
(1)该遗传病是受_________染色体上的_______性基因控制的。(2)图中Ⅰ2的基因型为______________,Ⅱ3的基因型为______________。 (3)图中Ⅱ4的基因型为___________,Ⅱ4为纯合子的几率是______________。
(1)常&&&&& &隐 (2)Aa&&&&&&& aa (3)AA或Aa&&&&& &1/3
遗传病的类型:类型:单基因遗传病、多基因遗传病和染色体异常遗传病。(1)常见单基因遗传病分类:①伴X染色体隐性遗传病:红绿色盲、血友病、进行性肌营养不良(假肥大型)。发病特点:男患者多于女患者;男患者将至病基因通过女儿传给他的外孙(交叉遗传)②伴X染色体显性遗传病:抗维生素D性佝偻病。发病特点:女患者多于男患者遇以上两类题,先写性染色体XY或XX,再标出基因③常染色体显性遗传病:多指、并指、软骨发育不全发病特点:患者多,多代连续得病。④常染色体隐性遗传病:白化病、先天聋哑、苯丙酮尿症发病特点:患者少,个别代有患者,一般不连续。 遇常染色体类型,只推测基因,而与X、Y无关(2)多基因遗传病:唇裂、无脑儿、原发性高血压、青少年糖尿病。发病特点:家族聚集现象、易受环境影响。(3)染色体异常病:21三体(患者多了一条21号染色体)、性腺发育不良症(患者缺少一条X染色体)发病特点:往往造成较严重的后果,甚至在胚胎时期就引起自然流产。知识拓展:21三体综合征成因:减数分裂过程中第21号染色体不分离,既可发生在减数第一次分裂,也可发生在减数第二次分裂。与正常精子结合后,形成具有3条21号染色体的个体。例& 下列说法中,均不正确的一组是(&& ) ①单基因遗传病就是由一个致病基因引起的遗传病 ②遗传病是遗传物质的改变引起的,多基因遗传病群体中发病率较高,易受环境的影响 ③禁止近亲结婚是预防显性遗传性疾病发生的最简单而有效的方法 ④2l三体综合征和猫叫综合征患者都属于染色体异常遗传病 A.①②B.③④C.①③D.②④ 思路点拨:单基因遗传病是由一对等位基因控制的,①错误;遗传病是白遗传物质的改变引起的,多基因遗传病是由多对等位基因控制,群体中发病率高,易受环境的影响,②正确;染色体异常包括染色体数目异常(21三体综合征)和染色体结构异常(猫叫综合征),④正确;人类遗传病的预防包括遗传咨询,产前诊断,禁止近亲结婚是为了预防隐性遗传性疾病, ③错误。答案C 基因显隐性:&(1)等位基因: ①存在:存在于杂合子的所有体细胞中。 ②位置:位于一对同源染色体的同一位置上,如图中的B和b、C和c。③特点:能控制一对相对性状,具有一定的独立性。④形成时间:受精卵形成时。⑤分离的时间:减数第一次分裂后期。⑥遗传行为:随同源染色体的分开而分离,分别进入两个配子中,独立地随配子遗传给后代。(2)相同基因:位于同源染色体的同一位置上,控制同一性状的基因,如上图中的A和A。(3)显性基因:控制显性性状的基因,用大写英文字母表示。(4)隐性基因:控制隐性性状的基因,用小写英文字母表示。 显隐性的判断与实验探究:1.根据子代性状判断(1)不同性状的亲本杂交子代只出现一种性状子代所出现的性状为显性性状。 (2)相同性状的亲本杂交子代出现不同性状子代所出现的新的性状为隐性性状。2.根据子代性状分离比判断具一对相对性状的亲本杂交子代性状分离比为3:1分离比占3/4的性状为显性性状。3.遗传系谱图中的显隐性判断若双亲正常,子代有患者,则为隐性遗传病;若双亲患病,子代有正常者,则为显性遗传病。即无中生有为隐性,有中生无为显性。 知识点拨:1、等位基因的根本区别在于其碱基排列顺序不同。2、显隐性关系不是绝对的,生物体内在环境和所处的外界环境的改变都会影响显性性状的表现。 知识拓展:分离定律的异常情况分析1、不完全显性导致比例改变 (1)不完全显性:如红花AA、白花aa,若杂合子Aa 开粉红花,则AA×aa杂交再自交F2代性状比为红花:粉红花:白花=1:2:1,不再是3:1。 (2)当子代数目较少时,不一定符合预期的分离比。如两只杂合黑豚鼠杂交,生下的4只小豚鼠不一定符合3黑1白,有可能只有黑色或只有白色,也有可能既有黑色又有白色,甚至还可能3白1黑。 2、显性或隐性纯合致死导致比例改变 (1)若某一性状的个体自交总出现特定的比例 2:1,而非正常的3:1,则推断是显性纯合致死,并且显性性状的个体(存活的)有且只有一种基因型(Aa)。 (2)某些致死基因导致遗传分离比变化 ①隐性致死:隐性基因纯合时,对个体有致死作用。如:镰刀型细胞贫血症(红细胞异常,使人死亡);植物中的白化基因纯合时,使植物不能形成叶绿素,从而不能进行光合作用而死亡。②显性致死:显性基因具有致死作用,如人的神经胶质症(皮肤畸形生长,智力严重缺陷,出现多发性肿瘤等症状)基因。显性致死又分为显性纯合致死和显性杂合致死,若为显性纯合致死,杂合子自交后代显:隐 =2:1。③配子致死:指致死基因在配子时期发生作用,从而不能形成有生活力的配子的现象。3、某一基因型在雌、雄(或男、女)个体中表现型不同造成分离比异常。例&& 原产于乌兹别克、土库曼、哈萨克等国的卡拉库尔羊以适应荒漠和半荒漠地区而深受牧民喜爱,卡拉库尔羊的长毛(B)对短毛(b)为显性,有角(H)对无角 (h)为显性,卡拉库尔羊毛色的银灰色(D)对黑色(d)为显性。三对等位基因独立遗传,请回答以下问题:(1)现将多头纯种长毛羊与短毛羊杂交,产生的F1 代进行雌雄个体间交配产生F2代,将F2代中所有短毛羊除去,让剩余的长毛羊自由交配,理论上F3中短毛个体的比例为()。 (2)多头不同性别的基因型均为Hh的卡拉库尔羊交配,雄性卡拉库尔羊中无角此例为1/4,但雌性卡拉库尔羊中无角比例为3/4,你能解释这个现象吗? (3)银灰色的卡拉库尔羊皮质量非常高,牧民让银灰色的卡拉库尔羊自由交配,但发现每一代中总会出现约1/3的黑色卡拉库尔羊,其余均为银灰色,试分析产生这种现象的原因?思路点拨:(1)F2中的基因型应为l/4BB、 2/4Bb、1/4bb,当除去全部短毛后,所有长毛基因型应为1/3BB、2/3Bb,让这些长毛羊自由交配时,该群体产生两种配子的概率:B=2/3,b=1/3,则bb=1/9,B_=8/9。(2)若双亲基因型为Hh,则子代HH、Hh、hh的比例为1:2:1,HH的表现有角,hh的表现无角,Hh的公羊有角,母羊无角,故雄性羊中无角比例为1/4,雌性羊中无角比例为3/4。(3)当出现显性纯合致死时,某一性状的个体自交总出现特定的比例2:1,而非正常的3:1,本题中卡拉库尔羊毛色的遗传属于此类情况。答案:(1)1/9&&&& (2)Hh的公羊有角,母羊无角 (3)显性纯合的卡拉库尔羊死亡(或DD的卡拉库尔羊死亡) 基因型和表现型:1、表现型:指生物个体表现出来的性状,如豌豆的高茎和矮茎。2、基因型:与表现型有关的基因组成,如高茎豌豆的基因型是DD或Dd,矮茎豌豆的基因型是dd。3、等位基因:控制相对性状的基因。4、纯合子:由两个基因型相同的配子结合而成的合子,再由此合子发育而成的新个体。如基因型为 AAbb、XBXB、XBY的个体都是纯合子。纯合子的基因组成中无等位基因,只能产生一种基因型的配子(雌配子或雄配子),自交后代无性状分离。&5、杂合子:由两个基因型不同的配子结合而成的合子,再由此合子发育而成的新个体。如基因型为 AaBB、AaBb的个体。杂合子的基因组成至少右一对等位基因,因此至少可形成两种类型的配子(雌配子或雄配子),自交后代出现性状分离。 表现型与基因型的相互推导:1、由亲代推断子代的基因型与表现型(正推型)
2、由子代推断亲代的基因型(逆推型)①隐性纯合突破方法:若子代出现隐性性状,则基因型一定是aa,其中一个a来自父本,另一个a来自母本。 ②后代分离比推断法
3、用配子的概率计算(1)方法:先算出亲本产生几种配子,求出每种配子产生的概率,再用相关的两种配子的概率相乘。 (2)实例:如白化病遗传,Aa×Aa1AA:2Aa:laa,父方产生A、a配子的概率各是1/2,母方产生A、a配子的概率也各是1/2,因此生一个白化病(aa)孩子的概率为1/2×1/2=1/4。3、亲代的基因型在未确定的情况下,如何求其后代某一性状发生的几率例如:一对夫妇均正常,且他们的双亲也都正常,但双方都有一白化病的兄弟,求他们婚后生白化病孩子的几率是多少?解此题分三步进行: (1)首先确定该夫妇的基因型及其几率。由前面分析可推知该夫妇是Aa的几率均为2/3,是AA的几率均为1/3。(2)假设该夫妇均为Aa,后代患病可能性为1/4。(3)最后将该夫妇均为Aa的几率2/3×2/3与假设该夫妇均为Aa情况下生白化病忠者的几率1/4相乘,其乘积1/9即为该夫妇后代中出现百化病患者的几率。 知识点拨:1、基因型相同,表现型不一定相同;表现型相同,基因型也不一定相同。表现型是基因型与环境共同作用的结果。2、显隐性关系不是绝对的,生物体内在环境和所处的外界环境的改变都会影响显性性状的表现。 常考比例:分离定律比例:3:1;自由组合比例:9:3:3:1 (1)配子类型问题& 如:AaBbCc产生的配子种类数为2×2×2=8种 (2)基因型类型&& 如:AaBbCc×AaBBCc,后代基因型数为多少? 先分解为三个分离定律:Aa×Aa后代3种基因型(1AA:2Aa:1aa)Bb×BB后代2种基因型(1BB:1Bb)Cc×Cc后代3种基因型(1CC:2Cc:1cc)所以其杂交后代有3x2x3=18种类型。(3)表现类型问题& 如:AaBbCc×AabbCc,后代表现数为多少?先分解为三个分离定律:Aa×Aa后代2种表现型& Bb×bb后代2种表现型 Cc×Cc后代2种表现型 所以其杂交后代有2x2x2=8种表现型。(4)遗传病的基因型和表现型比例例:人类多指基因(T)对手指正常基因(t)为显性,白化基因(a)对正常肤色基因(A)为隐性,两对非等位基因遵循基因的自由组合定律遗传,一家庭中,父亲多指,母亲正常。他们有一个白化病但手指正常的孩子,则下一个孩子正常或同时患有此两种疾病的几率分别是3/8、1/8
696859102771527933877424181848[目的]为了了解陕西省线辣椒施肥现状。[方法]日~11月30日在凤翔县进行线辣椒种植与施肥情况调查。[结果]化肥投入量存在不合理现象。不同用户之间对线辣椒的肥料投入差异很大,用量很不均衡。经验施肥普遍存在。有机肥投入量不高。[结论]今后,应加大指导农民科学合理施肥的力度。的翻译是:[Goal] to understand Shaanxi line hot pepper fertilization present situation. [Method] on September 28, 2008 ~ on November 30 carried on the line hot pepper planter and fertilization investigation in Fengxiang County. [Result] chemical fertilizer inputs have the non-irrational phenomenon. Among the different users to the manure investment difference of line hot pepper is very big, the amount used is very imbalanced. The experience applies fertilizer generally exists. The organic fertilizer inputs are not high. [Conclusion] from now on, should intensify the effort that instructs the farmer to apply fertilizer rationally scientifically.
省会城市群经济圈有历史悠久、文化遗存丰厚的旅游资源,且区位优势突出,有发展文化旅游的良好的保障系统和条件及广阔的客源市场。在开发中要坚持地方特色、民族特色与商品化的统一,树立大旅游观等原则。在区域内构建四个各具特色的文化旅游区,七城市协调好定位和分工。要坚持政府主导,政策支持,做好区域文化旅游业的规划和协调;深入挖掘并展示都市圈旅游资源深厚的文化内涵;强化济南区域旅游中心城市的功能;精心打造都市圈文化旅游品牌产品;加快旅游一体化步伐。的翻译是:The provincial capital group economic cycle has, culture to remain time-honored the rich tourist resources, and geographical superiority is prominent, has the good support system and condition and the broad tourist source market development culture travel. In the development must insist that the unification of local characteristics, national characteristics and commercialization, adopts big traveling view and other principles. Constructs four unique culture travel areas in the region, seven cities coordinate to be good to locate and division of labor. Must persist in the government leading, policy support, completes the plan and coordination of region cul The thorough excavation and demonstrates the metropolitan circle tourist resources de Strengthens the function of Jinan region Builds the metropolitan circle culture travel bra Quickens the traveling integration step.
从监理的概念和发展现状入手,针对城镇地籍更新调查项目的特点,论述了在开展地籍调查工作中引入监理机制的必要性;重点讲述了在地籍调查监理过程中,不同阶段的工作重点,具体运用的方法、手段以及要达到的监理目标。的翻译是:From the concept and current development of overseeing, in view of the characteristics of cities cadastre renewal investigation project, elaborated introduced the supervision mechanism in the development cadastral inventor Narrated with emphasis in cadastral inventory overseeing process, overseeing goal that the key of different period, the method and method of concrete utilization as well as must achieve.
社区物业的数字化管理是提升社区安全管理水平的重要环节。数字化安全社区是将数字化引入到安全社区中,通过建立数字化安全社区的信息支持系统,来使居民的生活更加舒适和安全。文中阐述了长庆兴隆园数字化安全社区功能设计与实现,介绍了系统应急功能中的主要流程。近2年的实践效果表明,社会物业安全管理水平得到明显提升。的翻译是:The digital management of community property is steps up the community safety control level the important link. The digitized secure community introduces in the digitization the secure community, through establishing the information support system of digitized secure community, makes the life of resident more comfortable and safe. In the article elaborated Changqing Xinglongyuan digitization secure community functional design and realization, introduced the main flow in system emergency function. Near 2 years of practice effects indicated that the social property safety control level obtains the obvious promotion.
合成了一个叠氮类含能铜配合物Cu(Arg)2(N3)2.3H2O(1)(Arg:L-精氨酸),并用元素分析,红外光谱,单晶X-射线衍射对配合物(1)进行了表征。晶体学数据:单斜晶系,P2(1)/m空间群,a=1.30351(12)nm,b=1.54172(15)nm,c=1.44227(10),α=90.00°,β=122.870(6)°,γ=90.00°,V=2.4344(4)nm3,Z=4,ρcalc=1.501g/cm3,S=1.027,最终偏离因子R1=0.1042,wR2=0.2255,对全部数据R1=0.1414,wR2=0.2422。的翻译是:Synthesized nitrine class energetic copper preparation Cu(Arg)2(N3)2.3H2O(1) (the Arg:L- arginine), and with the elementary analysis, the infrared spectrum, the unit crystal X-ray diffraction (1) has carried on the attribute to the preparation. Crystallographic data: The monoclinic system, the P 2(1) /m space grouping, a= 1.30351(12) nm, b= 1.54172(15) nm, c= 1.44227(10), α=90.00°, β= 122.870(6) °, γ=90.00°, V= 2.4344(4) nm3, Z=4, ρcalc=1.501g/cm3, S=1.027, deviates factor R1=0.1042, wR2=0.2255 finally, to complete data R1=0.1414, wR2=0.2422.
在分析现有不锈钢锅复合压力焊的生产方式、工艺以及存在问题的基础上,构建了由已有的中频加热机、冲压机、冷却输送带,新设计的送料输送带、送料机械手、上下料机械手和出料输送带组成的不锈钢锅复合压力焊自动生产线,并利用PLC和触摸屏进行软硬件设计,实现不锈钢锅复合压力焊自动化生产,该生产线提高了复合压力焊工序的自动化水平,减轻了工人的劳动强度,提高了生产效率。的翻译是:In the foundation of production method, craft of as well as in existing problem analysis existing stainless steel pot compound pressure welding, has constructed adds the heat engine, punch press and cooling conveyor belt by the existing intermediate frequency, the stainless steel pot compound pressure welding automatic production line that the feeding conveyor belt and feeding manipulator of new design, on the unloading manipulator and discharge conveyor belt composes, and carries on the hardware design using PLC and graphic operation terminal, realizes the stainless steel pot compound pressure welding automatic production, this production line raised the automation level of compound pressure welding working procedure, reduced the labor intensity of worker, raised the production efficiency.
车载LiDAR系统具有能快速测定道路、随时上路施测及费用较低等优势,其测距精度可达5mm,综合测点精度达到厘米级,系统采用了先进的直接惯导辅助定位技术(DIA),有效解决了GPS信号失锁的问题。通过电网GIS空间信息服务平台配网数据采集工作的验证,证明在城区电力专题数据采集过程中,车载LiDAR系统能够及时满足相关规范的要求。的翻译是:The vehicle-borne LiDAR system has to be able the fast determination path, momentarily starting off Shi Ce and expense is low and other superiority, its range measurement accuracy may reach 5mm, the comprehensive measuring point precision reaches a centimeter level, the system has used advanced direct inertial aiding location technique (DIA), effectively solves the problem that the GPS signal lost locks. Matches the confirmation of net data acquisition work through electrical network GIS spatial information service platform, showed that in city electric power topic data acquisition process, the vehicle-borne LiDAR system can meet the request of related standard promptly.
结合嵌入式处理器LM3S1607与超声波传感器设计一种智能超声波测距装置,采用ARM内核芯片LM3S1607的32位嵌入式微处理器与两片P89LPC938单片机和超声波传感器发送与接收模块,通过I2C串行总线上下位机的通信架构,实现两路超声波测距。通过高精度温度传感器LM75A实现了对超声波测距系统的温度测量,对超声波的声速进行了补偿,提高了测量精度,同时具有LCD液晶显示测试距离,语音播放距离功能。设计和开发了相应的接口电路及应用程序,介绍了两路超声波测距仪的设计方法。的翻译是:Designs an intelligent ultrasonic ranging installment in light of embedded processor LM3S1607 and ultrasonic sensor, with the ARM essence chip LM3S1607 32 embedded MCUs with two pieces of P89LPC938 monolithic integrated circuit and ultrasonic sensor transmissions and receiver module, on the communication construction of slave through the I2C serial bus, realizes two groups of ultrasonic ranging. Has realized through high accuracy temperature sensor LM75A to the temperature survey of ultrasonic ranging system, has carried on the compensation to the ultrasonic wave sonic speed, improved the measurement accuracy, simultaneously has the LCD liquid crystal display test distance, the voice broadcast distance function. Has designed and developed the corresponding interface circuit and application, introduced the design method of two groups of ultrasonic rangefinders.
目的:研究β-榄香烯长循环脂质体药物动力学。方法:建立气相色谱法测定小鼠注射β-榄香烯长循环脂质血浆中β-榄香烯的含量。结果:β-榄香烯长循环脂质体的α、T1/2β、K12和AUC高于普通脂质体,而T1/2α、Vc、CL、K10则低于普通脂质体。结论:表明β-榄香烯循环脂质体可以延长β-榄香烯在体内的作用时间,更好地提高其临床疗效。的翻译是:Goal: Research Beta - elemene long circulation liposome pharmacokinetics. Method: Establishes the GC determination mouse injection Beta - in elemene long circulation lipin blood plasma Beta - elemene content. Result: Beta - elemene long circulation liposome Alpha, T1/2β, K12 and AUC are higher than the ordinary liposome, but T1/2α, Vc, CL and K10 are lower than the ordinary liposome. Conclusion: Indicated that Beta - elemene circulation liposome can lengthen Beta - elemene in the response time in vivo, enhances its clinical curative effect well.
果蔬是人们日常生活中不可缺少的副食品,是仅次于粮食的世界第二重要农产品。随着我国经济的迅速发展和人民生活水平的不断提高,人们对新鲜果蔬的需求量越来越大,对农产品质量与品质的要求也越来越高。分析了我国果蔬农产品冷链物流的发展现状,剖析了其存在的主要问题,对果蔬冷链物流发展的需求进行了预测,并在此基础上提出了促进我国果蔬冷链物流发展的对策建议。的翻译是:The fruits and vegetables are in the people daily life the essential non-staple food product, is next to the world second important agricultural product of grain. Along with the unceasing enhancement of rapid development and living standards of our country economy, people's demand to the fresh fruits and vegetables is getting bigger and bigger, to the request of agricultural product quality and quality is also getting higher and higher. Has analyzed the current development of our country fruits and vegetables agricultural product cold chain logistics, analyzed its subject matter of existence, has made the prediction to the demand of fruits and vegetables cold chain logistics development, and proposed based on this promotes the countermeasure proposal of our country fruits and vegetables cold chain logistics development.
原油码头安全状况是一个涉及很多因素和多层次结构的非线性系统。针对原油码头安全评价中存在的不确定性问题,为此提出运用D-S证据理论对原油码头进行安全状况分析。通过分析影响原油码头安全的因素,建立了原油码头安全评价指标体系和证据理论模型。实例表明,用D-S证据理论对原油码头进行安全评价是有效的、可靠的。的翻译是:Crude oil wharf safe condition is one related to many non-linear systems of factor and multi-layered structure. In view of uncertainty problem that in the crude oil wharf safety evaluation has, for this reason proposed that carries on the safe condition analysis to the crude oil wharf using the D-S evidence theory. Through the factor of analysis influence crude oil wharf security, has established the crude oil wharf safety evaluation indicator system and evidence theory model. It has been shown that carries on the safety evaluation to the crude oil wharf with D-S evidence theory is effective, reliable.
目的探讨厄贝沙坦联合左旋氨氯地平对高血压合并2型糖尿病患者的疗效及对糖化血红蛋白(HbAlc)水平的影响。方法选择我院收治的高血压合并2型糖尿病患者158例,随机分为两组,各79例。对照组患者进行常规治疗,并服用β受体阻断剂美托洛尔。观察组患者在此基础上加用左旋氨氯地平及厄贝沙坦。疗程均为3个月。比较两组总有效率以及对HbAlc、空腹血糖(FBG)及血压水平的影响。结果观察组总有效率为88.6%,对照组总有效率为72.2%,观察组总有效率高于对照组(P的翻译是:The goal discusses to unite the laevo-rotatory ammonia chlorine horizontal to merge the curative effect and effect to the hypertension on glycated hemoglobin (HbAlc) level of type 2 diabetes patient. Method selection the hypertension of my institute admitting merges the type 2 diabetes patient 158 cases, is divided into two groups stochastically, respectively 79 cases. The control group patient carries on the conventional treatment, and takes Beta receptor blocker US Tollot. The observation group patient adds with the laevo-rotatory ammonia chlorine based on this horizontal. The treatment course is 3 months. Compared with two groups of total effectiveness as well as to HbAlc and empty stomach blood sugar (FBG) and influence of blood pressure level. The result observation group total effectiveness is 88.6%, the control group total effectiveness is 72.2%, the observation group total effectiveness is higher than the control group (P
目的:观察脐疗合耳穴压丸干预肝郁脾虚型亚健康干部的临床疗效。方法:将200例辨证为肝郁脾虚型亚健康的干部随机分为干预组和非干预组各100例。干预组通过脐疗合耳穴压丸治疗,非干预组不予干预,选用SCL-90问卷调查表中躯体化、人际关系敏感、抑郁、焦虑四大因子制成的量表进行评分,观察两组前后计分变化并进行统计学分析以确定疗效。结果:干预组治疗后的症状积分较治疗前的症状积分减少,同非干预组治疗后的症状总积分比较,有显著差异(P的翻译是:Goal: The observation navel cures about the clinical curative effect of acupuncture point on the ear pelleting intervention liver strongly fragrant spleen weakness subhealthy cadre. Method: Dialectical is divided into the intervention group and non-intervention group for the cadre of liver strongly fragrant spleen weakness subhealthy 200 cases stochastically respectively 100 cases. The intervention group cures through the navel about the acupuncture point on the ear pelleting treatment, the non-intervention group does not intervene, selects the meter that in the SCL-90 questionnaire survey form the somzatization and interpersonal relationship sensitive, despondent and anxious four big factors make to grade, observes around two groups the scoring change and carries on the statistical analysis by the definite curative effect. Result: Before the symptom integral after intervention group treatment treats the symptom integral reduces, with the symptom point total comparison after non-intervention group treatment, has the significant difference (P
目的:微种植体与非微种植体支抗在双颌前突正畸治疗中的疗效及临床意义。方法:将100例双颌前突患者随机分为对照组50例(非微种植体支抗),观察组50例(微种植体支抗),对照两组患者治疗后上、下颌切牙切缘内收、磨牙前移水平及疗效比较。结果:两组患者治疗后上、下颌切牙切缘内收、磨牙前移水平比较(t=4.67、4.66、4.68,P的翻译是:Goal: Micro implant and non-micro implant anti-suddenly the curative effect and clinical significance in orthodontics treatment before double jaw. Method: Before 100 cases of double jaws, the patient is divided into the control group 50 cases suddenly stochastically (non-micro implant anti-), the observation group 50 cases (micro implant anti-), after comparing two groups of patients treat, the upper jaw and lower jaw incisor to cut the reason adduction, to do a lot of talking to move ahead the level and curative effect comparison. Result: After two groups of patients treat, the upper jaw and lower jaw incisor cut the reason adduction, to do a lot of talking to move ahead the benchmarking (t=4.67 and 4.66, 4.68, P
目的观察超声刀辅助小切口甲状腺手术治疗结节性甲状腺肿的疗效。方法将100例需行甲状腺手术的结节性甲状腺肿患者分为两组,其中50例行超声刀辅助小切口甲状腺手术(观察组),50例行传统甲状腺手术(对照组),观察比较两组手术指标及并发症情况。结果观察组各项手术指标(手术时间、切口长度、术中平均出血量及术后疼痛VAS评分)均低于对照组(P的翻译是:Goal observation supersonic knife assists the small margin thyroid gland surgery to treat the curative effect of nodular goiter. The method needs the nodular goiter patient of good thyroid gland surgery to be divided into two groups 100 cases, 50 routine supersonic knives assist the small margin thyroid gland surgery (observation group), 50 routine traditional thyroid gland surgeries (control group), the observation compares two groups of surgery targets and complication situations. Various after result observation group surgery targets (in surgery time, margin length and technique leave volume of blood and technique, on average ache VAS grading) is lower than the control group (P
拟动力实验方法是目前研究大型结构的抗震性能的主要实验手段。采用无条件稳定的隐式α-方法代替目前的条件稳定的显式方法,采用数值迭代控制方法进行拟动力实验研究。在此研究的基础上,开发通用的拟动力试验软件,使得进行实验的用户只需输入相关参数,而不用对软件内部进行了解及修改也能对不同类型的结构进行试验。的翻译是:Plans the power experiment method to study the large structure at present the main experimental tool of seismic performance. With unconditional stability implicit expression Alpha - method replaces the current conditionally stable the explicit method, carries on to plan the power experiment to study with the value iterative control method. In foundation that this studies, develops the general pseudodynamic testing software, causes to carry on the user of experiment only to input the relevant parameter, but does not need to revise the understanding and to the software in can also experiment to different types of structures.
针对交流伺服驱动器智能化与网络化的发展趋势,分析了基于CAN总线的应用层协议DeviceNet的技术特点;采用DSP处理器TMS320F2812和交流伺服控制芯片IRMCK201设计了交流伺服驱动器的控制系统,并提出了利用De-viceNet协议设计伺服驱动器的现场总线接口的方法;完成了DeviceNet现场总线接口的硬件和软件设计。的翻译是:In view of the AC servo driver the development trend of intellectualization and network, has analyzed CAN bus-based application layer protocol DeviceNet the technical spe Has designed the control system of AC servo driver with DSP processor TMS320F2812 and AC servo control chip IRMCK201, and proposed uses De-viceNet agreement design AC servo driver the method of
Has completed DeviceNet field bus connection the hardware and software design.
目的探讨15-脱氧前列腺素J2(15 d-PGJ2)对非酒精性脂肪性肝病(NAFLD)大鼠的保护作用。方法将50只雄性Wistar大鼠随机分为正常对照组(NC组)和模型组,分别给予普通饲料和高脂饲料喂养,12周末制成NAFLD大鼠模型;再将模型组随机分为4组:15 d-PGJ2低剂量治疗组(LT组),15 d-PGJ2高剂量治疗组(HT组),模型对照组(MC组),饮食疗法组(DT组)。治疗2周后处死大鼠,观察各组大鼠的肝组织病理变化,检测血清丙氨酸氨基转移酶(ALT)、门冬氨酸氨基转移酶(AST)、碱性磷酸酶(ALP)、空腹血糖(GLU)、甘油三酯(TG)、总胆固醇(TC)的水平。结果与MC组大鼠相比,LT组、HT组及DT组大鼠血清ALT、AST、ALP、GLU、TG、TC的水平降低,肝细胞脂肪变性及炎症浸润均有减轻,其中以LT组改变最明显(P的翻译是:
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