如何使用ARKit为iOSjeesit 开发框架AR应用

开发人员使用苹果iOS11的ARKit 首次分享AR增强现实的惊艳效果!
苹果公司上周在全球开发者大会上宣布了其增强型虚拟现实开发人员平台ARKit,但是我们还没有真正看到ARKit的虚拟现实的能力展示。国外的一些开发者坐不住了,面对这么强大的引擎能作出什么惊艳的效果呢?ARKit使运行iOS 11的iPhone和iPad能够将计算机生成的图形叠加在现实世界中,从图片中可以看到昏暗的房间中站着一个虚拟的人物,通过使用iOS设备中的内置相机,处理器和运动传感器,虚拟内容就会出现在现实世界的场景中。场景中的人物和烟雾都是ARKit 现实增强效果,逼真效果不输大型3D引擎,用户不需要任何其它设备来享受它,只要你手里的iPhone 就能看到这一切。另一个作品是模拟打开一个通往3D动画世界的大门,效果也是相当不错。科技水平简直以逆天的速度在发展,苹果的iOS11 又将会颠覆智能手机的使用,盼望着九月iPhone 8 的赶快发布,不知道各位有什么期盼的新功能?欢迎留言评论说说您的看法。
网友热评的文章ARShooter 在Swift(iOS 11)中使用ARKit制作的基本增强现实射击
ARShooter 在Swift(iOS 11)中使用ARKit制作的基本增强现实射击
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ARShooter is an open source Augmented Reality shooter made with ARKit and written in Swift. Hence, it is only useable with the iOS 11 beta.
For more details on how to get started with ARKit and make your own AR Shooter, take a look at the complementary (and complimentary) .
Xcode 9 Beta 2
iOS 11 Beta 2
A9 or better chip for ARWorldTrackingSessionConfiguration
Note: The app automatically detects if your device supports the ARWorldTrackingSessionConfiguration. If not, it will use the less immersive ARSessionConfiguration, which is to be supported by all devices. However, at the current time (Beta 2), ARSessionConfiguration is also only supported by devices with an A9 or better chip. See the
for details. This means you need an iPhone 6S or better to use ARKit at the current time.
If you found a bug, open an issue after checking the .
If you have a feature request, open an issue.
If you want to contribute, submit a pull request.
Simply navigate to your directory of interest, then clone.
$ git clone /farice/ARShooter.git
If you'd like bullets to disappear rather than collect in the space around you, then switch to the bullets-disappear branch
$ git checkout bullets-disappear
Finally, open the *.xcodeproj file and build to your
I am getting the SCNMatrix error:
Cannot invoke initializer for type 'SCNMatrix4' with an argument list of type '(matrix_float4x4)'
Please update to the latest Xcode beta (this error is a result of a syntactical change made in Beta 2). If you insist on using Xcode Beta 1, then simply replace SCNMatrix4 with SCNMatrix4FromMat4.
ARShooter has been featured by
ARShooter is released under the Apache license.
for details.
<span class="label label-success m-l-md m-t-xs" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" data-html="true" title="在【ARKit】中热门度
2.0003/10 (下降) ">
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收录时间: 18:43:04
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<span class="label label-danger pull-left" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" data-html="true" title="在【ARKit】中热门度
4.3/10 (上升) ">
<span class="label label-success pull-left" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" data-html="true" title="在【ARKit】中热门度
3.0004/10 (下降) ">
<span class="label label-success
pull-right m-l-xs" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" data-html="true" title="活跃度
2.7/10 (下降) ">
<span class="label label-success pull-left" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" data-html="true" title="在【ARKit】中热门度
2.4/10 (下降) ">


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