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&&&Re-Test #4
Re-Test #4
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35 Cards in this Set
What was one technologic improvement in agriculture in the Song Dynasty?
Rice cultivation.
What are the four key inventions of ancient China?
Gunpowder, printing, paper, and the compass.
Who defeated the Sui Dynasty in 615 A.D.?
The Turks.
What was the compass originally used for?
Who was Genghis Khan?
The founder and emperor of the Mongol Empire.
What were two things Japan adopted from Chinese culture?
Writing and religion.
What were two things Korea adopted from Chinese culture?
Politics and culture.
What was Korea's state religion?
Why was the Great Wall of China built?
To protect the Chinese people from potential invasion.
What two choices did Charlemagne give people when he forced Christianity upon them?
Conversion or death.
At what age did Mongol children learn to ride their horses?
What did England call the Vikings?
Norse people.
What was chivalry?
A medieval system for knights.
What was England originally called?
Englaland, which means "land of the Angles".
What were the emblems for the houses of Lancaster and York?
Red and white roses.
What country was Joan of Arc from?
What motivated Joan of Arc to fight?
The voices in her head spoke to her, whom she believed to be God.
How was Joan of Arc killed?
She was burned at the stake.
What were two of the three types of Black Plague?
Bubonic & Pneumonic.
How many major Crusades were there?
How was Black Death spread?
By fleas & rats.
Who won the War of the Roses?
The Lancasters.
What was the population of the Song Dynasty?
100 million.
What country was the origin of the Bantu language?
What does "matrilineal" mean?
"based on kinship with the female's line".
What native, indigenous tribe was known as the "Children of the Sun"?
The Incas.
Who was the most dominant indigenous society in Mesoamerica?
The Mayans.
What empire influenced Korea the most?
What were Japanese warriors called?
Ninjas and Samurais.
What is the ancient religion of Japan?
Who was Charlemagne king of?
Western Europe, including his brother's and his own kingdoms.
Where were the Vikings from?
What is feudalism?
A political system involving kings and nobles.
What event ended feudalism in Europe?
The French Revolution.
What was the language of Anglo-Saxons?
Old English.
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As a naturopathic physician, I am interested in primary prevention, preventing illness, not just catching it early. Because of that, I was encouraged in 2007, based on my family history and European Jewish ancestry, to have the BRCA genetic test. I breathed a small sigh of relief when my test came back negative. I kept up my diagnostic imagining and self-exams along with my pristine lifestyle.
When I was nonetheless diagnosed with breast cancer earlier this year, I was asked to have genetic testing done. When I reported that I already had and was negative, I was encouraged to get RE-TESTED, that much more was known now about these genes. Lo and behold on RE-TEST, I was positive. After a double mastectomy, chemotherapy and radiation, I slated myself for a visit with an oncologic gynecologist in order to plan for removing my ovaries and fallopian tubes. In the end, I had a complete hysterectomy and cancer was found on both ovaries, lucki I am about to begin treatment again.
The point of this story and this post is this: If you tested negative for the BRCA gene since the late 1990s, meet with your genetics counselor and see if you should be RE-TESTED; it just might save your life.
For posts where I have written about naturopathic treatment during conventional cancer to improve efficacy, reduce side effects and/or enhance quality of life, see the following. A general piece, on . Here I expand upon those . For information about chemotherapy induced hair loss read
. Lastly, you can read
about adjunctive therapies to consider during radiation treatments.
To find a naturopathic doctor near you, see . For a listing of practitioners board certified in naturopathic oncology, see . For further information on the training and education of naturopathic doctors see .
Follow Amy Rothenberg, ND on Twitter:
Licensed naturopathic doctor, author,president of the Massachusetts Society of Naturopathic Doctors, former board member of the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians
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RIsky encounter/re-test?
Hello Dr.(s),
I would like to thank you in advance for making yourself available to answer my question. I find myself in a very anxious state and in need of real expert advice rather than following whatever can be found online.
I had a sexual encounter with a transgender male about 7 & 1/2 weeks ago. I was the insertive partner. I used a condom the first time but was unprotected the second time. I used lube&&before the unprotected encounter and they told me that they had been tested and were HIV negative. I did not see any signs of bleeding and it was not rough sex.
I got a rapid HIV test at 6 weeks 1 day which was negative. The counselor there said that a test at that time would be useless but he did it anyway for peace of mind. Also, a few days ago I developed a rash on my arm which itched and the muscles on it ached.
Given the risk of such an encounter (and trust me I have learned an invaluable lesson through this experience) do you see the need for another test? What would be the risk or chance of seroconversion at this point if this person was actually positive? It has been hard for me to find assurance in this person's stated negative status given their willingness to have unprotected sex and high possibility of multiple partners.
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Your risk of infection in the situation you describe is low.&&You partner said he i not have HIV and most people tell the truth.&&In addition, even if he did have HIV, your risk of infection from the single unprotected encounter you describe is still low- about 1 infection per 100 exposures.&&
Nonetheless, while the risk that you got infection from the encounter you describe is low, to be totally sure I would recommend getting one more test at 8 weeks following your exposure.&&The counselor who told you that testing at 6 weeks was worthless was incorrect.&&At 6 weeks about 95% of persons who acquired HIV from an encounter 6 weeks earlier would have positive tests.&&Thus, if you were to have gotten HIV, there is about a 5% chance that the test you had would have missed it.&&Repeat testing in two weeks will give you an answer you can have virtually complete confidence in.
Hope this clarification is helpful to you.&&EWH
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Dr. H,
Thanks for your reply. It provided a lot of peace of mind. I took a DNA pcr test and will let you know about the results. I'm still freaked about the rash on my arm. Does a rash from seroconversion itch? It looks lime bug bites and the red areas are like sandpaper. I've read previous posts saying not to look at symptoms so hard but I fond it easy to stress over it on such a situation.
Thanks for all your time
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Hello Dr.H,
So my DNA-PCR test came back neg after 7 weeks of possible exposure. Would you say this is conclusive?
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These tips can help HIV-positive women live a long, healthy life.
Despite the drop in new infections, black women are still at a high risk for HIV, the virus that causes Aids.
What are your HIV treatment options, and how do you choose the right one? Our panel of experts weighs in.
Learn the truth behind 14 common misconceptions about HIV.
Can HIV be transmitted through this sexual activity? Dr. Jose Gonzalez-Garcia answers this commonly-asked question.
A breakthrough study discovers how to reduce risk of HIV transmission by 95 percent.
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