some of us were not present as they hadgone abroad for further studies, but they calls back or sent greeting card from different places.【解析】【答案】【小题1】graduate改为graduated【小题2】on改为in【小题3】time后面加to【小题4】去掉the【小题5】Well改为good【小题6】Remember改为remembering【小题7】They改为we【小题8】Which改为that【小题9】Calls改为called【小题10】Card改为cards【试源】各地改错【结束】 3、【题文】 I was walking home from school while suddenly it rained heavy. What should I do? I didn’t have an umbrella and a raincoat with me. I looked around and&& see some students walking happily under their umbrellas. They must listened to the weather forecast. I began to run and caught in the rain. I kept running until I got to a bookstore which I could wait until the rain stopped and in the same time I could read my favorite books. After about half a hour, the rain stopped and I go home. 【解析】【答案】【小题1】while改为when& 【小题2】heavy改为heavily& 【小题3】and改为or&& 【小题4】see改为saw&&& 【小题5】must后加have&& 【小题6】and后加got / was&&& 【小题7】which改为where 或前加in&& 【小题8】in―at&& 【小题9】an&& 【小题10】go―went【试源】各地改错【结束】 4、【题文】 My family was very poor when I was child. My parents were workers but couldn’t afford to buy toys from me. As a result, my dolls looked a lot differently from those bought from toy stores. My dolls werehome-made. The first doll I owned it was made of a glass Coca-Cola bottle. I was such excited to make a doll by itself. Soon I became a collector of empty Coca-Cola bottles because I see each bottle as a possible baby doll at that time. People whom worked in the store selling Coca-Cola could see me pick up empty bottles almost every day. Those home-made toys brought me a lot of happy.【解析】【答案】【小题1】child前加a 【小题2】but-and 【小题3】from-for 【小题4】differently-different. 【小题5】it去掉【小题6】such-so 【小题7】itself-myself 【小题8】see-saw 【小题9】whom-who 【小题10】happy-happiness【试源】各地改错【结束】 5、【题文】 How an unbelievable scene ! A modern young couple were eating fruit in public and had thrown a plenty of waste on the ground. When an old cleaner comes to clean up, the man was very angry. He pointed at the cleaner, said in a loud voice," How impolite! They haven't finished eating!" " How could people behave such badly?" I thought. Obvious, in their eyes, they could do all they liked and ignore other's feelings. In my opinion, we should pay attention our behavior, obey public rules and respect other's works. We should know that really civilized people are those who have good manners but a beautiful mind all the time.【解析】【答案】【小题1】how- 【小题2】去掉a plenty of 中的a;& 【小题3】comes-&& 【小题4】said- 【小题5】they-【小题6】such-& 【小题7】obvious- 【小题8】pay attention 后加& 【小题9】works- 【小题10】but-and【试源】各地改错【结束】 6、【题文】 Dear friends,It is real a good chance to have met all of you here.We have spent several weekend in learning in the English Club.Although we had been members for a short period of time, we have made a great progress.That is because we are all very active but the activities are not only enjoyable but also helpful.Beside, the foreign teachers here work hard and try their best to make the activities lively and interested.I am very pleased say that all of us have greatly improved our speaking English so far.I am looking forward to see all of you again in the near future!【解析】【答案】【小题1】Real改为really&&&& 【小题2】Weekend改为weekends【小题3】Had改为have【小题4】去掉a【小题5】but改为and【小题6】Beside改为Besides【小题7】Interested改为interesting【小题8】Say前面加to【小题9】Speaking改为spoken【小题10】See改为seeing【试源】各地改错【结束】 7、【题文】 My friend Li Hua come to visit me on May Day. During the following days I showed he around the city of Hangzhou. We went to the Museum in the morning of May 2, and we learned many about the history of Zhejiang. In the afternoon, we made a tour to the West Lake. It was really great funny! In the evening I took Li Hua to the night zoo .It was too interesting to see animal at night. The next day we went to the book shop to buy books. Though we were very tiring in those two days, but we enjoyed ourselves very much.【解析】【答案】【小题1】come---came 【小题2】he―him& 【小题3】in---on 【小题4】many-much& 【小题5】fun―funny 【小题6】too―so/very/quite 【小题7】animal―animals 【小题8】the----a 【小题9】tiring―tired&&&&& 【小题10】but---\【试源】各地改错【结束】 8、【题文】 I’m a senior student and I’m now in the need of your help although I can’t stand the great pressure.Every day I have to have lesson at school for nine hours and take at least three to four hours doing my homework at home. Our teenagers are eager to play and enjoy ourselves, but we hardly have any time to do that we want. Besides, we don’t even have enough sleep.& There seem to have three cases about the overload: the pressure of examinations, too many homework and high expectations from the parents. We often warned that if we don’t do our best we won’t have the chance to go university. The pressure often makes me awake at night.【解析】【答案】【小题1】the need&&& 【小题2】 althoughàbecause& 【小题3】lesson àlessons&& 【小题4】takeàspend&& 【小题5】 Ourà We&& 【小题6】 that àwhat&&&& 【小题7】haveàbe&&&& 【小题8】 manyà much&&&&& 【小题9】 we∧often: are&&& 【小题10】go ∧university: to【试源】各地改错【结束】 9、【题文】 Dear Alice,I have just got a good news to tell you. I win a national prize for painting last week. My father was so pleasing that he suggested I go to England for a holiday. I’d like to staying there for half a month, visiting place of interest and practicing my English as well. We’ve been written to each other for nearly a year now. I have often dreamed of talk face to face with you.I imagine you’ll be at vacation yourself by that time. Perhaps you will go out do some sightseeing together.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Best,Lily【解析】【答案】【小题1】got a good →去掉a【小题2】win→won【小题3】pleasing→pleased【小题4】staying→stay【小题5】place→places【小题6】written→writing【小题7】talk→talking【小题8】at→on【小题9】you →we【小题10】go out∧ do→to【试源】各地改错【结束】
10、【题文】 The other day, I was invited my friend Sam’s home for dinner. I felt a bit surprising when I saw Bill there. It was two month since we two had quarreled, so I was embarrassed and didn’t know how to do. I sat down on the sofa but began to watch TV. Later Sam came to ask me to make up with Bill. Until then I realize that Sam had arranged the meeting on purpose. He went up to Bill and greeted him warmly, smiled at him. He looked very happily and talked with me excitedly. That night, we had a great fun together.【解析】【答案】【小题1】invited后面加to【小题2】surprising改成 surprised【小题3】month改成 months【小题4】how改成 what【小题5】but改成 and【小题6】realize改成 realized【小题7】he改成I【小题8】smiled改成smiling【小题9】happily改成happy【小题10】去掉a【试源】各地改错【结束】 11、【题文】 I was walking home from school while suddenly it rained heavy. What should I do? I didn’t have an umbrella and a raincoat with me. I looked around and&& see some students walking happily under their umbrellas. They must listened to the weather forecast. I began to run and caught in the rain. I kept running until I got to a bookstore which I could wait until the rain stopped and in the same time I could read my favorite books. After about half a hour, the rain stopped and I go home.&
【解析】【答案】【小题1】while改为when& 【小题2】heavy改为heavily& 【小题3】and改为or&& 【小题4】see改为saw&&& 【小题5】must后加have&& 【小题6】and后加got / was&&& 【小题7】which改为where 或前加in&& 【小题8】in―at&& 【小题9】an&& 【小题10】go―went【试源】各地改错【结束】&& 文章来源 莲山课件 w w w.5 Y Kj.Co M
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