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Rip It Up - Alternate Take 15
所属专辑:Platinum - A Life In Music
演唱人:Elvis Presley
作词 : Blackwell, MarascalcoJet - Rip It UpDid you ever get the feeling you were born to loseSmacked in the face with a silver spoonSkinny doll gimme your magazine queenJust spread your legs for the silver screenFrom the bedroom baby to the city a' lightYou look pretty good but you're not so brightFlashin' your stash ain't nothin' newI'm gonna get ya my pretty…your little dog tooMake me rich, your doctor saidAnd if you ever break down i'll cut you up againOn the bedroom wall the stars look brightBut they don't belong in the city a' lightGet on your feet boysRip it up, rip it up if your ever gonna make it!Get on your feet girlsRip it up, rip it up if your ever gonna make it!Well well well what a wild wild dreamMonkey do, what a monkey sceneDaddy done bought you a record dealBargain basement boy how does it feelFrom the bedroom baby to the city a' lightLook pretty good but you're not so brightGet on your feet boysRip it up, rip it up if your ever gonna make it!Get on your feet girlsRip it up, rip it up if your ever gonna make it!Rip it up, rip it up, rip it upRip it up, rip it up, rip it upGet on your feet girlsRip it up, rip it up if your ever gonna make itGet on your feet boysRip it up, rip it up if your ever gonna make itGet on your feet girlsRip it up, rip it up if your ever gonna make itRip it up, rip it up, rip it upRip it up, rip it up, rip it up
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中文翻译短语和例子rip2vt.(ripped ripping)1.扯裂,割裂 (up) 剥去,拆去,割掉,扯掉 (off away out) 划破;撕开,割开 (open)。2.劈开,直锯,解(木材);凿开(洞穴等)。3.使绽线。4.暴露;穷究,寻根究底。vi.1.裂开,破开;绽开。2.〔口语〕突进,横撞直闯;任意行动。3.〔口语〕乱说乱讲,乱骂。短语和例子rip (the seams of) a garment 拆衣裳。 rip open a bag 拆开袋子。 let things rip 搁置不管,任其自然;开足马力。 Let her rip. 别管它,让它去。 rip and tear 狂怒;胡闹。 rip into 攻击,批评。 rip off 扯掉;〔口语〕偷窃;骗取。 rip out (an oath) 〔口语〕狠狠发出咒骂语。 rip out [off] the lining 扯去里子。 rip up the back 〔口语〕背后中伤。n.1.扯裂;绽线;破裂;裂口,裂缝。2.=ripsaw.n.劣马,废马;废物;〔口语〕浪子,荡子。n.巨澜。n.清管器;刮板,刮刀。&&&&让人给骗了&&&&破边&&&&我被敲了竹杠&&&&权利被剥夺&&&&来自黑人英语&&&&我又被那个家伙给骗了&&&&把...撕成两半&&&&廖齐&&&&扯破&&&&里奥济纽河&&&&可卸式钻头; 可卸钻头&&&&里奥济纽&&&&卧底爆破&&&&里奥斯&&&&急流航道; 离岸流水道; 裂流水道&&&&里奥约
例句与用法Kids were ripping off trays of rolls .孩子们正在偷窃一盘盘的面包卷。I bought some hot merchandise and got ripped off .我买了一些赃物,上了当。They just let inflation rip .他们对通货膨胀完全不加控制。We had a ripping good time .我们过了一段快活极了的时光。She rips out at him, "you're no gentleman. "她破口大骂:“你这个人真不象话。”He was going to rip up the canvas .他打算去把画布割开。He suddenly ripped down his shorts .他突然拉下了短裤。There is a big rip in my sleeve .我的袖子破了一大块。He ripped open the blue envelope .他撕开了蓝色信封。Molly ripped out new yarn and wound it on the ball .莫莉抽出一根新线头,绕在绒球上。更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
英文解释the act of rending or ripping or "he gave the envelope a vigorous rip"同义词:, , a stretch of turbulent water in a river or the sea caused by one current flowing into or across another current同义词:, , , , an opening made forcibly "there was a rip in his pants"; "she had snags in her stockings"同义词:, , , , a dissolute man in fashionable society同义词:, , , , , criticize or abuse st "The candidate ripped into his opponent mercilessly"tear
"The curtain ripped from top to bottom"; "pull the cooked chicken into strips"同义词:, , , cut (wood) along the grainmove precip "The tornado ripped along the coast"
百科解释To rip is the act of tearing an object.详细百科解释
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