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National music a publishing house prepared the responsibility to teach the textbook, music (seventh grade) &in July 2012 book, the responsibility to teach the textbook, music (Grade 7 volumes)& in December 2012 book (hereinafter referred to as the &new seven grade music teaching material&), and put into use. The chapeau through access to relevant literature, the growth of junior high school music teaching material stopped combing, and under the responsibility of teaching from the perspective of music curriculum standards (2011 Edition) &, the new music materials for seventh grade and the seventh grade, teaching curriculum standard experiment textbook& (hereinafter referred to as for &seventh grade experimental music edition&) of the teaching body has carried on the comparative analysis, to invent new music materials for seventh grade characteristics, characteristics and bearing to be improved on. According to the survey to understand, the current Jinan City for the application of the new music materials for seventh grade implementation situation inquires the visit absolute scarcity, and lack of new teaching materials of music analysis and evaluation research is to the author from Jinan 17 junior high school worked as a selected seven high schools as survey objects, for teachers and students to open a more general query visit and interview, to find out the impact of textbook implementation of identity, and draw the relevant conclusions and recommendations, which can perhaps the area Jinan new textbook of grade seven music apps, music classroom teaching and premises, school-based music textbooks written to provide the certain reference value. The full text of the introduction, five chapters, and the conclusion of seven important departments. The part of introduction important constituted by the four departments of the reason of the topic, the research goal and significance, the research status, the research methods to the writing supply argument, argument, arguments to explain the writing method. The first chapter is the definition of the actual important stop sense coherent, including the meaning, classification of teaching materials. And on this basis, near the ancient and the new curriculum standard idea of music textbook of junior high school stopped briefly combs, summarized and summed up, focusing on master the growth evolution of the music textbook of junior high school, and differences in the social situation about textbook construction. The second chapter is important for grade seven music test version of the materials summary and analysis. Pointed out that the changes in the seventh grade experimental music textbooks in our thoughts and elegant, aesthetic elements, and analysis of the teaching materials in terms of knowledge and skills, drawing the structural and audio materials to be the perfect place, to wait for modifications in the seventh grade new music materials to solve these problems to stop responding. The third chapter is the summary and analysis of the new textbook of grade seven music. On the analysis of the responsibility to teach the new curriculum of music scale (2011 Edition) &to the teaching material compilation request basically, from double deposit growth of Mr. J double deposit dependents music discipline characteristic double deposit dependents of content and structure reasonable three aspects facing new music materials for seventh grade a summary of the research. The fourth chapter is the new teaching material of grade seven music practice investigation and analysis. The investigation with seven middle schools in Ji'nan city as the investigation object, the teacher issued 18 questionnaires, 332 questionnaires were mr.. The teacher questionnaire involves three aspects: teachers, separation of professional skills and practical knowledge, new music teaching materials, teaching popular music scores query visit. Goal is to survey teachers about the new music materials for seventh grade admitted level, application situation and new music materials for seventh grade in implementation of pause in the process, purpose fixing consequences, and instructors about some teaching popular achievement disposal situation and music of the new textbook writing advice. Mr. questionnaire consisted of 24 questions, aims to comprehensive understand Mr. about the new textbook of grade seven music recognition level, application situation, case study, and on the new teaching materials of music writing advice etc.. At first, the author through the process of investigation and study the response of the research results, the next step to desire teaching application, classroom teaching, teaching materials supply some reference value. The fifth chapter surveys the status quo of the important joint response to the conclusion, and puts forward a new textbook of grade seven music practice vision. The conclusion of this article is an important sector to generalize the system.目录:目录4-6摘要6-8Abstract8-9绪论11-16&&&&一、 选题缘由11-12&&&&二、 研究目的及意义12-13&&&&三、 国内研究现状13-14&&&&四、 研究方法14-16第一章 音乐教材概况16-19&&&&第一节 教材的含义与分类16-17&&&&&&&&一、 教材的含义16&&&&&&&&二、 教材的分类16-17&&&&第二节 近现代我国初中音乐教材发展简介17-18&&&&第三节 21 世纪音乐教材建设18-19第二章 七年级音乐实验版教材的总结与分析19-27&&&&第一节 七年级音乐实验版教材的特色19-24&&&&&&&&一、 教材编写观念的转变19-20&&&&&&&&二、 教材审美要素的改变20-24&&&&第二节 七年级音乐实验版教材的不足24-27第三章 七年级音乐新教材的总结与分析27-39&&&&第一节 《音乐课程标准(2011 年版)》对音乐新教材编写的要求27-32&&&&&&&&一、 教材编写理念的变化27-30&&&&&&&&二、 教材编写内容的变化30-32&&&&&&&&三、 教材编写建议的变化32&&&&第二节 七年级音乐新教材的特点分析32-39&&&&&&&&一、 更加关注学生发展32-35&&&&&&&&二、 更加关注音乐学科特点与“双基”教学35-37&&&&&&&&三、 更加关注内容结构的合理性37-39第四章 七年级音乐新教材的实施调查与相关分析39-60&&&&第一节 教师与学生对于新教材整体认可情况的调查与分析39-40&&&&第二节 教师与学生对于新教材内容满意程度的调查与分析40-41&&&&第三节 对于配套教学资料满意度的调查与分析41-42&&&&第四节 教师与学生对于新教材呈现方式的满意度调查与分析42&&&&第五节 关于音乐新教材与音乐教学中几个热点问题的调查与分析42-55&&&&&&&&一、 关于流行音乐进课堂与编入新教材的调查与分析42-44&&&&&&&&二、 关于教材中器乐教学实施的调查与研究分析44-46&&&&&&&&三、 关于教材中音乐编创问题实施的调查与研究分析46-48&&&&&&&&四、 关于教材中合唱曲目教学实施的调查与研究分析48-49&&&&&&&&五、 关于开发地方音乐教材、校本音乐教材的调查与分析49-50&&&&&&&&六、 关于戏曲音乐编入新教材的调查与分析50-52&&&&&&&&七、 关于教师如何钻研新教材的调查与分析52-55&&&&第六节 新教材教学案例展示与点评55-60第五章 新教材实施愿景60-68&&&&第一节 国家、地方层面60-62&&&&第二节 学校层面62-63&&&&第三节 教师层面63-67&&&&第四节 教材层面67-68结语68-69参考文献69-72附录一72-74附录二74-77附录三77-78附录四78-79攻读硕士学位期间发表的学术论文目录79-80致谢80分享到:相关文献|语文课件:[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
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