求助.谁有insanity视频 Asylum 2的课程表

Posts: 2241
I am currently doing the RIP60. Now , in week 3. The program is amazing and I am amaze. I am currently looking beyond RIP60 after I finish week 6. Anybody have done Insanity, P90 and Asylum? Are this program suitable for a "not so fit beginner" like me.I probably have to order in online . Since it will be in US Dollar, I just want to make sure I am not wasting my money.Information appreciated.zak"
Posts: 2294
I had done Insanity but it was too much jumping up and down for me!
I'd rather be running on a track or hitting up some cardio equipment at the gym.
Posts: 2241
I love to built muscle. But what I really need now is to lose fat. I guess this program for me. Thank guys
Posted by a hidden member.
if u want ur abs to start burning within a minute of doin P90X, then by all means knock urself out.
Posted by a hidden member.
Wow, I misread the topic title as:
"R.I.P. 60, Px90 , INSANITY AND ASYLUM" - meaning that these workout programs were debunked or fell out of fashion ("R.I.P" = "Rest In Peace").
Personally, as a weights/swimming/yoga guy prone to injury, I find these cardio-bootcamp type programs, even Crossfit, downright dangerous.
Posts: 2241
Probably old new for you, but I just find out. My favourite trainer Shaun T is gay. He just marry his lover. Now
I REALLY am getting motivated to do Insanity
Posted by a hidden member.
These are great to do 2 or 3, for the full length of the programs, to keep from plateauing from regular routine. Kettlebell routines are good to throw in the mix.
Posted by a hidden member.
I have the P90x dvds but I sort of cherrypick movements and incorporate them into my normal routines to keep the "fresh".
Posted by a hidden member.
I get a HELLA good cardio workout from this game! I am being totally serious.
Posted by a hidden member.
I love that game
Posts: 1167
I received P90X as a gift, started up while I was doing rehab on my shoulder and I loved it. My only problem is it gets a bit boring half way through the 90 days. I would like to invest in Insanity because it is more upbeat and has more of the cardio workout and conditioning for a more agile and explosive body that I desire.
Posted by a hidden member.
is a lot cheaper then P90X
and from what I've seen ranks better.
Posted by a hidden member.
i have done insanity for 8 months now, and i love it...
half of the program is learning how to eat properly, since the workouts are demanding..im in the best shape of my life. lost 25 pounds, my blood pressure is 90/60.!!shaun T is awesome,.. the workouts tough, but you feel awesome after!!
strong heart, and you gain explosive power,
so any other sport you do will totally transform....
its called high intensity interval training. look it up...so now im doing p90x,
its slow, but its building muscle,....
so i am doing insanity/p90x together. every other day....
with good results.i would highly recommend these!!
but def see your doctor first, and take the time to learn the diet...
you cant really drink a lot of alcohol with this,
so it is a lifestyle change...
Posted by a hidden member.
eagermuscle saidWow, I misread the topic title as:
"R.I.P. 60, Px90 , INSANITY AND ASYLUM" - meaning that these workout programs were debunked or fell out of fashion ("R.I.P" = "Rest In Peace").
Personally, as a weights/swimming/yoga guy prone to injury, I find these cardio-bootcamp type programs, even Crossfit, downright dangerous.As a Fitness profesional I think Insanity is quite Dangerous, as so much of it involves jumping and explosive activity which is not suitable for the majority of people.I also feel as Shaun T etc, are merely hired actors / trainers for a project, these things lack credibility.They may work well for someone who is out of shape, has no pre existing injuries and is new to training, but dont expect the ripped jacked body that Shaun has from the Insanity programme....Btw, both insanity and P90X are ran by Beach Body,,,,,,,,a big holding company who market this stuff.If someone wants a great body, they need a good Personal Trainer / Body Transformation coach, to design an INDIVIDUALISED programme for their needs, body and lifestyle........
Posted by a hidden member.
im interested in your opinions, but in more detail....
its clear off the bat that shaun T does not get his body from INSANITY,
it has transformed mine..a six pack is not my goal, but, when i do hike or ski now, after doing INSANITY for 9 months, i have to say that i am a new person.. i can run up trails, and 'explode' like never before..as a fitness professional, do you have any opinions about insanity beside the jumping involved?
i, for example, dont do certain moves, and if im stiff, or have sore knees, i mellow on the jumps..
for me the goal is the cardio output, and cardio power training, that i get,and i have to say that coupling it with some strength training 2 or 3 times a week has resulted in an overall bulking up, and more rested than doing insanity 6 days a week...fitness/nutrition is extremely frustrating, because...... everyone thinks their way is the way,
or..... that my goal of a six pack is everyones goal.. where, many just want to be fit all round...
get skinny, or bulk up...esecially on this site, where there are 1000 different opinions about fitness, including one comment i read, saying that "you should never do cardio"so,
i am basically WTF....where?
can somebody go... and get real, solid information. without paying an arm and a leg?
(pun intended)signed,,,, very frustrated.
Posted by a hidden member.
also you say that these workouts lack credibility,
what is your opinion about high intensity interval training?
when and how often should someone do it??
Posted by a hidden member.
Hi Jonny,I agree theres 1000s of different views on fat loss.First thing is those with good genetics for muscular and lean bodies can often train in a way which would not work for others due to their superior recovery ability.Things like Insanity work to a degree, but wont get you to that mythical six pack.To do that, you need more muscle mass from weights, and a diet, which manipulates your bodies use of insulin, and testosterone, to boost muscle gains and drop bodyfat.As a general rule1. Eat more protien2. Eat less carbs3. Avoid alcohol4. Avoid energy drinks.A personalised programme, being a bespoke service, like a premium rate accountant, or lawyer, will always cost more than a one size fits all approach.Things like Insanity, are aimed at making a quick sale, to the mass market, for what you want, I would advise, a consultation with a PT who specialises in getting a ripped body, and with whom you feel you have rapport and can communicate openly wity.
Posted by a hidden member.
Ps,HIIT has a place, in moderation..........done too often it overtrains peoples CNS.This is more of an issue for people with a high level of fitness, than beginers as what it takes for them to elevate their HR is significant compared to newbies.
Posted by a hidden member.
central nervous system?currently i di HIIT 3 times a week, ans strength 2 or 3 times a week. it seems a good fit..insanity does come with a diet, which to me is 75% of the program, but i agree. most folks do it for 60 days and stop, which is dangerous...my take on it , is trying to find a long term balance, of home based, and travel friendly workouts, which i think ive found,,, and i do appreciate your thoughts!thanks.
in the new year. i might look up a professional. cheers jonny
Posted by a hidden member.
Yes Central Nervous SystemFrom your reply,seems like you have a good take on things,Find a good local PT in the new year to go up a levelMerry Xmas,Barry
I'm trying to get in shapeSo I'm starting with inanisty, and i'm on my third day only.From what I notice, my belly fat is decreased noticably with every 1 hour of insanity.So I'm assuming it's good, and it's great for beginners to start getting in shape
Posted by a hidden member.
iWolverine saidI'm trying to get in shapeSo I'm starting with inanisty, and i'm on my third day only.From what I notice, my belly fat is decreased noticably with every 1 hour of insanity.So I'm assuming it's good, and it's great for beginners to start getting in shape Go man go!
I started with P90X myself 3 1/2 years ago.
Did 4 rounds of that, then a round of insanity, then a hybrid P90x/insanity.
Currently finishing round two of P90X2 and I can't wqit until P90X3 is released this winter :-)insanity课表&insanity&max30为了更好的自己!
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